'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (2024)

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (1)

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Photovohaic Effects in

Cadmium Telluride-Mercury Telluride

HeterostructuresGPO PRICE $


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'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (2)





George Stanley Almasi




Department of Electrical Engineering


Cambridge 39, Massachusetts



CONTRACT: NASA Grant NsG 496 (part)

M.I.T. Task: 76153

November i, 1966

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (3)






George Stanley Almasi

Submitted to the Department of Electrical

Engineering on November i, 1966, in partial

fulfillment of the requirements for the degree

Doctor of Philosophy.


This paper reports the results of measurements on photo-

voltaic devices made by the interdiffusion of CdTe and HgTe.

It is found that the devices display rectification and possess

a spectral response which decreases exponentially with

decreasing energy from a maximum at the energy corresponding

to the CdTe bandgap (1.5 eV). The theoretical model developed

to account for this behavior involves a sandwich of constant

energy gap material and graded gap material, with a p-n

junction in the constant-gap material immediately adjacent

to the graded region. The exponent of the spectral response

is then found to reflect the band-edge variation of the

carrier species being collected by the junction. The devices

may be useful as detectors in applications where long wave-

length response and a short response time (theoretically

below 10 -8 sec) are more important than sensitivity (10 -3

_V/_W at most). They are also fairly sensitive in a narrow

spectral region (1.4 eV-l.5 eV) just below the CdTe bandgap

energy (noise-equivalent-powers down to 2 x 10 -9 watts/cps).

However, because the spectral bandwidth is so narrow, the

devices in their present form offer no improvement over

present photovoltaic energy converters. To improve their

performance as photodetectors, a more precise control of the

equilibrium carrier concentrations must be developed.

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (4)



The author would like to express his appreciation to bothProfessor John Blair, who suggested this problem and was theoriginal supervisor, and Professor Arthur Smith, who guidedit to its successful completion. He would also like to thankthe two other members of his thesis committee, ProfessorsPaul Gray and David C. White, for both technical advice andmoral support.

The able assistance of Mr. William Brennan and Mr.Rusvi Wong in the preparation of samples is gratefullyacknowledged. Dr. John Halpern of the National MagnetLaboratory graciously made his equipment available, and thehelp of Mr. Joseph Stella in making measurements there wasinvaluable. Professors Yizhak Yacoby, R. B. Adler, andX. H. Rediker, Mr. La_rence Rubin of the National MagnetLaboratory and Dr. Alan Strauss of the Lincoln Laboratoriesall gave of their time in helpful discussions.

The cooperation with Dr. J. W. Conley in the growth ofCdTe was both pleasant and profitable, as was the help ofDr. Lavine of Raytheon in the C02 laser experiments. Theauthor hopes that the countless number of people in theElectrical Engineering Department, in the Materials ScienceCenter, in the National Magnet Laboratory, and at LincolnLaboratories who gave help when it was needed know that theirhelp was appreciated.

The smooth production of the manuscript was the resultof the talents of both Miss Barbara Smith and Mrs. DonnaSpencer. The drawings are from the fine shops of Mr. JohnMara and Mr. Harold Tonsing.

The author would like to thank his wife Carol for hertruly unfailing encouragement and support.

Finally the author would like to thank the NationalAeronautics and Space Administration for its financialsupport. This research was carried out under contract:NASA Grant NsG 496 (part).

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (5)
















2.1 Preparation of the Compounds

2.2 Preparation of the Diffused Samples

2.3 Contacts



3.0 Introduction

3.1 Microprobe Measurements

3.2 Bulk Carrier Concentration

3.3 Spectral Dependence and Other Properties

of Photovoltage

3.4 Current-Voltage Characteristics

3.5 Capacitance Measurements

3.6 Frequency Response Measurements

3.7 Junction Location Experiments3.8 Conclusions



4.0 Introduction

4.1 Equation for Excess Carrier Distribution

4.2 hom*ogeneous Solution

4.3 Particular Solution































'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (6)














Quantitative Band Profiles

Alternate Explanatlon8

Dependence of I-V Characteristics on

Photon Energy of Illumination

Spectral Response of the PEM Voltage





















'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (7)


TABLE 3.1:








'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (8)








Simple Graded Energy Gap Photocell

CdTe-HgTe Graded-Gap Photocell in the PEM Configuration

CdTe-HgTe Graded-Gap Photocell, Front-to-Back Measurement

Observed Spectral Response of Front-to-Back Photovoltage

The Band Profile of the Assumed Model

Temperature Program for Reacting CdTe

2.2a Diffusion Sample in Furnace



Sample Ready for Diffusion under Cd Pressure

Uncorrected CdTe Concentration Profile of Diffusion SampleB2024-O7-DI

Device Configuration

Diffusion Profile of Sample B2024-O7-DI (650°C, 27h) Showing

Variation of CdTe Weight Fraction and Mole Fraction









Variation of Bandgap in CdBHgI_BTe

Calculated Energy Gap Variation vs. Distance for Sample2024-07-DI

Plot of Concentration of CdTe in CdBHgI_BTe vs. Distance

Diffusion Depth [y(B-0.14) - y(B-0.28)] as a Function of

Diffusion Temperature



3.8 Thermoelectric Power Measurement

3.9 Mirror Holders

3. iO External Optical Arrangement








Calculated Energy Gap Profiles for 560°C Diffusion Temperatur 3-7

Hall M_asurement on B2098AI 3-7

3.11 An_llflcation Systems Used to Record Spectral


3.12a Spectral Response of Front-to-Back Photovoltage Vc4 forB2098DII






3.12b B2098DII, Spectral Response of PEM Voltage, V34(17 KG)-V34(O ) 3-22

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (9)
















4. ib




Spectral Sensitivity of B2098 D2 PEM Voltage V34

Spectral Response of B2098 D21 Front-to-Back

Photovoltage V24

Spectral Response of Open-Circult Front-to-Back

Photovoltage V24 for B2098 D16

B2098 DI7, Spectral Response of Front-to-Back

Photovoltage vs.

Slope of the Spectral Response Between 0.9 eV and

1.3 eV for a Number of Samples, showing Temperature

and Duration of Diffusion

Transmission and Front-to-Back PhotovoltaRe for

89D2, Diffused with 80% HRTe-20% CdTe Powder Mixture

Transmission, Front-to-Back Photovoltage, and Photo-

voltage on Back Face for 98CHI, Diffused with 50%

HgTe-50% CdTe Powder Mixture

Effect of CdTe-Filtered Light on the I-V Characteristics

Between Contacts 2 and 4 for Four Types of Sample

Capacitance-Voltage Behavior and Deduced Impurity


Open-Circult Voltage V24 for 1.4 eV Radiation as aFunction of Chopping Frequency for B2098 D24

PEM Voltage V_ for B=I7 KG as a Function of Chopping

Frequency for_B2098 DII

Frequency Dependence of Photovoltage from HRTe Sample

in P_ Configuration

Sketches of Microscope Observations of Cu Photo-

depositions (400X)

Energy-Band Model for Analysis

Energy-Band Levels at a Point in the Graded Region,

Showing References for the Various Quantities

Generation Function for Particular Solution

Piecewise-Linear Modification of Fig. 4.1

Band Model for B2098 D5 Based on Theory of Chapter

4 and Data of Chapter 3

















'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (10)


5.2 Calculated Energy Gap Profiles and Linear Approximations 5-11

5.3 Band Model for B2098 D21 5-12

5.4 Band Model for B2098 DI7 5-15

5.5a Current-Voltage Characteristics for 82098 DI6 in theAbsence of Illuminatlon 5-15

5.5b Expanded Portion of B2098 DI6 I-V Characteristic under

1.10 eV Monochromator Light 5-15

5.5c Effect of the Photon Energy of the Monochromatic Lighton I-V Characteristics of B2098 DI6 5-17

5.6 Circuit Model for Discussion of Sec. 5.4 5-17




Spectral Dependence of PEM Voltage in Graded-Gap Region

for Several Values of Transit Time zd 5-17

Excess Carrier Distribution at x = 0 for a >> rI A-3

Probability of Photon Capture in Graded Region of Thickness

t for a Constant B-3

B.2 Probability of Photon Capture in Graded Region of Thickness

t for a Linearly Related to Photon Energy B-3

C.I Band Model Used for Analysis and Excess Carrier

Concentration Resulting from Assumption thatDrfit Dominates c-3


'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (11)



A = Junction area

B = magnetic field strength

C° = zero-bias Junction capacitance

D - electron diffusion constantn

D - hole diffusion constantP

D* - ambipolar diffusion constant

Ec conduction band edge

Ef : equilibrium Fermi level

E - energy gap

Eg - valence band edge

_ = d6o/dX = l/kT[d(Ec-Ef)/dxl




- normalized conduction band

edge gradient

= electric field strength

- rate of generation of excess carriers

- h/2_ - Planck's constant

= durrent

Jn " electron current density

Jp - hole current density

k = Boltzmann constant

n " diffusion length of electronsdr" drift length

n - total electron concentration

n R



N i


N -V

N -a

Nd -

p -

equilibrium electron concentration

excess electron concentration

2(2_nekT/h2)3/2 - effective conduction band edge density

2(2_hkT/h2)3/2 - effective valence band edge density

acceptor concentration

donor concentration

total hole concentration

equilibrium hole concentration

excess hole concentration

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (12)


qo = incident photon flux

s = surface recombination velocity

t = width of graded region (except in Section 3.1, where

t = duration of diffusion)

T = temperature

VI4, V24 = front-to-back voltages

V34 = PEM voltage

x = spatial coordinate

= optical absorption coefficient

= mole fraction Cd

V = - in p/NV

6 = - In n/Nc

c = dielectric constant

= wavelength

_n = electron mobility

_p - hole mobility

_* -- ambipolar mobility

v = photon frequency

a = conductivity

• = excess carrier lifetime

4° = equilibrium electrostatic potential

- 4° = photopotential

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (13)



The research described here started out as an effort to

improve the performance of semiconductor photovoltaic energy

converters by eliminating several of the factors which limit

the efficiency of such devices. As described by Wolf (1) in

discussing p-n junction photovoltaic solar cells, one of the

major losses in such devices is due to the fact that the

maximum voltage it is possible to obtain from them is smaller

than the potential difference between the top of the valence

band and the bottom of the conduction band, independent of the

photon energy hr. This comes about because the portion of the

photon energy which is utilized is just the energy necessary

to transfer an electron from the top of the valence band

across the energy gap E to the bottom of the conduction band.g

For high energy photons (hv > Eg), the energy in excess of Eg

is lost to the semiconductor lattice in the form of heat,

while the energy of photons with hv < E is lost completelyg

because they are not absorbed. Wolf sho_s that for the solar

energy spectrum, these two loss mechanisms alone reduce the

maximum conversion efficiency to 46%, obtained for an energy

gap of 0.9 electron-volts (eV).

This loss of efficiency can be alleviated some_hat by

cascading a number of cells with different energy gaps. How-

ever, the approach taken here goes beyond this, and proposes

the use of a material in which the energy gap varies

continuously from a relatively high value on the illuminated

(front) side to a low value on the dark (back) side. The idea

then is to absorb the high energy photons in the large energy

gap region and the low energy photons in the small gap region,

thus (hopefully) permitting a larger fraction of the incident

solar energy to be retrieved. As will be explained later,

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (14)

there is also the possibility that such a device would make a

high-speed photodetector which would be sensitive to a wide

range of photon energies. However, as pointed out by Segall

and Pell (2) in order to appraise either of these possibilities

it is necessary to investigate the mechanism for getting

power out of such a device.

In 1957, Kroemer (3) showed on the basis of quantum-

mechanical considerations that in such a graded energy gap

region, the conduction and valence band edge gradients act

upon the electron and hole movement as through they were

electric fields; however, since the two slopes are different,

these "quasi-electric" fields are not the same for electrons

and holes.

In the same year, Tauc (4) used arguments from irreversible

thermodynamics to calculate the open-circuit photovoltage of

an otherwise hom*ogeneous graded energy gap photocell (Fig. i.i_

His result may be written

i _Ln An

Va,a' = e _p _o(EGb - EGc) (I.i)

The illumination spectrum was assumed to be such that it

resulted in a uniform density of excess electrons (An)

between x = b and x -- c (see Fig. I.I); Po is the equilibrium

, are thehole (majority carrier) concentration _n and _p

electron and hole mobilities, respectively, and EGb -EGc is

the change in energy gap between x = b and x = c. The

assumptions made in arriving at this result are detailed in

the paper (4) .

Since that time, several other analyses of graded-gap

photo-devlces have appeared (2'5--I0) . These vary in the

assumptions they make, in the rigor with which they are

executed, and in the conclusions which they draw. (A

discussion of these various papers is contained in reference

No. 7.) However, their results all agree that in the absence

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (15)


Region where

Illumination isis Absoebed

I// I





' r_1 I' EGb

r\ZALENCE BAND _ _ /'_





Fig 1. h Simple Graded Energy Gap Photocell. (Adapted from

Tauc (4.)


r- HgTe






Fig 1.3: CdTe Graded-Gap Photocell, Front-to-Back Measurement.



Fig 1.2:



Cd Te

CdTe-HgTe Graded - Gap Photocell in the PEM Configuration.





ovw _0sC9


o ,o_O:Ea.


I0 I




0.5 1.5


Fig 1.4: Observed Spectral Response of Front-to-Back Photovoltage.


['_ Cd Te GRADED-{: REGION --

Fig 1.5: The band profile of the assumed model.

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (16)


of a p-n junction in the graded region, the photovoltage

will be inversely proportional to the majority carrier concen-

tration in the graded region.

It can be shown from quite general considerations that

efficient operation of such a device is not reached until the

incident light intensity is high enough to make the open-

circuit photovoltage independent of the light intensity.

This condition is achieved when the density of optically

generated carriers approaches the equilibrium majority

carrier concentration. This same ratio of excess to equilib-

rium carriers determines the sensitivity of such a device

used as a detector. Therefore, all other things being equal,

the lower the equilibrium majority carrier concentration, the

lower the light intensity required to achieve useful operation.

It was with this thought in mind that the experiments to be

described here were undertaken.

The fabrication procedure will be described in more

detail in the next chapter, but basically it consists of the

solid-state interdiffusion of HgTe and CdTe in an evacuated

ampoule under a controlled partial pressure of Cd. At first,

the resulting devices were tested in the Photo-Electro-

Magnetic (PEM) configuration (Fig. 1.2). The photovoltage

was zero for photon energies above the CdTe energy gap (1.5

eV), and more or less independent of photon energy for

hv < 1.5 eV. However, the voltages were very small. The

probable reason for this was the HgTe layer, which was acting

as a low resistance in parallel with the PEM current source.

It seemed that this effect could be avoided by using the

simpler photovoltaic configuration shown in Fig. 1.3 to

measure the photovoltage between the front and back faces of

the device. In addition, since Equation i.i indicates that

for a given level of illumination, the output voltage can be

increased by decreasing the equilibrium majority carrier

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (17)

concentration, the diffusion conditions were chosen in the

light of past annealing experiments to yield graded regions

with equilibrium carrier concentrations as low as possible.

It was found that it was indeed possible to obtain

devices with high small-signal impedance (indicative of low

equilibrium carrier concentrations) by this method. However,

the spectral response differed markedly from its anticipated

behavior. It had been expected that, for equal numbers of

photons, the photovoltage would be independent of photon

energy, or that it would vary at most linearly with photon

energy. Instead, the behavior sketched in Fig. 1.4 was

observed, with the photoresponse having a maximum value at a

photon energy corresponding to the CdTe energy gap (1.5 eV)

and decreasing in an exponential fashion for smaller photon

energies at a rate between three and nine orders of magnitude

per electron-volt. In addition, the current-voltage character-

istics for voltages above a few tenths of a volt were found

to be strongly nonlinear.

At first, this was attributed to non-ohmic contacts at

the front (CdTe) face; however, a series of experiments showed

that there was always some rectification which was not

associated with the contacts. Metals known to give ohmic

contacts on p-type CdTe were used, as well as metals known

to give ohmic contacts on n-type CdTe, and the current-voltage

characteristics resulting from each were investigated from

light sources specially filtered to give only photons with

energies below the CdTe gap. In this way it was possible to

distinguish rectification at the CdTe contact from rectifica-

tion occuring elsewhere in the device. A further indication

that rectification was occuring at the interface between the

CdTe and the beginning of the graded gap region was provided

by a Junction location experiment, in which copper was photo-

electroplated in a thin line along this interface.

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (18)


At this point it was decided that any modification of the

preparation procedure would have to await a better under_

standing of the physical processes in the present devices.

Accordingly, a model was set up consisting of a p-n junction

adjacent to a graded-gap region (Fig. 1.5), and a theoretical

analysis was carried through to determine the current-voltage

characteristics and spectral response to be expected from

such a configuration. This analysis provided a theoretical

relationship between the slope of the spectral response in

Fig. 1.2 and the slope of the conduction band edge in the

graded region (Fig. 1.5). Using this information it is

possible to construct models for individual devices which are

consistent with the various data available for that particular

device. These data include measurements of the spectral

response, current-voltage characteristics, capacitance measure-

ments, bulk Hall measurements, saturation open-circuit voltages,

and results from contact and junction definition experiments.

This model also explains another unexpected result, namely,

that there is very little correlation of device characteristics

with diffusion history.

It is concluded that the value of the devices as they

stand as either detectors or as energy converters is marginal.

The Junction voltage can be used to convert energies just

below the CdTe bandgap fairly efficiently, but its very

narrow bandwidth makes it inefficient for any kind of a

continuous illumination spectrum. By the same token its use

as a detector would be limited to a very narrow range of

photon energies.

The PEM voltage mentioned earlier is very small at

present, but it does remain more or less independent of

Or in general, the band edge corresponding to the carrier

type being collected from the graded region by the junction.

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (19)


photon energy to values of 0.i eV and perhaps less (corre-

sponding to wavelengths of 12_ and perhaps beyond); in addi-

tion, it may have a very fast response, since the measure-

ments mentioned earlier indicate that the photogenerated

carriers in the graded region move primarily by drift. Time

response measurements are incomplete, but if the response

time even approaches the room-temperature hole lifetime in

CdTe (II'12) (estimates range between 10 -8 and 10 -9 seconds),

then the device may find application as a low sensitivity but

very fast long-wavelength detector which can operate at room

or liquid nitrogen temperature.

The main value of the devices as they stand is in the

information they provide, both on the internal mechanisms of

the graded-gap region and on the avenues of development which

are likely to lead to improvements. For example, it can be

deduced from the behavior of the spectral response data that

the photo_enerated current carriers in the graded-gap region

move primarily by drift. This opens up the possibility of a

device whose speed is not determined by the lifetime of the

excess carriers but by their transit time across the graded


It is concluded that the first step towards improved

performance is a more precise control of equilibrium carrier


'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (20)


i. M. Wolf, "Photovoltaic Solar Energy Converters",

Proceedings of the IRE, vol. 48, p. 1246, July 1960.

2. B. Segall and E. Pell, "An Evaluation of Graded Band Gap

Photovoltaic Solar Cells", G. E. Research Laborabory

Report No. 62-RL-3051G), June 1962.

3. H. Kroemer, "Quasi-Electric and Quasi-Magnetic Fields

in Non-Uniform Semiconductors", R.C.A. Review, v. 18,

p. 332 (1957).

4. J. Tauc, "Generation of an EMF in Semiconductors with

Non-Equilibrium Current Carrier Concentrations", Review

of Modern physics, v. 29, p. 308 (1957).

5. P. Emtage. "Electrical Conduction and the Photovoltaic

Effect in Semiconductors with Position-Dependent Band

Gaps", Journal of Applied Physics, v. 33, p. 1950 (1962).

6. G. Almasi, "Cadmium Telluride-Mercury Telluride Graded-

Gap Device", M.I.T.M.S. Thesis, 1962.

7. G. Almasi, "Graded Energy Gap Heterostructures", M.I.T.

Energy Conversion and Semiconductor Laboratory Semiannual

Technical Summary Report No. 3, NASA Grant NsG 496 (part),

pp. 1-51, November 1964).

8. G. Cohen-Solal et al, "Effects Photoelectriques et Photo-

magnetoelectriques dans les structures a largeur de bande

interdite variable", Comptes Rendus, v. 257, p. 863 (1963).

9. C. Verie, "Effect des gradients de largeur de bande

interdite et de masse effective dans les structures

heterogenes", Comptes Rendus, v. 258, p. 6386, (1964).

I0. A. Fortini and J. P. Saint-Martin, "Photomagneto-Electric

Effect in Graded-Gap Semiconductors", Phys. Stat. Solid,

v. 3, p. 1039 (1963).

Ii. M. R. Lorenz and H. H. Woodbury, "Double Acceptor Defect in

CdTe", Physical Review Letters, v. i0, p. 215, March 1963.

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (21)

12. D. A. Cusano and M. R. Lorenz, "CdTe Hole Lifetime from

the Photovoltalc Effect", Solid State Communications,

v. 2, p. 125, (1964).

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (22)



2.1 Preparation of the Compounds

The CdTe ingots used for this study were the result of a program established

by L.G. Ferreira, J.W. Conley, and the present author. Some i00 ingots were

prepared during this study. The procedure has been described in detail by

Conley (I), and so only the highlights will be described here.

Pieces of Cd wire (99.999% pure) and chunks of Te (99.999% pure) were

weighed out in stoichlometric proportions and were placed in a 12 mm ID quartz

tube whose inside walls had previously been carbon-coated. The tube was evacuated

and sealed off when the pressure reached about 10-5 mm and was placed in a rocking

furnace for reaction of the elements.

This reaction is strongly exothermlc; rapid heating of the elements to a

temperature which is sufficient to melt the compound results in a porous,

inhom*ogeneous, and generally unsatisfactory product. To avoid this, the heating

cycle shown in Fig. 2.1 has been derived empirically and has been embodied in

an automatic programmed furnace control system. The cycle can be understood

by the following sequence of events:

I. First the Cd is melted

II. then the Te is melted

III. Temperature is increased slowly through that range where the reaction

can proceed only until solid compound blocks further reaction of the

melts, and then

IV. slowly through that range of temperatures where the reaction can proceed

through solution of the solid barriers. A spontaneous reaction is

often observed after some time (typically one half hour) of "soaking"

at 825°C.

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (23)


V. The remainder of the cycle is intended to melt the compound and to allow

a short period of rocking (one half hour) at I140°C. The rocking is

carried out with the ampoule oscillating slowly about the horizontal

plane, followed by one or two inversions of the ampoule.

VI. Lastly, the compound is frozen with the tube in a vertical position.

The growth process is essentially a modification of the sealed ingot

vertical zone process described by Lorenz (2). The reacted ampoule is lowered

through an induction-heated graphite susceptor at I150-I175°C which creates a

molten zone about one-half inch wide. Several purifying passes are made at a

lowering rate of about 25 mm/hr., followed by a growth pass at 2--5 mm/hr.

The result was usually a i00 gm ingot with a 12 mm diameter and about 15 cm

length. About fifty ingots have been prepared by this method; single crystal

regions 12 mm in diameter and three to ten cm long have been observed in at

least ten of these.

Hall measurements showed carrier concentrations in the n-type samples

ranging around 1015 cm-3, with mobilities around 103 cm2/v-sec. The values of

carrier concentration were confirmed both by infrared free-carrier absorption

data and by thermoelectric power measurements. Carrier concentrations in the

as-grown p-type samples were usually higher, ranging a little above 1016 cm -3,

with mobilities around I00 cm2/v-sec or below. (The doping is determined by

small deviations from stoichiometry). Again there was some confirmation of the

Hall data by thermoelectric power measurements.

The Hall measurements made on the CdTe used for the samples in this study

are summarized in Table 2-1. The equipment used for these measurements is

described in Chapter 3.

The HgTe used in this study was made from the same Te (99.999% pure) and

from reagent grade (99.99 % or better) Hg. Enough excess mercury was added to

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (24)



=_ 8O0

-- 600o==£



I I I I I I I I I I [

,+,,+--., + ,v + v----+- _,-I I I I I I } I I I I I I

I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I0 II 12 13

Time (hours)

Fig 2.h Temperature Program for Reacting CdTe

¸Fig 2.2a: Diffusion Sample in Furnace (not to scale).


Fig 2.2b: Sample Ready for Diffusion under Cd Pressure.


c 400

J__ 300

_ 2o0 -

(.-_ Oa. "'e 0 •o I00

• i I I i J-2o 0 20 4.0 60 80 Ioo

Distance (microns)

Fig 2.3: Uncorrected CdTe concentration Profile of Diffusion sample

B2024-07-DI (650: C, 24h). (Corrected for Background __

Radiation only.)


' , : _iiiilHiiiiiiiiii,?_

Illumination_ ., illIlI2X] //_ I_ _iiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiii!!

_i_iiiiiii In contacts


CdTe _ _ HgTe

Fig 2.4: Device Configuration.

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (25)







Concentration _cm -3) Mobility (cm2/v-sec)

ffi 1016p 5 x i00

p _ 9 x 1016




B2085 n - 2 x 1015 1200 HE

1.3 x 1015 IR

B2089 _-1016p 2 (?) HE

B2098-I 1015n- 1o5 x 1600 HE

B2098-2 1015n = 202 x 2000 HE

n- 2°4 x 1015 TEP

B2098AI (This sample was annealed at 630°C for 24 hr. with no external Cd

pressure imposed.)

. 1012p 408 x 93 HE

p<<lO 14 TEP

B2098D8 (This sample was heated in HgTe powder at 630°C for ten minutes, after

which the HgTe layer was removed.)

= 1012p 9_0 x i0 HE

B2098DI0 (This sample was heated in HgTe powder at 630°C for forty minutes,

after which the HgTe layer was removed.)

. 1019p 3.2 x 19 HE

HE - Hall Effect

TEP - Thermoelectric Power

IR - Infrared Free Carrier Absorption

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (26)

result in approximately a 5% deviation from stoichiometry. This is necessary

to counteract the rejection of mercury which occurs even in samples prepared

from stoichiometric proportions. (3'4) Otherwise, the precautions and procedures

were very similar to those used for CdTe. The samples were reacted at 740°C

for approximately ten hours, after which they were allowed to cool in the

furnace. The tendency to adhere to the walls of the ampoule was much less

pronounced than it was for CdTe (I) , and none of the samples cracked upon cooling.

About eight i00 gm polycrystalline samples prepared in the above manner

supplied most of the HgTe powder used for the diffusion samples. The few samples

in which CdTe powder was diffused into HgTe wafers used slices from a single-

crystal ingot prepared earlier by R. E. Nelson of this laboratory. No Hall

measurements were made on HgTe.

2.2 Preparation of the Diffused Samples

The graded-gap devices were usually prepared by a solid-state diffusion

process between HgTe powder and a single-crystal CdTe wafer about 1--2 mm thick

and about 1 cm in diameter. The wafers were usually cleaved from the CdTe ingot

with no subsequent processing except for a rinse in an acetone-alcohol mixture.

Several wafers were also polished mechanically and then etched either in a

modified aqua regia solution (two parts nitric, one part hydrochloric, and one

part glacial acetic acid by volume) or in a Bromine etch (one part Bromine to

twenty parts Methyl alcohol by volume). The second of these two etches always

leaves a shiny clear surface, whereas the first sometimes leaves either a black

or a whitish layer. However, no correlation was found between the characteristics

of the finished device and the surface preparation technique.

The HgTe powder was ground from polycrystalline pieces using a mortar and

pestle, and was then filtered through several stainless steel mesh sieves. The


'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (27)


final composition was such that about 95% of the particles were below 0.i mm in

diameter and 5% of the particles were between 0.I and 0.2 mm in diameter. These

were mixed uniformly.

The wafer and the powder were placed in a quartz ampoule as shown in Fig.

2.2(a), pumped down to a pressure between 10-4 and 10 -5 mm Hg or below, and sealed

off. The samples were then placed into a horizontal resistance furnace and heated

at a temperature below the melting point of HgTe (670°C) for durations between

ten minutes and four days, after which they were allowed to cool off in the

furnace. (E.g., samples were heated at 630°C for i0 min, 40 min, 160 min, i

day, and 4 days, and similarly at 560°C, 500°C, and 440°C.) Temperatures were

maintained constant within _ 3 °C. (These values of temperature and time were

chosen partly to correspond to the available data on the diffusion process(7'8).)

Twin line patterns visible in the CdTe "substrate" before diffusion were

reproduced in the HgTe layer, which indicates that the process is epitaxial.

Electron-beam microprobe measurements (5'6) show that transition regions between

pure CdTe and pure HgTe.with widths of several tens of microns are obtainable

by this procedure. (The microprobe measurements and their interpretation are

discussed in more detail in the next chapter.) A sample concentration profile

is shown in Fig. 2.3. This shows the intensity of the emitted Cd L I x-ray

line as an electron beam about 2_ in diameter is slowly driven across a cross-

section cut of the transition region between pure CdTe and pure HgTe. Since

the data are not corrected for absorption, fluorescence, and atomic number

effects, the intensity variation is within 10% of the true welght-fractlon

variation of CdTe.

The shape and width of this profile are consistent with the results of

Rodot and Henoc (7), who were dealing with diffusion between two solid slabs

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (28)


of CdTe and HgTe and who show results for diffusion temperatures between 400°C

o*and 560 C .

Variations of the diffusion procedure used in the present study included the

use of a mixture of CdTe and HgTe powder instead of pure HgTe, the addition of

dopants to the HgTe powder, and diffusion under a Cd pressure using the two-zone

furnace shown in Fig. 2.2(b).

2.3 Contacts

Contacts on the majority of samples were prepared as follows: After diffusion,

the resulting HgTe layer was removed from all but one of the faces of the wafer

by lapping and sand-blastlngo The CdTe face was then polished with Linde A and

B alumina powder (0.3_ and 0o05_ particles, respectlvely). This was followed

by an etch in a 1:20 solution of Bromine in methyl alcohol (about i min), another

polish with Linde B, and another etch (a few seconds). The Linde B polishes and

the second etch were eventually discontinued, as they seemed to have negligible

effect on the finished devices°

Contacts were placed as shown in Fig. 2.4 with a small ultrasonic soldering

iron and pure indium solder, and were then evaluated using an I-V curve tracer.

(These contact experiments are described in much more detail in the next chapter.)

The high resistances of the CdTe layer after diffusion (cf Table 2ol) made ohmic

contacts difficult to achieve; in general, the I-V characteristics at contacts

1-4, 2-4, and 1-2 (Cfo Fig° 2°4) were high-resistance and nonlinear (zero-bias

small-signal resistances were between 100K and 10M or more).

*Actually, further experiments in which the HgTe and CdTe slabs were separated by

a void space indicate that the HgTe is transported to the CdTe surface in the

vapor phase, and that subsequent diffusion takes place between the layer of HgTe

formed in this way and the CdTe substrate. (M. Rodot, private con_nunlcation).

This is most probably happening in the experiments of this study alsoo

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (29)


In some instances it was possible to decrease the resistance between some

or all of the three contact pairs mentioned above by first depositing a spot of

gold or silver from a salt solution (as described by deNobel (9)) onto the CdTe

face and then making contact to the spot with silver conductive paint. The best

results in this study were obtained using HAuCI4.3H20 in a water solution.

The I-V characteristics at contacts 3 and 4 on the HgTe face were linear with

resistance on the order of an ohm.

The devices resulting from the preparation procedures described here are

discussed in the next three chapters. The microprobe measurememts (Fig. 2.3)

mentioned here are discussed in more detail in Chapter 3, and the energy-gap

profile is calculated from the data. This information is used in setting up the

theoretical model which is analyzed in Chapter 4 and compared with other measure-

ments in Chapter 5. In addition, Chapter 3 contains a description of how photo-

effects arising at the contacts described in this chapter may be distinguished

from photoeffects occurring in the graded-gap region. The latter effects ar_

discussed in some detail and then compared to the prediction of thQ _h@oretic_l

model in Chapter 5.

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (30)












J.W. Conley, "Absorption of Photons by Excltons with Assistance flom l'hono,s

in a Polar Semiconductor", M.I.T. Sc.D thesis, February, 1965.

M.R. Lorenz and R.E. Halsted, "High-purlty CdTe by Sealed-Ingot Zone Refining,"

J. Electrochem. Soc., V. II0, p. 343 (1963).

R.E. Nelson, "Preparation and Electrical Transport Properties of HgTe," M.I.T.

Sc.D thesis, May, 1961.

J. Blair, "An Investigation into the Thermal and Electrical Properties of the

HgTe-CdTe Semiconductor Solid Solution System," M.I.T. Electronics Systems

Laboratory, Scientific Report No. 2, Contract No. AF 19(604)-4153, June 15, 1960.

G.S. Almasl, J. Blair, R.E. Ogilvle, and R.J. Schwartz, "A Heat-Flow Problem

in Electron-Beam Microprobe Analysis," Journal of Applied Physics, V. 36,

pp. 1848-1854, June, 1965.

G.S. Almasl, "CdTe-HgTe Graded-Gap Device," M.I.T. MS thesis, August, 1962.

H. Rodot and J. Henoc, "Diffusion a l'etat Sollde entre des Materiaux S_mL-

conducteurs," Comptes Rendus, V. 256, pp. 1954-1957, (1963).

F. Bailly, G. Cohen-Solal, and Y. Marfalng, "Preparation et controle a la_geu_

de bande Interdlte variable," Comptes Rendus, V. 257, p. 103 (1963).

D. deNobel, "Phase Equilibria and Semlconductlng Properties of CdTe,"

Phillps Research Reports, V. 14, pp. 361-399 and 430-492 (1959).

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (31)




3.0 Introduction

This chapter describes the measurements which were made

on the devices whose preparation was described in Chapter 2.

The first two sections (3.1 and 3.2) deal with the effects

of the diffusion procedure on the structure and material

properties of the devices, as determined by electron micro-

probe, Hall effect, and thermoelectric power measurements.

The photovoltage as a function of photon energy is discussed

in Section 3.3. Sections 3.4 and 3.5 are devoted to the

current-voltage and capacitance-voltage characteristics of the

devices, and the dependence of the photovoltage on the light-

chopping frequency is discussed in Section 3.6. These

measurements all indicate that the device contains a rectifying

junction, not associated with the contacts, which is sensi-

tive to photon energies below the 1.5 eV bandgap of CdTe.

This is further substantiated by the junction-definition

experiments described in Section 3.7, which indicate the

presence of a junction at or near the interface between the

CdTe and the beginning of the graded region.

These results are used to set up a model for these

devices; the analysis is carried out in Chapter 4, and the

predictions of the model are compared with experiment in

Chapter 5.

3.1 Microprobe Measurements

The microprobe measurements discussed in this section

were undertaken to determine the shape and extent of the

energy-gap profile resulting from the diffusion process

described in Chapter 2. The microprobe method is capable of

a quantitative chemical analysis on a sample with a volume of

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (32)


several cubic microns. By moving the sampling area across the

diffused region, it is possible to determine the composition

as a function of distance. Data on the energy gap as a function

of composition can then be used to calculate the energy gap

as a function of distance.

In the microprobe method (1) , a finely focused electron

beam (I-2_ diameter) is incident on the sample surface and

causes the emission of x-ray lines which are characteristic

of the elements present in the sample. The wavelength of the

line identifies the element, and the intensity can be used

to calculate the weight fraction of that element.

Because the characteristic x-radlation can be partly

absorbed by the sample before it leaves the surface, and can

also be enhanced by fluorescence effects, the measured

intensity is not exactly proportional to the weight fraction

of the element. Castaing (2)"" has developed a semi-empirical

correction formula which improves the accuracy of the method

to within 1% for many materials. However, the calculation is

quite cumbersome and would have to be applied point-by-point

in this case.

A calculation of the maximum error likely to be incurred

for the HgCdTe system by assuming the weight fraction of Cd to

be proportional to the intensity of the Cd La I line yields a

value of 10%. Therefore the uncorrected data of Fig. 2.3 and

3.1 may be considered to be within i07. of the true Cd weight

fraction variation.

A sample result of such a scan across the diffusion inter-

face was given in Fig. 2.3 and is repeated in Fig. 3.1, which

also shows the resulting variation of the mole fraction _ of

Cd. The variation of mercury and tellurium concentration was

also measured, and all three intensities were checked against

reference samples of pure Cd, Te, CdTe, and HgTe. It was found

that the tellurium concentration stayed constant, while the

m m

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (33)

( PD uo!looJj elow ) _ z.o

0 co _ _-


¢I I I I

0 0 0 00 0 0 0

(oes/slunoo) 6u!poeJ eqoJdoJo!lN


0 I


0 _ 1.0 -- /_

== 0.8

,_ 0.6

%4 0.4

_._ _ 0.2

o o _ o., * "/i'_ o_ o.o8.9.=_ 0.06 .|8 ,'_

t'%= = 0.04,

oo_ Exlrapol _o

o 02

.o, I I0 O12 014


I I0.6 0.8 1.0

Fig 3.2: Variation of Bandgap In CdlBHgI_IBTe.






-_ 0.8




o I20 40 60 80 100


Fig 3.3: Calculated Energy Gap Variation VS. Distance for Sample 2024-07-DI. (650°C, 27h).







'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (34)


mercury concentration variation complemented that of ca&ai,,m.

K_" curve of energy gap vs. composition for Cd_Hgl_tTe

sho-'r in _ig. 3.2 _as con,_tructed from three sets of publi_;h_d

L_at_l on tn_s s)stcm Law_on et al (3) obtained their data by

preparing a number of hom*ogeneous samples with different

co_,_po-,itLGns and measuring the fundamental optical absorption

_:'_,, _, eac?, as a fdnCtiC;: of wavelength. Bailly et al (4)

obtained _heir data by successively removing known thicknesses

from "he wercury-rlch side of a diffusion sample and making

_p_ ic_1 a_._orption measurements each time. Magneto-optical

mea_urements were used by Strauss et al (5) to establish that

_ ,, zero-gap condition was reached at a composition of

Cd0. i2Hg0.83 Te°

Since the value of the absorption edge becomes increasingly

d_fficult to determine for smaller values of the energy gap,

the results of both Lawson et al and Bailly et al are least

reliable for the smallest values of S. Therefore the curve of

energy gap vs. _ for values of _ between 0.25 and 0.17 was

cal-_lated by assuming a linear variation of energy gap, going

iron. 0.25 e9 to 0.00 eV, in this range.

The energy gap profile obtained from the data of Figs.

3,1 and 3.2 is shown in Fig° 3.3. Its general shape is

q_ite similar to the sample curve shown by Bailly et al except

that their curve has a much longer "tail" at small values of

EG. This is because the results of Strauss et al were not

incorporated by Bailly et al, and that therefore the zero

energy gap was assumed to occur for a much smaller value of _.

The data of Fig. 3.1 and similar data obtained by Bailly

et al for lower diffusion temperatures are compared in Fig.

3.4. This figure is a reproduction of Fig. 2 in the paper by

Bailly et al, with the data of this study drawn in for compari-

son. Bailly et al found that the composition at the Matano (7)

interface (defined by the law of conservation of matter) was

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (35)


constant at _ - 0.28, and therefore chose this interface as the

origin for y. The data of this study are not extensive enough

to permit an independent calculation of the Matano interface,

and so it is assumed to occur at _ = 0.28 merely to permit a

convenient comparison of the shapes of the curves. A quantita-

tive measure of the agreement between the data of this study

and the data of Bailly et al is provided in Fig. 3.5, which

exhibits the distance in which the cadmium mole fraction

changes from 0.14 to 0.28 as a function of the diffusion

temperature. It can be seen that the point resulting from

this study and the value obtained by extrapolating the results

of Bailly et al differ by less than I0_. This lends weight to

the hypothesis mentioned in Chapter 2 that the two processes

are basically the same.

The data of Fig. 3.4 can be used to construct curves of

energy gap vs. distance in the following way: From some

supplementary data in an article by Rodot and Henoc (6), it

can be deduced that the diffusion time for the 560°C curve in

Fig. 3.4 was 24 hours. Rodot and Henoc present further data

on diffusion at 560°C which shows that for diffusion times

above 12 hours, the profile remains a constant function of

x/t I/2," where t is the diffusion time and x is the penetration

depth, whereas for diffusion times below 5 hours, the profile

is a constant function of x/t I/3." Using this information, it

is possible to construct the curves of energy gap vs. distance

shown in Fig. 3.6.

Most of the spectral response data to be discussed in

Section 3.3 was taken at photon energies between 1.5 and 0.5 eV.

In discussing these measurements, therefore, one is interested

in the region of the device in which the corresponding band-

gap change occurs.

Figure 3.6 shows that at 560°C, a four-day diffusion makes

this region about 12 microns wide, whereas a one-micron wide

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (36)


region results from a ten-minute diffusion. The widest such

region should result from the four-day diffusion at 630°C, and

should be 32 microns wide, since the corresponding width for

630°C and one day is 16 microns (Fig. 3.3)j and the data of

Rodot and Henoc indicate that for these temperatures and

times, the penetration depth should vary as the square root

of the diffusion time.

The narrowest such region should result from the ten

minute diffusion at 440°C, and can be calculated from the

data of Bailly et al and Rodot and Henoc as follows: it is

assumed that since the 560°C data in Fig. 3.4 are from a 24

hour diffusion, the 450°C data are also from a 24 hour diffu-

sion (this is not stated explicitly). The data of Rodot and

Henoc indicate that at this temperature and for diffusion

times below 24 hours, the penetration depth varies as the cube

root of the diffusion time. Thus,

x(E G - 0.5) - x(E G - 1.5) - x(_ - 0.54) - x(_ - 1.0)

= [y($ = 0.54) - y(_ = 1.0)) 4'I$ . (1440)"10.1/3

= 112

where the value of [y(_ - 0.54) - y(_ - i)] was obtained from

Fig. 3.4. Thus the range of distances in which the energy

gap changes from 1.5 to 0.5 eV in the devices studied here

lies between 1/2 micron and 30 microns.

Appendix A of reference 8 discusses the validity of the

effective mass treatment which allows the band-edge gradients

to be treated as effective or "quasi-electric" fields; it is

concluded that the analysis is valid for transition regions

wider than 0.I micron. Since it is unlikely that either band-

edge gradient will exceed the band-gap gradient, the quasi-

electric field treatment of carrier motion in the graded

region should be valid for all the devices covered by this

study. This is vital to the analysis carried out in Chapter 4,

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (37)

" ° 3-7
















• This study

• Bailly et al,


1.2 1.5 1.4

|/T (°K")



Flg 3.5: Diffusion Depth (y(_=0.14) - y(_=0.28)) as a Functlon of Dif-fusion Temperature.

'61 i I , i l I1.4










00 2 4 6 8 I0 12


Fig 3.6: Calculated Energy Gap Profiles for 560°C Diffusion Temperature

(see text for method of calculation.)

- 3.4#.A 14 1=3.4


0.8 75mm

H 0.6 I 1,50 mm

I \ I-- / _J U W L330mmo I/° -_6 ,s._.-

'!>vR+'-_I'_-'--_ \i/ "I I J I I o I I I I I

-,o -_ -_ -, -2 -,°/iko_ , 6 8 ,a0 I_ B(kG)




-I .4 0


Fig 3.8:


COLD _ --(room temp.)



Thermoelectric power measurement (VTEppOSittve for p-type sample.)

Fig 3.7: Hall Measurement on B2098 AI. (Inset: Shape of Hell Sample.)

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (38)


since it, _eans that the graded region can be treated as a

se=iconductcr with well-defined but position-dependent

properties. OtP,erwise, the graded region would have to be

treated as an abrupt 5oundary or a boundary layer between the

CdTe and HgTe, and a heterojunction model would ensue.

T%',e_Icroprobe measurements discussed in this section

cap reveal the composition variation in these devices, and can

be used to calculate the energy-gap variation. However, other

_ethods must be used to determine the current carrier concen-

tr&t_c_s, T_..is Is discussed in the next section.

3.2 Bulk Carrier Concentrations

The energ)--gap variation resulting from the diffusion

procedure described in Chapter 2 has just been described. The

next investigatlcn to be reported concerns the effects of the

diffusion procedure on the carrier concentration in the bulk

CdTe portion of the sample° The results have already been

summarized in Table 201o This section describes how these

measurements were obtained.

Hall measuxe_ents (9), supplemented in several instances

by thermoelectric power and infrared absorption measurements,

were used to o_tain the carrier concentrations. To make a Hall

sample, tbe surface layer of the diffused slice was first

completely remcved by wet®lapping. The technique described by

Blair (I0)was then used: the Hall sample was cut using a

sand°blaster, the sample was etched, and contacts were attached

and checked on a curve-tracer. The sample holders were identi-

cal ro thcse described by Blair.

Due to the high impedance of the treated samples (cf. Table

2.1), the AC system used by Blair to measure Hall and resistivity

v,',itages proved to have too much pickup noise to give reliable

results_ [See Navipour (ll) for a discussion of these problems).

The most satisfactory procedure turned out to be a DC technique

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (39)


using a Leeds-Northrup K-3 potentlometer and a Leeds-Northrup

No. 2430 Galvanometer with a sensitivity of 3 x 10 -9 A/mm.

The three thermo-magnetlc effects which may produce errors

in a DC Hall measurement are the Ettlnghausen, Righi-Leduc,

and Nernst effects (9) . Errors due to the last two effects

can be eliminated by taking readings with both polarities of

current and both polarities of magnetic field, and then

averaging the four results. The Ettinghausen voltage can be

calculated using a theoretical expression given by Putley (9),

and can be shown to make a negligible contribution to the Hall

voltage for CdTe.

The results of a typical measurement are shown in Fig.

3.7. (The insets give the dimensions of the sample and the

reference polarities used.) For this particular sample, the

HgTe powder in Fig. 2.2a was replaced with CdTe powder, and the

process is referred to as annealing. After the sample had

cooled in the furnace, about 250_ of material was removed from

each side of the CdTe slice, the Hall sample was cut using a

sandblaster, and the sample was etched in the modified aqua

regla (Sec. 2.2) for several seconds. Indium or Indalloy

contacts were attached using an ultrasonic soldering iron and

were checked on a curve-tracer. Only ohmic contacts were used.

Since the results for both polarities of current and both

polarities of magnetic field in Fig. 3.7 are identical, the

Righi-Leduc and the Nernst effects must both be negligible,

and the averaging is unnecessary. The Hall data shown in the

figure and the dimensions shown in the inset lead to a current

carrier concentration of 4.83 x 1012 -3cm . The relative

orientation of the magnetic field and current vectors indicates

that the sample is p-type. Finally, a value of 320 mV across

the resistivity contacts for a current of 3.4 _A results in a

conductivity of 7.20 x 10 -5 (ohm-cm) -I and a mobility of

93.1 cm2/v-sec.

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (40)

3 =10

This is in good agreement with the results of Hinrichs "12",f_

who foundavalue of p = 2.2 x 1012 cm -3 and _ - 63 cm2/v-sec

for a sample which initially was n-type with 7.1 x 1016

carriers/cm 3 and which was annealed at 650°C for 24 hours.

Hinrichs also discusses the results of deNobel (13), who pres-

ents annealing data for CdTe for higher temperatures.

The thermoelec=ric power measurements were made using a

simple "hot probe" described by Nelson (14) . Ohmic indium

contacts were attached to the ends of a bar of CdTe (usually

about 10_m x 2ram x 2ram) and a temperature drop between 14 and

18°C (monitored with a thermocouple) was created in the sample

by the hot probe (see Fig. 3.8). The resulting voltage was

measured using a Keithley Model 150 Microvolt-ammeter. The

polarity of the voltage indicates the current carrier type of

the sample, and the thermoelectric power data of deNobel (13)

(p. 23) can be used to calculate the magnitude of the carrier

concentration° For example, for sample B2098-2 (see Table 2.1),

a temperature difference of 16o0°C resulted in a negative volt-

age drop (Cfo Fig° 3o&) of 11.4 inV. Using the data for n-type

samples, a thermoelectric power of 0.713 mV/°C is found to

1015 -3correspond to a carrier concentration of 2.45 x cm , in

1015 -3excellent agreement with the value of 2.2 x cm found

from Hall measurements.

For the sample whose Hall measurement was described earlier

in this section (B2098AI), the thermoelectric power measurement

yielded a positive voltage corresponding to 4.28 mV/°C. Since

deNobel' s measurements do not extend below hole concentrations

of 1014 -3cm , (corresponding to 1.14 mV/°C), the only safe

conclusion was felt to be that the hole concentration in

B2098AI was considerably below this value.

The infrared free carrier absorption measurement on B2085

is described in detail by Conley (16) .

It was shown in reference 8 that the photovoltage in a

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (41)


graded-gap device would depend on the ratio of the densities

of excess (photon-generated) carriers and equilibrium (or

"dark") carriers. The solar spectrum between 1.5 eV and

0.3 eV contains about 3 x 1017 photons/cm2-sec. (15)"" If one

assumes that these are uniformly absorbed in a region I0

microns wide and that the lifetime of excess carriers is

10 -9 sec (a reasonable estimate for CdTe (17' 18) then the#

excess carrier concentration will be on the order of

3 x i0 II -3cm (see reference 8).

These calculations are very rough estimates, but they

do show that graded-gap devices with "dark" carrier concen-

trations on the order of 1012 -3cm (indicated in Table 2.1)

should show detectable photovoltages when illuminated with

light intensities comparable to sunlight. It was therefore

decided that the diffusion procedure described in Chapter 2

was satisfactory for the time being, and that it was time to

investigate the photoeffects in these devices. This is

described in the next five sections of this chapter.

3.3 Spectral Dependence and Other Properties of the Photo-


As was mentioned in Chapter i, photovoltages can be

measured between the front and back faces of the diffused

devices (VI4 and V24 in Fig. 2.4)# and also between two

contacts on the back face when the sample is in the PEM

(photo-electro-magnetic) configuration (V34 in Fig. 2.4 with

a magnetic field perpendicular to the plane of the paper).

This section describes how these two different photovoltages

depend on the wavelength (or photon energy) of the incident

light# and also examines the correlation between the photo-

voltage and the diffusion history of the samples. The experi-

mental equipment and techniques will be described first, after

which some representative data will be presented and discussed.

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (42)


Experimental Procedure

Monochromatic light was obtained from a Perkin-Elmer

model 112 single-beam double-pass infrared spectrometer. A

NaCI prism was used with a globar source and a glass prism

was used with a tungsten bulb source to cover the wavelength

range between the visible (0.5 _) and 15 _. Measurements on

the emission spectrum of a mercury lamp showed that the

resolution of the instrument was within the manufacturer's

specification, and a calculation following the procedure

outlined in the instrument manual showed that at i00 _ sllt

width, the resolution throughout the range of photon energies

covered was equal to or better than 0.01 eV. The NaCI prism

was calibrated using Hg and Cs emission lines and H20, NH 3,

and polystyrene absorption lines. The accuracy of the

calibration curve is believed to be +-0.01 eV or better in the

range 0.1-1.5 eV. The resolution of the glass prism is

considerably higher, being about one angstrom for a ten-micron

slit width and photon energies corresponding to the mercury

yellow doublet (2.1482 and 2.1404 eV).

The external optics were designed to focus the beam

between the poles of an electromagnet with 6" diameter pole

pieces and a i" gap without losing any of the beam power

(Fig. 3.10). Both of the front-surface aluminum mirrors were

made by the World Optics Co. of Waltham, Mass. The 6" diameter

mirror is flat to within 1/2 wavelength of the sodium D line;

the i0" diameter concave spherical mirror has a 40" radius of

curvature and is spherical to within 1/4 wavelength of the

sodium D llne. With the arrangement shown in Fig. 3.10, the

maximum available light intensity at a sllt width of 1500

and a globar power of 200 W was 5.16 mW/cm 2 at 3_, as measured

with a thermocouple which had been calibrated against a

standard Eppley thermopile. The maximum light intensity

available with the glass prlsm-tungstem bulb combination

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (43)



//i I



li,!I !





_. Sample

/ Iii

i t_ ,_,_.___


,_-Exit slit

Off-axis anglea=g.2 °

Object distance=47"

Image distance: 34"

Magnification= 0.72 X


Fig 3.10: External Optical arrangement.


_ _ '_ therm.o-r_ 1o--_ [--_ L E_N



PIE. P.E. L & N

PbS cell 107 recorder

Preamplifier amplifier



I I I 1

10 M,Q, _ R A.R. _ L 8= N

input J__ lock - inPreamplif ier amplifier recorder

Reference signal


Fig 3.11: Amplification systems used to record Spectral Response

A.) PEM voltage and photovoltage .

B.) Photoconductive response.

C.) Photovoltage for high-lmpedance samples.

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (44)


(approximately 45W input to the bulb} was about twice that

available with the NaCI prism-globar combination.

Several different amplifier systems were used to record

the photovoltages. The low resistance associated with the

photo-electro-magnetic (PEM) voltage V34 (typically several

ohms) made it possible to feed this signal directly into the

Perkin-Elmer thermocouple preamplifier (approximately ten

ohms input impedance). This was in turn connected to the

Perkin-Elmer 107 amplifier and a strip-chart recorder

(Fig. 3olla) which automatically recorded the un-normalized

output voltage as a function of a drum number which could be

converted either to a wavelength or to a value of photon


The impedance levels associated with the front-to-back

voltage (VI4 and V24 ) are much higher, ranging between i0

K-ohm and several megohms. In some instances it was

possible to use a 17.5-712,000 ohm "Geoformer" impedance-

matching transformer to couple the signal into the thermo-

couple preamplifier. However, impedance levels above about

100K introduced a phase shift which is difficult to compensate

in the Perkin-Elmer synchronous detection system. This effect

was confirmed by oscilloscope observations of the transformer

input and output, which showed that in these cases the trans-

former acts as a differentiator. This can lead to spurious

results: Seven of the samples showed changes in the sign of

the response at photon energies well below the CdTe bandgap,

and in at least one case, the photon energy at wh_ich the

crossover occurred was found to depend on the transformer

ratio used. Four of these samples were still available for

a measurement of the I-V characteristics under illumination.

In all four cases it was found that the incremental resistance

at zero bias was above a megohm in the dark and changed to

several hundred kilo-ohms under spectrometer illumination.

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (45)


This would result in a phase shift which depends on the intensity

of the illumination and thus on the wavelength, and can result

in an apparent sign change of the photovoltage. A check on

four samples with n__oosign changes in their spectral response

showed incremental resistances which were all above a megohm

even at maximum spectrometer illumination, and would thus

result in constant phase shift.

To avoid the phase-shift effect in the samples with the

photo-sensltive incremental resistances, it was necessary to

use the system shown in Fig. 3.11c. The 10-megohm input

preamplifier was either a Tektronix Model 122 or the built-in

preamplifier of a Princeton Applied Research (PAR) Model HR-8

lock-in amplifier. In addition to the HR-8, a PAR Model JB-4

lock-in amplifier was also used for chopping frequencies

above 15 cps. The reference signal came either from a photo-

cell mounted behind the chopping disk of the external chopping

arrangement (this will be described in more detail in Section

3.6) or else from a battery and resistor connected in series

with the internal chopper contacts of the spectrometer. When

the lock-in amplifier was adjusted to put the reference signal

in phase with the photovoltage, the sign changes in the

spectral response of all four of the samples mentioned above

were eliminated.

The system shown in Fig. 3.11c was also used to make some

of the photoconductive measurements; the rest were made using

the arrangement shown in Fig. 3.lib. The PbS photocell

preamplifier has a 5-megohm input impedance in series with a

12V DC bias. The spectral dependence of the photoconductlvity

of a given sample was generally close to the behavior of the

zero-blas photovoltage.

One of the limits on the accuracy of the measurements

was set by the noise level of the recorded signal; this varied

from sample to sample, but for most of the PEM measurements,

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (46)


it was equivalent to a signal of approximately 10 -9 volts

peak-to_peako The noise level with the thermocouple pre-

amplifier short-clrcuited was between one-third and one-fourth

of this _alue.

The peak-to-peak noise during the front-to-back photo-

voltaic measurements (VI4 and V24) was usually equivalent to

a signal betwee_ 0,,I and 0°3 x 10 -6 volts. The photocon-

ductive measurements differed only in the appearance of a

current-dependent noise signal above certain current levels.

The other main limitation on the measurements is the

available source power_ useful data can be obtained only in

wavelength regions where enough radiant power is available

to create a signal photovoltage above the noise level. The

effects of this will become more apparent when the data are


Normaliz_tlon of the data was carried out in several ways.

The spectral response for equal power input was obtained by

recording the output cf the source with a thermocouple

detector; the data _urve was then divided by the thermocouple

curve point-by-point_ and by taking account of the illuminated

area of the sample and the area and sensitivity of the thermo-

couple_ it was possible to present the results in units of


The spectral response for equal numbers of photons

incident per second can be obtained in two ways. The simplest

consists of recording the output of the source with a photon-

counting detector such as a PbS cell_ and then repeating the

procedure outlined above. Unfortunately, the useful response

of the PbS cell does not extend below 0.45 eV. In this case

it is pc,ssible to calculate the number of photons per second

from the data recorded with the thermocouple, and then use

this curve to divide the data curve. The method used for the

data presented here combined both these approaches. In this

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (47)


case, the results are presented in units of volts per photon

per second.

To insure against the possibility that the photovoltage

was saturating with incident light intensity rather than

reacting to changes in wavelength, the normalization procedure

described above was checked by varying the slit width to

keep the light intensity constant as a function of wave-

length, and recording the resulting voltage. Both methods

yielded identical results. In addition, spot checks at

various wavelengths for a number of measurements showed that

at the intensities available from the monochromator, the

photovoltage was always linear with light intensity.

Because of the difficulty in determining the sensitive

area associated with a front contact such as the one on

these devices, spectral response data are usually in "relative"

or "arbitrary" units. "Absolute" units of microvolts per

photon per second are used on the data to be presented here,

but the same inaccuracy prevails, and the units are used

only for comparison purposes: the sensitive area was

arbitrarily chosen to be equal to the illuminated area,

resulting in a minimum or "worst-case" value for the

sensitivity. The vertical scale of the spectral response

plots may thus be in error by a large scale factor.

Experimental Results

All of the results reported in this section were obtained

at 300°K. The front-to-back photovoltage available at contacts

1-4 and 2-4 was much larger than the PEM voltage available at

contacts 3-4. This is shown in Table 3.1, which presents the

maximum open-circuit voltage at contacts 2-4 for a number of

samples when illuminated by "white" light with photon

energies below 1.5 eV. This was obtained by passing light

from a tungsten microscope lamp through a CdTe filter. The

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (48)


Table 3.1 : Maximum Open-Circuit Photovoltages for Tungsten

Bulb Light Passed Through CdTe Filter.

Diffusion Diffusion (mV)Sample Temp (°C) Time V24 IV

98D21 440 i0 min -410 np

98D23 440 40 min -470 np

98D25 440 160 min - 16 d

Co/A(pf/cm 2)



98D20 500 I0 min - 50 d

98D22 500 40 min - 2 d

98D24 500 200 min -130 d




98D13 560 I0 min - 4 np

98D14 560 180 min + l0 d

98D17 560 24 hr. + 4 np

98D18 560 4 days - i0 d




98D12 630 15 mln +440 d 35

98D6 630 i0 min + 80 d 12

98DII 630 170 min +320 d 132

98D5 640 300 min +130 pn 279

98D16 630 24 hr. +520 pn 120

98D19 630 4 days <+ 40 d 7.2

81DI 630 24 hr. +400 d 213

These samples were annealed for 24 hours before diffusion.

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (49)


voltages were measured using a Hewlett-Packard Model 3440A

DC voltmeter with a i0 megohm input impedance. V24 would

begin to saturate for intensities on the order of 0.i

watt/cm 2 (measured with an Eppley thermopile). The maximum

open-circuit voltage measured in this way was 0.52 V. The

maximum PEM voltage obtained under similar conditions was

about 0.5 mV for a 10-kilogauss magnetic field and showed

no saturation for light intensities up to 0.15 W/cm 2.

However, spectrometer measurements showed that the measurable

PEM voltage extended to much longer wavelengths than did

the front-to-back photovoltage.

Sample results for the spectral dependence of these

two photovoltages are presented in Figs. 3.12. These data

are typical for most of the 30 or so samples on which such

measurements were made in the sense that VI4 and V24 always

started at a maximum response per photon per second at a

photon energy corresponding to the CdTe bandgap and decreased

in a more or less exponential fashion with photon energy at a

rate between three and ten orders of magnitude per electron-

volt. V34, on the other hand, is usually constant within

3 dB over the range between 0.2 and 1.4 eV. and is zero for

energies above the CdTe bandgap . The spectrometer resolution

and the error due to the fixed noise level are shown by

horizontal and vertical bars, respectively. The maximum

photon energy at which measurements could be made was usually

set by decreasing source output at high energies. Decreasing

sample sensitivity usually set the lower limit on photon

All the data on VBA reported here were magnetic-field depend-

dent, and reversed §_gn when the magnetic field was reversed.

Several samples exhibited a smaller photovoltage at contacts

3-4 even in the absence of an applied magnetic field. The

spectral response of this photovoltage was quite similar to

the PEM voltage, as was its frequency response (Sec. 3.6).

It is believed that this effect arises when the diffusion

interface and the back face of the sample are not parallel.

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (50)


energies at which measurements of V24 could be made, whereas

the lower limit on V34 was usually set by the decrease in

source output at low energies.

The spectral response of V34 is in reasonable agreement

with the theoretical model discussed in reference 8. However,

the behavior of V24 and (VI4) was quite unexpected and was

the cause of a considerable amount of puzzlement before a

satisfactory explanation was reached. The sensitivities at

10-14 -i01.5 eV were all between 5 x and I0 _V/phot/sec,

but there was no discernible correlation with diffusion

temperature and time. This is somewhat understandable in

view of the previously discussed difficulty involved in

determining the absolute value of sensitivity. However, the

slope of the spectral response curve

d(log V24 )


from the inaccuracy associated with determiningdoes not suffer

the sensitive area, and yet it, too, shows very little correla-

tion with heat-treatment history. This is shown by the data

summarized in Fig. 3.13, which shows the value of this slope

for photon energies between 0.9 and 1.3 eV for a number of

samples. Sample 89D2 was prepared with a mixture of 80?.HgTe-

20?.CdTe powder, while 89D5 was prepared identically and in

addition was diffused under a 4m partial pressure of Cd.

The other samples have already been described in Table 3.1.

As can be seen, there is no apparent correlation between

slope and diffusion time, and only a very weak correlation

with diffusion temperature.

A considerably stronger correlation with diffusion

temperature is shown by the magnitude and sign of the open-

circuit photovoltages shown in Table 3.1. This will be

discussed in Chapter 5, after a theoretical model for these

devices is derived in Chapter 4.

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (51)



10-9 --






a 10 -I --

O>O --




N 10-I_ __EO --


10-_3 __












I0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2

Photon energy (eV)

Fig 3. 12o: Spectral Response of Front-to-Back Photovoltage V24for B2098 DII.

1.4 1.6


'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (52)


I0 "16_m










Z I0 -le0









Resolut ion

-,11--°' 0.40eV -'! I*--Resoluhon Resolution forat 0.25 eV h_ z O.62eV

I I I I I I0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4


FLg 3. 12b: B2098DII, Spectral Response o{ PEN[ V, 4t,,gu V._4(ITkG) -V._4(0).



I0 mD





1 i I I


I I I Io8 I o 1.2 _.4

h_ (eV)


rig 3. [2c: Spectral Sensitivity or B2098D2 V34PEM Voltage. B=3kG(Taken with glass prism and tungsten source to show behavior

ne,_[ CdTe gap,) Diffused at 61S°C for 23 hrs.

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (53)










IOq z __



,, IO-13 --

10-14 --

10-_5 _--


• Date wLth 200_ slit,resolution =0.015 eV

• Data with 900_ slit

(diffused for lOmin at 440°C)


///T i0.6 0.8




i i I1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6

h_' (eV)

Fig 3.12d: Spectral Response of B2098D2t Front-to-Back Photovoltage








1 i i I i0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6

h z, (eV)

Spectral Response of Open-circuit Photovoltage V24 forB2098 DI6 (Diffused at 630°C for 24 hours.)

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (54)










iO-_= m


_: -o.

:L -

> iO-t4_


I -ts0 0.4

Fig 3.12f:




I I I I08 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6

hv (eV)

BZ09#; DI7 (1 day at b3d C), Spectral Resp, msL ,_! rr_>nt-t¢_-

Bdck Photow)lta_le V24.

I Ie Dr9.4days

Q D 16, t cloy

Q 8101 , 1 doy

Q Dll , 170 mm

O 18,4 days _} O 15, 55 mm

® D14,180ram8902,1doy

e DS, ]OOmm

G DIT, 1day

e 89DS,lday e 06, tSmln

e 02, 23 h¢|

DI2 ,tSmmD20,1.5 mm D 5t ; I day, 4mmCd

® D24. 200 mm DIO, 40 mm

Fig 3.13:

(All samples from ingot 98

unless otherwise specified )

I I500 600

Diffusion temperature (°C)700

Slope of the 8pectre| Response between O. 9 and t. 3eV for a

Number of Samples, Showing Temperature end Duration of


'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (55)

IO z

iO I









I I I I I I I_ 0.25 e¥


_ Transmission curve


: /- _" /

__---_, _/-- _ • Photovoltage Vz4

- ; Z

- //





I I I I I I I0.5 0.5 0.7 0.9 I.I 1.5 1.5

hi, (eV)



I0 "13



10 -14 _


Fig 3.14: Transmission and Front-to-Back Photovoltage for 89D2, dif-

fused with 80% HgTe-20% CdTe powder mixture.


IO i

IO 0

iO-i B


I I I I I IR O_"O""""O "Om

Back face I"

photovoltage V34 /

Front-to-back #

photovoltage Vz4 _i#•

o #

""e""*e_" _e / 0.65 eV i --

- /\ l _-- I-- I

# \ ; -I

- \ ,_ iF # _

Transmission curve ( IT/I #

\ ; =I --

I --

I --I --II

I --

i i I I I I0.5 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.0 1.3




I0 "13



10-14 _(1)E_





Fig 3.15: Transmission Front-to-Back Photovoltage, and Photovoltage

on Back Face for 98CH1, diffused with 50% HgTe-50%CdTe

powder mixture.


'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (56)



One interesting variation of the diffusion procedure is

the use of mixtures of CdTe and HgTe powder to obtain semi-

conducting layers with bandgaps below 1.5 eV on the CdTe

"substrate", instead of pure HgTe layers. In preparing sample

89D2j some CdTe powder was ground in addition to the HgTe

powder usually prepared for insertion in the ampoule, an

80?_gTe-207.CdTe mixture was weighed out and then thoroughly

mixed, and it was this mixture which enveloped the CdTe

wafer in the subsequent diffusion process. The resulting

sample proved to be transparent to photon energies below

0°25 eV_ as shown by the transmission curve of Fig. 3.14.

The interes_.ing thing is that the mole fraction corresponding

to the above powder _ixture is 0.25, and from Fig. 3.2 it can

be seen that the corresponding energy gap is 0.25 eV.

This procedure was repeated for sample 98CH-I using a

50-50 mixture of HgTe and CdTe powders. In this case both a

transmission measurement and a photovoltage arising at one of

the back contacts indicate that the back layer has an energy

gap of 0.65 eV, whereas the front-to-back voltage cannot be

measured below 0.9 eV (Fig. 3o15)_ (The actual value of

transmission is larger than shown since part of the sample

face was covered by the solder contact.) The 50-50 mixture

corresponds to a mole fraction of 0.58 and (from Fig. 3.2)

an energy gap of 0.56 eV.

It is possible that this may be a useful way to prepare

optical low-pass filters and other semiconductor devices with

a continuous range of available bandgaps.

The data discussed up to this point were all taken at room

temperature. Measurements were also taken at temperatures

near those of liquid nitrogen and liquid helium, but the

results for VI4 and V24 were difficult to interpret because

the sensitivity of the devices decreased by several orders

of magnitude from its room temperature value. Measurements

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (57)


from three samples indicate that the slope of the spectral

td(log V_response x d(hv) ) remains within a factor or two of its

room temperature value at 80°K, but the degradation in signal-

to-nolse ratio at this temperature does not allow measure-

ments over a wide enough range of photon energies to make

these results at all conclusive. The spectral response of

V34 at 80°K remained flat within 3dB between 0.2 and 1.4 eV,

although its amplitude increased by several orders of


Discussion of Results

The reason for the difference in shape between the

spectral response of the front-to-back and the PEM photo-

voltages was not at all clear when these measurements were

begun. Transmission measurements on samples prepared with

pure HgTe powder showed no radiation being transmitted for

wavelengths below 15_ (i.e., photon energies above 0.083 eV),

indicating that these photons were being absorbed somewhere

in the device. Supplementary measurements were therefore

made to learn more about the structures being produced by

the diffusion process.

The I-V measurements described in the next section

established not only that rectification was taking place

between contacts 2-4 (and also 1-4), but also that the

rectifying properties could be strongly influenced by light

with photon energies below the 1.5 eV bandgap of CdTe. This

would not happen for a simple junction in CdTe. The

capacitance measurements described in Section 3.5 support the

conclusions drawn from the I-V measurements, and give some

indication of the properties of the junction responsible for

the rectification. The frequency-response measurements in

Section 3.6 were made to investigate the possibility that a

thermal rather than a photon effect was responsible for the

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (58)


PEM voltage V34. This is known to be the case for PEM cells

made from pure HgTe (19), but the frequency response of V34 is

shown to be different. Finally, the Junction-location

experiment described in Section 3.7 supports the conclusions

drawn from the I-V experiments by showing that the photo-

voltage arises at the interface between the CdTe and the

graded region.

The question then is whether the structure indicated by

the measurements of Sections 3.4-3.7 can give rise to a

front-to-back photovoltage with the exponentially varying

spectral response described in this section while still

showing a small PEM voltage with a relatively flat (i.e.,

photon-energy-lndependent) spectral response.

The front-to-back voltage is the subject of the theoretical

analysis in Chapter 4; it is found that the structure described

above can indeed give rise to the spectral responses obtained

for VI4 and V24. The PEM voltage and numerical comparisons

between theory and experiment are discussed in Chapter 5. It

is found that all the data presented in this section are

consistent with a model consisting of a sandwich of constant-

gap and graded-gap material, with a p-n or n-p junction in

the constant-gap materlal immediately adjacent to the graded


3.4 Current-Voltage Characteristics

The measurements described in this section show that

the current-voltage characteristics associated with the front-

to-back photovoltage are non-llnear and are sensitive to

photon energies below 1.5 eV. The effect of the illumination

on the shape of the I-V curve indicates that the photons are

being absorbed in the vicinity of the potential barrier

responsible for the nonlinearity.

The measurements were carried out at 300°K using a


'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (59)


Tektronix model 575 transistor curve-tracer; DC methods were

used when greater precision was required. The illumination

came from the tungsten microscope lamp described in Section

3.3, and could be passed through a CdTe or other optical

filter. Representative results are shown in Fig. 3.16, and

will be described in more detail after a discussion of the

experimental precautions necessary in maklng these measure-


Because of the high resistivities involved, it is

difficult to make good ohmic contact to the CdTe. Thus it

is often possible to obtain rectification and a photovoltage

(VI2) between two contacts on the front (CdTe) face of the

sample. When possible, this effect was removed by using a

more suitable metal for the contacts; indium is known to make

good ohmic contact to n-type CdTe, while a noble metal such

as gold can sometimes give an ohmic contact on p-type CdTe (13).

However, in some instances, it was necessary to use differ-

ences in spectral sensitivity to separate contact and bulk


Photovoltages arising from barriers in CdTe should be

affected by photons with energy above 1.5 eV (the CdTe

bandgap) but not by those with energy below 1.5 eV. Thus by

successively illuminating the sample with unfiltered light

and then with light passed through a filter which absorbs all

photons with energy above 1.5 eV, it is possible to deduce

whether or not the observed photoeffect is arising at the

contacts. The most convenient filter was a thick (2 mm)

slice of single-crystal CdTe, although silicon and multiple-

dielectric-layer filters were also used. All of the final

results reported in this section were obtained for photon

energies below 1.5 eV.

The conductivity type of the CdTe at the front face as

deduced from the direction of rectification associated with

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (60)


the contact was in agreement with the results of Hall measure-

ments where these were available. For example, when indium

was used for contact No. i for B2098DS, the I-V characteristic

between contacts I and 4 in the absence of illumination was a

horizontal llne corresponding to a resistance greater than

2 megohms. Use of a gold spot for contact No. 2 produced the

characteristic between contacts 2 and 4 shown in Fig. 3.16a.

Since the gold results in a contact with lower resistance

for at least one polarity of applied voltage, the implication

is that the CdTe is p-type.

This is substantiated by measurements at contacts 1-2;

the I-V characteristics there exhibit rectification, the

easy-current-flow condition corresponding to V21 positive

(Au positive with respect to In). Furthermore, for open-

circuit conditions, V21 was positive for unfiltered light and

zero for CdTe-filtered light. This is all in agreement with

a p-type CdTe layer on which an indium contact creates an

inversion layer and on which gold makes a more or less ohmic

low-reslstance contact.

P-type CdTe would be in agreement with the Hall measure-

ments made on this sample: B2098D5 was prepared at 630°C

from the annealed slice B2098AI, which according to Table 2.1

is p-type. Since Table 2.1 also shows that the diffusion

process at 630°C results in p-type CdTe even when the starting

slice is n-type, it is most probable that the bulk CdTe of

sample B2098D5 is indeed p-type.

Equal intensities of unfiltered and CdTe-filtered light

were found to have identical effects on the I-V character-

istics at contacts 2-4 (Fig. 3.16a). Since the front contacts

are not sensitive to CdTe-filtered light, the implication is

that the rectification shown in Fig. 3.16a is not occuring

at the contact. Furthermore, the "dark" I-V curve is not

only shifted by the light, but shows a non-saturatlng

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (61)



I I I I i

__. Dark

, I I I


I#A, 0.2 V/div.

a) B2098D5 with Au contact


It /,,uminal;d

i ' I I I I

_"_ Dark V

lOp.A, 0.5 V/div.

b) B2098D23 with In contact

Dark I 1

, 1 ,

vILLuminated 2_A, O. 2 V/div.


IOFA,O.5 V/div.

c) B2098DI2 wilh Au contact d ) B2098D24 with Au contact

Fig 3.16: Effect of CdTe-flltered light on the I-V characteristics between

contacts 2 and 4 for four types of sample. {Voltage referencetaken positive at CdTe.)

2e ] I




_. 1.8



1.0 I I I I I I I ] I ] I I [-12 -II -IO -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -I 0 I 2

V24 (volts)




c 7--

8 6--5--



I [ I I I I

I I 14.9 4.6 4.5 4.0 3.7 3.4 3.1

Width of space-charge region (u.)

Fig 3.17: Capacttance-Voltage Behavior and Deduced Impurity Distribution


'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (62)


behavior for reverse bias which is characteristic of generation

in the space charge region of a pn Junction° Thus the junction

responsible for the rectification shown in Fig. 3.16a must

be near enough to the graded region to collect at least some

of the excess current carriers which are being generated


An entirely analogous discussion holds for sample

B2098D23, which was diffused at 440°C for 40 minutes. In

this case, indium made a better contact that gold, implying

that the CdTe is n_typeo Since the loss of Cd and the

resulting creation of cadmium vacancies should be considerably

less at 440°C than at 630°C, it is not unreasonable that the

bulk CdTe should remain n-type in this case. Again the I-V

characteristic shown in Fig. 3.16b was identical for both

unfiltered and CdTe-filtered illumination, and again the

implication is that of a Junction near the graded region.

The characteristics shown in Fig. 3.16c and 3.16d also

show identical behavior for unfiltered and CdTe-filtered

light° The implication here is that of two opposing junctions

in series, the one nearest to the graded region determining

the sign of the photovoltage. These are shown only for the

sake of completeness and will not be analyzed in detail.

The classification of the I-V characteristics for the

samples in Table 3oi is based on the four types of behavior

shown in Fig. 3.16. Curves similar to 3 o16a are designated

"pn" (since this would be the direction of rectification

exhibited by a p-n Junction with the p-side positive), curves

similar to 3.16b are designated "np", and curves similar to

3.16c and 3.16d are designated "d".

The main implication of the measurements described in

this section is that the devices as they are being prepared

contain rectifying Junctions in the bulk CdTe which interact

with the graded-gap region. The capacitance measurements

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (63)


described in the next section were carried out to learn more

about the structures resulting from the diffusion procedure.

3.5 Capacitance Measurement s

Voltage-dependent capacitances at terminals 1-4 and 2-4

were found in a good number of the devices, although the

multi-Junction structure present in many of these makes the

exact interpretation of the voltage behavior difficult. In

the few cases in which a simple C-V behavior was observed,

the direction of rectification indicated by the capacitance

measurement was in agreement with the result of the I-V

measurement. It was noted in passing that the capacitances

were sensitive to light with no photon energies above 1.5 eV,

the effect of illumination being to increase the capacitance.

The C-V measurements were obtained using a Boonton model

75B-$8 (I Mc) direct capacitance bridge with a maximum

sensitivity of 1.0000 +-0.0001 pf full scale in conjunction

with a Hewlett-Packard 3440A digital voltmeter whose 3443A

hlgh-gain plug-in unit had a maximum sensitivity of I00.00

T0.01 mV full scale. The sample was kept in a small light-

tight cardboard box. Lead lengths were always kept short

enough to make the measured residual capacitance a negligible

fraction of the sample capacitance.

Zero-bias capactiances for about 15 samples ranged

between i and i00 pf, 30 pf being a typical value. Obtaining

the capacitance per unit area is more difficult, since the

front face of the sample is not an equipotential plane due

to the shape of the front contact. The back face, however,

would be an equipotential plane due to the low resistance

of the HgTe layer. The procedure adopted here was to calculate

the capacitance per unit area as if the entire front face were

metal-coated and thus an equipotential. This results in a

minimum estimate of the capacitance per unit area of the

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (64)


device. Using this procedure, the sample capacitances

ranged between I0 and 300 pf/cm 2, the average value being

near I00 pf/cm 2. There was no discernible correlation with

either diffusion time or temperature.

Sample results are presented in Fig. 3.17a, which shows

the capacitance-voltage curve of the sample whose current-

voltage characteristics are shown in Fig. 3.16a. The

capacitance decreases as V24 becomes more negative, indicating

that this is the direction for reverse bias. This is seen

to be in agreement with Fig. 3.16a.

It is possible to obtain some information about the width

of the space charge region of the junction and also about

the doping variation at the edge of the Junction from the

capacitance data. Assuming that the depletion approxima-

tion (20) is valid for these junctions, the width w of the

space charge region for any doping profile is given by the

simple parallel-plate capacitor formula

W m C-_

where e is the dielectric constant of the material and C/A is

the capacitance per unit area. The value of w calculated

from the data shown in Fig. 3.17a is about 3.4_. This value

will be used in Chapter 5 in constructing a model for these

devices. Zero bias capacitances for some of the other

devices are given in Table 3.1.

If it is assumed that the junction is strongly asymmetric,

and that therefore most of the depletlon-layer-width change

occurs on one side of the Junction, then the equation


d(CTA) = Q

dv_ eNA,D C

derived by Schottky (2lj can be used to infer the doping

variation NA, D on that side of the Junction.

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (65)


The results of this calculation are shown in Fig. 3.17b

for the C-V characteristics of Fig. 3.17a; it has been assumed

that the CdTe dielectric constant c = ii_ holds throughouto

the device. It can be seen that the magnitude of the

calculated doping density is within an order of magnitude

of the value obtained from the Hall measurement made on the

sample before diffusion (p = 4.8 x i012cm-3). However, these

results should be accepted with caution, both because of the

aforementioned uncertainty in the area used to normalize the

capacitance, and because there is no way to tell whether a

donor or an acceptor density variation is being measured.

Nevertheless, the existence of a llght-sensitlve

capacitance which indicates the same direction of rectifica-

tion as do the I-V measurements does support the conclusions

drawn from those measurements regarding the existence of a

junction and its proximity to the graded-gap region.

3.6 Frequency Response Measurements

It was shown in Section 3.3 that the front-to-back

photovoltage was a strong exponential function of photon

energy, whereas the PEM voltage was constant within 3 dB for

photon energies between 0.I and 1.4 eV. One possible explana-

tion for this difference in the spectral responses is that

the PEM voltage is not a photon effect at all but rather is

thermal in origin (i.e., the absorbed photons create a

temperature gradient which then results in a thermoelectric

voltage). Kruse et al (19) concluded that this was the case

for the PEM effect in HgTe, where they found a photoresponse

which, when normalized with respect to incident power, was

constant for wavelengths between 4 and 12_, decreased with

wavelength between 2 and 4_, and increased for wavelengths

beyond 12_. In addition, the frequency response varied as

f-i/2, in agreement with the expected behavior of the Nernst

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (66)


effect, the thermal effect which competes with the photon

effect in the PEM configuration .

Since the spectral response of a graded-gap PEM device

can be anywhere between that of a pure photon counting detector

(independent of photon energy) and that of a thermal detector

(proportional to photon energy), depending on internal para-

meters (see Appendix C), it is difficult to use the spectral

response data of Section 3.3 to decide which of the two

effects dominates. However, the measurements of this

section show that V34 in the devices studied here differs from

the "PEM" effect in HgTe in being independent of chopping

frequency up to 600 cps.

The measurements were obtained by mounting a small AC

motor in such a way that a chopping disk attached to the

motor shaft modulated the beam just before the monochromator

entrance slit. The speed of the motor could be varied

between 900 and 2400 rpm by driving it with a high-power

audio amplifier which in turn was driven by a variable-

frequency audio oscillator. The range between 15 cps and

i KC was covered by using several chopping disks with differ-

ent numbers of teeth. The sample was illuminated with light

from the monochromator, and the resulting photovoltage was

detected by the lock-in amplifier system shown in Fig. 3.11c.

A photocell mounted behind the chopping disk provided a

reference signal of the correct frequency.

Sample data are shown in Figs. 3.18a and b. The first

of these shows the front-to-back photovoltage V24 of sample

B2098D24 under 1.4 eV illumination. The scatter of data is

increased by the fact that it is necessary to correct the

Similar results have been observed for both the frequency

response and the spectral response of the "PEM" effect in

HgTe in the course of this study.

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (67)


8 i

T 6-

"E: 4--





I I I I I I iI I i I i I i I ,40 60 80 IO0 20 40 60 80 IO00


Fig 3. 18a: Open-Circuit Voltage V24 for 1 . 4_V Rad[_t_m ,ts a F,mctl_n of

Chopping Frequency for 98D24.









o_t 2






I i I I I I I II I _ I J I I I i_


e--e --e----_.o--C2-e--e-e-o-

I i I l I i I II I i I , I , I ,20 40 60 8o loo 200 400 6oo 800 iO00


Fig 3.18b: PEM Voltage V34 for B:I7 kG as a function of chopping frequency

for sample B2098 DII.


I 6

"r- 4


-_ 2:E1,1Q.



I I ' I ' I rl I ' I ' ' ' I'.


I I I J I I lJl I ,20 40 60 80 IO0 200


Fig 3.18c: Frequency dependence of Photovoltage from HgTe Sample in PEM

ConftcjuratLon (B=!.TkG, 22= Radtatto_,}

400 600 800 I000

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (68)


photovoltage for the capacitance of the sample holder. It can

re seer, that the photo_,oltage i_ independent of chopping

frequency up co I KC, Thls ls in agreement with some incomplete

measurements of the speed of the front-to-back photovoltage

made o,_ another sample using a Xenon flash lamp, which showed

a response faster than or equal to the i microsecond duration

o[ the light pulse,,

the real purpose of these measurements, however, is to

investigate the frequency response of the PEM voltage at

contacts 3-4.. This is shown in Fig° 3.18b for sample B2098DII

under 3.1_. (0,A0 eV) illomination, and in Figo 3018c for a

sample prepared in ae. identical manner from a slice of pure

single-crystal Hg_eo It can be seen that, unlike the PEM

effect in HgTe (!9)", the photovoltage in the diffused sampleW

is independent of chopping frequency between 30 and 600 cps

I_ will be recalled that the spectral response of this sample

(fig° 3.12b) also differed from the HgTe PEM effect in being

cens:ant within 3 dB for photon energies between 0.2 eV and

I .a £V Thus it seems safe to say that the magnetic-field-

dependent photovoltage at contacts 3-4 in these devices is not

caused by the same mechanism as the corresponding voltage in

pure HgTe, which is believed to be thermal in origin (19)."

The =heory of the PEM voltage in these devices is

discussed in Appendi_ C and in reference 8. In the next

section of this chapter, attention is again focused on the

front-to-bazk photovoltage V24 , as some experiments are

described whose purpose is to locate the region of the device

in which this photovoltage arises.

This is in agreement with time response measurements obtained

on another sample (B2098DIS) using the chopped output of a CO 2

laser (i0.6_)° __nese measurements showed an exponential decay

with a time constant of approximately 10 -3 seconds at room

temperature which became less than 5 x 10-5 seconds (the rise

time associated with the chopper) when the sample was cooled

with liquid nitrogen.

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (69)


3.7 Junction Location Experiments

The behavior of the I-V curves under illumination reported

in Section 3.4 indicated the presence of a pn junction which

interacts with the graded-gap region. It was therefore

decided to try to locate the junction by one of the conven-

tional techniques used for this purpose. This section

reports on some copper photo-electroplating experiments

which support the conclusions drawn from the I-V measure-

ments by indicating the presence of a junction very near

to the CdTe-graded gap region interface and sensitive to

photon energies below the CdTe bandgap.

The sampl_ used in these experiments was made by making

a cross-section cut on one of the diffused devices (B2089DI)

and polishing the cross-section surface using the techniques

described in Section 2.2. This was followed by a 10--20

second etch in the 1:20 solution of Bromine in methyl alcohol.

After a rinse, the sample was placed in a solution consisting

(by volume) of one part saturated CuSO 4 solution, one part

demineralized water, and one part HF. The sample was then

illuminated with a tungsten microscope lamp for a period

between a few seconds and a few minutes, removed from the

solution while still illuminated, and rinsed in water. The

resulting pattern of deposited copper was then photographed

on color film using a microscope. This is a technique

commonly used to delineate junctions in silicon and

germaniumt22)--the'" copper is deposited on the n-type side,

and the edge of the deposit corresponds to the edge of the

junction . The color film is necessary in this case to

The argument may be raised that these are not really

junction location experiments but rather are photovoltage-

location experiments, the photovoltage being assumed due to

a junction, and that in this case the photovoltage could

equally well arise from the energy-gap gradient. A comparison

(Continued on bottom on next page)

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (70)


distinguish copper from HgTe, since both appear shiny on a

black-and-white photograph. The data presented in Fig. 3.19

are sketched from color photographs.

Under CdTe-filtered illumination, the use of the plating

solution described above resulted in a fairly thick, uniform

copper deposit on the HgTe (Fig. 3.19). When the solution

was diluted to approximately 25% of its original strength by

the addition of demineralized water, a thin (approximately

3_) copper llne appeared at the visually observed boundary

between CdTe and HgTe. (CdTe appears bluish-black to the

naked eye, HgTe is silvery-grey.) No copper deposits

appeared when the sample was left in either of the two

solutions in the dark for periods up to ten minutes.

To pinpoint more precisely the location of the copper

deposits with respect to the CdTe boundary, the sample was

illuminated from behind with an infrared source, and an

infrared-sensitlve "DetectlRscope" was substituted for the

microscope eyepiece. The DetectlRscope sensitivity was found

to be maximum at a photon energy of 1.36 eV, and to be down

to 10% of this value at a photon energy of 1.06 eV. Thus

all areas having a bandgap greater than approximately i eV

are transparent under these conditions, while all other areas

are opaque.

The edge of the thick, uniform copper deposited onto the

HgTe was found to be in the opaque region and about ten

microns from its edge. The thin copper llne obtained with the

more dilute solution was right at the edge of the opaque

(Continued from previous page)

of the expressions derived for the Junction photovoltage in

Chapter 4 and for the graded-gap voltage in reference 8 and

Appendix C shows, however, that in this configuration, the

ratio of graded-gap to junction photovoltage is approximately

the same as the ratio of minority to majority carriers on

the graded-gap side of the junction, and is therefore



'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (71)

"/Od',', /


_ _HgTe __

_ boundary between regionstransparent and opaqueto infrared

_\\\ \ ,,-,\\ \"

,\\,)\ ",,,cu \, \\\\\1





Observation with

DetectlRscope beforePhotoelectroplating

Copper Deposit resultingfrom use of ConcentratedSolution

_Cuc) Copper Deposit resulting

from use of DiluteSolution

Fig 3.19: Sketches of Microscope Observations of Cu Photodepositions. (400X_

a.) Observation with DetectIRscope before Photoelectroplating,

b.) Copper Deposit resulting from use of Concentrated Solution.

c.) Copper Deposit resulting from use of Dilute Solution.

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (72)


region, and even at A00X magnification it was impossible to

resolve which side of the edge it was on. However, since

the edge of the opaque region corresponds to material with

an energy gap of about i eV, this probably means that the

copper is being deposited on the graded-gap side of the

interface between CdTe and the graded-gap region.

If the mechanism of copper deposition is the same here

as it is for silicon and germanium, this would indicate that

the graded-gap region is on the n-type side of a pn junction

in CdTe, the bulk CdTe being p-type. This would agree with

the Hall measurements made on this sample before diffusion

(p = 1016cm -3, see Table 2.1) as well as with Hall, l-V,

and C-V measurements made on other samples diffused at the

same temperature (B2081DI, B2098D5, B2098DII).

3.8 Conclusions

The measurements of the I-V and C-V characteristics and

their behavior under illumination (Sections 3.4 and 3.5) and

the junction location experiments of Section 3.7 all point

to the presence of a rectifying junction in the bulk CdTe

which is near enough to the graded-gap region to collect

some of the excess current carriers generated by the photons

absorbed there. The question is whether such a structure

could give rise to the spectral response curves seen in

Section 3.3. The theoretical analysis of Chapter 4 answers

this question in the affirmative, after which the data of

all seven sections of this chapter are used to synthesize

tentative band models for several of the devices described


'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (73)




i. R. E. Ogilvie, "Electron Beams in Microanalysis", in

Baklsh, R., ed., Introduction to Electron Beam Technology,

1962, pp. 413-431.

2. R. Castalng and J. Descamps, Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci.,

v. 237, p. 1220 (1953).

3. W. Lawson, S. Nielsen, E. Putley, and A. Young, "Pre-

paration and properties of HgTe and Mixed Crystals of

HgTe-CdTe", J. Phys. Chem. Solids, v. 9, pp. 325-329, 1959.

4. F. Bailly, G. Cohen-Solal, and Y. Marfaing, "Preparation

et controle de structures a largeur de bande interdite

variable", Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci., v. 257, p. 103, 1963.

5. A. J. Strauss, T. C. Harman, J. G. Mavroides, D. H. Dickey,

and M. S. Dresselhaus, "Optical and Electrical Properties

of CdxHgl_xTe Alloys", Proceedings of the International

Conference on Semiconductor Physics, Exeter, 1962, p. 703.

6. H. Rodot and J. Henoc, "Diffusion a l'etat solide des

materiaux semi-conducteurs", Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci.,

v. 256, 1963.

7. Jost, Diffusion in Solidst Liquids t and Gases, Academic

Press, New York, 1960.

8. G. Almasi, "Graded Energy Gap Heterostructures", M.I.T.

Energy Conversion and Semiconductor Laboratory Semiannual

Technical Summary Report No. 3, NASA Grant NsG 496 (part),

pp. 1-51, November, 1964.

9. E.H. Putley, "The Hall Effect and Related Phenomena",

Butterworths, London, 1960.

J. Blair, "An Investigation into the Thermal and Electrical

Properties of the HgTe-CdTe Semiconductor Solid Solution

System", M.I.T. Electronics Systems Laboratory Scientific

Report No. 2, Contract No. AF 19(604)-4153, June 15, 1960.

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (74)



ii. W. A. Navipour, "The Hall Effect in the Lower Oxides of

Titanium", M.1.T.M.So thesis, 1959.

12. R. A. Hinrichs, "Impruity Control in CeTe", M.I.T.B.S.

thesis, June, 1963.

13. D. deNobel, "Phase Equilibria and Semiconducting Properties

of CdTe", Philips Research Reports, v. 14, pp. 361-399

and 430-492 (1959).

14. R. E. Nelson, "Preparation and Electrical Transport

Properties of HgTe", M.I.T. Sc.D. thesis, May, 1961.

15. M. Wolf, Proc. IRE, v. 48, pp. 1246-1263, July, 1960.

16. J.W. Conley, "Absorption of Photons by Excitons with

Assistance from Phonons in a Polar Semiconductor", M.I.T.

Sc.D. thesis, February, 1965.

17. M. R. Lorenz and H o H. Woodbury, "Double Acceptor Defect

in CdTe", Phys. Revo Letters, v. I0, pp. 215-217, 15 March


18. D. A. Cusano and M. R. Lorenz, "CdTe Hole Lifetime from

the Photovoltaic Effect", Solid State Communications,

v. 2, pp. 125-128, 1964.

19. P. Kruse, M. Blue, J. Garfunkel, and W. Saur, "Long-

Wavelength Photoeffects in HgSe, HgTe, and HgTe-CdTe",

Infrared Physics, V. 2, pp 53 -60, 1962.

A. K. Jonscher, Principles of Semiconductor Device Opera-

tion, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 1960.

W. Schottky, Z. Physik 118, 539 (1942).

P. A. lies and P. J o Coppen, "Location of p-n and l-h

Junctions in Semiconductors", British Journal of Applied

Physics, vol. ii, p. 177 (1960).

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (75)




4.0 Introduction

As was mentioned in Chapter i and described in more detail in Chapter 3,

the experimental evidence strongly suggests that the graded-gap region in these

devices is interacting with a p-n Junction. Consequently, the model shown in

Figure 4.1 was chosen. The purpose of the following analysis is to find the

excess carrier concentration at the edge of the Junction under monochromatic

illumination as a function of the photon energy of the illumination. Once

this is known, it is easy to calculate the variation of the junction photo-

voltage as a function of photon energy.

The starting point for the analysis are the expressions for the partial

currents in the graded region (x > 0). Simplifying assumptions are made about

the variation of such parameters as the absorption constant, the bandgap, the

mobility, and the lifetime. It is found that under certain conditions, the

minority carrier drift current can be neglected; the minority carrier current

and continuity equations may then be combined to yield a second-order diff-

erential equation for the excess minority current carrier concentration in the

graded region.

The boundary conditions necessary to solve this equation depend upon

the assumptions made about the junction whose edge is at x = 0 and about the

contact at x = t as well as upon the function describing the excess generation

rate due to photons. The assumptions made about the Junction are conventional

ones, e.g., no generation in the space charge region and low injection conditions

(see for example Jonscher, (I) Chapter 4)- Open-circult conditions are assumed.

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (76)


The contact is assumed ohmic. A simple generation function is assumed for the

portion of the graded region in which the photon energy exceeds the energy gap.

Once these boundary conditions are combined with the equation derived

earlier, it is possible to find the excess carrier concentration at any point

in the graded region. However, the quantity of interest here is the excess

concentration at the edge of the Junction. This is found as a function of the

photon energy and the parameters of the graded region, and under the assumptions

mentioned earlier, is directly proportional to the Junction voltage.

The special cases corresponding to various relationships among the para-

meters of the graded region are discussed in some detail, and it is shown

that this model can indeed be used to explain the exponentially varying

spectral responses described in Chapter 3.

A more detailed comparison between theory and experiment is given in

Chapter 5.

4.1 Equation for Excess Carrier Distribution

It is assumed that the excess carrier lifetime is position-lndependent

and that the mobility is either position-independent or can be treated by using

an average value as discussed in reference 2. Then for the region x > 0 in

the structure shown in Fig. 4.1, the partial currents to first order inAn and

Ap may be written

d 6 dEGt_T o 4kT d dan

Jxn ffi eAn_n -e|_- dx eE C dx ) - en_n _x --(_-_0 ) + eDn _dx (4.1a)

= kT dYo 4kT dEG d d_p

Jxp eAp_p_ e dx + eZG dx ) - ep_p_x (_-_o) - eDp dx (4.1b)

whe re


dx is the variation of the conduction band in equilibrium referred to the

fermi level EF.

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (77)


d7 o

d-_- is the variation of the valence band in equilibrium referred to the

fermi level E_.

4kTThe term eEG dx reflects effective mass variations and was dervlced by assuming

effective masses proportional to the energy gap. It can usually be neglected for

EG >> kT. n - no + An is the non-equillbrium electron concentratlon_p = Po + Ap

is the non-equillbrlum hole concentration. ¢o is the equilibrium electrostatic

potential and is determined by the electron affinity variation as well as by the


¢-¢o is the photopotential due to the excess carriers and must in general

be found from Gauss' Law


°v-(_- ) =--- (_-_o) =_ CAp- An)dx2

Other symbols may be found in the List of Symbols. It is assumed that the

material is extrinsic enough (in this case, Po >> no ) and that the injection is

everywhere low enough (An << Po' Ap << po ) that the two continuity equations

may be written

ANV • J = - eg+ e--

n T(4.2a)

ANV • J = eg-e--

p z(4.2b)

where g is the ne_.__tgeneration rate of carriers due to photons.

Quasi-neutrallty is no____ta good assumption to make in this case, since

(as discussed in reference 2) the extrinsic Debye length will in general be

long enough so that the fraction of the band-edge changes which occur in a

Debye length are large enough to violate quasi-neutrallty.

Instead, it will be assumed in eq. 4.1a that the majority carriers are

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (78)


plentiful and mobile enough so that the minority carrier drift current can be

neglected. Specifically, it is assumed that


An _x (_-_o) << An kT o• e dx


d kT o+ Dno_n._x (_b-_bo) << AnPn e dx n dx

Then if it is also assumed that EG >> kT everywhere, and that the band edge

gradients are constant and equal to

d6 6(t) - _(0) e[#(t) - _(0)] + E (0) - E (t) A6O O _ C C O

dx t tkT t

dyo Vo (t) - _o (0)

a B

dx t

-e[_(t) - _(0)] - Ev(O) + Ev(t) Ay o

t kT t

dEG AEGu _ mm

dx t

[Ec(0) - Ec(t)]- [Ev(0) - Ev(t)]

then 4.1a and 4.2a may be combined to obtain the following equation for An:

d2An dan An = _ _(x)E

dx 2 -- dx L 2 D nn

where L2 = D Tn n

and where _ has been defined as

d* A_O O

e Im _ mm-- dx t


*This assumption is self-conslstent in that the only way that the minority

current can be on the same order of magnitude as the majority current is if

the minority drift current is indeed a small fraction of the total minority

current. If the assumption is incorrect, the minority carrier current is

negligible compared to the majority current and the error is of no consequence.

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (79)


4.2 hom*oKeneous Solution




The hom*ogeneous solution to 4.3 may be written

rlx r2x

Anh - Cle +C2e

e + /? + 4/L 2n

ri, 2" 2

rl,2 - L I--_ + + 1)n

kTA 6O

L2_ DnTe_ UnT et LdrL e =-= - =--n-- L L. L L

n n n

where Ldr is a drift length analogous to that discussed by Jonscher (I) p. 60.


L2 A___qLdr n t (4.4)

Then,i i Ldr / i 2)rl,2 "< (2< --+ 1 +_ (Ldr/L n)

iwhere L+ is a "drift-reduced diffusion length"


r2 =--L-


where L is a "drift-enhanced diffusion length".

The radial can be expanded for two special cases:

LdrCase i: Diffusion dominates,


J i Ldr 2 i i Ldr 2 I [i Ldr 2 21 + _ (i--) _ 1 + 7 "_ (i--)- _ " 4 (_--)Jn n n

•. 1__. i Ldr _ 1 i Ldr.rl L (i +- _ r2 - -- (I2 L "' L 2 [ ")

n n n n


'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (80)


Case 2: Drift dominates,Ldr


_>> I

i 2

rl, 2 - _ & (1 _+ [1 + 2(Ln/Ldr) + ---1)

r 1 = __ [1 + (Ln/Ldr)2], r 2 = - 1/Ldr [(4.5b)

4.3 Particular Solution

The generation function is chosen based on the assumption of a simple

exponential photon absorption process which can be characterized by an

absorption constant a. (Absorption processes in which a was a linear or a

quadratic function of x were also considered, but did not significantly change

the results [see Appendix B].) The generating function and the subdivision of

the band model into appropriate regions are shown in Fig. 4.2. The analytical

expression is

-_ (x-x)g(x) = _qo e [U_l(X-X v) - u l(x-t)]


where U_l(X) is the unit step function,

-2 -i

qo _ the total photon flux in cm sec ,

and x is the point at which absorption begins.v


(xv - t EG )

(The scale factor =qo was chosen to make the area under the curve equal to

qo for large t.)

Now in general, in region I (0 < x < xv), g(x) - O, and

I rlx I r2x

An I - C I e + C2 e


'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (81)





4. la Energy-Band Model for Analysis






Ev l k!$


4. Ib Energy-Band Levels at a Point in the Graded Region,

Showing References for the Various Quantities.




i Xz_-O 0 xu t

4.3 Piecewise-L/aear Modification of Fig. 4.1


4.2 Generation Function for Particular Solution

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (82)

In region II (x • x • t),

IT rl(x-xv) II r2(x-xv) -a(x-x)

AnTI = C1 e + C2 e + Cp •

and as long as a # - r 2,

-aqo/D n

(a + r 1)(a + r 2)(4.7)

In region Ill (x < -a),

APll I = Ap(_a)e(X+a)Lp

where the boundary condition

APlIl(-®) = 0

has been applied, and Ap(-a) is related to An(O) by

Ap(-a) - po(-a) (e qvjn/kT - l) - PiiIo(e qVjn/kT -i)

. PIIIo. An(o)m _nio(O))

Four more boundary conditions are required to evaluate the four remaining


It will be assumed that the open clrcult condition is being treated.

JTOT = Jn (°) + Jp(O) = 0. Then in the absence of recombination in the space

charge layer, Jp(O) = Jp(-a) and

JTOT = Jn (°) ÷ Jp(-a) = 0

*This follows from the.ogrmal low-lnjectlon treat_nt of a p-n Junction; see,for example, Jonscher _I) pp 85-86.

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (83)


• or


p dx

X m- a

dan I

= e Dn(--_--x - _ An I)



since Ill is assumed to be a hom*ogeneous, field-free region.

It is assumed that the contract at x = t is ohmic so that

Anii(t) = 0 (4.8b)

The electron current at x is continuous, giving

= Jn (xv)(4.8c)

= d2An/dx 2 may containSince the driving function g(x) contains a step at x xv,

at most a step, which means that dAn/dx must be continuous; thus

d_nl I dAnll I


dx dxX- +



Solution of the equations resulting from these boundary conditions requires

a non-trivial amount of algebra, but the result for the excess minority carrier

concentration at the edge of the Junction can be shown to be

An(o) E=qo/Dn ferl(t-xv ) er2(t-xv )r2t rlt rI + _ r2 +

ale -a2e

-=(t-xv) 1

+ (rl-r2)e (4.9)

(rI + _)(r 2 + _)


D Plllo i

a I = r I - E -_.E-- D Ln nIo (°) p

(4. lOa)

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (84)

!4 -10

D Plllo i

a 2 = r2 - _E -_J!Dn nlo(°) L P


The term in the brackets represents the functional dependence on photon energy

through the functional dependence of x on the photon energy h_ (Eq. 4.5b). It

will be noted that the exponent of the first term is always positive whereas the

exponents of the other two terms are always negative. However, because of the

differences in the denominators of the three terms, it is necessary to consider

all the possible relationships between rI, r2, _, and t. This is done in

Appendix A, and the result is that i__[fthere is any significant dependence of

rl(t-x _)An(O) on then the dominant term will be e •x ,

Now, the junction voltage Voc (i.e. the change in electrostatic potential

drop across the Junction) can be found from

(eqVoc/kT- - l) (4. n)nIo(O)

and for Voc

kT<<-- (a condition which is true for all the spectral response


measurements reported here),

kT An(O)V =oc e nlo(O)


thus in(Voc) ffiin(eonst) + rl(t - x )

d in Vand oc

d(h_/kT) " kT rl(t - x )(4.13)

For drift dominant, the term rl(t - x ) becomes


'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (85)


A6 ° AE c - EG(O)+hV

rl(t-x _) =--_- " t ( AEG --)

kTA6 o AE c - EG(O)+hv( )


and therefore

d in V kTA6OC 0

- (4.14)

d(hv/kT) AE G

Thus the slope of the spectral response when plotted on semilogarithmic coordinates

is directly proportional to the fraction of the bandgap change which is due to

conduction band edge change.

For diffusion dominant, the term in the exponent becomes

1 EG - EG(O)+ b_

rl(t - x ) = _- • t ( AE G )n


d inVoc t i

d(hv) Ln AEG


One somewhat surprising feature of Eq. 4.14 is that it predicts that the

slope of the spectral response should be independent of t, the width of the graded

region, and thus of the heat-treatment history of the sample. It also predicts

that the slope should vary linearly with temperature.

Equation 4.15 differs from 4.14 in that it predicts that the slope of the

spectral response should vary linearly with the width of the graded region. Thus

one would expect steeper slopes for samples with longer diffusion times.

4.15 differs from 4.14 also in that the temperature dependence of the slope

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (86)


is now a function of the excess carrier diffusion length Ln, which can be a very

weak function of temperature.

The ratio of the slopes resulting from the two different assumptions may be


_d in Voc _

Ld(h /kT)J diffL

I t n

A6 Lo n Ldrfor diffusion to dominate

Thus, in the absence of a knowledge of which mechanism dominates, one may state




d inVoc

-- --< d(h_/kr)(4.16)

or in other words, the measured slope gives the maximum possible band edge


It has been shown that in the absence of a minority carrier band-edge

gradient in the graded gap region, the excess minority carriers generated in

the graded-gap region arrive at the Junction by a process of diffusion; if

the minority carrier band-edge gradient is large enough, then the drift com-

ponent due to this gradient becomes the dominant term in the expression for excess

* JFor example, since L = _ m kT , if the excess carrier lifetime T isn n e _n T -n


relatively independent of T, and since #(T) - _(300°K) (3-_) where n depends

on the scattering mechanism but is generally between 1 and 2.5, then


L '_Tn

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (87)


minority carrier current (eq. 4.1a). To determine which process is dominant in

the devices studied here, it is necessary to calculate the ratio Ldr/L n.

From equation 4.4 it follows that

Ldr Ln--=-- A6L t on


Assuming that the mobility Vn = 103 cm2/v-sec is applicable and that the lifetime

is 10-8 sec results in

1/2L = kT ) 5_.n (_- _nT =

i0 -I0If it is assumed that t ffi sec, then L ffi i/2 _.n

If one considers a change in EG from 1.5 ev to 0.5 ev, the distance t was shown

in Chapter 3 to be at most about 5-10u. Thus the minimum value of L /t occurs forn

L = I/2 U and t = 10U and Is 1/20. The maximum value of LIt occurs for L = 5un n n

and t = 5_ or less and is certainly greater than or equal to unity. Thus it is

safe to say that the limits on L /t aren

Ll---<--_n< i.20 t

If the valence band remains flat in the graded gap region, then Ly° = 0

and kt Ad - AEG = lev = 40 kT at rm. temperature, making A6 ffi40. Now, ifo o

the graded region is to remain p-type throughout, then _7 ° cannot exceed1_ EG(CdTe) = 0.75 ev = 30 kT at room temperature. Thls would set a lower limit

on A6 of approximately i0.o

The minimum value of Ldr/Ln would then occur for L /t = 1/20 and A6 = I0n o

and is equal to 1/2, whereas the maximum value occurs for L /t = i and A_ = 40.n o

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (88)



1 Ldr--<--_40.2 L


Since the dividing line between the drift dominant and diffusion dominant

regions is Ldr/L n = i, this result indicates that drift is the more probable

dominant mechanism but that diffusion cannot be neglected.

These conclusions are based on a model with linear band-edge variations.

If one considers the non-linear band-edge variations which are possible, the

determination of the dominant mechanism becomes even more difficult. Consider,

for example, the piecewise-linear modification of Fig. 4.1 shown in Fig. 4.3.

In this case, A6 is zero for the entire region A, which makes Ldr/L n zeroo

alsb. Thus if one considers non-llnear variations of the band edges, it is

By no means possible to have the diffusion current be completely dominant

in at least a limited region of the device.

Based on these considerations, the safest conclusion which can be drawn

is that both drift and diffusion may be significant.

The experimental results discussed in Chapters 3 and 5 are in agreement

with this conclusion in the sense that the slope of the spectral response

shows neither the strong correlation with heat-treatment history predicted by

the "diffusion dominant" theory and eq. 4.15, nor the strong temperature

dependence predicted by the "drift dominant" theory and eq. 4.14.

The next, chapter will also show how the information derived in this

chapter may be used in constructing quantitative models.

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (89)



it A.K. Jonscher, Principles of Semiconductor Device Operation, ,J_hn Wiley,1960.

OG. Almasl, "Graded Energy Gap Heterostructure," M.I.T. Energy Conversion

and Semiconductor Laboratory Semiannual Technical Summary Report No. 3,

NASA Grant NsG 496 (part), pp 1-51, November 30, 1964.

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (90)




5.0 Introduction

The main purpose of this chapter is to compare the

experimental results of Chapter 3 with the theoretical model

derived in Chapter 4. This model, it will be recalled,

consists of a sandwich structure of constant-gap and

graded-gap material (Fig. 4.1), with a p-n junction in the

constant-gap material which is near enough to the graded-gap

region to collect some of the excess charge carriers which

are generated by the photons absorbed in the graded-gap


The comparison between theory and experiment is done

by using the data of Chapter 3 to construct quantitative

band profiles for several of the diffused devices (Sec. 5.1).

The main purpose of this is not to determine the exact

structure of these devices, but rather to show that the

various data are all compatible with the model and with each


The next section (5.2) deals with several alternate

models which at first glance offer an explanation for the

exponential spectral response of the front-to-back voltage

described in Section 3.3. The theoretical shortcomings of

these explanations are discussed first, followed by a

description of the experimental checks whose results also

weigh against them.

Section 5.3 discusses a specific prediction of the model

in Chapter 4 concerning the effect of monochromatic light of

various wavelengths on the I-V characteristics of the front-

to-back voltage, and shows that this effect may actually be

observed experimentally. Finally, Section 5.4 discusses the

behavior of the PEM voltage V34 under monochromatic illumina-


'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (91)


5.1 quantitative Band Profiles

The steps used in constructing quantitative models are

best illustrated by an example. The data available in Chapter

3 for sample B2098D5 will be used to obtain numbers for the

various distances and energy levels of the model shown in

Fig. 4.1a. (It should be re-emphasized here that the

resulting band profile will only be an approximation, •whose

main purpose is to show the compatibility of the vari_ouS data

with the model and with each other•) The result may be seen

in Fig. 5.1, and the method by which it was obtained is as


The most obvious difference between Fig. 5.1 and Fig.

4.1a is the direction of rectificatlon--the I-V data of

Fig. 3.16a indicate a p-n Junction, and so the bulk CdTe is

drawn as being p,type• This is in agreement with the Hall

effect measurement made on this sample before diffusion,

1012 -3since th_s showed a hole concentration of 4.8 x cm

(Sec. 3.2 and Table 2.1), and since the data of Sec. 3.2

indicate that diffusion at this temperature leads to increased

acceptor concentrations. The above value of hole concentra-

tion Can thus be used to calculate an upper limit o_ the

spacing between the Fermi level and the valence band edge in

• , 1012 -3Fig 5 i; according tO DeNobel (I) p = 4.8 x cm

corresponds to EF - Ev = 0.36 eV. (Bulk p-type CdTe is also

in agreement Wlth the thermoelectric measurements of Sec. 3.2

and the contact;experiments of Sec. 3.4.)

The width of the junction space charge region was

calculated in Sec. 3.5 from capacitance data using the deple-

tion assumption, and the value obtained for this sample was

3.4_. This is subject to the errors involved in finding the

true junction area, as discussed in Sec. 3.5, but with this

precaution in mind, this value is used for the Junction width

in Fig. 5:1.

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (92)






I I I I = x(_)2.5 0 2.5 5.0 7.5


EF 0.3JeV(C )

VB "0.4!ev(e )

(a) from capacitance (sec.3.5)

(b) from microprobe data (3.1)

(c) from Hall measurement (3.2)

(d) from spectral response (3.3)

_. (e) from photovoltage this mustT_ be >O.13eV (3.3)/ %.

J _ (f) direction of rectification from .3.4i


"_---" 3.4F (a) @ 4.5F (b) ---_


0.28eV (d)

5.1 Band Model for B2098 DS BaNed on Theory ol Chapter

4 and Data of Chapter 3

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (93)


A lower limit on the barrier height of a Junction can usually

be obtained from the saturation open-circuit photovoltage

available for high intensity light (2) . In this case, this

voltage is only 0.13 V, although higher voltages are obtained

for other, similar samples (Table 3.1). However, when the

graded-gap region of this device is considered, it will be

shown that a higher barrier is indicated.

The energy gap profile of this sample may be calculated

from the profile shown in Fig. 3.1 for a 27-hour diffusion

and from the data discussed in Sec. 3.1 which shows that at

this temperature, the penetration depth varies as the square

root of the diffusion time. The result is shown in Fig. 5.2a,

along with the linear approximation which will be used for

these calculations between 1.5 and 0.5 eV, the range over

which data was obtained.

It was shown in Chapter 4 that the slope of the spectral

response was related to the band-edge change by Equation 4.16,

kTA5 d _n V

o _ oc (5. i)AEG d(hv/kT)

where the equal sign applies for the case when drift is

dominant. In terms of the sample being discussed here, this

expression gives an upper limit on the change in valence

band edge over any given distance in the graded-gap region.

This valence band-edge change is equal to (or less than) the

band-gap change which occurs over that distance, multiplied

by a fraction which is equal to the measured slope of the

logarithm of the photovoltage with respect to normalized

photon energy. The calculation proceeds as follows.

The spectral response curve o£ B2098D§ was not included

in Sec. 3.3 because of its strong similarlty to the curve for

B2098DII (Fig. 3.12a). For B2098DS, the photovoltage decreases

at a rate of 3.8 orders of magnitude per electron-volt for

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (94)


photon energies above 0.9 eV, and at a rate of 6.7 orders of

magnitude per electron-volt for photon energies belo,J 0.9 eV.

This means that the "slope" term on the rlght-hand side of

Equation 5.1 is equal to

3.8(2.3) = .2184O

for photon energies above 0.9 eV and is equal to 0.384 for

photon energies below 0.9 eV. This in turn means that while

the energy gap changes by 0.6 eV in going from 1.5 eV to

0.9 eV, the valence band edge changes by (0.60)(.218) ffi.13

eV, whereas an energy gap change from 0.9 eV to 0.5 eV

results in a corresponding valence-band-edge change of

(0.40)(.384) ffi.15 eV. The total valence-band-edge change

over the measurable range of photon energies (1.5 eV to 0.5 eV)

is therefore _ 0.28 eV. This is shown in Fig. 5.1; the

conductlon-band-edge variation is found by subtracting the

valence-band-edge variation from the energy gap variation.

Since the measurements could not be extended below

photon energies of 0.5 eV due to noise problems, this method

leaves an uncertainty of 0.5 eV in the position of the Fermi

level in the graded-gap region. Figure 5.1 was drawn with an

n-type graded region to agree with the direction of rectifica-

tion shown by the I-V data of Sec. 3.4. One result of this

assumption is that all material with energy gap below 0.5 eV

is degenerate. This is by no means impossible. However, the

assumption that the p-_n transition takes place entirely in

the bulk CdTe was made only for convenience in analysis, and

lowering the Fermi level by 0.i eV or so should not signifi-

cantly affect the measured properties of the device.

It is interesting to note in Table 3.1 that both B2098DI6

and B2081DI have considerably larger saturation photovoltages

than found here (.52 and .40 volts, respectively, vs..13

volts here). Both of these samples were diffused for a longer

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (95)


time at the same temperature as B2098D5, which should result

in a larger hole concentration in the bulk CdTe. As a m_tter

of fact, B2081DI was prepared from a CdTe ingor which was

originally p-type with 5 x 1016 holes/cm -3 (Table 2.1). If

this values is assumed to be valid for the bulk CdTe of the

device, and when an analysis similar to the one for B2098D5

is carried out, a maximum barrier height of 0.90 eV is

obtained for B2081DI, compared to 0.43 eV for B2098DS. This

is within 50% of the ratio of saturation photovoltages (0.40 V

to 0.13 V). If the bulk CdTe hole concentration for B2098DI6

is also assumed to be 5 x 1016cm "3 the maximum barrier height

is 0.65 eV, compared to a maximum photovoltage of 0.52 V.

The preliminary indication of the data discussed up to

this point is that (at least for this temperature) the Fermi

level in the graded region is a more or less independent of

the diffusion time, the main effect of increased diffusion

time being to increase the hole concentration in the bulk

CdTe, which brings the Fermi level closer to the valence

band edge and thus results in a higher barrier. One way to

check this is to decrease the loss of cadmium and the conse-

quent formation of acceptor centers by lowering the diffusion

time and temperature. Since B2098 was originally n-type, it

may even be possible to obtain devices with n-type bulk CdTe;

these should show rectification in the opposite direction and

negative photovoltages.

A glance at Table 3oi will show that, except for the

cases where the effect is obscured by the formation of

secondary junctions, this is exactly what seems to be happen-

ing; the samples prepared at 440°C show large negative photo-

voltages and np-type rectification (Fig. 3.16b), the samples

prepared at 630°C show large positive photovoltages and

pn-type rectification (Fig. 3.16a), and the samples prepared

at 500°C and 560°C show small or intermediate photovoltages

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (96)


and rather poor rectification (Fig. 3.16b).

It is also interesting to note the correlation of the

zero-bias capacitance per unit area (Co/A) _ith the diffusion

temperature: Taking into account again the secondary

junctions which tend to obscure the effect, it can be seen

that the capacitance is large where the photovoltage is

large and is small where the photovoltage is small. It is

difficult to be more quantitative than this because of the

problems involved in determining the proper area to use in

calculating Co/A. However, this is in qualitative agreement

with the processes which were postulated to occur during the

diffusion: If the Fermi level in the graded-gap region is

indeed relatively independent of the diffusion process, then

a short diffusion at low temperature will leave the electron

concentration in the bulk CdTe unchanged and result in a

thin np junction (with a large capacitance) which is relatively

efficient at collecting photogenerated excess carriers from

the graded-gap region (an example _,_ould be sample B2098D21).

As the diffusion time and temperature are increased, the

increased loss of cadmium creates more cadmium vacancy

acceptor sites, the electron concentration decreases , the

depletion width increases, and the net result is a wide

junction (hence a small capacitance) which is relatively

inefficient at collecting the photogenerated excess carriers

from the graded-gap region (an example of this is sample

B2098DIT). As the diffusion time and temperature are

increased still further, the bulk CdTe eventually acquires an

acceptor concentration large enough to make the space charge

region of the junction narrow again (hence a larger capaci-

tance), resulting in a pn-junction which again is an efficient

collector of photogenerated excess carriers from the graded


To show that the process discussed above is feasible,

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (97)


the procedure used to construct a model for a "pn" sample

(B2098D5) is repeated for an "np" sample (B2098D21) and for

an "intermediate" or "d" sample (B2098DI7). The energy gap

profiles and their linear approximations are shown in Fig.

5.2b and c, and the models are shown in Figs. 5.3 and 5.4.

The assumption made in setting up the model for B2098D21

(Fig. 5.3) was that the carrier iconcentration in the bulk

CdTe is unchanged from its pre-diffuslon value of n =

1015 -32 x cm (Table 2.1) o This results in a spacing between

the Fermi level and the conduction band edge of 0.16 eV. The

zero-bias capacitance of 108 pf/cm 2 (Tabel 3.1) results in a

depletion-layer width of 8.8_. Since this junction collects

electrons and not holes from the graded-gap region to its

right, the spectral response data of Fig. _3.12d now reflects

conduction band edge changes instead of valence band edge

changes. With this variation, the method used for B2098D5

results in a conduction band edge change of 0.33 eV for the

energy "_gap range between 1.5 eV and 0.5 eV. The maximum

barrier height can be seen to be about 0.70 eV, which

compared with a maximum open-circult photovoltage of -0.41 V

(Table 3.1).

The method used to construct the model for B2098DI7

shown in Fig. 5.4 is essentially identical to the method used

for the other two samples, with the exception that the small

capacitance (1.8 pf/cm 2) of Table 3.1 indicates such a wide

space charge region that the final value of electron concen-

tration in the CdTe to the left of the Junction is really

immaterial. (The fact that the bulk CdTe is n-type is

indicated by the "np" I-V characteristic (Table 3.1).) The

conduction-band-edge change deduced from the spectral response

curve of Fig. 3.12f is 0.29 eV for an energy gap range between

1.5 and 0.5 eV. The probable reason for the very small photo-

voltage is that most of the excess current carriers from the

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (98)


graded-gap region recombine before they even get [,art-Jay

across the junction.

In summing up this section, it can be said that the data

of the various sections of Chapter 3 are consistent and/or

compatible with each other in terms of the model derived in

Chapter 4, and that furthermore the model makes possible an

explanation of the effects of the diffusion process on the

characteristics of the resulting devices.

5.2 Alternate Explanations

There are several models which are simpler than the one

developed in Chapter 4 and which at first glance seem to

offer an explanation for the exponential behavior described

for the spectral response of the front-to-back voltage in

Sec. 3.3. This section considers the theoretical aspect of

these explanations first, and then discusses the experimental

evidence which led to their rejection.

The first and simplest explanation for an exponentially

decreasing photovoltage is an exponentially decreasing

absorption constant. Moss (3) mentions CdS and CdSe among

the materials for which a plot of log e vs photon energy-I

gives a slope of i/kT for values of e between i mm and

-i103 mm (i.e., for photon energies below the bandgap). The

transmission curve of Fig. 3.14 and some of our unpublished

transmission data on CdTe indicate that this behavior occurs

in these materials also, since these data show a i0:i decrease

in about 0.06 eV, which corresponds to an e:l decrease in

0.06/2.3 = 0.0026 eV, whereas kT at room temperature is

0.025 eV. However, this would mean that the decrease in

photoresponse between photon energies of 1.5 eV and 0.5 eV

should be about 17 orders of magnitude, whereas even under

the highest resolution (0.01 eV or better) the highest slope

observed corresponded to about 7-1/2 orders of magnitude per

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (99)


electron-volt, and as is shown by Fig. 3.13, the average is

closer to 3-1/2 orders of magnitude per electron-volt. Thus

the slope predicted by this model is much too steep.

Furthermore, experimental checks were made as a safeguard

against the possibility that a CdTe effect was being observed

by measuring front-to-back photovoltages on un-diffused CdTe

samples, on CdTe "control" samples in which CdTe powder had

been substituted for HgTe powder, and on diffused samples

from which the graded-gap layer was carefully removed. In

no case was there a detectable photovoltage below a photon

energy of 1.4 eV, nor was there a PEM voltage at contacts 3-4

with the properties described in Secs. 3.3 and 3.6. The

explanation that the spectral response of the front-to-back

photovoltage is due to an absorption constant which is an

exponential function of photon energy was therefore ruled out.

Another explanation which was considered in some detail

involved a doping gradient in the graded-gap region. A

change in current carrier concentration of five orders of

magnitude corresponds, after all, to only 0.3 eV change in

band-edge with respect to the Fermi level, and it seemed

possible that the spectral response of a graded-gap photocell

under monochromatic illumination would reflect the spatial

variation of the equilibrium current carrier concentration at

the point where the photons are being absorbed. However, it

can be shown from the analysis of the PEM effect carried out

in Appendix C that this can only come about when the excess

current carrier distribution which results from the photonq.

absorption process is so narrow compared to the width of the

graded-gap region that it takes on some of the properties of

an impulse function. In order for this to come about, both

the drift length and the diffusion length of excess carriers

must be small compared to the width of the graded-gap region.

Since the considerations near the end of Sec. 4.3 showed that

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (100)


tX__ 0


"'_ J I I Io_'_ 0 _ 0





_ t.,," /11 I

u_ 0 u_



o _t..-"_ I I0 _ 0



'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (101)






10.0 7.5 5.0 2.5 0 2.5

0.33 eV (


0.16 eV (c)



--- ----_-_-- E F

4 0.44/._ (b)

5.3 Band Model for B2098 D21

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (102)


it was very unlikely that the drift length would be much

smaller than the diffusion length, and that the diffusion

length would probably be between 0.5_ and 5_, the assumption

of an impulse-like excess carrier distribution might be

reasonable for a sample like B2098DI9, for which the energy

gap changes from 1.5 eV to 0.5 eV in 30____,but it would be

completely unjustified for a sample llke B2098D21, for

which the corresponding distance is 0.5_. Yet there is no

drastic difference in the slopes of the spectral responses

of these two samples, and Fig. 3.13 shows very little

correlation for any of the samples between the slope of the

spectral response and the expected width of the graded-gap


Add to this the fact that the I-V data definitely shows

current carriers generated by photons with energy below the

CdTe bandgap being collected by a rectifying junction, that

the model being discussed here predicts no difference in

the spectral behavior of the front-to-back and PEM voltages,

and that it furthermore predicts a maximum negative output

voltage of -0.14 V (see Appendix C) because of the mobility

ratio in these materials, and this explanation involving a

doping gradient in the graded-gap region can also be


The next section describes one more check on the validity

of the model derived in Chapter 4: an experiment to determine

the effect of monochromatic light of different wavelengths

on the I-V characteristics of the front-to-back voltage. It

is shown that the effect predicted by the model can be

observed experimentally.

5.3 Dependence of I-V Characteristics on Photon Energy of

I ilumina t ion

The model of Fig. 4.1 shows a p-n junction immediately

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (103)


adjacent to the large-gap end of the graded-gap region. It

seems reasonable that by =everse-hlaslng t_ junction it

should be possible to extend the Junction space charge layer

into the graded-gap region, thus influencing the collection

of photogenerated carriers from that region. Since the applied

f_'eld should help excess minority carriers to drift toward

the junction, it may now be possible to collect excess carriers

generated by low-energy photons which are absorbed so far

away from the junction that the excess carriers they create

would normally recombine before reaching the Junction. Thus,

crudely speaking, one should see an increase in reverse photo-

current when that voltage is reached for which the edge of the

space charge region begins to approach the point where the

photons are being absorbed. Since the model of Fig. 4.1

predicts that lower energy photons should be absorbed

farther away from the junction, this threshold of photo-

current should correspond to larger and larger values of

reverse bias as the photon energy is lowered*.

The main problem in observing this effect experimentally

is getting enough intensity from the monochromator. Never-

theless, the effect was observed in B2098DI6, one of the

most sensitive devices produced during this work. The results

are shown in Fig. 5.5.

The I-V characteristic for this sample in the absence of

illumination is shown in Fig. 5.5a. An expanded portion of

this characteristic for reverse bias is shown in Fig. 5.5b,

which also shows the effect of monochromatic light with a

photon energy of i. I0 *.04 eV. It can be seen that the

An alternate method of investigation is to take spectral

response curves for increasing values of reverse bias and to

look for increased sensitivity at long wavelengths. This

effect was observed qualitatively in one or two samples, but

quantitative data are nor available.

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (104)






I I0 2.5 50




Deplehon re, ionwidth


_ O.2_9 ev(d)

_: 5.Tp(b)





in fig. 5.5b

Band Mode! for B2098 DI7

I mA)

./i I

IO 20, , , Vz4(voIts )

30 40 50


5.5a Current-Voltage Characteristics for B2098 D|6 tn the

Absence of Illuminatlon

I (FA)



-12 -II

: : :

-15 -_

5. Sb

, V(volts)

Expanded Portion of B2098 DI6 I-V Characteristic under

|.10 eV Monochromator Light

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (105)


photocurrent seems to begin when a reverse bias of about

15 V is reached°

The effect of other values of photon energy is shown in

Fig. 5.5c. It can be seen that as the photon energy is

increased, the threshold moves to smaller values of reverse

bias, the magnitude of the effect being very roughly

1.5V/0.10 eV° Since the distance corresponding to a bandgap

change of 0oi0 eV should be (from Fig. 3.3) roughly I micron

for this sample, and since the zero-bias capacitance of

120 pf/cm 2 (table 3.1) implles a junction depletion layer

width of about 8 microns_ the implication is that a reverse

bias of 1.5 volts should cause about a 10% change in

capacitance. This is not unreasonable in view of the results

for B2098D5 (Fig. 3o17a).

Thus the results of the experiment described in this

section may be interpreted as lending further support to the

model developed for the physical processes in these devices

in Chapter 4.

5.4 S.pectral Response of the PEM Voltage

It was assumed in Chapter 4 that the voltage measured

between the two ohmic contacts in Fig. 4.1 was essentially

equal to the junction voltage. This is justifiable because

it will be shown shortly that photovoltage arising in the

graded-gap region is inversely proportional to the equilibrium

majority carrier concentration in that region, whereas the

junction photovoltage is inversely proportional to the

minority equilibrium concentration at the graded-gap side of

the junction (Equation 4.12). However, the Hall component of

the photovoltage arising in the graded region should be avail-

able at two contacts on the back face of the device (contacts

3 and 4 of Fig° 2.4) and is the subject of this section.

The expression derived for the open-circuit Junction

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (106)

• 5-17






1,23 Vertical scale :

5p.A/divDark "-'--_..

I. Horizontal scale:

0.5 V/div


I. I0 eV

Effect of the Photon Energy of the Monochromatic L_ghton I-V Characteristics of 82098 DI6

ljn IGG


5.6 Circuit Model for Discussion of Sec. S. 4


i VO c


(r Fn AEG'__o_ -_-) 71

'"rd: _ r ]

/ rd_-lO r I

/_- ,I

/kE G


Spectral Dependence of PEM Voltage m Gr,lded-Gao Reclon

for Several Values of Transit Time'S" d

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (107)


photovoltage is given in Equation 4.12 for low illumination


kT An(O)V =

oc e nlo(O)

where An(O) is the excess electron concentration at the edge

between the space-charge region of the junction and the

p-tTpe graded-gap region, and nlO is the equilibrium minority

(electron) concentration at the same point. By comparison,

the photovoltage arising in the graded region alone (i.e.,

between x = 0 and x = t in Fig. 4.1a) for "white" light

which results in a uniform distribution of excess carriers An

througbout the graded region can be shown to be (4,5,6)

_n An AEGV

oc _p Pc e

for a sample with uniform equilibrium hole concentration Pc

(AE G is the change in energy gap which occurs between x - 0

and x = t). Since noP ° - n I - 1.76 x 1011cm "6 for CdTe, the

ratio of majority to minority equilibrium carriers is so

large that at least for photon processes occuring in the

graded-gap material near the CdTe, the junction photovoltage

should completely overwhelm the graded-gap photovoltage.

Another way to look at this is in terms of the circuit

model of Fig. 5.6; the graded-gap impedance is so low compared

to the Junction impedance that it tends to short out the

graded-gap voltage. In practical terms, this means that the

graded-gap signal is difficult to measure because of the large

noise signal associated with the high impedance between

contacts i and 4. This is the consideration which led to the

neglect of the voltage developed across the graded-gap region

in the development of the theoretical model, and the experi-

mental evidence of Chapter 3 seems to Justify the assumption.

However, as discussed in reference 4, it should be

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (108)


possible to measure the PEM component of the graded-gap

photovoltage. Since it is shown in reference 4 that the PEM

voltage is merely the Hall component of the front-to-back

graded-gap voltage, only the latter effect will be discussed


For the purposes of this analysis, the graded-gap region

is assumed to be quasi-neutral with a uniform equilibrium

hole concentration Po" It is assumed that there are no

junctions in the bulk CdTe.

The analysis is carried out in Appendix C. It is shown

that if the photons are absorbed within a very small

distance of the point where their energy matches the bandgap

(i.e., if _ _ oo) and if drift current dominates (Ldr/L n >> i),

then the open-circuit voltage between x = 0 and x = t of

Fig. 4.1 is given by

go (hv)T _n AEG -(Td/T)hv/AEG)V -- !--(l - e

oc Po _p e Td

2where go(hV) is the number of photons per cm

the photon energy hv

T is the lifetime of excess carriers


per sec at

AE G = EG(0) - EG(t ) is the bandgap change and would be

1.5 eV in this case

Td is the drift transit time across a graded region of

width t and is given by

The spectral dependence of this photovoltage is shown in

Fig. 5.7 for several values of Td. It can be seen that a

transit time long compared to the lifetime can result in a

"flat" spectral response usually associated with photon

counting, whereas a transit time short compared to the

lifetime results in a signal proportional to the photon

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (109)


energy, usually associated with thermal detectors such as

thermocouples. The PEM spectral responses shown in Figs.

3.12b and 3.12c seem to correspond to an intermediate case.

5.5 Conclusions

The main result of this chapter is that the data of

Chapter 3 can be explained using the model in Chapter 4.

This was shown first by constructing quantitative models for

several of the devices described in Chapter 3. The result

was not only that the various data were consistent with the

model and with each other, but that it was possible to gain

some insight into what was happening during the diffusion

process used to prepare these devices. Some alternate

explanations were discussed and their failings were pointed

out. A prediction of the model was shown to be experimentally

observable. Finally, an expression was derived for the PEM

voltage V34 which was in satisfactory agreement with the data

of Chapter 3.

The next chapter discusses conclusions to be drawn from

this work as a whole, and makes recommendations for future


'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (110)



i. D. de Nobel, "Phase Equilibria and Semiconducting

Properties of CdTe '_, Philips Research Reports, vol. 14,

pp 361-399 and 430-492 (1959).

2. M. Wolf, "Photovoltaic Solar Energy Convertors",

Proceedings of the IRE, vol. 48, pp 1246-1263 (1960).

3. T. S. Moss, "Optical Properties of Semiconductors",

Butterworth's, 1961.

4. G. S. Almasi, "Graded Energy Gap Heterostructures",

M.I.T. Energy Conversion and Semiconductor Laboratory

Semiannual Technical Summary Report No. 3, NASA Grant

NsG 496 (part), pp. 1-51, November, 1964.

5. P. Emtage, Journal of Applied Physics, v. 33, p 1950


6. J. Tauc, Review of Modern Physics, v. 29, p 308 (1957).

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (111)




At this point, it is appropriate to ask what the research

reported here means to someone interested in the potentialities

of a graded-energy-gap structure either as an energy converter

or as a photodetector. After this is discussed, the course

of the future research is considered.

As they stand, the devices produced in the course of this

study have very limited advantages over existing devices. The

conversion efficiency corresponding to the maximum PEM voltage

in Section 3.3 is about 10-3% at best. The front-to-back

voltage obtained in some of these devices for photon energies

just below the CdTe bandgap (1.5 eV) is considerably higher--

the 103 _V/_W sensitivity obtained for sample B2098DI0 under

1.4 eV monochromator illumination, combined with its impedance

of 106 ohms, yields a conversion efficiency of approximately

0.1% when extrapolated to a power level of 10 -3 watts/cm 2--

but this efficiency exists over such a narrow range of photon

energies that the overall conversion efficiency of a continuous

spectrum such as the sun's would be very poor (observed

efficiencies are about 10-3% at best). Thus, from the stand-

point of solar energy converters, the devices as they stand

offer no improvement over present semiconductor photocells.

From the standpoint of photodetectors, the picture for

the devices in their present form is a little less bleak, but

they would be limited to special applications. For example,

the sensitivity associated with the front-to-back photovoltage

is still near maximum for photon energies near 1.4 eV, the

value for GaAs injection laser radiation. For the optimum

values quoted in Chapter 3, the calculated noise-equlvalent-

power (NEP) for sample B2098DI0 operating at room temperature

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (112)


is about 10 -9 W/cps for 1.5 eV photons*. A possible advantage

might be that the active region can be protected from high-

energy particle damage by the thick CdTe window which is an

integral part of the device.

Another application might take advantage of the long-

wavelength response of the PEM voltage at contacts 3-4 to

detect the output of a Q-switched CO2 laser at i0.6_. The

room-temperature sensitivity associated with this photovoltage

(maximum 2 x 10 -3 V/W) is several orders of magnitude smaller

than that obtainable from a thermocouple, as is the NEP

(maximum 10-7 W/cps) +. However, if the speed of the device

even approaches the 10-8--10 -9 second hole lifetime estimated

for n-type CdTe(1'2) at room temperature, the low sensitivity

might be tolerable, since present-day detectors in this wave-

length region must be cooled with liquid helium to achieve

nanosecond response times (3,4).

The main value of the devices as they stand is in the

information they furnish about the experimental difficulties

which must be overcome in further development work on graded-

gap photodevices, as well as the information they furnish

about the internal mechanisms of the graded-gap regions which

exist in these devices. The model derived for the structures

studied here illustrates that doping control is probably the

main problem to overcome in designing an efficient graded-gapi

photodevice. Furthermore, since it was possible to resolve

the discrepancies between the results predicted by analyses

Calculated on the basis of an 0.Ii cps bandwidth for the

amplifier settings used.

+As mentioned in Chapter 3, cooling our samples with liquid

nitrogen increased the sensitivity by three orders of magnitude

for certain wavelengths, resulting in a NEP of I0 -I0 W/cps,

'but since the behavior of these devices at low temperatures is

not fully understood, this data was not presented. Seereference 8.

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (113)


of simple graded-gap devices (5'6'7) and the results obtained

here by using a model of an undesirable CdTe pn junction

which interacts with the graded-gap region, these measurements

support the assumptions made in those theoretical treatments.

Finally, even though the present device configuration is far

from optimum, it is still possible to obtain useful informa-

tion about the graded-gap region from these measurements.

This will be discussed briefly.

The dominant photocurrent mechanism in the graded-gap

region is determined by the ratio of drift to diffusion length

(Ldr/Ln), while the spectral response and efficiency of asimple graded-gap device* is determined by the larger of the

two quantities Ldr/t or Ln/t, where t is the width of thegraded region. As discussed in Chapter 4, the lack of corre-

lation between the slope of the spectral responses of these

devices and their heat-treatment history is a strong indica-

tion that Ldr/L n >> i and that drift is the dominant mechanism.

However, the fact that the PEM voltage in these devices is

more or less independent of photon energy is interpreted in

Section 5.4 to mean that Ldr/t << I, i.e., that the lifetime

in the graded region is so low that photogenerated carriers

recombine after drifting a distance which is only a small

fraction of the width of the graded region. This would be

in agreement with the very poor conversion efficiencies

available at light intensities comparable to that of sunlight.

It is doubtful if a simple graded-energy gap converter

will ever be a competitive solar cell, for the basic reason

that its linear I-V characterlstics (3'4) result in a maximum

A simple graded-gap device in this discussion is taken tomean one which contains no p-n junctions and in which themain motive force is due to the energy-gap gradient.

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (114)


theoretical conversion efficiency of 257. for any illumination

spectrum, while the limit conversion efficiency for silicon

solar cells, including the losses due to the nature of the

solar spectrum, is 227., and 157. efficiencies have been

ob served exper imenta 1ly (9).

From the standpoint of a photodetector, the future of

graded energy gap devices looks considerably more promising.

The long wavelength response of the PEM voltage has already

been mentioned. However, if the p-n Junctions in these

devices can be eliminated while still maintaining a low

equilibrium carrier concentration, this long-wavelength

response should also be available from the front-to-back


In addition, it was Just pointed out that the behavior

of the spectral response data indicates that the photo-

generated excess carriers in the graded-gap region move

primarily by drift. This opens up the possibility of a

deVice_whose speed is determined by the transit time of

excess carriers across the graded region, rather than by

their lifetime.

It is _suggested that the next step which is necessary

is to make measurements on devices in which the equilibrium

carrier concentration is controllable. This probably will

make it necessary to separate the investigatory and device

* Emtaga(_) has made a calculation for a GaAs-InAs graded-gap

photocell which incorporates a pn junction in the material

with the smaller gap (InAs) in the hope of avoiding this

source of inefficiency; considering present-day technology

in these materials, he finds a maximum conversion efficiency

of 437. for an idealized spectrum with a total number of

photons which is 2 x l03 times the number found in sunlight

at the earth's surface, and 37. for a number of photons equi-

valent to sunlight at the earth's surface. Using amplified

sunlight instead of the idealized spectrum, he finds a maximum

conversion efficiency of about 207. for these materials. Using

an ideal semiconductor alloy system, a conversion efficiency

of 357. under direct sunlight is calculated.

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (115)


development aspects of this problem, since it will probably,

be necessary to introduce a large amount of foreign impurities

in the beginning at least, which will result in an inefficient

device with a small output. It will be a simpler device,

however, and permit better comparison with theory.

Once this control has been achieved, it is suggested that

some time response measurements be carried out, since the

main interest in such a device would be as a high-speed long-

wavelength detector. This will require matching a high-speed

or high-frequency amplifier to the low impedance of the device.

A CO 2 laser would make a good high-power source of long-_lave-

length radiation, and either Q-switching or high-frequency

modulation might be employed to test the speed of the device.

Then if the speed is high enough to be of interest, it would

be appropriate to return to the problem of improving the

efficiency of the device by lowering the equilibrium carrier

concentration. This could be done either by compensation

experiments with foreign impurities or by using a precisely

controlled annealing scheme. Once this is accomplished,

there should probably be a study of the noise in these devices.

Another potentially interesting problem is an investiga-

tion of the properties of the intermediate-bandgap semicon-

ductor layers which can be achieved on a CdTe substrate by the

Since the band-edge variations in a device consisting of

two interdiffused semiconductors are determined not only by

the doping variation but also by the electron-affinlty

variation as a function of distance(5), it is valid to ask

whether the rectifying junctions obtained in the bulk of

these devices are really due to cadmium vacancy and inter-

stitial sites, or whether they are a manifestation of this

electron affinity variation. Unfortunately, the electron

affinity as a function of composition is not known. However,

the fact that both directions of rectification may be obtained

is a fairly strong indication that the structure is being

controlled by the doping. Doping control, therefore, looms

as the major problem in further development work on graded-gap


'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (116)

-6 ' °

method described in Section 3.3. One of the main problems in

-making good long-wavelength detectors by growing hom*ogeneous

mixed crystals of CdHgTe is that the energy gap near 0.10 eV

is varying very rapidly with composition, and is thus very

sensitive to inhom*ogeneities in the device. This may be a

good alternate way to make small-bandgap photovoltaic or

phot oc onduc t ive devic es.

- _ In conclusion, the results of this chapter may be

summarized briefly as follows: the assumptions made in the

,analysis of a graded gap device are applicable to the devices

prepared here if allowance is made for the undesirable p-n

junct'ions which appear in the bulk CdTe during the HgTe

diffusion. These Junctions interact with the graded-gap

region and collect some of the optically generated carriers

from that region. Elimination of this Junction should make

it possible to develop these devices into long-wavelength

photodetectors which may have very short response times.

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (117)



I. M. R. Lorenz and H. H. Woodbury, "Double Acceptor Defect

in CdTe", Physical Review Letters, v. I0, p. 215, March,


2. D. A. Cusano and M. R. Lorenz, "CdTe Hole Lifetime from

the Photovoltaic Effect", Solid State Communications,

v. 2, p. 125 (1964).

3. R. A. Smith, "Detectors for Ultraviolet, Visible, and

Infrared Radiation", Applied Optics, vol. 4, p. 631, June,


4. J. Lavine, private communication.

5. G. S. Almasi, "Graded Energy Gap Heterostructures_ M.I.T.

Energy Conversion and Semiconductor Laboratory Semiannual

Technical Summary Report No. 3, NASA Grant NsG 496 (part),

pp. 1-51, November 30, 1964.

6. P. R. Emtage, Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 33, p. 1950


7. J. Tauc, Review of Modern Physics, vol. 29, p. 308 (1957).

8. G. S. Almasi, "Graded Energy Gap Heterostructures", M.I.T.

Energy Conversion and Semiconductor Laboratory Semiannual

Technical Summary Report No. 2, June 30, 1964, and Report

No. 4, June 30, 1965.

9. M. Wolf, Proceedings of the IRE, vol. 48, p. 1246, July,


'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (118)




This appendix considers the relationships which are possible between

r 1, r2, a, and t in equation 4.9, and shows that if these is any significant

dependence of An(O) on xv, then the dominant term in equation 4.9 must be

rl(t-x v)e .

The various combinations can be broken down into two main cases:

1) r I = - r 2 for various values of a.

2) r I >> - r2 for various values of a.

Case i: '_iffuslon Dominant", r I = - r2 = I/L

In this case, equation 4.9 becomes

i t-x t-x

-(-z-z)An(O) = a t(e-tlL-e ilL) (a + l/L) e -e

-a(t-x v)21L., e

+ ilL + a

Since the coefficient of the last exponential in the bracket varies between


zero and two as a varies between infinity and zero, it can be shown that

the magnitude of the sum of the last two terms in the bracket never exceeds

unity. The dominant term in the brackets is therefore the first term with

its positive exponent.

Case 2: "Drift Dominant,"

a) a >> rI >> - r2

rI >> - r2

In this case, equation 4.9 becomes

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (119)




Vn L 1rI (t-x v) r2(t-xv)

e -e

, r2t rlt

' aI e - a2 •

rl(t-x v)Since rl(t:x v) _> O and r2(t-x v) < O, the term e

function is sketched in Fig. A.I.

dominates. This

b) r I >> - r 2 >> a

In this case, equation 4.9 becomes

ale -a2e



The term in the square brackets may be re-wrltten

rl(t-x_) I rl1---e 1---r I r 2 i e(r2-rl (t-xv)_e- (rl+a) (t-x_)1

and since rI >> - r2 and rI >> a, this becomes

1 rl(t-x_)-- e

r I I _1_-_l<_-x_> >11 - _2 -e-rl(t-xv

1 rl(t-x_)o.

i -- e

r I

Thus again the term erl(t-x _)


c) rI >> a >> -r2

In this case, equation 4.9 becomes

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (120)



drawn for rI >>-r 2

e rl(t-xv)

A. 1 Excess Carrier Distribution at x= 0 for a • z r I

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (121)


An(O) =aqolDn

r2t rlt

ale -a2e l rl(t-x_) 1 _ r2(t-x_) -a(t-xv) 1

-- e -- e -erl -


The proof is identical to that for the case b) above, and the result again

rl (t-x V )is that e is the dominant term.

Thus it has been shown that both for drift and diffusion cominant and

for large, intermediate, and small values of absorption coefficient, the

dominant exponential term in the square brackets of equation 4.9 is

r l (t-x)e

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (122)





The main purpose of this section is to show that absorption coefficients

with a simple dependence on energy or on position do not significantly alter

the photon-generation function used in section 4.3.

The number of photons absorbed per unit time in a thin strip of unit area

and a thickness dx normal to the light flux is equal to aFdx, where F is the

photon flux and a is the absorption coefficient (1). Thus

dFdx" aF (BI)

and if it is assumed that the absorption of photons of energy hv begins at

a point x in the graded-gap region where EG(X) = hv, then the probability P C

that the photon is absorbed somewhere in the graded-gap region between x - xv

and x - t is given by


-IPc aF(x)dx. (B2)


-a(x-x )For constant a, F(x) = F(xv)e


-a(t-xv)P = 1 - e (S3)C

If a linear energy-gap variation with distance is assumed_ i.e._


zc = Zoo (i - t) (B4)

and since x is defined byV


s V

Eg hv " EGo (1 - _--) (B5)

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (123)


the probability that a photon of energy hv is captured in the graded region is

given byhv

P = (I - e EGo).c


This function is plotted in Fig. B.I for several values of at.

In general, a is a function of photon energy even in hom*ogeneous semi-

conductors, varying with powers of photon energy between 1/2 and 3/2, depending

on the specific absorption mechanism (1). The effect of such a functional

dependence of a on photon energy is investigated first by assuming a still

independent of x explicitly but linearly dependent on [hV-EG(X)]. Thus

._ hv-Ec(x)a = a ( ). (BT)

o EGo

Combining this with (B3) and (B4) gives a as an implicit function of x:

(X--X)a = a for x > x

o t v

a = 0 forx < xv


Integration of equation (BI) in this case yields


o 2tF(x) = F e


and use of equation (B2) gives the probability of capture in the graded-gap

region as

p I



-aot( )

1 - e



'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (124)

• B-3


at=lO at=2 at I I

0.5 1

. I I

t-------------_ h _


B.i Pr,_bablhty of Ph:_ton Capture in Graded Region _*f Ti/lckness

t f_r _. C,_nstdnt




_ / oo,-

I'_,- hu


B.2 Probability of Phc)t_n Capture in Graded Rtglon of Thickness

t for _ Linearly Rel.-_ted to Photon Energy

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (125)


This function is plotted in Fig. B.2 for several values of a t. It can beo

seen that the functional dependence on photon energy is not drastically different

from the behavior shown in Fig. B.I,

The value of a° in equation B7 may depend on position in the graded-gap

region, since the effective masses decrease as the energy gap decreases, result-

Ing in a increase in the densities of states in each band and thus resulting

. is assumed to be an explicit linear function of x,in an increase in a° If a°

x-x hV-EG(X)

a - aoo (--_) ( EG O ) (BI1)

then the preceding analysis can be repeated to show that the capture

probability will now have the form

-aoot('_) 3

P = (i - e ).c


This will differ from the function plotted in Fig. B.2 mainly in its behavior

for low-enezgy photons, which will be cubic rather than quadratic.

It is clear that neither of these position-dependent absorption processes

lead to an exponential function of photon energy with a slope anywhere near

the values found for the photovoltaic spectral responses described in section

3.3. It was therefore decided that the photon absorption process was

adequately represented for the purposes of this analysis by a constant

absorption coefficient.

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (126)



R.A. Smith, "Wave Mechanics of Crystalline Solids," John Wiley and

Sons, 1961.


'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (127)




The methods and results of Chapter 4 can be adapted to calculate the

photo voltaEe that arises in the graded-gap region, with a generality which

is equal to the results for the Junction photo voltage. However, in view of

the relative lack of emphasis placed on the PEM data, such a general treat-

ment seems neither warranted nor appropriate at thls point. Therefore, it is

only outlined brlefly, followed by an analysis of a simpler model which

nevertheless fulfills the purposes of this discussion.

The general procedure to be sketched here assumes that CdTe to the left

of the graded-gap region Is Infinitely wide, and that the entire structure has

a uniform equilibrium hole concentration Po" The results quoted without

proof here are from unpublished work by the present author, and are included

for the convenience of others who may be interested either in comparing or

in extending this work.

The only boundary condition which differs from those used in Chapter 4

is that Ani(x = - ®) = 0. Region III, of course, does not exist in this

case. The open-circuit voltage V is found by integrating equation 4.1OC

for the case where the total current is zero. The result is


V = I__ [e(Dp_Dn)An(O) _ e D ¢ _ An(x)dx]oc o n-- jP o

where oP = e_p Po"


'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (128)


An(O)I _ (rl_r2) (t-xv)

= aqo/D* (i - e

a + r2 rI - r2 -rI%{1 - e

a+rl e

where D* is the amblpolar diffusion coefficient, and


I An(x)dx = aq°/D*

o(a+r 1) (a+r 2) (rl-r 2) "

-(a+r 1) (t-xu)-1 + erlX_(1 -e )}

a+r 1

r 1

{er2(t-xv) rlx _ -(rl-r 2) (t-x)-I + e (I- e )}

4- u

rl-r 2



-,_(t-x ) a+r I r2(t-x ) |

(e v -1) + r---_ (e v -I) ]The behavior of the open-clrcult photovoltage as a function of photon energy

can be elucldated using the techniques, of Appendix A and it can be shown

that no matter what the relationship between rl, r2, and a, the shape of the

spectral response will not differ markedly from the results of the simplified

analysis to follow. (See also Figure 5.7)

The analysis to be worked out here assumed that rI ,, -r2 (drift dominates)

and that a >> rI and at >> 1 (thick graded region). The generation function

in equation 4.3 is then an impulse-like function

g(x) = go(hU) Uo(X - t + h____ t)EGo

where go(hV) is the number of photons per cm2 per second at the photon energy

h_, and u° is the unit impulse function. The solution for An is

-(x-t[1-h_/EG_ )

An = go(hu)e U_l(X-t[l-hv/Eoo]) (C2)Ldr

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (129)




J Metal


CJo( hi/)T



.____",_,,o.^/ k _ _eei\ ",._

_" _ _ X0 xi/ t

C.! Band Model Used for Analysis and Excess Carrier

Concentration Resulting form Assumption that

D_lt Dominates

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (130)


where EGo is the energy gap at x = 0, the "drift length" Ldr is still defined

by eq. 4.4 as

= L2 A6oLdz n-T-

and _-I is _he unit step function° The excess carrier distribution in this

approximation is sketched in Fig- C.I.

Tlae open-clrcuit photovoltage is calculated by adding equations 4.1a and

4.1b to obtain the total current, setting this equal to zero, and integrating

Since the material has been assumed strongly p-type and since drift has been

assumed to dominate, the result is

d An _n I dEG

dx (_-_o) Po _p" e dx (C3)


_n i An 1 dEGV m

oc Up _ Poe dx dx (C4)


and since Po is constant, insertion of the value found for An in equation C2

leads toLdr hv

go (hv)x _n AEG t AEG)v = t (i - e (C5)

oc Po Up e Ldr

which can be converted to the result in equation 5.2 simply by realizing that

Ldr Td

t r

The behavior of this function is sketched in Fig. 5.7 and is discussed in

section 5.4_

Equation C4 can also be used to explain the origin of the idea discussed

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (131)

4 ¸


in section 5.2 that under certain conditions, the spectral response Voc/go(hV )

should depend on the doping variation in the graded-gap region. The behavior

shown in Fig. 5.7 is based on the assumption that Po is a constant. This makes

it possible to take Po outside the integral in equation C4. However, if Po

were a function of x, this would not be possible. Now, if An were a narrow

pulse which existed over only a small portion of the graded-gap region, the

integrand would be non-zero over only a small distance near xv, and the quantity

which would enter into equation C5 would be Po(Xv).

Figure CI shows that An does approach a pulse with width much less than

t for small enough values of x. It was thought, therefore, that the monochromatic

llght of photon energy hv might in effect be "sampllng" Po(Xv). However, the

evidence discussed in section 5.2 is against this explanation.

'7 - NASAtotal hole concentration equilibrium hole concentration excess hole concentration. 11 qo = incident photon flux s = surface recombination velocity t = width of graded region - [PDF Document] (2024)
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