Gnosis PVE Fit? - Ships & Modules (2024)

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Gnosis PVE Fit?

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Gnosis PVE Fit? - Ships & Modules (1)


Kings of Groth

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#1 -2016-12-07 07:18:26 UTC

I have been looking for a PVE fit for a Gnosis all day. I can only find PVP fits, though! Does anyone have a PVE fit for an Alpha clone set of skills? Most likely Minmatar.

Gnosis PVE Fit? - Ships & Modules (2)



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#2 -2016-12-07 09:58:31 UTC

I'd probably go with something like this:

[Gnosis, PVE Sansha + Blood (Alpha Clone)]
Damage Control II
Ballistic Control System II
Ballistic Control System II
Ballistic Control System II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Co-Processor II

50MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive
Pith C-Type EM Ward Field
Pith C-Type EM Ward Field
Pith C-Type Thermal Dissipation Field
Large Cap Battery II
Pithum C-Type Medium Shield Booster

'Arbalest' Heavy Missile Launcher, Mjolnir Heavy Missile
'Arbalest' Heavy Missile Launcher, Mjolnir Heavy Missile
'Arbalest' Heavy Missile Launcher, Mjolnir Heavy Missile
'Arbalest' Heavy Missile Launcher, Mjolnir Heavy Missile
'Arbalest' Heavy Missile Launcher, Mjolnir Heavy Missile
Auto Targeting System I

Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I

Acolyte I x5
Imperial Navy Acolyte x5
Hobgoblin I x5
Mjolnir Heavy Missile x4000
Caldari Navy Mjolnir Heavy Missile x1000

It gets up to about 298 dps with low skills. Nothing to write home about, but pretty versatile against all rats with its even resist profile. The faction/deadspace hardeners, other than EM and Adaptives, are pretty cheap at around 5 million for the Dread Gurista ones, and kind of necessary for fitting.

It's cap stable with either the repper or the microwarp running, but not both. Ideally, only use the microwarp to move to the next gate after the room has been cleared.

Gnosis PVE Fit? - Ships & Modules (3)

Gregorius Goldstein

Queens of the Drone Age

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#3 -2016-12-07 10:21:33 UTC|Edited by: Gregorius Goldstein

I use a similar fit, only one more DDA and one less BCS because I trained Tech II Drones. And a Core Probe Launcher for Combat Sigs instead of the Auto Targeting System. (You may have to downgrade form Arbalest to Malkuth launchers depending on skills because of CPU needs.)

ColdCutz wrote:

I'd probably go with something like this:

[Gnosis, PVE Sansha + Blood (Alpha Clone)]
Damage Control II
Ballistic Control System II
Ballistic Control System II
Ballistic Control System II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Co-Processor II

50MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive
Pith C-Type EM Ward Field
Pith C-Type EM Ward Field
Pith C-Type Thermal Dissipation Field
Large Cap Battery II
Pithum C-Type Medium Shield Booster

'Arbalest' Heavy Missile Launcher, Mjolnir Heavy Missile
'Arbalest' Heavy Missile Launcher, Mjolnir Heavy Missile
'Arbalest' Heavy Missile Launcher, Mjolnir Heavy Missile
'Arbalest' Heavy Missile Launcher, Mjolnir Heavy Missile
'Arbalest' Heavy Missile Launcher, Mjolnir Heavy Missile
Auto Targeting System I

Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I

Acolyte I x5
Imperial Navy Acolyte x5
Hobgoblin I x5
Mjolnir Heavy Missile x4000
Caldari Navy Mjolnir Heavy Missile x1000

It gets up to about 298 dps with low skills. Nothing to write home about, but pretty versatile against all rats with its even resist profile. The faction/deadspace hardeners, other than EM and Adaptives, are pretty cheap at around 5 million for the Dread Gurista ones, and kind of necessary for fitting.

It's cap stable with either the repper or the microwarp running, but not both. Ideally, only use the microwarp to move to the next gate after the room has been cleared.

Gnosis PVE Fit? - Ships & Modules (4)


Kings of Groth

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#4 -2016-12-07 12:05:42 UTC

Thanks guys, I will look at those fits when I get home. I know one guy has good drone skills, but not able to use them because of Alpha status. I don't know if the other guy has any drone skills or not. He may have to stick with Cruisers or Dessies, as he has less than 5m SP I am sure.

Gnosis PVE Fit? - Ships & Modules (5)

Casandra Laur

Bleu Femme Felis

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#5 -2016-12-07 15:40:14 UTC|Edited by: Casandra Laur


19 days, whoo ho, so far so good.

I know you said you were Minmatar, maybe you could use turrets.

Here's my current fit for my Gnosis:


5x250mm Prototype Gauss (Tech II is Omega

C-type Med Shield Booster
Ionic Field Accel. (Tech II is Omega)
Limited Invul Fld (Tech II is Omega)
Limited mission specific hardener (Tech II is Omega)
Optical Tracking Comp (6 days for Traj. analysis IV for Tech II)
50mn MWD or 10mn AB (Tech II is Omega)

3x Magnetic Field Stab II
Tracking Enhancer II
Drone Damage II
Damage Control or second Drone Damage II (3 days for Hull Upgrades IV for DC II)

4 Tech I Drones, maybe Integrated, (takes 8 days for Drones V), (Alphas cannot use Tech II Drones)

Right now my total DPS is 420, 85 from drones, 335 turrets, 1209 volley. I have 20,000+ EHP, and my shield boost rate is 70hp/s.

As I keep training skills this will only get better, and I think this will eventually be OK for L3s.


Gnosis PVE Fit? - Ships & Modules (6)

Xephos Talvanen


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#6 -2016-12-07 23:09:43 UTC

Thanks for sharing this, I can use it later on.

Gnosis PVE Fit? - Ships & Modules (7)

Sara Starbuck

Adamantine Creations

Likes received: 86

#7 -2016-12-07 23:27:53 UTC

Amarr and Gallente alphas have passable drone skills, Minmatar and Caldari ones have barely any afaik.

Gnosis PVE Fit? - Ships & Modules (8)

Chainsaw Plankton


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#8 -2016-12-08 02:14:54 UTC

I think gallente and amarr get the best alpha gnosis thanks to being able to use medium drones 50% damage buff on the hull is huge, plus the ability to fit several drone damage amps. Also railguns and beam lasers are decent weapon systems.

Caldari at least get railguns which are pretty decent on their own, but the stunted drone skills are something of a bother. Also HMLs seem to have gotten way over nerfed, rails pretty much out dps hml to lock range. HML can barely just hit outside of gnosis lock range, so adding a sensor booster doesn't really make sense, although with my rail boat I can at least hit out to ~100km, sure the dps is really low at that point but I can still hit out there.

minmatar have projectiles and hml, doesn't seem like a happy combo. They are alright, but I'd rather go with a different race.

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

Gnosis PVE Fit? - Ships & Modules (9)

Thursday Park-Laine

Queens of the Drone Age

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#9 -2016-12-08 09:16:56 UTC

Chainsaw Plankton wrote:

I think gallente and amarr get the best alpha gnosis thanks to being able to use medium drones 50% damage buff on the hull is huge, plus the ability to fit several drone damage amps. Also railguns and beam lasers are decent weapon systems.

Caldari at least get railguns which are pretty decent on their own, but the stunted drone skills are something of a bother. Also HMLs seem to have gotten way over nerfed, rails pretty much out dps hml to lock range. HML can barely just hit outside of gnosis lock range, so adding a sensor booster doesn't really make sense, although with my rail boat I can at least hit out to ~100km, sure the dps is really low at that point but I can still hit out there.

minmatar have projectiles and hml, doesn't seem like a happy combo. They are alright, but I'd rather go with a different race.

Projectile Weapons aren't that bad on an Alpha Accounts. More cap for your tank and prop module. Damage is selectable and applies better than lasers or hybrids. I use Autocannons with Depleted Uranium ammo. Most things die at fallout range while I keep MWD and Reper active.

Gnosis PVE Fit? - Ships & Modules (10)


Kings of Groth

Likes received: 15

#10 -2016-12-08 09:45:56 UTC

With a fairly cheap fit ~150m ISK, including ship, I've managed an AC fit Gnosis with about 370dps offense and about 240dps tank against mostly kinetic/thermal damage. Using Gallente, I've managed about 450dps with about 160dps tank. The problem with tanking Gallente is that you can't do it and have a bunch of damage upgrades as well. The Minmatar one is fully cap stable with the MWD off, and about 3.5 minutes with MWD on. The Gallente one is about 18 minute cap with MWD off and like 3 minutes or less with it on.

Going full ****** with a 1.4b fit Gnosis as Minmatar you can get a nice 495dps tank with similar offensive output as well...I have not tried the full ****** Gallente setup yet.

Gnosis PVE Fit? - Ships & Modules (11)

Casandra Laur

Bleu Femme Felis

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#11 -2016-12-08 22:03:15 UTC


I am really sorry to say this, but after looking at many of the ships in EVE, I see many nice ones. Many nice ones I cannot fly.

The Gnosis, I'm told, can be used in many different ways.

It's the biggest ship I can use for PVE, and as an Alpha I'm stuck with it. But, oh God, I hate looking at the darn thing!

It looks like a fish! It looks like a fish being eaten by another fish! I mean that's really disgusting.

I'm new and just starting out, but I cannot live with that ship. I think I'm going for Omega.


Gnosis PVE Fit? - Ships & Modules (12)

Inir Ishtori


Caldari State

Likes received: 104

#12 -2016-12-09 00:24:34 UTC|Edited by: Inir Ishtori

Grymmstorm wrote:

With a fairly cheap fit ~150m ISK, including ship, I've managed an AC fit Gnosis with about 370dps offense and about 240dps tank against mostly kinetic/thermal damage. Using Gallente, I've managed about 450dps with about 160dps tank. The problem with tanking Gallente is that you can't do it and have a bunch of damage upgrades as well. The Minmatar one is fully cap stable with the MWD off, and about 3.5 minutes with MWD on. The Gallente one is about 18 minute cap with MWD off and like 3 minutes or less with it on.

Going full ****** with a 1.4b fit Gnosis as Minmatar you can get a nice 495dps tank with similar offensive output as well...I have not tried the full ****** Gallente setup yet.

Eh, for your Gallente Alpha all you need is to go for shield tank and put some damage mods into the lows - that should be doing quite okay, i think.
I'll use a fit that is very similar to Casandra Laur's with a bit of cheap faction modules, which is somewhere about 200 mil in total(including the ship) at the current prices:

[Gnosis, schild pithum c type booster MWD 3x MSF 2x TE]
Damage Control II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Tracking Enhancer II
Tracking Enhancer II

Pithum C-Type Medium Shield Booster
Dread Guristas Explosive Deflection Field
Dread Guristas Kinetic Deflection Field
Limited Adaptive Invulnerability Field I
50MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive
Republic Fleet Large Cap Battery

250mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Lead Charge M
250mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Lead Charge M
250mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Lead Charge M
250mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Lead Charge M
250mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Lead Charge M
[empty high slot]

Medium Capacitor Control Circuit II
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit II
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I

'Integrated' Hammerhead x5
'Integrated' Hobgoblin x5

It needs a 2% PG implant for 6-8 mil.

Tank seems appropriate for LvL3 missions, damage is okay too.

Gnosis PVE Fit? - Ships & Modules (13)

Chainsaw Plankton


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#13 -2016-12-09 04:58:35 UTC

Thursday Park-Laine wrote:

Projectile Weapons aren't that bad on an Alpha Accounts. More cap for your tank and prop module. Damage is selectable and applies better than lasers or hybrids. I use Autocannons with Depleted Uranium ammo. Most things die at fallout range while I keep MWD and Reper active.

in my testing cap isn't an issue. Neither is application, nearly everything flys in at low transversal and gets shredded by my 250mm railguns. I haven't used my minmatar character yet, but the range on an ac gnosis just looks unusable, and the dps is just sad.

Want to try testing this fit out, probably buy a skill injector for my gallente alpha. Been flying a similar caldari set up (no med drones though) and it has been working pretty well. I'm thinking the bump in drone abilities will be a nice boost for the gallente character. Also want to try it with beam lasers on an amarr character, beams get very nice dps and range.

don't like using CCC rigs, I'd rather get the warp speed or optimal, from my rigs. can get plenty of cap from a cap booster.

[Gnosis, Alpha Drones rails cap booster]
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II

Limited 'Anointed' EM Ward Field
Limited 'Anointed' EM Ward Field
Limited Thermal Dissipation Field I
Pithum C-Type Medium Shield Booster
Medium Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Cap Booster 800
50MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive

250mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M
250mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M
250mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M
250mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M
250mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M
[empty high slot]

Medium Hybrid Locus Coordinator II
Medium Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II
Medium Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II

Federation Navy Hobgoblin x5
Federation Navy Hammerhead x5
Cap Booster 800 x15

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

Gnosis PVE Fit? - Ships & Modules (14)

Sara Starbuck

Adamantine Creations

Likes received: 86

#14 -2016-12-09 06:26:25 UTC

Thursday Park-Laine wrote:

Projectile Weapons aren't that bad on an Alpha Accounts. More cap for your tank and prop module. Damage is selectable and applies better than lasers or hybrids. I use Autocannons with Depleted Uranium ammo. Most things die at fallout range while I keep MWD and Reper active.

Generally on autocannons you only use the 3 shortrange ammos since the actual optimal increase/penalty wont matter on autos, and you gain more damage and 3 different damage types on EMP, Fusion, PhasedPlasma.

Now if you use artillery then in some cases uranium and titanium sabots are ok choice.

Gnosis PVE Fit? - Ships & Modules (15)


Kings of Groth

Likes received: 15

#15 -2016-12-09 08:56:32 UTC

Chainsaw Plankton wrote:

Thursday Park-Laine wrote:

Projectile Weapons aren't that bad on an Alpha Accounts. More cap for your tank and prop module. Damage is selectable and applies better than lasers or hybrids. I use Autocannons with Depleted Uranium ammo. Most things die at fallout range while I keep MWD and Reper active.

in my testing cap isn't an issue. Neither is application, nearly everything flys in at low transversal and gets shredded by my 250mm railguns. I haven't used my minmatar character yet, but the range on an ac gnosis just looks unusable, and the dps is just sad.

Want to try testing this fit out, probably buy a skill injector for my gallente alpha. Been flying a similar caldari set up (no med drones though) and it has been working pretty well. I'm thinking the bump in drone abilities will be a nice boost for the gallente character. Also want to try it with beam lasers on an amarr character, beams get very nice dps and range.

don't like using CCC rigs, I'd rather get the warp speed or optimal, from my rigs. can get plenty of cap from a cap booster.

[Gnosis, Alpha Drones rails cap booster]
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II

Limited 'Anointed' EM Ward Field
Limited 'Anointed' EM Ward Field
Limited Thermal Dissipation Field I
Pithum C-Type Medium Shield Booster
Medium Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Cap Booster 800
50MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive

250mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M
250mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M
250mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M
250mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M
250mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M
[empty high slot]

Medium Hybrid Locus Coordinator II
Medium Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II
Medium Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II

Federation Navy Hobgoblin x5
Federation Navy Hammerhead x5
Cap Booster 800 x15

That is a pretty good damage output from the fit, but the tank is pretty low if you are doing anything big. Also have the chance to run out of cap boosters if you are in a long mission. Just don't understand the need for warp speed boost.

Gnosis PVE Fit? - Ships & Modules (16)

Chainsaw Plankton


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#16 -2016-12-09 23:49:17 UTC

when running most level 3s you will spend more time in warp than in mission, also there aren't really any must have rigs so extra warp speed seems to be the best choice there. I do like the locus rigs as they give more projection, but with low engineering/rigging skills it looks like it is hard to fit more than one without sacrificing something more important.

gank is tank, I have level 4 fits with less tank, the thing is they do 1k+ dps and can melt the rats before damage becomes a problem. The shield booster is mostly there to top off, with three hardeners incoming shield damage should be pretty low. I've run most lv3 missions in the caldari pool with 2x invluns, I've found one mission where I find it worthwhile to change hardeners. If I had more dps I might not need to change hardeners, but with caldari alpha skills it is hard to clear the waves fast enough to repair.

gnosis has a huge cargo hold, can carry plenty of cap boosters for level 3s can hold more cap boosters than my lv4 battleships.

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

Gnosis PVE Fit? -   Ships & Modules (2024)
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