European Universities Initiative: new call provides opportunities for new and existing transnational collaborations (2024)

Positions 30 Apr 2024

The next leap forward for transnational cooperation

Supporting sustainability and impact within and beyond European Universities alliancesThe European University Association (EUA) calls on European and national policy makers to make a substantial lea ...

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Policy Inputs 09 Jan 2024

A renewed social contract for Europe and its universities

Higher education and research form the backbone of European innovation and development, and with it, the EU’s global competitiveness and long-term ambitions to tackle complex societal challenges. ...

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Policy Inputs 15 Nov 2023

Building on the success of Erasmus+

The Erasmus+ programme is of key importance to the higher education sector, but despite its success, it requires further enhancement. ...

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Policy Inputs 01 Jun 2018

Erasmus post-2020 proposal: new policy goals need even more investment

On 30 May the European Commission released its proposal for the 2021-2027 Erasmusprogramme. The European University Association (EUA) welcomes the draft as a solid basisfor discussion on t ...

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Reports 09 Jan 2024

What if?

This report analyses external drivers of change in six dimensions (political, economic, social, legal, technological and environmental) and outlines four different forecasts of possible futures for tr ...

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Policy Inputs 17 May 2018

The Bologna Process looks towards its third decade: Enhancing achievements and responding to a changing context

As the Bologna Process looks towards its third decade,EUA has published a statementfocusing on how to further the Process’s achievements and enhance its ability to respond to a changing ...

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Reports 08 Mar 2024

Flexible learning and teaching

European higher education institutions (HEIs) are facing increasing demands for more flexible learning and flexibility in learning paths. ...

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Reports 15 Mar 2024

Challenges and enablers in designing transnational joint education provision

Transnational joint education provision — education jointly developed and delivered by two or more institutions in different countries — has emerged as a desired experience for many students, a ke ...

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Policy Inputs 21 Mar 2018

Double Investment in Research Innovation and Education to boost Europe's Competitiveness and Sustainability

In line with the campaign“EU funding for universities”,which gathers support from the bulk of the university sector across Europe, EUA is also partnering with other university networks ...

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Positions 18 Jun 2018

EUA Board welcomes outcomes of Ministerial Conference and challenges members to take Bologna Process forward

At its meeting on 12 June 2018, the Board of the European University Association (EUA) welcomed the new political momentum of the Bologna Process resulting from the Ministerial Conference in Paris (23 ...

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Positions 08 Mar 2018

Where the EU should invest in the future - EUA recommendations for the post-2020 Multiannual Financial Framework and related funding programmes

Addressing Europe’s key challenges and ensuring sustainable development requires the EUto have a well-functioning budget and to revisit its investment priorities. Cooperation inresearch ...

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Policy Inputs 22 Feb 2018

EUA response to EU consultation on mutual recognition of qualifications and study periods abroad

With the present paper, the European University Association (EUA) responds to the European Commission’spublic consultation on promoting the mutual recognition of qualifications and study p ...

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Policy Inputs 25 Nov 2016

EUA Membership Consultation 2016: a contribution to the Erasmus+ Mid-term review

Ahead of the mid-term review of the Erasmus+ Programme, EUA conducted a consultation of its membership. The survey was open for responses from January to March 2016. In total, 218 higher e ...

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Policy Inputs 20 Nov 2017

EUA welcomes Commission initiative putting education at the heart of a more social Europe

The European University Association (EUA) applauds the European Commission’s proposalto put education front and centre on Europe’s social agenda. With its Communication on“Strengthen ...

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Policy Inputs 27 Oct 2017

EUA response to the European Commission’s Work Programme 2018

On 24 October the work programme of the European Commission for 2018 was adopted. Itcontains a restricted, yet ambitious set of priorities for the year to come. Europe’s universitiesbene ...

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Policy Inputs 07 Jul 2017

EUA’s Response to the Renewed EU Agenda for Higher Education

With this statement EUA responds to the Communication of the European Commission on aRenewed EU Agenda for Higher Education published on 30 May 2017. The Renewed Agendais a follow-up to th ...

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Policy Inputs 22 May 2017

EUA Response to Key Competences for Lifelong Learning

In its review of the"Framework of Key Competencesfor Lifelong Learning", the European Commission engaged in a public consultation, dueto close on 19 May 2017. ...

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Positions 03 Dec 2010

EUA Response to the public consultation on the future EU programmes for European and international mobility and cooperation

EUA responded to the European Commission’s consultation on the Future of the EU programmes. The EU programmes have a European added value, which could be further enhanced, and which is critical ...

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Positions 28 Oct 2010

EUA Policy Statement on Quality and Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area

Improving the quality of teaching and learning has been at the heart of the Bologna Process reforms and continues to be of crucial importance for the further implementation of these reforms. The growt ...

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Policy Inputs 31 Mar 2016

EUA's Response to the New Skills Agenda Issues Paper

The European University Association (EUA) would like to respond to the issues paper on the New Skills Agenda, that it has received both as a member of the EQF Advisory Group (AG) and the Bologna Follo ...

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Reports 03 Mar 2010

Trends 2010: A decade of change in European Higher Education

Trends reports are generally timedwith the biannual ministerial meetings andtrack progress of Bologna implementation,within a two-year timescale. Trends 2010is different. ...

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Policy Inputs 21 Apr 2016

EUA’s Response to the Consultation on the Revision of the European Union’s Modernisation Agenda

With the present statement the European University Association (EUA) responds to the consultation on the revision of the Modernisation Agenda launched by the European Commission on 30 November 2015. E ...

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Policy Inputs 03 Jul 2015

EUA’s response to the public consultation on “Towards a new European Neighbourhood Policy”

The European University Association takes a keen interest in the European Neighbourhood Policy. EUA cooperates with higher education institutions and organisations in the eastern and southern neighbou ...

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Policy Inputs 20 Oct 2014

EUA Statement regarding the EU budget negotiations

In September, the Council of the European Union (EU member states) formally approved its position on the EU draft budget for 2015, which has been proposed by the European Commission. The Council of th ...

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Policy Inputs 24 Oct 2014

EUA response to the Public consultation on a European skills and qualifications area

“The EU consultation collects the views of stakeholders regarding the potential of European policies and projects to contribute to the development of a “European Area of Skills and Qualifi ...

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Conference papers 18 Feb 2022

Problem-based Learning Approach to the Curriculum Design of a Hybrid Business Information Systems Education

Business Information Systems (BIS) is one of the fastest changing industries loaded with ‘disruptive’ technologies. It also forms the foundation of the current digitalisation wave (often termed th ...

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Briefings 10 Sep 2020

European higher education in the Covid-19 crisis

This briefing looks at the impact of the Covid-19 crisis on higher education in Europe over the past six months. In particular, it examines the sudden shift to emergency remote learning and teaching, ...

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Briefings 18 Mar 2021

The governance models of the European University Alliances

This is the first briefing in a new EUA series focused on evolving university governance. The present publication explores the governance set-up of the European University Alliances formed under the E ...

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Reports 21 Feb 2017

Key Considerations for Cross-Border Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area

The European Association for Quality Assurance in HigherEducation (ENQA), European Students’ Union (ESU), EuropeanUniversity Association (EUA), European Association ofInstitutions ...

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Briefings 17 Nov 2021

The impact of Covid-19 on European higher education

As elsewhere in the world, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, universities in the EHEA have had to adjust to the sanitary measures. EUA conducted a snapshot survey of its national rectors’ conference mem ...

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Briefings 14 Dec 2021

Briefing from Europe’s universities to the EU Council Presidency Trio – France, Czech Republic, Sweden

During the upcoming presidencies of the Council of the European Union, there will be an opportunity to work towards long-term system transformation by jointly strengthening research, education and inn ...

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Briefings 13 Apr 2022

One year of Covid-19: the impact on European higher education

Based on data collected in 2021 by the International Association of Universities (IAU), Michael Gaebel and Henriette Stoeber reflect on the impact of the pandemic on European higher education. ...

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Briefings 02 Sep 2022

Support to Ukrainian higher education

As the war in Ukraine continues, the results of this survey of EUA’s collective members provides an overview of various national level approaches to support Ukrainian students and academics, as well ...

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Briefings 19 Oct 2022

The European Universities Initiative and system level reforms

As the European Universities Initiative moves into a new phase, EUA has taken stock of its impact thus far, notably in how it may further policy reforms that benefit transnational university cooperati ...

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Briefings 18 Aug 2023

Going beyond the 20% student mobility benchmark

At least 20% of students within the European Higher Education Area should experience mobility to an institution abroad. This briefing examines why this target has never been reached, the ensuing ...

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Policy Inputs 09 Mar 2020

Building synergies between education, research and innovation by aligning the EU funding programmes

Building synergies between education, research and innovation across disciplines is crucial to tackling the major challenges our societies face. As the European Union projects ambitious policy goals, ...

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Policy Inputs 03 Dec 2020

Perspectives on the new European Research Area from the university sector

The process to renew the European Research Area (ERA) is gathering pace and is set to continue in the coming weeks, months and years. Building on previous policy positions, this policy input further e ...

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Policy Inputs 16 Mar 2021

A global approach to research, innovation, education and youth

This EUA policy input aims to inform the upcoming European Commission Communication on a global approach to research, education, innovation and youth. Expected in April, the Communication is intended ...

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Policy Inputs 30 Jun 2021

Towards an EU strategy in support of universities

This EUA policy input aims to inform the development of the European Commission’s upcoming “European Strategy for Universities”. ...

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Policy Inputs 09 Jul 2021

Micro-credentials supporting flexible higher education and lifelong learning

The present policy input comprises EUA’s key messages for the European Commission’s public consultation on micro-credentials in the summer of 2021. The results of the consultation will feed into t ...

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Policy Inputs 15 Jul 2021

Adult skills - Individual Learning Accounts: a tool to improve access to training

The European Commission plans to explore individual learning accounts as a tool to support up- and reskilling of working age adults. This EUA policy input features the Association’s response to a de ...

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Policy Inputs 25 May 2022

Considerations for a “European degree”

Amid renewed political interest in transnational university collaboration, notably joint educational provision, the European Commission has indicated that it will test possible criteria for a European ...

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Policy Inputs 21 Mar 2023

European Universities Initiative: Towards a holistic approach for assessing progress

To properly measure the progress of the European Universities Initiative, a holistic approach that focuses on real added value for universities and their communities is essential. ...

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Positions 27 Apr 2020

The future of the European Universities Initiative

The European Universities Initiative has been at the centre of many discussions in European higher education and research for the past couple of years. Universities across the continent enthusiastical ...

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Positions 18 Jun 2020

Research, innovation and education hold the key to Europe’s long-term recovery and resilience

The European Commission’s new proposal for the next seven-year budget of the European Union together with the Next Generation EU recovery plan falls short of much needed investment in research, inno ...

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Positions 25 Jun 2020

Europe’s Universities Shaping the Future

EUA Strategic PlanThe need for strong universities has never been greater in addressing societal challenges. The Covid-19 pandemic, climate change, resource scarcity, ageing populations, migration a ...

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Positions 14 Jul 2020

#EUInvestInKnowledge – Call for urgent EU investment in research, innovation and education

As European leaders work towards an agreement on the European Union’s next seven-year budget, the Multiannual Financial Framework, and the related Next Generation EU recovery plan to help the EU’s ...

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Positions 24 Jul 2019

Seize our common future

Fifteen university associations join together to call for an ambitious long-term EU budget for research, innovation and education to boost efforts to solve the manifold future challenges. ...

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Positions 28 Aug 2020

The ESG in the changing landscape of higher education

In recent years, higher education provision has been changing rapidly, including the mainstreaming of e-learning, the emergence of micro-credentials, the launch of the European Universities Initiative ...

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Positions 16 Nov 2020

Taking the European Higher Education Area forward

EUA has been an active contributor to the Bologna Process since its start 20 years ago. The present position paper welcomes the recent progress in the development of the European Higher Education Area ...

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Reports 04 May 2015

Trends 2015: Learning and Teaching in European Universities

Trends 2015 is the seventh in the series of Trends reports published by the European University Association. The main goal of Trends 2015 is to document the universities’ perceptions of the chan ...

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Reports 14 Jun 2007

Trends V: Universities shaping the European Higher Education Area

Trends V provides the mostcomprehensive view available of the state of European higher education - as seen by higher educationinstitutions themselves. Indeed, more than 900 European higher ...

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Reports 20 May 2005

Trends IV: European Universities Implementing Bologna

Trends IV provides the only European-wide analysis of how universities are responding to the challenges ofimplementing the Bologna reforms. Demonstrating that there is widespread support for ref ...

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Reports 03 Oct 2005

(FR) Trends IV: État de la mise en oeuvre des réformes de Bologne par les Universités Européennes

Le rapport Trends IV constitue la seule analyse à l’échelle européenne sur la manière dont les universités répondent aux défis de la mise en oeuv ...

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Reports 05 Oct 2005

(ES) Tendencias IV: Universidades Europeas - Puesta en Práctica de Bolonia

Tendencias IV es el único estudio completo elaborado en Europa que analiza la respuesta de las universidades a los retos que plantea la puesta en marcha de las reformas de Bolonia. El estudio pone de ...

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Reports 30 Jun 2005

(CA) Tendències IV: Les universitats europees implementen Bolonya

Tendències IV proporciona l’única anàlisi d’àmbit europeu sobre la manera com les universitats responenals reptes de la implementació de les reformes de Bolonya. Després de constatar e ...

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Conference papers 14 Nov 2018

Internal QA Policies across the Full Spectrum of Institutional Activities

Quality and quality assurance (QA) is everyone’s responsibility. In a higher education institution (HEI) this includes all teaching, research and support staff. Students also play a key role mainly ...

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Reports 02 Dec 2009

Institutional Diversity in European Higher Education: Tensions and challenges for policy makers and institutional leaders

Institutional diversity isbecoming more central to higher education policyas higher education institutions are moving to thecentre stage of political and public attention, with ...

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Reports 26 May 2009

Survey of Master Degrees in Europe

This EUA report gives a detailed overview of the development of Master degrees in Europe. Based on a wide-ranging survey of European students, universities (leaders and academics) and employers, it sp ...

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Reports 24 Jul 2007

Doctoral Programmes in Europe's Universities: Achievements and Challenges

Doctoral education is a major priority for European universities and for EUA. In the context of the BolognaProcess the importance of doctoral education as the third cycle of higher education and ...

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Reports 08 May 2006

Guidelines or Quality Enhancement in European Joint Master Programmes

These Guidelines for Quality Enhancement in European Joint Master Programmes are addressed to allhigher education institutions either considering or actually running joint programmes. It is the ...

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Reports 28 Oct 2005

Doctoral Programmes for the European Knowledge Society

This report aims to provide EUAmembers and other stakeholders in higher education and research with a broad view of the current landscapeof doctoral programmes in Europe. EUA is grateful t ...

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Reports 11 Jun 2004

Developing Joint Masters Programmes for Europe

EUA developed this project with the twin objectives of using the experience of joint programmes to findsolutions to a range of issues in the European higher education landscape that need to be r ...

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Reports 04 Sep 2002

Survey on Master Degrees and Joint Degrees in Europe

This survey represents the first attempt todescribe and analyse systematically the presentstate of the art in respect of Master leveldegree programmes and joint degreesoffered ...

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Reports 03 Dec 2002

(FR) Étude sur les Masters et les diplômes conjoints en Europe

Cette étude est la première à décrire et àanalyser systématiquement l’état des lieuxactuel des cursus de niveau master et desdiplômes conjoints proposés dans l’Europe&nb ...

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Reports 15 Aug 2002

Academic co-operation and mobility in Europe : how it was, how it should be

Rather than analysing European academic cooperation and mobility for their own sake, thefollowing pages try to set interuniversity developments in their historical context, as highereducat ...

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Reports 18 Aug 2003

Trends 2003: Progress towards the European Higher Education Area

EUA is pleased to present the third report on trends in higher education in Europe, prepared with the supportof the European Commission through the Socrates Programme, on the occasion of the Sep ...

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Reports 18 Aug 2003

(FR) Trends 2003: Les avancées de l’espace européen de l’enseignement supérieur

L’EUA présente le troisième rapport sur les tendances à l’oeuvre dansl’enseignement supérieur en Europe. Réalisé avec le soutien de la ...

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Reports 15 Feb 2002

Trends II - Towards the European higher education area : survey of main reforms from Bologna to Prague

The first Trends report was mainly based on a survey of structure and trends in higher education in the EU/EEA countries. Trends II surveyed the other signatory countries of the Bologna Declaration.&n ...

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Reports 07 Jun 1999

Trends in Learning Structures in Higher Education

The report on the project, Trends in Learning Structures in Higher Education, is hereby presented as a background paper for the Bologna Forum on 18-19 June 1999. ...

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Reports 02 Sep 2005

3rd EUA Convention of European Higher Education Institutions

The Glasgow Convention provided the opportunity for over 600 EUA members and partners from over 40 countries to come together and take stock of progress made so far in developing the European Higher E ...

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Reports 11 Oct 2018

Trends 2018: Learning and teaching in the European Higher Education Area

Trends 2018 examines how learning and teaching at European higher education institutions evolves in the context of changing demands, technological and societal development, and European- and national- ...

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Reports 14 Feb 2019

Promoting a European dimension to teaching enhancement

The EFFECT project produced a feasibility study on how teaching enhancement can be promoted in the most efficient manner at the European level. Launched at the 2019 European Learning & Teaching Fo ...

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Reports 19 Nov 2019

Diversity, equity and inclusion in European higher education institutions: results from the INVITED project

Inclusiveness has become a strategic question for a number of higher education institutions across Europe, impacting learning and teaching, research and institutional cultures. Many have taken action ...

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Reports 27 Apr 2020

International strategic institutional partnerships and the European Universities Initiative

In early 2020, EUA conducted a survey on international strategic institutional partnerships and the European Universities Initiative that gathered responses from 219 higher education institutions from ...

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Reports 15 Sep 2020

Micro-credentials linked to the Bologna Key Commitments

Micro-credentials have attracted interest as a means to increase the effectiveness and flexibility of higher education and to provide upskilling and reskilling opportunities for the labour force. ...

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Reports 25 Mar 2021

Internal quality assurance in times of Covid-19

In response to the Covid-19 crisis, higher education institutions around the world adjusted their activities to an emergency online mode in the first half of 2020. As institutions have the main respon ...

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Reports 16 Sep 2021

Greening in European higher education institutions

Higher education institutions are key actors in the transition towards carbon neutrality and sustainable societies, as well as in reaching the objectives of the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda and the E ...

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Reports 16 Feb 2022

National Developments in Learning and Teaching in Europe

The report analyses major and recent national policies and initiatives aiming to support the enhancement of learning and teaching in 30 countries of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). ...

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Reports 13 May 2022

Improved recognition: A self-assessment tool

This self-assessment tool was developed by the European University Association (EUA) in partnership with the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK), the Spanish Rectors’ Conference (Crue) and the Dutch ...

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Reports 14 Dec 2022

Leadership and Organisation for Teaching and Learning at European Universities

This report presents the final outcomes of the EU-funded “Leadership and Organisation for Teaching and Learning at European universities” (LOTUS) project. ...

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Reports 07 Mar 2023

University Autonomy in Europe IV: The Scorecard 2023

The Scorecard 2023 provides a full comparative analysis of the state of play of university autonomy in 35 higher education systems in Europe.With findings across four dimensions of university autono ...

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Reports 06 Jul 2023

Supporting the Ukrainian university sector

The European University Association (EUA) presents a set of recommendations on sustaining Ukrainian universities and enabling them to continue their research and teaching activities. ...

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Reports 14 Jul 2023

Quality Assurance Fit for the Future

This paper presents the results of the first phase of the “Quality Assurance Fit for the Future” (QA-FIT) project, which aims to map the state of play of quality assurance in the EHEA and to criti ...

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European Universities Initiative: new call provides opportunities for new and existing transnational collaborations (2024)
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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

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Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.