Tulpas, Thoughtforms & Betraying...Christians (2024)

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

or that "They can be commanded" around.

What exactly does it mean to "Command an entity"? I don't mean a low thoughtform or elemental i.e. name calling Come ABCDEF, the thoughtform comes you clean it, empower it, reaffirm it's mission or change it's parameters but then blast it away to do it's job.

My question is more like the big ballers i.e. the Gods themselves. Command them? What does that mean exactly? Isn't it a command to ask to a Demon/God to do something?

For example I summon entity X, I ask respectfully I'm having this issue, I'll perform meditation pull out my energy build a thoughtform and exchange it to you for the favor. Maybe the entity goes double up on spiritual warfare for this date as there is a slight power date not a higher power date but for our sake, you and I, I would be appreciative if you follow up on some action/rituals.

Okay cool so that is a successful summon, a gift which may or may not be needed(I'll admit I find it silly a astral warped being would want some physical trinket or bauble in return) in this case a energy and ritual gift i.e. spiritual warfare. And the entity agrees to comply to my request.

All happy go lucky no trickery nor disrespect.

Isn't that commanding? For example I can't tell a General to command his forces in any way as I'm a lower rank soldier but I can sure as hell relay information to him and change his command or maybe he goes how would you command it. I'd be like I'm out of rank for that but if I'd choose a tactical effect would prove superior than a strategic effort EVEN if the battle can be decided further out. Similar to William Lind's 5th generational warfare booklet and some of the things occurring in Iraq like situations where tactically even the heads of command were out of loop with the level of information passing through.

So what is "Command"? Obviously going Demon entity X do this and that I command you and do that as well and shouting and whatever saying stupid sh*t or whatever.

But I mean isn't requesting something a form of "command"?

Also I've mentioned this before but I believe it was a prominent member that replied. But early in my past I affirmed in the thread that I never summoned a Demon or a God or whatever these entities are that we regard as purveyors of Humanity.

I DID try and Summon Nyphty's and I also did the old banish ritual summoning of Haures/Flaures and Orobas for blessing, cleaning, etc.etc.

But my question is "IF I never summoned and I never like summoning and asking for request physical, spiritual, maybe technological aspects. Or the 300IQ situation generation of a scenario".

My question is are there people who never summon any entity? I always found it was stupid to do that. I DID receive a reply that is a terrible thing and you SHOULD engage in summoning. But I noticed it falls into two things.

1. Actual summoning, ACTUAL legitimate request hence Nyphty's for Astral projection i.e. take me anywhere.


2. Summon for the sake of summon a gag or for effect or like some one might state summon for "reasonable proof of evidence".

And I agree with number 2. Most people enter and want to have the Gods at their disposal. I don't know my exact mentality at 12 years old as that was 20 years ago. But it was like "Why bother I have so many requests and want so many things I'm akin to a normal summoner who believes his wishes will be granted if he spends time and effort summoning non-stop".

Hell with the total lack of evidence I've had. I'd probably could summon the entire JoS Gods section and do or say or whatever that it's akin to Commanding.

I eventually decided not to summon after Nypthy's. I DID in the past circa 2017/2018 when I posted summoned some Demons. Not out of fakeness or lack of information maybe ignorance on my part. But simply just to see what the hell is going on in this Universe.

And it always leads me back to the same thought. Despite knowing they care. IN serious nature why would entities that are extra-terrestrials lightyears away even bother with either summoning, lucid/dream, remote viewing, astral projection, or sending a representative a.l.a Thoth and Seshat or entity XYZ having a gargoyle E.T. in place explaining the situation.

As a matter of fact I did beckon to Apollo a long time ago sometime circa 2015 for a silly reason. It was an alchemical property that popped into my head and I was merely thinking and decided if he is an alchemical master or developer then why not summon.

I HAVE absolutely no idea if any of these summonings worked. I'm surprised the old Haures/Orobas banishing was removed it seems it was replaced with Sanskirt words for some reason. I guess to take it on us. But at the same time I've read of people saying "You can't waste the Gods time".

And I question that because I don't know what occurs in the astral or how thoughts or sensations occurs or whatever. But even so much as spending a few minutes in my mind would freak and or cause great despondence in a person. In fact like I've theorized if someone spends some time in my mind they'd ask "How the hell do you exist living like this?"

I get thoughts like "Man Satan is a little 540,000ish thousand years old. WTF most be going on in his mind? He must be like a supercomputer thinking and processing and generally why would ANYONE want to be like him?"

Like how can I put this without being silly or disrespectful but if you dedicate and hook up to his realm of influences. How the hell does this entity even so much posses the capacity to do every thing. Gods aren't omega super hyper stereotypical communist God memes. Everywhere, knows everything, does everything.

How then does Satan much less a God or Goddess does everything in their day. Aren't there better things to do than for example execute this magick spell here and do this or that. It might seem like I'm humanizing the Gods. But like my family member that harasses me for being NS/SS. He's like "Hitler is a person that probably had so many problems in his life. Look at the sh*t he did no sane person would do it. If your Fuhrer is so perfect think like him and realize he must have encountered so many issues in his mind, day, and life he took over people by being insane not unlike you who uses this crazy mind and crazy thoughts and doesn't stop talking and never gives up on talking just stop already sh*t".

Unfortunately my family member doesn't like when I talk. He's like it's okay to talk but not going on and on and on. And it's like I'm sorry I posses the gift of gab, I'm sorry I'm not the best talker or debator, I'm sorry you never realized I like to talk and talk with me early on in my life rather than me growing up quiet and barely communicating.

I never knew my entire existence is such a burden on you. You hate everything about me. And he goes it's not that I hate you it's your a person with extreme problems.

So it's kinda like that. Isn't Satan just a person in the Universe with myriad of thoughts. I mean does he remember every detail of his life like in 314,673 years ago I went to the dentist or 212,607 years ago I did this magick spell which culminated in my civilization progressing through a huge technological explosion.

I mean if I'm just a mere mortal with a deep mind and thinks like this. I'm like what's it like for Apollo being a 60,000ish year old entity thinking and processing.

I mean I guess going off topic but circling back. Why would I ever summon a being of higher power? It seems about as silly as giving Santa clause gifts cause he gives gifts back. Or give him some cookies and a letter and it occurs.

I assume this thing with summoning Gods and Demons is more of a high level spiritual phenomena whereby other people encounter the entities and you ask them something?

I mean if everyone is spiritual and develops. Exactly what is the point of summoning entities if there is a myriad of other things helping the person. Does summoning in advanced societies becomes not personal stuff but mass development of society.

Eventually we "work for our civilization". As you put it in the two segments you discussed on moneyless, energy exchanging societies.

I apologize for speaking so stupidly. As Aquarius put it "Your worldview is disgusting". As my friend said he didn't say silly or stupid he said disgusting, I'm an untermensch apparently to him. Okay then sorry I never found National Socialism on the internet and can read it and understand clear as black and white.

He does make a point my life and mind do not coincide. In fact never at one point in my entire life has anything I thought or intuit or processed done what I've done. IF anything my most powerful power is that I'm powerless, which IS a power unto itself.

But this is exactly to a degree why I don't bother with summoning or probably thought summon but nothing is going to happen. And what do you know nothing happened. I'm aware you have to be advanced.

But I sometimes early on back in 2003 was like I see silly people summoning entities with robes and daggers and all this charade. And it's like is that really how you summon these entities. I mean I don't want to say you posses a radio transponder and dial a being of higher power to speak to you. Or whatever, we might have developed at some point electronic devices to communicate.

But it just seems silly why bother with entities. Hell I'm surprised whether real or not people saying my GD this or that or she/he popped in or said this or do that. Frankly I'm like no one in their right mind is doing anything properly. They meditate and do what exactly?

I see people helping and some genuine members but they speak like they know the issue. How does doing a cleaning or a protection or a freeing the soul going to help the person if they are just gonna end up with nothing going on.

Perhaps I should quit this whole meditate and whatnot. I have gone into I regret getting involved in the forums. No idea why I bother to come. But it seems like maybe I should have remained my atheistic way growing up, questioning everything. I don't know if it's simply the National Socialist issue. Never had a problem with that I mean hell when your 7 years old and watching history channel and seeing this awesome thing called WW2. Even with all the lies and bullsh*t I mean maybe I would have been happier being born in the smartphone era and at least living my life. Maybe I'd be happy rather than life being a piece of sh*t like usual.

All I know is if I summon an entity "WTF must be going through their mind?" Aren't they like "Goddamnit this f*cking Human is wanting to speak to me and I'm going to be hanging around with the girls and getting into a threesome". Or f*ck damnit I want to take a shower and this person is interrupting me and wanting me immediately and the way he is beckoning to me sounds strong, stronger than previous days.

Aren't our Gods entities living their life and going around doing stuff and we are wasting their life? Aren't they like "f*ck I'm driving my car to the market, I got a list of food I want to purchase or exchange for energy and this dipwad is bothering me and I know this is the dipwad that asked for stupid sh*t and isn't a troll or infiltrator but a person thinking we are toys to bring them stuff".

I can easily see many entities pissed off or completely bothered by being summoned. There is so much things to do "Why them, why their names?, why this entity and not that one". So many questions it's like is their name a video game ID like you stated it's a name of a template that we call on.

How do we even know summoning Zebulon is summoning Zebulon. How does Baalzebub know and not some entity called Zebulon out somewhere in the Universe. If you stated there are entities far more powerful than our Gods in societies more advanced then us. Then how do I ever know I'm speaking to the entity in question.

It's like reading on certain things on Kundalini and going. Is the Kundalini the only way in which we can even know what or how an entity does?

Does the Kundalini blast away the illusion and delusions of negative hostile entities thus you can't be lied. I mean the kundalini isn't the end all be all of spirituality apparently from what I read. It's the start of a new adventure. And even then when I say equality I don't mean actual literal but I suppose eventually your 3rd eye and your psychometric senses are just as equally open as Satan or your soul is as developed as Satan when it comes to openness and alchemical principle and you just power up.

I mean there has to be an end to spirituality of "healing/developing". I highly doubt Satan or any God out there is still pumping into their 3rd eye to see further eventually you just see or feel or sense everything. And then the power comes up. Your power is infinitesimal compared to Satan. I bet even many meditations become obsolete.

But there is so many ways to advance it does beg the question what is the point of advancing. Your not doing it right, your not doing the proper things. Everyone wants to experience this realm this hidden mystery of thousands of years. And yet no one does it properly. I think the only proper people are the ones who develop their mind and work on grounding/centering. But even then it's like is that really what the person should be doing.

Sometimes I wonder if a fresh new soul developing spirituality is far better than a soul that's aged through whether you get muh feels new age young, middle, elder soul and all the stupid new agers larping around with retarded sh*t like that.

Anyways gonna end it here. I mean I can go on and type endless questions and statements but again what exactly is commanding.

And not only that if beings don't like commanding why bother listening to Satan. You beckon to Satan to summon the manifold assistant and even in Al-Jilwah speak of my servants. It's like I know it's not literal and the language is murky but in modern times we equate that to slavishness. I mean how or why would any entity listen to another entity "God XYZ astral project to Timmy on Earth he summoned you."

Shouldn't it get to a position like "Excuse me your commanding me a person of such rank. How dare you I'm offended?"

Sounds silly I know it's a job/career and really it's a love of life. But I can easily see many Humans and many people ask sorta like this.

So what is commanding? And why should we do it? Apparently there is no time except maybe spending a few moments repeating a name or vibrating or whatever. It's like there is no clear or concise way of summoning an entity. Is it to summon them do I call them out for like 30-40 minutes+ and bother them?

I find it strange you bother them first, summon them through the prayer to Satan, in other words you pop into their radar first, then Satan summons? It's like shouldn't there be a preliminary prayer to make Satan aware and then call out this entity and then finish with another prayer asking manifold assistance and THEN the entity comes.

Again what if there are entities or hostile intent aliens wanting to pop in. Now then does the entity get pissed off are they like "Motherf*cking Earthling summons me and then enemies come and mess with me. Now I gotta dispatch them and intercept them".

I mean I got so many questions but I'll end it here to not overload. Like my very first post on these forums 17 questions about several pages worth and it's like I never heard anyone ask those questions.

Tulpas, Thoughtforms & Betraying...Christians (2024)
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