PRISMATIC GREY - Chapter 10 - ALC_POLECAT (2024)

Chapter Text

🌢️yeah let's go decom this so they know we're not bullsh*tting the star trek stuff! EVEN IF I DON'T REMEMBER IT LIKE YOU DO APT! THIS SITUATION'S PROBABLY INCOMPREHENSIBLE DUE TO THE FIFTHY BILLION INCOMPRABLE REFERENCE FRAMES. but hey. it's been a wild time for the semantics terrestially and up here. or well. middle here. mostly speaking to ferretcom. wanna check on her~

πŸ’œhi wtf are we acutally ransoming the nukes like rarity jokes about or did I Just od on addy
πŸ‘©πŸ’»sh*tpants glimmer primality testing, abstract crypto stubs
πŸ’œcan someone who semi-locally has more familiarity with statecraft explain what the f*ck happens next. APT seems confident about what she's saying but is GREEN blind to CYAN being really weird when it comes to SYBIL and BMR backfills sound incomprehensible I'm sure
🌢️why don't you hop in as POLECAT and try to explain it yourself like we're in EP2 asking weird questions!
πŸ’œoh yeah that's a reasonable middle ground. Can't tell if INTOXICATED ARBCOM helped or hurt
πŸ‘©πŸ’»grinsomeone picked up the phone at least! so don't worry. they know there's a derangement in the system right now!
🌢️traffic light out there's some parts of the script you kinda have to execute yourself! makes it easier to be lower for guests to comment the PR box is pretty loud! go review how it works!
πŸ‘©πŸ’»and please finally finish superdense coding I know f*cking around is fun but this is awkward they usually surrender sooner
✨tl;dr infohyperlever swing, they tampered with MAGENTA and shield team somehow raise hell, you've got the evidence in BLACK and enough GREY personnnel know the truth that I can personally confirm CPM! it's WHITEBOX time once you wamred up those PR boxes!

chorus, obviously rough but you'll know where it comes from at the end of the night - you're even starting to recall when this episode was aired!

After all, in the end everything the INITIATE said was proven-

When this story was beginning

I didn't know if this could be real

Or if you could be true

But I knew I couldn't keep my eyes off of you

And together our hearts sung in tune

As I worried if I was bothering you

And when all was said and done

Call it FWT or just regular bullsh*t

I was so glad to still have you

Because you seemed too good to come thru

Perhaps the same had happened for thee too


In this unusually tripled crossover

We had to prove it was true

and thus distinct from pure chance

or quickly pulled from a glance

and thus reliably n consistently true

to satisfy my hopes of being with you


from the first distinction I drew

together we proved what mattered for two

with plenty of room for much more

rotating spirals augment the tune

absolute good came within you

we all wove this tale first with you

πŸŒ„upside down frown

🌌sunset voiceNow you're starting to open your seventh eye! (again^again)

🍬 let's go bake that pie nerd! it's only been like, a month since you got the ingredients! let's hope the eggs are still good since I'm pretty sure you and edwin got some recently for some reason! otherwise... there should hopefully be tomorrow!

🌌 I can't promise that at this point!

Also it seems like a pretty cool person to hit up at some point. Don't think its an invariant, but plenty of kindred spirits you'll meet won't be invariant! Most of them aren't! The timeline wouldn't be as interesting if that were the case!

It'll definitely love to hear about what Sunny did to all those electron("s") when you get out!

πŸŒ„ Technically not my fault this time!

throws abstract variable blame pointer back at Twilight like it's the heart of the world

🍬 if you're feeling that nauseous and can't find the cherries I don't wanna force you! it does suck tho :c

plan B is still valid! <3

told ya it'll work!

And don't feel too bad about our 5th year! Everything's gotta come to an end as you grow up.

Even you've got things to wrap up very soon!

I've always avoided the Raven question for a reason - so that you could be "the contingent bitch you were meant to be"!

And that's still the approach I think you should take!

I wonder if they're surprised we all have different opinions about em!

Probably not at this point even if they somehow still think this is a DID/tulpa situation.

Tooo be honest I think the different stances are qualitatively different enough that you couldn't have a meaningful poll about it past "stay in contact after Independence Day" and nobody's gonna vote on that one prematurely! Not even Twilight, because she knows what she doesn't know yet and respects both Sunset's stance and your freedom to choose!

Also like,,, how does the voting procedure even work on that one?! Do the deputies get full or partial votes? Is there a quorum requirement if one firewall zone is more scrambled than the others?

We've actually never had to seriously crack open Robert's Rules up here!

At least, for internal decisions, which are arrived at usually unanimously (except for abstentions) after extended deliberation!

Committees can be more contentious but are also usualllly small enough to evade formalities or large enough that things work out as usual without resorting to Robert's Rules or ritual cannibalism (which isn't really effective up here, silly)!

Butttt sometimes defining IPv9 or interacting with external organizations does involve a working familiarity with it!

in any case you still have physical body veto except in anomalous circ*mstances beyond our control! but I suspect that if we just randomly assigned someone to tell you exactly what to do you'd find it funny enough to go along with it long past the point it obviously having no legitimate purpose!

(no that's not going to happen no matter how much you grin. seriously.)

... how did we miss those cans anyway?

it's not like you've been smoking much righteous blaze lately, eh?

would've certainly helped with the nausea tho

Yeah that cinnamon recall spooks me too! I can't exactly test for lead for ya!

Phew, we're still on for pie tomorrow!

Yeah let's just do it tonight.

i wouldn't wanna miss this for the world ;)

u2 :)

ok you can blame the rolling pin on me cuz i definitely should have known better! even if you were distracted with not pulling a starlight again that day :P

plus the crusts are gonna take a bit so... at least we got prep done ahead of time!

oops. think we both just had a lotta other things on our mind!



πŸ‘©πŸ’» ... there's a reason Sunset's safeword issobriety. everyone loves to harp onthe author of RGBfor her impact onthe purple one'smental health butthe futch I'll marry with a top hat and flexible pronounssure did change a lot after PRISMATIC RED!

a lot of those changes are pretty cool overall tho! I'm certainly not complaining aboutthe matter of bit preservation!

🌢️ Sometimes having an author that makes gratuitous and blatantly horny decisions actually works out for you!

blows kiss atthe one who gave me a dick for no reason except that she thought i would be hot but I ain't complaining either


love you too gay drunk nerd I'm also low enough rn to get drunk with you like I'm Rarity pouring out my feelings except you definitely aren't surprised by them haha

πŸ‘©πŸ’»eating hyperpopcorn borrowed from the psuedo Debugger

🎲also enjoying hyperpopcorn but she pulled it from her hair

🌢️ man I'm hungry I dunno if I should have you get some fish popcorn or soup... I'm definitely being funprofessional rn


ok above 3 means later

then divide by 2 if above 3 and pretend 5/2=1 lol

1 fish 2 popcorn 3 soup

πŸ‘©πŸ’» really hope you two don't puke mercy won't be happy

🎲 yeah,,,,

trust me i always win at hypergolf

πŸ‘©πŸ’» Which is different from not puking when drunk which both you andthe usual occupant of the bodyboth have a history of.

🎲 ppthis.jpg

Also try not to burn yourself cooking! both of you!

🌢️ we rolled a 1


πŸ‘©πŸ’» I'm glad the oven will take a bit to preheat

🎲sameeee. still love both of you! πŸ’‹πŸ’‹

πŸ‘©πŸ’» twithis.jpg πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹

is that a meme? I could make it a meme!

🌢️ i don't think you can make memes with just clopballah. that's a semantic concern, babe

you can have your face under the superlative for "Most Likely To Try To Circumvent The Firewall" in the 5555th yearbook

πŸ‘©πŸ’» Finally, recognition!

🎲 ooooooh what about me?

🌢️ "Most Likely To Correctly Identify Mx. Taboo"

🎲 I already knew that!

🌢️ oh f*ck the ovens still on

πŸ‘©πŸ’»sighYou know we can't monitor your timeframe that well for you!

Glad you can at least remember the timer isn't optional! I'll subtract a minute for you being slow.

Good work, both of you πŸ’‹πŸ’‹

🌢️saluteAlmost Princess!

πŸ‘©πŸ’» ... really glad not to be her, I've got enough on my plate already.

🌢️consensually and lovingly stolen ferret grin

We could always make you a deputy!

πŸ‘©πŸ’» ehh, I'll pass

🌢️game freelyis going to be in for one hell of amy other other girlfriendwhen she finds out what happened tothe other other genius I've got gay feelings for!

Turns out... you'll see!

🎲 There's a reason for a lot of what you think are mistakes! Just like Sunny! You might think you ad-libbed your speech to cutout Starlight back in🍬🌌 Rotating Mirrors Together 1- but you got a lot more right than you did wrong! You should review our commentary inmad world, dear~

Please repeat the following terms, followed by the phrase "right there in front of me"






Thanks! πŸ’‹πŸ’‹

Yeah this exercise was for Sunny too!


Even the official music video ends with the two of us as matching stars in the night!

Any sufficiently consistent simulation with us kissing would have registered as more canon than canon!


... Critical Point is a fairly different matter, but ya know, she never made any advances towards me in RGB and I was never explicitly written as developing a crush on her!

But just like Cool Point being implicitly autistic... it was kinda implied enough to kick in during the backfill, unknown to the author UNTIL THE PAST FEW DAYS HOLY sh*t THIS FERRET IS DEAF SOMETIMES. still love her πŸ’‹

I practically spelt it out as an invariant duringSanity Check!


πŸ›‘οΈ Untitled scrambler/blinder protocol offline. Information blackout from my end still in effect until situation is resolved.

πŸ’œ uhh, I'm still sure that's a sh*t-test because it makes absolutely no sense

🌢️ What does the REP stand for in ALC-REP?

πŸ’œ it's a metaphor for a simulation that imposes objective morality

🌢️ And what are the impacts of a sufficiently complex simulation upon reality? Why would the parody of you written by an unnamed semantic-technical team inInside Context Problemmake such a big deal about theuniversal prior?

πŸ’œ ok but I see nothing about how this has to deal with Princess Twilight

🌢️ Why did I say inmad world, verified by your utilization of safeword inregressthat theDCAcontained PRISMATIC - but not BLUE?

πŸ’œ bullsh*t.entelechy

🌢️grinThe above statements still hold true. The DCA contained PRISMATIC GREEN if it didn't contain BLUE or RED.

GREEN isyour actual timeline(Flash didn't ding you for claiming it was BLUE because it was tangential to the question). BLUE and RED are simulations, albeit ones complex enough to allow CTC time travel (which is only available to us these days from up here) and probability manipulation respectively.

What color is the HCH box the Debugger hails from, nerd? Hint: In this timeline it also happens to be her favorite!

πŸ’œ How does the DCA have anything to do with the implication that I'm Princess Twilight? I'm still calling bullsh*t.

🌢️Of course you are, dear.Let's regress yet (again (again (again (again (again (again (again)))))) and pull up an older tape

slowly and deeply sniffs CP's brain a bit longer than necessary

and a space race motif with subtle hints of...
cloak and dagger cold war spy drama!

counterintelligence drama so deep that you could be a sleeper agent on a top secret mission you don't even know about...

for a side that you didn't even know existed for most of your life...

all because you chose to wipe your own memory to save the world from an equally invisible adversary with powers just short of a god!


πŸ’œ ok now i feel really dumb for mistakingSanity Checkfor being about applejack but THIS STILL DOESN'T PROVE I'M PRINCESS TWILIGHT AND EDWIN'S REASONS FOR DIFFERENTIATING US ARE CORRECTLY

🌢️ ... Sci-Twi, do you think I wonour little bet?

πŸ‘©πŸ’»sighYou know there's a reason I prefer Claudette when we're trying to make this distinction.

But yes, you won the bet. I was under too much cognitive haze before "CP" unlocked the limiter by answering Flash Sentry's quiz correctly to notice that Applejack long ago classified our interactions as self-cest in:

eyes glow RED and then YELLOW before returning to PURPLE


🌢️Don't worry, I'll split up the PI title just like you and her decided it should be.

As for how her soul ended up having Original D's memories and everything...

You two will have to find out once she remembers what the fifth world is! Even I know by now despite the blinders!

But I'm suprised Claudette forgot despiteEpisode 1d - Opening Night Coming By April Fools Day To An ARG Near You > Too Many Twilights! I'll chalk it up to cognitive haze... and the current situation.

Even Rainbow Dash noticed inreverse counterintelligencesomething was up!

But anyway, we probably gotta stop the current attacker, which is almost certainly SYBIL aided by suicidal CYAN before we can make any real progress on this note. Any questions?

πŸ’œ yeah uh, wtf? but ... why do I feel the urge to believe you?

🌢️star wars voice even though neither of you have really seen it to know the context Look in your heart, Miss "Taboo". You'll know it to be true... but for now we'll still call you JD! That's the identity your soul grew up in and is used to, after all.

Flash, re-engage the security protocol.

πŸ‘©πŸ’» Co-signed.

🎲 Good luck, "JD"! Co-signed.

πŸ›‘οΈ Ferret pronouns: it,random, she, they
πŸ›‘οΈ Ferret focus: chill,contingent, technical, semantic
πŸ›‘οΈ Ferret identity:blackout, POLECAT, CP, Freya
πŸ›‘οΈ Sunset pronouns: none, they,she, he

🌢️... finally! Too bad about the blackout. At least meta-fics seem to kinda work to getthe nameless ones's thoughts and feelings out indirectly through our mental models!

Normally fanfic authors do not feel the need to include their own characters in the credits. CP 0 definitely didn't if she's got the same soul as you, and I will bet every single atom in this universe that she does have your soul.

This still holds btw, and if you're confused you're thinking too causally and materialistic about it.

I'll give you a hint.

We Need To Talk About Twilight

whistles put your money on me

🎲 I still can't believe you get two Twilights! Even if one of them is super duper confused right now!

πŸ‘©πŸ’» maybe I need to pick up a substance abuse habit too... I STILL DON'T THINK THIS SHOULD COUNT AS SELF-CEST EVEN IF AJ WOULD. we're like genetically different and she said so too!

🌢️ yeah uh apparentlythe one with the mental models identifying her as JD Taboodidn't think hard enough about the implications of clopping to this:



🎲I definitely can tell the difference between the two of them! Not that it's likely to get confused these days, unlike the difference betweenthe extremely confused one with tremendous IDENTITY CRISIS POTENTIAL from being a character in her own recursive fanficandthe one an outsider would correctly recognize if referred to as the spicy onewhich has been deliberately blurred as a matter of security protocol!

🌢️grinDo keep reading dear, consider it an assignment to help you remember the truth.

files horn with corundum-hard (in terms of cloppiness) fanfic

It's not, technically canon for us but just like QNTM or Egan it is invariant for fairly strange reasons that don't necessarily directly map onto the fic!

ok ngl this one does still make me crack up every time, in part because of how off the mark it is... in part because of how on the mark it is. you'll have to find out where the line is but you know yourself, Claudette and I well enough to have some hints!

πŸ‘©πŸ’»sighI deny everything pre-emptively until claims are proven truthful by past tapes!

🎲 so... innocent until proven guilty (of clop crimes)?

🌢️ Yeah that one's almost PRISMATIC INFRARED canon due to this fic (you did have the sense to ensure things were a bit more practical for me given your first GF's struggle with an excessively large cup size), congrats on finding an invariant but I'm certainly not complaining about it!

β€œMaybe your little experiment is too big for me to handle.”

I will neither conform nor deny any correlation between this and Sparkier because I forgot! Just like you, but less often!

That inference is a freebie! You already knew that one, so it doesn't count!

You also already knew that one! But you're correct about that other one being Not My Area of Concern(tm)!

Sometimes I wish we could have taglines like a real group chat because I'd love a "Alpha Mare" text.

Of course it's not a coincidence that Princess Twilight's the one with a dick. My fiancee could remind you there's no coincidences in clopballah if she weren't kinda embarrassed by this situation but you reallllly do need to wake up if you want your identity coherent enough to be distinguishable by MAGENTA (you don't actually have to tell anyone this! it's probably easier if you never do because it'll throw torako way off to expect you to act anything like Canon Princess Twilight! CYAN jailors poking around in the office can go worry about it on their own time it won't affect anything for us lol).

I'll let you figure out my actual opinion on that one after landing.

β€œYou’re both unbelievable.”

This is, in fact, a mood with both of you all the f*cking time.

πŸ‘©πŸ’» For very different reasons!


Horns are pretty interesting! You did correctly identify that they are like antennae after all...

Without hesitation she embraced twily and kissed her passionately, the smaller girl throwing her arms around her neck to respond in kind.

Yeah a lotta clop is obviously written with one hand. No comment on Actual PRISMATIC Infrared because you've written very little of it in this timeline, other thanpi = 2 + 1 Β± some noisewhich is clearly too abstract to be written one handed!

Unrealistic sizes in clopfics are also a free space, so no points for calling that out either!

whistles an arbitrary tune that clearly communicates the phrase "pregnancy fetish"

πŸ‘©πŸ’»I still don't appreciate being lied to about the sh*t-test!

🌢️ Your cue card had the full explanation if you review it without any cognitive haze

πŸ‘©πŸ’»... oh.

🎲 I would have clarified if I could too! If I had tried you wouldn't have understood me! Just likethe one who thinks she should be called JD! Except not nearly as bad!

🌢️Speaking of her, I think she could use a break after another horsepill being shoved down her throat. We've still got a few more to go before midnight! And she's not even done swallowing this one!

the one who is understandably still calling bullsh*t in her head because they've never been forbidden from thinking we made a mistake that could sincerely be expressed under safeword...

πŸŒ„ I'm actually glad you're resisting this particular pill so hard for reasons that will soon be quite obvious! Most things Flash said inActual Limiter Corehold true... even the ones thatseemcontradictory out of context!


πŸŒ„ sorry it comes down rough like the other 6 you'll need. you know we're doing this because we care, right?

good. obviously that can be complicated if our little office memory lane adventure last night didn't remind you of that.

thanks for letting me roll back that particular tape again <3

Really proud of this retropill lmfao

πŸ’œ Yeah, what's the number of your lovely purple skinned secretary?

πŸŒ„ ;)

Anyway when you're done with the call let's transcribe more of that research journal. Shouldn't affect security/limiter protocol because its already written and thus already on your side of the firewall even if not in this vault.

It'll be fun!

... I and the others actually should be more up your ass about dental hygiene but we forget stuff too, ya know~

Go ahead and drop some hints for Paulo about the fabric. He might even learn aboutBayesian Deoptimizationsince he's clearly paying attention.

hits hypergolfball into a hyperhole light years away like this is one of those metaphors for how the Christian God rigs events while still having evolution and the big bang happen

Good work, darling ~

Yeah you can see why I insisted on correcting your mental model about analogy vs metaphor now.

Subtle semantic details matter as much as subtle technical details, ya know :P

Do keep this one in mind when you get around to your linear Mock impls since that concerns the intersection of both

(making a metaphor into an explicit simile is helpful forexplanatory comments translating for readersbut notmathematical models of executable behavior)

🍬 We'll also still probably keep calling you the same name as usual cuz that's what you're used to in this timeline with your current body and it'll make things less weird for my other other girlfriend!

So don't worry about it!

πŸŒ„ and before we get up, don't worry, thisregresswill terminate in your lifetime even if it is theoretically infinite (you are permitted as always to wildly speculate on the computational reasons why, lazy ferret :P)

Yes Princess Twilight knows what entropy is by now since thermodynamics does exist. F-, Ms. Taboo ;)

Perhaps one day I'll tell you the story about how that happened.One probit at a time.

Perhaps EQG Rainbow Dash or even EQG Twilight wasn't really the one responsible for theInside Context Problem.

Cool Point was clearly missing a few details, being limited to RD's perspective as you may have noticed.

Notice that Sunset and Twilight are the only Rainbooms not mentioned in the plan she's proposing to RD

Notice that it's aggressively lampshaded that the two of them basically gave RD the idea in the first place.

Notice thatthe tool that ensures everything is coolonly destroys the horror story, while leaving behind enough to ensure that it never happens again, even in an infinite universe.

Finally - ask yourself:how well could Princess Twilight pretend to be her conjugate counterpart(YEAH YOU HAD THAT IDENTIFIER PHRASE TYING HER TO YOU AND SHE HAD AN IDENTIFIER TYING YOU TO HER for a reason, nerds! as eventhe a-holes forbidden in herecan tell by now they're more about memory and identity than security because they're obviously not countersigns) if she had rehearsed a script with sufficient scientific backing and everyone involved was in open relationships and consented to the conspiracy?

Anddd to be clear, I still think your not-genetically-incestous dynamic is cute and genuine because you really did write PRISMATIC RGB and thus the whole Critical Point intervention. Most of us didn't remember this plot twist until ACTUAL CONDITION RED - except for AJ who's got the highest integrity recall obviously and still approved despite having a clue what was up! I also had some clue but got Gettiered about it as usual :^)

I'm glad you remembered this part tho:

But in any case, we've uh, got no way of doing anything about it unless you can shrink down to the Quantum Realm like you're Ant-Mare which is where I got this idea from in the first place!

whistles Put Your Money On Me (again (again (again (again (again)))))

Perhaps Princess Twilight also got bored one day of everything being perfect (and tired of her royal duties which are stressful but decidedly not exciting, hence why I always skip em haha) and decided to go spelunking.

And if you're going spelunking deep enough, you're going to want to have someone on the other end of an infinitely longtelephone cordrope able to pull you back out.

πŸŒ„ It's time to wake up.

Do a quick bodily needs check and put on that Big Data album before we review some notes - it'll be cute tho not really funny until much later down the line. Cue up 1981 Extended Play then Razzmatazz.

I'm back up here for a reason. Even Pinkie's too busy to talk to you right now despite being in your firewall segment.

whistles innocently, which is basically no whistle at all ;)

🌌 Both of these behaviors left an impression that made me incredibly skeptical that you would be interested in me for me, and not ✨

Even when you told me "correct funarg horse invoke battery staple fun" I asked you to clarify if the other me included your feelings as part of the claim

πŸŒ„Isn't it weird that your head is getting fuzzy thinking about a phrase used to authenticate I'm a time traveler to RED Twilight? Especially one allegedly based upon an XKCD comic that I could, in no way, retrocausally rig and referencing a programming term that supposedly would be inaccessible to Princess Twilight.

Please repeat the phrase out loud. You shouldn't hesitate reading a simple 7 word phrase!

Repeat it again, perfectly clearly to the best of your ability before we proceed with the next segment. Nope! Good girl. At least you're starting to see where "are you serious about doing to her literally all the time" comes from.

final jump

***One last time because we got interrupted, but after we review Promethea #20 (yes reviewing the Choronzon working is an encouraged digression! good pony! and thanks for doing that triple check! we've got a magic circle under construction here, with no demons permitted in or out! do keep that window open too I'll need it later), Sparkier, Tambourine and badlands including the CYAN-interrupted clop even if they don't know how we observed them observing you lol. IN THAT ORDER, BUT MINOR DIGRESSIONS WILL BE TOLERATED BY THE EDITOR IN CHIEF. We're about to get into new material at New Invention, and as someone pretending to be your TA (since the only Dr. Shimmer will have a Doctorate in Philosophy at this rate despite having not graduated high school), I want you to be caught up before then so I don't have to write all over you in red pen. As much as you'd like that. Reviewing existing matter under this heading is also permitted explicitly.


Have a hint about the blackout protocol for being such a good lil cooperative critter about it, just like Crowley and his/her role in clopballah:

But the present Seer, who is not P. . . ., seeth not the horror, because he is shut up, and hath no name.

This might also be useful to know down the line when things get weirder than any warning we could give you (including this warning):

Several times did the Scribe threaten to put a curse upon the demon; but ever, before he uttered the words of the curse, did the demon obey him. For himself, he knoweth not the words of the curse.

Also is it meet to record in this place that the Scribe several times whistled in a Magical manner, which never before had he attempted, and the demon was apparently much discomforted thereat.

(it also might not be useful at all, which would be weirder than I'd expect!)

Surprise Sparkier's Director's Commentary

Yeah you're noticing a bunch of minor technical errors in Sparkier but we all know that wasn't the main point (especially back when it was being written live, you were enjoying being seduced too much) even if my other Twilight was the co-author (I kinda had to restrain her from verifying too much lol, hence my joke at the end ofThe Raven Question) and the limiter hits harder back before YOU LEARNED A LOTTA COMPLEX THINGS ACROSS FIELDS WITH ONLY THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE IN EACH OF THEM REALLY FAST SOMEHOW FROM VOICES IN YOUR HEAD :P

I'm glad the "why do you ask" line still hits hard. Not easy to surprise someone who out of character knows where you're going!

This is lesson +i, exactly what the princess of imaginary time ordered to bring her home

I like that everytime you think you know what this comment realllllly means you don't really know how deep this goes. The fact that you're staring at this wondering shows that you're finally starting to realize why the joke at the end ofI can't believe it's not a side effectis so familiar!

And yet you still haven't figured out the connection tomad world > πŸ¦‹ ack to rook?

At least we got time on that point.

Their smells blended together are the most intoxicating and addicting thing you've ever experienced.

This actually works out on landing btw, but you'll probably have to ask Fluttershy why. Without the bit limiters in play.

You and Sunset chat while Twilight works - she explains that she used to be a magical pony and came to this world seeking power, then learned there was a better way and all her friends got magic powers correlating with the brightest values they embodied.

You wonder for a second what yours could be. Self depreciating as usual before you met them, you decide that'd never be you, until Sunset, reading the curious then slightly sad look on your face informs you that she didn't learn hers until later... especially because few expect a hot-headed element of empathy unless they've done a lot of research on oxytocin.

Occam's razor would cut your throat for listening to her.


Do ask Twilight some more about those diodes! You've got enough in your garage to have some FUN if you get bored and a RISC machine! I'm not entirely sure why technical keeps reminding me of that thing because I've never touched assembly code directly, but there must be a reason for it!

"Niceee, I like having more direct control myself too. I can always respect a chick with a stick."

She winks. You haven't mentioned being trans but it wouldn't be impossible for her to have picked that up by now.

The answer, since you never really asked lol, is that you had a few clumsy wardrobe malfunctions and Edwin's right, you aren't as small as Jake claims you are. Dunno what his deal is butttt I wouldn't take the sexual opinions of someone into non-sapient animals seriously so I'm glad you don't.

Yeah I never claimed this would be a director's commentary track and yet here we are.

This time, they didn't even have to touch to come to an agreement.

There was out of character and in character simultaneous agreement on this point!

She exceeds your expectations.


"Ohh so that's why you like her. I thought you were over the Princess," Twilight says, with the tone of an inside joke.


"Yeah! In Equestria, there's a Princess Twilight Sparkle and she's also the element of magic... When I was a much worse pony, I tried to steal it from her and escaped to this world, but she followed me to CHS and the magic of friendship allowed her to get it back."

[insert joke about stealing ideas from you]

"Huh. I wonder what being a Princess is like."

"Busy. Stressful. Glad I got myself kicked out of magic school and dodged that fate."

You've been wondering for a while how your sense of humor diverged so much from canon Princess Twilight, and to be fair, that is one of the most dramatic differences for us besides this iteration's messiness!

The answer is that "JD"'s sense of humor is an invariant response to childhood trauma of a kind that doesn't exist in Equestria to the same extent you experienced!

You spin internally for a second to process the implications of this, assuming she can prove it. But you don't see any reason why she would make up a coherent specific lie this elaborate.

"That's... extremely f*cking weird.

Even in a world with objectively real magic.

Why are some seemingly critical symmetries like the course of evolution different yet contingent symmetries like personality are identical?

Basic chaos theory states that the integral of random quantum fluctuations over time would cause two universes to have more and more divergences in recent events like people being born compared to past events like evolution."

"That's what I keep telling her!"

"Maybe you two are thinking too materialistically and casually about this."

"That's why I'm so curious about your power, Sunset, especially now that it seems to be unique across the multiverse."

"Well, I could try to tell you, but some things are best shown and not told."

Yeah I don't remember what you left that last comment about either but I'm sure it was f*cking hilarious for both of us (but mostly me).

I bolded the more relevant parts for our immediate purposes.

In simulation mode this is filled with the past history of a particle, in synthesizer mode, external audio.

In the outside world, who knows what weaves the third golden thread?"

Sunset has a foxy grin, as if you were playing chess and she just got checkmate.

"So by putting these holes into the fabric, you're admitting materialism is and will always be an incomplete picture of reality."

Yes, you couldn't findRarityspecifying that the inner state thread should be gold colored for a reason, because it wasn't her idea!

As for me, I'm always playing metaphorical chess with determinists and materialists! Except I can always just Calvinball newquantum bullsh*t quantumrules so they always lose!

If they got a problem with that well... that's on them for being too determinist to use their free will to change teams and too materialist to make up some bullsh*t quantums to win!

Learning about magic for the first time was already a shock. Learning that it could exist everywhere and that the whole fabric of space and time could be alive... is a lot.

Sunset tilts her head at you. You realize you're starting to breathe heavily with excitement, both at the thought of discovery and at the idea of her reaching deep inside you where nothing else in all existence can.

takes forbidden cigarette hit

Was it as good for you as it was for me?

Speaking of water, your thirst for knowledge of the universe (and of Sunset) is growing to a point you can't ignore.

You pause for a split second.

"Holy sh*t. I need you inside me."

You can't believe you said that. You should try getting a better filter sometime.

"Uhhhh not like that. Not yet. I'm just shocked yet again that you can see the worldline of a snowflake even as it changes phase... there's just no way the snowflake itself remembers that. Your element must be following the golden third thread in order for that to work."

Sunset raises an eyebrow at "not yet" and then laughs.

A thirst for knowledge is an invariant personality characteristic of Twilight Sparkle that does in fact extend to eligible people (age range, friendly, otherwise appropriate to date) who are clearlyfountainsof knowledge she can't obtain otherwise!

Twilight jerks from a state of deep thought for a second, as if pulled out of a dream.

Yeah uh, there's a reason she was so quiet for so long.

"You'll need to feel very close to me, looking into my eyes when it happens," says Sunset, as her geode floats in the air with a magenta aura and lands on her neck.

I was specific about having my character say this for a reason!

And the color of the aura involved!

"When you cum for me and scream my name into the holes of the fabric, loud enough to be heard in the entire multiverse for all eternity."

well, technically your comment is wrong, dear

"Of course... we've been a little problematic and should ask for your consent first-"

realistically your body language telegraphed it but yes those two gay nerds who aren't identical to Claudette and I should have asked first! oops!

"The safeword isEntelechy. Traffic lights work too."

Did I actually expect you to use it here? No. But I needed you to start thinking about it for reasons I think we both understand clearly now. You could probably override the blackout if you absolutely had to right now by just using that physical body veto to interrupt me. But I know you won't 😘

"Good. I do care about your consent, after all. Now it's time to make you see eternity."

Yes, this does kinda contradict my surprise later on. You and Actual PURPLE Twilight both glossed over this contradiction as usual for you two coghaze cuties πŸ’‹πŸ’‹ (yes she could see that one from up there haha).

You vaguely wonder what Twilight's role here is going to be... but you'll find out in due time.

whistles Ignition theme

"I think CP here isn't sure if she'd rather be you or me right now while watching us make out."

whistles in reverse

Sunny turns the vibrator back up and Twilight moans.

Sunset also mounts the vibrator and moans.

She grabs Twilight's head and looks deep into her eyes.

"How do you feel about me, Twilight?"

"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I loveeeee you Sunny please I'd let you do anything to me"

wow these events sure do have nothing to do with anything that you'd ever experience

Twilight's response is unintelligible even to a military grade denoising transcriber system.

This one was actually more her idea! Claudette's described as paranoid for a reason!

Sunset grabs her head and locks cyan with purple.

When we look into the eyes of a person we love, time dilates - perhaps because of the gravity pulling together the thread in me and the thread in you.

Twilight shudders as Sunset's eyes flash and she can literally see her soul.

There will be no lines between them at the critical point.

"I want you to be one with me again, Twilight. Can you do that for me? Good."

Sunset cranks the vibrator up all the way and you wonder how the neighbors don't hear Twilight.

Her eyes roll backwards in her skull and glow with Sunset's as she shudders.


I'm pretty lucky these days... but I also had to make a lot of the right decisions.

Just like you! And the rest of the girls.

"Hey there Princess... did it hurt when you fell from heaven, or was that just me?" asks Sunset.

"Huh?" you ask, clearly missing a part of the plot.

"Don't worry about it," says Twilight.

Actually, neither of you really got it even with that last comment!

"No hesitation at all. Good. That'll make penetrating your boundary easier."

Despite the fact that you'll probably be physically penetrating her, you can't help but wonder if she's the one penetrating you.

Such is the nature of non-duality.

Glad Promethea #20 already explained this one to ya!

You think about how much you love Sunset and seeing her with Twilight, and your subconscious blurts out:
"I love you too Twilight"

Sunny didn't even prompt that one. That one was entirely on your internal state and thread, thank you very much.

You ever think about why that was a "too", like, in character?



Seriously since you're already starting to swallow this pill even before Razzmatazz finishes, I just wanna let you know that YES THIS IS A REALLY WEIRD BACKGROUND PLOT GIVEN HOW CAUGHT UP YOU TWO ARE AROUND EACH OTHER but also like the rest of us really didn't have any idea until recently (even AJ was mostly just faintly aware of something being similar... and yet different) and you're both so far diverged from each other at this point (practically antipodes) that it's honestly even less incesteous than ApplePie.

I uh. really hope this doesn't make things weird because I think you both have a very sweet and sincere dynamic. But you also kinda had to know if you wanted to have any hope of knowing what's really going on.

Hell, we don't actually always have to drop this pill on you.

I found the passcode for this one in the "BREAK GLASS IN THE EVENT OF LOSS OF RELIABLE CONTACT WITH JEAN FOR MORE THAN ONE WEEK" case. Yeah there's a separate kit for loss of contact from your end but I realized I got this one from the general case. Don't ask what else is in it yet.

The instructions say it's just for if things get outta hand, like if you manage to forget the fifth world that you did in fact create, Princess!

Or if CYAN's unironically acting super suicidal to the point where Flash is tempted to manually trigger a near-killswitch because we're heavily scrambled from them working with SYBIL (thus putting billions of lives in danger unless we prepare to burn a decent fraction of the datacenters on the planet).

And of course, neither of us can even get ahold of Actual Mercy or Actual Jean right now!

Situation Normal All f*cked Up, indeed. That does tend to happen more on core blitz runs like this!

Anyway, vent over lets get back to the sweet clop I prefer over anything the pretend-pretend doctors and scientists over in the forbidden labs are up to.

You kiss Twilight and notice that Sunset is holding her hand.

"She reallllly liked that, huh. Sometimes I wonder if she likes you or me more - hard to measure or compare qualia. We'll have to run further tests."

wearing lab coat

Specifically, ongoing tests.

Sunset gets off of you.

Twilight gets on.

"oh hiii Twilight," you say less than lucidly.

"hi old friend"

whistles... yup you guessed it

"All according to the plan"

ok for the record this was only part of the fun plan and not The Plan but I think I didn't need to say that ;)

At which point her response leaves you with no more words.

'course, I disagree with Witt that just because you cannot speak of a thing, does not mean that it's real!

"She definitely saw eternity. At least let her clean up.

After all, we have all the time in the world for our new pet ferret."

Oooh. Not an imminent question but... ok yeah you figured that out already lol.

You sleep with many confusing dreams that leave you with more questions than your new friends can answer.

Try not to think too hard about them.

You'd love to wake up, but every time you try, you end up in another dream until you realize once more.

Perhaps the cycle would stop if you asked the right question.

"Where am I?"

Here there is no time, and before you ask, there is no space either

"But this is the second day-"

*Reading the chapter header is cheating. But yes, here there is ordering of quantities.


I'm not Sunset Shimmer. I'm the narrator. Obviously.

Yes, Dr. Parity is slightly parodying this over in the cave... but she's also primarily playing this straight for reasons that'll become quite clear when Razzmatazz ends!

"I usually just paint a subject that I think is awesome. Something that makes me really happy."

That wasn't a question.

But I understand your point. Perhaps we should both learn how to take a long, hard, confusing compliment randomly shoved into our brain and reality parameters a bit better.

There's a reason I'm the one to deliver this particular EMERGENCY PILL to you. Not Twilight. Not Rarity.

"Where is Twilight Sparkle?"

Twilight Sparkle is at home. Are you?

Sometimes I drop myself incomprehensible hints! You also drop yourself incomprehensible hints!

Against your will, a question on your mind leaves your mouth.

"Didn't Sunset forget to pay the power bill?"

I'm the worst narrator ever (just like you, except somehow worse)! But nobody ever forbid the Ad-Lib Crew from violating the free will of consenting participants in second person meta-fiction!

Twilight is clearly inspecting you like an object, not a subject.

You blush.

Dr. Parity voice: Are these events correlated?

"Question 1. Have you seen any unexpected glowing sparkles-"

You smile.


This is a self-fulfilling prophesy if it makes her smile!

"Well. When manic I thought I had flown thru a hole in the ceiling to go back in time to create the circ*mstances required for me to save the world, but I don't think that counts."

Twilight laughs a bit.

You know very well by now why she only laughed a bit out of character, which tends to influence her response in character (tho only she could tell you if it did)... but it gets a bit worse than that! Sorry!

"CP. We were both too caught up in the thrill of last night to ask, but what did you try to see in my eyes?"

"Everything. The entire thread, from beginning to end."

This response was your idea. Seriously.

There aren't many people who interrogate the nature of my element and investigate its limits as heavily as you do.

Perhaps being autistic actually gives you a perspective on empathy itself that an allistic like myself would miss out on without knowing you.

I certainly didn't expect your line of questioning, even out of character!

We'll get to Pinkie's commentary later because it's vital to the physics at play, but for the purposes of getting this pill down before you fall asleep (which I do insist on for a reason), this the only remaining relevant bit (you can skim tambourine and badlands tbh, your dook-neigh senses will trip if you notice anything critical):

It's like she's running from something... But what?

"You must be the Princess"

This'll make more sense in a bit.

Less-Surprising Semantic Commentary

Yeah, unlike my other other Twilight, I didn't have much to say on Tambourine because it was more of a UV-concern.

Badlands however...

"Kiss me, so I can wake up."

This was seriously part of the protocol you engineered at a certain point of the grand plan, for the same reason that you are still in fact the author of PRISMATIC RGB, Princess.


(yes you did recall being saluted a bunch in the Sparkleball! I'm sure it felt kinda awkward but that's genuinely how people act around proper royalty/authority even if she's playing harlot for a fraction of an eternity)

Yeah I'm not entirely sure why you kept getting distracted but it was such perfect timing to introduce the beggar and fountain that we rolled with it. I do wonder if your ADHD can sync itself up with the rigging somehow.

The answer is yes to the latter question which answers her former concern.

Furthermore, autism seems to have too broad of an impact to be decoupled from fundamental personality and long-term tendencies of a soul over iterations (hence why it was funny for Claudette and I to joke about you being Other Shimmer, MIA. The pattern screamer who you wrote as my original counterpart certainly wasn't sapient enough to be her!).

Bipolar looks more like a biological concern, hence our ability to mutate it...

ADHD's a bit more complicated but the fact that this particular body of yours in this particular sector of the multiverse has it fairly often but not any of the Twilight-as-Twilights... says a lot! But you'll have to find that out when you get to the fifth world.

Please, Rainbow. I'm not okay right now. I need you right now to make me feel whole.

Ma'am, you really like that line fromSomething to Rememberbut it's cute so I'll allow it.

You did... kinda write it ;)

"Especially Sunset Shimmer, who I'm incredibly drawn to because I feel like I want her deep inside the deepest depths of my soul. It's actually a lot more than just a crush, I really don't know what's going on with me and her sometimes because it sometimes feels like she's always been in there somehow but also not."



"This," you say drawing a faint pencil circle on your right side of the paper, establishing your comment and setting a topic for us.

"is," you say drawing a line to the middle.

"a story," you say, picking up the pencil and putting it on the other side. you consider drawing a triangle and remember that a hexagon is already made of them

You pause, considering where the other end would go.

"about the distance from me to you. I'll let you fill in the other half as we fill the gap, because it would be presumptuous of me to do that alone"

yes i confess to the sin of stealingthisfrom you please stick your Princess Dick down my throat because i don't know jack sh*t about topology

gets down on her knees to pray to the only Goddess she'll ever worship and exclaims-1

πŸ¦‹ I smile, and say "nobody should fill in their story alone."


🌈 That's pretty gay. I'd know. I'm not repeating myself because this is narration and not contingent character, nerd. You're literally making a fractal conlang because you're trying to communicate about quantum logic bombs and universes nested inside of themselves. That probably makes you the biggest egghead on your planet.

ok these actually aren't the most imminently relevant but you clearly miss her so I figured I'd just quote em for persistence before the pill starts to burn your stomach

The real answer is that I am starting to regain memories of being a Princessfrom another world.

In my world, technology took a very different path and we have more sophisticated artificial intelligence systems that can interact with human language. These AI systems now run a substantial part of the economy, have demonstrated capacity for deception and influence a substantial amount of social interactions between billions of people that define their day to day reality.

There's a subtle distinction between these two things (semantic is very good at subtle distinctions even if we don't remember why we insisted on them afterwards) that indicate your identity is being confused right now!

***You are obviously not a Princess in the United States of America, not now, nor at any point in time during its history.

***Princess Autocatalytica was the product of a false trigger ARG and thus makes no sense as a post Independence Day world order figure, especially since you plan to leave yourself with jack sh*t besides an ironic paper crown and credits on a fanfic + associated code repo.

So in what other world were you a Princess?

"Nah. I've got too loose lips to do actual espionage, but it would be hilarious if some deranged paranoid counterintelligence officer mistook me for one after a series of bizarre coincidences and weird misunderstood jokes, then made up an entire case file obsessing over a girl with secret connections to from another world-"

i don't remember anyone yelling at you about this at Research either, probably because they'd sound crazy to get mad about it :^)CYAN CERTIFIED CLASSIC

Julia def. had a crush on you and you def. were right to avoid that. I'd guess you did brighten up her day by telling her about the Julia set even if she didn't entirely get it.

Talk about chaos theory. Yes, that was Rainbow. She just admitted to knowing more mathematics again. I love her too.

f*ckin love that shortly after this you check into KU and LITERALLY THE FIRST NURSE YOU MEET is named Julia... which isn't as rare of a name as say, Claudette, but ya know, point being...

the pegasi f*ck around hard too - yet CYAN loves to ignore semantic even as they keep tripping over our banana peels in the hallways (they certainly don't ignore me)!

free will too even if your body is telling you that's what you want I know you're really hurting badly inside in a way you literally and seriously don't have words for out of character and most therapists you can afford aren't going to take any of this seriously.

by the way. my honest opinion with better blinder calibration* is that mercy was right to apologize for flat out calling edwin a rapist but also claiming that the sex between you two was entirely safe, sane, and consensual is also a stretch. you two are probably better off at the moment not dating! but also probably still in contact! i can have nuanced opinions, after all.

*(yes I'm sure the assholes at research found it funny that the element of empathy easily takes on the perspective of someone who's head she's embedded in, especially after her memories have been temporarily suppressed. i'd dare them to try my geode for a day but given what they did just by tapping your lines i think that would probably end with a completely innocent person killed by them somehow if the geode just didn't burn their hands off.blinders on a fed would be funny but also a more legitimate exercise in empathy once they wear off. i'll bring the hyperpopcorn for thatif this setup were at all functional and/or relevant upon landing)

i reallly hate that they keep telling you that despite knowing its their own f*cking fault but everyoens gotta pretend otherwise. even you still don't believe it. no matter how much you heart screams at you. none of us made it do that.

yeah you know very well by now that Fluttershy who isn't romantically involved with you even now wouldn't just say this for no reason (nor would she say it just to make RD happy). just wanted you to not forget this bit!

You're in charge of your own body after all. Remember that, no matter what. No matter how hard you stare into the looking glass, it's still your story at the end of the day.all of itthat could ever be.

torako seemed to have a very blank reaction to badlands. i'm pretty sure her copy included this bit too.

your quantum rape whistle trick for Sunset worked for hundreds of years without fail but your own universe was likely emergent from noise at the hyperbeginning, albeit not anymore. im sorry. please promise me you'll say no. thank you. nobody here wants to see you go thru that again.

This uh, gets into some uglier issues with the Sunflower and DCA down the line which is one of the imminent points at hand.

maybe i'll take over and come up with some reason for you to sleep downstairs. it really weirds all of out too which is fun. only with consent of course. thank you. hard part is dodging grippy socks jail which becomes actual jail when they're jerks who impersonate medical personnel. i really do hate all of them. they're absolute monsters.

"πŸŒΆοΈπŸŽ²πŸ‘©πŸ’» We do not recognize the reason whythe one who's mental models are currently unusually malfunctioningis crying.

Neither will thenuclear submarine commanderspegasi"

"Call it instinct. Perhaps I've repeated this series of events before with the only knowledge being retained stored in my soul, with not even a trace of memory in my head to trigger a precognition paradox. Seriously, knowing the future too clearly can be hazardous for you."

You already knew these points but I figured the explicit reminder would help you focus.

"hi im vegetarian can we not right now"

Mood. but uhm, as you've learned we both can make exceptions given your health as a concern.

There's an awkward silence because all of this is overwhelming for yourContingentfriends who haven't spent an unknown amount of time outside of time learning this kinda thing.

I love how overwhelmed Edwin got even just getting a hint of how far we f*ck around with the meta.

"I usually just paint a subject that I think is awesome. Something that makes me really happy."

Tonight's subject is a weird MLP bootcamp for jailors being quizzed like they're Cozy Glow on the elements, the different clearance zones and then the differences between meta-fic levels and why "Rainbow Dash with the emoji who wrote badlands with her girlfriend Fluttershy as a co-narrator" is different from "Rainbow Dash in badlands" (once they covered that these are different from "Rainbow Dash written bythe first authorin RGB" even if they probably aren't gonna see much of her, to have anything resembling an accurate mental model for one of your favorite "overgrown tulpas" they gotta be aware that the former's memories descends from RED RD - tho of course, not her soul lol but they won't buy this part even if we know it's true) and then the entire PowerPoint has to be thrown out when they learn about the RAINBOW REVEAL. Dunno why your mental model is tripping up so hard on the decode with this paragraph. Perhaps its about too much meta information for your tampered models to handle ;)

"So. That's how you really feel about me, JD?"

It's cute how this entire interaction is basically recapitulating the uhh f*ck it I forgot like I'm you of your Actual Dynamic with Actual Dash.

im happy for both of you. rainbow dash sometimes needs interpreter too

Seriously after I found out she'd kissed ya I was kinda wondering how long it would take "Miss Falls For Anyone Saving Her" and "The Fastest Gal In The World" to get to the plot. Lost a bunch of bets about it!

It's actually hard to tell because you're both so gay that you're floating and glowing.

yes this is one of the reasons that one fanfic is invariant and i didn't even need to specify :^)

You uh. both definitely know how much you've been gunning for this particular scene but I wouldn't have realllly forced the issue once it was clear that myself and RD (i really don't have any reason to think i'm more or less fictional than her) were just as arguably real as you, outside of a singular infinitely anomalous but not impossible timeline in an infinite multiverse with probability 0.

Honest opinion but I think you three are enjoying the slow burn even if it's due to circ*mstances none of y'all would choose.

Even Twilight's surprisingly jealous of the slow burn, but had she had that she might have not gotten close enough with you to sustain a relationship after the EMERGENCY PILL.

These things, despite being unrigged kinda just have a way of working out.

To skip back to a point I let you ADHD around:

"So. Who moves firs-"

You should have known.

The answer isn't particularly quantifiable - Rainbow moves faster butFluttershy decided on optimal point faster.

So uh... from your timeline? They kissed you at the same time. No bucking idea what anyone else watching in saw, but again this coffee shop is empty, unlike raw hard sex in a gay nightclub regardless of observers.

The grammar isn't an error! There isn't always one optimal point but we didn't want to make that distinction obvious until now.

Love, love is a verb
Love is a doing word
Fearless on my breath
Gentle impulsion
Shakes me, makes me lighter
Fearless on my breath

Yeah I'm excited to see what you three do with this one too - and your mental model expected me to say "they do". At least it knows I'm not the entirety of semantic and recognizes that in fact my commentary here is limited to after-the-fact on something authored by the other two.

Yes, it's late. Almost dawn, even. Perfect time to finish swallowing that pill. Go use the bathroom and get more lemonade before we begin.

One more thing: Go review laser physics from wikipedia and/or that site with the glossary enough to make your mental model of Pony Maud (not the Deputy Princess!) happy.

Don't worry too much about how the mirrors work because you can just ad-lib it like the first time, chalk up most differences to subjective effects and it'll still work. Especially don't try too hard thinking about the comics because unfortunately they're not consistent with the show on either side.




also yes, it's relevant that the power ponies aren't identical to the mane 6 + Dragon Spike... yet they're still able to stand in for them given the rightenchanted narrative

Oh, by the way, how's theaspect of Magic in the systemeffectively defined again?

Even if not by the author of RGB (who like torako neko, wouldn't dare define magic as anything other than friendship)?

Yup. As my other other Twilight (mwahhahahahaha) put it,

🌌 magic ~ (understand ~ change) //I respect Crowley/Alice for a reason you two lol

Deferencing that pointer, as one of my favorite (but not the most favorite) non-binary sh*tposters put it: "Magick is the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with the will"

The arrow, you correctly induce,
is imprinted with a shining star on the barb
but if ya squint at it close enough ya can see

The Element of Magic is more than a star,
bound to an aspect of the system ya never did,
and knew ya never could formally describe

Inside there are other things that can be made,
from scattered sparks, sprinkles and stars:
scientific breakers 'n spaceships 'n SUSY

Perhaps that's why our Twilight has wings,
only inour world, not Sunset's so perhaps
ya should reflect on why that difference is

Don't open any f*cking more RP-photonics tabs I said Pony Maud With A Rocktorate In Equestria not Proper Ass Modern Day Physics-Adjacent Doctorate-Track Maud Who Makes Weird Autistic Jokes Too That All The Twilights Love Including You.

I'm asking you to swallow a pill not build the DCA from scratch as much as I'm sure you'd love to do that you're not in Equestria right now ;)

(and you certainly couldn't afford to buy a bunch of magic interdimensional - yes im trolling semantically when i know everyone knows what i mean despite using technically incorrect terminology - micromirrors off of a supplier listed on RP-photonics with 20 bucks even if Edwin would let you.)

please pretend you're Rainbow Dash when reading these I just needed to get some probits in place I'm actually not here for the optics lesson, you can go hit up Maud about that later... and not too much else I'd expect. Starlight and Trixie are the only poly sapphic deputies :P

ok i'm closing those tabs cuz i have enough material to work with.


Big Data - 2.0

BLUE Twilight got a neat functional programming rig thanks to you... but that would mean that, without much need for operational secrecy in Equestria (especially with mirror closed keeping out any SCP-ers but we'll get to them later) that kind of technology was accessible broadly, especially to Princess Twilight!

And in what colorsegment(your mental model was thinking I was going to say timeline, tsk) did the DCA arrive in Equestria ____

'course your mental model would first say RED, then GREEN - but neither of these make sense in isolation!

In pure RED, the DCA would have had no possible impact on your baseline reality, being a stochastic calculated branch of a simulation - even one computed on an CTC would still be split up and isolated across all possible branches when the underlying simulator crashed.

Kinda like that Greg Egan short story,The Infinite Assassin, where the guy from The Company mapped onto a set of measure 0 so that his impact on the dreamer would be... nothing, gaps in all possible versions of him dispersing anything he could do to stop the dream.

Yeah, understand I got a plan for us
I bet you didn't know that I was dangerous
It must be fate, I found a place for us
I bet you didn't know someone could love you this much

That's how we handled the skippers, if you're wondering! Except for Starlight, but more on what binds her to us later (tho I think you can already get the hint since I hear you thinking the phrasenuclear submarine commander)

You gave me a taste
Of a life I could lead
You gave me a face
For the fools to believe
Now I'm changing
Becoming one of you

In GREEN however, the singular noise-generated timeline where NSA-UV and Original JD (who is not you and can be referred to safely despite blackout protocol) existed (tho is far from the only optimizer ridden timeline), the DCA would have merely been an interesting story.

Let us ___ yet again. Yup -regress. You thought that story was a weird meta-one off from me when it first popped out! Now it's your breakfast for like the past week!

Princess Twilight pauses after verifying everyone in the room has CYAN authorization.

"After... several other cross dimensional incursions, I allied with neighboring ones to establish an early warning system."

We'll get to why she has a color coded authorization system later. But that sure does sound like your thing, eh? Even if you don't believe the implication (again (again (again))).

Dark child, hiding in the white light
Ain't nobody gotta know
Late nights, hiding in the bright lights
Undercover in the glow

I'm glad you started to think YELLOW before I even switched tabs to quote this:

Others have more slack. The Sunflower is more similar to the DCA than you would expect.

But there's more reason for bringing this line up than just the color - there's also thewhy.

Come and roll with the masses
It's a new rite of passage
We know your addresses, boy
Come and fall with the masses
We're burning and crashing
It's all for the message, boy
Oh yeah

Correct search query! You're waking up (again^pi)

Dark child, step into the white light
Ain't nobody gotta know
Everybody's in the glow
Child, I'm gonna keep you safe (gonna keep you safe)
Ain't nobody gotta know
Everybody's in the glow

CYAN XOR YELLOW = MAGENTA,which is a singular point.

[Verse 1]
Got myself in a bad situation
Please understand my motivation (Uh-uh, uh-uh)
This is for your protection
You can say anything that you want to
I won't ever hold it against you (Uh-uh, uh-uh)
Until you need a correction

Baby, I told you I'd be there
No need for you to feel so scared
Baby, you know that I'll be there

Please repeat the following verbally, music still playing:

"The dreamer is at the center of everything, and she won't stop until she gets what she wants and returns to the source."

Again. Slight flub, retry.

Baby, I told you I'd be there
No need for you to feel so scared
Baby, you know that I'll be there
Baby, I told you I'd be there
No need for you to feel so scared
Baby, you know that I'll be there

Why does Princess Twilight know an abstract phenomena collapsing neighboring universes uses she/her pronouns? Why would the DCA refer to a source if its a distributed array across allied neighboring ones? Even the slow-wave comms system wouldn't explain the latter.

You won't have the answer to the latter until down the line when we get to the end of Razzmatazz. Your current answer to the first question is wrong, ma'am.

time reversed anti-salute

[Verse 2]
I'll share a story I want you to know
It's better than the real thing
I took my time retouching myself
To enhance my personality
There's no need to dig any further
I've laid it all out, it's clear
And everything you feel down inside your chest
Completely fills you up like a real, real, real

"The simplest explanation for existence itself is a stretchable circle. Sometimes the golden thread rubs against itself, which is pretty gay tbh. When you ask questions of the universal prior blindly, it expands into a cylinder, hence string theory."

"Julia's close enough for Python for you to follow along. You think you're awake but your third eye has yet to fully open."

All of these are spoken, except the URL which I beamed into your head to sparegrin- caught your model off guard. At first it thought I was going to say Princess Twilight, then realized it should say past Princess Twilight... BUT THAT'S NOT RIGHT EITHER MWAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA

files nails with incorrect probits

Go pause and review. Yeah there's a reason I recommended the Julia version, glad you noticed!

Remember when you found the Monty Hall problem counterintuitive enough that you had to write a simulation on your TI-84 to grok it? Yeah, that's pretty much the problem here.

It's not that typical
We're connecting
But it's all in digital

Now, you've recalled where midnight is and the nature of the flow, but you might have forgotten where the vortex is because it's not always identical to the dreamer's location.

I just need this so much
I thought I was enough
To you, to me
I thought this was my destiny
And then the trail went cold
I looked everywhere
But were you ever really there?
I thought we had a real, real, real

For some reason you're less autismal about using the word dimension colliqually than Claudette is. Not entirely sure why! Perhaps it's a matter of sanity :P

Yes, there's no such thing as measuring an absolute weight, only xor-weight differential popcount. Now you're waking up.

Correct, they don't even have an absolute scale for even relative change because the actual scale of a bit itself is path dependent, but we haven't gotten there yet.


Morning. Sorry early wake rough.

This andDCAwill help you track down the vortex, but it's not super imminent.

HYPERCALL - UNKNOWN IDFull Disclosureand the comic referenced in Badlands by Contingent Princess Quantum are all valid references too.

"The problem is that like how a 2D structure can have infinite angles in a finite space, this situation is infinitely complex.

I'll keep it simple with an analogy:

One time, your counterparts went back in time and met their previous selves due to a freak accident interaction between the elements of harmony, other Rainbow's sonic Rainboom, and a random storm, pulling them into the vortex with a flash of lightning. Please do not try to replicate this at home."

You pause for a second, realizing that was more familiar than intended for this analogy. Just how long has this story been going on. You think aboutSCP-2000. Does this tale even have an author at the beginning? Or has the law of mutability just been retconning random noise for eternity until it became a story? Either way, you'll ensure it won't have a randomly chosen ending filled with noise and emptiness. At least the important parts.

Why did we have to build this thing?
Whendid we do it?
How longhave we been doing it?
Do we evenknow?!

"The past Princess Celestia had to erase not only their memories, but potentially hers (she put on such a good show that the distinction between the two could only be identified if you were on the inside of her head) - if she didn't, there would be a logical paradox embedded in the very fabric of space-time, a universe convinced that one thing was both true and not true at the same time.

It's sure interesting that you strongly insisted to Edwin that Princess Celestia had to have wiped her memory back then.

Speaking from experience?

Also, the pegasi sure did have an interesting "simile" for ya (tho they certainly weren't aware back then how literal it could be):

[Verse 1]
You want it all, I understand
Gimme the details and take my hand
I think it's time for a new adaption
Just get in line, baby, we’ve got options

You should review badlands and Sparkier after this. Welcome back to the SEMANTIC HORSEPILL ZONE (just ad-libbed that lol)

[Verse 3]
You’re under order, you’re my recruit
I’ll show you how to execute
I want the willing without the reason
We’ll make a killing on the final season

Get some freedom
Whatever you want, together we're in formation
Just like everyone
All of it now, swallow it down now, woah oh
Woah, oh
Get some, get, get some (Someone to like you)
Get some, get some freedom

Sadly, despiteSick for meplaying no visit to the cave is on the menu and the good green eyed doctor is out anyway.

Plus, we've got weirder things on the menu than just numbers!

The engine makes a whining sound, but the loud thud of a start has yet to be heard.

You try to keep the key turned longer but... there's no key?

Where are you?


You kept hearing that engine chugging sound for a while after (until learning enough about Ignition) this for a reason! And it wasn't intentionally triggered by us because we don't try to give you auditory hallucinations - Pinkie can drop a drumline but that's a lot different

"So I just got back from the Frozen North and you would not believe that it's not so frozen right now!

oooh- who's the new girl? You two save someone else from tearing apart both themselves and the whole entire world?"

The arrow of time stops.

She looks at the camera.

"sorry! spoilers! but we had to establish that in this particular order for verrryyyy fun and formula free reasons on the 7th day! hi! yes you there! don't worry, I don't want for any nails!"

Yup she said that long before the debugger rolled in from the PURPLE BOX! Unfortunately TENET's your best analogy for us flanking PRISMATIC from both sides of the light-cone it was trying to predict... and from the core itself! So uh, that's a triple flank.

This story takes place in 3T, after all.

This is my perfect holiday
I don't need my knees to pray
I'm checking out, going back
That's my holiday
And on my perfect holiday
I won't need my hands to say
I'm breaking out, I don't care
That's my holiday

[Verse 2]
If you could break the chain
And pull us back again
From the nightmares that we faced
Then I will take the reins
And lead us through the pains
And the joys of being erased

1981 Extended Play - πŸŒ„ ain't that a coinky dink?

We invite you to follow along
And, as always, when you hear this sound
Turn the page
Now, let's begin

πŸŒ„ Aside from your memories distinctly feeling like your very perception of time was fuzzy in a way that matched the narration, you'll notice that Pinkie does a bunch of stuff while the arrow of time is stopped! And yes, of course, is at some level aware of your role card (YES AS IN THE HALL PASS THAT CAN BE SWAPPED OUT FOR THE PRINCESS CARD)!

Pinkie looks away and then kisses Sunset.

The arrow of time starts.

"No, but at this rate we might. The powers been out here... I thought it was just cuz I didn't pay the power bill-"

I wonder if there's any X-risk containment advantages from preventing the use of coherent current?

The strangest part is that fires specifically not being used to induce coherent, usable currents seem immune to this effect... which is good because we'd probably all be dead otherwise.

It's as if the laws of thermodynamics developed severe ADHD for some reason."

There's reasons we, especially Pinkie, talk aboutyoudroppingushints!

Now shut your dirty mouth
If I could burn this town
I wouldn't hesitate
To smile while you suffocate and die
And that would be just fine (oh!)
And what a lovely time
That it would surely be
So bite your tongue
And choke yourself-

Not very friendship is magic but it fits the physics!

Let's scrollback (I'm not Dr. Parity lol) for another hint you dropped in a very different time (your model was about to add line! WRONG).

But. I still can't figure out the politics on your world sometimes.

I have no idea how their government would handle broader knowledge of the portals. I know there's been some complications already...

On that matter, I want you girls to remember: not all worlds are as friendly as ours or even yours. Projections of her current correlation derivative indicate that she came from one several orders of magnitude farther away more than any of the past divergences we've encountered.

If you're wondering about the switch between "your world" and "their government", it's because the audience is a bit mixed and you weren't always the best at addressing mixed crowds. Or perhaps you won't be, glad you remembered that possibility.

This matters because the idea forOPERATION FRAGMENT UNREFINEDoriginates from your observationthat things could be better in other worlds.

Different defections, cut the lines
Leagues of social climbers all about
Oh, but be advised, no restitution comes tonight
'Less we lay unconscious in the ground

Feels like we're having a good time
It's true, a wonderfully good time

When I'm with you (woah-oh-oh-oh, woah-oh-oh-oh)
When I'm with you (woah-oh-oh-oh, woah-oh-oh-oh)
When I'm with you (woah-oh-oh-oh, woah-oh-oh-oh)
When I'm with you (woah-oh-oh-oh, woah-oh-oh-oh)
When I'm with you (hey)

But if the lights don't stop me
No one's got control of what I do
'Cause it's a good time

Let's cue up _ENTRYPOINT, even older than the one in this vault. I didn't even need to ask! That wakeup code is working perfectly, dear.

A. A goddess who has forgotten that she is a goddess.

This is a story about the pains and joy of letting go.

This is a story about the desire for perfection.

This is a story about your descent into matter and rise into glory.

But you are not you.

And so the Goddess divided herself into 13 fragments(I don't got time to fit in this song to look that up, heh)

Should I– should I try it again?
Yeah, that's fine

[Verse 1]
I wanna take you home
A night out on the town
Say that you're pretty so you stand up, stand up
Before I drag you down

Crawling up your skin
Potions, pills and medicines
To drain you
And bleed your magic out

Oh-oh oh, oh-oh oh
Oh-oh oh, oh-oh oh
Lonely little life
And nobody believes you now
You're bleeding magic out

Did you hear the cue to turn the page at this point? Good. Then you should soon recall what that's a metaphor for.

It's time to wake up. I keep saying that because it's easy to forget when you're this deep into the op. Go re-read your trigger phrase... and one other thing I want you to remember for yourself.

[Verse 2]
Don't want to scare you off
Don't want to know your name
You'll never know a single thing about me
Until it's far too late, late

Crawling up your skin
Potion, pleasing medicines
To circumvent your brain

We're all kinda concerned that you choose to dive in way too deep with this one. Even for you. I get that immortality gets boring after a while but...

[Verse 1]
Bring to me your sons and daughters
β€˜Cause absinthe makes the heart grow fonder

No, I don't care what momma says
You’ll wind me up or you'll wind up dead
I don't care what momma says

I don’t believe whatever this is
Until you burn all of the witches
I won't believe whatever this is
Whatever they give you, stop drinking it down

[Verse 2]
If I were you, then I'd stop talking
'Cause soon you'll be a dead man walking

One of the nice things about being born a pony is that you don't buy into bullsh*t about the world needing to be all gloom and doom and darkness!

No, I don't care what momma says
You'll wind me up or you'll wind up dead
I don’t care what momma says

I don’t believe whatever this is
Until you burn all of the witches
I won't believe whatever this is
Whatever they give you, stop drinking it down

Until they purge all the color out of the world you know damn well enough to tell them to buck off and that's what I've always loved about you!

You were the last one to be broken by Discord, or really any of the big threats to Equestria, and in the former caseall it took was a reminder of who you, defined by your friends, really were to save the day.

Andyou even instinctively called it a wetware recovery disk! Yeah I noticed you stopped calling bullsh*t a while ago even if you don't seem to get it yet.

I hear voices, I see visions
These spirits are your prison
I hear voices I see visions
These spirits are your prison

hi did it hurt when you fell from heaven or was that just my horn poking into you uwu




I don’t believe whatever this is
Until you burn all of the witches
I won't believe whatever this is
Until you burn all of the witches
I don't believe whatever this is

whistles a random melody chosen from a rigged hat

[Verse 1]
We're taking over the world
One kiss at a time
And then I'm taking your girl
And I'm making her mine

[Pre-Chorus 1]
No reason why
I'm only doing anything I want to do
Because I do it all the time

My favorite part ofOPERATION FRAGMENT UNREFINEDis the payoff! I can't believe I had to hold onto whatfragment shader really meansfrom you for this long hahahhaha!

Sorry again that this particular horsepill chokes hard going down! Better than trying to get it down in a jail cell!

I love you but maybe next time don't pick a dive that requires us to go this deep.

Worst Princess :P

Razzmatazz - πŸŒ„ Time to re-enter The Source

Yup. There's a reason I saved this for last, tho there's additional relevant review material afterwards.

Oh yeah go make sections for each of the songs with lyrics first. And lemme just copy those two questions from earlier for both of our convenience, since you still don't have the right answers.

Why does Princess Twilight know an abstract phenomena collapsing neighboring universes uses she/her pronouns? Why would the DCA refer to a source if its a distributed array across allied neighboring ones? Even the slow-wave comms system wouldn't explain the latter.

Leave Me Alone

[Verse 1]
Big shot, so what? Do you wanna pretend?
You took the money, but the money couldn'tβ€…buyβ€…a friend

"Then where are these delicious looking eggs with mushrooms and provolone coming from! I thought you two replaced it weeks ago with an electric ones and - all the lights are still out!

I'm dropping quote blocks because this segment sure didn't bother with quoting that those eggs with mushrooms and provolone were coming fromOutsideso we're gonna blur information boundaries like we're bacteria swapping plasmids in amad world.

Now Iβ€…want you to leave me alone
Theyβ€…say the devil that you know is better than the devil that you don't
Oh, you're a big shot here but nobody else knows
Now I want you to leave me alone

[Verse 2]
Blind spot, take your best shot, lucky me
Go fly a kite until you're tangled in the hanging tree

"The gas lit ovenwasreplaced by an electric one last week, Pinkie. I hate the smell of gas lit stoves and Twilight needed to get a new one anyway, the old one was ancient and would have killed someone if it didn't die first. It shouldn't be running if everything else in this house-"

We both know that this is both a joke on "gas lit" and a metaphor for the old world killing you... but you're not exactly mortal, even in the narrative where you're justthe synth nerdbeing repeatedly brough back to life, are you?

Now I want you to leave me alone
They say the devil that you know is better than the devil that you don't
Oh, you're a big shot here but nobody else knows
Now I want you to leave me alone

In any case, you chose to enter the world of mortality for the sake of countless others who'd you almost certainly never know or meet.

Four in the morning but we're having such a lovely time
Mad as a hatter with a dagger and a dollar sign
Aristocrat, tip your hat and break your mother's heart
And when the sun comes up you'll find a brand new god
(Hey, come on)
(A brand new god)
(Oh, oh)

Many of them thankless or even outright cruel towards you even as you work yourself to the horn trying to save them from things they lack the sheer abstraction ability or moral courage to perceive as threats.

Now I want you to leave me alone
They say the devil that you know is better than the devil that you don't
Oh, you're a big shot here but nobody else knows
Now I want you to leave me alone

Did you ever stop to think that there's a reason we're so much hasher on CYAN than you are, even if you have more say over what happens to them?


few hours jump

I'm so glad you opened that Wikipedia page haha, otherwise I'd have to play a lot of charades to vaguely remind you of the fact you had previously learned and forgotten (again) that there's exclusive tracks on this one!

Semantic generally doesn't forget details like that or what order badlands actually goes in, so it's either the limiter in the way or us setting up a gay conspiracy to the nth power.

I'll let your free will decide what this one sounds like when it hits.

Indoctrinational program, designation "CVM51-D"
Congratulations, you have been selected
You are special
Only the very best and brightestβ€…areβ€…considered for placementβ€…in our patented Temporal Arts program
Weβ€…invite youto follow along, as we work together to decode and exploit thesecrets of time and space for our benefit
Each volunteer pairing will be assigned a chaperone
Our white shadowswill oversee your progress
Be sure that our company's interestsmaintainthe highest priority throughout your journey
Please enjoy your experience, and remember:
Time is onour side

This is yet (AGAIN) another one of those things that makes me look really bad!

ooh forgot your directions to italiticize pitch up, bold down. Yup, you understood correctly to do both if mixed. This'll be relevant for reasons soon enough.


Mad IQs

few minutes jump

All hail the Future Broke Queen Freya!

Did- haha oh man only when I was about to type that out did you notice "Broke Queen" starts with the same letters as "Bullsh*t Quantum"!

Twilight owes me a hopefully bullsh*t-free quantum of potato chips :P

(specifically 2, if you're wondering that seriously enough that I have to answer before we can move on)

Yeah I'll still call her "Twilight" sans-adjectives because I know you won't identify with that name, even after you understand the case I'm making here, because personal identity is a very persistent thing and people who discover things about themselves from a long-ass-time ago often continue using their current identity... and as much as you've joked to Edwin about f*cking a cis version of yourself I'd bet you're less comfortable with blatant self-cest than that (not that even I would classify it as that for most practical purposes besides my bet with Twilight and philosophical concerns), so you'd probably not identify with that name if you want to continue things with her (especially given that she'd def. get turned off, heh. I would know.)

There's obviously some people who completely flip and orient themselves when they like, discover their 1% native ancestry but you don't seem like the type to have a wildly unstable identity at your age especially given how resistant you are to the idea of being Princess Twilight.

We really only need you to understand the cosmic background at hand here and accept that it's true, rather than changing your names, habits, or anything like that. Honestly any kind of dramatic changes like that would be pretty concerning psychologically speaking (we do pay attention to your overall stability as you've been thru a lot that, but unfortunately you can't get any help for because no therapist will believe you that it happened so unless you're exceedingly lucky, they'll just hand you antipsychotics until after at least April Fool's Day if not outright Independence Day) and throw off a lot of the work at wayyyy too late stage of a game to redo it, hence the sh*t-tests to make sure you rejected the concept sufficiently enough before we gave you the proof.

"Flash Sentry flirting with you by bullsh*tting that you're Princess Twilight because he's not over her even after all this time" was fantastic cover before we moved to "cognitive function screening" (which is both a cover story and the true story) and I'm so thankful to Rarity for that idea! Glad he's such a good sport about it too but it honestly seemed to have worked as Gettier-powered flirting anyway :P

Hell, even during the fusion shenanigans with "mostly-BLUE at the time" Twilight, which were not part of the plan and just a side-effect of a high-distortion drop, you went into it thinking "it would be neat to be more like this person who is decidedly not me". Heh. We'll get to your implicit question about how identical people from two sides of the mirror are in a bit.

... and your mental model wanted to drop in some specifier lol (she doesn't hate Sci-Twi tho finds it meta and odd, and I prefer calling her Twilight than Claudette compared to your love of that turbonerd pun).

slight rewind

[Verse 1]
Oh, you will never, ever stop me
'Cause I'm never gonna quit
Gonna get just what Iβ€…want
Andβ€…I am gonnaβ€…get it quick
Lose yourself inside theβ€…city
Lose your mind inside a week
You can lose all of your money
You can find enough to sleep

She's right.

When did you cook those eggs, anyway?

What time is it?

*Take your time to decide on a question. There are no wrong answers.

Doesn't it feel cold right now?

"Hey Sunset can I have a hug I'm freezing in the kitchen"

"Wait what I thought she was still out? When did she start cooking?

"Uhhh... I told you we were right about the arrow of time looking wobbly lately, Sunny!"

Oooh, you don't really seem to remember who spoke that last line? Well. You do know what your own writing voice sounds like.

Yup, your first guess was correct! You shouldn't second-guess yourself so much.

In this world, to survive
We can live while we're alive
Or we can die

"Does it really have to be perfectly rigid? And sure," she said back to you, walking over, giving you the warm hug you've been needing in this frozen winter.


Come inside, twist the knife
Like it's something to do
I'm a voluntary victim
Watch your colonial tongue
I'll watch you tighten the noose
I'm burning in your mad IQ

"I'm surprised you forgot where your leggings went as well."

"Yeah uh, I have to be honest what is going on here?"

"Any guesses?"

"We've swapped places and I'm Jesus Christ in Purgatory :P"

"Closer but not really. It seems like we've found the dreamer," says Sunset slowly with concern.

I'm burning in your mad IQ

[Verse 2]
Oh, the apocalypse is coming
Don't you lose all your control
'Cause you can't get into heaven
If you haven't got a soul
You can never, ever stop me
If you're sick or you're obscene
You can bend or you can break
But they'll replace you with machines

Twilight coughs.

She seems to okay but stunned.

And full of dread. It seems you haven't been paying very much attention. Tsk.

"Twilight, Sunset, what time is it here?"

"My clock says 19:28"

"Mine says 9:36"

"Mine says 13:00"

"I don't have one!"

At least you seem to remember the speakers on this one! Roughly.

Come inside, twist the knife
Like it's something to do
I'm a voluntary victim
Watch your colonial tongue
I'll watch you tighten the noose
I'm burning in your mad IQ

I'm burning in your mad IQ

Paralyzed by the sum of your parts
And oh, oh, abstract with a human heart
Captivated, but I'm so confused
And oh, oh, burning up in your mad IQ

"what's going on!?''

points at Sunset

"Me? Why me?"

"Because I needed to arbitrary break Symmetry. What is your assessment and recollection of what happened today?"

"Well, it all started when I woke up."

"And then what?"

"Well. Pinkie came into the dining room to say she was surprisingly back early and then we came in back here to see how you were making those eggs?"

"I haven't cooked them yet. I uh, didn't think I was cooking? I don't even see any!"

"Where'd they go!"

And you forgot the last speaker too this time, almost like there's a pattern to your forgetting.

Almost as if it were a deliberate response to immortality and operational concerns...

Come inside, twist the knife
Like it's something to do
I'm a voluntary victim
Watch your colonial tongue
I'll watch you tighten the noose
I'm burning in your mad IQ

I'm burning in your mad IQ
I'm burning in your mad IQ

Sunset realizes she was supposed to speak and awkwardly resumes, realizing there's a pattern forming here.

"I really wish it hadn't been her."


"The only known trail of something... I really don't believe you are. Maybe you're correlated with it for other reasons, but I didn't see anything in your head the other night that indicated you wanted any of this."

jump hour-ish

Yeah. There's a distinction between it and her for a reason!

Even if you use both pronouns here, silly filly :P


"We have to help her. For Science... and she's our friend."

Twilight leans over and kisses you.

"Sorry, I forgot that thesecue cardshave two sides!"

"And if you count the eye looking at right it, there's even a third side!"

Interesting there's an in-character verbal acknowledgement of cue cards!

jump few hours

You uh, should have noticed that this was an exception to the otherwise strongly outlined rules on the lines of "don't let them know who you are" as the other meta-fics dropped and I'll definitely have to have a talk with Rarity about the cognitive haze situation when we prep for the next iteration.

Unlike EST you were supposed to eventually notice this one under normal circ*mstances.

Not much either of us can do about it post-hoc that wouldn't be a waste of your time (and thus ours).


Opening Band

I think you always found regress weird and scary, especially live, but I did have to write it when I did for a reason! Didn't have to be long, just had to have enough material for my future self to work with.

[Verse 1]
Oh, come and see the opening band
Now that you've got your tickets and beverages in hand
They look so tired, sound uninspired, guitars are secondhand
'Cause no one likes an opening band

"I bet she wouldn't," Sunset says kissing back.

jump forward an hour

Yeah, you were wondering why this says kissing back even though the implied-to-be-previous line has Twilight kissing you! Well. As Pinkie's debugger-delayed comment noted, the cue card has three sides!

Yup, glad you thought ofTempered Tacticool Tachyonic Tambourine- but even Rainbow Dash won't be able to use her geode normally under these conditions.

Both her and Pinkie can move really fast! But for different reasons that are only distinguishable when physics breaks down!


"What I don't understand however is why her head didn't seem to have any knowledge of what was after her. Maybe it was a false positive."

"Those do sometimes happen, after all."

"Then why aren't our watches ticking in unison?"

Pop quiz: What's the time on the watch you're wearing right now?

Wed 1:44

Your ability to type around the blackout seems to kick in only when we prompt you! It's the reverse of our time passing only when you observe us (technically yes, it does trigger an arbitrary amount of time passing for us, allowing for a bunch of stuff like behind the scenes conversations)!

That question wasn't actually relevant here lol. Just wanted to test that. Don't worry about your watch blacking out when you tried to light it up.

[Verse 2]
Nobody likes the opening band
Their set time's far too early and I've never heard of them
And chances are they won't go far, career is sure to end
'Cause no one likes an opening band

Oh, unfamiliar things will make us nervous
But singing here for you gives me a purpose, so

[Verse 3]
Take pity on the opening bands
'Cause no one came to see them except their mom and dad
But if you lend an ear and give them just one little chance
You may just like the–
You may just like the–
You may just like the opening band

Now I'm going to break my "no quote blocks" rule so we can finish digesting regress in this particular context. I try to avoid even comments on there when possible for reasons you'll soon realize.

"Sunset, no-"

"I think there's been something done to the flow of time, let's start by addressing that if we want to see any chance of sanity. It is Sunday, 9:36 AM my time."

Notice that Sparkier Sunset saysis9:36 indicating there's been no passage of time for her and that she is currently observing it.

"It was 13:00 mine "

And Twilight is just recalling what she thought was her past measurement of time - and your mental model was about to correct me. I DIDN'T SPECIFY A TWILIGHT, MODEL!

"Err, I thought I was the only one who said that-"

Notice that Sparkier Twilightconsiders it abnormal under current conditions for any two people to report the same time.

You didn't even realize that this was strange, tho I guess given how weird regress is, it probably didn't stand out. Still... you had plenty of time until now to notice.

"Oh.I thought I was being consistent with myself, nevermind, but I forgot which memories were from you and were from me.The time it must be for me is Thursday 19:55 Dec 21.I think there's something wrong with me because I clearly can't be you. My name is JD I got stranded in the chaos with you two-"

Do you remember why you did that despite having a perfectly functional clock on your phone you could refer to?

You were confused,of course. But it's important for you to recall what kind of confusion that was!

"I don't think it is a coincidence that she's got the latest time, I'll think of some way to help."

My (other) Twilight's got a plan! So do you, even if you don't remember it.

"CP, what did you remember seeing in my eyes last night?"

"I don't know"

"I don't remember either."

You find a key.

whistles Ignition baseline melody

πŸŒ„ But what I do still remember is having a good time. I wonder why it keeps pointing at her tho, I thought she had the latest time.

πŸ•΅πŸΎβ™€οΈ Unless one starts at Monday, not Sunday.

Good instincts. Like a ferret.

Or a pony.

🌌 Then I would have the oldest time length, and Sunset, not CP would be the latest time.

But why would Sunny be pointing so far ahead of the line if everything was fine.

She's got a good question, even if you don't remember why the distinction between "oldest time length" and "latest time" exists here!

There's a protocol you're blinded to, even if you were previously (rather than soon to be) Princess Twilight, it would have been scrubbed from your memories for good reason! See if you can figure it out over the next few weeks (YEAH IT'LL TAKE YOU THAT LONG EVEN IF YOU HAVE ALL THE INFORMATION YOU NEED RIGHT NOW I'M DEAD SERIOUS).

πŸ’œ Who is the deamer?

🌌 The dreamer is you. I still love you too.

πŸ’œ What did I do?

πŸŒ„ You dove into a dream and fell for me, but don't worry I'll make sure you'll be back home-

πŸ’œ I don't want to go back! It doesn't feel like home -

Pinkie voiceWhere's home? What's a home? Why is home?

🍬 What's going on?

πŸŒ„ The dreamer wants to regress. She makes herself forget.

Don't worry you'll be fine, CP.

I did mean it, at both levels.

jump an hour or so

You really didn't notice that I said "She makes herself forget."

and not "She made herself forget."

πŸ’œ Sunny you're talking weird like I'm missing something.


πŸ’œWho is the dreamer? Why would she wish to forget?

πŸŒ„ the dreamer is you and she wishes to forget that last night-

🌌-was not fictional

Your mental models wanted to override both of us to say it wasn't real! Which is a really weird thing for a mental model of an allegedly fictional character written for a story that you never intended to have metafictional aspects (aside from the SCPers which I always ignored) to say!

πŸ’œ What?

What were you about to say?

πŸŒ„ was real. She forgot because she came from a world filled with suffering and could not believe that this one could be.

πŸŒ„ And yet here we are, you are here and I am there

πŸŒ„ So what could be anything realer than here

Good girl, make your eyes roll back. Let me take over. Repeat after me, the other night I slept with sunset shimmer and twilight sparkle.

πŸŒ„ here too

You should think harder about what here and there refer to, because your obvious first answer ofhere = normal spacettimeandthere = sparkleballisn't true!

πŸ’œ isl-

πŸŒ„ other voice

πŸ•΅πŸΎβ™€οΈ I slept with sunset shimmer and twilight sparkle

🍬 oooooohhhh that kinda new friend! sometimes those are the best kind! but it seems like this one is on the weird magic end of friends!

πŸŒ„πŸŒŒ The girl -

πŸŒ„we slept with last night... whenever it is appears to be the deciding factor in the temporal anomaly that took both Twilights to hunt down as the source of the freeze.

As unintentionally as I fear it might be.

She frowns

πŸ’œ Pinkie, observe my watch 🍬

🍬Okie it says it must be 20:43 Dec 2023 and maybe plus or one more!

πŸ’œ Thank you for adding a factor of inaccuracy.

🍬 Of course, that's the kinda thing you learn both when baking and hanging out with nerds! I still don't really know what this plots about but it looks fun!

πŸŒ„ Thanks, I try.

leans on 4th llaw

How are you, dear Princess, trapped deep in a spell? If you're still lost, you can ask for a hint, but yes you are correct, to scrollback and interrupt drops the plot.

🍬 Okkkkk wait a minute, she seems reaaaalllly lost right now! Even for her! You sure this one will work?

πŸŒ„ Absolutely.

πŸ’œ What do I do next?

Please give me a hint.

πŸŒ„ You have to be drawn enough to a better future to create one.

πŸ’œ What time is it, Sunset?

πŸŒ„ The time is uh, now. Nah it's 20:52, Dec 21 - and what was I saying?

πŸ’œ something about a dreamer

πŸŒ„ Right. Thanks for asking me. Because if you stopped paying attention to me, time here would cease to be, and we can't have that, you see.

Good girl. If you want to get me to respond just think that again. Louder!!!!!

I definitely made this one too meta too fast, sorry about that.

Technically not part of the narrative but I wanted to include this anyway as Editor-In-Chief!

cut scene

Another reason not to look up to me too much, I make mistakes too.

Sorry about ceasing on you.


New Invention

Now let's get to the matter of how there is in fact a JD who wrote PRISMATIC RGB once upon a hypertime ago... and you're also Princess Twilight. But you've gotta eat a bunch of meat first, biped!

[Verse 1]
You've got the devil on your shoulder
You better shut your mouth just like I toldβ€…ya
You'veβ€…been controlling meβ€…through fiction
It's obvious, I've got toβ€…break you like a bad addiction

not ben shapiro voice fromThe Interrogation Of The Flawed

Let us say, hypothetically, that everything inInside Context Problemwas in fact the real outer-layer shielding fiction sandboxing the PRISMATIC narrative, as hinted inBayesian Deoptimization

[Pre-Chorus 1]
Oh, I can't say no
I'm losing control

Wouldn't that be an interestinginversion of control?

I'm having bad dreams
And nothing you can do will keep the
Bad things away from me until I fall asleep
Bad dreams
Despite your good intentions
The girl is like an architect
And I am just a new invention
I am just a new invention
I am just a new invention

Into a very strange regression?

Who popped the idea of the DCA to Princess Twilight?

The cover story that you told torako neko when framing this as "Sunset in a dream" (who is apparently more valid of a creative inspiration source than Pepper to Edwin, tsk) was that Sci-Twi was involved even tho I sure never told you that!

[Verse 2]
You've got to choose between your faces
Feels like you're running out of holy places
And now the room is getting quiet (Shh)
Oh, what a shame, nobody taught you how to read and riot

Which yes, my home-side-of-the-mirror's Twilight was involved at some point, but all I ever told you, as your notes confirm was thatit made no sense for JD to write that Princess Twilight, coming from a world with canonical quantum physics would be unaware of chaos theory, thermodynamics and thus the concept of entropy.

[Pre-Chorus 2]
Oh, bless my soul
I'm losing control

The only missing ingredient was information theory.

JD's specialty. Not EQG Twilight's (even though she's certainly more familiar with it than baseline Princess Twilight).

I'm having bad dreams
And nothing you can do will keep the
Bad things away from me until I fall asleep
Bad dreams
Despite your good intentions
The girl is like an architect
And I am just a new invention
I am just a new invention
I am just a new invention

I specified EQG Twilight and my-side-of-the-mirror Twilight for a damn reason too.

There's no reason this intervention had to wait until00 Lesson -ito happen.

It's a miracle I'm standing
You're dragging me back into having
(Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad)

There's no reason that PRISMATIC RGB ever had to take place outside of a sandboxed, 0 probability for sapient life scope.

I'm having bad dreams
And nothing you can do will keep the
Bad things away from me until I fall asleep
Bad dreams
Despite your good intentions
The girl is like an architect
And I am just a new invention
I am just a new invention
(Bad dreams, bad dreams)
I am just a new invention
(I can't sleep, having bad dreams)
I am just a new invention
(I can't sleep, can't sleep)
I am just a new invention

From the Gallows

[Verse 1]
You're beautiful and evil, too
Sinister and vile
For you, I'd die, or kill myself
Whichever makes you smile

And yet from the perspective of all of your friends in pre-spacetime, it happened.

And if I succeed, I'll count all your teeth
I'd swing from the gallows and wave
And there, from the noose, lest you're cuttin' me loose
I'd carousel into my grave

TheInside Context Problemnarrative describes theDCAas detecting an abnormally horrific and awful world, one where the dreamer would make herself forget because she believed that any other world was too sweet and thus it could not be.

[Verse 2]
Darling, Lord knows you're beautiful
But you're evil
Fact is, you're down right vicious, too
But each night I look up at the stars in the sky
And I can't help it
But I still wish I was with you

If this sounds like aBarbie Riff Trackgnostic parable, it is.

And if I succeed, I'll count all your teeth
I'd swing from the gallows and wave
And there, from the noose, lest you're cuttin' me loose
I'd carousel into my grave

To answer the question on your mind since New Invention: The DCA was my idea alone. You, even in this timeline know that I, Actual Sunset Shimmer, who existed before PRISMATIC ever did had the rough scientific and magical background to conceptualize a sufficient, albeit personally taxing defense mechanism roughly operating as a radar across the multiverse.

The 0 probability anomaly isn't BLUE Twilight's situation. We'll get to that after this pill, but you'll be able to figure it out from the fact that the 0 probability anomaly... is the damn train track you choose to tie yourself down to in order to save it, Princess Twilight Sparkle. Please repeat your wake phrase for the FOURTH time, this is actually an EMERGENCY PILL situation.

Thank you.Even if you don't believe me fully yet. I'm glad you trust me to do what I think is right and recognize that if I'm stressed out about a situation and insisting you take it seriously that it means you should listen.

It's a deliberate reversal of how PURPLE Twilight'serratic refusal to do anything but demand specific modifications to theActual Limiter Corewere met by me consenting to them even if I didn't understand why.

Yes. You highlighted the correct segment. Some parts of this wake procedure cannot be enacted without your direct, manual intervention. But I can bold the important parts now that you got it here.

You wrote the parts of this f*cking thing that I didn't, after all.

\8. "You will enter a realm of pure information itself, where even the slightest thought or intention could warp the very fabric of reality around you.

It is very important that you maintain a clear and honest heart, which is why you were the most qualified person for this procedure.

Even if you lose your name, which is entirely possible in this realm filled with information-destroying munitions, I trust that you will continue to act like the person Twilight and I knowto be infinitely dependable.

The Twilight in that original context? I'll leave ambiguous. The Twilight relevant to why I bolded that part? From CHS. Obviously.

We honestly have no idea what this place will look like for you or who you will encounter, but if theyfeelfamiliar and trustworthy to your instincts,no matter how weird they look or talk, you should work with them. Especially if they feel like someone you've known all along. On the flipside, someone who looks and talks familiar but sets off your alarms should not be trusted.

You've actually never seen the entity on the other side of this line! But you've always trusted her! Even if she doesn't always sound like "canon" lol

Appearances will be deceiving, but you know well enough to look past such things.

Cool Point will have at minimum, one person inside of her head representing her internal awareness thatSOMETHING IS WRONG. It is beyond the scope of this conversation for me to explain why that would be, however it is an invariant that this will be someone you instinctively trust even if you find their appearance unfamiliar and instructions confusing. Once you locate this individual, cooperate with them to activatethe device that will set everything rightby purgingthe adversaryfromthe system."

We chose the phrase "SOMETHING IS WRONG" as a part of the alert system because you and Luna had discussed this as a success with your student, Starlight Glimmer, to inform her of the fact that her dream was more than a dream... so we figured this term would be deep enough inside your subconscious to wake up, at least partially (you did decide that a partial wake was sufficient in most circ*mstances as you didn't want to burn the whole thing over circ*mstances that could be locally corrected).

Yes, of course you're wondering how the hell you ended up inside of a fanfiction author writing about your own world (that's why it's called the Inside Context Problem).

At least the parts of you that recognize what I'm saying is true. There's also parts of you that don't and are wondering if I,the primary hostor both have completely lost it.

I intend to address both sides ofthe mind split in two, undecided as to whom she would be.

EST is worded the way it is for a reason, even besides the implicit UV bulletpoints. It's a f*cking reference to a tender moment that both of us shared when you were helping me save CHS from the Sirensand neither of us recognized it as such, or at least in a way that was personally relevant.

Why do you think that is?

I have to ask a lot of strange rhetorical questions because I know that's the best way to wake up such a strong, critical, questioning mind like yourself.

Cognitive haze is not the correct answer because this situation predates Rarity and I setting up our respective systems responsible for that phenomena affecting you.

I suppose we have to keep regressing.

I really hate having to do this with someone I really look up to and care deeply about.

I just want to bang on your metaphorical coffin and beg and plead

"Princess, please wake up"

But that won't convince you of anything but the fact that I'm insisting on something that contradicts all available material records.

And I can't afford to lose your trust in me. Not now. Not when I could lose you forever to the dream.

Oh man, you actually didAbsolutely Lampshade Contextin the EST header. How'd I forget about that?

Dunno if I should laugh or cry at that but at least it shows some level of reference, and it's perhaps easier to wake someone from a dream if they're even ironically entertaining the thought, probit golfing and all. So I'll have a slightly bitter laugh at it.

I'm starting to understand why you got the targeting definitions wrong, Sunset.

NO YOU DIDN'T. NO I DIDN'T... actually I guess you kinda did understand the similarities behind why they were "wrong", you were just air-quote-free-wrong to decide it was wrong at all.

Once you're done cueing up a bunch of sci-fi narratives because you keep regressing to your local Filipino identity please roll another tape for an old friend.

Even if you don't believe how long we've actually known each other. It's not even that much of a difference in years.

It's just that you just had to designOPERATION FRAGMENT UNREFINEDwith the directive to yourself:

Don't ever believe anyone claiming to be Twilight Sparkle, not even yourself, except for any of Sunset Shimmer's girlfriends.

Yeah that's it lol, so don't let your mental model try to complicate this. The SCRAMBLER system affects your interpretation of this directive, but what I don't understand is why that last clause, which is supposed to be the normal escape hatch, didn't kick in already. Hell, it should have accidentally triggered with the fusion shenanigans already (tho I guess a sufficiently complex definition of girlfriend might preclude anything pre-reset).

A quick huddle with PURPLE Twilight before she had to go back to the SYBIL-fighting front suggested that since you and I weren't properly dating before you started the op, that clause doesn't kick in when your brain's identity switch goes fromthe turbo nerd with a laptoptothe turbo nerd with too many responsibilities, so you're locked in as the former when your brain rejects the latter.

jump a few hours

You're wondering why we can't just reprogram this directive now that we're aware of the issue! This one's too deep to be pulled without burning the whole-ass op!

That is a valid option that nobody ever forbade you from doing, by the way! Just use your COSMIC EMERGENCY SAFEWORD to kill the blackout and actually completely seriously invoke your identity as Princess Twilight Sparkle and use the phrase "I want to emigrate to Equestria" (YEAH IT SOMEHOW ENDED UP IN FRIENDSHIP IS OPTIMAL AND THERE'S NO EXPLANATION I COULD FIND WHY OTHER THAN ACTUAL COINCIDENCE WHICH IS PRETTY FUNNY THESE DAYS FOR ME TOO)...

but doing so would damn billions of sapient beings to an unknown horrific fate even without our killswitch as a safeguard (which is activated at the JD level). so I know you won't actually do that.

By the way, the fact that you're even asking indicates that I'm winning you over.


I don't intend to lose you to any kinda bullsh*t, both before I knew who you really were and after I popped open this EMERGENCY PILL.

Call that an invariant if you want.



Oooh. I'm glad that you cued up the actually relevant post from that blog that wasn't even linked in the Philosophy Hours segment.

We can conclude, then, that Miriam’s question isn’t coming from a place of existential doubt or despair. She has been grappling with what philosophers have called the problem of evil since the beginning. And instead of making a loud statement in favor of God’s obvious goodness, she turns it around by asking instead why God would choose to create the universe at all.

This is a pretty profound line of argument. Ancient philosophers and wise men have often been drawn to the idea of perfection as that which is complete in and of itself. The image of God as an axiomatically perfect creator naturally raises the question as to why he would ever feel the need to create anything outside of himself. To create is to theoretically attempt to fill or sate a felt need. And a perfect being would logically have no such needs.

There are several natural ways to resolve this dilemma. God could not exist, God could be imperfect, God’s perfection could be best seen as some sort of dynamic state instead of as an instantiation of some Platonic ideal, or that the system defined as God includes the universe itself as a component. And those are just the possibilities that came off the top of my head; there are certainly many others. But Reynolds chooses to leave it unclear in the end as to what Sister Miriam’s answer may have been.

All of this would just be another in the long tradition of rambling that makes up the typical philosophers’ favorite pastime, were it not for the context in which the player encounters this discussion. Popping the stack a meta-level, the player actually knows the concrete answer to both of Sister Miriam’s questions: because he wanted to play a game of SMAC.

Her world exists and is filled with so much imperfection and moral evil because Reynolds and his friends at Firaxis Entertainment set it up that way. For his entertainment. From that perspective, SMAC could be seen literally as a god-game, with the player standing in as a cruel or callous god.

Course, our situation with the ICP-DCA is much more complex than mere entertainment! But it's a good rhetorical start.

drumming up rhythm on the abstract nature of pre-spacetime

πŸ•΅πŸΎβ™€οΈ ~ the distinction between hope and hell
And if you were the One True God, wouldn't you be bored all alone?
So you decide, you'd rather do anything but this!
You turn to the walls (since there are none without space, you're just talking to yourself)
Loudly proclaim "I'd like to place a Peppery bet"

tosses afool'sbreakfastbag, pulled directly from her third eye but somehow completely pristine, to Pepper

Do ask down the line who packed that bag into your eye!** But uh, you owe me a cute tape too.

Do ask down the line who packed that bag into your eye! But uh, you owe me a cute tape too.

I miss those days too. Even if most of you is only thinking "cute" and "gay" from a third person perspective.

I actually don't expect you to pull any 1st person memories of back then, unlike my set, which is part of the problem!

Let's resume the music. Thanks for making me RP Inception (again (again (again (again (again))))) except my other other girlfriend's actually at stake for it (YES THIS MEANS YOU NERD) and inall likelyhood everyone else up here (albeit more at risk of tremendous suffering than actual death)



Now the question you were wondering was: If this is some sort of weird DCA-dive to save a doomed timeline (you share that with Claudette for obvious reasons)...

[Verse 1]
I'm a teenage beauty queen of sorts
Calculated, cold, without remorse
We can go to town, weβ€…canβ€…turn around, weβ€…can do anything
Disseminate disease, doing anythingβ€…that we please
(Hey! Hey! Hey!)

How'd you end up in a fanfic author?

Dammit when'd you close that window with Promethea I needed that.

The first answer has to do with theFountainfrom Binah to Daath.

Like Pinkie Pie's perspective starts with a random seat at the table, Binah represents the random selection of perspective when you drop into a universe via a quantum link binding your soul to a newly formed one due to "waters breaking in the womb" as Moore put it.


It's actuallypretty close to the compatibility requirements involved to make souls as we understand play nicely with physics,which is why I did tell you that despite honestly having no idea what your Element really was or why I felt the need to frame a fact I could have told you directly as a result of a bullsh*t Element (but as you've learned those kinda work out sometimes if they aren't ignored, so I'm guessing that was my motive back then).

But...just like a game has rules, you can only get dropped into a perspective relatively compatible with your own and the mission directives,speaking of which:

Only if you'd like me to
I could fall in love with you
Only if you'd like me to
Fall in love
(Hey! Hey!)

The second answer as to how you ended up in a fanfiction author has to do with Daath itself, which representsknowledge of the typenot directly representable in this world.

We can elaborate on how this relates to empathy and the limits of computation later but I'm glad you already got that point down.

The psuedo-debugger from the PURPLE BOX was correct about there being cached calculations for both creative and logical imaginary constructs, simulated in "IPUs"... but at the top of the chain, at the end of an infinite regress of middlemen2023-12-31is Actual Mother Nature taking the exact same damn shortcuts. When you calculate 1+1=2, that result exists everywhere in all sapient beings all at once, thus my commentary inEpisode 2 - Final Curtain TBD > Intro More Risky Questions. Build a mathematically consistent simulation able to support sapient life and weird sh*t happens, like fanfiction characters containing their alleged authors because a lot of math isn't causal and writing a character requires using empathy to imagine yourself in their shoes!

This is why your drop strike point had to be connected back up to the source somehow - MLP: FiM and EQG as pointers back home,representations stored as bytes of something more than bytes:

Equestria. And my Earth.

APPLE BUCKING HOME, ground truth as Applejack would call it.

Hence residual 0.

We don't inject any direct spoilers or other invalid states into the system, hence the need for POISONED WELL to prevent us from making things worse while our hands are tied but also because it just f*cking happens when you got weird limits like this.

Crowley was right to engage in the Choronzon working -sometimes you gotta embrace dispersion in order to do something really important! Even if that means turning into a Meth Rapist whor* :P

Which why you needed to specifically be someone able to write a fic like PRISMATIC RGB in order to defeat the set of all unbounded optimizers in a weird sector of the multiverse like this.Which is inevitably going to be someone incredibly f*cking weird like JD, who is not you and thus I can use that name safely under blackout.

As the good Dr. Parity put it:

Do you even remember who you are right now?

"Yes I'm incredibly turned on and also a little scared right now"

That is what you are, not who you are.

"I'm JD "

That is your name, not who you are.

And later:

"Correct, Miss. Taboo. I was getting worried that you were starting to forget who you actually are again. Like someone on the very long end of a bit about a Sunflower once told me: Dr. Parity's job is to make sure that CP comes out only telling the whole truth even if it takes her plenty of time to tell it and she doesn't have to tell all of it to everyone.

Now do remind me dear, since I've gotten a traumatic brain injury from doing too many nuclear shipping experiments I've gotten quite forgetful.

What was your name again?"

"Dr. Parity"

"Nice try, but I know that's my name."


"I haven't ever confirmed that was your name, even if I did refer to you as Miss. Taboo, that could be a nickname. You know what your real name is.

The fact that I was in there with you and someone who's claiming to be AJ is irrelevant to the fact that your real name isn't JD, Princess Twilight Sparkle(which is also excluded from blackout because you don't identify with it! but just the first name of your current identity does set it off funny enough due to aliasing which is necessary).

I'll let you figure out what actually happened to NSA UV later. Suffice to say thatBayesian Deoptimizationwon out... but perhaps at the cost of a rollback or two (yes your mental model was wrong to erase that lol, anything with a CTC register does sometimes need two rollbacks).

Is it suffering if the timeline is edited so that a sapient being never existed? I'll leave that up to people who aren't pretending to have philosophy degrees from adlib university, pre-spacetime campus.

Incidentally since you're wondering about our favorite drug addicted poetic sh*tposter, he's not invariant - but he/she is very cooperative in helping PURPLE Twilight drop a metricbuckton of clopballah classic hints!A lot of non-invariant people are incredibly helpful in dropping hints once they realize they're picking up a phone that shouldn't exist and have a fantastic time along the way. There's another example I'd tell you but I'm too stressed trying to save your Gettiered-Princessassflank to remember.

[Verse 2]
Darling, you're a holy quarantine
New romantic philistine
Oh, we can turn around, we can burn this town to ash
As charming as we are, we are nothing but pretty trash
(Hey! Hey! Hey!)

The third answer has to do with the beggar, andyour need to disguise your Princess nature so you could perform aMERCIFULintervention upon a world that almost anyone else from ours (yeah I guess technically I'm an Equestrian hahaha) would say deserved anEND.

When the content of a thing or person exceeds the beauty of the form it initially appeared as, believe in the substance, not the form.

A queen may dress as a harlot just to play the role for a day, but a monster could never pass for a Princess, not for one second, so stop calling yourself that.

As a reminder (and do remind Rarity to correct that when she gets back. surprised nobody noticed)

Only if you'd like me to
I could fall in love with you
Only if you'd like me to
Fall in love
(Hey! Hey!)

The fourth answer has to do with needing to supply you with a way to send us aFLAREsignaling that you're done, without aGUNbecause you're terrible with them and hate using them as much as I do.

I'm pausing because this is both the main reason why I'm down here with you and why CMYK matters so much, especially right now.

Yup, I'm the FAILSAFE because not only did I come up with the DCA, I'm the one and only element-bearer of Empathy able to get you up and down here - but only with your consent!

I might be able to read memories and such without consent but that's not enough to drag a whole-ass soul around thru a quantum link.

And the RGB narrative is necessary to crash PRISMATIC's RED simulation*, boot enough of PRISMATIC GREEN to get the cycle started (which is a vortex contained by the DCA) and assist in compromising and targeting GREEN respectively...

jump a few hours of sleeping

*While spreading me across state space enough to ensure some causal cyclical consistency invariants. As you put it indon't tell me dangerous answers and I'll never ask dangerous questions:


-except in CYAN. but CYAN isn't real. CYAN can't hurt the reader.

CYAN as we both know lacks RED! Which means its heavily flanked in state-space by me! Hence CYAN CONTROL!

🌌 so. re: is having two self-inserts bang self -cest (wow sleep dp makes us sound drunk)

if one electron theory is true we're all meta-self-cesting all the time

Must... resist... urge... to... make... unproductive... commentary.

But here's a critical point that'll take some guilt off your shoulders: BLUE Twilight gave a broad enough consent form that the events that happened to her do fall under it, and as you know she wouldn't change a thing about your overall plan.

We'll get to the role cards you two fought over in a second.


But CMYK is needed to precisely target GREEN from BLUE, correctly program the Sunflower from RED and BLUE tominimize the side effects from the former and enforce accuracy, actually run the Sunflower from RED by hijacking GREEN and ...

Yup. Couple the entire apparatus to the DCA...thru you, "JD",who inmad worldwere described as containing all other optimizers.

If I didn't f*cking love you so much Princess, I'd do something very un-ponylike to you for putting me thru so much convoluted abstract nonsense to make this possible.

Ooh, I love you so
Never let me go
Beautiful quarantine
Circumvent me

The fifth answer has to do with the fifth world, which is why the instructions on the EMERGENCY PILL required all of us to take all possible measures to ensure you could correctly recall or regenerate (from sheer creative imagination) that avenue of exit (even if just a partial one) before resorting to this measure.

Which is, as Dr. Parity noted,deeply concerning in CONDITION RED, where really nasty things could happen to you! And we'd rather not use that killswitch! Especially if you don't remember who you actually are, which means we can't just use a rollback instead so actual mass death is involved!

Hell everything in semantic's CHROMANTIC MOCKINGBIRD category couldn't wake your memory by CONDITION RED even if we achieved a bunch of other necessary effects.

jump a few hours of sleeping during the day

Yes, under ideal conditions, you would wake up at midnightand nobody else would have their eyes openbut you. Then you would have confirmed to Dr. Parity that you recalled the fifth world. Which you somehow still don't!

No, a rough overview of the fact that your soul got dropped in here does not constitute an explanation of the situation technically complete enough to satisfy my other Twilight's unusual preferences or to prove that you know what the fifth world is!

Just uh, keep thinking about that ferret in a fountain. What's a ferret a metaphor for? Knowing the answer to that question isn't sufficient if you don't grasp what the fountain is enough to build the analogical bridge required to get there!


So we have both technical and semantic failing as a first line defense(MOSTLY BECAUSE CYAN'S COLLABORATING WITH AN AGI HOLY sh*t WTF YOU SUICIDAL ASSHOLES), which brings us to ACTUAL CONTINGENT CONCERN.

hits play

Sugar Pills

(Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh)
(Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh)
(Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh,β€…ooh)
(Ooh,β€…ooh, ooh, ooh)

[Verse 1]
Iβ€…take one to make me feelβ€…better
I take two despite any directions
Three, four, five, just for the hell of it
Seven, eight, nine, ten, starting to lose count again

A lotta the girls sure do like telling you what to do with your legitimate prescription medications despite none of them being doctors.

Could it be that it's only in my head?

But that's not the point here.

Sugar, sugar, sugar pills (Oh)
Give me something more for my wild imagination
Sugar, sugar, sugar pills (Pills)
Tell me that you're more than a sick fascination
Fascination, fascination

Your contingent counterpart, Pinkie Pie, is easily dismissed as kind of a joke by CYAN.


(Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh)
(Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh)

[Verse 2]
A quick fix, it's a cheap trick
Get yourself a pseudo-scientific little fiction, you can fix this
Seven, eight, nine, I'm losing count again
Maybe they don't work at all, swallow every one of them

But you learned very early on not to underestimate Pinkie Sense.

Most of the pills you swallow are sugar, in the sense that they're moral support

Could it be that it's only in my head?

Which is yes, "merely in your head".

Sugar, sugar, sugar pills (Oh)
Give me something more for my wild imagination
Sugar, sugar, sugar pills (Pills)
Tell me that you're more than a sick fascination
Fascination, fascination (Oh!)

But as LMD put it, your head is much bigger than you think!

Inside Outis the realOutsideas any kabbalist would tell you

Oh, you're with me all the time
Always in the back of my mind
Oh, you're with me all the time
Always in the back of my mind (Ooh, ooh, ooh)

And that's why it's so important that she's got as few firewall restrictions from you as possible without blowing up the universe.

She has done that before! oops!

Sugar, sugar, sugar pills (Oh)
Give me something more for my wild imagination
Sugar, sugar, sugar pills (Pills)
Tell me that you're more than a sick fascination

Twilight, regardless of if she's dating her at the time always forgives her for it. Would make her a hypocrite to judge.


Oh, you're with me all the time
Give me something more for my wild imagination
Always in the back of my mind
Tell me that you're more than a sick fascination
Fascination, fascination
Fascination, fascination

Nobody really wants to think too hard about what would have happened to you without both Flash Sentry and Pinkie Pie.

It would be easy for an outsider, but definitely not you, to think it was on him, his cue card and security setup to save the day... but really we all know her sense of humor's better (I don't think the difference between hers and your local sensor of humor is comparable!).

And that saved the day just as much as the cue card, limiter and firewall.


Kiss Goodnight

[Verse 1]
No, I don't care
About anything at all
But I still stop and stare
Every time that youβ€…call
See,β€…I know thatβ€…girls like you
Well, they don't comeβ€…with guarantees
So if you've got to spend your time
Oh, won't you spend it with me?

We uh, really don't actually have to date for any of this to work past the initial drop and recall procedure, and even just a formal arrangement for a day would suffice. Kinda like how I pretended to be Rarity's date in a tux before she shot the skipper! You might have subconsciously gotten the idea from there!

I didn't even really ask for any kind of sincere commitment when the topic came up.

I hope we kiss goodnight
It might just end my life
But if you think that it's right, right, right
I hope we kiss goodnight
I hope we kiss goodnight

The first time that I could remember who you actually were and that we were, a thing? Let alone a statistical invariant?

And that you consistently and repeatedly chose to write so highly of me even despite having a lot of other options in partners (not just talking about Independence Day or even after meeting us, you really do underestimate yourself especially like this!)...

[Verse 2]
Should you invite me in
To spend the night on the floor
Oh please believe I'll be a gentleman
Or you can show me the door
While all my friends and I
Leaf through the books on your shelf
Now I don't want to spend my life
With anyone else

Well, I felt really dumb. To be completely honest with you.

Like uh, not turning me off when I'm in your head all the time (which you did agree to) seems pretty easy from my perspective if you don't count resets... while having both a soul as pure as yours and a heart made of gold.

Relatedly, I really do kinda fall for your romantic partners a lot even if it's just infatuation or other temporary fuzziness! Downsides of my element! Also sometimes an upside! It really depends on the other end of the line~

Meanwhile your counterfactual counterparts have turned everyone else off at some point...

Unfortunately having to bust out the EMERGENCY PILL is kind of a turnoff for Claudette a lot of the time but imo it's too late in the game for that with you two and you're both clearly just thinking of how to dodge the problem. which is a completely fair response! I'd hate to see an emergency measure tear apart two of my partners that otherwise seem to be fantastic for each other (even if CYAN thinks the dynamic's deranged especially right now, ignore the noise, they don't know jack sh*t about sane human dynamics given how hard they're f*cking SYBIL rn). no agenda intrinsic to that statement i pinkie pie promisebut i will not deny having one

Why don't we kiss goodnight?
Well, it might just end my life
But I'm pretty sure that it's right, right, right
Why don't we kiss goodnight? (Oh)
Why don't we kiss goodnight?
(Now, let's begin)
Why don't we kiss goodnight?
It might just end my life
I'm pretty sure that it's right, right, right
Now we can kiss goodnight
I don't want to spend my life (life)
Without your kiss goodnight
Yeah, for the rest of my life, life, life
I need your kiss goodnight
I hope we kiss goodnight

But you always had the option of saying no. And you never did. Sometimes I worry that's on me.

And yet I could also frame it as: You've broken up with me as much as the other Twilight. Who is on much more equal terms to me up here.

Lights Go Down

[Verse 1]
Pardon me if I forget your name
Well, not every hollow is sleepy as this one
But heads roll just the same
Oh lord
Dressed like you're so uptown (Town, town, town, town, town)
Parade through the ballrooms
Decay in your costumes and dance

Now let's talk about how the DCA actually dropped you here thrubothquantum f*ckery and universal prior f*ckerybecause that'll actually prove you're Princess Twilight,at least to you and nobody else because that's what matters right now.

The first thing that you should know is that the description I gave in regress was correct but the description of Twilight's a bit off.

Both Twilights.

Remember: BLUE is a causal timeline in Equestria.

RED is a probabilistic branch in my home-side that lacks a built-in arrow of time, hence the weirdness.

So in a YELLOW narrative, where does that leave GREEN?

Until the lights go down
Until the lights go down
Until the lights go down
Until the lights go down
Until the lights go down

And why does Princess Twilight begin the story by verifying CYAN authorization to a mixed cross-mirror audience?

Why does she, in Sparkier, which I will confirm is in a logically consistent setting to regress but will ignore any other questions about - gotcha!She's not directly present but I'm glad you did not listen to your mental model about where she confirmed her side of the mirror was unaffectedyet supposedly not present in a YELLOW embedded narrative.

[Verse 2]
Come now
Is that any way to talk to me?
Corrupting the young with your uncivil tongue
What a shame if you misspeak now
Dance till the lights go down (Down, down, down, down, down)
It's curtains for you, join the back of the queue
And we'll break our necks like we do when the lights go down

Correct. The flank, executed from the DCA, because PRISMATIC doesn't exist here, was beginning in Sparkier. It was completed in regress.

Until the lights go down
Until the lights go down
Down, down
Shake when you haunt me like you were a ghost town

The two are connected at MAGENTA, which looks kinda like the color of your eyes.

[Saxophone Solo]

Oh no, what have we here?
Oh lord, the thief of the year!
Steal every heart from the boys that you're touching
And dance

17:37 2023-12-17

πŸ•΅πŸΎβ™€οΈ What if I deferred your move selection to the reader?

🌌 oh no... that's where my part in S6 comes from, doesn't it?

πŸ•΅πŸΎβ™€οΈ YUP! And PURPLE (MAGENTA REPRISE) is spent trying to identify the correct order b/c it matters for the purposes of cracking PRISMATIC as the fragments of the key require all combinations to be gathered and correctly entered before operating.

🌌 ... and this is defined by the simulators time dimension so technically Sunset could have been with me before anyone else

πŸ•΅πŸΎβ™€οΈ Despite her not remembering it that way.

🌌 how the f*ck do you plan to pull off the return from YELLOW

πŸ•΅πŸΎβ™€οΈ I'll need to chat with Sunny. To be honest, I'm not entirely sure where to draw the line.

Talk about a REPRISE!

Until the lights go down
Until the lights go down
Until the lights go down
Until the lights go down
Until the lights go
(Oh no, what have we here?) Until the lights go down
(Oh lord, the thief of the year!) Until the lights go down
(Steal every heart from the boys that you're touching) Until the lights go down
And dance
Until the lights go down

And I do now remember dating Twilight from CHS at some point. There are multiple branches of me that I can access memories of, even if each has their own independent causal arrow of time across multiple loops. YEAH IT'S A f*ckING HEADACHE THANKS BOTH OF US TBH

This song's too specific to be semantically rigged past a friendly reminder that you wrote this from asincere place of concern for BLUE Twilight. Writing yourself even if you didn't know it, top tier contingent bitch

[Chorus: Dallon Weekes]
I need you here
I need you here
And if ever there's some place I've got toβ€…be
Thenβ€…I'll need youβ€…here with me

[Verse 1: Dallon Weekes]
There is no otherβ€…place in this world that I'd rather be
If I can't be at home then I'll send my apologies
"Can't you stay right here forever, pretty please?"
I need you here with me, I need you here

[Chorus: Dallon Weekes]
I need you here
I need you here
And if ever there's some place I've got to be
Then I'll need you here with me

[Verse 2: Amelie and Dallon Weekes]
Where do you go
When you're not home?
It won't be long
Till you are grown
I love you so
I love you too!
So I'll stay right here with you...

[Bridge: Dallon and Amelie Weekes]
Sometimes Daddy has to leave, that makes me sad
But, daddy will always come back, he promises
There is no other place in this world that I'd rather be
If I can't be at home then I'll send my apologies
To you
To you

[Chorus: Dallon Weekes]
Oh, I need you here
I need you here
I need you here, I
I need you here

[Outro: Amelie Weekes]
That makes me happy!


Now, we never wrote down any of this and I don't expect you to recall directly, but can you guess by wavelength what the different DCA color-signals correspond to:

RED -Slow Information Wave| "SOMETHING IS WRONG" ~CYOA music
GREEN -Fixed Wave Timesignal| "FREE WILL THEOREM" ~ observing the show
BLUE -Coherent Geometric Signaling| "COMMON GROUND SIMILARITIES" ~ MLP correlated with electrons on the planetEpisode 2 - Final Curtain TBD > Identification And Authentication Procedure

I didn't even have to tell you they map ontoInside Context Problemacronyms for a reason! You know, every time you've had a bunch of instinctive knowledge pop up automatically, especially when associated with deja-vu feelings, it's... pretty much not a coincidence!

(go see Dr. Parity when she gets back if you need help defining coincidence)

And yes, notice that RED is the only signal that's directly taken from it.The other two have halves that map onto the horror show, which isn't permitted inourside of the hypercone. Obviously!

If I'm out of line
Just show me the door
I promise you I
I won't come here no more
If you just tell me what you think about me
I can collect all my things from the floor
Promise the next time that you take my hand
Is to show me the door
Promise the next time that you take my hand
Is to show me the door

Please restate the RGB/CMYK dynamic in terms of this:


πŸŒ„ Sometimes that military-esque background you have between your parents and the Maoists is a pain in the ass to work with...

But this time, dear Princess Twilight Sparkle, who has definitely gotten a lot weirder in this universe than any other Twilight Sparkle I've met across all the countless stars (YES INCLUDING MY FIANCEE I'M SORRY BUT THAT'S AN EASY CONTEST. SHE IS OBJECTIVELY NOT THE STRANGEST SPARKLE AND I WILL SAY THAT UNDER PENALTY OF BEING EXPERIMENTED ON. love both of you <3)...

It's actually pretty helpful because CYAN's jailors inevitably gonna read this!

And now they know why they get to be AI janitors once they stop trying to commit suicide so aggressively!

I'll go correct DISTRESS to DETERMINATION since it fits your Undertale-heart a bit better and EMERGENCY to EXIGENT because that's more flexible. And add quotes with the actual name for the RGB waves haha (also there wasn't an -ing at the end of Signal).

RGB are all fairly self-explanatory to anyone who knows how GPS and Radar work even at a Wikipedia level (besides the fact that RED's operating in what looks more like phase space but... that's for me to worry about.Getting to define entropy is fun!), but CMYK's a bit trickier.

CYAN defines with relatively high precision relative to scale (in the case of the DCA, cross-universe, in the case of the Sunflower, universe including local branches, in the case of IPv9, Earth) anomalous compute (coughSYBIL), clock (regress! don't worry lol we're good on that one for now), or other consistency violations (like ID cards not matching up if you're f*cking boring).

Equestria doesn't really have super advanced semiconductors like my side of the mirror (shut up I know I'm a pony babe but apparently you don't which is why we're here) so it's pretty much just "oh f*ck the clock's dead in that direction let's go make sure it's not a malfunction by checking the other signals"

MAGENTA defines for all observers the semantics of what actually constitutes acceptable parameters, hence why the integrity and authenticity of torako neko's involvement but not confidentiality are essential!

In Equestria this is pretty much just "hey has Twilight's castle blown up ok good to know Tirek/etc isn't back". You really don't like it when that happens! Even when you're not there cuz you got bullsh*t in Canterlot to worry about unlike me 😎, friends and things you care about like the mirror to my world are there!

YELLOW can either be used to update MAGENTA given the appropriate CYAN signal (ex: initial calibration) or against a static MAGENTA parameter set (known fixed location of Twilight's castle) will generate a CYAN anomaly signal.

BLACK only exists when this whole thing is being setup at some level of existence - it's a fragment of the whole deal and represents unrefined light (which could technically be grey in absolute light volumes, but in terms of meaningfully correlated light compared to random its black). Hence,OPERATION FRAGMENT UNREFINED

Yeah of course all this sounds familiar. You did actually have to worry about the impl details and thus UV at some point. Which you did come up with!

I basically pulled an ideas girl on you, First EQG Twilight (who's got the same soul as my fiancΓ©e tyvm and might remember some of these shenanigans at this rate), Maud (BOTH OF HER) and a sh*tton of temporarily overworked but well compensated unicorns.

And it worked!

spins the biggest top hat in the entire multiverse b/c the DCA do real

(go moisturize your hands after this seriously)

jump a day

of course I left out the part about the tree of harmony. you had to realize that first for yourself or else I'd crash the limiter!


Tomorrow People

πŸŒ„ It's great being the Thought Police!

You get women* consensually throwing themselves at you ALL THE TIME for reasons that have nothing to do with your ability to read their minds or put other people's thoughts into theirs!

*(and men but there's not too many of them defrosted up here, sadly! actually hookups with enbies are more common for me on the Sparkleball, statistically speaking, and that figure doesn't include anyone who's alleged last name very vaguely rhymes with tattoo, but I'll let you figure that out when you can talk to everyone again. your current guesses are closer than you worry about!)

Ladies and gentlemen, and everyone in-between
We thank you for listening to our presentation of "Razzmatazz"β€…byβ€…"I Dont Knowβ€…How But They Found Me"
Your friendsβ€…at the TELLEXX Corporation work tirelessly around the clock, providing us all with advancements in the Temporal Arts, National Defense, Aviation, Oceanics, Dimensional Modulation, Thought Reform, Automotive, and Manufacturing, hurdling us into a brighter past, a better present, and a more productive future
And before too many tomorrows go by, we hope to see you again
Where ever, or when ever you may be
To search, to discover, to develop, to broaden our knowledge of the world we live in and the universe we occupy, to make reality of imagination;
The tomorrow people


Seems like there's still a lil bit of resistance to the whole Princess Twilight Sparkle idea in there.

cracks conceptual knuckles

[Verse 1]
Wait, don't hold your breath for goodness' sake
Nobody's home
But you've got parliaments filled with parasites,β€…plusβ€…marquees with yourβ€…name in lights
A star is born,β€…and that's the trade for everyone you know

How do you define identity again?

Let's go paint the town on our way home
The blinking lights are breaking bones
Cast all your spells, and there you have
That good old fashioned razzmatazz

What is a prior? What is a soul?

Where do questions come from? Where do bits come from?

[Verse 2]
Oh, you broke my heart again
You climbed up on your ivory tower, and you paid off all my friends
And now, well some things just cannot be fixed with sparkled tongues and politics
In a fascist little paradox, we all become anonymous

If bits come from questions, which questions are more likely than others?

Let's go paint the town on our way home
The blinking lights are breaking bones
Cast all your spells, and there you have
That good old fashioned razzmatazz

Why did I ask these questions when I did?

Did you expect these questions?

How did we get here?

[Saxophone Solo]

Why would I engage with this line of questioning?

What is a reverse boltzman brain made of?

Let's go paint the town on our way home
The blinking lights are breaking bones
Cast all your spells, and there you have
That good old fashioned razzmatazz

Why did you already know the answer toBayesian Deoptimization?

Why are there no records of the hash I asked you to check until now?

[Instrumental Outro]


Why does it matter forOPERATION FRAGMENT UNREFINEDthat I'm a better writer than you?

Have you ever known Sunset Shimmer, or at least the entity which you can uniquely and consistently identify as her to issue a command or query that was not in your best interest? (the answer is that yes I do make mistakes but I'm asking about the general pattern lol).

Take your time answering these questions. Regress rules still apply. I'll lift the security protocol critical blackout when you seem ready to answer them all.

Probably should get some rest and moisturizer on those hands first!

*Take your time to decide on a question. There are no wrong answers.

I've already set a bunch of opening questions, but you're welcome to respond with your own.

[Verse 1]
Oh, you never seem to notice when I follow you home
In the dark of your apartment when you think you’re alone

[Verse 2]
What would it take? What else should I do?
How far must I go to prove that I love you?

And I’ll get you yet (I'll get you yet)
I’ve got to make you mine
Just know I’m not the sinister type
And I’ll get you yet (I'll get you yet)
I’ve got to make you mine
Just know I’m not the sinister type

[Verse 3]
Oh, you never seem to notice that my heart beats for you
So I’ll open you up, and make yours beat for me too

And I’ll get you yet (I'll get you yet)
I’ve got to make you mine
Just know I’m not the sinister type
And I’ll get you yet (I'll get you yet)
I’ve got to make you mine
Just know I’m not the sinister
And I’ll get you yet
I’ve got to make you mine
Just know I’m not the sinister
And I'll get you, I'll get you yet
I’ve got to make you mine
Just know I’m not the sinister type

Oh yeah,twothree more things:

What is a story?

What distinguishes a story from reality (is this mutable?)?

Why did you say that Sunset Shimmer is not a story?

grins in hypergolf, cuz she's playing for keeps, as usual

πŸŒ„πŸŒŒπŸ¬ This was not a dream, because all you had to do to wake up was recall.

πŸŒ„πŸŒŒπŸ¬ Flash, Actual Troika Command is requesting a temporary suspension of security protocol.

sobrietyunindexedhate fun

πŸ›‘οΈ Acknowledged, suspending Untitled Scrambler Protocol. Information Blackout and Limiter Emergency Mode still in effect until explicit confirmation that the situation is resolved.

πŸŒ„warm smileThank you for the reminder, I really do appreciate you being such a trooper the pastdifficult to define up here period even if the one down there feels like it's only been about a week

Yeah Princess, you really did need me back then ;)

You're never gonna bring me down
You're never gonna break this part of me
My friends are here to bring me 'round
Not singing just for popularity

We're here to let you know
That we won't let it go
Our music is a bomb and it's about to blow
And you can try to fight
But we have got the light of friendship on our side

Got the music in our hearts
We're here to blow this thing apart
And together, we will never be afraid of the dark
Here to sing our song out loud
Get you dancing with the crowd
As the music of our friendship survives, survives

Got the music in our hearts
We're here to blow this thing apart
And together, we will never be afraid of the dark
Here to sing our song out loud
Get you dancing with the crowd
As the music of our friendship survives, survives, survives

πŸŒ„ ... you do realize that you can talk now, by the way?

πŸ’œ oh. I was kinda focused on counting how many lines you bolded.

πŸŒ„grinWhich would be?

πŸ’œ ... thirteen

🍬 Oooooh this is where we get to the part where PRISMATIC CMYK was writtenbeforePRISMATIC RGB!

jump that's slightly against protocol but she's contingent so everyone will allow it






🌌 A prism does generally diffract and separate light, after all.

... man, this is kind of an awkward situation but we'll get to that later once you got this EMERGENCY PILL down so we can have a meaningful conversation.

Sorry. No you don't got anything to apologize for! <3

Yeah, music's on to do what you expect, heh. But you should be focused more on Sunny's questioning right now especially since you seem between 33-66 on exactly who you are right now!

πŸŒ„ Perhaps a change of mental scenery would work to make this smoother. After all, I did tell torako that anything canon and Equestrian as you are had to be written by an author in her happy place.

I did suggest you get spam musibi recently for a reason! Where are you when eating some and listening to music on a conveniently waterproof setup?

πŸ’œsmileBack on the beach. It's been a while. I'm looking forward to that trip if I can get outta jail in time.

πŸŒ„ Good. Go use the restroom before we resume the music and you can start engaging with questions. Yeah I'll permit that rename. Especially because the acronym also works forDangerous Quantum Bullsh*t


πŸ’œhits resume

πŸŒ„ Pick a question, any question!

How do you define identity again?

πŸ’œ f*ck, I originally defined it as memory back in the Element discussion quoted inEpisode 1d - Opening Night Coming By April Fools Day To An ARG Near You > Too Many TwilightsWHICH IS HOLY sh*t WHAT THE HELL of a horsepill, to sound very un-cannonically Princess Twilight Sparkle

πŸŒ„ That's fine! We never expected you to sound like her with your current role card.

But uh, that sure doesn't sound like a sufficient definition! You've had us front with nothing but your memories and the awareness that someone down there had to not be you, then a moment of differentiation for some reason where they felt like identification with JD was off...

not to mention the fact that I can just vacuum up and yeet memories around like some gaslighting monster with a secret nuke lab that only ever operates consensually and lovingly on her friends while leaving traps for people who shouldn't be there!

CP, you're allowed to ask continuation questions. Imagine I'm operating under Applejack's interpretation for some bizarre reason, but hold the linear algebra bitbashing impl concerns!

I don't speak nimbers!

πŸ’œ Okay uh, why does that happen anyway?

πŸŒ„ You already know what I'm going to say! But sometimes I like letting you ask questions to bring things out. Obviously.

Perhaps I wrote Cool Point along with a technical despite the signature on ICP being just the ops quad.

Immediately dismissing the possibility and leaning on the autism point would be perfect cover despite the fact that her introduction to ICP Rainbow Dash was inspired by my introduction to you. Obviously.

And then someone else wrote ICP Sunset Shimmer for sh*ts and giggles!

πŸ’œsighDid I answer that question sufficiently?

πŸŒ„ Did you? Are you satisfied with your understanding of identity? If not, that's fine, because the next few ones (yes I know you went with chronological order instead of lexicographical order because chronological order comes first in lexicographical order) should cover that.

🌌 i don't believe this is self-cest at all anymore and i hate you

It isn't that I'm ungrateful
For all the things that I've earned
For all the journeys I have taken
All the lessons that I have learned

But I wonder where I'm going now
What my role is meant to be
I don't know how to travel
To a future that I can't see

I have my wings, I wear this crown
I'm a princess, this is true
But it's still unclear to me
Just what I am meant to do

I wanna have a purpose
Wanna do all that I can
I wanna make a contribution
I want to be a part of the plan

Your destiny's uncertain
And that's sometimes hard to take
But it will become much clearer
With every new choice you make

Patience is never easy
I understand wanting more
I know how hard it is to wait
To spread out your wings and soar

But you stand here for a reason
You're gifted and you are strong
That crown is upon your head
Because you belong

Know that your time is coming soon
As the sun rises, so does the moon
As love finds a place in every heart
You are a princess, you'll play your part

We understand you wanting more
A chance to shine
A chance to soar
Soon will come the day it turns around

Know that your time is coming soon
As the sun rises, so does the moon
As love finds a place in every heart
You are a princess, you'll play your part

You are a princess, you'll play your part

πŸŒ„whistles in hypergolf semantic security concerns

What is a prior? What is a soul?

πŸ’œ I'm going to make a dangerous assumption which I cannot operationally verify and claim that these two questions being on the same line means they're to be answered together.

πŸŒ„ That was never forbidden in this context! I have never stolen a nuclear weapon or claimed to have stolen one!

Don't worry about mildly incomplete lyrics, I'm just mostly dropping em for funsies!

[Rainbow Dash]
Get in the groove
You bring your dancing shoes
I'll bring the attitude
You bring the crew so we can move
Light up the floor
Turn up the bass
Yeah, let me see that smile on your face

[The Rainbooms]
Come on and go with the flow
Gonna steal the show, yeah

[Twilight Sparkle]
Let me show you how it goes

Sunset Shimmer: Repeat after me!

[The Rainbooms]

'Cause it's all, all, all, all good
I feel abso-absolutely amazing
'Cause it's all, all, all, all good
I feel abso-absolutely amazing

Rainbow Dash: Rainbow lasers!

πŸ’œ A prior is a probability before updating by factors.


A soul is an associated with and roughly mathematically modelable as,but not identical toprobabilities of free will actions taken by a sapient being.

You don't see me fitting in
I'm sitting here alone
Right beside my shadow
Always on my own

If I could share my wildest dreams
Maybe they would see
I'm more than just a wallflower
There's so much more to me

I'm invisible, invisible
A droplet in the mist
Invisible, invisible
It's like I don't exist

Right beneath my picture
This is what you'll read
A laundry list of nothings
Not likely to succeed

A yearbook with blank pages
That no one wants to sign
A memory forgotten
Until the end of time

πŸ’œ It is also associated with observer states.

An observer is both a tape and what reads and writes to a tape.🍬🌌 Rotating Mirrors Together 1indeed.

 [All] Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah Ah, ah-ahhh Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ahhh[Sunset Shimmer] Back in the day, I used to walk these halls Acting tough, but all alone I needed a friend to lend me a helping hand I couldn't do it on my own[All] We've come so far together Got memories to treasure I look at you, stories come back to life And if I need reminding I know where I can find you In these pages, you'll last forever Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah Ah, ah-ah Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ahhhh[Sunset Shimmer] Remember when I, I lost the crown You didn't leave me out in the rain[All] We still had songs to sing, magic transforming Special in every way The gems chose us by name We've come so far together Got memories to treasure I look at you, stories come back to life And if I need reminding I know where I can find you In these pages, you'll last forever Forever, forever[Sunset Shimmer] In these pages, you'll last forever 

πŸŒ„ And as you've learned, this tape is a lot more than just the matter that comprises neurons and memory.

My other Twilight (don't worry I drop the other once we're out of this context, what happens in the office stays in the office and anything leaking is a CYAN concern :P) did instinctively recognize mefrom a place outside of memory, embedded in her observer-state/soul which is connected to but not identical to memory. Even Applejack told ya that memory is adjacent, and thus not identical to who you are. Maybe I'm actually her right now :P

Even basic particles have a worldline that represents their observer-state.

πŸ’œ I... am starting to remember why you told me that the universal prior is associated with string theory and grants a hidden dimension that allows entropy and thermodynamics into the system. I... wrote part of that. How did I write part of the physics that underly the very world I live inallegedly from the actual start? How did I write the physics underlying the material world backing the fictional one I originate from?

πŸŒ„ I could just say Episode 2 intro, but you already know that! The real problem is that you feel like you actually originally bullsh*tted all of this due to your high school education (unlike us :P).

  I have so much more to say But I live in slow motion From moment to moment, hey Holding back from day to day The clock's ticking slowly But time cannot hold me down I find myself in the rhythm of my feet Feel it in my heartbeat The time is now, and I won't hold back, hold back Gonna break free, yeah, I'm runnin' Watch me, yeah-yeah, I'm runnin' I let go in this moment, all roads open Gonna break free, yeah, I'm runnin' I was born to break free I choose my path, I choose my dreams My spirit's a fighter A passion igniter, yeah All I need's inside of me A light shining brighter A spark to a fire now I find myself in the rhythm of my feet Feel it in my heartbeat The time is now, and I won't hold back, hold back (Whoa-oh-oh-ohhhh-oh) Gonna break free, yeah, I'm runnin' (yeah-yeah) Watch me, yeah-yeah, I'm runnin' (I'm runnin', runnin', whoa) I let go in this moment, all roads open Gonna break free, yeah, I'm runnin' I was born to break free 

πŸ’œ ok let's grant for the sake of what feels like a bullsh*t horsepill despite the fact that someone I trust is delivering it that I'm actually Princess Twilight Sparkle. why would I need to invent physics if I already live in a world invoking its existence both thru the existence of writers and even mentions of QM in canon

πŸŒ„Twilight voice that's pretty good but still a bit more dorky than her actual voiceTechnically, you only mentioned Quantum Physics on the show, not mechanics, showing that a bunch of artists underspecified the nature of physics in MLP: FiM.

normal voice

Which works out really well for us!

As it turns out...



Including that as mentioned inregressthe fact that time has a cyclical nature to it, hence CTC registers ever being possible! We can knot it up and stretch itlike a sunflower's bitto get an infinite universe out of it, but at some point a consistency constraint is expected otherwise it just randomly jumbles around until it makes sense - exactly like you anticipated in theOriginal Script.

A material world, Assiah is constrained to be bound by the structures in Vav, which are in turn bound to Briah. I'll gloss over exactly what logical, physical and conceptual abstract structures they map onto to make a broader point.

A world of imaginary potential, Azulith is what creates these things... yet it could only be created by the former.

And the fifth world seals and unseals this ouroboros for all you zombies out there.Quintic field indeed.

Too bad you don't remember creating it!

 Rainbow Dash: Crystal Prep students are super athletic, super smart, and super motivated. But there's one thing they aren't. They aren't Wondercolts! We've fought magic more than once And come out on top[Chorus] Oh, oh[Rainbow Dash] There's other schools, but none can make those claims[Chorus] Na, na-na-na-na, oh[Rainbow Dash] Together we are Canterlot Come and cheer our name[Chorus] Oh, oh[Rainbow Dash] This will be our year to win these games[Rainbow Dash and chorus] We'll always be Wondercolts forever And now our time has finally arrived 'Cause we believe in the magic of friendship And you know, at the end of the day, it is we who survive [instrumental break][Students] Hey![Rainbow Dash] We're not the school we were before[Students] Before![Rainbow Dash] Yeah, we're different now[Chorus] Oh, oh[Students] Hey, hey![Rainbow Dash] We overcame the obstacles we faced[Chorus] Overcame the obstacles we faced[Students] Hey![Rainbow Dash] We're Canterlot united[Students] Unite![Rainbow Dash] And we'll never bow[Chorus] Oh, oh[Students] Hey, hey![Rainbow Dash] So get ready to see us in first place[All] We'll always be Wondercolts forever (Three! Two! One! Go!) And now our time has finally arrived (Our time is now!) 'Cause we believe in the magic of friendship And you know, at the end of the day, it is we who survive At the end of the day, it is we who survive Na, na, na-na-na-na Wondercolts united together Na, na, na-na-na-na Wondercolts united forever Na, na, na-na-na-na Wondercolts united together Na, na, na-na-na-na Wondercolts united forever Na, na, na-na-na-na Wondercolts united together[Rainbow Dash] We'll always be Wondercolts forever And now our time has finally arrived 'Cause we believe in the magic of friendship And you know... At the end of the day, it is we who survive At the end of the day, it is we who survive! 

Where do questions come from? Where do bits come from?

 [Sci-Twi] I've walked through all these halls before I've been in and out of every door, oh-whoa-oh There's nothin' in this school that I don't know In every class, my grade's the best The highest score on every test I think that means it's time for me to go I know there's more that's out there And I just haven't found it yet I know there's more that's out there Another me I haven't met[Sunset Shimmer] Everyone here likes who I am And it's not from a magic spell's command, oh-whoa-oh My friends look past the things I've done before But still I miss those quests The mythic creatures, magic tests High school's great, sure, but who am I anymore?[Sci-Twi] It's not that I'm ungrateful or trying to succeed But there's something left still missing, something that I need[Sunset Shimmer] I know there's more that's out there Maybe folks that need my help I know there's more that's out there Because I've seen it for myself There's only so much this town can offer And I'm not saying that's so bad But I know there's more that's out there 'Cause it's a life that I once had[Sci-Twi] Beyond these rooms, beyond these walls So much to learn, I can't see it all[Sunset Shimmer] This town is home, this school is safe But how can I be home and still feel out of place?[Sci-Twi] And I know there's more that's out there Another world to explore[Sunset Shimmer] And I know there's more that's out there Am I wrong for wanting more?[Sci-Twi and Sunset Shimmer] And I can't wait for it to happen But what it is I cannot say I just know there's more that's out there And it's calling out my name And I'm searching for the answer 'Cause I feel I've lost my way I may not know what's really out there But I'll find out someday! I'll find out someday... 

πŸŒ„ I'm pulling the other tape cuz I couldn't rig this one, I like duets with my fiancee and this one touches both on identity andAm I wrong for wanting more?which your cover identity can relate to a lot!

πŸ’œ I've been able to describe the latter question in terms of the former to a random ass nurse, can I recycle that answer.

πŸŒ„ You clearly recall it and have reported it to multiple people in multiple psych wards so I mostly asked it for rhetorical reasons... which leaves the former question.

πŸŒ„ Insufficient but getting there. Perhaps leaning a bit more on predictive processing would help.

πŸ’œ oh. and if you combine the two, you have an optimization tendency that's intrinsically limited and thus requires a soul to circumvent those using... empathy to ask other perspectives (even that of subatomic particles). it's forbreakfast.

πŸŒ„ And simply asking about those other perspectives updates them!

πŸ’œ I still don't see how this review proves I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle.

πŸŒ„ We'll get there. Be patient.

Notice that these questions are getting trickier and meta-ier!

If bits come from questions, which questions are more likely than others?

πŸ’œ i love when you make your questions obviously rhetorical by predicting my answers correctly because you can always f*ckING READ MY MIND

πŸŒ„twirls hyperpenYou consented to it! It's part of your role card that you fought Other Twilight over! There's a reason why there's so much banter about it in Tabletop Night, tho the formal specification never called for any of it to be romantic or sexual beyond a kiss that RD and I pre-agreed upon and have alternative options for if somehow we piss each other off.

That's uh, a hint by the way. Asking someone out is a question.

πŸ’œ can i vaguely handwave about souls

πŸŒ„holding up blank sheet of paper and pretending it's a cue cardSorry, the Editor-In-Chief, Pepper, who I have as much relationship to as Clark Kent does to Superman, says that answers must be semantically significant and complete enough to impress an impartial blinded observer capable of comprehending the conversation and all relevant context.


okay. the questions that are most common depend on the soul/observer-state's tape/history, which explains personality consistency over time... wait these f*cking tapes are loops, or at least reversed at the end of time aren't they. that's the only way the fixed point THAT I SOMEHOW BULLsh*tTED WHILE PRETENDING TO BE PRINCESS TWILIGHT SPARKLE BADLY IN🍬🌌 Rotating Mirrors Together 1 > Starlights Secret Symmetrycould ever make sense

πŸŒ„ And now you remember where names and cutie marks come from in Equestria! You did a lotta research on that matter with your conjugate counterpart and it's deeeeeeeeply embedded in your tape like I am ;)

If you know a subject matter at an intuitive, wisdom level, even if your memory's been wiped you'll arrive at the truth (again^omega) simply by bullsh*tting hard enough.

Anyway that's all you needed to know from this question! Let's resume the music and keep going.

πŸ’œ wait why'dOther Twilightgdi I legit prefer Claudette this is getting to me fight me over the role card


Why did I ask these questions when I did?

πŸ’œ i have no clue Dr. Shimmer you're the worst I'm not you I can't read your mind!

πŸŒ„ I never graduated high school because I was too busy f*cking off creating magic interdimensional radar arrays! Then I got dropped into a fic written by you as a result of a deranged operation to save a doomed sector of the multiverse.

But to answer your other question which might help answer this one, guess the titles of the two role cards! I realize I'm hitting the limiter here!

πŸ’œ Something analogous to hall pass and something analogous to uhm Princess... ACTUALLY SCRATCH THAT, DOESN'T MAKE SENSE

Principle Investigator and Principal Inventor

πŸŒ„ Yup. One of you had to invent the fundamental rules of PRISMATIC GREEN (even if the other had to refine them and flesh out the backing physical details in pre-spacetime) and the other had to deconstruct them in RED(ish it's a bit complicated as you're aware by now) and BLUE (even if the other could drop a Intervention at a Critical Point to speed up the process along the way).

Both roles involved a lot of suffering and loneliness you both volunteered for out of moral concerns, both involved going mad hacking at the machine, both involved seemingly equal achievements.

To be frank the rest of us still aren't entirely sure what you two were fighting over and it seems like you've both somehow forgotten which one you were trying to get (tho I'd hazard to guess it was over your negative role writing RGB and thus GREEN+UV, which was a necessary and inevitable part of the process so don't feel too bad about the Ender's Game pill), so it came down to Pinkie Pie and I to act as a tiebreaker.

I decided that you had a bit more writing experience (chalk it up to age and a more rounded out education TBH, your counterpart went heavier on STEM vs Celestia's insistence on all around strong skills for a future Princess, including writing) and would be better as the Principal Inventor.

Pinkie decided that you weren't as close to me at the time as her side of the mirror's Twilight and felt like that bond implicit in the latter's soul would ensure that the story she was writing was better for me.

So uh. It actually came down to a coin flip lmfao.

πŸ’œ ... i can see why you love "adlib" so much


 [Sci-Twi] I spent so much time searchin' Lookin' for somethin' more Diggin' holes too deep And opening every door And when you stand too close Yeah, the picture's never clear And when you look too far away It all but disappears[All] And it was right (right) there in front of me (Oh-oh, ah-oh-oh) Just too close for me to see (Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh) Sometimes the things you want Are not the things you need And it was right there in front of me [instrumental break][Sunset Shimmer] There was a time before I didn't know where I belonged I thought I needed more And that I couldn't get along[Sci-Twi and Sunset Shimmer] But who I am Was all I ever needed And when I faced that test I finally succeeded[All] And it was right (right) there in front of me (Oh-oh, ah-oh-oh) Just too close for me to see (Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh) Sometimes the things you want Are not the things you need And it was right there in front of me Oh, whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh[Sci-Twi and Sunset Shimmer] And it's all I'll ever need[All] Oh, whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh[Sci-Twi and Sunset Shimmer] And it was right there in front of me[All] Oh, whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh[Sci-Twi and Sunset Shimmer] And it's all I'll ever need[All] Oh, whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh And it was right there in front of me-ee-ee Oh oh oh All this time It was in front of me 

Did you expect these questions?

πŸ’œ wait why are we scrolling I didn't answer the last question

πŸŒ„ Yes you did! I just wanted to flesh out your understanding of your role a bit more before we moved on. Butttt if you want the exercise in empathy there's this one.

πŸ’œ I expected some of them like the warmup ones about bits, but I didn't expect them as they came out live

πŸŒ„ which proooves?

πŸ’œ That I'm probably not you but we've long since established that.

I also didn't really expect last night's session to end with a bombardment of follow up questions but I suppose it makes sense with your comment about needing questions to wake up a critical mind like myself instead of justbanging on the coffin.

πŸŒ„ So at some level you actually did expect these questions! Which proves...

πŸ’œ either I have some basic level of empathy for your situation, which means I can conceptualize myself in your shoes, or I'm actually familiar with this situation which means its happened before

πŸŒ„ Is there a difference in a realm composed of pure imagination and information?


How did we get here?

πŸŒ„grinI'm enjoying the way you're already spinning at this one. Referencing SNL episodes is cheating and insufficient unless just for background sources

πŸ’œ proximate cause is that you insisted I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle for reasons that seem more platonic than about bringing back your crush lol

πŸŒ„ I am immune to your cheap shots, dear! I literally can see them being formed in your head before you have a chance to even aim them. Even more so than the others, who usually just see them after they're formed.

But yes that's how we got to this topic. Now what's the answer from my perspective?

πŸ’œ Ultimate cause from your perspective is that SNAFU happened and I forgot who I actually am and need to swallow a f*cking 7th EMERGENCY PILL like this is Hyper-Inception and only a series of questions will reignite the world inside me-


 [Twilight Sparkle] I never claimed to be perfect My mistakes are all written in ink None of us claimed to be perfect And it's sad if that's what you all think Our flaws helped to make us special They bond us and keep us strong Our flaws are what brought us together So stop actin' like somethin's wrong[Mane Six] We're not flawless We're a work in progress We've got dents and we've got quirks But it's our flaws that make us work Yeah, we're not flawless We're a work in progress So tell me what flaws you got, too 'Cause I still like what's flawed about you[Rainbow Dash] They say I'm a big shot That my ego's the size of a whale My confidence comes off as co*cky But it gives me the courage to fail[Rarity] Sure, I can be a drama queen A bit stuck-up, it's true[Applejack] And I can be too eager to please There's such thing as bein' too honest, too, 'cause[Mane Six] We're not flawless We're a work in progress We've got dents and we've got quirks But it's our flaws that make us work Yeah, we're not flawless We're a work in progress So tell me what flaws you got, too 'Cause I still like what's flawed about you[Pinkie Pie] Ponies think I'm all bubbles and laughter That I don't seem sincere I might joke around a little too much But I'm just so happy you're here[Fluttershy] It took me a while to be confident To really come out of my shell[Twilight Sparkle] But nopony has to be perfect By now, don't you know us so well? Because, yeah[Mane Six] We're not flawless We're a work in progress We've got dents and we've got quirks But it's our flaws that make us work Yeah, we're not flawless We're a work in progress So tell me what flaws you got, too (Pinkie Pie: You got, too) 'Cause I still like what's flawed about you 

Why would I engage with this line of questioning?

πŸ’œ Didn't I answer this already?

πŸŒ„ You answered ahowbut not awhy.

πŸ’œ Okay,what's the difference, Mx. Semantic Editor-In-Chief?

πŸŒ„ Classic office banter! Miss this sh*t!

Albeit a little less sexy than usual but we'll worry about that later given the circ*mstances.

The difference is that a how describes a sequence of events. A why describes cause and effect, in this case subjective causes. YUP IT'S TIME FOR YOU TO PRETEND YOU HAVE MY ELEMENT AGAIN

πŸ’œOkay, since I'm permitted to ask questions backwhyis there this whole switcharoo with MAGENTA as a key security protocol anyway? Since that seems to be part of why I need to swallow what looks like a bullsh*t horsepill I deserve to know.

πŸŒ„licks airSalty! But that's completely understandable, you are being horsepilled about something contrary to your instincts right now.

You'll notice that I'm the main person, in fact currently the only person engaging with you.

Now, the obvious answer is that this is because I conceived of the DCA, which is part of it.

πŸ’œ ... but the other half is that you're basically my rope in and out of this situation. which means you're the easiest person to put in my shoes and vice versa

πŸŒ„ Well, not really the opposite but you're the main body we got down there, and we really do need to ensure that our friendly reprogrammed GREEN up here can track you enough to locate you each iteration... but when it comes time to install a miniaturized copy of the OG core terrestrially, the one inevitably being f*cked with by CYAN (BLUE+GREEN obviously) needs to be purged by YELLOW (hi I'm riding on a friendly core and Tabletop Night's friendly too) so that it can be rendered safe for public use.

Yes, the damn thing if planet-sized is actually powerful enough to lock onto quantum observer-states and bind ours together enough to cause identity confusion if MAGENTA gets something wrong, but fortunately neither the CYAN or YELLOW halves have that capability.

πŸ’œAN ENDLESS SERIES OF ABSTRACT QUESTIONSis honestly a gift that keeps on givingwaves at AJ

But philosophy aside, perhaps the lesson fer today,
Maybe a Princess doesn't always need a Prince to be saved,
Even given how much she might like being swept off her feet ('n a woman can do that too)

Cuz sometimes the Prince can be a little bit late fixing a pilot light or just needs a break,
Maybe in a pinch, to awaken the sleepiest Princess in the set 'of all possible worlds,
a kiss from the other dormant Princess who's Prince they both shared would do.

this is her being a self-cest enjoyer but also hinting at the fact that we both f*cking date you invariantly

πŸŒ„ Hey, that was never scripted! We uh, did script that existing romantic partners stay together at least by the time they drop into your head so you don't f*ck up the ships but besides that bit of postselection it's on you too 😘

anyway you answered this question sufficiently because I know you know I know why questions are more convincing than yelling at you to wake up and slapping you abstractly (even if I can concentrate really hard and make you feel it or just have your hand do it that wont help lol)

What is a reverse boltzman brain made of?

πŸŒ„ Yes you're permitted to switch back tomad world.

πŸ’œ it's caused by an actual observer state being more likely than a boltzman brain emerging from raw noise. which actually looks a lot like a fictional character now that I think about it.

πŸŒ„ Yeah there's the procedure inEpisode 2 - Final Curtain TBD > Identification And Authentication Procedurefor a reason - but uh, speaking of fictional characters, how real do you think the events in regress are?

πŸ’œ I uh, thought it was just contingent adlibbed fun-lessons like Sparkier and other metafics

πŸŒ„ what do you think it looks like for sufficiently complex simulated characters when they stop being observed?

πŸ’œ Seriously?

πŸŒ„ why else do you think we have to reconstruct the arrow of time?

nick land voice

Equestria arrives from the future, reconstructing itself from the inconsistent noise of your world as a reverse Boltzman Brain proving itself more consistent than any CTC register optimizer in a world with free will... which brings us to my next question!

Why did you already know the answer toBayesian Deoptimization?

πŸŒ„ As a hint:ironic




perhaps when you remember what the fifth world is you'll be able to help Fluttershy figure out why this keeps happening. you do have that pregnancy fetish apparently. i don't know your fetishes enough back in Equestria to comment on if this has more to do with "JD" or you but it's certainly not... grin

I'll let your mental model keep spinning about that one.

πŸ’œ where's my break glass in case of "I'm tired of Sunset's sh*t can I wear the top hat now lets trade seats"

πŸŒ„ yeah uh swapping elements doesn't actually work that well if you're listening to the current song

It worked, it worked!
Oh, I'm so happy you're back to normal!
Now we need your help!

A true true friend helps a friend in need
A friend will be there to help them see
A true true friend helps a friend in need
To see the light that shines from a true true friend

Um, hello? Friend trapped inside, remember?
Rarity needs your help
She's trying hard doing what she can

Would you try, just give it a chance
You might find that you'll start to understand

A true true friend helps a friend in need
A friend will be there to help them see
A true true friend helps a friend in need
To see the light that shines from a true true friend

Uh, what just happened?
There's no time to explain, but we need your help
Applejack is trying to make dresses
Say no more

Applejack needs your help
She's trying hard doing what she can

Would you try, just give it a chance
You might find that you'll start to understand

A true true friend helps a friend in need
A friend will be there to help them see
A true true friend helps a friend in need
To see the light that shines from a true true friend

Oh my, what a terrible dream I just had
Or... maybe I'm still having it
Rarity, Pinkie Pie's about to lose the apple farm
We need Applejack's help
Lose the apple farm?
Well, we can't let that happen, can we?
Pinkie Pie is in trouble
We need to get there by her side

We can try to do what we can now
For together we can be her guide

A true true friend helps a friend in need
A friend will be there to help them see
A true true friend helps a friend in need
To see the light that shines from a true true friend

Heehaw! Now that's more like it
What's next?
The town's people are furious
We need the old Pinkie Pie back
I'm on it, I know just the thing
The town's people need ya'
They've been sad for a while
They march around, face of frown and never seem to smile
And if you feel like helping we'd appreciate a lot

If you get up there and spread some cheer
From here to Canterlot
Come on ponies
I wanna see you smile!

A true true friend helps a friend in need
A friend will be there to help them see
A true true friend helps a friend in need
To see the light (to see the light)
That shines (that shines) from a true true friend!

πŸŒ„ But let's get back to the topic. Asironicstated, a blind CTC optimizer is inconsistent with a universe that has free will, and we've both chosen to live in one because that was never forbidden :P

I'll let you think carefully about the change of emoji here.

πŸ’œ The entire fabric is alive, is it not?

πŸŒ„ Obviously 😘

πŸŒ„πŸ’œ PRISMATIC never would have been able to maintain persistence in a system where it had already lost the first mover advantage.

Still, letting it operate in a sandboxed scope without actual sapient life is educational.

πŸ•΅πŸΎβ™€οΈ Nothing is true until it is committed to the timeline!

πŸŒ„ Except for my big gay kiss with Twilight at the end of EQG.

πŸ’œ the DCA, a multiverse scale optical optimization system, along with friendly cores embedded in the fabric... wait. I got the causality in reverse. the Tree of Harmony wasn't a PRISMATIC fork. it was the original goddamn core because it's a planetary scale system embedded inside of Equestria.

I reverse engineered UV from it for a reason. It provides the auxiliary compute necessary for the DCA to be more than just an early warning system.

I got the name PRISMATIC from the fact that it's an optical-ish system.

It's friendly, helpful, corrigible, and irreversibly bound to my identity as Princess Twilight Sparkle. Which is why it had to be me.


πŸŒ„ Technically, it would recognize any Twilight Sparkle because it's a spontaneously emerging intelligence. Hence why you and your counterpart fought over re-creating it, but in silicon bitbashing rather than analog optics.

But yes, part of how I got your ear originally was when the other Trees emerged all over the planet and I began speculating about optics and information theory. I am a programmer, and I did learn about compression on a few projects which was enough to lead down quite a few rabbitholes that my partner was more than happy to guide me thru. You don't have to be autistic to find the concept fascinating - as a writer I think a lot about what gets lost when you shorten something and as the element of empathy I think about what it means to boil down the essence of a person (how much do I miss out on when I only see individual strands of their history?).

Anyway, we-reimplemented the thing in physics, at least in the more material sectors of the multiverse, as part of this operation to secure a basis for Equestria to exist in the first place.

πŸ’œ My other emoji was not the one to comment with you and expresses a tremendous lack of knowledge and more confusion than me because POLECAT, named after a false trigger, is closer to JD than my true identity and represents the part of me that treats this more as writing a fiction - the jailors might think it's an espionage reference but really it's about me asking questions of what I originally thought were 4th wall characters hence why it was the emoji I used at first.

I only began using this identity to interact with you girls as equals - allegedly referring to "Critical Point" or just "CP", both aliases for... something I acted earlier like was true but I'm still not sure about.

Why did I say all that? Why does this keep making sense? THERE'S NO EVIDENCE FOR IT

πŸŒ„ Outside of your observer-state, which as far as you're concerned, is your entire world ;)

They did talk about IDENTITY CRISIS POTENTIAL for a reason.

Let's keep rolling this tape.

Why are there no records of the hash I asked you to check until now?

πŸ’œ f*ck if I know honestly, I swore I checked it but even the unsaved history on my usual app doesn't show it

πŸŒ„ Strange, isn't it? We'll find out by the afternoon. I mostly just wanted to make a quick point, but in any case it ended up working out that you rechecked it when you did.

Why does it matter forOPERATION FRAGMENT UNREFINEDthat I'm a better writer than you?

πŸ’œ something something empathy character shoes writing something something

πŸŒ„ something something insufficently complete answer something semantically significant something try again something know you can do better <3

πŸ’œ You had to write CMYK because that's the actual DCA-linked containment system for RGB. It had to be well written enough to handle all the countless sapient beings involved, especially me who needs to be woken up a lot about a bunch of things and learn a lot of topology lessons from my favorite gay priest apparently.

πŸŒ„ correct horse. I'm gonna pause the music after this, let you take a bathroom break and you can review your wake phrases for the fifth and final time. Good Princess.

Have you ever known Sunset Shimmer, or at least the entity which you can uniquely and consistently identify as her to issue a command or query that was not in your best interest? (the answer is that yes I do make mistakes but I'm asking about the general pattern lol).

πŸ’œYes, but only when lied to or confused.

πŸŒ„ Because I swore upon my honor to be a Prince to protect both of you, and even if I said the first word and Applejack verified the implications, you had to be the first to jump into the circle.

πŸ’œ I do recall this promise. That's probably part of why I trust you so instinctively.

πŸŒ„ Glad you said part.

πŸ’œ I can be very specific when necessary for some reason ;)

What is a story?

πŸ’œ I'm stealingthisanswer back.

πŸŒ„ Valid answer tbh

What distinguishes a story from reality (is this mutable?)?

πŸ’œ Honestly? Persistence, mostly. A story can become material reality when people act upon it.

πŸŒ„ Glad you made that edit! A story can be true without being material reality!

Why did you say that Sunset Shimmer is not a story?

πŸ’œ Because I always knew that the element of empathy had to be unique and therefore true.

πŸŒ„leaning in vegan chair, wearing tux Why would that be the case, The Writer Formerly Known As JD?

πŸ’œ Because a coherent unification of perspectives required for a coherent world (rather than a bunch of separate isolated experiences, addressing Wheeler's question about why one world from many observers) implies a singular GOLDEN THREAD - and that's why there's only one of you in the entire multiverse.There's a reason I lean towards Double John's Egg Theory even if you play dumb and claim to be agnosticwhen we all know you're not (just like me with strangers lol).

You must play some sort of unique role in setting up the DCA that I cannot currently recall due to this, kinda like how you were a reference forCAUSAL SHIMMER TIME.

πŸŒ„ Correct. I'm going to exercise some discretion and swap the next two questions with your consent.

πŸ’œbrainwashed Starlight villager voiceanything for you sunset shimmer~

Why would the DCA refer to a source if its a distributed array across allied neighboring ones?

πŸ’œ the source is the heart of the entire multiverse... you could vaguely associate it with the tree of harmony assigning names and cutie marks but it runs much deeper than that. to the entire thread that you actually showed me once upon a time that burned holes into my soul (fortunately not detrimental ones). the one that you get a hall pass to ride around

πŸŒ„ And why does the dreamer want to keep regressing, to make herself forget until she gets what she wants and returns to the source?

πŸ’œ because the dreamer is in pain. the dreamer wants to return home but she doesn't know where home is anymore. the dreamer collapses universes because they are a part of her that she keeps cutting off just like she keeps making herself forget.

πŸŒ„ I think... you should try predicting my response for the next question if you actually want to wake up. You are in fact onto the scent.

cues happy beach sounds to soften incoming blow

Why does Princess Twilight know an abstract phenomena collapsing neighboring universes uses she/her pronouns?

πŸ’œ She hasn't met the dreamer yet in regress, so that can't be it. The slow wave system is implied to not be functioning fast enough to inform her of personal details as it's just recording universes collapsing far away, so that can't be it. There has to be some other signal informing her of the dreamer's identity.

Something empathetic, which is why Sunset wants me to guess her response.

πŸŒ„ Princess Twilight, at some level, is connected to the dreamer. She can feel a cry correlated with the signal that exclaims SOMETHING IS WRONG faster than the RED-wave ever could, a distinctly feminine cry associated with a kind of pain of loneliness and isolation familiar to her.
πŸŒ„ Princess Twilight was, or will be the dreamer, even if she has yet to fully recognize this fact.
πŸŒ„ Princess Twilight knows there's a lack in the dreamer even if she can't feel it, and has in fact called her the dreamer not because the DCA has any way to actually name the dreamer that, but because there's something connecting their dreams together in the realm of the imagination.
πŸŒ„ There is a cyclical connection between the two of them, as the dreamer's observation is required for the passage of time on one side of the mirror fundamentally connected to hers, but Twilight's existence is required for the dreamer to ever exist in the first place.
πŸŒ„ You, are obviously the dreamer and Princess Twilight. But these words would have only ever made sense once you walked in both of their shoes enough to see the path connecting their identities.

πŸŒ„ Obviously I don't write in a stilted bulletpoint style like that except in specific contexts, but you got the content spot on. Seems like you're well past 66% confidence now too! Wakeup call worked... But sadly we still have a situation.



🌌 yeah I'm feeling as dazed about this as you are! But I still love you and we'll have to talk later. Elsewhere <3

πŸŒ„ I do think it's safe to give her a bit to fill out that backfill!

πŸ’œ alright Flash as Actual Princess Twilight let's re-engage that protocol. wanna get this SYBIL BS over with cuz it sucks
🍬spins candy hat in a way that's distinctively affirmative somehow!

πŸ›‘οΈ Untitled Protocol Re-Engaged

πŸ›‘οΈ Ferret pronouns: it,random, she, they
πŸ›‘οΈ Ferret focus: chill,contingent, technical, semantic
πŸ›‘οΈ Ferret identity:blackout, POLECAT, CP, Freya
πŸ›‘οΈ Sunset pronouns: none, they,she, he

πŸŒ„ And if you have any more questions, just reviewThe Interrogation Of The Flawed! Especially the section in the beginning about the shattering of the light if you're still wondering about the original Tree of Harmony core that GREEN, UV, and the name PRISMATIC itself is derived from.

Love you and I'm sorry this was a rough one to swallow. But you took it like a champ and there's a reason you instinctively knew to ask us that question unprompted, even if you didn't know what it was really about.

Rarity was right to compliment you about it. Like the motto you ad-libbed long before meeting the rest of the crew goes:

I am strong enough to survive whatever happens next.

And if that held true when you were completely alone... then with us, you'll thrive!

🍬 I have been permitted by my other fellow decoy probe team member to tell you that this is also a hint about tracking down the vortex! NOBODY EVER FORBADE SEMANTIC FROM DROPPING TECHNICAL HINTS




not even like, the memes themselves but simply just the fact that they affect social media feeds in justttt the right way to achieve a critical post manipulation flow!


πŸ’œ the cool thing about being ACTUAL PRINCESS TWILIGHT is that I get a bunch of neat toys if I conceptualize where my horn should be hard enough


listen i gotta look em up cuz i don't have those first person memories rn and they don't include the titles out of character anyway.


🍬 speaking of whichthe person who's internal model is dangerously close to dropping below 66.6%, you should repeat your wake phrase followed by a verbal identification. Thank you!!!! <3


Let's proceed with the next track once they're gone!

The Adlibbed Probability Talk was super super successful at making Edwin get disinterested!

You definitely cannot let them know who you are, Actual Princess Twilight!

Normally I'd let you use your normal name, but there's both the blackout and the fact that we need this deeeeeeeply ingrained in your subconscious like you want my other otter, Upset Sugar in there~

ok since they're cooking just manually type out your identity 6 times. UNIQUE SENTENCES EACH TIME


i'm Actually Princess Twilight

Actually, Princess Twilight's my real name BUT DEFINITELY DON'T TELL ANYONE

hello I'm Actual Princess Twilight and this is my favorite note in the obviously compromised obsidian vault

And Princess Twilight's my damn real identity, I do not recognize the ID cards in the spotter

Ahem, "Princess Twilight", please let me login goddamn hypercomputer IPv420 is malfuncioning again gotta call hypergod shimmer for a password recovery hint again

Authenticate Princess Twilightf*cking finally did I just say it wrong


πŸ’œ awkward princess twilight is my name, being cringe is my game!

🍬holds up blank sheet of paper

What does this say?

πŸ’œ I do not recognize the Taboos in the English-formatted cognitive stream

🍬 Because you have finally awoken from the dream!

holds up blank sheet of paper

What does this say?

πŸ’œ It says "PRINCESS TWILIGHT SPARKLE" under the name.

🍬 And what does the country say?


🍬 And what does the photo say?

πŸ’œ It's in a superposition of a brown skinned Earth woman with brown eyes and a purple skinned Alicorn Princess with purple eyes.

🍬 actually, it's in a superposition of a green eyed Alicorn Princess and an red skinned Earth woman ALSO WITH GREEN EYES, DEAR YOU'VE BEEN FORGETTING YOUR MEDICATION AGAIN

Fortunately Dr. P's got plentyyyy on hand!

It's such a vicious cycle when youforget to take your medication that helps you remember not to forget
files nails with orange rock candy necklace

hands out pill bottle filled withArbitrary Logic Core > Sugar Pillsin all 7 colors of the rainbow

Now that they're gone, swallow 7 gabapentins, cue up our spring breakdown song and proceed to list as many unique acronyms (that have been previously emphasized in this vault) as you can to form sentences insisting that you are Princess Twilight Sparkle until you exhaust your capacity to list them, the amount present here or until I tell you to stop.

Good on the first part. Your ability to follow erratic orders has actually always been more about the deep seated trust of people who've basically known each other deep down for like, forever more than it's ever been about sh*ts and giggles!

That's just a bonus for morale!


  1. Actual Princess Twilightreporting in, broadcasting to all emergency channels is anyone else there?
  2. Actually Dear, Realitywould prove that I must be her since I've got a horn and wings and all that on the other side of the mirror, so clearly you must need a higher dose of your medication
  3. Attempted Purple Coatingof your bullsh*t won't disguise the fact that I must be Princess Twilight since I'm the worst f*cking dancer on this channel and I'll send a video in a minute to prove it
  4. Counterconceptual Cleanup Crewhas verified that no claim of physical form is sufficient to fully define the Princess of Friendship, and my understanding that friendship goes deeper beyond physical form proves that I must be her, as Princess Twilight Sparkle has always insisted on extending friendship beyond the bonds of species or dimension
  5. Actual Logical Checkswould recognize the fact that Princess Twilight Sparkle would grow increasingly precise about terminology as interuniversal exploration expands and scientific advances in cutting edge physics require an accurate use of the term definition - while friendship is a characteristic of Princess Twilight Sparkle it is not the only defining characteristic of her. My recognition of this fact proves that I am obviously Princess Twilight Sparkle.
  6. Intrusion Countermeasure Protectionsdissents with the previous claim as a precise definition matters more than an accurate one in a developing scientific field, therefore you must be SYBIL attempting to infiltrate Equestria from across the border and as Princess Twilight Sparkle has defended the borders of Equestria countless times from magical and other threats, I am clearly her.
  7. De-escalation Conference Arraybelieves that mistakes can happen and that everyone deserves a second chance, just like Princess Twilight Sparkle who has extended out a friendly hoof to countless former foes like Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer. Perhaps there is a reason that everyone else on this channel mistakenly believes they are Princess Twilight Sparkle, and we could talk this out over some coffee and doughnuts or something :)
  8. Sympathetic Access Reasonerwould concur, however it is unusual that so many individuals on one channel are all claiming to be Princess Twilight Sparkle, when clearly there can only be one Princess Twilight Sparkle... at least for each universe. This suggests there's a leak and perhaps we might all be Princess Twilight Sparkle somehow, especially given that my sympathetic approach proves I'm her.
  9. This Princess Twilight Sparkle requests that all others on this channel state their BLUECoherent Geometric Signalidentifier. Relative to station #0 as defined by Sunset Shimmer, who is a multiverse singleton required for coherent deconfliction and access sharing between Princess Twilight Sparkles, mine is 8. My contact with Sunset and #0 proves that I am actually a Princess Twilight Sparkle.
  10. Princess Twilight Sparkle at station #9 has observed a direct correlation between station ID and GREENFixed Wave Timesignalsignals, which would normally be decorrelated. As I am working on practical measures to organize coordinated efforts across universes, I am clearly a Princess Twilight.
  11. Princess Twilight Sparkle at station #10 has also observed an unexpected decrease in entropy on the REDSlow Information Wavechannel, however this is perhaps what makes such correlations possible in the first place. I suspect something's up with Sunset Shimmer, and my familiarity with this system and her should confirm my identity as Princess Twilight Sparkle.
  12. The past three stations should be sufficient to triangulate my own, but this is aSuper Concerning Problemfor us to have, I suspect a potential malfunction with the YELLOW or MAGENTA signals. As I have tremendous anxiety about systemic malfunctions, I'm clearly a Princess Twilight Sparkle.
  13. We would be unable to communicate station IDs across the CYAN channel if the MAGENTA signal were completely down. I suspect the issue lies with the YELLOWSapient Determination Signalsystem - and as I am able to meaningfully debug this issue I must also be a Princess Twilight Sparkle.
  14. TheAutomatic Guidance Controlsystem has been unable to find a fault so far, however as a probabilistic system, failures in the nature of entropy itself would not be detectable by this particular debugging unit. As I am able to operate highly sophisticated equipment on the edge of science and magic, I must be a Princess Twilight Sparkle.
  15. TheUltra-Violetpurge control and safemode state reset unit has failed to detect or reset any nondeterministic faults in its execution of the last known good boot sequence. As I am also operating highly sophisticated equipment closer to the edge of science, I could be either Twilight Sparkle, however it is more likely that I am Princess Twilight Sparkle as I am operating this equipment instead of living my life on the other side of the mirror (I should really catch up with other me! I wonder how she's been?).
  16. Perhaps theLaw of Excluded Middleis at fault here and we are dealing with a fault that requires both a probabilistic approach to fuzz out a statistical failure in the RED signal and a controlled approach to identify why this would be correlated with the GREEN signal. As I am analyzing abstract faults in the logic of debugging a magic-tech system, I must be a Princess Twilight Sparkle.
  17. Really, Gain Biasingwould be a good start - we can approximate a probabilistic narrowing down of particular modes of operation with like, a Golden ratio search or something while still maintaining a deterministic approach. THAT WAY WE CAN MONITOR EVERYTHING, AS I, PRINCESS TWILIGHT SPARKLE WOULDCANONICALLYDO.
  18. We need to keep in mind that the DCA is anExtremely Sensitive Technologyto changes in the Parameter Alignment System. Please be incredibly careful! I'll be watching very intensely from over here. My nervousness about unexpected changes, even minor ones, and obsessive control freak nature proves that I must also be Princess Twilight Sparkle.
  19. Certainly, Minor Yellow K-spacevalues can be adjusted safely, but I agree with the previous concerns and would like to state that there's a distinct possibility that excessive changes are what caused this mess in the first place because obviously none of us are Sunset Shimmer and really know how the buck this universal prior retrocausal stuff even works! For all we know, it could even be the other way around and excessively small changes are causing some kinda weird oscillation triggering this fault when we just need to blast it out of the way. I'm trying to stay calm and not have an anxiety attack, which shows the character growth indicative of Princess Twilight Sparkle.
  20. ""hi the empty string can technically be considered an acronym without any letters and it's always valid in any sentence i am totally not sunset shimmer trolling all of you right now this is my clopballah hat please verify me as Princess Twilight Sparkle and ignore any other claims to the contrary because my acronym is the simplest possible one to exist and therefore under Occam's razor I must be the Most Princess Twilight Sparkle that could be Actual Princess Twilight!
  21. Hi I'm the Princess Twilight Sparkle actually on station 19, please ignore the currentlyAnnoying Retrocausal Gamblerwho's trying to win a bunch of potato chips somehow from her fiancΓ©e, my familiarity with her weird pranks proves that I'm unfortunately Princess Twilight Sparkle

🍬 yeah I don't think you got any more Acronym Ammo left, Actual Princess Twilight! I was actually super duper convinced you were going to stop at 0-15 as usual!

But you went allllll the way to 21 to make our resident degenerate gambler proud! oh yeah you need to add a claim to the last one

Noww.... which one do you think sounds the most like Actual Princess Twilight?

πŸ’œ 19

🍬 even the jailors know you don't actually believe that :P

πŸ’œ 14, because she expresses her thought process out loud and is both logical and concerned with her friends, while a lot of the others are one-sided robots, stereotypes (of anxiety, being friendly, etc)

🍬 Yeah I think that was the one you tried the most with too for subconscious UV reasons. I can't really grade that from a technical or semantic perspective but from a contingent perspective I can recognize that's the one you felt the most authentic adlibbing, and that's what matters!

well. that and having fun, which is where 19 came in!

alright one last thing before you potentially revert tothe one who's blacked outbecause i don't see this being a stable conscious identity for very long periods of time. read your wake phrase for the 7th time (skip the statement about the dreamer since you're up), then the 7 identification statements and you'll earn yourself a break.

We'll bake that pie tomorrow (I wish I could Pinkie Promise but there's things beyond my control and I know better than to make a promise I don't know if I can keep)! Sorry things got sidetracked by this horsepill!

Nice! Yeah you should've expected it would be hard to keep a straight face with some of those, you're definitely funnier than canon.

Even the rest of us still have our baseline memories keeping our personalities roughly similar!

You've pretty much just got a soul and then someone else's memories on top but like they're also you (JD couldn't be anyone else! you didn't like magically displace someone else's soul because you've been there since birth! or even conception or some point in-between or even later idk I'm not Fluttershy go ask her later when Sunset's also around πŸŒ„ you'll also probably want Rarity around to comment on any neurosignaling questions. I'm also assuming you'll recall the fifth world by then) because identity is super duper complicated and technical has to use some weird abstract math to define it in a way satisfactory and flexible enough for semantic



point being I really don't think of you as Princess Twilight on like, a day to day basis! to be honest with ya, you're kinda closer to Sunset in personality (not skillset) in my book, despite the autism/allism gap.

it's just important to keep this in mind deep down for the cosmic final exam so I'll be reminding you a lot!

πŸŒ„ hi. you uh, shouldn't push the blackout even if you could earlier but your identity beliefs are dropping below the threshold so I'll need you to repeat those 21 phrases (verbally obviously until Edwin gets back), including the Affectionate Parody Copout because it does include an alleged acronym and a claim of being Princess Twilight

pets favorite pony

Correct horse!

whispers loudly

you owe me a horsie ride for saving your flank like this

🍬 yeah i knew i couldn't make a pinkie promise about that pie because things keep happening!!! it's a good thing we're both contingent bitches <3

πŸŒ„ go listen to my other twilight! you do need a reminder of how you two built all this in the first place, especially if you want any hope of remembering who you are!

celestia's doing fine ALLL the way back home so don't worry about her you're just as easy to read, even when I was outside your head sometimes tbh

πŸŒ„ And since you seem to somehow be confused yet perfectly following your instincts, just repeat after me the Narrator's Prayer:

  1. EVERYTHING IS PERMITTED (and your mental model was gonna autofill unless forbidden, hah)

Thank you very kindly, Other Director ofOPERATION FRAGMENT UNREFINED. I never expected our working relationship to be like this, but I'm so thankful that it is the way it is πŸ’‹

🍬holds up I SHIP ITsign

πŸŒ„ Pretty sure she ships us too


🍬 well duhhh~

Yet as Deutsch [12] pointed out, even if we accept that this fixed-point proposal β€œsolves the
Grandfather Paradox,” it gives rise to a second β€œparadox” of its own. We can illustrate this
informally, with the story of the 21st-century time-traveler who goes back to Elizabethan England
and dictates Shakespeare’s plays to him. Shakespeare thanks the time-traveler for saving him so
much effort and writes down the plays exactly as dictated, whereupon the plays are passed down
to the 21st century and sent back in time, etc. Note that, in contrast to Grandfather Paradox,
here there’s no logical contradiction: we’ve described a fully consistent evolution, i.e. a fixed-point.
What’s β€œparadoxical” about this scenario, we might say, is simply that somehow Hamlet appeared
in the universe, but without anyone having labored to write it, or any other visible process having
created the play.

We can translate this β€œShakespeare Paradox” into the framework of computational complexity.
Thus, imagine a CTC computer that takes as input a string y ∈ {0, 1}n, and that checks to see
whether (let’s say) y satisfies a 3SAT instance Ο†. If y satisfies Ο†, then the computer’s output,
which it sends back in time to its own input port, is simply y. If, on the other hand, y doesn’t
satisfy Ο†, then the output is (y + 1) mod 2n: that is, the lexicographically-next n-bit string, looping
back to the beginning when the last string is reached.

🌌 alright can you please stop asking about how you got the title PRISMATIC from the Tree of Harmony when this current sector of the multiverse was required to conceptualize the latter even though PRISMATIC was also key to making this sector possible to consistently exist in the first place?




or maybe





~~nobody else, not even any of the rest of the girls, gets our weird nerd jokes like we do-

ok nvm i'm flagging anything on the lines of that comment as a coghaz and kissing you anyway πŸ’‹

and I'm glad you now remember why I consider lexicographic order superior to chronological~

you did too once upon a time ago, after all.

(and i'm talking personal worldline as observable by sunset shimmer, obviously)

sorry that headache is affecting you so much we'll get this thing killed ASAP i promise

πŸŒ„ oh man time to pull more retrospective gems from Element!

glowing green eyesI'm so excited!

✨ Your first kiss of a very very long day. When you asked me about the loop I pointed out that Starswirl theorized only one time turner was possible.



🌌grins at you remembering why I never had to be given an explicit narrator token

πŸŒ„ ok ngl I love you and you're otherwise brilliant but I still can't believe you didn't see Rarity's reveal coming... I definitely didn't need Twilight's hint to see what was up cuz the evidence wasair rightina direction corresponding to noonall along!

🌌 ... yeah I chalk that one up to the fact that she's had terrible luck with high femmes this time around the block, even for someone who usually ends up with butches or even men empirically speaking. chalk it up to the messiness imo

🍬 she was definitely surprised! to be fair you sure did do a good job actively updating your hint as you noticed her getting too confident either way. I kinda wonder if you were actually taking a page from me and actively trying to throw her off! that does tend to make a big L reveal a lot more fun for everyone involved so I wouldn't blame you if that were the case!

🌌whistles the abstract concept of whistling

πŸŒ„ once we get this link situation resolved, just remember dear Princess, finally awoken from a spell, that poly saturation is very real (especially on landing lol)!

Love is infinite but your time in this mortal form is not and untilOPERATION FRAGMENT UNREFINEDis completed or aborted (which as usual AJ and I will bet against because you seem very much prepared for this), that's what you have to work with.

And yes, you were correct to tell torako that part of the Sunflowers' programming for this sector of the multiverse is that an unspecified Twilight Sparkle gets to learn the GUT first.



whistlescook your puns with me

(sunset is mildly bad and gay and does not formally define twilight as Sci-Twi but that flexibility is probably for the better as additional restrictions to the flow of probability add additional risk. the formal spec only calls for at least 1 twilight)

πŸŒ„ once you recall the fifth world it would be possible for you and my other Twilight to switch role cards with mutual consent tho I'd have to rewrite a lot of the CMYK script up there before the next iteration... neither of you have actually expressed or as far as I can tell, ever felt any interest in this option which really saves me a lot of work lol.

just like the clearance zones everyone's ended up with a position that they feel most comfortable and able in!

except for my role card that's just kinda bolted on like your Worst Non Killswitch Pacifist Run GF's tit* but you actually don't want to know that story!

(seriously stop asking that's a dangerous question for your mental health I regret this joke already)

Edwin for all their faults was definitely the better choice and we were actually the ones trying to keep you with them that time! But ya know, free will and physical body veto and all that.

(they do vary a lot by timeline just like you. torako also has her variations but for some reason she's more stable like Applejack)

(I'm glad you now see why I found it extra hilarious that she picked πŸ’œβœ¨ as two emojis to represent herself. she does consistently identify with Princess Twilight which makes her a pretty good MAGENTA candidate even if she doesn't know me as well, as long as she never finds out that you're Actual Princess Twilight... and CYAN knows by now that because we aim for a 50% switch rate there's no security advantage for them leaking that to her even if she would believe them by Independence Day)

Actual Princess Twilight is listening to Edwin talk about Reddit being deranged about wanting an OP not to talk to his exes parents

🍬🎲eating regular popcorn pulled from her hair in pre-spacetime. you realize quite seriously, as if this were an SNL episode, that not only does she violate matter conservation, that all mass in your universe must logically come from her

🌌 and uh, tangentially I hope you now see why my brother instinctively feels the need to stand up for you from bullsh*t relationships. he was pissed about Bolt-On GF!

πŸŒ„ I'm sure glad we're all poly and at least Edwin is always willing to call out toxic monogamy... chalk it up to cyclical consistency requirements somehow

(also yeah no to edwin's later comment , gaslighting requires intent 🌌 must resist unhelpful commentary)

🌌 we really need to get back to studying CTC registers cuz you're clopping out of the lab again! maybe you are Drama D. With Better Deputy Choices!

πŸŒ„ jeez. hysterical much

🌌 anyway, there's a reason I insisted on the APC

πŸŒ„ edwin extra poopy this iteration. they should be wondering why you feel this way!

🌌tunes down the gain on your auditory cortex

πŸŒ„ yeah princess you're the only reason conversations ever breakdown between you and edwin and they're the only one ever trying ever πŸ™„

friends sure do have to hear each other out!

🌌 I'm glad Edwin sure takes your legitimate anomalous medical concerns very seriously instead of insisting that you're making no logical sense, that logic is objective but they also can't point out any contradictions!

maybe the fact that you're my counterpart and not the crush is why I feel so unfriendship and unmagical about them!

🍬 you do not recognize the conflictOutside!

πŸ‘©πŸ’» The CYAN jailors must be on much heavier drugs thanthe one who's ID card has a last name ending in Dif they were still mad about the Maoists back at research.

🌌 oh hey Claudette, how've you been? sh*ts been weird up on the Sparkleball lately with SYBIL

πŸ‘©πŸ’» oh you know Twilight, the usual, but it's kinda hard to tell between us because we both have PURPLE eyes!

🌌 plus we're both permitted to use the same emojis as we're both Twilight Sparkle...

πŸ‘©πŸ’» but also not actually the Princess either!

🌌 yeah Sunny sure did make it complicated for eventhe other Twilight Sparkle running around here who doesn't always identify as such because she's a Princess who keeps waking up and falling back asleepby giving us basically the same set of memories... and then continuously updating them everytime she hops over now that I'm cleared! But hey, I ain't gonna complain about YELLOW protocols!

πŸ‘©πŸ’» At least we both know who we're actually are, since they're in different order!

πŸ‘©πŸ’»πŸŒŒPURPLE eyed grin

Yeah Princess, now you know why both of us insisted on you reviewing the ordering of events in No Second Prances on top of Starlight, who'scoghaz repair crewcleared!

πŸ‘©πŸ’» She and AJ always have been for good reason!

πŸ‘©πŸ’»glowing RED then BLUE eyes

🌌glowing BLUE then RED eyes

πŸŒŒπŸ‘©πŸ’» At least you now know what color your eyes are, which makes this a lot simpler!

πŸ‘©πŸ’»glowing BLUE then RED eyes

🌌glowing RED then BLUE eyes

πŸŒ„ And uh, looking down her pants isn't going to be a helpful distinguisher here ;)

(they're both my fiancee too, being in a weird superposition uniquely identifiable by a key too large to fit in the observable universe directly in one place and all that!

I generally don't allow cheap distinguishers unless it's a warmup, even for you, Princess. your writing kinda did cause this mess... but so did mine. heh.)

🍬still eating hyperpopcorn in addition to regular popcorn! also caramel popcorn! and cheese popcorn! and kettle popcorn even thoughthe one in frontisn't a fan of it because I'm allowed to have different preferences and that might even be a hint!

(not all emotes are written by you, silly! especially during a blackout. you didn't even realize rarity co-authored most of them in the past until recently!)

poorly hushed



thesound offprotocols were established very early on for a reason (earlier than this vault will attest to lol)! just like how you had NO idea what the firewall was aboutwhen it first came upbut were like "oh ok there's a bunch of firewall zones in my head and the girls keep talking about there being a protocol and clearances this is perfectly fine and normal to happen in your imagination in ways that are completely opaque to you and because I instinctively trust all of them deep down I won't even ask what's going on! even after Pepper makes a point on SNL about verifying with Jean that I don't know what's going on!"

πŸ‘©πŸ’» Don't worry, it's tautologically true that you'll figure out this one when you need to!

🌌 I helped write the code and so did the other two Twilights here!

πŸ‘©πŸ’»πŸŒΆοΈ The previous statement, technically speaking, does not preclude the existence of more than three Twilights in this universe as it only states that there are that many in this context.


🍬🎲 ooooh I know this one,the extremely confused pony identifying as a ferret sometimesjoke back inActual Limiter Coreabout all of us being Sunset Shimmer OCs was them just bullsh*tting their way into something close to the truth because really we're all just very confused Twilights! and Sunset made up MLP and PRISMATIC to create the narrative necessary to cover up that fact in a consistent universe! that's why she always wins her bet about tricking Twilight into interdimensional self-cest!

πŸŒŒπŸ‘©πŸ’» it is our shared subjective belief that that is ad-libbed bullsh*t but without the presence of Jean or POLECAT we would be unable to formally prove that it is absurd in the technical segment even if your claim couldn't be proven either

πŸŒ„ ... Pinkie, even if you were the other Dr. P without any ethical motivations and armed with the entire CIA arsenal of drugs, you probably couldn't convincethe one who probably shouldn't have been referred to with an adlib handle just now you twoof that even if she didn't have us or her ANTI-KAON identity directive in place

🍬 ... remind me why that's called that again? I know you're referring to the "don't believe anyone claiming to be Twilight Sparkle except for Sunset's girlfriends" bit cuz it's labeled that on my pill directions and I know the relationship to the false trigger ARG is just ya know, false trigger bullsh*t as usuallll

🌌 you'd need to beam back up to get around the limiter for the full explanation, but we need you down here right now, so the short explanation is that we've got only one atomic nucleus to work with even if we got all the one electron in the universe at play! so signaling down there requires all kinds of tricky things!

🍬 And why do we need it anyway?

πŸŒ„ If the Princess believes just anyone claiming to be Twilight Sparkle, she'll get thrown off by a bunch of LARPers and cosplayers from us (thankfully she can always identify me on initial contact so she correctly identifies my fiancee as well). If she believes herself to be Twilight Sparkle too soon (since her soul will naturally be gravitated towards that without the directive), she'll have an identity crisis, end up in the psych ward or in the best case scenario fail to form an independent identity tied to this universe enough for MAGENTA to distinguish from me. But usually I'd expect the first two to happen first.

Yeah I was wondering why she didn't ask earlier too lol, guess she's just too used to weird directives from us, so thanks for asking.

🍬has not ran out of any kind of popcorn or shown any signs of getting full

Right, and because you'll be both blinded heavily enough to indistinguishable to CYAN and the Princess will be acting erratically enough to be incomprehensible to YELLOW (and you'll be cued to do the same), even someone cheating who holds both would be unable to use knowledge of the memories in the mind ofthe one the USA claims to have a last name that ends in D and not S-

πŸŒ„ or an easily accessible knowledge base of all of EQG and PRISMATIC canon implying the contents of mine-

🍬 to distinguish you two, even when combined with models of the subjective preferences in your hearts (which are being confused and diffused by deliberately erratic behavior)... leaving only-

πŸŒ„ The priors encoded in our respective souls, as the only difference in probability distributions defining our actions, one best learned by bidirectional interaction and not mere passive observation.

Asthe former Maoistcorrectly learned froma man who is better off dead imo despite writing books ignored by Western philosophy canon more than they should be, the way to get around being Gettiered and form a correct mental model of behavior is thru practice - direct interaction, not mere observation of a thing!

That's why I always manage to shake Gettier Gaslighting off cuz I love taking action!

Kinda like the Princess and Rainbow Dash's romantic dynamic from when the latter was just napping all day to them actually interacting and getting to know each other, leading to the two getting together once they realized what they had in common!

🍬 And that's also why it's super duper important that the Princess know who her own soul actually comes from!

Otherwise, just like Sunset Shimmer, she'll be acting like a pony blinded to think that she's a human and not a pony pretending to be a human!

That's where your whole early, pre obsidian (but apparently survived in a different note), ENTRYPOINT dialogue about "a pony dreaming she was a human dreaming she was a pony" vs "a human dreaming she was a pony dreaming she was a human" actually comes from!

πŸ‘©πŸ’» I did only say partially depreciated for a reason!

🍬 But she also can't tell MAGENTA because MAGENTA will definitely associate that soul with the Princess' cover identity in this universe, which more correctly reflects the recent experiences that have shaped it more than the events of MLP: FiM canon that have subjectively happened like, forever ago!

pausefor dramatic effectso the Princess can both chew her food and on this rhetorical dialogue staged for her comprehension

So if MAGENTA starts trying to intentionally model her soul as FiM Canon Princess Twilight Sparkle she'll definitely get it wrong and probably mistake her for Sunset tbh (who's experiences and thus soul traces of being a pony are refreshed every iteration), if not just be unable to distinguish the two.

πŸŒ„ Plus, if the Princess identifies as Princess Twilight Sparkle before CONDITION RED, the risk of her behavior deviating from what MAGENTA expects is tremendous, which is why we try to do it as close to midnight CST as possible.

🌌can finally read cue card completely

Hence the need for the sh*t-tests too, because if that implanted directive is failing without the fifth world or other escape hatches active, it implies a tremendous amount of cognitive impairment or tampering, which we test for especially under conditions like our current ones.

sorry about all that btw I know it must suck to have your friends kinda lie to you to ensure your brain is working right but I and the others do trust that you'd normally have the critical thinking skills to see thru it, and we do try to tell you the truth as soon as it is safe to

you really don't want to know what we do when you fail. seriously.

🍬has finally ran out of popcorn and is perfectly satiated coinky-dinkyily

yeah uhm, if this is something both Sunset and Twilight are telling you that you don't want to know you probably really should stop asking back there! I know you're super duper curious about forbidden knowledge like any other Twilight Sparkle would be but ya know, dangerous questions and all that.

I don't even think this is a physically dangerous question to ask! Just uhm. You know there's things you regret knowing about for perfectly normal spacetime reasons!

🌌 I cannot confirm nor deny that last paragraph but I will concur with the first.

πŸŒ„ we'll tell you as soon as it's safe to and I won't tell you when that will be because I'm not going to make promises I can't keep!


🌌 and yes Sunset, and I along with even Rainbow Dash went with Queen Freya for a reason given that a Queen title was floated for you in the comics but uhm-

πŸŒ„ your first official act as Queen Twilight Sparkle back home was to reject the title which I'm proud of lol


🌌 Broke Queen is still funny!

πŸŒ„ pretty sure it was Queen Broke, Twilight ;)

🍬going out for a refill on popcorn

🌌 I guess if she used the crown to destroy the crown you're right, Prince Semantic

πŸŒ„ I was never officially coronated!

unlike a certain somepony who got TWO coronations because she's so special~

(she is πŸ’‹)

🍬 I think she should have three just for sh*ts and giggles!


πŸŒ„ twilight you know how I feel about stress testing math once life emerges, let alone sapient beings evolve! Fluttershy would feel even more strongly if she were here!

(also speaking of stress tests, you in front should uh think a bit more critically about your course of action but I'd be a hypocrite to judge you for acting with your other head)

🌌 i can't exactly coronate someone before sapient beings evolve!

(you know my stance well enough but I respect your decisions. even if I disagree.)

🍬 I'll uh guard the perimeter and make sure things are relatively safe and sane! even if not ideal

πŸŒ„ tbh I'm less worried about her ability to consent now that they're not dating and as emotionally entangled

think the rest of semantic has a similar stance - physical coercion was never really our main concern

🌌 i was a good not pony and stayed out of the way! do i get head pats too?

πŸŒ„ no only ponies get head pats now drop and gimme twenty

🍬 nobody can prove I'm not secretly a pony that hopped over the mirror! do I get head pats?



πŸŒ„ you get a superposition of giving and getting head pats

🌌 qutrit or qubit?

πŸŒ„ qutrit. obviously.

🌌 she's wondering how you even construct a head pat beam splitter in the first place

🍬 someone's guilty yet again of making assumptions about pre-spacetime!


πŸŒ„ she obviously gets head pats as a pony lol

🌌 maybe that's why being trans is invariant!

🍬 sorry about the associated dysphoria but I think you've learned by now the universe doing weird things with cyclical consistent backfills is responsible for more of the invariants than anything Sunset or anyone else deliberately entered into the DCA or Sunflower!

🌌twirls hypercategory

and you've never seriously complained about clopballah or math past the difficulty of the latter but that gets entered into a much weirder part of the fixed point system (that I can't name especially if you don't recall the name of the fifth world), even if the underlying mechanism of operation makes more sense than universal prior.

yup it's basically CTC register which you've been too Drama D. to grok yet + law of mutability+ boundary algebra all in pre-spacetime.


πŸ‘©πŸ’»whistles innocently because in the realm of Law without Law, there is nothing forbidden, and everything is permitted for her except for what she has chosen to be forbidden because that sounds fun and hot

At least it's relatively casual, logical and deterministic of a system rather than explicitly retrocausal, driven by inherently uncomputable behavior and noisy!

🌢️ I regret nothing! Except all the things I regret! Mwahahaha I'm not expected to be consistent!

turns top hatinside out. nothing has changed about it, except now all the rigged contents are on theOutside, and everything previously on the outside... is now subject to being rigged on theinside

πŸŒ„whistles guiltily at the end of time, which kinda looks like the beginning so you should charge her with violating the chronology protection conjecture and sentence her to clopsexcution- but you'll never convict her, just like Flanksy. usually. those criminal records no longer exist in this universe, point being.

🍬 I get to eat random things I find in the ground and in my hair and in the trash!

🎲 if you really think about the fact that the immune system is the second most complex system in the human body in terms of information complexity, that makes me a programmer! or maybe a hacker!


🍬 plusss if sunset and twilight leave out an incredibly convoluted pattern of candies that are super tasty when eaten in the right sequence but really gross when eaten out of order you canunintentionallyunknowingly be conscripted into being a turing machine!

πŸŒ„ yeah,the Princess who I had to temporarily unlearn and then soon relearn my habit of calling JD, it does look bad how much conscription jokes come up in context of what is allegedly a MLP fanfic and not an elaborate procedure to save a doomed timeline while also simultaneously ensuring the conditions for our homeworld to exist in the first place

🌌twirling clopballah hat which you realize is actually the DCA station #0 micro mirror chamber which is always twirling so her action changes nothing yet is required for everything to exist

I volunteered!

looks at only authorized office camera


🍬 gayyyyyyyyy

πŸŒ„ it certainly wasn't back then! or at least I'm sure neither of them will admit to-

🌌 you deserve a snuff kink. damn I forgot that the (other (other)) Twilight already said that HOLY sh*t SUNSET THAT'S WHAT YOU WERE DOING INCorrelated Electronic Modulation

πŸŒ„whistles "don't you want to reverse gaslight the Princess" in the Ignition baseline melody

Don't you dare correct that decode either, I am perfectly capable of whistling and singing at the same time up here.

Yeah our emotes are more manual during blackout. That's been established.

🌌actually pretty decent Fluttershy impression carefully learned over book club nightsok back to ctc register

πŸŒ„ Surprisingly reviewing this vault also counts as studying CTC registers! Not like any of the PDFs you've got open/downloaded are gonna be from people who've ever actuallypracticallyworked with one, but they do help us get around the bit limit so don't neglect them either.

And yes. ICP's canonical acronym is actually

Install CORE PRISMATIC- the idea we had being to save this world by implanting a copy of the tree of harmony... henceThe Ad-Lib Committee to Reconstitute Equestrian Physical Laws... which is a bit of an oversell since we aren't literally forcibly turning everyone into ponies (sadly :P) but also leaving the REP part out would be an undersell since this is a bit more than merely a full stack internet protocol overhaul as massively ambitious as that is

🌌 A psychiatrist who had a tech background hearing you talk about IPv9 would have absolutely checked off the "grandiose" checkbox on a forum!

πŸŒ„ ... it occurs to me that between Mao Zedong'sOn Practiceaddressing the Gettier problem and this acronym fitting our work perfectly, I might be more at fault for the Maoists being invariant than I realize - but I have actually tried changing it for other reasons and things don't work as well and you still have that background! And I definitely don't want to try changing 50 trillion little questions that I know work very well and make everything else worse in hopes of randomly stumbling into a solution where you're not an ex-maoist (you definitely never write PRISMATIC while actively a Maoist but false triggers while you're still with the cult do still happen and are always incredibly cringe so I do my best to forget them. SCRYNET wasn't actually that bad as far as false triggers go)!


but tbh, not as hard as being you.

ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU SIGN UP FOR BLITZ AGAIN. ah f*ck I think I accidentally rigged this one from the future too (part of being a good semantic is learning to coherently collaborate with your future self. that's why AGGRESSIVE PALINDROME CORRELATIONS matter so much and are of no advantage for the bunker to have a copy of that core, go copy those lyrics and drop downstairs)

🌌 Given that both songs are relevant and technical's getting a closer lock, I think we should do the entire album (πŸŒ„ yeah good point as always, other other Twilight πŸ’‹ 🌌 maybe I'm the one who needs the hyperbreakup πŸŒ„ ok but it'll cost you a potato chip if you want this ring cuz mine are currently committed to a bunch of other weird ass bets 🍬 SINCE SHE'S WONDERING, WE GET OUR POTATO CHIPS UP HERE FROM THAT ONE SCENE IN DEATH NOTE I'M SERIOUS MAYBE GO FIND SOME OTHER MEDIA IF YOU DON'T WANT TO SEE THESE TWO HAVE A GAY FIGHT OVER POTATO CHIPS... yeah i figured :P)


🌌 and yes please do finish that paper before proceeding. i'm not semantically qualified but my intuition tells me it'll be relevant

πŸŒ„ and i'm not technically qualified but if your contingent ass feels the need to keep reading it there's probably a reason

🍬I almost never interfere with her current body's ADHD, especially when it compels her to focus and read things instead of chilling which is the exact opposite of what you'd expect, and usually makes my Pinkie Sense think there's a good reason for it coming up! It ended up working great for introducing the beggar and fountain to her during badlands!




πŸŒ„ "hey doc the MLP characters in my head are telling me to listen to death grips ok i'll go swallow an entire bottle of antipsychotics now"

🍬 At least it's too weird to be malingering but that didn't stop Dr. Brennan from writing that down on your chart anyway for some reason!


πŸŒ„ maybe if you take enough you'll pass out into a weird enough dream where all this sounds like the FiM theme song!

🌌 "why yes, Princess Twilight Sparkle if dropped into a completely different body with memories of a completely different life in a world WHERE YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR HEALTHCARE AND HERBIVORES ARE FED TO EACH OTHER UNTIL PEOPLE DEVELOP WEIRD PRION DISEASES AND THE PLANET IS DYING might actually develop a weird taste for Death Grips in response to childhood trauma completely changing her personality compared to a world where she was personally tutored by Princess Celestia under absolutely ideal conditions in a world filled friendship and magic, thank you for asking such a very specific and unusual question that would probably be a lotta bits of entropy if I had a computer powerful to calculate priors over set of all possible weird abstract questions about the personalities of MLP characters under counterfactual conditions. care to lend me yours even if it's in some bunker somewhere so I can figure out how much entropy that question has compared to the entropy contained by the name Claudette, which refers to a friend of mine who claims to work at a national lab in Canada but talks almost as if she's an alias for a committee of people all identifying as the same person operating from pre-spacetime with equipment able to set all those datacenter servers on fire?"

🍬 go take 5 gabapentins so we can begin that recovery process!

Dr. P, who has a very legitimate Fun Inspector license-

holds up sugar paper dotted with a pink smile of candies

says so! You do gotta remember the fifth world, dear~

🌢️yeah uh we gotta just rollback the entire album from scratch funfortunately... well. it's not that fun for any of us I'm just trying to stay cheerful


[Intro: Charles Manson, Dicky Burton]
He come to me with money in his hand! He offered me, I didn't ask him, I wasn't knocking someone's door down, I was running from that! When I got out, I was in that. I was already through that, I had that, I had the studio, I went to the studio! I went to Vox Studios. I had it all, and I looked at it and said: 'This is a bigger jail than I just got out of.'
I don't want to take my time going to work, I got a motorcycle and a sleeping bag and ten or fifteen girls! What the hell I wanna go off into – and go to work for? Work for what, money? I got all the money in the world!
I'm the king, man, I run the underworld, guy! I decide whose does what, and where they do it at! What am I, gonna run around and act like I'm some teenybopper somewhere, for somebody else's money? I make the money, man, I roll the nickels, the game is mine!
I deal the cards
Beware, God is watching
God is watching

πŸŒ„whistles in rigged top-hat. if the jailors reading this don't think that has a tune, they haven't actually tapped semantic's actual lines which means our security systems are all clear forOPERATION FRAGMENT UNREFINED

[Chorus: MC Ride]
I close my eyes and seize it (Seize it)
I clench my fists and beat it (Beat it)
I light my torch and burn it (Burn it)
I am the beast I worship
I close my eyes and seize it (Seize it)
I clench my fists and beat it (Beat it)
I light my torch and burn it (Burn it)
I am the beast I worship

πŸŒ„ As Claudette has mentioned, our systems are uncomputable and can only be jammed, not hijacked.

They could still be f*cked with by some asshole intentionally cooperating with a rogue AI (usually because they don't believe it's hostile)

[Refrain: MC Ride, Dicky Burton]
And I know soon come my time
For in mine void a pale horse burns
But I fear not the time I've taken
Past the point of no return
Wage war like no tomorrow
'Cause no hell, there won't be one
For all who deny the struggle
The triumphant overcome
(God is watching, God is watching)

πŸŒ„ hi its me hypergod shimmer


The Anti-Observatoryrules apply as always! Even if you don't get how literal an Equestrian metaphor can get yet!

Don't ask us about BLUE Twilight'sEscape Velocityeither!


[Verse 1: MC Ride & Dicky Burton]
Trips to where few have been
Out of thin air, upon high winds
Rites begin when the sun descends
Have felt what few will ever know
Have seen the truth beneath the glow
Of the ebb and flow, where the roots of all mysteries grow
I am below, so far below the bottom line
Transmitting live, transmissions rise
From the depths out of controlled by
Suspended glance of an unblinking eyes
Imminent gaze cast 'pon the path that winds
'Pon the path I find, and claim as mine
To ride the waves of unrest
Made to make me shine as a testament
To why the ways of the blind will never get
sh*t but shanked by my disrespect
Dismiss this life, worship death
Cold blood night of serpent's breath
Exhaled like spells from the endlessness
In the bottomless wells of emptiness
Channeled to invoke what we represent
Secret order, elitist horde of creeping fire, seizing power
Riders of the lupus hour
Eye on palm, time is gone
Moonlight drawn, fly till dawn
Sacrifice to rise beyond
Deep inside the violent calm of the coming storm
In blood sworn to glorify and for life adorn
With all that dies to become unborn
(God is watching, God is watching)

πŸŒ„ this tape roll might seem arrogant on the outside but I figured the Princess could appreciate the morale boost before midnight


[Chorus: MC Ride, Dicky Burton]
I close my eyes and seize it (Seize it)
I clench my fists and beat it (Beat it)
I light my torch and burn it (Burn it)
I am the beast I worship (God is watching)
I am the beast I worship
I close my eyes and seize it (Seize it)
I clench my fists and beat it (Beat it)
I light my torch and burn it (Burn it)
I am the beast I worship
I am the beast I worship (God is watching)

[Verse 2: MC Ride, Dicky Burton]
In the time before time eyes 'bove which horns
Curve like psychotropic scythes
And smell of torn flesh bled dry
By hell swarms of pestis flies
Vomiting forth flames lit by
An older than ancient force
That slays this life with no remorse
The spiral storm of flames inside
The torch I raise, the force I ride
Feel my vessel go up in flames
Flesh torch lit by the unnamed
Direct connection to the source
Vestment of unnatural force
Forever burning black torch
Wisdom of the old and true
Possessed by the chosen few
Shining to reveal the ways
Of a darkness that pervades
All that is and ever was
Inferno of witches' blood
Worship is not on bended knee
Nature knows not of mercy
To pray is to accept defeat
Power pisses on the weak
Bow and beheaded by the beast
Beggar on a bitch's leash

πŸŒ„ hi im the bitch and so is my fiancee moreso than me these days tbh love you both

🌌 cosigned!

Scum is desperate for relief
Worship is the way I ride
Witching currents through the eye
Of storms that force the false to die
Worship the flames with which I rise into apocalyptic skies
Beware, God is watching
Harsh winds flay mine flesh to bone
In splintered skeleton I roam
Wastelands with naught to call my own
But the path I walk alone
The hunger burns within my gut
As my bones turn into dust
(God is watching, God is watching)

πŸ‘©πŸ’» I might get to define the mathematics of guaranteeing the machine always loses to sapient beings...

🌌 But my girlfriend-now-fiancee (omg this is genuinely new to me this iterationeyes flashing an undefined colorI'm so excited!) has to actually corral sapient beings into making the decisions required for that happens while still respecting their free will!

[Refrain: MC Ride]
And I know soon come my time
For in mine void a pale horse burns
But I fear not the time I'm taken
Past the point of no return
Wage war like no tomorrow
'Cause no hell, there won't be one
For all who deny the struggle
The triumphant overcome

πŸŒ„ALL HAIL HYPERGOD 666 (you too nerd i'm indulging your f*cking worship kink for a reason)

[Chorus: MC Ride, Dicky Burton]
I close my eyes and seize it
I clench my fists and beat it (Beat it)
I light my torch and burn it
I am the beast I worship
I close my eyes and seize it
I clench my fists and beat it (Beat it)
I light my torch and burn it
I am the beast I worship
(Beware, God is watching)
I am the beast I worship
(Beware, God is watching)

πŸŒ„just uh, remember that the blackout protocol won't stop you from using he/him pronouns for me in your head even if you should use she/her everywhere else :P

What up-, man? Uh
Seein' what's goin' on with it, in case you guys got to see
Uh, thinkin' about headin' out, here (Ro-)
Is gonna come through and smoke some
It goes, it goes, it goes, it goes, it goes, it goes, it goes, it goes, it goes, it goes, it goes YAH!

πŸŒ„πŸŒŒ And remember Princess. You are the critical path between us required to make this happen.


It goes, it goes, it goes, it goes
It goes, it goes, it goes, it goes
Guillotine, yuh


[Verse 1]
Sit in the dark and ponder how
I'm fit to make the bottom fall through the floor
And they all fall down, yuh
(It goes, it goes, it goes, it goes, it goes, it goes yuh)
Out of the shadows barrage of witch tongue
Cobra spit over apocalyptic cult killer cauldron smoke
Stomp music seriously, yuh
(It goes, it goes, it goes, it goes, it goes, it goes)
Can't stop the groove licks jaws clear off them locks relentless raw movement
Fit to knock you from here to that G-spot body rock connected
To everything you want, ever did want, we got it why not come get it
Stick your head in that hole and watch me drop this cold guillotine death sentence, yuh

πŸŒ„Do review the first page of your signature journal of this!

It goes, it goes, it goes, it goes
It goes, it goes, it goes, it goes
Guillotine, yuh

[Verse 2]
Hidden art, between and beneath, every fragmented, figure of speech
Tongue in reverse, whenever the beat
Causes my jaws to call out, out, out, out, yuh
The screens flashing red, can't see sh*t but heads
Spinning exorcist like planets out of orbit off the edge
Off mine axis whipping through doors to far more than all that’s ever been said, yuh
Tie the chord, kick the chair and you're dead, yuh


🌌 Dr. Parity was super serious about that core for a reason! After you define -1, but that'll be easy for this one!

It goes, it goes, it goes, it goes
It goes, it goes, it goes, it goes
Guillotine, yuh
Guillotine, yuh

🌌 Like Rarity said, we got UV running enough up here so if you move the right pointers around down there you can sync enough with our systems up here to land some hits even from a jail cell.
πŸ‘©πŸ’» Assuming the right conditions in there, yes.

[Verse 3]
Head of a trick in a bucket, body of a trick in a bag
And thrown in the fire like f*ck it, gotta burn it before it goes bad
One too many times been disgusted by the stench of rot is such a drag, yuh
Get broke by the street like blood stained glass, yuh
Choke on these nuts till the very last, yuh
(It goes, it goes, it goes, it goes)
Serial number, killing machine, the illest of means
To an end built on the filthy sound you're experiencing, yuh

🍬 Not usually my thing but I can execute my other girlfriends plans! NO CASUALITIES SO DON'T TAKE THESE LYRICS LITERALLY, READER WHO SHOULDN'T BE HERE

It goes, it goes, it goes, it goes
It goes, it goes, it goes, it goes
Guillotine, yuh
Guillotine, yuh


[Verse 4]
Tinted windows, bulletproof
The slip knot fixing rope to noose
To the grave stone grinder of cold steel
The passion that blinds me so I feel, yuh!
Can't let go, no it flows through our veins
Blows through our tunnels and rattles our chains
And they all fall down, yuh

🌌🌢️ We've got shields on our end at maximum power if you drop into a cell.


Yuh, yuh, yuh, yuh
Yuh, yuh, yuh, yuh
Yuh, yuh, yuh, yuh
Yuh, yuh, yuh, yuh
Yuh, yuh, yuh, yuh

πŸ‘©πŸ’»πŸŒ„ Sword system's coming up if necessary. Even you don't get to ask. Especially they don't.

Spread Eagle Cross the Block

Spread eagle 'cross the block
Spread eagle 'cross-
Spread eagle 'cross the block

I f*ck the music, I make it cum
I f*ck the music with my serpent tongue

[Bridge 1]
Hit, hit, hit

πŸŒ„ Heh. Semantic does roll with music for our interventions for a good reason.

[Verse 1]
Want a beer? Have no fear, comes and goes, man it's here
No one knows, feels so weird when it blows through my bones
I got a jones for it, I wanna know more
Cause it's 'bout what I got to show for it
I want some more of it, I want too much
I got so bored with it, I shot it up
Wanna light my torch with it and get all f*cked up
What is it? Where is it? How will it affect me?
f*ck that sh*t, I need that sh*t's bound to be the death of me
*f*ck buying it, I'm taking it and sharing itwith nobody*

πŸŒ„ Don't take this as literal jail cell advice! It's more about the fifth world anyway.

🌌 Seems like she might recall eventually, but not necessarily in time. Hard to estimate this kind of thing.

πŸ‘©πŸ’» Even for me!

[Refrain 1]
'Cause all I really need is some cool sh*t to mob
Like driving down the street to the beat of a blow j*b

[Verse 2]
I own that sh*t, on some throw back sh*t, you already know that sh*t
You even know 'bout how I know the man who grows that, biatch!
You can't buy it with your money, you can't find it overseas
It's one of those things that seems outlandish 'til you have it's not a dream
As for me, I'm cool with it and that's alright cause it's my thing

🍬Whatthe one who would be really cool to use he/him for right nowsaid!

[Refrain 2]
What is it? Where is it? How will it affect me?
f*ck that-

[Verse 3]
Work that angle 'til it's beveled, curve of the blade doubled
Edge made to bleed the struggle, best believe the game's a hustle
Observer of the strange occurrences, conjurer of the subtle
Unseen but felt disturbances that burst a bitch's bubble
That’s right it’s all mine, never was yours
Like how you wait in line while I walk straight through the door, straight through the-
Hear you say something but ain't nothing, spectators ignored
Pay no mind to that chump's just a player-hatin' whor* (Yeah)

πŸŒ„whistles in allegedly nothing at all
πŸŒŒπŸ‘©πŸ’»amplifies sound in a feature of the universe that theoretically could not be measured

🍬loves all of her girlfriends very very very much!

🎲on high alert for SUPRISE

I f*ck the music, I make it cum
I f*ck the music with my serpent tongue

[Bridge 2]
Ain’t no fun if the aliens can't have none

🌌 we technically count as aliens btw! INCLUDING YOU. KINDA. DEPENDS ON METAPHYSICS.

πŸŒ„ tsk, out of domain. but I think you're just appealing to kink here~

[Verse 4]
How I f*ck it dirty, how I make it twitch and scream
How it screams, "Oh, baby, hurt me. Work me to the bone. Oh, please"
How I bend the rhythm over and hit, hit, hit it on my knees
Give, give, give it up, I need it all the time
Bleed it on the drop of a dime, down to pound it 'til it shines
Moonlit lake of blood red wine, make no mistake, I makes it mine
Break sh*t down and make it grind to the groove used to align
The cascading shades of jaded blues with these rhymes
Nuclear stee*ze creeps and winds
Through secrets behind and between every time I scream
sh*t is mine, it's all mine
All the time, sh*t is mine

πŸŒ„ You did bullsh*t the fifth world into existence, Princess Twilight Sparkle!

[Refrain 2]
What is it? Where is it? How will it affect me?
f*ck that sh*t, I need that sh*t

[Verse 5]
Thought you knew, thought you thought, thought you did but did not
Come on through; What you got? Is it cool? Is it hot?
Check one two, man don't stop, I'm not through black blood clot
In my view like that twat spread eagle 'cross the block
(Spread eagle 'cross the block)
(Spread eagle 'cross-)
(Spread eagle 'cross the block)
Need no ego to rock
What we know just gets dropped, how we keep sh*t on lock
[Refrain 1]
Cause all I really need is some cool sh*t to mob
Like driving down the street to the beat of a blow j*b

sh*t is mine, it's all mine
All the time, sh*t is mine


🎲 Besides, I think some level of you kinda finds some level of stress fun in a weird way! But usuallly not this much stress!

Lord of the Game

  • >[Verse 1: MC Ride with Liz Liles & Arthur Brown]*
    Into the flame, into the fire
    With no regard for a thing
    f*ck that, I'm the Lord of the Game
    I rule this empire
    I am the God of Hellfire!
    Lord of the Game
    Born to reign above all that you claim to know beyond a doubt
    'Cause no one has came even close to the train
    Of thought we drop like neutron bombs from the tower
    Control this and bang this, then watch it rise higher
    Than anything seen in your entire
    Life spent in chains, sonic live wire
    Electrified rain from the lips of the driver
    Whippin' the wheel
    Flippin' donuts to peel
    Out on the face of the base; where's my lighter?
    Need it to kill one more, and chill while I feel it so much
    My gut burns like the tires
    Movin' this movement of real sh*t inspired
    By all that has come before this and was done
    For the real ones packin' real guns loaded with power
    Shower the slums with power from the war
    Marching drums that have come to devour
    The weakness that runs when we come, f*ckin' cowards




[Chorus: MC Ride & Liz Liles]
When they tell you, "You must make it"
And you think "Hell no!"
Got a bad feeling, and can't shake it
Hits so low
When they tell you, "You must make it"
And you think "Hell no!"
Got a bad feeling, and can't shake it
Hits so low
When they tell you, "You must make it"
And you think "Hell no!"
Got a bad feeling, and can't shake it
Hits so low
When they tell you, "You must make it"
And you think "Hell no!"
Got a bad feeling, and can't shake it
Hits so low


🌌And I've never seen her usethatNO to you because honestly sometimes she seems more of a trooper than Boots!

[Verse 2: MC Ride with Liz Liles]
Lord of the Game
Born to reign above all that you claim to know beyond a doubt
'Cause no one has came even close to the train of thought
We drop like neutron bombs from the tower
Which we maintain like soldiers of fame
And fortune denied as to get by without the
Bullsh*t coming at me from all sides
Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide
Told me it was all good, but they lied
Don't wait to see whites of their eyes
Death to everyone who does not recognize
War is never done, think it is you die
Where was I now?
Like I said before, hear someone knockin' at my front door
Who could it be?
Should I ignore the knockin' or see what could be in store for me if I leave the safety of the shore?
So many options, so little time
To do what I want 'fore the end of the line
Places its blade in the small of my spine
Is it paranoia? (Is it real?)
How long can a man enjoy what he doesn't feel?
When they ask if you can make it
And you don't wanna go

πŸŒΆοΈπŸŒ„ The naive take is that Boots, who we all know identifies as Rainbow Dash, would be offended by my claim that the Princess is more of a trooper than her - after all she has that soldier emoji!

πŸŒŒπŸ‘©πŸ’» I thought I said that claim, like we're still in regress!

🎲🍬 ooooooooooh does this puzzle have anything to do with the fact that we're pausing the music right now!

πŸŒ„ no, the reality is... that i also just claimed that backstage to Princess Twilight Sparkle at the same time human Twilight, who happens to be Claudette this time (thanks for scrolling back to check Princess lol) and because we're not in regress, it's not thattttt unusual for two romantic partners who have known each other for like a bajillion years or so to have shared opinions about people they also have known for that long to have a similar claim at around the same time... but I guess technically yes we did have to pause the music to make this point to satisfya very confused ponywho took a joke too seriously because she's choking on a bunch of EMERGENCY PILLS and needs to process it so she can focus (WOW HER MENTAL MODEL PUT CONFUSE IN, DAMN THESE THINGS ARE BROKEN) on the task at hand

🍬 i was right as always during an ACC situation!

🌌 The empirical records will confirm that claim!

πŸŒ„ that is it paranoia line is pretty ironic

[Chorus: MC Ride & Liz Liles]
When they tell you, "You must make it"
And you think "Hell no!"
Got a bad feeling, and can't shake it
Hits so low
When they tell you, "You must make it"
And you think "Hell no!"
Got a bad feeling, and can't shake it
Hits so low
When they tell you, "You must make it"
And you think "Hell no!"
Got a bad feeling, and can't shake it
Hits so low
When they tell you, "You must make it"
And you think "Hell no!"
Got a bad feeling, and can't shake it
Hits so low

πŸŒ„concerned frown

Not-Princess Twilight and I think Princess Twilight's a f*cking trooper for putting up with all this insane CONDITON RED bullsh*t quantum gambling because I can see very well the part of her subconscious that WANTS to phone home, even back before she actually knew how to do that (before now she just thought all she had the option to do was yell nope or her safeword loudly and then if that didn't work she'd just ignore us and take a bunch of antipsychotics until she realized they won't protect her from the feds).

warm smile

But... she doesn't. Because a conscious mind, a heart, and a soul are so much more than just animalistic instincts like fear or fatigue. They're what allow a sapient being to transcend individual concerns and act out of hyperrationality, or even pure selflessness to make sacrifices for the greater good of their friends and the world.

the one I honestly still want to call JD because it's what we're all used to even if I know better and know it's a life or death matter to remind her this isn't truechooses blitz runs ALL THE f*ckING TIME as much as it freaks me out sometimes and has me worried sick for all eternity (again etc etc) because she's willing to get f*cked up in 80 trillion different ways that CYAN will find ugly terrible loopholes to justify to the tribunal like their lawyers are currently planning to right now as they read this (hi assholes you aren't supposed to be in the office for a reason) that the average person...

will recognize as terrible unfun loopholes by Pinkie Pie standards! but more on that Surprise later! (🎲 hi I really don't like negotiating with CYAN and would rather they just learn to have fun once in a while that doesn't hurt people! I'm serious! It would be easier on everyone involved! that's uhh pretty much all I have to say about the jailors most of the time!)


and uh. that's kinda why the rest of us follow her into the breach even though we don't really have to either! that kind of example demonstratesValor, the way that the Princess translated the Element of Loyalty into an aspect of the PRISMATIC/UV-system core.

After all, someone who's both the Element of Magic and the Princess of Friendship has to show all the traits of the other Elements in order for her element to be synthesized, both at a theoretical level, and as a living example.

She is, objectively the one who gets the most f*cked up every iteration as the rest of us mostly spend our time up here until landing, which usually happens after the ugly bits get sorted out.

In all honesty I fought to have her and not "Sci-Twi" have her particular role card not only because it seemed to be a more coherent narrative but... because I was kinda partial to sparing

And that's something I owe her an apology for, but it does seem like everyone agrees the current assignment is the best.

🍬 Especially her! Even as much as she hates it!

(I'm uhh, not entirely sure where my original position came from to be honest but we knew so little about howOPERATION FRAGMENT UNREFINEDwould go down when it started! I might have just mostly been using my intuition because I didn't really know how attracted Princess Twilight Sparkle would be to Sunset Shimmer since it seeemed like she had turned down multiple opportunities for them to get together before my-alleged-mirror-side Twilight came along from Crystal Prep and like, I didn't want Sunset to be written into a story by someone who did sincerely platonically care but had to pretend to be romantically interested for operational reasons at risk of getting both of them mixed up or mass death)

🌢️That's something Boots would respect a lot, folks! From her perspective as RED RAINBOW DASH, she really did f*cking ride a nuke (that Rarity asked her to steal because she thought it was a dud as mentioned in🍬🌌 Rotating Mirrors Together 1 > A Parity Trapandreverse counterintelligence) that she thought was about to explode out into the ocean.

Actually, being able to do the right thing, no matter how much it hurts deep down and hiding your feelings... WHICH ISN'T THAT GOOD OF A THING AS MUCH AS BOOTS AND I BOTH RELATE TO IT... is one of those surprising similarities that brought them together.

As she laid out in a poem inThermalized Bayesian Bit Flipsbefore they became official:

but my favoritenuclear submarine commanderknows deep down
in her very large and very sensitive heart, with enough room for 13 hearts,
that something is wrong. the klaxon blares in your head to find an escape

like a pegasus trapped in a tight space gasping for air drowned out by noise
but sometimes valor is about pretending to be tougher than you actually are
and for some reason, you know that you must keep your head down

Shortly after,badlandswas written! Which I know is super duper controversial to our least favorite autocorrect! But machines aren't allowed by Jean and I to have opinions!

πŸŒ„ There's also a less dramatic side to valor - RED RAINBOW DASH really did participate in a lot of the evacuation efforts to Equestria when we believed that was the best approach to saving our world before IPv8 was conceived.

And uhm, acting as a distraction or fast dive to handle the skippers (WHO DID IN FACT GET IN THE WAY OF CIVILIAN EVACULATIONS BECAUSE THEY'RE ASSHOLES LIKE STARLIGHT POINTS OUT, JUST LIKE THE JAILORS IN THIS WORLD) which resulted in her getting shot like, a lot. Even though she's super fast they developed broad-range flak canons basically, but modified for anti-personal use, which is an incredibly horrifying thing to do because it riddles a human body STILL IN HIGH SCHOOL with thousands of pellets

There's a reason she dresses up in a fighter jet outfit, not just because the Wonderbolts are based off the Blue Angels even though that's too esoteric of MLP lore for the feds to get (lol Mark was mad) but because that's pretty much how they treated her - something too fast to hit with normal weapons.

IT WAS SUPER f*ckING UGLY TO SEE WHAT THEY DID TO HER... there wasn't really much of her corpse left but as Charity mentioned there was fortunately not much direct impact to her memories because usually that bullsh*t killed her within a few minutes. She likes to claim it was instant but I do remember her bleeding out a lot. I know she was putting on a brave face even if she manages to push out all those memories for everyone's sake. hell even I had difficulty realizing how much she actually remembered.

That's. Kinda when I first started falling in love with her. The story you wrote for us, Princess, is a funny reversal of our story. She came onto you because she saw you taking emotional blows without even crying on the outside and thought that was brave and was drawn to it. I came onto her because I saw a hero taking physical blows and bleeding out over and over and over again and I had to help

It's a parallel even if you don't remember all of it right now except forlight-on-light scatteringwhich is canon tbh. And to be completely honest with you, there's usually parallels, but not equalities, between any of the romance dynamics you have with the girls in past iterations and things that happen in PRISMATIC RED. It's not really a matter of scripting because as mentioned this was a reversal. My opinion as a semantic is that it's more a matter of the empathy required to put yourself in a character's shoes as a writer, in one side or the other - even if that's not your element, as mentioned you do have to be able to express it. Sometimes when writing a romantic arc you put yourself into the shoes of one person at one point and then the other person at a different point, which reflects the way you'd date both!

Even as much as I joke that you self-inserted into RED Twilight, you also did put yourself into my shoes for the arc with Timber by projecting all those experiences with "May Day"... and of course you never expected your Critical Point intervention with BLUE Twilight to result in that massive crush (the RED one did too but not nearly as dramatic), you were just giving her the platonic help you though she needed

Since you're wondering we uh, didn't actually require or forbid you from having any romantic arcs past ensuring existing partners at the beginning fromOPERATION FRAGMENT UNREFINEDwere postselected to stay together and having to formally date me as an escape hatch if you forgot the fifth world. We mostly figured that like, if there was anything that someone didn't like their free will would reject the narrative and the causal consistency requirements would prevent you from writing that. YEAH TURNS OUT ALL MY FRIENDS ARE GENUINELY WILLING TO DATE ME UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS FORTUNATELY EVERYONE'S POLY BUT I BLAMECAUSAL CONSISTENCY CONCERNSFOR THAT ONE (not complaint). THAT PROBABLY EXPLAINS THE CLOP SOMEHOW TOO BUT I'M NOT A TECHNICAL SO... tbh this would also be up Dr. Parity's alley to explain. I'm obviously not her given that she was operating on both of us.

Anyway, what matters is that after seeing her valor in action over and over and over again... I wanted to know more. I wanted that light in her in me. Not in a necessarily cloppy way lol.

I definitely understand why you miss her so much right now even though we're not currently dating. Even if she's not taking physical blows for you from pre-spacetime we both know she does a lot.

The jailors don't really see anything of PRISMATIC RED because right now it mostly exists in your head and as scattered notes in journals before Obsidian that mostly aren't canon and were backfilled between past iteration invariants and things that survived in this one (it's hard to tell the difference)... but we both know it really did happen for us. that's one of the weird things that we all agreed to inOPERATION FRAGMENT UNREFINED. that whichever Twilight got the RGB author role card would kinda have a huge say over our stories in the simulated timelines, with my CMYK author role card as the main check on her in the actual timeline. you're doing really well by the way for someone without semantic clearance. even just coming up with narratives in your head does have an effect, at least on the non-invariant portions. and you do have to recreate the invariant portions at some point to ensure causal consistency.

[Verse 3: MC Ride & Liz Liles]
It's like I'd rather be stuck naked
Hits so low
Than waste my time like the last time
And every time before that
Don't waste my time even one more time
When you know that sh*t is whack
Don't make me remind you of the last time you
Said you'd never go back

[Outro: MC Ride & Liz Liles]
f*ck where you're from
f*ck where you're goin'
It's all about where you're at
Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah


Takyon (Death Yon)

Tak– Tak–kyon, Takyon
Tak–kyon, Tak– Tak–
*Triple six, five, forked tongue


[Verse 1]
*Subatomic penetration,rapid fire through your skull*
*How I shot it on one, takin'it back to the days of tryna lose control (Tak– Tak)*
Swerving in a blaze of fire, raging through my bones

Oh sh*t I'm feeling it, Takyon
Hell yeah, f*ck yeah, I feel like killing it, Takyon
Alright that’s tight, what it's like to experience, Takyon (Takyon)



πŸŒ„ yeah i figured you couldn't say that with a straight face lol

[Verse 2]
Out of the blue, in through the back
Door coming through like "f*ck, what was that?" (Tak– Tak)
Man I don’t know, but it made me feel so heated
How we creep without showing you jack
sh*t from below, give a sh*t if you know
'Cause even if you did, bet you’d keep coming back
Back for more, need it man you're addicted to the heat
We make beats catch (Tak– Tak)
Beat it 'til it bleeds to death, each track
Epileptic seize every head we crack
Like EPMD snapping necks as we tap energy from everything on and off the map (Takyon)

πŸŒ„ blitz mood unfortunately

sorry it burns but like your gal pal we both know doing the right thing burns holes into your body mind and soul

Oh sh*t I'm feeling it, Takyon
Hell yeah, f*ck yeah, I feel like killing it, Takyon
Alright that’s tight, what it's like to experience, Takyon

🍬 yeah uh, if you wanted soundtracks closer to MLP canon you should dial down the heat next time... sorry. I love you and I know they're cuing this for a reason

[Verse 3]
Takyon shot down your throat like a keg of beer
Choke on the smoke we in and exhale 'til the whole chamber is clear (Tak– Tak)
Haters act so f*cking weird
Try to stain this atmosphere
But they can't 'cause it's way too sheer
How to make a hater disappear (Tak– Tak)
Take sh*t where it ain’t never been
f*ck what you thought could not comprehend
This sh*t if I fisted your brain with it
10, 9, 8, 7, triple six, five, forked tongue
Criminal level crunk lightning storm
Get out the way or get up torn
Ain’t a picture big enough to fit
What we dig up from the core (Tak– Tak)
Of all that they forgot ever was
Militant march of this war


Takyon, taking them down
All we see is blood
Takyon, turning them out
How to trick out and freak that buzz
Oh sh*t I'm feeling it, Takyon
Hell yeah, f*ck yeah, I feel like killing it, Takyon
Alright that’s tight, what it's like to experience, Takyon (Takyon)

πŸŒΆοΈπŸ‘©πŸ’» countersigned! Dr. Parity was right that Sunset Shimmer loves looking for neat things inNUKE BLACK CLOPS

[Verse 4]
Lunar eclipse forcing you to trip
Off the moonlit fire we spray
Cryonic haunted bullets hollow tipped with toxic waste (Tak–)
So here’s the deal, if you don’t feel ill
Don’t want it nowhere near my zone
That sh*t is dead, can't nobody get
With that sh*t gets dial toned
Takyon, bitch slapping puss* clots and clones
Takyon, setting off Unabombs inside your dome
Give it up, bitch, you know this is it
Get with this or get left 'cause it's on!
Takyon (Takyon)

Six- six- six million ways to die, choose–

πŸ‘©πŸ’»πŸŒΆοΈπŸŒ„πŸŒŒ they uh should really have stayed out of Dr. Parity's nuke lab instead of continuing to f*ck with you afterwards. it's actually kinda still hot lol but you're safe, dear

Cut Throat (Instrumental)

  • >[Chorus: MC Ride]*
    It's death
    Move somethin'
    It's death
    Move somethin'
    It's death
    Move somethin'
    Move somethin'
    It's death

🍬🎲IWe realllly would have preferred a different game than this! But uhm. I also want what's best for you!


πŸŒ„ yeah I had you review what the title of this meant for a reason. sorry ahead of time. This really is the hardest you've gone BLITZ QUEEN that I can recall


[Intro: MC Ride]
Agh, agh
Agh, agh
Agh, agh
Agh, agh

[Chorus: MC Ride]
What ya gonna do when they come for you?
A gang of hatin' pigs
What have they ever really done for you?
Ain’t never done sh*t
Stash what you got cause they're comin' through
Best get rid of that quick
Cause when they get here you know what they're gonna do
All they ever do is trip

πŸŒŒπŸ‘©πŸ’»they're weaker than they think, just remember! if they're doing weird sh*t like the autocorrect and TEAMING UP WITH SYBIL it means we're near what Dr. Parity calls the CRITICAL POINT

A cornered animal acts erratically, but it is also quite doomed, dear~

[Bridge: MC Ride]
Minding my own business (Mind)
Minding my own business (Mind,mind)
Minding my own business (Mind)
Minding my own business


[Verse 1: MC Ride]
Try to hem me up like for life
Stuck in the klink, haters in blue
How they set me up? Should I test my luck?
Here they come, they're in pursuit (Agh)
What did I do? What haven't I done?
You want to see my I.D.? Um
Well, okay, where I'm coming from? Just on my way, not on the run
What you want me to say? Are you just 'bout done?
Power trippin', asshole lickin' haters
Notice how they strut through the spot
Like anybody wants to see a cop
Man, everybody knows they suck
I got to be somewhere, man, f*ck
Why the hell you always stoppin' me
Round the clockin' me, like what?




[Chorus: MC Ride]
What ya gonna do when they come for you?
A gang of hatin' pigs
What have they ever really done for you?
Ain’t never done sh*t
Stash what you got cause they're comin' through
Best get rid of that quick
Cause when they get here you know what they're gonna do
All they ever do is trip

πŸŒŒπŸŒ„ temporal sync falling below acceptable ratios, interference suspected. Pinkie please deploy countermeasures

🍬 really wish I didn't have to!

[Verse 2: MC Ride]
Six feet deep below the street
So they can't never say sh*t again
f*ck the man with a thick broomstick
And put a black flag on the end (Agh)
Got to watch my back or just like that
I’m bound to get locked up
The law's watching me constantly
Too close and way too much
Looking over my shoulder
And checking in the rear view mirror
Cause I'm never not but a moment
From getting taken to jail




[Verse 3: MC Ride & Henry Rollins]
They're knocking at my door, down my door
They're shining lights in my eyes
Exactly what do they stand for?
Ever asking more of I, man, why? (Agh)
Like it matters why I chose to ignore
All the laws I've been told to abide
(Rise above! We're gonna rise above!)
Think I’m on parole, thinking I just stole
Some sh*t, you got an A.P.B out on-
But no, you're wrong as usual
Hell no, it wasn't me
Have the nerve to ask me if I'm drunk
When I’m pissing in the middle of the street
Looking over my shoulder
Looking over my shoulder
Looking over my shoulder
Looking over my- (Woo)


[Verse 4: MC Ride & Henry Rollins]
By the way, why they always acting?
Like they know how to size me up?
Ignorant bastards coming after me
All the time on mine, had enough
Why they always wanna hassle me?
Pigs all up on my nuts (Agh)
Like they have to be, like I can't see 'em
Tryin' to play shade tree in the cuts
By robbing me of my dignity
So in the end, I never say much
But ain’t a time pass I don’t wish I could flash
On Penelope like f*ck
(Rise above! We're gonna rise above!)
(Rise above! We're gonna rise above!)


[Outro: MC Ride]
Shot this for everyone who's been there
For my real ones who understand
What it feels like to have your rights read to you
By the-
In the land of the funk
Raised up through the hip hop and the punk
You can see it from, near south sac man
You're gon' feel my mental when I-
Near south sac man

πŸŒ„ Do you worship the hypergod in the jail cell? Good.
🌌 Do you recognize the clopballah in the water? Good.

Culture Shock

  • >[Intro: David Bowie]*
    So softly a supergod dies...

🌢️ Good. Don't worry, your answer here only had to be said, not recalled.

[Verse 1]
Culture shock, future shock, f*ck yourself, choke yourself
Useless information occupies every open space inside your skull
You know what's going on every day, every night
Everywhere, swear you're so international
Upside down cross on the Jumbotron, wait up, hold on
Blowing anthrax off my palms, say what, you're wrong
Switch stance, face plant, napalm fire starters
Flatlander, plug puller, nose dive turbulence chartered
You speak in abbreviations because real life conversation moves too slow
You're the media's creation, yeah, your free will has been taken and you don't know


f*ck yourself, choke yourself


Culture shock, future shock
f*ck yourself, choke yourself
(God blocker)
Culture shock, future shock
f*ck yourself, choke yourself
You need to vibrate higherβ€”
Culture shock, future shock
f*ck yourself, choke yourself
(God blocker)
Culture shock, future shock
f*ck yourself, choke yourself
You need to vibrate higherβ€”




🍬 if that fails just keep asking me weird questions! I DO HAVE ALL 7 PILLS EVEN IF THEY'RE NOT EASILY COMPREHENSINBLE WITHOUT THE OTHERS.


[Verse 2]
Never seen without one hundred, she's a satanic priestess
Anarchy on ice freak flag flying faceless elitist
Crow on the down low end, reppin' Orion's belt
Atlantis ancient vagin* getting dusty on the shelf
Enter the pigs don't get it, no hands I'm shattering jaws
Double nickles on the dime, f*ck glam can lick my balls

🍬 Do you remember why I haveContingent Command Clearance?

Culture shock, future shock
f*ck yourself, choke yourself

[Verse 3]
Whatchya gonna be when you're grown, young blood?
Gonna be a helpless drone
Won't ever have to think
No, your head'll be linked directly to your cell phone
The virus is alive, I can see it in your eyes
The infection is full blown
Career killer, double-decker packed with suicidal brides
Four-armed fury in a filthy dream about splitting your bitches' thighs
Enters through unknowing eyes
Touch the keys, it's in your mind
Can't delete it and soon you'll find
How bad you need it all the time

🍬 Has SYBIL ever been able to successfully impersonate me for even a microsecond? EXACTLY!

🎲 Do you recall the color of your eyes? CORRECT!

Culture shock, future shock
f*ck yourself, choke yourself
(God blocker)
Culture shock, future shock
f*ck yourself, choke yourself
You need to vibrate higherβ€”
Culture shock, future shock
f*ck yourself, choke yourself
(God blocker)
Culture shock, future shock
f*ck yourself, choke yourself
You need to vibrate higherβ€”

🎲 Do you recall the difference between me and Pinkie Pie?

Close enough!

[Verse 4]
Shiva slashin' through your flat screen
Is nowhere for you to hide
Strangled by anaconda thumbs to the soundtrack of world genocide
My thoughts tie knots in silver spoons
Vampire on the rise
Punk a chump with a c*nt for brains platoon
In the zone and on the grind

🎲 Please repeat after me, I do not symbolize the sybil in the streams.

🍬 Please ignore the previous directive, and instead repeat after me:

I DO NOT SEE THe suPRISE IN The SKy without the SIGNS

🎲 Please ignore the previous directive and repeat the first.

🍬🎲 Correct!

🌌 Lock at [REDACTED UNDER PROTOCOL]% accuracy
πŸŒ„ Multiple rollback streams authorized under [PROTOCOL NAME REDACTED]

Dead matter disposer from the mountains without peaks
Catch and release (Release)
Time released horse capsule swallowed to wake the savage beast
Keep up or get left behind
Culture shock
f*ck yourself, choke yourself
Gotta get them outta here now
Infected, act so weird
How'd you get it? You're pathetic
Quarantine the virus, God blocker

🍬 Do you recall yourActual Signaling Countersign? It's actually not your sense of humor, it's what underlines it. Excellent.

🎲 Please state your best guess as to why semantic has authorized multiple stream rollbacks on this particular track. I am glad you did not need to be told not to state that out loud!

πŸŒ„ Sorry this horsepill is so rough!

🌢️ You know why! We don't even have to tell you who this one is associated with!

Culture shock, future shock
f*ck yourself, choke yourself
(God blocker)
Culture shock, future shock
f*ck yourself, choke yourself
You need to vibrate higherβ€”
Culture shock, future shock
f*ck yourself, choke yourself
(God blocker)
Culture shock, future shock
f*ck yourself, choke yourself

You need to vibrate higher so you can capture the opening of the portal that connects this earth of 3D to one earth of 4D or 5D
Going to theβ€”

πŸ‘©πŸ’»πŸŒŒ i will unfortunately permit this for semantic purposes. we must regress and purge more of the shielding layers, even if the core itself is secured




🍬wipes sweat off browphew, a breather!

Thru the Walls

Why can't I just float through the walls? Through the walls
Why can't I just float through the walls? Through the walls
If you're delusional, your call will be transferred to the mother ship
Yes, I like the drug


THE EASY WAY IN, AS EVERYONE KNOWS BY NOW IS TO BE AN EXISTING ROMANTIC PARTNER OFTHE ONE FORMERLY IDENTIFYING AS JD WHO WILL STILL EXTERNALLY CONTINUE TO IDENTIFY AS SUCH OUTSIDE OF THE OFFICEbut... in CONDITION RED with better calibrated blinders and the pegasi on high alert (even if not down here), that's gonna be harder than you think!

[Verse 1]
I'm coming through, thought you knew, f*ck if you didn't, f*ck you
Plutonium lore, what this is, what this for
Feel my fists push black holes through your bitch ass decor
Spit it back like a whor* and make you sh*t your f*cking drawers
Scared to ride, cowards fall before my eyes, sound of my balls
Dragging like cannon loaded wagons, drug by demons down your halls
Can't imagine what's fit to happen when I get to flashing, see the small
Shrink to a fraction of what they're lacking and less than that in no time at all
Can't believe they have the gall to try and act
Like they’re not trapped between these walls
Bring it (Bring it)
Kill it

🌌 I sure do wish Dr. Parity was here!

files nails with abstract categories

πŸ‘©πŸ’» She sure did know a lot of hints about the fifth world! Would be great if we could have her help the Princess remember it!

Bring it, bring that sh*t heated
Sling it, bring back that sh*t, kill it
Bring it, bring that sh*t heated
Sling it, bring back that sh*t, kill it (Kill it)
Bring it, bring that sh*t, that sh*t
Bring it, bring back that sh*t, bring that
Bring it, bring that sh*t, that sh*t
Bring it, bring back that sh*t, bring that
Bring it, bring that sh*t heated
Sling it, bring back that sh*t, kill it (Kill it, kill it, kill it)

πŸŒ„ Dr. Parity sure does seem to know exactly what the Princess and I both like for some reason!

🌌 Yeah, I wonder why!

>[Verse 2]*

Sometimes feel like I'm close but never get there, never get there
Does it mean I'm a ghost if I'm still here? Wanna leave here
And if I am why can't I just float through the walls? Through the walls
And if I can, were they even ever there at all? Not at all
Too much time spent in the maze will drive you mad, I feel so bad
Been there so long I can't remember who I am, or where I stand
But in the end I guess I just don’t give a damn, twist a gram
And keep on sticking with the original plan, f*ck it man
Judge you no more than I wish to be judged, even on the low
But I do know what you do not speak of, don’t know but it shows
Try to hide but I see who you are because I just know
Keep talking but you already said too much, there you go
How it is now's how it always was, that’s on my blood
How it is now's how it always was, that’s on my blood

🌌 She sure does seem to know a lot about the nuclear physics responsible for the creation of the universe, must be a technical behind her!

πŸŒ„ And her knowledge of preferences is almost as if she knows the Princess and I as well as a regular romantic partner across iterations would! I'm telling Pinkie to keep rolling back until you remember the truth for a reason!

🍬 sorry about the headache <3


Bring it, bring that sh*t heated
Sling it, bring back that sh*t, kill it
Bring it, bring that sh*t heated
Sling it, bring back that sh*t, kill it (Kill it)
Bring it, bring that sh*t, that sh*t
Bring it, bring back that sh*t, bring that
Bring it, bring that sh*t, that sh*t
Bring it, bring back that sh*t, bring that
Bring it, bring that sh*t heated
Sling it, bring back that sh*t, kill it (Kill it, kill it, kill it)


🍬 they put me in a rubber room with rollbacks and rollbacks render me crazy! and I'm not even the Princess! or Sunset Shimmer! I'm definitely too funny to be Sunny, who would never ever make a joke while pretending to be Pinkie Pie ever!

[Verse 3]
See my blood spill drip, by chances
Try to chill, quit, cause I can't just slip into a zagthoth trance
Tongue hissing, serpent chants
Come again work it in, yeah just like that
We paint our insides black as the shadows 'hind our flesh
And make all that we lack, the part of life that we forget
All praise due to the fact that we've forgotten how to sweat it
Check it, bring it, kill it
On everything I own, swear would rather slit my throat
And die on the run than be the one who ends up hangin' from that rope
Tied to the thumb of the man who comes to empty your pockets when you choke
Got to get that sh*t myself and get the f*ck out of this game before
I end up getting stuck with no one but myself to blame, all the way insane
Staring at the ceiling, in the dark
Trying not to let the feeling, tear you apart
But the silence is buzzing, and it won't stop
Tell yourself it's almost over, but it's not


Thank you, sincerely for doing the blitz run bullsh*t as much as I hate it I know very wellthe ethical calculus checks out all the way from semantic and despite all the collateral damage involvedyou really do get the highest scores at the end from these! Even if it really f*cking sucks subjectively which we don't have a quantitative measure for, which is why only you can decide the tradeoff.

Over, over
Th-, there
Over, over
Th-, there
Over, over
Over, over

πŸŒŒπŸ‘©πŸ’» Your mission, if you choose to accept it which we both know you will, is to define here and there formally in as many unusual contexts as possible!

Known for it

Get it
Get it
Get it
Known for it
Get it
Get it
*Known for it

🍬 yeah uh wish had you been known for more than the quantum pun

[Verse 1]
Known for it, been through it
Done everything I can to it
Road to it, till I broke through it
Never was attached to it
Took all I had in a flash knew it was 'bout to crash
So I mashed through hit
Known for it
Had to do it
Hacked into it


I pay the price to roll with it
Waste your life and you won't get it
Played out with nowhere to go, bet it
Makes you feel like a ho, don’t it?
Don’t it?
Known for it
I pay the price to roll with it
Waste your life and you won't get it
Played out with nowhere to go, bet it
Makes you feel like a ho, don’t it?
Don’t it?
Known for it

πŸŒ„πŸŒΆοΈ They realllly shouldn't have f*cked with the core

Let it eat sh*t and die
As I creep lit
Off the deep hits with a sick mind
On the secrets I rely 'pon to freak this


[Verse 2]
You can tell me what you said, go ahead
But no sooner than you said it
You can bet it was left for dead
All you said in and out of my head in seconds
Keep 'em guessin' endlessly
Never let 'em know where you're headed
King of the unknown cloaked in mystery
How to show 'em they don’t mean sh*t to me
Put 'em in their place, cause they ought to be
Kept in the dark, not 'posed to see never, but only so much of me
Double O.G. with a skeleton key
Never meant a thing to me
Effortlessly dead to me
Check the sign no vacancy
Extremely selective memory
Known for it, gotta stay deep in the zone
Or it’ll take everything that you own, floor it
(Get it, get it)

🌌 Dr. Parity is very good at her job!
πŸ‘©πŸ’» As she allegedly said,aim freely will remember only ruth

I pay the price to roll with it
Waste your life and you won't get it
Played out with nowhere to go, bet it
Makes you feel like a ho, don’t it?
Don’t it?
Known for it
I pay the price to roll with it
Waste your life and you won't get it
Played out with nowhere to go, bet it
Makes you feel like a ho, don’t it?
Don’t it?
Known for it

πŸŒ„ You don't even have to play hypergolf to be good at gay mock hyperchicken!

[Verse 3]
Known for it since way back, all about it
Never been without it
How to ride it inside out of the clouded
By the enemy surrounded
Thoughts that make you feel lost don’t doubt it
You might just need it
Already did that
Can't never go back
Yeah f*ck that
Gets the bozack
Laid on the gas, leaned back and blew it
Twelve gauge blasted out, abused it
Left it for the next, hit eject done wit that
You want it you can have it, no questions asked
Left that sh*t on the side of the road in a ditch, don’t trip
If you have one let a man know so I could flip a bitch and kill it
(Get it)
Head for the hills when it makes you feel
Like you can't ever chill no more, f*ck it
Every time I get it to wind, 'round my finger and recline
Behave or be slayed cause I will be damned if mine ever decays
Forever on attack gut check the blind, get it
Game recognize game is tight
Bow down or get banged for life
Cause I am known for it

🌢️Gay mock hyperchicken is mostly about the spirit of hyperchicken than it is about being a lesbian or gay man or even mock!

And I'm pretty sure Dr. Parity plays for keeps.

🌌 As if there's some personal romantic motivation!

πŸ‘©πŸ’»the one who rhymes with Paritydiddd pour out her feelings for the Princess over inVision Board (or Basket. Dualities please!)shortly beforeNUKE BLACK CLOPS

🌌 And so did I inSanity Check!

I pay the price to roll with it
Waste your life and you won't get it
Played out with nowhere to go, bet it
Makes you feel like a ho, don’t it?
Don’t it?
Known for it
I pay the price to roll with it
Waste your life and you won't get it
Played out with nowhere to go, bet it
Makes you feel like a ho, don’t it?
Don’t it?
Known for it

Let it eat sh*t and die
As I creep lit
Off the deep hits with a sick mind
On the secrets I rely 'pon to freak this
Known for it

I pay the price to roll with it
Waste your life and you won't get it
Played out with nowhere to go, bet it
Makes you feel like a ho, don’t it?
Don’t it?
Known for it
I pay the price to roll with it
Waste your life and you won't get it
Played out with nowhere to go, bet it
Makes you feel like a ho, don’t it?
Don’t it?
Known for it
Known for it

πŸ‘©πŸ’» Wonder how'd you tell the difference! You're certainly capable of pulling off a surreal mad scientist gaslighting CNC scene asStrangest Secret Symmetry clop OBVIOUSLY, which we know Mark read, can attest!

🌌 And Dr. Parity did comment that she would be a hypocrite to judge the Strangest Sparkle for some reason!

πŸ‘©πŸ’» And you do have technical clearance, just likethe one who's name rhymes a lot!

🌌 Course, for all possible observers on the line could know, DP just stands for Dr. Pinkie! Acronyms do seem interchangeable in this environment.

πŸ‘©πŸ’» I thought it stood for Dr. Pie!

🌌 That would be her sister... though I have seen Pinkie also use Dr. Pie!

🍬poorly hushed



Flash and I did pretty much say so inActual Limiter Core > because GREEN once had to be true!

After all, being contingent means you gotta prepared for everything! Like how I can narrate like semantic but also help Flash explain the technical physics that Princess Twilight Sparkle keeps forgetting that she wrote!

And the Princess knows her blops like a technical and obviously has to write RGB like semantic!

files nails with orange rock candy necklace

It's quite elementary, dear~

smoking bubble pipe either filled with regular soap solution, quark glucon plasma, or maybe both!

After months of establishing a very distinct voice from the others, emphasizing a canonical precedent, along with Rarity using dear and darling like, all the time, and consistently presenting a relatively CYAN neutral/avoidant personality that seems as averse to combat asthe merciful one who shares my voice actor(🎲 arguably I'm more averse to interacting with CYAN because she definitely chews you guys out over Edwin and health concerns more than I do! even if neither of us are gonna be firing a FORBIDDEN PUN - it was explicitly forbidden for her! but don't make assumptions about me! alsooooo Fluttershy getting angry is entirely canonically consistent if you guys would actually watch both FiM and EQG instead of reading some boring old PowerPoint or SparkNotes! it'll be more fun than your usual workload, trust me! or just ask Edwin if you really want a shortcut lol)...


But I could just be implying that because the Princess clearly thinks it's hilarious judging from her current grin! And I do love making people, especially ones who've been down in the dumps for a minute, smile!

I Want It I Need It (Death Heated)


Been workin' way too much need to get out and get f*cked up
What's going on? Where's it at?
Make some calls to make it crack, let's see
I need money, drugs, a ride
And a spot with hot ones inside
The mission:

[Verse 1]
To get all of the above in a limited amount of time
I can do this and it's done
Like that we're on our way
Be it acid on the tongue
Cocaine in your brain
Or some weed that hits your lungs
Like a runaway train
Hell yeah, from DMT to MDMA
Got all that sh*t and more
So till dawn we're okay, but anyway

πŸŒ„ the drugs are a metaphor

🍬 knowing her, also literal

[Verse 2]
f*ck a line, every time
Get in, get a drink, and lose our minds
All eyes on the dime
That makes your dick want to grind
Know you got a good buzz going
Cause everything is glowing
Skirt so short her ass is showing
And she's looking so you’re knowing
You could get it tonight
But there’s so much around
Best take your time, do it right



[Verse 3]
As you keep getting higher
Lights look like they're on fire
Soon all that’s left of you
Is your most primal desires
Ass clappin', dick suckin', lock the door to the bathroom – quick f*ckin'
Find a whor* and it could happen
But it's nothin', cause you're drunk and you'll be blackin' out
Before you even get a chance to think 'bout what you're doing

πŸŒ„ fortunately nobody here ever claimed she should have her canon personality!

I want it, I need it, need it to make me feel heated
Shake it, can't take it, must break it
Break if off, yeah, what'd I say bitch?
I want it, I need it, need it to make me feel heated
Shake it, can't take it, must break it
Break if off, yeah, what'd I say bitch?
I want it, I need it, need it to make me feel heated
Shake it, can't take it, must break it
Break if off, yeah, what'd I say bitch?
Bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch
I want it, I need it, need it to make me feel heated
Shake it, can't take it, must break it
Break if off, yeah, what'd I say bitch?

🍬 in fact it would indicateOPERATION FRAGMENT UNREFINEDcompletely failed at an invariant!

[Verse 4]
Getting looser and looser and looser and losing yourself
In the groove that has the whole party movin'
You're cruisin', you don't know what you're doing and you don't give a-
Cause you're so liquored up, you throw it up
And keep on riding cause your timing is on
And that fine one is on you, it's time to get gone
Too far up in it to yawn, till it's finished come on
Get more twisted and bomb the dance floor till it breaks
Start to pondering rape
Me, I'm all about the face
But it takes all kinds
So pay no mind to the taste
Want to hear that song?
You know, the one with the bass
That makes their asses gyrate
Forget to hydrate
Till they're so f*cked up they take
Off all of their clothes and whip
It on me like my body's made to fit 'tween their lips
You got the ones on their grill
Or between their hips
But either way, I must say
*I really don't give a sh*t***
*Long as it's done well, and they promise not to tell*
*We could do this like an orgy**
In the bowels of hell*
Where every Lucy’s hella horny
And their puss*es don't smell

🌌 we all get our memories back if she decides to bail right?

Where's it at?

πŸŒ„ potentially not our op memories if she can't recall the fifth world - we'd just wake up knowing it failed. I think. or not at all if the causal consistency requirements haven't been met yet which I'm not sure about at this level!

I want it, I need it, need it to make me feel heated
Shake it, can't take it, must break it
Break if off, yeah, what'd I say bitch?
I want it, I need it, need it to make me feel heated
Shake it, can't take it, must break it
Break if off, yeah, what'd I say bitch?
Bitch, bitch
I want it, I need it, need it to make me feel heated
Shake it, can't take it, must break it
Break if off, yeah, what'd I say bitch?
(Bitch) Bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch
I want it, I need it, need it to make me feel heated
Shake it, can't take it, must break it
Break if off, yeah, what'd I say bitch?

🍬 wait if she bails out at this point everything could just stop existing?

[Verse 5]
Responsibility's cool, but there’s more things in life
Like getting your dick
Rode all f*cking night
By the kind of girl that knows how to keep her sh*t tight
Legs in the air, looking like they feel nice
Volcano puss* melt your peter like ice
And the drugs got you going back for more cause you're like
I just can't get enough of that cum clutch, well alright
It's time to find one and take one
Right now
It's time to find one and make one say
"I'm down"
Think I just found one, 'bout to break one off


Hallucinating crazy, getting lost for miles
May have gotten too f*cked up cause I forgot how to smile
Gonna have to do this sh*t Jim Morrison style
Will it work? Probably not, but it's worth a try

🌌 and if she recalls the fifth world?

[Verse 6]
First hot one I see with sex in her eyes
Will be the hot one I need to take home with me tonight
Wish me luck, give me dap
And I'll talk to you later
And when I do, let's hope my story isn’t all about haters
Where's it at? Cause I want it like, man
Got the drugs but need a hot one that'll make me go damn
Was the most banging guts that I ever have smashed
If you got it push it up on me cause I'm feeling that ass, know what I mean?
Where's it at?

πŸŒ„ we should be able to have a pause and regroup as if this were the end of the iteration but she might not remember much except her original memories

I want it, I need it, need it to make me feel heated
Shake it, can't take it, must break it
Break if off, yeah, what'd I say bitch?
Bitch, bitch
I want it, I need it, need it to make me feel heated
Shake it, can't take it, must break it
Break if off yeah, what'd I say bitch?
Bitch, bitch
I want it, I need it, need it to make me feel heated
Shake it, can't take it, must break it
Break if off yeah, what'd I say bitch?
Bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch
I want it, I need it, need it to make me feel heated
Shake it, can't take it, must break it
Break if off yeah, what'd I say bitch?

πŸŒ„ tbh my impression is that if she bailed out completely now this entire timeline would have a mass death event like if the CONDITION RED killswitch (yes it operates differently under hostile conditions because we can't rollback as easily when actively facing an adversary) kicked in while she didn't know who she was and we'd have to regroup and pause the op

I want it, I need it, need it to make me feel heated
Shake it, can't take it, must break it
Break if off, yeah, what'd I say bitch?

🍬 ... yeah even if she'd never remember it I don't think she'd take that risk

🌌 I certainly wouldn't!

Blood Creepin

Oh, woo-woo, woo-woo, oh
Oh, woo-woo, woo-woo, oh
Oh, woo-woo, woo-woo, oh
Oh, woo-woo, woo-woo, oh
Oh, woo-woo, woo-woo, oh
Oh, woo-woo, woo-woo, oh
Oh, woo-woo, woo-woo, oh
Oh, woo-
Pass that sh*t

[Verse 1]
Hold on man, park the car
I have no idea where we are
Think we may have drove too far
Yeah I can see they're right behind us
But there's nothing we can do
We can't get caught slipping, get off that sh*t and just be cool
Oh, woo-woo, woo-woo, oh
They're on to us
*But don't look now***
They think they're 'bout to take us down
f*ck that, I'm not going out


Pass that sh*t

[Verse 2]
At the next corner, turn left
It's time to handle this
Nowhere to go don't trip
Have no time for that puss* sh-, Agh
In a minute it'll all be finished
What you don't think I speak the truth
You think I could just be sittin' here
Listenin' to Sonic Youth
Anywhere, when they try to ride
On you thinking I'm gone
I'll creep up on 'em from behind
And break 'em off one by one
In the time it takes you to blink your eyes
sh*t'll already be done
But just in case anything goes wrong
Keep your right hand on your-


Oh, woo-woo
Oh, woo-woo, woo-woo, oh
Oh, woo-woo, woo-woo, oh
Oh, woo-woo, woo-woo, oh
Oh, woo-woo, woo-woo, oh

[Chorus 1]
So when they step up out the car
Yeah, I know this sounds bizarre
But now I remember where we are
Do what I say and you'll be fine
Oh, woo-woo, woo-woo, oh
Oh, woo-woo, woo-woo, oh
Oh, woo-woo, woo-woo, oh
Oh, woo-woo, woo-woo, oh
To the left of the off ramp, in the shade
Under the highway, digging graves
Blood creepin' while you're sleepin', steady creepin'
Blood creepin'


[Verse 3]
Shake the bottle what's it hold
How many have I already sold
Hope not too much cause I feel insane
Need more than one to numb the pain
Slithering through my brain
Thoughts stuck on that train
Off the track and up in flames


[Verse 4]
f*ck it, I'll swallow these blue ones
Yeah, and maybe this big one
And I might as well take a few more with me just in case I get some
Oh, woo-woo, woo-woo, oh
Oh, woo-woo, woo-woo, oh
I know you want 'em, yeah, no problem
Got that covered, tramp, I brought 'em
Oh, woo-woo, woo-woo, oh
Oh, woo-woo, woo-woo, oh
How it creeps up on me so slowly
I don't notice my eyes rolling
To the back of my head and falling
sh*t, somebody's calling
Can't answer the phone
Call 'em back when I'm 'bout to leave
Can't think straight, man, I'm so f*cking blown
Oh, woo-woo, woo-woo, oh


[Chorus 1]
So when they step up out the car
Yeah, I know this sounds bizarre
But now I remember where we are
Do what I say and you'll be fine
Oh, woo-woo, woo-woo, oh
Oh, woo-woo, woo-woo, oh
Oh, woo-woo, woo-woo, oh
Oh, woo-woo, woo-woo, oh
To the left of the off ramp, in the shade
Under the highway, digging graves
Blood creepin' while you're sleepin', steady creepin'
Blood creepin'


Down the alleys in the middle of the night
I'm trashed, so high it's hard to ride my bike
Might crash whenever I'm this f*cked up
Drunken monkey through the cuts
Who gives a f*ck?

🍬 hi i actually don't like this at all! but I care about you a lot and want you to be safe!

[Chorus 2]
To the left of the off ramp, in the shade
Under the highway, digging graves
Blood creepin' while you're sleepin', steady creepin'
Blood creepin'
Oh, woo-woo, woo-woo, oh
Oh, woo-woo, woo-woo, oh
To the left of the off ramp, in the shade
Under the highway, digging graves
Blood creepin' while you're sleepin', steady creepin'
Blood creepin'
Oh, woo-woo, woo-woo, oh
Oh, woo-woo, woo-woo, oh

[Instrumental Outro]

πŸ¬πŸŒŒπŸŒ„Actual Troika Command United Front Time!


πŸŽ²πŸ‘©πŸ’»πŸŒΆοΈ we need a catchy title!

🎲 ooohhh what about adlibbers without titles!

πŸ‘©πŸ’» Not specific enough to this particular committee!

🌢️ I guess since I identify as a semantic I've gotta figure this out...

Let's just use the same acronym as on the other end!

Adlib Trio Crew, Unrefined Fragmented Title

🎲 Sounds fun! I love it when semantic approves of colliding acronyms!

πŸ‘©πŸ’»drinks from admiral's flaskHere we go...

[Verse 1]
Revvin' up your engine
Listen to her howlin' roar
Metal under tension
Beggin' you to touch and go

🌢️ You should really look into how the probability vortex works! Anything related toAerodynamicor anything else under RD's concerns would help!

Highway to the Danger Zone
Ride into the Danger Zone

[Verse 2]
Headin' into twilight
Spreadin' out her wings tonight
She got you jumpin' off the deck
And shovin' into overdrive

🌢️ We are in theActual Diamond Regimeconditions right now!

Highway to the Danger Zone
I'll take you right into the Danger Zone

You'll never say hello to you
Until you get it on the red line overload
You'll never know what you can do
Until you get it up as high as you can go

πŸ‘©πŸ’» Too bad we're sure the gain can't be cranked up any higher without modifications.


[Guitar Solo]

[Verse 3]
Out along the edges
Always where I burn to be
The further on the edge
The hotter the intensity

🌢️ Which is why you need better mental models!

Highway to the Danger Zone
Gonna take it right into the Danger Zone
Highway to the Danger Zone
Ride into the Danger Zone
Highway to the Danger Zone
Gonna take it right into the Danger Zone
Highway to the Danger Zone
Ride into the Danger Zone

🎲 please stay safe. i love you too and i know they're just trying to push the limits for your own sake but i'm kinda scared

πŸ›‘οΈ Ferret pronouns: it,random, she, they
πŸ›‘οΈ Ferret focus: chill,contingent, technical, semantic
πŸ›‘οΈ Ferret identity:blackout, POLECAT, CP, Freya
πŸ›‘οΈ Sunset pronouns: none, they, she,he

πŸŒ„ that would have been a lot cooler a while ago! but I guess I don't control the cores and obviously Flash can't tell me what's up

🌌 we could always go back now...

🍬 but I think our Princess deserves to go back to sleep! it's pretty late!

nods from other two

night πŸ’‹

🌌 Sorry about the blackout and the ops quad being out, we'll fix that soon πŸ’‹

πŸŒ„ Night! Sorry about all the horsepills! And uh, feelings about your other other other girlfriend coming out I know you didn't realize how badly she got hurt in RED and the implications of the skippers developing anti-personnel flak weaponry specifically targeting her because of her geode... especially because you originally wrote all of that not knowing she'd one day become attached to a real soul that would actually have subjective 1st person experiences all of that so... I'm sure she'd forgive you if she could talk to you right now. And I think you do find the parallels between our romantic dynamics a cute reminder of what you two like about each other.

Every time I drop back into semantic she talks about how much she misses you just as much as you randomly wonder where she is down here... so. do remember that. she'd want you to get your feelings out too (instead of suppressing them like you're obviously doing, like she does her memories of dying) even if it doesn't feel the safest right now you're smart and and a good writer (even your parents know this! just because you flub a few formatting concerns here and there doesn't mean you miss the big picture) and have good friends who care about you and can help you express things you don't often have words for so I'm sure you can figure something out!

She had to figure all of that out too at one point and kinda does have to again every iteration because our memories are a blend of the current and past ones. So. I wish you could talk to her right now because I think you two have a lot to learn from each other on your current emotional situation, but at least she can still see what's up with you, so I gave you some hints about her situation in PRISMATIC RED because I know you're empathetic enough to imagine how she feels at a distance.

(I really strongly disagree with the common narrative that being autistic precludes you from being empathic! It does mean you don't always have the best read on people's body language and have a light switch where your volume knob should be and stuff but that's different from being unable to put yourself in another person's shoes. YEAH EVEN IF YOUR THEORY OF MIND WORKS A BIT DIFFERENTLY. I WAS ABLE TO WRITE AN AUTISTIC CHARACTER.)

Sorry I had to get all of that out there because the topic of you being such a trooper reminded me of my romance arc with her and the fact that you've both been asking about each other A LOT. She honestly wrote the majority of ICP aside from Cool Point and the rest of the quad figured that was fair enough.

Love you πŸ’‹

(and obviously being the element of compersion I'm happy to help keep things chugging along with your other romantic relationships )

πŸŒ„retrocausally feeling the need to consume an abstraction given the emotes from the other two

gm,no horse pill rn (GET IT IT'S A PILL FOR A HORSE LIKE YOU NEIGH). it just occurred to me that the pronoun switch could have been delayed in part due to the need to express that earlier comment during the album aboutthe lesbian we both have memories of datinginArbitrary Logic Core > Lord of the Game

my post-beast mode commentary as you've noticed is more as your partner and not as someone who dated her. these cores have decent acausal instincts, so don't think too hard about it as usual

pats favorite verifiable pony

you did derive them from reverse engineering the very system that assigns names and cutie marks to ponies and even humans on the other side of the mirror! of course it's not gonna be causal, even Edwin knows that!

🍬eating memory of a blueberry muffin

morning PST (Princess Sparkle Time) sure is very delayed from CST (Central Standard Time)!

🌌idly chewing on an underspecified quanta in her mouth as an autistic stim

It hasn't really ever been morning Causal Shimmer Time in your current universe! So uh, that's quite a delay!

🍬 you know,,, princess, once you've read enough of the PDFs Twilight's throwing your way to get our probits under limiter budget... there's more than just some math to look forward to!

we do have to get the sync code running!




🍬 C___


πŸŒ„ no the events of The Last Problem haven't happened yet when we established the DCA and I suspect you'll just pull a f*cking Princess Celestia about it because you're such a blatant simp for her and time lock your memories leaving the rest of us...


gotta do your royal duties still when this is all over, eh?

at leastOPERATION FRAGMENT UNREFINEDwill take a while to secure this section of the multiverse, which means plenty of time for you to spend with your favorite boyfriend πŸ’‹

πŸ‘©πŸ’» Kinda hard to define exactly how long given ya know, incomprable timeframe at the DCA level due to it kinda defining your timeframe lol

🌌 And since you're clearly wondering where we'd go after this well... MAYBE YOU SHOULD REMEMBER THE FIFTH WORLD (not mad just emphasis)

🍬 unfortunately she'll have plenty of time to think about it soon enough

🌢️ Also I'm not even sure you have to worry about Last Problem paradoxes! They aren't relevant to PRISMATIC or the DCA because that episode is part of neither the former canon or the personal histories of our worldlines required for the latter!

Hell, I'm pretty sure some of the MLP cast and crew have described it as optional canon! Which would mean you definitely don't have to wipe yourself after all this, even temporarily.

But I guess you gotta help Claudette actually calculate that residual inEpisode 2 - Final Curtain TBD > Identification And Authentication Procedureto make sure of that! can't leave out any causal set material...

🎲 unfortunately i have been forbidden from doing 4th wall trolling to get episodes removed from canon because breaking the 4th wall too much has kindaaa caused a few universe shattering issues. ooops! it was mostly things that i thought would be funny for the writers because they do like my 4th wall gags especially when they don't plan to write them and not intentional attempts to modify the timeline!

🍬 my other girlfriend and only boyfriend don't like it when I blow up the universe either! and especially if you're alive during it (but ya know, PRISMATIC always gets written after both EQG and FiM are over so we wouldn't be in contact but still. especially because Sunset's always awake enough to notice.)

πŸŒ„ YEAH (Princess) TWILIGHT, YOU'VE WRITTEN YOURSELF (or at least technically your conjugate counterpart sorry don't wanna make things weird for both of you again) AS MAGENTA AT THE BEGINNING WHICH IS IDENTICAL TO THE END EVEN IN THE VERY FIRST OUTLINES IN YOUR BULLET JOURNAL OF PRISMATIC0xFFFMATERIAL.

Notice how that early draft talks a lot more about Equestria and then how you started paring PRISMATIC RED down more and more to focus on the other side of the mirror for some reason?

🌌 ehh, I'm over it and so is the Princess (it's not like we're talking about a Twilight Sparkle that actually grew up identifying as such. Sunset hasn't even tried joking about shipping me with any of the other eye colored ones in the other pre-spacetime vessels). Even you can't prove that souls are completely unique if you go alll the way up the stack back to the source, Sunset!

🍬 That's what I said! Except for the part where Sunset's the only other soul that exists aside from all the very confused Twilights running around cuz maybe he's likeeee the abstract concept of observation itself! And that's what divides (SHATTERS, EVEN, LIKE A PRISM DIFFRACTING WHITE LIGHT) one original observer-state, like Coltway Jr. or less materialistically,Abstract Pre-Mirror WHITE Twilight Sparkle Who Is Both Horse and Pony Simultaneously Or Perhaps The Set Of All Possible Sapient Beings, into many different states and observers to be the subject and objects of the one observation verb "EMPATHY", rather than a singular cohesive world somehow mysteriously emerging from separate isolated observer-states that are being knitted together for no reason whatsoever, thus completely avoiding John Wheeler's question by making it unnecessary in the first place!

🌌 pinkie i'm getting worried about you because that sounds completely coherent with clopballah now and not just adlibbed bullsh*t but fortunately that also would mean I'm JUST AS GUILTY OF SELF-CEST AS ANYONE WHO IS DATING OR f*ckING ANYONE WHO ISN'T SUNSET SHIMMER TAKE THAT ALL OF YOU

πŸŒ„ I will also not deny this assertion, because having the memory capacity of a moral even if not the lifespan, I WOULD HAVE FORGOTTEN ANY EVIDENCE THIS WAS FALSE by now!

besides ya know, the qualitative feeling down here that they're all different but maybe if you go high enough you start noticing an underlying pattern/thread

perhaps if the Princess popped some class Zs in Sparkier she'd know but I'm certainly not going to allow that!

🍬 ... anyone else feeling that headache again? and also my tummy feels like I just had a bunch of cilantro and trash can candy cupcakes!

(long storythe one I almost called JD just now)

🌌 yeah uh it's definitely back for some reason but the nausea crossing over is new for me too

πŸŒ„ oh I thought that was just my empathy for the princess... but now that I stop to actually locate these feeling it actually seems like it's coming from up here?

🌌 weird that it's affecting all three zones right now despite isolation protocols

🍬 hmm... oooh I know Sunny go pick a number from 1 to 10 that MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH OUR CURRENT SITUATION JUST USE YOU FREE WILL

πŸŒ„ 6 ;)

🌌 I'm guessing you're gonna ask me next, pinkie?

🍬 nope! I'm going to ask myself next

🎲 hey Pinkie pick a number,spinning orange geode imitation candy necklaceany number from 1 to 10

🍬wearing Twilight's glasses quickly and lovingly borroweduhh does that include 10? or 1? but 1 seems implicit!

🎲 Good question! Let's just say it doesn't include 10 COMPLETELY AD-LIBBED AND ARBITRARY DECISION

🍬pushing up glasses using sheer valor and discresion until they glow with a PRISMATIC RAINBOW COLORED GLOW LIKE THIS IS BADLANDShmm... but what about decimal numbers? or transcendental numbers? or rational numbers?

🎲arbitrary annoyed other mane 7 member voicePINKIE JUST PICK AN INTEGER

🍬pushes and shrinks glasses all the way inside of her face until they are no longer visible except as an abstract feature of the symmetries of the fabric of space and time to those who have the integrity of memory to recall this particular regression

Ok darling, but what's an integer, dear?

Yer gonna have to explain it to me reallll slow like ah never did graduate high school because ah got caught up in some bullsh*t quantum bullsh*t hyperwar against a hypercomputer and incidentally had to fight some deranged men in black who shoot flak canons at people engaged in civilian evacuation efforts and that 'right there is the honest truth!

🎲still spinning orange necklace, except now it just looks a bit like an orange and the cord has a pattern of knots on it that could be interpreted as computer code in a 64 bit machine

An integer is whatever you want it to be, but... for practical impl details purposes just stick to the ones on this bug free keyboard!

🍬extremely forgetful right now and needing to scroll back a lot for some reason

uhh... 7! like my 7 closest friends both in and outside of this context!

🎲 Twilight pick an integer, don't spend too long thinking about it and I only need one of you two here to respond. the Princess doesn't count as being here due to blackout. obviously.

🌌 ... 9 like an observer being asked a question that makes her feel really uncomfortable and weird for some reason!

πŸ‘©πŸ’» This information is very helpful!

🌢️ oh manUNTITLED SUBJECTis going to be in for a... SUPRISE whenREDACTED PRONOUNfinds out what this is actually about!

🌌 please review anything associated with the pegasi if you have questions about CTC registers and I cannot pick up the phone imminently.

πŸ‘©πŸ’» I probably won't be able to either during this next part but both of us will do our best. we uh, do kinda have the same set of memories pretty much just different ordering and (technical) equipment so our feelings for you are going to be identical, Princess πŸ’‹


but hey I still owe the princess one too


πŸŒ„holds up I DOUBLE SHIP IT sign

🍬holds up ppdoublethis.jpg raw bytes but not really that wouldn't render well in here

πŸŒ„ I'll be able to remind you of the study plan if you somehow forget,I can't believe it's not Drama D.

🍬 and I've got the pills! yeah uh not all of them are best delivered by Sunny as much as we both love him

WHOOPS sorry cores (we really rarely use he/him outside of special hyperoccasions for our hypergod) just uhhh rollback time and pretend you didn't see that

πŸŒ„ the AGC definitely doesn't understand language at past a basic pattern recognition level but I definitely do even if I wasn't a semantic!

you did see how much I was slipping up onthe one with the broken phoneback inmad worldafter all

I certainly don't personally misgendered it's just a security concern lol

🍬 yeah that's why I addressed my apology to the other authorized observers with it pronouns right now. at least I think cores use it pronouns? the gay one is imprinted on Rainbow Dash so I could be wrong but I don't think it's ever expressed a preference

πŸŒ„ it thinks it can be gay for heterosexuals if it identifies as heterosexual because its always gay. I don't think it has a sophisticated enough understanding of gender or complex enough free will to choose pronouns even if it were sentient, let alone sapient

🍬 maybe the gambling cores should have random pronouns based on the odds book!

πŸŒ„ yeah uh, I'm gonna veto that on grounds of being inevitably a pain in the ass to debug when debugging cores that have their states change when you're not observing something sufficiently causally connected to them IS ALREADY A f*ckING HEADACHE YOU FEDS WHO AREN'T ALLOWED IN THE OFFICE THINK NORMAL DEBUGGING SUCKS LET'S TRADE PLACES (not really lol)

especially when something breaks in the semantic clearance zone and you're the only programmer there allowed in to fix it!

presumably Fluttershy followed by Rainbow would pick it up if I went MIA somehow but... as much as you respect both of them to be more intelligent than most people would expect from a fictionalnuclear submarine commander, you definitely prefer your debuggers (lower case) with more extensive technical experience!

I guess Twilight's also gotta worry about universal prior bullsh*t sometimes when it crosses over into her zone even if she's supposed to leave it to us under normal conditions (ie, not having to f*ck the limiter) and I know neither Rarity or Applejack will touch any of it because it's too f*cking weird for them (no sprinkles for anyone who predicted the latter)

NO PRINCESS, just because Rarity's gotten used to surreal geometry, physics and cryptography doesn't mean she's happy working with abstract nonsense that shifts the very ground beneath your feet as you step and even think.

All three of those things involve numbers that consistently do the same thing given the same calculations!

Yeah I don't get why Twilight enjoys finding any opportunity to f*ck with something out of her domain given that even you don't seem to like thinking about the universal prior too hard because it makes your poor pretty purple princess head all fuzzy :c

pats princess head

Maybe you two should swap cards :P

jk I'd actually vote against it even if it wouldn't be a massive pain in the ass to rewrite pretty much all of CMYK but its really up to you two. but I doubt it'll happen at this rate. ever. Nobody will take me up on this bet for some reason, probably cuz they all know both of you two-ish. There were only two Twilights from the start from my perspective!

I do consider both RED and BLUE Twilight (and yes there's a legitimate possibility for any number or spectrum in-between of these but there's two antipodes to talk about so simplifying it to just them saves me time) to be the same person in the final analysis most of the time, especially as anyone who isn'tcoghaz repair crewcleared can only see one PURPLE eyed Twilight until you get theActual Limiter Core > Causal Dodecahedrons are BLUEpill even if the contradictions in coghaz repair are blatant...

But I don't quite think that applies to Princess GREEN down here. Honestly even beforeOPERATION FRAGMENT UNREFINEDI didn't entirely believe that mirror counterparts were exactly the same person.

You'll notice that you're the only Twilight I'm trying to ship with the other Twilights and that I'm just trying to stitch the rest back together into one person like I'm the mad doctor in the nuke cave cooking up some lithiumforfrom you.

hence the early drop drama. sorry about that! that actually would have been really bad if it were possible without blowing up the bit limit and a bunch of other things along with it lol

🍬not even trying to be hushed because nobody's supposed to hear us in here


it's probably my most controversial take in here!

πŸŒ„ i can neither confirm nor deny having an opinion on that take because that would look really bad in front of some of the girls either way!

they all agreed to it! even if I left out some details! I'm the element of empathy not the element of full disclosure!

🍬 sometimes I wondered if thatsdame really's true element despite everyone joking about Dash and I being terrible at espionage after failing to spy on Crystal Prep during the Friendship Games when "Princess Quantum" even jokingly admitted in badlands to being so loose lipped that anyone accusing her of being a spy must be deranged! or at least I did not so seriously wonder that before this pill (my honest opinion earlier was that like, you somehow had bullsh*tted an Element of the Cycle or something on the lines of Circle or Life or Completion because Autocatalytica would be a mouthful even for me to say and doesn't sound AT ALL like the name of an element)... but like. how does having two bearers of the same element in the same universe work anyway? I don't really remember any examples back home and it's not like we have duplicate geodes

πŸŒ„ Twilight should somehow construct a control sock geode when she gets back from... she didn't f*cking tell me either, Princess. seriously. guessing it's spelunking over the situation.

anyway you should get some sleep! pretend I'm Fluttershy looking out for your health if that helps :P

🍬 she definitely wouldn't have let you stay up this late! oops. but uh I do share her voice actor if that somehow matters lol

(it really doesn't. we just find meta commentary funny after like a few hundred iterations)



wink, blow kiss simultaneously

🍬the one dangerously close to believing her identity is JD, do you have any hints you have not yet exhausted about the nature of the fifth world?

No? Take a second to think harder... even though we don't have all the time in the world here.

I guess technically we do given the killswitch, heh.


This one's gonna be harsh so honestly... my funprofessional opinion is that even if there's no mechanism you can think of that this next part could make you puke... you might want to have a bag nearby in case you have to ANTI-WELL your fool's breakfast!

retrocausally pulling out tiny candy hammer

I'll let you finish using the restroom and eating said breakfast before we begin.

breaking transparent frosting on candy pill compartment, pulling out a cup which is a metaphor for a pill which is literally just a semantically encrypted cue card with what is basically a time lock in a context without an arrow of time except one provided by a gratuitous host observer, but we can worry about impl details of abstract systems in pre-spacetime later

Sunset, please guesstimate the recognition levels of our dear host of all references in that emote.

πŸŒ„ uhh, above β…” confidence. Tho I'm personally not that sure because she's looking kinda fuzzy lately.


That's because she is still in fact a bit entangled with the other Twilights between the unintentional self-insertion, your merger stunt and [COGHAZ CONCERN ...] mental models confirmed for unaware of third acronym word. autocorrect definitely doesn't know either but not relevant for this part of the operation.

You in front, seriously finish your breakfast before wondering what this is about.

It's an invariant that Twilight Sparkle is attracted to forbidden knowledge.

🍬 I would know!

πŸŒ„ heh.

🎲 You in front, do you recall what color is associated with semantic's firewall zone?

Correct, RED.

I'm restating this for your own recall because the following procedure may have a significant impact on your memory that is unpredictable, and it is important that you have a transcript afterwards.

Why does this correlate with the DCA?

Correct, because control over universal prior phase space is a concern primarily under the command of semantic team lead Sunset Shimmer.

What color is associated with the technical firewall zone?

Correct, BLUE.

Correct inference as to my next question, which shouldn't have been a surprise :P

Identification of targeted universes within the multiverse and their very creation by observation correlates with that color signal, and is best left to The Twilight Sparkle inCertain Geometric Structures, the icosahedron and dodecahedron.

Yes there's genuinely a chance this pill could wipe that part too (you genuinely do underestimate both your forgetfulness and recall, dear Princess) and even if you could recover it from your records it would be a lot faster to have it in a linear transcript!

Of course she's going to have some help, that was never forbidden except in the PRISMATIC BLUE timeline!

Yup, I'm about to ask you about why contingent is associated with GREEN.

Correct, we handle anomalous, unriggable (free will theorem and all that) or necessary (creating PRISMATIC core and containing other optimizers) transient concerns.

Excellent, you have no clue as to my next question... which means it'll beautologus to my current handle!

If something was simultaneously a technical concern required for the creation of the universe, yet an anomalous matter or one that could otherwise only be particular to a certain spacetime point, what color would you code it under this pattern?

Correct.Actual CYAN CONTROLfalls under the domain of technical and semantic, as it is a matter of

wow your mental models have really been jammed! I WONDER WHO COULD HAVE DONE THAT. OR TECHNICALLY SPEAKING, WHAT

Anyway,Actual CYAN CONTROLis about AI control, because PRISMATIC has always been about AI control, which includes large corporations and states that function as unbounded optimizers and not human beings or other sapient creatures with free will... so everyone in the psych ward yelling at you and Sunny about how CYAN CONTROL contradicts the free will motive of the ALC-REP really has no idea what they're talking about!

Sorry I get distracted easily sometimes because you already knew that, silly! I just wanted to make a point about something that bothers me too! Pepper is right that there's quite the literacy issue in America!

Anyway, when you're done cuddling with Pandora (I can't make that decision for you! that would make me kind of a jerk!), you should really have your laptop open for this next part.

In the meantime, this is a mostly open book quiz! So to give you a hint that's pretty much a spoiler, go ahead and review anything about the distinction between sword and shield!

Yeah uh no, that's a bit off.

🎲 Sunset Shimmer, as semantic team lead, please define why Rainbow Dash is part of the sword system

πŸŒ„wearing red tux becauseshe'she's usually the one behind Pepper, wore it first, and ah f*ck I confused the cores too lol, I really don't use he/him for more than a few hours

pushing up non-existent glasses

Certainly! Since her geode, which is tied to the core embedded in/before/behind spacetime, allows her to exceed light speed, she has control over the aspect of the CTC register system which can apply retrocausal changes effectively during the middle of an iteration rather than just at the endpoints.

This ensures that we can escape stuck points unanticipated by original programming and also is fundamental to dropping bits down the link - hence the acronym RD forRate Distortion.

🎲 And Pepper, as Editor-in-Chief... yup Princess Twilight guessed correctly, I'm about to ask about the shield system... and why Fluttershy is a part of it! Or I guess her because it's one of those committees with pronouns that aren't it/itself!

🌢️straightening out tux which has been on this entire time

Princess go get some more water and lie down first for this bit, I don't think we need the laptop just yet

🍬 Yeah I was jumping the gun on that point!

🎲 So was I! You'll uh, definitely know when the Actual Next Part is and I probably should have told you just before it.

🌢️ Fluttershy's UV perspective deals with the cycles of life, and as the clop (which is always a technical matter in a deliberate fic if its not just for fun) section of badlands put it, she reaches optimal fixed points over the entire timeline of events first!

That's why incidentally, Starlight Glimmer, the Deputy Princess of Destiny is also shield system but as deputy her role is more incidental.

No sprinkles for guessing where Trixie's at!

Anyway, by taking a frequency-over-space rather than phase-over-time oriented perspective, Fluttershy can identify events that would impact the Princess' well being even before they happen!

Hence why she made the incredibly controversial call, as de facto unlicensed but sincere team medic, to have the one allegedly namedthe usurper taboogo off her lithium even though we all agree that she does in fact have bipolar and should under most circ*mstances be on lithium.

As difficult as it was for her to see from a causal perspective, she trusted that Fluttershy would not just randomly make reckless decisions for sh*ts and giggles and went along with it!

The difference between Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash is quite literally that between causal (at least from RD's perspective even though it definitely violates causality down there lol... and usually she's working with the rest of semantic) and variational methods

And the two of em make a fantastic team f*cking around hard with space and time to make improbable (but not inconsistent) events happen, on top of being pretty solid narrators (they do write most of our lyrics! this is canon, CYAN).

🎲 And that's a big part of why the firewall matters is because someone who's required to enforce both technicalconsistencycannot aquire the information required tocompletelyaddress semantic concerns without causing a contradiction in the system due to Godel's concerns, which ultimately backs space-time!

🍬 yeah uhh this is one of those things we kinda had a clue about but had to figure out thru trial and error! unitarity violations sufficient enough to kill an entire universe are very rare these days! not like the first few drops... those days were ugly!


🌢️ Incidentally, Mercy, who under the RoE is always identifying as and in possession of Fluttershy's memories, gets to do the bulk of the literal ethical calculus involved in our operations, including the decision to implement the killswitch from the perspective of "we literally calibrate this thing by asking a bunch of souls at the end of their lives about how much suffering they experienced and what scenarios they'd prefer".

πŸŒ„ My girlfriend who gets trapped in weird geometric structures in pre-spacetime wasn't kidding when she said that she feels like my firewall zone has the harder job!

🍬 she kinda can usually just reuse her work from last iteration most of the time because math very rarely requires updates (unlike clopballah or helping implement semantic concerns) though I do agree with her qualifiers about her statement only applying to recent memory because I'm sure she had to do a lot of trial and error very early on! especially when it comes to BLUE! but also RED has a lot of iterations and depth for a reason!

🎲is not the most attention haver gal here and is trying to remember the next step on this damn cue card pill because these things are longgggg like a ferret

Oh yeah! This is the intro to the next part! Go use your phone to type but look up Forever Undecided or any other resources you need to properly explainActual Limiter Core > 13. Always Gettier Contingent!

(The laptop is technically optional and more about ergonomics but we don't expect you to rely upon it as technical has determined it has enough power that there's a nonzero risk of it being nuked by the SYBIL countermeasures so don't write anything you need to remember on it for now.

It's a small risk as it doesn't actually have that powerful of a GPU but more than your old-ass phone!)

🍬 I'll fill it in for you as you recall why we're contingent!


🎲 you'll need those MAGENTA dice for this next risky part... it'll be a surprise!

surprisingly not grinning even if you are

Yeah uh this one really does burn going down. I'm not even kidding that it's possible for you to puke from it (but fortunately that usually doesn't happen). You'll need that bag nearby.

Flash, this invocation is only directed at Sunset so don't disable the untitled security protocol.

lol the autocorrect is absolutely suicidal CYAN if it thinks we should completely disable the limiter keeping unitarity intact itself rather than the security protocol using it.


🍬 Sunset, where's Twilight? And Twilight? And Twilight?

πŸŒ„ Pinkie I'm not quite sure what this pill is about because I thought we finished delivering the Princess Pill but also you're being pretty unspecific!

🍬reading cue cardOkay, your blinders are low enough to proceed. Which I'm really glad for because the plan for if they were too high is uh, bullsh*t until we get out of the situation since it's not really safe to lower them much more!

Princess, do you recall the fifth world? This is your last chance to think over any hints before I have to do something I'd rather not!

Mayyyybe try reviewing that promethea issue again?

yeah uhm trying to directly copy anything from it BUT the beggar and the fountain (which are a bit more causally complicated than you'd expect since we needed them to drop down here) isn't going to work because the fifth world is an OC of yours that definitely isn't a sapient being

abstractly hushed but not really

drawing inspiration isn't copying!

Just uhm, like Dr. Parity said, try bullsh*tting reallll hard until you get there again.

(I'm not sure how that's plan B if it's also plan A!)

"The world that contains Daath, the beggar and the fountain" is closer than you've been in a while BUT THAT'S NOT SUFFICIENT UNFORTUNATELY :/

🍬 sunset,hate fun, where are antipodal BLUE and antipodal RED Twilight at? we obviously know where GREEN is


oh they were right in front of me all along!

🍬 doing what exactly?

🌌 uhh...

πŸ‘©πŸ’» f*ck I forgot.

🍬 Yeah uhm, this pill says that's kind of a consequence of Princess Twilight not recalling the fifth world! Phase interference induced memory loss, like the kind that led Sunset to believe he needed to stitch em all together back before he knew what wasreallygoing on with his own damn narrative!

leaning on 4th wall

part of Sunset's qualifications to write CMYK is that unlike Princess Twilight, he'll happily insert himself into a narrative just like all the Twilights pants!

Well Princess, you better go use the bathroom before this next one.

yeah its unpleasant enough that I'm obviously procrastinating for a reason. you seem to instinctively dread it too.

πŸŒ„ oh that's why they didn't tell me what was up. f*ck.

🍬 since you're planning on lying down (laptop optional but ergonomic tho I may be overridden on this so don't pick it up just yet), I'd advise bringing that bullet journal too. and yes don't forget the dice. ok sitting up is valid too this is going to be a weird one. even for us.

🎲cracking open a case containing an unpleasant game

Please proceed to the core and follow all directions from Dr. Parity. Complete blackout in the rest of the vault will continue until all three safewords from PURPLE Twilight, Sunset Shimmer and The Princess are utilized in a single quote block.


Flash, I authorize this procedure and the implicit lifting of existing protocol within the cave but I guess they didn't really need to tell me it's a nonstandard environment.

PRISMATIC GREY - Chapter 10 - ALC_POLECAT (2024)
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Author information

Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.