Rocky, Bullwinkle and Casper's Adventures of The Toy that Saved Christmas/Transcript (2024)


  • 1 Transcript
    • 1.1 The Toy that Saved Christmas Act I
    • 1.2 Oh, Santa
    • 1.3 The Toy that Saved Christmas Act II
    • 1.4 Bonus Ending: Barney and Friends are planning a new VeggieTales Series: Larry-Boy!


The Toy that Saved Christmas Act I[]

(Unlike the previous five episodes, this one begins without the theme song. We open on a night sky with snowflakes falling gently down. Camera pans across trees before panning to a small house. In a similar plot device as The Princess Bride, Grandpa George is finishing a made-up story to his granddaughter named Annie, who is in her bed in her room, with no book whatsoever.)

  • George: And so the pig and the giant lizard brought the boy back to his family at the bowling alley, and they all lived happily ever after. The end.
  • Annie: That was a neat story, Grandpa George. Can you tell me another one?
  • George: Oh, I'd love to, Annie, but if you don't get some sleep, you're gonna be pooped tomorrow. And you know what tomorrow is.
  • Annie: Christmas?
  • George: That's right! So let's just close our little eyes...
  • Annie: Oh, please, Grandpa! Just one more story!
  • George: Oh... your mom's going to be...
  • Annie: Oh, she won't mind! Just one more story! A Christmas story! (starts bouncing excitedly)
  • George: Ehhh... oh, all right. I suppose one more story won't hurt... Besides, what are grandpas for, anyway?
  • Annie: Oh, thank you, Grandpa George! (lies back down)
  • George: Now, let's see... A Christmas story... Oh! Did I ever tell you about the town that didn't get Christmas?
  • Annie: You mean they didn't have Christmas?
  • George: No, I mean they didn't get Christmas. They had Christmas. They loved the packages and the toys and everything, but they didn't understand what Christmas was really about. Now, let's see... what was the name of that... Dinkletown! That's it! I used to deliver the mail there!

(The scene pans out into the window before switching to daytime (start of the flashback plot), as George is seen driving through the snow in his mail truck. George's truck approaches Dinkletown as the superimposed main title fades in and out)

  • George: (Narrating) Now the children of Dinkletown loved to see me around Christmastime, because they all thought they was getting something!

(I Can't Believe Its Christmas begins)

  • Buster Bunny: Guys! Do you know what time it is?
  • Hampton Pig: Is it the most wonderful time of the year?!
  • Cassie: Christmas!

(Everyone starts singing)

  • Laura: I can't believe it's Christmas I think I'm finally getting something Can't believe it's Christmas My favorite time of year.
  • Percy Pea: I can't believe it's Christmas Been dreaming of a sugarplum thing Can't believe it's Christmas Oh boy, it's finally here.

(All the children in town, Laura, Lenny and Baby Lou, Buster Bunny, Hampton Pig, Cassie, Babs Bunny, Casper, Plucky, Junior Asparagus, and the Peas' Percy and Li'l Pea, gather around George, who has just gotten a long package from the back of his truck as George takes notice.)

  • George: Oh! Now wait a minute! I only got one package today, and it's for house number four. Now let's see, which one is house number four?
  • All: Ho Ho Away we go, with rosy cheeks and hearts a glowing Hey! Hey! Our favorite day! It makes us wan-na cheer.
  • Percy: Yo! Ho! We love the snow!
  • Li'l Pea: At least we know we won't be mowing!
  • All: Ya! Hey! We're glad to say that Christmas time is heeeeere.

(George falls over while carrying the package. The snowman that stands in the center of town leans over before the snowman's head falls off and lands on the package, which sends it flying until it lands on the roof of one of the houses.)

  • George: Uh-oh!
  • All: Weeeee, can't believe it's Christmas Been waiting for a million hours Can't believe it's Christmas Oh what a nifty day. We can't believe it's Christmas.
  • Lenny: Took 14 baths and 18 showers.
  • All: Can't believe it's Christmas And now it's time to play. We can't believe it's Christmas We think we're finally getting something. Can't believe it's Christmas Out favorite time of year we can't believe it's Christmas

(In the above two and a half verses, George rams his head repeatedly, to the beat of the music, into the support post of the house, which causes the package to come loose and slide down the house towards George.)

  • George: Whoa! Whooooaaaaaa!

(The sliding package picks up the children as they continue singing)

  • All: Been dreaming of a sugarplum thing Can't believe it's Christmas Oh boy, it's finally...
  • George: Oy, My spinely.
  • All: Boy, it's finally here

(The package with the children on it slides right into House # 4 as George picks himself up.)

  • George: Where did the...?

(Notices the "4" sign at the door)

  • George: Oh, number four. Well, that was easy.

(George then falls back over as the song ends. Cut to black on the last note. In House #4, Junior, Laura, Buster Bunny, Hampton Pig, Cassie, Babs Bunny, Casper, Plucky, and Lenny open the package.)

  • Laura: What is it?
  • Junior: It's got a button!
  • Babs Bunny: Well, what are we waiting for?
  • Lenny: Push it! Push it!

(The button is pushed, which causes the item in the package to unfold into a collapsible Christmas tree.)

  • All: Ooooooooh!

(The TV then turns on after that, which catches the children's attention.)

  • Mr. Nezzer: Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas! Say, kids, have you got the "don't know what I want for Christmas" blues? Well, if I know anything about toys, and you know I do, I know just what you're looking for! You want a toy that's fun! You want a toy that's cute! But most of all, you want a toy with a fully functional buzz-saw built into its right arm! That's right, you want Buzzsaw Louie!

(The camera then pans onto said toy, whose buzz-saw then pops out from its arm, as the children still watch on.)

  • Mr. Nezzer: Cool, huh? But wait, there's more! Buzzsaw Louie also knows the true meaning of Christmas! All you have to do is press his nose...

(A white glove on a stick pushes the toy's nose.)

  • Buzzsaw Louie: (click) Christmas is when you get stuff! (click) You need more toys!
  • Mr. Nezzer: Just as soon as your parents phone in and order Buzzsaw Louie, one of our trained penguins will deliver him right to your door!
  • Krupp (dressed as Mrs. Claus): (High pitched voice) If that's not the best part, that Buzzsaw Louie comes with The Book of Fun! 101 pages of never stopping entertainment!

(During this part, we see a penguin riding through a tunnel on a sled with a present.)

  • Announcer: Delivery not available to Puggslyville due to the collapse of the Puggslyville bridge!
  • Mr. Nezzer: So take it from me, Mr. Nezzer... er, I mean Santa Claus... and my little elf helper

(The camera then pans to Mr. Lunt, who is wearing an elf hat.)

  • Mr. Lunt: Look at me! I'm an elf!
  • Mr. Nezzer: You just won't be happy until your parents get you a Buzzsaw Louie, the only toy with a working buzz-saw, and the true meaning of Christmas!
  • Krupp: (High pitched voice) So what are you waiting for? Throw tantrums, cry and don't stop until you get a Buzzsaw Louie and The Book of Fun!
  • Buzzsaw Louie: Billy has more toys than you!

(The TV then turns to static after the commercial has ended.)

  • Buster Bunny: You think you know what to do, right?
  • Plucky: Yes.

(But all of the children run out as they start whining and yelling all the way back to their houses.)

  • Junior: Mom! Mom! I need more toys!

(Junior's mom appears looking worried, then cuts to Percy's house.)

  • Percy: Billy has more toys and movies than me!
  • Dad pea: Who's Billy?
  • Percy: I don't know, but he has more toys and movies than me!

(cut to Cassie house)

  • Cassie: I need the Book of Fun! The Book of Fun so I can never be bored again!

(Then cuts to Laura and Lenny's house.)

  • Laura: I want a Buzzsaw Louie!
  • Lenny: I want ten Buzzsaw Louies!
  • Laura & Lenny: Because that's the true meaning of Christmas! Waaaaaah! Waaaaaaah! Waaaaaah! Waaaaaaaah!

(As we zoom out of Laura's house, we see they're being watched by Mr. Nezzer through a telescope in a gold-domed candy-cane colored observatory.)

  • Mr. Nezzer: Oh, it's working! It's working wonderfully!
  • Krupp: Everything is going as plan!
  • Mr. Lunt: What's working, boss? You mean you wanted those kids to be all whiney?
  • Mr. Nezzer: Mm-hmm.
  • Mr. Lunt: I don't get it, boss.
  • Mr. Nezzer; You see, Mr. Lunt, the only way their parents will get them is to stop whining is to buy them lots of toys. As the owner of the Nezzer Toy Factory, I'll make out like a bandit!
  • Krupp: And I'm always gonna get what I always want for Christmas!
  • Mr. Lunt: And what's that?
  • Krupp: Well you see, you should never judge a book by it's cover. It may look like a fun book, but it's actually (opens it to reveal it's a...) Homework Book! Then they'l; be so ungrateful that there parents won't buy them nothing no more!
  • Mr. Nezzer: He gets he wants, I get my wants, The bad guys win!
  • Mr. Lunt: Whoa-ho, boss, you are very wily!
  • Mr. Nezzer: More wily than my brother, Nebby K?
  • Mr. Lunt: You mean the one with the chocolate factory that me and Pete used to work for? Oh, you're much more wily than him!
  • Mr. Nezzer: Good. Soon, everyone will know that Wally P. Nezzer is the wiliest Nezzer of them all!
  • Mr. Lunt: Oh, there's no doubt about that, boss!
  • Mr. Nezzer: Well, fire up the assembly line, Mr. Lunt! We got money to make, and that's what Christmas is all about!

(Elevator closes before it cuts back to Annie and George.)

  • Annie: That's not what Christmas is about!
  • George: I know that, and you know that, but Wally P. Nezzer and Krupp were a little confused. And thanks to his TV commercial, so was everybody else! The kids were whining and the toys were flying off the assembly line just like he planned.
  • Annie: That must have been the worst Christmas ever!
  • George: Oh, yes, it would've been, if it wasn't for what happened next.
  • Annie: What? What happened?

(Cut to the factory as a penguin tests newly assembled dolls.)

  • George: Well, as the toys were coming down the assembly line having their noses tested, one of them winced.
  • Annie: Winced?
  • George: He grimaced. Made a face. Didn't like the sound of the words that was coming out of his own head.

(One of the dolls suddenly comes to life and frowns at what his voice box says.)

  • Annie: But he was just a toy.
  • George: Maybe he was wired different, who knows? (fade to the factory warehouse) So, that night, as all the other toys were waiting to be sent out, he was doing some thinking.

(Grumpy Kids starts)

  • Louie: Grumpy kids, greedy dreams, this is not what Christmas means. I'm just a toy, I don't claim to be a genius, but there must be more to Christmas. (brief pause as he looks at a star.) There must be more to Christmas, I think we're really missing something. Must be more to Christmas, but what?
  • George: Yes, there had to be more. Louie didn't know what it was, but he figured it was about time somebody found out!

(Louie pushes the box down to the floor. When a Security Penguin with a flashlight enters the room to investigate, Louie resumes his position as the light flashes over to him. The Security Penguin leaves and Louie pops out of his box and heads to the door.)

  • George: Now he'd never been out of the factory before. Why he'd never been out of his box before! But he was a smart toy. How hard could it be?

(As Louie takes his first step outside, he supposedly slips on ice and falls down the stairs, lands in the snow and forms a giant snowball while rolling down a hill toward a cliff. He lands at the bottom with his legs sticking out of the snow.)

  • George: Maybe a little harder than he thought.

(Camera fades to black background.)

  • George (voice over): "The Toy That Saved Christmas" will continue after this short break.

Oh, Santa[]

(The title card appears. It is the same as the original, but is surrounded by a Christmas frame, and Larry is in his pajamas.)

  • The Announcer: And now it's time for Silly Songs with Larry, the part of the show where Larry comes out and sings a Silly Song. It's Christmas Eve, and Larry is anxiously awaiting the arrival of Santa Claus with a plate of cookies.
  • Larry: Oh, Santa! I can't wait for you to come, I just can't wait for you to come, and I've got cookies! Three yummy cookies! Just for you for when you come, only for you for when you come ... because it's Christmas!

(knocks three times)

  • Larry: Could that be Santa? Could that be him? Could it be the one who brings presents for a cucumber like me, a good cucumber like me?

(Larry opens the door.)

  • The Announcer: Larry is surprised to be greeted not by Santa, but a crafty bank robber.
  • Larry: Who are you?
  • Bank robber (Scallion #1): I'm a bank robber! And I've come to rob your bank, oh yes! I've come to rob your bank, and I've come to take your dimes and swipe your nickels. So stand back, step aside you silly pickle! And let me in.

(Barges in and looks around.)

  • The Announcer: Although frightened by the intruder, in the spirit of Christmas Larry makes an offering.

(Larry closes the door.)

  • Larry: I'm not a banker ... I have no bank my robbing friend, but I have cookies--three yummy cookies. And I don't have nickels, but please take this my robbing friend. Eat one of these my robbing friend. They are for Santa, but you may have one!

(He takes out his plate of cookies and gives one to the bank robber.)

  • The Announcer: The bank robber is truly touched by Larry's good will. But Larry, although momentarily distracted, is still excited about seeing Santa.
  • Larry: Oh, Santa! I can't wait for you to come, I just can't wait for you to come, and I've got cookies! Two yummy cookies! Just for you for when you come, only for you for when you come ... because it's Christmas!
  • Bank robber: (simultaneously) I'm a robber! I came to rob your bank, oh yes! I came to rob your bank ... you shared a cookie--a yummy cookie. Though I'd love to take your dimes, perhaps another time ... because it's Christmas!

(knocks three times)

  • Larry: Could that be Santa? Could that be him? Could it be the one who brings presents for a cucumber like me, a good cucumber like me?

(Larry opens the door, which slams harshly against the bank robber.)

  • Narrator: Once again, it is not Santa who has come to Larry's door, but this time a savage Norseman.
  • Larry: (surprised) Who are you?
  • Viking (Pa Grape): I'm a Viking! And I've come to take your land, oh yes! I've come to take your land, and I've come to burn your crops and steal your horses. And I've come to ... step on your chickens! And soil your quilts! Oy, oy... (He barges in.)
  • The Announcer: Although frightened by the intruder, in the spirit of Christmas Larry makes an offering.

(Larry closes the door, which causes the bank robber to tumble to the floor.)

  • Larry: I don't have land ... I don't have crops, my Viking friend, but I have cookies--two yummy cookies. And I don't have horses, but please take this my Viking friend. Eat one of these my Viking friend. They are for Santa, but you may have one!

(He takes out his plate of cookies and gives one to the Viking.)

  • Narrator: The Viking is also touched by Larry's good will. But Larry's thoughts are still with Santa.
  • Larry: Oh, Santa! I can't wait for you to come, I just can't wait for you to come, I've got a cookie! A yummy cookie! Just for you for when you come, oh me, for you for when you come ... because it's Christmas!
  • Viking: (simultaneously) I'm a Viking! I came to take your land, oh yes! I came to take your land ... you shared a cookie--a yummy cookie. Though I'd love to soil your quilts, I don't think that I wilt ... because it's Christmas!

(knocks three times)

  • Larry: Could that be Santa? Could that be him? Could it be the one who brings presents for a cucumber like me, a good cucumber like me?

(Larry opens the door, which once again slams harshly against the bank robber.)

  • The Announcer: Larry is greeted now by an agent of the Internal Revenue Service.
  • Larry: Who are you?
  • Peach: I'm from the IRS! And I've come to tax your-

(Larry slams the door in the agent's face, and gives an evil grin to the audience.)

  • Larry: Oh, Santa! I can't wait for you to come, I just can't wait for you to come...

(Santa finally comes through the chimney.)

  • Larry: It's finally Santa! It's finally him! At last, the one who brings presents for a cucumber like me, a good cucumber like me!
  • Santa (Bob): I'm Santa! And I've come to bring you gifts, oh yes! I've come to bring you gifts, and I've come to stuff your stockings--oh ho-ho-ho! And I've come to jiggle my belly, and wiggle my...nose...

(He turns around and looks at the bank robber, who is wearing a very familiar hat, and the Viking, whose shield has a very familiar belt. The bank robber is slowly opening the door to leave.)

  • Santa: Hey, wait a minute! Isn't that my belt?! And what are you doing with my hat?! (gasp) So you're the ones!
  • Bank robber: Wait a minute, I can explain!
  • Viking: We've changed!
  • Santa: Nobody messes with Santa! You know that don't you?! You've been very naughty, and I've got a list!!

(He chases the bankrobber and the Viking out the door.)

(The Peach comes back in and sees the last cookie on Larry's plate.)

  • Peach: Did you claim that?

(Larry shakes his head no, as the Peach grabs the cookie and carries it away in his mouth.)

  • Larry: Merry...Christmas!

(Larry looks at the camera and smiles as the song ends.)

The Toy that Saved Christmas Act II[]

  • George (voice over): And now, back to "The Toy That Saved Christmas".

(Camera fades back to snow with trees. with Bob, Larry, Junior sleighing in their sleigh and Rocky, Bullwinkle, Casper, George Beard, and Harold Hutchins to be their own sleighs and are on a race.)

  • Junior: Yahoo!!! This is great!!
  • Larry: Yeah! Whee!
  • George Beard: It's just in our Veggie friends could win the race, not unless we can do something about it!
  • Bob: Um, aren't we going a little fast?
  • Bullwinkle: It's a race, Bob. We're suppose to go fast!
  • Rocky: But just be careful about how we steer!
  • Larry: Look out for that tree!
  • Bob: Tree?! What tree?!
  • Casper: If we got to the hospital for bumping into a tree, I'm blaming you for this idea!
  • Junior: We won't Casper! Hang on, guys!!!
  • Bob: What? Why? Why do I need to hang (screaming) ooooooooooooooooooon?!
  • Junior: That was fun!
  • Casper: This is wonderful!
  • Bullwinkle: We'll see in the next lap about that!
  • Larry: I wanna do it again!
  • Bob: You know, I can't really see anything back here. Um, do you guys know where we're going?
  • Rocky: Doesn't this area look familiar to you?
  • Larry: No idea! Never been here before.
  • Casper: I'm with Rocky, this place looks one hundred percent a place where we shouldn't be in.
  • Junior: No one knows what lies around the next... (The sled comes to a gate with a danger sign) Bail out!!!
  • Harold Hutchins: What (see's the gate too.) Danger!

(The rest but Bob sees the gate too.)

  • Rocky: Stop!

(Rocky, Bullwinkle, and Casper stop, then Junior, Larry, George, and Harold jump off the sled, leaving Bob.)

  • Bob: What? Hey, where's everybody...? (gasps)

(The sled crashes into the gate, knocking Bob off.)

  • Bullwinkle: Talk about ketchup kill.

(Rocky slaps Bullwinkle)

  • Larry: Bob! Bob! Are you okay?!

(Bob is upside-down in the snow.)

  • Bob: Mouse trap.
  • Larry: Huh?
  • Bob: I wanted to play Mouse Trap. You roll your dice, you move your mice. Nobody gets hurt.
  • Rocky: Guys, this is why it look familiar.
  • Larry: Hey, you're right Rocky! This must be the trail to the Puggslyville Bridge!
  • Harold: The what?
  • Larry: That bridge that collapsed. You know, we heard about it on TV. (Looks down at the trail.) Boy, we're sure lucky we didn't go down there.
  • Bullwinkle: You can say that again.
  • Junior: (Off-screen) Guys, look what me, Casper, Harold, and George found!

(Bob, Rocky, Bullwinkle, and Larry join Junior, Casper, Harold, and George where they find Louie laying in the snow.)

  • Bugs: Is that?
  • Bob: That's a Buzzsaw Louie.
  • Bullwinkle: (Off-screen) Wow!
  • Larry: Cool! Push his nose! Push his nose!
  • Junior: Okay.

(Junior pushes Louie's nose.)

  • Louie: You need more toys.
  • Larry: Now that's the true meaning of Christmas!
  • Louie: (Off-screen) No, it isn't.
  • Casper: Huh?
  • Junior: Who said that?
  • George: Who's there?!
  • Louie: I did. That's not what Christmas is about.
  • Bob: It's not?
  • Louie: No, Christmas isn't about whining and begging for more toys.
  • Larry: Well, then what is it about?
  • Louie: I don't know, but I'm gonna find out. I'm on an adventure.
  • Bob, Rocky, Bullwinkle, Casper, George Beard, Harold Hutchins, Larry, and Junior: Ooooooh!
  • Louie: Or at least I was, until I got stuck in that snow drift.
  • Junior: Well, maybe we can help you.
  • Bob: Hey, I know someone who's really, really smart. Maybe they can tell us what Christmas means!
  • Casper: Is it Grandpa George, Bob?
  • George: Well, they all thought it was a great idea, so they headed off together to see this smart person.
  • Annie: Who was it?
  • George: Well, um, it was uh... it was... me.
  • Annie: You, Grandpa George?
  • George: Don't act so surprised. (Camera cuts back with the boys.) Yep, a group three veggies, three human boys, a brown moose, a grey squirrel with the flight goggles, a young friendly ghost, and a funny little toy show up at my front door, wondering if I knew the true meaning of Christmas.
  • Annie: Well, did you?
  • George: Course! But I didn't wanna just give it to them, so I read them a story from a very old book.

(As the eight sit down and have hot chocolate, George scrolls through the Bible.)

  • George: Ah, here it is. "That night, in the fields near Bethlehem, some shepherds were guarding their sheep. All at once, an angel came down to them from the Lord, and the brightness of the Lord's glory flashed all around them. The shepherds were frightened. But the angel said, 'Don't be afraid. I have good news for you which will make everyone happy. This very day in King David's hometown, a savior was born for you. He is Christ the Lord. You will know who he is because you'll find him dressed in baby clothes and lying on a bed of hay.' Suddenly, many other angels came down from heaven and joined in praising God. They said, 'Glory to God in the highest, and on Earth, peace; Good will toward men'."

(Bob, Larry, Junior, Rocky, Bullwinkle, Casper, George Beard, Harold Hutchins, and Louie look at each other.)

  • George: Don't you see? That baby was Jesus! That night was the first Christmas! You see, God loved people so much that He gave His only son, so that everyone can be with him someday.

(The all the friends start to fully understand.)

  • George: Christmas isn't about getting. It's about giving! And it's especially about a little baby named Jesus, who was the greatest gift of all.

(Scene transitions back into Annie's bedroom.)

  • Annie: You are smart, Grandpa George! Is that the end of the story?
  • George: Oh no. Now they knew what Christmas was about, but everybody else were still in the dark.

(Camera fades back to the center of Dinkletown where the kids are still running around and whining.)

  • Lil Pea: WAH! BUZZSAW LOUIE!!!
  • Laura & Lenny: Aaaaahhh!!! Buzzsaw Louie!! Books of Fun! (They bump into each other.) Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!

(Their parents open the door as Laura and Lenny are lying down. Camera cuts back to the fellows.)

  • Junior: Oh boy, it's gotten worse. We got to tell Dinkletown what we know about Christmas!
  • Bob: Yeah.
  • Louie: But that TV commercial didn't just go to Dinkletown. It went everywhere! We got to tell everybody!
  • Bob: But Christmas is tomorrow. How can we possibly go everywhere?
  • Larry: You can just forget about Puggslyville. The bridge is out.
  • Harold: I don't think they celebrate Christmas anyway.
  • George: I'm sure about that too.
  • Rocky: Uh, right...
  • Louie: This is hopeless. Christmas is ruined!
  • Casper: Now, don't lose hope just yet, Louie!
  • Junior: Yeah, there must be a way.
  • Rocky: But how?
  • Junior: Keep thinking!

(Bob, Louie, Rocky, Bullwinkle, Casper, George Beard, Harold Hutchins, and Larry pause to think very deeply, Junior gets an idea.)

  • Junior: I got it!
  • Bob, Louie, Rocky, Bullwinkle, Casper, George Beard, Harold Hutchins, and Larry: Huh?
  • Junior: We got to get into that toy factory!
  • Harold: I don't know if this is such a good idea, Junior. What if we get caught?!? What if we get ourselves killed!?!?!?
  • Junior: Harold, Harold! Calm down. We're not gonna get caught. We're gonna quietly tip-toe to the factory.
  • Casper: How are you gonna tip-toe if you don't have any toes?
  • Junior: You know what I mean. Now we don't have much time! Follow me, everyone! We can save Christmas!

(Camera fades back to the Veggies, friends and Louie to the toy factory.)

  • Bob: I still don't understand why we're here.
  • Louie: Yeah. I just got out of this place. I don't want to go back in.
  • Junior: (Quietly) Shh! You'll just have to trust me. It's the only way...
  • Rocky: Look, Louie. You do want to save Christmas, right?
  • Louie: (sighs) Yeah, more than anything.
  • Bullwinkle: Good. Now let's walk very quietly.

(Junior opens the door. He, Louie, Bob, Rocky, Bullwinkle, Casper, George Beard, Harold Hutchins, and Larry sneak in and run through the factory, through to the toy room, past a penguin scrubbing dishes who turns just as they all pass him, not spotting them in sight.)

  • Junior: It's got to be around there somewhere!

(The Veggies and Louie see the Security Penguin approaching with a flashlight, marching around. When the Security Penguin is gone, the Veggies, the animals, the humans, and Louie are shown hiding in the drinking fountain. They pop out and hit the wall, Louie just jumps. As they head further down the hall, Junior spots the TV studio.)

  • Junior: That's it!
  • Rocky: What? Did you find something?
  • Junior: Yep!
  • Casper: What are we waiting for? Let's get to it!

(They open the door.)

  • Bob: Why, this is a...
  • Louie: It's a...

(Later with George and Annie.)

  • Annie: TV Studio?
  • George: That's right! It was Mr. Nezzer's Television Studio.

(Cuts back to the TV Studio, Larry using the camera as Junior stands in front of it.)

  • George: Now Junior figured that since it was a TV commercial that got them into this mess, maybe another TV commercial could get them out of it! Well, here's hoping.
  • Casper: Are you sure this is a good idea, Junior?
  • Junior: It's gonna work. Trust me.
  • Rocky (uneasily): Okay, if you say so. Louie, flip the switch!

(Louie flips the switch up, turning on the broadcast. Cut back to Laura and her family just as Junior begins his announcement.)

  • Junior: Attention everyone! This is Junior Asparagus from Dinkletown with an important message - We were wrong about Christmas! Christmas isn't about being selfish and begging for more toys. Well, not that toys are bad, I have a few myself that I enjoy very much. But you see, there's much more to Christmas! Louie?
  • Louie: Thank you, Junior.
  • Lil Pea: Hey, it's Buzzsaw Louie!
  • Louie: Listen, everybody. When it comes to Christmas...
  • George: Now Louie told them about the true meaning of Christmas. About God's love, and the baby Jesus. About how giving very often makes us feel better than getting. Knowing the truth about Christmas made everybody very happy. Well, almost everybody.

(Cuts back to Mr. Nezzer, using the telescope, seeing the happy faces in Dinkletown.)

  • Mr. Nezzer: They're not whining. Why aren't they whining?
  • Mr. Lunt: I don't know, boss.
  • Krupp: Yeah, they should be whining by now!

(Mr. Nezzer resumes watching from his telescope, seeing Laura and her family watching Louie on the TV screen, and for some reason, he doesn't freak out at the sight of a sentient toy.)

  • Louie: this Christmas, instead of whining for more toys, let's try to be thankful for our families...
  • Mr. Nezzer: Hmm... That's my toy. THAT'S MY TV STUDIO! Mr. Lunt, Krupp, somebody's trying to ruin my Christmas!!

(Cuts back to the TV Studio as Junior and Louie end their broadcast.)

  • Louie: So you see, that's what Christmas is really about.
  • Junior: And if we remember that, this will be the best Christmas ever!
  • Rocky: Oh, you know that's right!

(Junior's parents cry happily.)

(Mr. Nezzer, Krupp, and Mr. Lunt march together with the penguins to the TV Studio. Louie, Junior and Larry are quite proud of how the broadcast turned out. The penguins march to the TV Studio. Louie and Junior look to see a very displeased Mr. Nezzer, and Krupp has Rocky in this hand. Laura and her family watch in shock.)

  • Casper: What the?!
  • Mr. Nezzer: Decided to borrow my TV Studio, huh? (Sarcastically) Uh-oh! It looks like we're about to experience some technical difficulties!
  • Harold: Mr. Nezzer, please! This is not what it looks like!
  • Louie: No! Don't!
  • George: Let me go!

(The TV screen shows Junior and Louie are surrounded by the penguins just as the screen turns to static. Dad Carrot looks over to see Nezzer's observatory in Dinkletown. Later, cut to the Veggies, the animals, the humans, and Louie, tied up on a sled.)

  • Mr. Nezzer: So you're the guys who want to ruin our Christmas!
  • Krupp: Thanks for taking away what I want for Christmas!
  • Bob: N-n-no, that's not it at all! We just want everyone to know what Christmas is really about!
  • Harold: Yeah! Saving Christmas you three!
  • Mr. Nezzer: Do you think they care?
  • Bob: Well.
  • Mr. Nezzer: Do you really think they care all about that giving and love stuff?
  • Bob: Well.
  • Mr. Nezzer: Listen, the only thing kids want to know about Christmas is that they're going to get more toys, and I intend to keep it that way. That's why I'm going to have to send you kids on a little trip. Let's see. Where would you like to go? Wibblestown? Bumblyburg?
  • Larry: Just don't send us to Puggslyville. The bridge is out.
  • Bullwinkle: Plus who knows what Puggslyville is like, or what's all the way in the bottom of that gap.

(Casper facepalms with annoyance, and Rocky breathes out steam out his nose)

  • Mr. Nezzer: Puggslyville! Oh, I hear it's nice this time of year! Mr. Lunt, 7 tickets to Puggslyville, please!
  • Mr. Lunt: Right away, boss!
  • Krupp: Puggslyville would love to have you guys for a nice present!
  • Louie: Way to go.
  • Rocky: Thanks a lot, Larry and Bullwinkle. You got us to our deaths!

(The troubled friends are sent right to the exit leading to Puggslyville.)

  • Mr. Nezzer: The plunger, Mr. Lunt!

(The plunger pulls back.)

  • Mr. Nezzer: Now on my signal... Three... Two... One last thing. If those people really cared about what you had to say, where are they now?
  • Dad Asparagus: We're right here!
  • Mr. Nezzer: Huh?

(The Dinkletown folk appear, quite angry.)

  • Mike Asparagus: We care very much about the true meaning of Christmas, Mr. Nezzer and Benson!
  • Dad Carrot: That's why we came here - To give you what you deserve!
  • Red: You better let them go, or else!
  • Krupp: (gulps) Please don't hurt us.
  • Mr. Nezzer: Wha-wha-oh! You didn't really think I was going to... heh... oh, that was just... just a joke! I wouldn't... What are you going to do?
  • Krupp: Whatever you do, please don't hurt us.
  • Josie: There's more then hurt.

(Laura and Cassie approaches Krupp and Mr. Nezzer, angry at first, but then puts on a smile as they hands them a present.)

  • Laura: Benson, Mr. Nezzer... Merry Christmas!
  • Krupp: What is this?
  • Cassie: Christmas presents of course.
  • Mr. Nezzer: Is that, for us?

(Mr. Nezzer and Mr. Krabs unwrap their presents. Krupps got a World's Best Boss shirt and Mr. Nezzer got a teddy bear.)

  • Krupp: A World's Best Boss shirt! I always wanted one of these! But I had never gotten one before!
  • Mr. Nezzer: Oh, it's a little bear! Oh, I always wanted a Christmas present, but we were too poor! You don't know how happy this makes me!
  • Pete: Me too! A World's Best Boss shirt is even better than a ticket to a movie. Thank you all so much!
  • Mr. Nezzer: Look! Isn't it cute?
  • Junior, Louie, Rocky, Casper, Bullwinkle, Bob, Harold, George, and Larry: Uh-huh. (2x)
  • Krupp: We're really sorry everyone.
  • Mr. Nezzer: Me too. I'm also really sorry for all the trouble we caused and we're going to make it up!

(Nezzer accidentally bumps a button, which makes the plunger push the sled down the chute.)

  • Josie and Melody: [gasp]

(The seven fall and go straight to Puggslyville.)

  • Mr. Nezzer: What? Oh, no! Mr. Lunt! Another sled!
  • Krupp: I have to come too!
  • Mr. Nezzer: No time to loose!

(Mr. Lunt pulls a few levers, giving Mr. Nezzer and Pete a purple sled.)

  • Both Pete and Mr. Nezzer: We'll save them!

(After Mr. Nezzer and Pete go down the chute, the penguins run out to help as they grab their own sleds. The parents watch the penguins go down the tunnel.)

  • Minnie: Those Penguins are gonna need our help!

(She frees Mickey, Donald, Goofy and Bugs Bunny.)

  • Daisy: Come on! We've gotta help Mr. Nezzer, Pete and the penguins!
  • Donald: So you want us to help save Mr. Nezzer? He tried to kill,
  • Mike Asparagus: He and Pete said they're sorry, now go help them!
  • Mickey: You heard him!
  • Bugs Bunny: [appears in a supersuit] I'll help too! This is the perfect time to test our my new supersuit i got for Christmas early!
  • Mickey: Mr. Lunt Get us a sled!
  • Mr. Lunt: You've got it!

(Mr. Lunt pulls a few levers, giving Mickey and his friends a red sled.)

  • Mickey: Let's go!

[They go down the chute after them and Bugs Bunny flies down it.]

  • Bob, Larry, Junior, Tommy, Chuckie, Pooh, Piglet, Tigger and Louie: Whoa!!
  • Mr. Nezzer: Hang on, kids!
  • Pete: Help is on the way!

(Seven penguins come sliding down all around. So do Mickey, his friends and Bugs Bunny)

  • Goofy: We're coming!

(Cut back to boys on the sled.)

Bonus Ending: Barney and Friends are planning a new VeggieTales Series: Larry-Boy![]

Rocky, Bullwinkle and Casper's Adventures of The Toy that Saved Christmas/Transcript (2024)
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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.