Little Einsteins:Getting Freaky On A Friday Night (2024)

Based On Little Einsteins: Triple Trouble

While you know about all the lost Little Einsteins episodes... But this one is even scarier than Xenophane.

Me and my friends were watching some MSNBC News when they heard the doorbell ringing.

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”Who could that be?” I asked.

”I’ll get it.” jaxattax13 said.

Peach opened the door and found another Little Einsteins DVD.

The cover consisted of Leo, Annie, Quincy and June riding in Rocket in a sky blue background and the DVD was named ‘Little Einsteins: The Complete Season 1’.

”Wow!” I gasped. “Another Little Einsteins DVD, and it’s-a about the first season!”

”Right, Amir.” Firey said.

Mario takes the DVD and puts it in the DVD player.

It started with the Walt Disney Home Entertainment logo, but it was off:

‘The background was Maroon, and the “Walt Disney” text was in Chiller, the star had blood all over it.

Then, the DVD previews played and after they played, the menu appeared. Mario pressed ‘Play All’ to start.

All the episodes played from Season 1.

After all the episodes played, there was a warning, which took place in the credits.

"WARNING! This episode was used to promote for Friday Night Funkin' (Despite not being related to Disney) but later got rejected by Playhouse Disney, and is not suitable for children because it contains gore, horror, mild language, graphic violence and death. If you’re sensitive, please go back to the menu and pick a different episode, or if you’re brave enough, keep going. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED."

"Oh man!" Leafy muttered.

”Don’t worry guys.” Charactereditor23 told them. “We can handle this together!”

'Charactereditor23’s right!" I said as I pressed ‘Play the Episode’.

The theme song then played but the sky was nighttime, but Leo and his friends didn’t mind it. After the intro, the curtains closed.

"Beep, bop" Leo whispered.

The title card came up and Quincy read out "Getting Freaky On A Friday Night".

June then came in.


The picture of tutorial Friday Night Funkin'

"By Ninjamuffiin99"

Annie then came in.

The card has music notes that made up the piano version Bopeebo.

"And music..." Annie Spoke

Me and My friends heard Piano Version Bopeebo by Kawai Sprite.

"By Kawai Sprite!" Leo said.

After that, they left the stage as the curtains then opened and then it panned over to, and the episode starts Leo with his gang, excited.

"Hi, i am Leo. And today, a very special guest is coming over." Leo greeted to the viewers.

"And our friends are getting ready for the visitor.”

Leo then saw his friends putting up the posters.

"Look! Annie is putting up the posters!" Leo said.

"Hey Leo!" Annie called.

"I cannot believe it! Boyfriend is coming over to visit us!" Quincy said, excited.

"Yay! Boyfriend is coming!" June jumped, happily squealing.

Then they heard a sound of a beep from Boyfriend.

"Hey, that sounds like he's here!" Leo told his squad.

Then, Boyfriend from Friday Night Funkin' came, but he wasn't CGI like Rocket, he was in 2D, in the style of Little Einsteins.

“Hey, Sorry I Was Late!” Boyfriend Said (Voiced By RecD).

”This was the visitor we were talking about!” Quincy said, excitedly.

Leo turned to the camera.

”Say, ‘Hi, Boyfriend’!” Leo said.

“Hey Everyone!” Boyfriend Said.

”It’s nice to meet you, Boyfriend.” June said.

”Nice to meet ya too.” Boyfriend replied.

“So Boyfriend, What You Like To Do?” Leo asked.

”I like to do rap battles with anyone.” Boyfriend explained.

”Is there anything else you would like to do?” Quincy asked.

“Hmmm I Like To Visit Into My Town Where My Girlfriend Lives.” Boyfriend Said.

Leo and Boyfriend turned to the camera.

”Do you want to go to the town where Girlfriend lives?” Leo asked.

There was silence for 6 seconds.

”Great!” Boyfriend cheered.

Soon enough, Boyfriend and the Little Einsteins got on Rocket to go to where FNF takes place.

the Einsteins along with Boyfriend boarded Rocket. They then buckled their seatbelts.

”We’re going to need a lot of power to blast off.” Leo reminded.

They then began the Patting sequence, with Boyfriend patting too.

”Now raise your hands, as high as you can, and say ‘Blast Off!’” Leo announced.

BLAST OFF!!!” The Einsteins and Boyfriend yelled out.

”Hold on tight, cause here we GOOOOOOO!!!” June yelled.

Rocket began zooming out of the Hangar and into the sky.

”Woohoo!” Leo cheered.

“All right!” Quincy joined in as well.

”Well, Boyfriend, while we’re on the way, we could visit the place We Could Meet Girlfriend Leo explained.

”Alright then!” Boyfriend replied.

After they visited all the places, they made it to City FNF

”Wow! This is a great place!” June said.

”I know, right?” Boyfriend questioned.

”This looks awesome here!” Quincy said.

“Well I Better Get Girlfriend.” Boyfriend Said.

Boyfriend Walked Off To Get Girlfriend.

”Did you see that?” Leo asked.

”Boyfriend went off to get Girlfriend.” June said.

”Uh, okay.” Quincy said, scratching his head.

Just then, they hear Rocket with an update.

”That sounds like Rocket.” Leo said.

”Let’s go to him!” Annie said.

Leo, Annie, June and Quincy got on Rocket with a TV screen inside with static engulfing the screen, and it changed to Girlfriend trying to set up the recording.

”Is… is this working?” Girlfriend asked herself.

”Oh yeah, it is.” Girlfriend spoke sounding worried.

“You guys, please… listen to me, something’s wrong with Boyfriend, that… isn’t him at all… he’s not himself, and soon enough… he… he’ll try to catch you four…” Boyfriend whimpered.

“What?” Annie asked.

”Please, run away as fast as you can… before he… can get you…” Girlfriend told them.

All of a sudden, Boyfriend appeared behind Girlfriend.

”Oh no…” Girlfriend muttered. “Guys, move it! Please go! RUN FOR IT!”

Boyfriend then growled as he began to choke Her.

”Oh, Girlfriend… how dare you?” Boyfriend sinisterly asked as he Drops his microphone and grabbed a lighter and threw it at the camera, causing the screen to catch on fire.

The Einsteins gasped as the TV screen started to catch on fire.

AH! IT’S ON FIRE! IT’S ON FIRE!” Quincy shouted in fear. “IT’S ON FIRE! IT’S ON FIRE!!!”

”Leo!” Annie reminded. “Please put it out! PUT IT OUT! PUT IT OUT!!!”

”On it!” Leo said as he got out a fire extinguisher. “Stay back, I got this!”

Leo blew the fire out with the fire extinguisher.

”Thank you, Leo.” June told Leo.

”No problem, June.” Leo thanked.

It turned out, the TV screen was from Boyfriend as a distraction.

“Why would he even do this to us?” Quincy wondered.

”I don’t know.” June answered, worried. "

”This isn’t good at all!” Annie gasped. “We could be next, guys!”

”Oh no!” Leo panicked. “We need to escape before he can get us!”

Suddenly, everyone’s ears were assaulted by a loud-ass scream from Girlfriend, along with blood splattering.

Blood from everyone’s ears splattered everywhere as Quincy began screaming “OH NO!”

“MY EARS!” Annie yelled. “They really hurt!”

“We got to get out of here!” June yelped.

”Right, team.” Leo said. “We can’t let Boyfriend kill us!”

All of a sudden, The Lights Go Off In The City.

”Oh no!” Annie gasped. “What happened here?!”

”I don’t know!” June whimpered.

“What are we gonna do?!” Quincy asked in fear.

”We can use our flashlights!” Leo said.

”Great idea!” Quincy accepted.

”Shhhh, okay, team.” Leo reminded. “We have to be quiet as possible.”

”Okay.” Annie whispered.

They then began turning their flashlights on as they began to slowly journey through the dark, when suddenly, Quincy noticed something.

”Wait, that’s… Oh wait, it’s dead here.” Quincy thought.

It was a dead corpse, revealing a Carol Whitty Skid Pump Senpai And Sunday.

”No, that’s…wait, do we know him?” Leo asked.

”Um, do we?” June replied.

All of a sudden, they heard demonic laughter as they looked around.

“What was that?!” Annie asked in terror.

”I don’t know, Annie!” Quincy said in fear.

”It’s coming from over there!” Leo spotted. “Come on!”

June then turned to the camera.

”Will you help us find out what’s making that noise?” June asked.

There was silence for 7 seconds.

”You will?” June asked. “Great! Let’s find out who made that noise!”

They then managed to reach closer and they saw Sonic albeit facing away from the team, with his eyes closed and a smile on his face.

”There’s Boyfriend.” Annie whispered.

”C’mon, team!” Leo said. “We have to talk to him!”

June, Annie, Quincy and Rocket nodded as they began to slowly walk to him.

”Boyfriend?” Annie asked, confused. “Is that you?”

However, Boyfriend just started laughing. Leo and the gang slowly started to back away from him.

”He’s not responding!” Quincy gasped.

”Foolish Einsteins.” Sonic said. “You really thought I was Boyfriend… do you want to know who I really am?”

”Wait a second.” Leo thought, scared. “You just want to know who you really are?”

”Well… W-who are you then?” June whimpered. Boyfriend then began to reply to the Einsteins in a deep, dark and demonic voice:

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"I…am…" Boyfriend turned his head, to the camera, which he had black eyes with red pupils, he was crying blood, his skin was darker as he screamed the final word:

GOD Rap Battler!!!

Boyfriend Becomes Boyfriend.exe

Boyfriend Has Same As Xenophane But


Little Einsteins:Getting Freaky On A Friday Night (2024)


When was Little Einsteins discontinued? ›

Little Einsteins started out with a direct-to-video film, Our Huge Adventure, that was released on August 23, 2005. The series proper premiered on Playhouse Disney on October 9, 2005, and ended on December 22, 2009, after two seasons and 67 episodes.

Is Little Einsteins a good show for toddlers? ›

Every episode gives kids exposure to classical art and musicians as well as educational topics like the galaxy, building machines from blueprint drawings, and more. It's education that's just right for kids aged 2 to 4-years-old. Kids don't need 'serious' exposure to the classical arts at this time.

How old is June in Little Einsteins? ›

June is the deuteragonist of Little Einsteins. She is 6 years old, making her old enough.

What happened to Quincy on Little Einsteins? ›

Quincy would lose control. when a massive jet would come by, not seeing him, setting him off balance, making him crash. Later that day, Leo would get the news. and find out that Quincy had died in a plane crash.

Why did Little Einsteins get sued? ›

The CCFC alleged false advertising based on an American Academy of Pediatrics recommendation that children under two should be discouraged from watching television.

Is Little Einsteins over stimulating? ›

Screen-time for our youngest children is simply an intense and unnatural sensory experience. Cocomelon, along with many other popular infant/ toddler shows such as Little Baby Bum, Blippi, Ms. Rachel, and Baby Einstein, are so overstimulating that they actually act as a drug, a stimulant.

Who is the purple girl in Little Einsteins? ›

June is a young Chinese-American girl with pale skin, straight dark brown hair, and oval-shaped slanted dark brown eyes. She wears a pink headband, a purple ballet dress with a lavender belt, and crimson dancing ballet shoes/slippers with “Z” shaped laces (She wore white socks only in the episode "Show and Tell".).

Who is the oldest in Little Einsteins? ›

Leo is a 6-year-old boy, who is the Little Einsteins leader and (along with June) the oldest of the Little Einsteins members.

Are the Little Einsteins siblings? ›

Family information

Leo is the main protagonist of Little Einsteins. At 6 years old, he (along with June) is the oldest member of the group and the Little Einsteins' leader. He pilots Rocket, and he is also Annie's older brother.

Why was Quincy not in episode? ›

Ragin) talks to Quincy twice on the phone, but Quincy's voice is not heard and he is not seen on screen. The reason Klugman did not take part in the episode is because he disliked the script written by Michael Sloan and Glen A. Larson for the episode; a body brought into the morgue turns out to still be alive.

Why is it called Little Einsteins? ›

However, I've a few ideas on why. 1: The show was done in part by a company called The Baby Einstein Company. 2: There is more to the show than music and art, even if that's a big part of it. Also, small children learn well with things that grab their attention; vivid colours, happy sounds.

How old is Rocket from Little Einsteins? ›

It is unknown how old he is because his age was never mentioned. Since Rocket used to be part of Leo's baby mobile that really sings, he is technically a toy. Yet somehow he advantaged to "grow big" like regular people, though he grew as big as the minimum size of a usual rocket.

Why did they stop making Baby Einstein? ›

The DVDs--once advertised as "educational"--were bound for trouble eventually. The American Academy of Pediatrics discouraged children under 2 from watching television--precisely the age bracket that "Baby Einstein" was targeting.

Why did Netflix remove Little Einsteins? ›

Why is Little Einsteins leaving Netflix? The reason is that Netflix and Disney are slowly breaking away from each other, given the fact that Disney is making their own streaming platform due out next year. Every year, Netflix has to essentially lease shows of their respective owners to make available on Netflix.

Is there a little Einsteins reboot? ›

The Little Einsteins Reboot is a fan-made animated reboot by BEB Studios. The show takes a turn on the original show "Little Einsteins" featuring the same characters and more. The series is comedic and entertaining. The series was released on September 8th, 2019 and following episodes in 2020.

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Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.