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Section 15Electrical and Electronics


C. JAMES ERICKSON Retired Principal Consultant,CHARLES D. POTTS Retired Project Engineer, E. I. dBYRON M. JONES Consulting Engineer, Assistant Pr

University of Wisconsin—Platteville.

Electrical and Magnetic Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Conductors and Resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Electrical Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Magnetism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Batteries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dielectric Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Transients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc.u Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc.ofessor of Electrical Engineering,


revised by Charles D. Potts

. . . . . . . . . . . 15-2. . . . . . . . . . . 15-4. . . . . . . . . . . 15-8. . . . . . . . . . . 15-8. . . . . . . . . . 15-11. . . . . . . . . . 15-15. . . . . . . . . . 15-16

Power Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-51Wiring Calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-53Interior Wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-55Resistor Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-61Magnets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-62Automobile Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-66

15.2 ELECTRONICSby Byron M. Jones

Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-68

Alternating Currents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-18Electrical Instruments and Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-20DC Generators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-25DC Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-27Synchronous Generators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-31Induction Generators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-34Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-34Transformers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-34AC Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-37AC-DC Conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-41Synchronous Converters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-42Rating of Electrical Apparatus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-43Electric Drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-44Switchboards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-44Power Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-46

Discrete-Component Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-71Integrated Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-75Linear Integrated Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-75Digital Integrated Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-79Computer Integrated Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-82Computer Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-83Digital Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-85Power Electronics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-85Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-87Telephone Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-90Global Positioning Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-90


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revised by Charles D. Potts

REFERENCES: Knowlton, ‘‘Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineers,’’McGraw-Hill. Pender and Del Mar, ‘‘Electrical Engineers’ Handbook,’’ Wiley.Dawes, ‘‘Course in Electrical Engineering,’’ Vols. I and II, McGraw-Hill. Gray,‘‘Principles and Practice of Electrical Engineering,’’ McGraw-Hill. Laws, ‘‘Elec-trical Measurements,’’ McGraw-Hill. Karapetoff-Dennison, ‘‘Experimental Elec-trical Engineering and Manual for Electrical Testing,’’ Wiley. Langsdorf, ‘‘Prin-ciples of Direct-current Machines,’’ McGraw-Hill.Circuits and Machinery,’’ Vols. I and II, Wiley.Current Electricity and Its Application to Industryples of Alternating-current Machinery,’’ McGraw‘‘Alternating-current Machinery,’’ Wiley. Lov

exists between the conductors. Its value is expressed as a ratio of aquantity of electricity to a potential difference. A capacitance value isalways positive. The farad is the capacitance of a capacitor between theplates of which there appears a difference of potential of one volt whenit is charged by a quantity of electricity equal to one coulomb.

nstant («0) is the electrostatic energy storedfor unit potential gradient. The permittivity8.85 3 10212 farads per metre.

electric Constant («r) is the ratio of electro-volume of a dielectric for a unit potential

Copyright (C) 1999 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Use ofthis product is subject to the terms of its License Agreement. Click here to view.

Hehre and Harness, ‘‘ElectricTimbie-Higbie, ‘‘Alternating

,’’ Wiley. Lawrence, ‘‘Princi--Hill. Puchstein and Lloyd,

ell, ‘‘Generating Stations,’’

Permittivity or dielectric coper unit volume of a vacuumof a vacuum or free space is

Relative Permittivity or Distatic energy stored per unit

McGraw-Hill. Underhill, ‘‘Coils and Magnet Wire’’ and ‘‘Magnets,’’ McGraw-Hill. Abbott, ‘‘National Electrical Code Handbook,’’ McGraw-Hill. Dyke, ‘‘Au-tomobile and Gasoline Engine Encyclopedia,’’ The Goodheart-Wilcox Co., Inc.Fink and Carrol, ‘‘Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineers,’’ McGraw-Hill.


System of Units The International System of Units (SI) is beingadopted universally. The SI system has its roots in the metre, kilogram,second (mks) system of units. Since a centimeter, gram, second (cgs)system has been widely used, and will still be used in some instances,Tables 15.1.1 and 15.1.2 are provided for conversion between the twosystems. Basic SI units are metre, kilogram (mass), second, ampere,kelvin, mole (quantity), and candela (luminous intensity). Other SI unitsare derived from these basic units.

Electrical Units(See Table 15.1.1.)

Current (I, i) The SI unit of current is the ampere, which is equal toone-tenth the absolute unit of current (abampere). The abampere ofcurrent is defined as follows: if 0.01 metre (1 centimetre) of a circuit isbent into an arc of 0.01 metre (1 centimetre) radius, the current is 1abampere if the magnetic field intensity at the center is 0.01257 ampereper metre (1 oersted), provided the remainder of the circuit produces nomagnetic effect at the center of the arc. One international ampere(9.99835 amperes) (dc) will deposit 0.001118 gram per second of silverfrom a standard silver solution.

Quantity (Q) The coulomb is the quantity of electricity transportedin one second by a current of one ampere.

Potential Difference or Electromotive Force (V, E, emf) The volt isthe difference of electric potential between two points of a conductorcarrying a constant current of one ampere, when the power dissipatedbetween these points is equal to one watt.

Resistance (R, r) The ohm is the electrical resistance between twopoints of a conductor when a constant difference of potential of onevolt, applied between these two points, produces in this conductor acurrent of one ampere, this conductor not being the source of any elec-tromotive force.

Resistivity (r) The resistivity of a material is the dc resistance be-tween the opposite parallel faces of a portion of the material having unitlength and unit cross section.

Conductance (G, g) The siemens is the electrical conductance of aconductor in which a current of one ampere is produced by an electricpotential difference of one volt. One siemens is the reciprocal of oneohm.

Conductivity (g) The conductivity of a material is the dc conduc-tance between the opposite parallel faces of a portion of the materialhaving unit length and unit cross section.

Capacitance (C) is that property of a system of conductors and dielec-trics which permits the storage of electricity when potential difference


gradient to the permittivity («0) of a vacuum. The relative permittivity isa number.

Self-inductance (L) is the property of an electric circuit which deter-mines, for a given rate of change of current in the circuit, the emfinduced in the same circuit. Thus e1 5 2 Ldi1/dt, where e1 and i1 are inthe same circuit and L is the coefficient of self-inductance.

The henry is the inductance of a closed circuit in which an electromo-tive force of one volt is produced when the electric current varies uni-formly at a rate of one ampere per second.

Mutual inductance (M) is the common property of two associatedelectric circuits which determines, for a given rate of change of currentin one of the circuits, the emf induced in the other. Thus e1 5 2 Mdi2/dtand e2 5 2 Mdi1/dt, where e1 and i1 are in circuit 1; e2 and i2 are incircuit 2; and M is the mutual inductance.

The henry is the mutual inductance of two separate circuits in whichan electromotive force of one volt is produced in one circuit when theelectric current in the other circuit varies uniformly at a rate of oneampere per second.

If M is the mutual inductance of two circuits and k is the coefficient ofcoupling, i.e., the proportion of flux produced by one circuit which linksthe other, then M 5 k(L1L2)1/2, where L1 and L2 are the respectiveself-inductances of the two circuits.

Energy (J ) in a system is measured by the amount of work which asystem is capable of doing. The joule is the work done when the point ofapplication of a force of one newton is displaced a distance of one metrein the direction of the force.

Power (W) is the time rate of transferring or transforming energy. Thewatt is the power which gives rise to the production of energy at the rateof one joule per second.

Active power (P) at the points of entry of a single-phase, two-wirecircuit or of a polyphase circuit is the time average of the values of theinstantaneous power at the points of entry, the average being taken overa complete cycle of the alternating current. The value of active power isgiven in watts when the rms currents are in amperes and the rms poten-tial differences are in volts. For sinusoidal emf and current, P 5 EIcos u, where E and I are the rms values of volts and currents, and u is thephase difference of E and I.

Reactive power (Q) at the points of entry of a single-phase, two-wirecircuit, or for the special case of a sinusoidal current and sinusoidalpotential difference of the same frequency, is equal to the product ob-tained by multiplying the rms value of the current by the rms value ofthe potential difference and by the sine of the angular phase differenceby which the current leads or lags the potential difference. Q 5 EI sin u.The unit of Q is the var (volt-ampere-reactive). One kilovar 5 103 var.

Apparent power (EI ) at the points of entry of a single-phase, two-wirecircuit is equal to the product of the rms current in one conductor multi-plied by the rms potential difference between the two points of entry.Apparent power 5 EI.

Power factor (pf ) is the ratio of power to apparent power. pf 5 P/EI 5

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Table 15.1.1 Electrical Units

SI unit Ratio of magnitudeQuantity Symbol Equation SI unit symbol CGS unit of SI to cgs unit

Current I, i I 5 E/R; I 5 E/Z; I 5 Q/t Ampere A Abampere 1021

Quantity Q, q Q 5 it; Q 5 CE Coulomb C Abcoulomb 1021

Electromotive force E, e E 5 IR; E 5 W/Q Volt V Abvolt 108

Resistance R, r R 5 E/I; R 5 rl /A Ohm V Abohm 109

Resistivity r r 5 RA/l Ohm-metre V ? m Abohm-cm 1011

Conductance G, g G 5 gA /l; G 5 A/rl Siemens S Abmho 1029

Conductivity g g 5 1/r; g 5 l/RA Siemens/meter S/m Abmho/cm 10211

Capacitance C C 5 Q/E Farad F Abfarad* 1029

Permittivity « Farads/meter F/m Stat farad*/cm 8.85 3 10212

Relative permittivity «r «r 5 «/«0 Numerical Numerical 1Self-inductance L L 5 2 N(df/dt) Henry H Abhenry 109

Mutual inductance M M 5 K(L1L2 )1/2 Henry H Abhenry 109

Energy J J 5 eit Joule J Erg 107

kWh kWh 5 kW/3600; 3.6 MJ Kilowatthour kWh 36 3 1012

Active power W W 5 J/t; W 5 EI cos u Watt W Abwatt 107

Reactive power jQ Q 5 EI sin u Var var Abvar 107

Apparent power VA VA 5 EI Volt-ampere VAPower factor pf pf 5 W/VA; pf 5 W/(W 1 jQ) 1Reactance, inductive XL XL 5 2p fL Ohm V Abohm 109

Reactance, capacitive XC XC 5 1/(2p fC ) Ohm V Abohm 109

Impedence Z Z 5 E/I; Z 5 R 1 j(XL 2 XC ) Ohm V Abohm 109

Conductance G G 5 R /Z2 Siemens S Abmho 1029

Susceptance B B 5 X/Z2 Siemens S Abmho 1029

Admittance Y Y 5 I/E; Y 5 G 1 jB Siemens S Abmho 1029

Frequency f f 5 1/T Hertz Hz Cps, Hz 1Period T T 5 1/ f Second s Second 1Time constant T L /R; RC Second s Second 1Angular velocity v v 5 2p f Radians/second rad/s Radians/second 1

* 1 Abfarad (EMU Units) 5 9 3 10220 stat farads (ESU units).

cos u, where u is the phase difference between E and I, both assumed tobe sinusoidal.

The reactance (X) of a portion of a circuit for a sinusoidal current andpotential difference of the same frequency is the product of the sine ofthe angular phase difference between the current and potential differ-ence times the ratio of the rms potential difference to the rms current,there being no source of power in the portion of the circuit under con-sideration. X 5 (E/I ) sin u 5 2p fL ohms, where f is the frequency, andL the inductance in henries; or X 5 1/2p fC ohms, where C is thecapacitance in farads.

ence, there being no source of power in the portion of the circuit underconsideration. B 5 (I/E) sin u.

Magnetic Units

(See Table 15.1.2.)

Magnetic flux (F, f) is the magnetic flow that exists in any magneticcircuit.

The weber is the magnetic flux which, linking a circuit of one turn,produces in it an electromotive force of one volt as it is reduced to zero


itpepere-turns per metre A/m Oersted 0.01257

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The impedance (Z) of a portion of an electric circuit to a completelyspecified periodic current and potential difference is the ratio of the rmsvalue of the potential difference between the terminals to the rms valueof the current, there being no source of power in the portion underconsideration. Z 5 E/I ohms.

Admittance (Y ) is the reciprocal of impedance. Y 5 I/E siemens.The susceptance (B) of a portion of a circuit for a sinusoidal current

and potential difference of the same frequency is the product of the sineof the angular phase difference between the current and the potentialdifference times the ratio of the rms current to the rms potential differ-

Table 15.1.2 Magnetic Units

Quantity Symbol Equation*

Magnetic flux F, f f 5 F/R WeMagnetic flux density b b 5 f/A TePole strength Qm Qm 5 F/b; Qm 5 Fl /NIm0mr Am

UnMagnetomotive force ^ ^ 5 NI AmMagnetic field intensity H H 5 ^/l Am

Permeability air m0 m0 5 b/H HenryRelative permeability mr mr 5 m/m0 NumeReluctivity g g 5 1/mr NumePermeance P P 5 m0mr A/l HenryReluctance R R 5 l/m0mrA 1/He

* l 5 length in metres; A 5 area in square metres; F 5 force in newtons; N 5 number of turns.

at a uniform rate in one second.Magnetic flux density (b) is the ratio of the flux in any cross section to

the area of that cross section, the cross section being taken normal to thedirection of flux.

The tesla is the magnetic flux density given by a magnetic flux of oneweber per square metre.

Unit magnetic pole, when concentrated at a point and placed one metreapart in a vacuum from a second unit magnetic pole, will repel or attractthe second unit pole with a force of one newton.

The weber is the magnetic flux produced by a unit pole.

SI unit Ratio of magnitudeSI unit symbol CGS unit of SI to cgs unit

r wb Maxwell 108

T Gauss 104

re-turns-metre A ?mpole Unit pole 0.7958 3 107

re-turns A Gilbert 1.257

per metre H/m Gilbert per oersted 1.257 3 1026

ric Numeric 1ric Numeric 1

H 7.96 3 107

nry 1/H 1.257 3 1028

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Magnetomotive force (^, mmf ) produces magnetic flux and corre-sponds to electromotive force in an electric circuit.

The ampere (turn) is the unit of mmf.Magnetic field intensity (H) at a point is the vector quantity which is

measured by a mechanical force which is exerted on a unit pole placedat the point in a vacuum.

An ampere per metre is the unit of field intensity.Permeability (m) is the ratio of unit magnetic flux density to unit

magnetic field intensity in air (B/H ). The permeability of air is 1.257 31026 henry per metre.

If l is the length of a conductor of uniform cross section a, then itsresistance is

R 5 rl/a (15.1.1)

where r is the resistivity. With a cir mil ? ft r is the resistance of a cirmil ? ft and a is the cross section, cir mils. Since v 5 la is the volume of aconductor,

R 5 rl2/v 5 rv/a2 (15.1.2)

A circular mil is a unit of area equal to that of a circle whose diameter



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Relative permeability (mr) is the ratio of the magnetic flux in anyelement of a medium to the flux that would exist if that element werereplaced with air, the magnetomotive force (mmf ) acting on the elementremaining unchanged (mr 5 m/m0).

The relative permeability is a number.Permeance (P) of a portion of a magnetic circuit bounded by two

equipotential surfaces, and by a third surface at every point of whichthere is a tangent having the direction of the magnetic induction, is theratio of the flux through any cross section to the magnetic potentialdifference between the surfaces when taken within the portion underconsideration. The equation for the permeance of the medium as definedabove is P 5 m0mrA/l. Permeance is the reciprocal of reluctance.

Reluctivity (g) of a medium is the reciprocal of its permeability.Reluctance (R) is the reciprocal of permeance. It is the resistance to

magnetic flow. In a hom*ogeneous medium of uniform cross section,reluctance is equal to the length divided by the product of the area andpermeability, the length and area being expressed in metre units. R 5l/Am0mr , where m0 5 1.257 3 1026.


Resistivity, or specific resistance, is the resistance of a sample of the mate-rial having both a length and cross section of unity. The two mostcommon resistivity samples are the centimetre cube and the cir mil ? ft.

Table 15.1.3 Properties of Metals and Al(See Table 15.1.27 for properties of resistor alloy


Metals mV?cm

Aluminum 2.828Antimony 42.1Bismuth 111.0Brass 6.21

Carbon: amorphous 3,800–4,100

Retort (graphite) 720–812*Copper (drawn) 1.724Gold 2.44Iron: electrolytic 10.1

Cast 75.2–98.8Wire 97.8

Lead 22.0Molybdenum 5.78Monel metal 43.5Mercury 96.8Nickel 8.54Platinum 10.72Platinum silver, 2Ag 1 1Pt 24.6†Silver 1.628Steel: soft 15.9

Glass hard 45.7Silicon (4 percent) 51.18Transformer 11.09Trolley wire 12.7

Tin 11.63Tungsten 5.51Zinc 5.97

NOTE: Max working temperature: Cu, 260°C; Ni, 600°C* Furnace electrodes, 3,000°C.† 0°C.

is 1 mil (0.001 in). It is the unit of area which is used almost entirely inthis country for wires and cables. To obtain the cir mils of a solidcylindrical conductor, square its diameter expressed in mils. For exam-ple, the diameter of 000 AWG solid copper wire is 410 mils and its crosssection is (410)2 5 168,100 cir mils. The diameter in mils of a solidcylindrical conductor is the square root of its cross section expressed incir mils.

A cir mil ? ft is a conductor having a length of 1 ft and a uniform crosssection of 1 cir mil. In terms of the copper standard the resistance of acir mil ? ft of copper at 20°C is 10.371 V. As a first approximation 10 Vmay frequently be used.

At 60°C a cir mil ? in of copper has a resistance of 1.0 V. This is avery convenient unit of resistivity for magnet coils since the resistanceis merely the length of copper in inches divided by its cross section in cirmils.

Temperature Coefficient of Resistance The resistance of the puremetals increases with temperature. The resistance at any temperaturet°C is

R 5 R0(1 1 at) (15.1.3)

where R0 is the resistance at 20°C and a is the temperature coefficient ofresistance. For copper, a 5 0.00393.

With any initial temperature t1 , the resistance at temperature t°C is

R 5 R1[1 1 a1(t 2 t1)] (15.1.4)


ity, 20°C

V?cir mil /ftTemperature coefficient

of resistance at 20°C

17.01 0.00403251.0 0.0036668.0 0.00437.0 0.0015

. . . . . . . . . . . (2)

. . . . . . . . . . . (2)10.37 0.0039314.7 0.003459.9 0.0064

448–588588132 0.0038734.8

262 0.0019576 0.0008950.8 0.004163.8 0.003

148.0 0.000319.8 0.0038

95.8 0.001627530866.776.470 0.004233.2 0.00535.58 0.0037

; Pt, 1,500°C.

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where R1 is the resistance at temperature t1°C and a1 is the temperaturecoefficient of resistance at temperature t1 [see Eq. (15.1.5)].

For any initial temperature t1 the value of a1 is

a1 5 1/(234.5 1 t1) (15.1.5)

Inferred Absolute Zero Between 100 and 0°C the resistance of cop-per decreases at a rate which is practically uniform and which if contin-ued would give a resistance of zero at 2 234.5°C (an easy number toremember). If the resistance at t1°C is R1 and the resistance at t2°C is R2 ,then

iron and steel. For resistors and heaters, iron, steel, commercial alloys,and carbon are most used.

Copper is the most widely used electrical conductor. It has high con-ductivity, relatively low cost, good resistance to oxidation, is readilysoldered, and has good mechanical characteristics such as tensilestrength, toughness, and ductility. Its tensile strength together with itslow linear temperature coefficient of expansion are desirable character-istics in its use for overhead transmission lines. The international copperstandard for 100 percent conductivity annealed copper is a density of8.89 g/cm3 (0.321 lb/in3) and resistivity is given in Table 15.1.3.


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R2 /R1 5 (234.5 1 t2)/(234.5 1 t1) (15.1.6)

EXAMPLE. The resistance of a copper coil at 25°C is 4.26 V. Determine itsresistance at 45°C. Using Eq. (15.1.4) and a1 5 1/(234.5 1 25) 5 0.00385, R 54.26[1 1 0.00385(45 2 25)] 5 4.59 V. Using Eq. (15.1.6) R 5 4.26(234.5 145)/(234.5 1 25) 5 4.26 3 1.077 5 4.59 V.

The inferred absolute zero for aluminum is 2 228°C.Materials The materials generally used for the transmission and

distribution of electrical energy are copper, aluminum, and sometimes

Table 15.1.4 Working Table, Standard Annealed Copp[American Wire Gage (B & S)]

Cross section

Gage Diam,no. mils cir mils in2

0000 460.0 212,000 0.166000 410.0 168,000 0.13200 365.0 133,000 0.1050 325.0 106,000 0.0829

1 289.0 83,700 0.0657

2 258.0 66,400 0.05213 229.0 52,600 0.04134 204.0 41,700 0.03285 182.0 33,100 0.02606 162.0 26,300 0.0206

7 144.0 20,800 0.01648 128.0 16,500 0.01309 114.0 13,100 0.0103

10 102.0 10,400 0.0081511 91.0 8,230 0.00647

12 81.0 6,530 0.0051313 72.0 5,180 0.0040714 64.0 4,110 0.0032315 57.0 3,260 0.0025616 51.0 2,580 0.00203

17 45.0 2,050 0.0016118 40.0 1,620 0.0012819 36.0 1,290 0.0010120 32.0 1,020 0.00080221 28.5 810 0.000636

22 25.3 642 0.00050523 22.6 509 0.00040024 20.1 404 0.00031725 17.9 320 0.00025226 15.9 254 0.000200

27 14.2 202 0.00015828 12.6 160 0.00012629 11.3 127 0.000099530 10.0 101 0.000078931 8.9 79.7 0.0000626

32 8.0 63.2 0.000049633 7.1 50.1 0.000039434 6.3 39.8 0.000031235 5.6 31.5 0.000024836 5.0 25.0 0.0000196

37 4.5 19.8 0.000015638 4.0 15.7 0.000012339 3.5 12.5 0.000009840 3.1 9.9 0.0000078

ASTM specifications for minimum conductivities of copper wire are asfollows:

Conductor Soft or Medium Harddiam, in annealed hard drawn drawn

0.040–0.324 98.16% 96.60% 96.16%0.325–0.460 98.16% 97.66% 97.16%

Wire, Solid

V per 1,000 ft

25°C 65°CV/mi at


per 1,000(577°F) (5149°F) (577°F) ft, lb

0.0500 0.0577 0.264 641.00.0630 0.0727 0.333 508.00.0795 0.0917 0.420 403.00.100 0.116 0.528 319.0

0.126 0.146 0.665 253.0

0.159 0.184 0.839 201.00.201 0.232 1.061 159.00.253 0.292 1.335 126.00.319 0.369 1.685 100.00.403 0.465 2.13 79.5

0.508 0.586 2.68 63.00.641 0.739 3.38 50.00.808 0.932 4.27 39.61.02 1.18 5.38 31.41.28 1.48 6.75 24.9

1.62 1.87 8.55 19.82.04 2.36 10.77 15.72.58 2.97 13.62 12.43.25 3.75 17.16 9.864.09 4.73 21.6 7.82

5.16 5.96 27.2 6.206.51 7.51 34.4 4.928.21 9.48 43.3 3.90

10.4 11.9 54.9 3.0913.1 15.1 69.1 2.45

16.5 19.0 87.1 1.9420.8 24.0 109.8 1.5426.2 30.2 138.3 1.2233.0 38.1 174.1 0.97041.6 48.0 220 0.769

52.5 60.6 277 0.61066.2 76.4 350 0.48483.4 96.3 440 0.384

105 121 554 0.304133 153 702 0.241

167 193 882 0.191211 243 1,114 0.152266 307 1,404 0.120335 387 1,769 0.0954423 488 2,230 0.0757

533 616 2,810 0.0600673 776 3,550 0.0476848 979 4,480 0.0377

1,070 1,230 5,650 0.0200

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Aluminum is used to considerable extent for high-voltage transmis-sion lines, because its weight is one-half that of copper for the sameconductance. Moreover, the greater diameter reduces corona loss. As ithas 1.4 times the linear temperature coefficient of expansion, changes insag with temperature are greater. Because of its lower melting point,spans may fail more readily with arc-overs. In aluminum cable steel-reinforced (ACSR), the center strand is a steel cable, which gives addedtensile strength. Aluminum is used occasionally for bus bars because ofits large heat-dissipating surface for a given conductance. The greatercross section for a given conductance requires a greater volume of insu-

by 3 gage numbers also have a ratio of approximately 2. The ratio ofcross sections differing by 2 numbers is (1.261)2 5 1.590, or 1.6 ap-proximately. The ratio of cross sections differing by 10 numbers isapproximately 10. The gage ordinarily extends from no. 40 to 0000(4/0). Wires larger than 0000 must be stranded, and their cross section isgiven in cir mils.

The diameter of no. 10 wire is 102.0 mils. As an approximation thismay be considered as being 100 mils; the cross section is 10,000 cirmils; the resistance is 1 V per 1,000 ft; and the weight of 1,000 ft is


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lation for a given voltage. When the ratio of the cost of aluminum to thecost of copper becomes economically favorable, aluminum is often usedfor insulated wires and cables. The international aluminum standard for62 percent conductivity aluminum is a density of 2.70 g/cm3

(0.0976 lb/in3) and resistivity as given in Table 15.1.3.Steel, either galvanized or copper-covered (‘‘copperweld’’), is used for

high-voltage transmission spans where tensile strength is more impor-tant than high conductance. Steel is also used for third rails.

Copper alloys and bronzes are of increasing importance as electricalconductors. They have lower electrical conductivity but greater tensilestrength and are resistant to corrosion. Hitenso, Calsum bronzes, Signalbronze, Phono-electric, and Everdur are bronzes containing phosphorus,silicon, manganese, or zinc. Their conductivities vary from 20 to 85percent of 100 percent conductivity copper, and they have tensilestrengths up to 130,000 lb/in2, about twice that of hard-drawn copper.Such alloys were frequently used for trolley wires. Copper alloys hav-ing lower conductivity are usually classified as resistor materials.

In Table 15.1.3 are given the electrical properties of some of the puremetals and alloys.

American Wire Gage (AWG) The AWG (formerly Brown & Sharpegage) is based on a constant ratio between diameters of successive gagenumbers (Table 15.1.4). The ratio of any diameter to the next smaller is1.123, and the corresponding ratio of cross sections is (1.123)2 5 1.261,or 11⁄4 approximately. (1.123)6 is 2.0050, so that diameters differing by6 gage numbers have a ratio of approximately 2; cross sections differing

Table 15.1.5 Bare Concentric Lay Cables of Standa

V per 1,000 ft

AWG 25°C 65°Cno. cir mils (577°F) (5149°F)

2,000,000 0.00539 0.006221,700,000 0.00634 0.007321,500,000 0.00719 0.008301,200,000 0.00899 0.01041,000,000 0.0108 0.0124

900,000 0.0120 0.0138850,000 0.0127 0.0146750,000 0.0144 0.0166650,000 0.0166 0.0192600,000 0.0180 0.0207

550,000 0.0196 0.0226500,000 0.0216 0.0249450,000 0.0240 0.0277400,000 0.0270 0.0311

350,000 0.0308 0.0356300,000 0.0360 0.0415250,000 0.0431 0.0498

0000 212,000 0.0509 0.0587000 168,000 0.0642 0.0741

00 133,000 0.0811 0.09360 106,000 0.102 0.1171 83,700 0.129 0.1492 66,400 0.162 0.1873 52,600 0.205 0.237

4 41,700 0.259 0.299

NOTE: See Table 15.1.21 for the carrying capacity of wires.SOURCE: From NBS Cir. 31.

31.4(10p) lb. Also the weight of 1,000 ft of no. 2 is 200 lb. These factsgive many short cuts in estimating resistances and weights of variousgage numbers.

Lay Cables In order to obtain sufficient flexibility, wires larger than0000 are stranded, and they are designated by their circular mils (Table15.1.5). Smaller wires may be stranded also since sizes as small as no. 4when insulated are usually too stiff for easy handling. Lay cables aremade up geometrically as shown in Fig. 15.1.1. Six strands will just fitaround the single central conductor; the number of strands in each suc-ceeding layer increases by 6. The number of strands that can thus be laidup are 1, 7, 19, 37, 61, 91, 127, etc. In order to obtain sufficient flexibil-ity with large cables, the strands themselves frequently consist ofstranded cable.

Fig. 15.1.1 Makeup of a 19-strand cable.

The resistance of cables is readily computed from Eq. (15.1.1), usingthe cir mil ft as the unit of resistivity.

EXAMPLE. Determine the resistance of 3,500 ft of 800,000 cir mil cable at20°C. Answer: r (of a cir mil ? ft) 5 10.37. R 5 10.37 3 3,500/800,000 50.0454 V.

r 5 10 V/cir mil ? ft is often sufficiently accurate for practical purposes.

Annealed Copper

Standard concentric standingWeight

per 1,000 No. Diam of Outsideft, lb of wires wires, mils diam, mils

6,180 127 125.5 1,6315,250 127 115.7 1,5044,630 91 128.4 1,4123,710 91 114.8 1,2633,090 61 128.0 1,152

2,780 61 121.5 1,0932,620 61 118.0 1,0622,320 61 110.9 9982,010 61 103.2 9291,850 61 99.2 893

1,700 61 95.0 8551,540 37 116.2 8141,390 37 110.3 7721,240 37 104.0 728

1,080 37 97.3 681926 37 90.0 630772 37 82.2 575653 19 105.5 528518 19 94.0 470

411 19 83.7 418326 19 74.5 373258 19 66.4 332205 7 97.4 292163 7 86.7 260

129 7 77.2 232

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Fig. 15.1.2 Diagrammatic symbols for electrical machinery and apparatus. (American Standard, ‘‘Graphic Symbolsfor Electrical and Electronic Diagrams,’’ ANS/IEEE, 315, 1975.)

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Figure 15.1.2 shows standard symbols for electrical circuit diagrams.Ohm’s law states that, with a steady current, the current in a circuit is

directly proportional to the total emf acting in the circuit and is inverselyproportional to the total resistance of the circuit. The law may be ex-pressed by the following three equations:

I 5 E/R (15.1.7)E 5 IR (15.1.8)R 5 E/I (15.1.9)

Applying Kirchhoff’s second law to circuit abcdea,

14 1 0.2 I1 1 0.5I1 2 3I2 1 2 2 0.1I2 1 I1 5 0or 16 1 1.7I1 2 3.1I2 5 0


and for edcfge.

22 1 0.1I2 1 3I2 1 I3 1 3 1 0.3I3 5 0or 11 1 3.1I2 1 1.3I3 5 0


Applying Kirchhoff’s first law to junction c,

2I1 2 I2 1 I3 5 0 (III)

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where E is the emf, V; R the resistance, V; and I the current, A.Series Circuits The combined resistance of a number of series-con-

nected resistors is the sum of their separate resistances. When batteriesor other sources of emf are connected in series, the total emf of thecombination is the sum of the separate emfs. The open-circuit emf of abattery is the total generated emf and can be measured at the batteryterminals only when no current is being delivered by the battery. Theinternal resistance is the resistance of the battery alone. The current in acircuit connected in series with a source of emf is I 5 E/(R 1 r), whereE is the open-circuit emf, R the external resistance, and r the internalresistance of the source of emf.

Parallel Circuits The combined conductance of a number of paral-lel-connected resistors is the sum of their separate conductances.

G 5 G1 1 G2 1 G3 1 ? ? ? (15.1.10)









1 ? ? ? (15.1.11)

The equivalent resistance for two parallel resistors having resistancesR1 , R2 is

R 5 R1R2/(R1 1 R2) (15.1.12)

The equivalent resistance for three parallel resistors having resis-tances R1 , R2 , R3 is

R 5R1R2R3

R1R2 1 R2R3 1 R3R1


and for four parallel resistors having resistances R1 , R2 , R3 , R4

R 5R1R2R3R4

R1R2R3 1 R2R3R4 1 R3R4R1 1 R4R1R2


To obtain the resistance of combined series and parallel resistors, theequivalent resistance of each parallel portion is obtained separately andthen these equivalent resistances are added to the series resistancesaccording to the principles stated above.

Kirchhoff’s laws (derived from Ohm’s law) make it possible to solvemany circuit networks that would otherwise be difficult to solve. Thefirst law states that: In any branching network of wires the algebraicsum of the currents in all the wires that meet at a point is zero. Thesecond law states that: The sum of all the electromotive forces actingaround a complete circuit is equal to the sum of the resistances of itsseparate parts multiplied each by the strength of the current in it, or thetotal change of potential around any closed circuit is zero.

In applying Kirchhoff’s laws the following rules should be observed.Currents going toward a junction should be preceded by a plus sign.Currents going away from a junction should be preceded by a minussign. A rise in potential should be preceded by a plus sign. (This occursin going through a source of emf from the negative to the positiveterminal, and in going through resistance in opposition to the directionof current.) A drop in potential should be preceded by a minus sign.(This occurs in going through a source of emf from the positive to thenegative terminal and in going through resistance in conjunction withthe current.)

The application of Kirchhoff’s laws is illustrated by the followingexample.

EXAMPLE. Determine the three currents I1 , I2 , and I3 in the circuit network(Fig. 15.1.3). The arrows show the assumed directions of the three currents.

Solving (I), (II), and (III) simultaneously gives I1 5 22.56, I2 5 10.53, andI3 5 22.03. The minus signs before I1 and I3 show that the actual directions ofthese two currents are opposite the assumed directions.

Fig. 15.1.3 Electric network and Kirchhoff’s laws.

Electrical Power With direct currents the electrical power is givenby the product of the volts and amperes. That is,

P 5 EI W (15.1.15)

Also, by substituting for E and I Eqs. (8) and (7),

P 5 I2R W (15.1.16)P 5 E2/R W (15.1.17)

The watt is too small a unit for many purposes. Hence, the kilowatt(kW) is used. 746 watts 5 1 hp 5 0.746 kW; 1 kW 5 1.340 hp. Thekilowatthour (kWh) is the common engineering unit of electrical energy.

Joule’s Law When an electric current flows through resistance, thenumber of heat units developed is proportional to the square of thecurrent, directly proportional to the resistance, and directly proportionalto the time that the current flows. h 5 i2rt, where h 5 number of joules;i 5 current, A; r 5 resistance, V; and t 5 time, s. h (in Btu) 50.0009478i2rt.


Magnetic Circuit The magnetic circuit is analogous to the electriccircuit in that the flux F is proportional to the magnetomotive force ^and inversely proportional to the reluctance 5 or magnetic resistance.Thus

F 5 ^/5 (15.1.18)

Compare with Eq. (15.1.7). F is in webers, where the weber is the SIunit of flux, ^ in ampere-turns, and 5 in SI reluctance units. In the cgssystem, f is in maxwells, ^ is in gilberts, and 5 is in cgs reluctanceunits.

5 5 l/mrmvA (15.1.19)

where mr is relative permeability (commonly called permeability, m), aproperty of the magnetic material, and mv is the permeability of evacu-ated space 5 4p 3 1027, and A is in square metres. In the cgs systemmv 5 1

5 5l

mr(4p 3 1027)A5


mr(1.257 3 1026)A(15.1.20)

l is in metres and A in square metres.

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The unit of flux density in the SI system is the tesla, which is equal tothe number of webers per square metre taken perpendicular to theirdirection. One ampere-turn between opposite faces of a metre cube of amagnetic medium produces mr tesla. For air, mr 5 4p 3 1027. In thecgs system the unit of flux density is gauss 5 104T (see Table 15.1.2).

Magnetic-circuit calculations cannot be made with the same degreeof accuracy as electric-circuit calculations because of several factors.The cross-sectional dimensions of the magnetic circuit are large relativeto its length; magnetic paths are irregular, and their geometry can onlybe approximated as with the air gap of electric machines, which usually

Magnetization and Permeability Curves The magnetic permeabil-ity of air is a constant and is taken as unity. The relative permeability ofiron and other magnetic substances varies with the flux density. In Fig.15.1.5 is shown a magnetization curve for cast steel in which the fluxdensity B in tesla is plotted as a function of the field intensity, amperes

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have slots on one or both sides of the gap.Magnetic flux cannot be confined to definite magnetic paths, but a

considerable proportion usually takes paths external to the circuit givingmagnetic leakage (see Fig. 15.1.7). The relative permeability of ironvaries over wide ranges with the flux density and with the previousmagnetic condition (see Fig. 15.1.5). These variations of relative per-meability cannot be expressed by any simple equation. Although theforegoing factors prevent the obtaining of extremely high accuracy inmagnetic calculations, yet, with experience, it is possible to designmagnetic circuits with a precision that is satisfactory for all practicalpurposes.

The magnetomotive force ^ in Eq. (15.1.18) is expressed in ampere-turns 5 NI, where N is the number of turns linked with the circuit and Iis the current, A. The unit of reluctance is the reluctance of a 1-m cubeof air. The total reluctance is proportional to the length and inverselyproportional to the cross-sectional area of the magnetic circuit, which isanalogous to electrical resistance. Hence the reluctance of any givenpath of uniform cross section A is l/Am, where l 5 length of path,cm; A 5 its cross section, cm2; and m 5 permeability. Reluctances inseries are added to obtain their combined reluctance. Ohm’s law of themagnetic circuit becomes


l1/A1m1 1 l2 /A2m2 1 l3/A3m3? ? ?Mx (15.1.21)

where l1 , A1 , m1 , etc., are the lengths, cross sections, and relative per-meabilities of each series part of the circuit.

Fig. 15.1.4 Magnetic circuit.

EXAMPLE. In Fig. 15.1.4 is shown a magnetic circuit of cast steel with a0.4-cm air gap. The cross section of the core is 4 cm square. There are 425 turnswound on the core and the current is 10 A. The relative permeability of the steel atthe operating flux density is 1,100. Assume that the path of the flux is as shown,the average path at the corners being quarter circles. Neglect fringing at the air gapand any leakage. Determine the flux and the flux density.

Using the SI system, the length of the iron is 0.522 m, the length of the air gap is0.004 m, and the cross section of the iron and air gap is 0.0016 m2.

F 5425 3 10


1,100 3 4p 3 1027 3 0.00161


4p 3 1027 3 0.0016

5 0.00191 Wb

Using the cgs system, the length of the magnetic path in the iron 5 12 1 8 18 1 5.8 1 5.8 1 4p 5 52.2 cm. From Eq. (15.1.21),

F 50.4p 3 425 3 10

[52.2/(16 3 1,100)] 1 (0.4/16)5 191,000 Mx

B 5191,000

165 11,940 G

Fig. 15.1.5 Magnetization and relative-permeability curves for cast steel.

per metre, H. Also the relative permeability mr 5 B/H is plotted as afunction of the flux density B. Note the wide range over which therelative permeability varies. No satisfactory equation has been found toexpress the relation between magnetizing force and flux density andbetween relative permeability and flux density. If an attempt is made tosolve Eq. (15.1.21) for flux, the factors m1 , m2 , etc., are unknown sincethey are functions of the flux density, which is being determined. Thesimplest method is one of trial and error, i.e., a value of flux, and thecorresponding permeability, is first assumed, the equation solved for theflux, and if the computed flux differs widely from the assumed flux, asecond approximation is made, etc. In nearly all magnetic designs eitherthe flux or flux density is the independent variable, and it is required tofind the necessary ampere-turns to produce them. Let the flux F 5 BAwhere B is the flux density, G. Then

F 5 BA 5 0.4pNI(l/Amr)and

(15.1.22)NI 5 Bl/m0mr 5 0.796Bl/mr 3 106

Equation (15.1.22) shows that the necessary ampere-turns are propor-tional to the flux density and the length of path and are inversely propor-tional to the relative permeability.

With air and nonmagnetic substances mr [Eq. (15.1.22)] becomesunity, and

NI 5 0.796Bl 3 106 (15.1.23)

in metre units. With inch units

NI 5 0.313B9l9 (15.1.24)

where B9 is the flux density, Mx/in2 ; and l9 the length of the magneticpath, in.

EXAMPLE. The average flux density in the air gap of a generator is40,000 Mx/in2, and the effective length of the gap is 0.2 in. How many ampere-turns per pole are necessary for the gap?

NI 5 0.313 3 40,000 3 0.2 5 2,500

Since the relation of mr to flux density B in Eq. (15.1.22) is notsimple, the relation of ampere-turns per unit length of magnetic circuitto flux density is ordinarily shown graphically. Typical curves of thischaracter are shown in Fig. 15.1.6, inch units being used although scalesof tesla, and ampere turns per metre are also given. To determine thenumber of ampere-turns necessary to produce a given total flux in amagnetic circuit composed of several parts in series having variouslengths, cross sections, and relative permeabilities, determine the fluxdensity if the cross section is fixed, or otherwise choose a cross sectionto give a suitable flux density. From the magnetization curve obtain theampere-turns necessary to drive this flux density through a unit length ofthe portion of the circuit considered and multiply by the length. Addtogether the ampere-turns required for each series part of the magnetic

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circuit to obtain the total ampere-turns necessary to give the assumedflux.

It is desirable to operate magnetic circuits at as high flux densities asis practicable in order to reduce the amount of iron and copper. The airgaps of dynamos are operated at average densities of 40,000 to

OD, called the coercive force, is required to bring the flux density to zero.If the magnetizing force is increased negatively to OA9, the flux densitywill be given by the curve DE. If the magnetizing force is increasedpositively from A9 to A, the flux density will be given by the curveEFGB, which is similar to the curve BCDE. OF is the negative reman-ence and OG again is the coercive force. The complete curve is called a

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Fig. 15.1.6 Typical magnetization curves.

50,000 Mx/in2. Higher densities increase the exciting ampere-turns andtooth losses. At 45,000 Mx/in2 the flux density in the teeth may be ashigh as 120,000 to 130,000 Mx/in2. The flux densities in transformercores are limited as a rule by the permissible losses. At 60 Hz and withsilicon steel the maximum density is 60,000 to 70,000 Mx/in2, at 25 Hzthe density may run as high as 75,000 to 90,000 Mx/in2. With laminatedcores, the net iron is approximately 0.9 the gross cross section.

Magnetic Leakage It is impossible to confine all magnetic flux toany desired path since there is no known insulator of magnetic flux.Figure 15.1.7 shows the magnetic circuit of a modern four-pole dy-

Fig. 15.1.7 Magnetic circuit of a four-pole dynamo with leakage flux.

namo. A considerable proportion of the useful magnetic flux leaks be-tween the pole shoes and cores, rather than across the air gap. The ratioof the maximum flux, which exists in the field cores, to the useful flux,i.e., the flux that crosses the air gap, is the coefficient of leakage. Thiscoefficient must always be greater than unity and in carefully designeddynamos may be as low as 1.15. It is frequently as high as 1.30. Al-though the geometry of the leakage-flux paths is not simple, the leakageflux may be determined by approximations with a fair degree of accu-racy.

Magnetic Hysteresis The magnetization curves shown in Figs.15.1.5 and 15.1.6 are called normal curves. They are taken with themagnetizing force continuously increased from zero. If at any point themagnetizing force be decreased, a greater value of flux density for anygiven magnetizing force will result. The effect of carrying iron througha complete cycle of magnetization, both positive and negative, is shownin Fig. 15.1.8.

The curve OKB, taken with increasing values of magnetizing forceper centimeter H, is the normal induction curve. If after the magnetizingforce has reached the value OA, it is decreased, the magnetic flux den-sity B will decrease in accordance with curve BCD, between A and O thevalues being much greater than those given by the normal curve, i.e., theflux density lags the magnetizing force. At zero magnetizing force, theflux density is OC, call the remanence. A negative magnetizing force

Fig. 15.1.8 Hysteresis loop for dynamo steel.

hysteresis loop. When the normal curve reaches the point K, if the mag-netizing force is then decreased, another hysteresis loop, a portion ofwhich is shown at KL, will be obtained. It is seen that the flux densitylags the magnetizing force throughout.

The energy dissipated per cycle is proportional to the area of the loopand is equal to (1/4p)eH dB ergs/(Hz)(cm3). For moderately high den-sities the energy loss per cycle varies according to the Steinmetz law

W 5 10hBm1.6 W ? s/m3 (15.1.25)

where Bm is the maximum value of the flux density, T (Fig. 15.1.8).Table 15.1.6 gives values of the Steinmetz coefficient h for commonmagnetic steels.

Table 15.1.6 Steinmetz Coefficients

Hard tungsten steel 0.058 Ordinary sheet iron 0.004Hard cast steel 0.025 Pure iron 0.003Forged steel 0.020 Annealed iron sheet 0.002Cast iron 0.013 Best annealed sheet 0.001Electrolytic iron 0.009 Silicon steel sheet 0.00046Soft machine steel 0.009 Permalloy 0.0001Annealed cast steel 0.008

A permanent increase in the hysteresis constant occurs if the temper-ature of operation remains for some time above 80°C. This phenomenonis known as aging and may be much reduced by proper annealing of theiron. Silicon steels containing about 3 percent silicon have a lowerhysteresis loss, somewhat larger eddy-current loss, and are practicallynonaging.

Eddy-current losses, also known as Foucault-current losses, occur iniron subjected to cyclic magnetization. Eddy-current losses are reducedby laminating the iron, which subdivides the emf and increases greatlythe length of path of the parasitic currents. Eddy currents also have ascreening effect, which tends to prevent the flux penetrating the iron.Hence laminating also allows the full cross section of the iron to beutilized unless the frequency is too high.

Eddy-current loss in sheets is given by

Pe 5 (pt f Bm )2/6r1016 W/cm3 (15.1.26)

where t 5 thickness, cm; f 5 frequency, Hz; Bm 5 the maximum fluxdensity, G; r 5 the resistivity, V ? cm.

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Relations of Direction of Magnetic Flux to Current Direction Thedirection of the magnetizing force of a current is at right angles to itsdirection of flow. Magnetic lines about a cylindrical conductor carryingcurrent exist in circular planes concentric with and normal to the con-ductor. This is illustrated in Fig. 15.1.9a. The % sign, corresponding tothe feathered end of the arrow, indicates a direction of current awayfrom the observer; a ( sign, corresponding to the tip of an arrow,indicates a direction of current toward the observer.

highly electropositive, to the positive pole. The poles, or electrodes of abattery form the junction with the external circuit.

If the external circuit is closed, current flows from the battery at thepositive electrode, or anode, and enters the battery at the negative electrode,or cathode.

In a primary battery the chemically reacting parts require renewal; in asecondary battery, the electrochemical processes are reversible to a highdegree and the chemically reacting parts are restored after partial orcomplete discharge by reversing the direction of current through thebattery. See Table 15.1.7 for a summary of battery types and applica-

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Fig. 15.1.9 Currents in (a) opposite directions, (b) in the same direction.

Corkscrew Rule The direction of the current and that of the result-ing magnetic field are related to each other as the forward travel of acorkscrew and the direction in which it is rotated.

Hand Rule Grasp the conductor in the right hand with the thumbpointing in the direction of the current. The fingers will then point in thedirection of the lines of flux.

The applications of these rules are illustrated in Fig. 15.1.9. If thecurrents in parallel conductors are in opposite directions (Fig. 15.1.9a),the conductors tend to move apart; if the currents in parallel conductorsare in the same direction (Fig. 15.1.9b), the conductors tend to cometogether. The magnetic lines act like stretched rubber bands and, inattempting to contract, tend to pull the two conductors together.

The relation of the direction of current in a solenoid helix to thedirection of flux is shown in Fig. 15.1.10. Figure 15.1.11 shows the

Fig. 15.1.10 Direction of current and poles in a solenoid.

Fig. 15.1.11 Effect of a current on a uniform magnetic field.

effect on a uniform field of placing a conductor carrying current in thatfield and normal to it. In (a) the direction of the current is toward theobserver. By applying the corkscrew rule it is seen that the currentweakens the field immediately above it and strengthens the field imme-diately below it. The reverse is true in (b), where the direction of thecurrent is away from the observer.

Figure 15.1.11 is illustrative of the force developed on a conductorcarrying current in a magnetic field. In (a) the conductor will tend tomove upward owing to the stretching of the magnetic lines beneath it.Similarly, the conductor in (b) will tend to move downward. This prin-ciple is the basis of motor action. (See also ‘‘Magnets.’’)


In an electric cell, or battery, chemical energy is converted into electricalenergy. The word battery may be used for a single cell or for an assem-bly of cells connected in series or parallel. A battery utilizes the poten-tial difference which exists between different elements. When two dif-ferent elements are immersed in electrolyte an emf exists tending tosend current within the cell from the negative pole, which is the more

tions.Electromotive force of a battery is the total potential difference exist-

ing between the electrodes on open circuit. When current flows, thepotential difference across the terminal drops because of the resistancedrop within the cell and because of polarization.

Polarization When current flows in a battery, hydrogen is depositedon the cathode. This produces two effects, both of which reduce theterminal voltage of the battery. The hydrogen in contact with the cath-ode constitutes a hydrogen battery which opposes the emf of the battery;the hydrogen bubbles reduce the contact area of the electrolyte with thecathode, thus increasing the battery resistance. The most satisfactorymethod of reducing polarization is to have present at the cathode somecompound that supplies negative ions to combine with the positive hy-drogen ions at the plate. In the Leclanche cell, manganese peroxide incontact with the carbon cathode serves as a depolarizer, its oxygen ioncombining with the hydrogen ion to form water.

If E is the emf of the cell, Ep the emf of polarization, r the internalresistance, V the terminal voltage, when current I flows, then

V 5 (E 2 Ep ) 2 Ir (15.1.27)

Primary Batteries

Dry Cells A dry cell is one in which the electrolyte exists in the formof a jelly, is absorbed in a porous medium, or is otherwise restrainedfrom flowing from its intended position, such a cell being completelyportable and the electrolyte nonspillable. The Leclanche cell consists ofa cylindrical zinc container which serves as the negative electrode and islined with specially prepared paper, or some similar absorbent material,to prevent the mixture of carbon and manganese dioxide, which istamped tightly around the positive carbon electrode, from coming incontact with the zinc. The absorbent lining and the mixture are moist-ened with a solution of zinc chloride and sal ammoniac. In smaller cells(Fig. 15.1.12) the manganese-carbon mixture is often molded into acylinder around the carbon electrode, the whole is then set into the zinccup, and the space between the molded mixture and the zinc is filledwith electrolyte made into a paste in such a manner that it can besolidified by either standing or heating. The top of the cell is closed witha sealing compound, and the cell is placed in a cardboard container. Theemf of a dry cell when new is 1.4 to 1.6 V.

In block assembly the dry cells, especially in the smaller sizes, areassembled in series and sealed in blocks of insulating compound withonly two terminals and, sometimes, intermediate taps brought out. Thistype of battery is used for radio B and C batteries. Another constructionis to build the battery up of layers in somewhat the manner of the oldvoltaic pile. Each cell consists of a layer of zinc, a layer of treated paper,and a flat cake of the manganese-carbon mixture. The cells are sepa-rated by layers of a special material which conducts electricity butwhich is impervious to electrolyte. A sufficient number of such cells arebuilt up to give the required voltage and the whole battery is sealed intothe carton.

Leclanche cells are generally available in sizes ranging from small,thin penlight batteries to large assemblies of cells in series or parallel forspecial high-voltage or high-current applications.

The efficiency of a standard-size dry battery depends on the rate atwhich it is discharged. Up to a certain rate the lower the discharge rate,the greater the efficiency. Above this rate the efficiency decreases (seeNatl. Bur. Stand. Circ. 79, p. 39).

When used efficiently, a 6-in dry cell will give over 30 A ?h of ser-

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Table 15.1.7 Battery Types and Applications

Cell Nominal Capacity,Battery type type cell voltage wH/kg Applications


Leclanche (zinc-carbon) Dry 1.5 22–44 Flashlights, emergency lights, radiosZinc-mercury (Ruben) Dry 1.34 90–110 Medical, marine, space, laboratory, and

emergency devicesZinc-alkaline-manganesedioxide

Dry 1.5 66 Models, cameras, shavers, lights

Silver or cuprous chloride-magnesium

Wet 55–120 Disposable devices: torpedoes, rescue bea-cons, meteorological balloons


Lead-acid Wet 2 Automotive, industrial trucks, railway, sta-tion service

Lead-calcium Wet 2 StandbyEdison (nickel-iron) Wet 1.2 Industrial trucks; boat and train lightsNickel-cadmium Wet 1.2 28 Engine starting, emergency lighting, station

serviceSilver oxide-cadmium Wet 1.4 45–65 SpaceSilver-zinc Wet 1.55 90–155 Models, photographic equipment, missiles

vice. As ordinarily used, however, the dry cell give no more than 8 to 10A ?h of service and at times even less. The 11⁄4 by 21⁄4 in flashlightbattery is usually employed with a lamp taking 0.25 to 0.35 A. Underthese conditions 3 A ?h or thereabouts may be expected if the battery isused for not more than an hour or so a day. The so-called ‘‘heavy-duty’’radio battery will give about 8 to 10 A ?h when efficiently used.

and P. R. Mallory & Company during World War II for the operation ofradar equipment and other electronic devices which require a high ratioof ampere-hour capacity to the volume of the cell at higher currentdensities than were considered practicable for the Leclanche type. Theanode is of amalgamated zinc, and the cathode is a mercuric oxidedepolarizing material intimately mixed with graphite in order to reduceits electrical resistivity. The electrolyte is a solution of potassium hy-droxide (KOH) containing potassium zincate. The cell is made in threeforms as shown in Fig. 15.1.13, the wound-anode type (a), the buttontype (b), and the cylindrical type (c).

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Fig. 15.1.12 Cross section of a standard round zinc-carbon cell. (From ‘‘Stan-dard Handbook for Electrical Engineers,’’ Fink and Carrol, McGraw-Hill, NY,copyright 1968.)

For the best results 6-in dry cells should not be used for current drainsof over 0.5 A except for very short periods of time. Flashlight batteriesshould not be used for higher than the preceding current drain, andheavy-duty radio batteries will give best results if the current drain iskept below 25 mA.

Dry cells should be stored in a cool, dry place. Extreme heat duringstorage will shorten their life. The cell will not be injured by beingfrozen but will be as good as new after being brought back to normaltemperature. In extreme cold weather dry cells may not give more thanhalf of their normal service. At a temperature of about 2 30°F theyfreeze solid and give neither voltage nor current.

The amperage of a dry cell by definition is the current that it will givewhen it is short-circuited (at about 70°F) through an ammeter whichwith its leads has a resistance of 0.01 V.

The Ruben cell (Ruben, Balanced Alkaline Dry Cells, Trans. Electro-chem. Soc., 92, 1947) was developed jointly by the Ruben Laboratories

The no-load emf of the cell is 1.34 V and remains essentially constantirrespective of time and temperature. Advantages of the cell are longshelf life, which enables them to be stored indefinitely; long service life,about four times that of the Leclanche dry cell of equivalent volume;small weight; a flat voltage characteristic which is advantageous forelectronic uses in which the characteristics of tubes vary widely withvoltage; adaptability to operating at high temperatures without deterio-ration; high resistance to shock.

The zinc-alkaline-manganese dioxide cell is a cell especially useful inapplications that require a dry cell with relatively heavy or continuousdrain. The anode is of amalgamated zinc, and the cathode is a manga-nese dioxide depolarizing material mixed with graphite for conductiv-ity. The electrolyte is a solution of highly alkaline potassium hydroxideimmobilized in cellulosic-type separators. These cells are available instandard-size cylindrical construction and wafer (flat) construction forcassette and tape recorder applications.

Wet Cells The silver or cuprous chloride-magnesium cell is a one-shotbattery with a life of days after the electrolyte is added. A wet cell maybe stored for years in a dry state. The cathode is either compactedcopper chloride and graphite or sheet silver chloride, while the cathodeis a thin magnesium sheet. The electrolyte is a solution of sodium chlo-ride. The silver chloride cells are more expensive and are available inmore and larger ratings.

The Weston cell is a primary cell used as a standard of emf. It consistsof a glass H tube in the bottom of one leg of which is mercury whichforms the cathode; in the bottom of the other leg is cadmium amalgamforming the anode. The electrolytes consist of mercurous sulfate andcadmium sulfate. There are two forms of the Weston cell: the saturatedor normal cell, and the unsaturated cell. In the normal cell the electrolyteis saturated. This is the official standard since it is more permanent thanthe unsaturated type and can be reproduced with far greater accuracy.When carefully made, the emfs of cells agree within a few parts permillion. There is, however, a small temperature coefficient. Althoughthe unsaturated cell is not so reliable as the normal cell and must bestandardized, it has a negligible temperature coefficient and is moreconvenient for general use. The manufacturers recommend that thetemperature be not less than 4°C and not more than 40°C and the current

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electrically formed of pure lead by repeated reversals of the chargingcurrent. In the Faure, or pasted-plate, type, the positive and negativeplates are formed by applying a paste, largely of lead oxides (PbO2,Pb3O4), to lead-antimony or lead calcium supporting grids. A current ispassed through the plates while they are immersed in weak sulfuric acid,the positive plates being connected as anodes and the negative ones ascathodes. The paste on the positive plates is converted into lead perox-ide while that on the negative plate is reduced to spongy lead. Thetubular plate (iron-clad) type has lead-alloy rods surrounded by perfor-ated dielectric tubes with powdered-lead oxides packed between the rod

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Fig. 15.1.13 Ruben cells. (a) Wound-anode; (b) button; (c) cylindrical. (From‘‘Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineers,’’ Fink and Carrol, McGraw-Hill,NY, copyright 1968.)

should not exceed 0.0001 A. The emf is between 1.0185 and 1.0190 V.Since no appreciable current can be taken from the cell, a null methodmust be used to utilize its emf.

Storage (Secondary) Batteries

In a storage battery the electrolytic action must be reversible to a highdegree. There are three types of storage batteries; the lead-lead-acidtype, the nickel-iron-alkaline type (Edison battery), and the nickel-cadmium-alkali type (Nicad). In addition, there are various spe-cialized types of cells for scientific and military purposes, and there iscontinuous development work in the search for higher capacities.

In the manufacture of the lead-lead-acid cells there are three generaltypes of plates, or electrodes. In the Plante type the active material is

and tube for the positive plate.In order to obtain high capacity per unit weight it is necessary to

expose a large plate area to the action of the acid. This is done in thePlante plate by ‘‘ploughing’’ with sharp steel disks, and by using corru-gated helical inserts as active positive material (Manchester plate). Inthe pasted plate a large area of the material is necessarily exposed to theaction of the acid.

The chemical reactions in a lead cell may be expressed by the follow-ing equation, based on the double sulfation theory:


PbO2 1 Pb 1 2H2SO4 5 2PbSO4 1 2H2OJ J J Jpositive negative sulfuric positive and waterplate plate acid negative plates


Between the extremes of complete charge and discharge, complexcombinations of lead and sulfate are formed. After complete discharge ahard insoluble sulfate forms slowly on the plates, and this is reducibleonly by slow charging. This sulfation is objectionable and should beavoided.

Specific Gravity Water is formed with discharge and sulfuric acid isformed on charge, consequently the specific gravity must decrease ondischarge and increase on charge. The variation of the specific gravityfor a stationary battery is shown in Fig. 15.1.14. With starting and

Fig. 15.1.14 Variations of specific gravity in a stationary battery.

vehicle batteries it is necessary to operate the electrolyte from between1.280 to 1.300 when fully charged to as low as 1.100 when completelydischarged. The condition of charge of a battery can be determined byits specific gravity.

Battery electrolyte may be made from concentrated sulfuric acid (oilof vitriol, sp gr 1.84) by pouring the acid into the water in the followingproportions:

Parts Water to 1 Part Acid

Specific gravity 1.200 1.210 1.240 1.280Volume 4.3 4.0 3.4 2.75Weight 2.4 2.2 1.9 1.5

Freezing Temperature of Sulfuric Acid and Water Mixtures

Specific gravity 1.180 1.200 1.240 1.280Freezing temp, °F 2 6 2 16 2 51 2 90

Voltage The emf of a lead cell when fully charged and idle is 2.05 to2.10 V. Discharge lowers the voltage in proportion to the current. Whencharging at constant current and normal rate, the terminal voltage grad-ually increases from 2.14 to 2.3 V, then increases rapidly to between 2.5

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and 2.6 V (Fig. 15.1.15). This latter interval is known as the gassingperiod. When this period is reached, the charging rate should be reducedin order to avoid waste of power and unnecessary erosion of the plates.

Practically all batteries have a normal rating based on the 8-h rate of

When a battery is being charged, its terminal voltage

V 5 E 1 Ir (15.1.28)

Compare with Eq. (15.1.27).When a battery is fully charged, any rate will produce gassing, but the

rate may be reduced to such a low value that gassing is practicallyharmless. This is called the finishing rate.

Portable batteries for automobile starting and lighting, airplanes, in-dustrial trucks, electric locomotives, train lighting, and power boatsemploy the pasted-type plates because of their high discharge rates for a

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Fig. 15.1.15 Voltage curves on charge and discharge for a lead cell.

discharge. Thus a 320 A ?h battery would have a normal rate of 40 A.The ampere-hour capacity of batteries falls off rapidly with increase indischarge rate.

Effect of Discharge Rate on Battery Capacity

Discharge rate, h 8 5 3 1 1⁄3 1⁄10

Percentage ofrated capacity,Plante type 100 88 75 55.8 37 19.5Pasted type 100 93 83 63 41 25.5

The following rule may be observed in charging a lead battery. Thecharging rate in amperes should be less than the number of ampere-hours out of the battery. For example, if 200 A ?h are out of a battery, acharging rate of 200 A may be used until the ampere-hours out of thebattery are reduced appreciably.

There are two common methods of charging: the constant-currentmethod and the constant-potential method. Figure 15.1.16a shows a com-mon method of charging with constant current, provided a low-voltagedc power supply is available. The resistor connected in series may beadjusted to give the required current. Several batteries may be con-nected in series. Figure 15.1.16b shows a more common method, usinga copper oxide or silicon rectifier, since ac power supply is more com-mon than dc. The rectifier disks, mounted in a stack, are bridge-con-nected, the directions of rectification being indicated. The polarity ofthe two wires can readily be determined by means of a dc voltmeter.

The constant-potential method is to be preferred since the rate auto-matically tapers off as the cell approaches the charged condition. With-out resistance the terminal voltage should be 2.3 V per cell, but it ispreferable to use 2.4 to 2.5 V per cell with low resistance in series.

Fig. 15.1.16 Connections for charging a storage battery from (a) 110-V dc

given weight and size. The separators are either of treated groovedwood; perforated hard rubber; glass-wool mats; perforated rubber, andgrooved wood; ribbed microporous rubber. In low-priced short-livedbatteries for automobiles, grooved wood alone is used; in the bettertypes, the wood is reinforced with perforated hard rubber. Containersfor the low-priced short-lived automobile-type starting batteries are ofasphaltic compound; for other portable types they are usually of hardrubber.

The Exide iron-clad battery is a portable type designed for propellingelectric vehicles. The positive plate consists of a lead-antimony framesupporting perforated hard-rubber tubes. An irregular lead-antimonycore runs down the center of each tube, and the lead peroxide paste ispacked into these tubes so that shedding of active material from thepositive plate cannot occur. Pasted negative plates are used. The separa-tors are flat microporous rubber.

Stationary Batteries The tanks of stationary batteries are made ofhard rubber or plastics. When the battery is used for regulating or cy-cling duty, the positive plates may be of the Plante type because of theirlong life. However, in most modern installations thick pasted plates areused. Because of the tight fit of the plate assembly within the containerand the resulting pressure of the separator against the plate surfaces,shedding of active material is reduced to a minimum and long life isobtained. Pasted negative plates are used in almost all batteries.

A lead storage battery removed from service for less than 9 monthsshould be charged once a month if possible; if not, it should be given aheavy overcharge before discontinuing service. If removed for a longerperiod, siphon off acid (which may be used again) and fill with freshwater. Allow to stand 15 h and siphon off water. Remove and throwaway the wood separators. The battery will now stand indefinitely. Toput in service again, install new separators, fill with acid (sp gr 1.210)and charge at normal rate 35 h or until gravity has ceased to rise over aperiod of 5 h. Charge at a low rate a few hours longer.

The ampere-hour efficiency of lead batteries is 85 to 90 percent. Thewatthour efficiency obtained from full charge to discharge at the normalrate and at rated amp-hour is 75 to 80 percent. Batteries which doregulating duty only may have a much higher watthour efficiency.

The Edison storage cell when fully charged has a positive plate ofnickel pencils filled with a higher nickel oxide and a negative plate offlat nickel-plated-steel stampings containing metallic iron in finely di-vided form. The active material for the positive plate is nickel hydrateand for the negative plate, iron oxide. The electrolyte is a 21 percentsolution of potassium hydrate with lithium hydroxides. The initial emfis about 1.4 V and the average emf about 1.1 V throughout discharge. In

mains, (b) copper oxide rectifier.

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Fig. 15.1.17 are shown typical voltage characteristics on charge anddischarge for an Edison cell. On account of the higher internal resis-tance of the cell the battery is not so efficient from the energy standpointas the lead cell. The jar is welded nickel-plated steel. The battery iscompact and extremely light and strong and for these reasons is particu-larly adapted for propelling electric vehicles and for boat- and train-lighting systems. The battery is rugged, and since there is no opportu-nity for the growth of active material on the plates or flaking of activematerial, the battery has long life.

type, the cylindrical type, and the prismatic type. Their ratings rangefrom 20 mA ?h to 23 A ?h. Their average discharge voltage is 1.22 V,and they require 14 h of charge at the normal rate (one-tenth A ?h rat-ing), which for a 3.5 A ?h cell is 0.35 A.

Precautions in the care of storage batteries: An ammeter should not beconnected directly across the terminals to test the condition of a cell; abattery should not be left to stand in a discharged condition; a flameshould not be brought in the vicinity of a battery that is being charged;the battery should not be allowed to become heated when charging;water should never be added to the concentrated acid—always acid to

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Fig. 15.1.17 Voltage during charge and discharge of an Edison cell.

Nickel-Cadmium-Alkali (Nicad) Battery The positive active mate-rial is nickelic (black) hydroxide mixed with graphite to give it highconductivity. The negative active material is cadmium oxide. Both ma-terials are used in powdered form and are contained within flat perfor-ated steel pockets. These pockets are locked into steel plates, the posi-tive and negative being alike in construction. All steel parts arenickel-plated. A complete plate group consists of a number of positiveand negative plates assembled on bolts and terminal posts common toplates of the same polarity. The separators are thin strips of polystyrene,and all other battery insulation is also polystyrene. The entire plateassembly is contained within a welded-steel tank. The electrolyte ispotassium hydroxide (KOH), specific gravity 1.210 at 72°F (22°C); itdoes not enter into any chemical reactions with the electrode materials,and its specific gravity remains constant during charge and discharge,neglecting any slight change due to the small amount of gassing. Oncharge, the voltage is 1.4 to 1.5 V until near the end when it rises to1.8 V. On discharge, the voltage is nearly constant at 1.2 V.

Nicad batteries are strong mechanically and are not damaged byovercharge; they hold their charge over long periods of idleness, theactive material cannot flake off, the internal resistance is low, there is nocorrosion, and the battery has an indefinitely long life. It is a general-purpose battery.

In the Sonotone nickel-cadmium battery the positive plates are nickeloxide when the battery is charged, and the negative plates are metalliccadmium. On discharge the positive plates are reduced to a state oflower oxidation, and the negative plates regain oxygen. The electrolyteis a 30 percent solution of potassium hydroxide, the specific gravity ofwhich is 1.29 at room temperature. The case is a transparent plastic. Theterminal voltage at the normal discharge rate is 1.2 V per cell.

Rechargeable batteries, exemplified by Gould Nicad cells (AlkalineBattery Division, Gould National Batteries, Inc.), are hermeticallysealed nickel-cadmium cells that contain no free alkaline electrolyte.Since there is no spillage or leakage, they can operate in any position,have long life, and require no maintenance or servicing, and theirweight is small for their output. They are thus well adapted to powermany types of cordless appliances such as tools, hedge shears, cameras,dictating equipment, electric razors, radios, and television sets. Theelectrodes consist of a plaque of microporous sintered nickel having anextremely high surface area. The electrochemical reactions differ fromthose of the conventional vented-type alkaline battery, a type which atthe end of a charge liberates both oxygen and hydrogen gases as well aselectrolytic fumes that must be vented through a valve in the top of thecell. In the sealed nickel-cadmium cell, the negative electrode (at thetime that the cell is sealed) never becomes fully charged, and the evolu-tion of hydrogen is completely suppressed. On charging, when the posi-tive electrode has reached its full capacity, the oxygen which hasevolved is channeled through the porous separator to the negative elec-trode and oxidizes the finely divided cadmium of the microporous plateto cadmium hydroxide, which at the same time is reduced to metalliccadmium. The cells are constructed in three different forms: the button

the water; acid should never be equalized except when the battery is in acharged condition; a battery should never be exposed to the influence ofexternal heat; voltmeter tests should be made when the current is flow-ing; batteries should always be kept clean. To replace acid lost throughslopping, use a solution of 2 parts concentrated sulfuric acid in 5 partswater by weight, unless a hydrometer is at hand to enable the solution tobe made up according to the specifications of the makers of the cell.


Dynamic and Static Electricity Electricity in motion such as anelectric current is dynamic electricity; electricity at rest is static elec-tricity. The two are identical physically. Since static electricity is fre-quently produced at high voltage and small quantity, the two are fre-quently considered as being two different types of electricity.


Capacitors (formerly condensers) Two conducting bodies, or elec-trodes, separated by a dielectric constitute a capacitor. If a positivecharge is placed on one electrode of a capacitor, an equal negativecharge is induced on the other. The medium between the capacitorplates is called a dielectric. The dielectric properties of a medium relateto its ability to conduct dielectric lines. This is in distinction to its insulat-ing properties which relate to its property to conduct electric current. Forexample, air is an excellent insulator but ruptures dielectrically at lowvoltage. It is not a good dielectric so far as breakdown strength is con-cerned.

With capacitors

Q 5 CE (15.1.29)C 5 Q/E (15.1.30)E 5 Q/C (15.1.31)

where Q 5 quantity, C; C 5 capacitance, F; and E 5 voltage. The unitof capacitance in the practical system is the farad. The farad is too largea unit for practical purposes, so that either the microfarad (mF) or thepicofarad (pF) are used. However, in voltage, current, and energy rela-tions the capacitance must be expressed in farads.

The energy stored in a capacitor is

W 5 1⁄2QE 5 1⁄2CE2 5 1⁄2Q2 /C J (15.1.32)

Capacitance of Capacitors The capacitance of a parallel-electrodecapacitor (Fig. 15.1.18) is

C 5 «rA/(4pd 3 9 3 103) mF (15.1.33)

where «r 5 relative capacitivity; A 5 area of one electrode, m2; and d 5distance between electrodes, m.

Fig. 15.1.18 Parallel-electrodecapacitor.

Fig. 15.1.19 Coaxial-cylindercapacitor.

The capacitance of coaxial cylindrical capacitors (Fig. 15.1.19) is

C 5 0.2171«r l /[9 3 105 log (R2 /R1)] mF (15.1.34)

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where «r is the relative capacitivity and l the length, m. Also

C 5 0.03882«r / log (R2 /R1) mF/mi (15.1.35)

Equation (15.1.35) is useful in that it is applicable to cables.The capacitance of two parallel cylindrical conductors D m between

centers and having radii of r m is

C 5 0.01941/ log (D/r) mF/mi (15.1.36)

In practice, the capacitance to neutral or to an infinite conductingplane midway between the conductors and perpendicular to their plane

If the capacitances are not leaky, the charge Q is the same on each. Q 5CE, E1 5 Q/C1 , E2 5 Q/C2 , etc.

Insulators and Dielectrics Insulating materials are applied to elec-tric circuits to prevent the leakage of current. Insulating materials usedwith high voltage must not only have a high resistance to leakagecurrent, but must also be able to resist dielectric puncture; i.e., in addi-tion to being a good insulator, the material must be a good dielectric.Insulation resistance is usually expressed in MV and the resistivitygiven in MV?cm. The dielectric strength is usually given in terms ofvoltage gradient, common units being V/mil, V/mm, and kV/cm. Insu-


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is usually used. The capacitance to neutral is

C 5 0.03882/ log (D/r) mF/mi (15.1.37)

Equations (15.1.36) and (15.1.37) are used for calculating the capaci-tance of overhead transmission lines. When computing chargingcurrent, use voltage between lines in (15.1.36) and to neutral in(15.1.37).

Fig. 15.1.20 Capacitances in parallel.

Capacitances in Parallel The equivalent capacitance of capaci-tances in parallel (Fig. 15.1.20) is

C 5 C1 1 C2 1 C3 (15.1.38)

Capacitances in parallel are all across the same voltage. If the voltage isE, then the total quantity Q 5 CE and Q1 5 C1E, etc.

Fig. 15.1.21 Capacitances in series.

Capacitances in Series The equivalent capacitance C of capaci-tances in series (Fig. 15.1.21) is found as follows:

1/C 5 1/C1 1 1/C2 1 1/C3 (15.1.39)

Table 15.1.8 Electrical Properties of Insulating


Material M V ? cm

Asbestos board (ebonized) 107

Bakelite 5–30 3 1011

Epoxy 1014

Fluorocarbons:Fluorinated ethylene propylene 1018

Polytetrafluoroethylene 1018

Glass 17 3 109

Magnesium oxideMica 1014 –1017

Nylon 1014 –1017


Mineral 21 3 106

Paraffin 1015

PaperPaper, treatedPhenolic (glass filled) 1012 –1013

Polyethylene 1015 –1018

Polyimide 1016 –1017

Polyvinyl chloride (flexible) 1011 –1015

Porcelain 3 3 108

Rubber 1014 –1016

Rubber (butyl) 1018

lation resistance decreases very rapidly with increase in temperature.Absorbed moisture reduces the insulation resistance, and moisture andhumidity have a large effect on surface leakage. In Table 15.1.8 aregiven the insulating and dielectric properties of several common insu-lating materials (see also Sec. 6). Dielectric heating of materials is de-scribed in Sec. 7.


Induced EMF If a flux f webers linking N turns of conductorchanges, an emf

e 5 2N(df/dt) V (15.1.40)

is induced.Self-inductance Let a flux f link N turns. The linkages of the cir-

cuit are Nf weber-turns. If the permeability of the circuit is assumedconstant, the number of these linkages per ampere is the self-inductanceor inductance of the circuit. The unit of inductance is the henry. Theinductance is

L 5 Nf/(i) H (15.1.41)

If the permeability changes with the current

L 5 N(df/di) H (15.1.42)

The energy stored in the magnetic field

W 5 1⁄2Li2 J (15.1.43)

EMF of Self-induction If Eq. (15.1.41) is written Li 5 Nf and dif-ferentiated with respect to the time t, L(di/dt) 5 N(df/dt) and from Eq.(15.1.40)

e 5 2L(di/dt) V (15.1.44)

e is the emf of self-induction. If a rate of change of current of 1 A/sinduces an emf of 1 V, the inductance is then 1 H.




Dielectric strength

V/mil V/mm

55 2 3 103

4.5–5.5 450–1,400 (17–55) 3 103

3.5–5 300–400 (12–16) 3 103

2.1 500 20 3 103

2.1 400 16 3 103

5.4–9.9 760–3,800 (3–15) 3 104

2.2 300–700 (12–27) 3 103

4.5–7.5 1,000–4,000 (4–16) 3 104

4–7.6 300–400 (12–16) 3 103

7.5 600 23.5 3 103

2–4.7 300–400 (12–16) 3 103

2.41 410–550 (16–22) 3 103

1.7–2.6 110–230 (4–9) 3 103

2.5–4 500–750 (20–30) 3 103

5–9 140–400 (5.5–16) 3 103

2.3 450–1,000 (17–40) 3 103

3.5 400 16 3 103

5–9 300–1,000 (12–40) 3 103

5.7–6.8 240–300 (9.5–12) 3 103

2–3.5 500–700 (20–27) 3 103


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Current in Inductive Circuit If a circuit containing resistance R andinductance L in series is connected across a steady voltage E, the volt-age E must supply the iR drop in the circuit and at the same timeovercome the emf of self-induction. That is E 5 Ri 1 L di/dt. A solutionof this differential equation gives

i 5 (E/R) (1 2 e2Rt/L) A (15.1.45)

where e is the base of the natural system of logarithms.

If a capacitor charged to voltage E is discharged through resistance R,the current is

i 5 2 (E/R)e2t/CR A (15.1.51)

Except for sign, these two equations are identical and are of the sameform as Eq. (15.1.46).

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Fig. 15.1.22 Rise of current in an inductive circuit.

Figure 15.1.22 shows this equation plotted when E 5 10 V, R 520 V, L 5 0.6 H. It is to be noted that inductance causes the current torise slowly to its Ohm’s law value, I0 5 E/R 5 10⁄20 5 0.5 A. When t 5L/R, the current has reached 63.2 percent of its Ohm’s law value. L/R isthe time constant of the circuit. In the foregoing circuit, the time constantL/R 5 0.6/20 5 0.03 s. The initial rate of rise of current is tan a 5 E/L.If current continued at this rate, it would reach a 5 E/R in L/R s[(E/L) 3 (L/R) 5 E/R].

If a circuit containing inductance and resistance in series is short-cir-cuited when the current is I0 , the equation of current becomes

i 5 I0e2Rt/L A (15.1.46)

Fig. 15.1.23 Decay of current in an inductive circuit.

Figure 15.1.23 shows this equation plotted when I0 5 0.5 A, R 5 20 V,L 5 0.6 H. It is seen that inductance opposes the decay of current.Inductance always opposes change of current.

Mutual Inductance If two circuits having inductances L1 and L2

henrys are so related to each other geometrically that any portion of theflux produced by the current in one circuit links the other circuit, the twocircuits possess mutual inductance. It follows that a change of current inone circuit causes an emf to be induced in the other. Let «2 be induced incircuit 2 by a change di1/dt in circuit 1. Then

e2 5 2M di1/dt V (15.1.47)

M is the mutual inductance of the two circuits.

M 5 k √L1L2 (15.1.48)

where k is the coefficient of coupling of the two circuits, or the proportionof the flux in one circuit which links the other. Also a change of currentdi2/dt in circuit 2 induces an emf e1 in circuit 1, e1 5 2M di2/dt.

The stored energy is

W 5 1⁄2L1I12 1 1⁄2L2I2

2 1 MI1I2 J (15.1.49)

where I1 and I2 are the currents in circuits 1 and 2.Current in Capacitive Circuit If capacitance C farads and resistance

R ohms are connected in series across the steady voltage E, the current is

i 5 (E/R)e2 t/CR A (15.1.50)

Fig. 15.1.24 Transient current to a capacitor.

In Fig. 15.1.24 is shown the transient current to a capacitor in serieswith a resistor when E 5 200 V, C 5 4.0 mF, R 5 2 kV. When t 5 CR,the current has reached 1/e 5 0.368 its initial value. CR is the timeconstant of the circuit. The initial rate of decrease of current is tan a 52E/CR2. If the current continued at this rate it would reach zero whenthe time is CR s. If, in its fully charged condition, the capacitor of Fig.15.1.24 is discharged through the resistor R, the curve will be the nega-tive of that shown in Fig. 15.1.24.

Resistance, Inductance, and Capacitance in Series If a circuithaving resistance, inductance, and capacitance in series is connectedacross a source of steady voltage, a transient condition results. If R .√4L/C, the circuit is nonoscillatory or overdamped.

The current is

i 5EC

√R2C2 2 4LCSe(2a1b)t 2 e(2a2b)tD A (15.1.52)

where a 5 R/2L and b 5 (√R2C2 2 4LC)/2LC.

Fig. 15.1.25 Transient current in nonoscillatory circuits.

In Fig. 15.1.25 is shown the curve corresponding to Eq. (15.1.52).When R 5 √4L/C, the system is critically damped and the transient diesout rapidly without oscillation. The current is

i 5 (E/L)te2Rt/2L A (15.1.53)

Figure 15.1.25 shows also the curve corresponding to Eq. (15.1.53).If R , √4L/C, the transient is oscillatory, being a logarithmically

damped sine wave. The current is

i 52EC

√4LC 2 R2C2e2Rt/2L sin

√4LC 2 R2C2

2LCt A (15.1.54)

The transient oscillates at a frequency very nearly equal to1/(2p √LC) Hz. This is the natural frequency of the circuit.

In Fig. 15.1.26 is shown the curve corresponding to Eq. (15.1.54). Ifthe capacitor, after being charged to E V, is discharged into the forego-ing series circuits, the currents are given by Eqs. (15.1.52) to (15.1.54)multiplied by 21. Equations (15.1.52) to (15.1.54) are the same typesobtained with dynamic mechanical systems with friction, mass, andelasticity.

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This current lags the voltage by 90 electrical degrees. Inductance ab-sorbs no energy. The energy stored in the magnetic field during eachhalf cycle is returned to the source during the same half cycle.

Capacitive reactance is 1/(2p fC) 5 1/vC and is denoted by XC , whereC is in F. If C is given in mF, XC 5 106 2p fC. The current in a capacitivereactance XC when connected across voltage E is

I 5 E/XC 5 2p fCE A (15.1.58)

This current leads the voltage by 90 electrical degrees. Pure capacitanceabsorbs no energy. The energy stored in the dielectric field during each

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Fig. 15.1.26 Transient current in an oscillatory circuit.


Sine Waves In the following discussion of alternating currents, sinewaves of voltage and current will be assumed. That is, e 5 Em sin vt andi 5 Im sin (vt 2 u), where Em and Im are maximum values of voltage andcurrent; v, the angular velocity, in rad/s, is equal to 2p f, where f is thefrequency; u is the angle of phase difference.

Cycle; Frequency When any given armature coil has passed a pairof poles, the emf or current has gone through 360 electrical degrees, or 1cycle. An alternation is one-half cycle. The frequency of a synchronousmachine in cycles per second (hertz) is

f 5 NP/120 Hz (15.1.55)

where N is the speed in r/min and P the number of poles. In the UnitedStates and Canada the frequency of 60 Hz is almost universal for gen-eral lighting and power. For the ac power supply to dc transit systems,and for railroad electrification, a frequency of 25 Hz is used in manyinstallations. In most of Europe and Latin America the frequency of50 Hz is in general use. In aircraft the frequency of 400 Hz has becomestandard.

Static inverters make it possible to obtain high and variable frequen-cies to drive motors at greater than the 3,600 r/min limitation on 60-Hzcircuits, and to vary speeds. The textile industry has small motors oper-ating at 12,000 r/min (200 Hz), and larger motors have been run at6,000 r/min (100 Hz). Many large mainframe computers have beenpowered at 400 Hz.

The root-mean-square (rms), or effective, value of a current wave pro-duces the same heating in a given resistance as a direct current of thesame ampere value. Since the heating effect of a current is proportionalto i2r, the rms value is obtained by squaring the ordinates, finding theiraverage value, and extracting the square root, i.e., the rms value is

I 5 √1/T ET

i2 dt A (15.1.56)

where T is the time of a cycle. The rms value I of a sine wave equals(1/√2)Im 5 0.707Im .

Average Value of a Wave The average value of a sine wave over acomplete cycle is zero. For a half cycle the average is (2/p)Im , or0.637 Im , where Im is the maximum value of the sine wave. The averagevalue is of importance only occasionally. A dc measuring instrumentgives the average value of a pulsating wave. The average value is of use(1) when the effects of the current are proportional to the number ofcoulombs, as in electrolytic work and (2) when converting alternating todirect current.

Form Factor The form factor of a wave is the ratio of rms value toaverage value. For a sine wave this is p/(2√2) 5 1.11. This factor isimportant in that it enters equations for induced emf.

Inductive reactance, 2p fL or vL, opposes an alternating current ininductance L. It is expressed in V. Reactance is usually denoted by thesymbol X. Inductive reactance is denoted by XL .

The current in an inductive reactance XL when connected across thevoltage E is

I 5 E/XL 5 E/(2p fL) A (15.1.57)

half cycle is returned to the source during the same half cycle.Impedance opposes the flow of alternating current and is expressed in

V. It is denoted by Z. With resistance and inductance in series

Z 5 √R2 1 X2L 5 √R2 1 (2p fL)2 V (15.1.59)

With resistance and capacitance in series

Z 5 √R2 1 X2C 5 √R2 1 [1/(2p fC)]2 V (15.1.60)

With resistance, inductance, and capacitance in series

Z 5 √R2 1 (XL 2 XC)2

5 √R2 1 [2p fL 2 1/(2p fC)]2 V (15.1.61)

The current is

I 5 E/√R2 1 [2p fL 2 1/(2p fC)]2 A (15.1.62)

Phasor or Vector Representation Sine waves of voltage andcurrent can be represented by phasors, these phasors being proportionalin magnitude to the waves that they represent. The angle between twophasors is also equal to the time angle existing between the two wavesthat they represent.

Phasors may be combined as forces are combined in mechanics. Bothgraphical methods and the methods of complex algebra are used. Im-pedances and also admittances may be similarly combined, eithergraphically or symbolically. The usual method is to resolve series im-pedances into their component resistances and reactances, then combineall resistances and all reactances, from which the resultant impedance isobtained. Thus Z1 1 Z2 5 √(r1 1 r2)2 1 (x1 1 x2)2, where r1 and x1 arethe components of Z1 , etc.

Phase Difference With resistance only in the circuit, the currentand the voltage are in phase with each other; with inductance only in thecircuit, the current lags the voltage by 90 electrical degrees; with capac-itance only in the circuit, the current leads the voltage by 90 electricaldegrees.

With resistance and inductance in series, the voltage leads the currentby angle u where tan u 5 XL/R. With resistance and capacitance inseries, the voltage lags the current by angle u where tan u 5 2XC/R.

With resistance, inductance, and capacitance in series, the voltagemay lag, lead, or be in phase with the current.

tan u 5 (XL 2 XC )/R 5 (2p fL 2 1/2p fC)/R (15.1.63)

If XL . XC the voltage leads; if XL , XC the voltage lags; if XL 5 XC thecurrent and voltage are in phase and the circuit is in resonance.

Power Factor In ac circuits the power P 5 I2R where I is the currentand R the effective resistance (see below). Also the power

P 5 EI cos u W (15.1.64)

where u is the phase angle between E and I. Cos u is the power factor(pf ) of the circuit. It can never exceed unity and is usually less thanunity.

cos u 5 P/EI (15.1.65)

P is often called the true power. The product EI is the volt-amp (V ?A)and is often called the apparent power.

Active or energy current is the projection of the total current on thevoltage phasor. Ie 5 I cos u. Power 5 EIe .

Reactive, quadrature, or wattless current Iq 5 I sin u and is the compo-nent of the current that contributes no power but increases the I2R lossesof the system. In power systems it should ordinarily be made low.

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The vars (volt-amp-reactive) are equal to the product of the voltageand reactive current. Vars 5 EIq . Kilovars 5 EIq /1,000.

Effective Resistance When alternating current flows in a circuit,the losses are ordinarily greater than are given by the losses in the ohmicresistance alone. For example, alternating current tends to flow near thesurface of conductors (skin effect). If iron is associated with the circuit,eddy-current and hysteresis losses result. These power losses may beaccounted for by increasing the ohmic resistance to a value R, where Ris the effective resistance, R 5 P/I2. Since the iron losses vary as I1.8 to I2,little error results from this assumption.

is the natural frequency of the circuit and is the frequency at which it willoscillate if the circuit is not acted upon by some external frequency.This is the principle of radio sending and receiving circuits. Resonantconditions of this type should be avoided in power circuits, as the pilingup of voltage may endanger apparatus and insulation.

EXAMPLE. For what value of the inductance in the circuit (Fig. 15.1.27) willthe circuit be in resonance, and what is the voltage across the inductor and capaci-tor under these conditions?

From Eq. (15.1.66) L 5 1/(2p f )2C 5 0.1173 H. I 5 E/R 5 120/10 5 12 A.LvI 5 I/Cv 5 0.1173 3 377 3 12 5 530 V. This voltage is over four times the

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Fig. 15.1.27 Resistor, inductor, and capacitor in series.

SOLUTION OF SERIES-CIRCUIT PROBLEM. Let a resistor R of 10 V, an in-ductor L of 0.06 H, and a capacitor C of 60 mF be connected in series across120-V 60-Hz mains (Fig. 15.1.27). Determine (1) the impedance, (2) the current,(3) the voltage across the resistance, the inductance, the capacitance, (4) the powerfactor, (5) the power, (6) the angle of phase difference.

(1) v 5 2p60 5 377. XL 5 0.06 3 377 5 22.6 V; XC 5 1/(377 3 0.000060) 5

44.2 V; Z 5 √(10)2 1 (22.6 2 44.2)2 5 23.8 V; (2) I 5 120/23.8 5 5.04 A;(3) ER 5 IR 5 5.04 3 10 5 50.4 V; EL 5 IXL 5 5.04 3 22.6 5 114.0 V; EC 5IXC 5 5.04 3 44.2 5 223 V; (4) tan u 5 (XL 2 XC)/R 5 221.6/10 5 22.16,u 5 265.2°, cos u 5 pf 5 0.420; (5) P 5 120 3 5.04 3 0.420 5 254 W; P 5I2R 5 (5.04)2 3 10 5 254 W (check); (6) From (4) u 5 265.2°. Voltagelags. The phasor diagram to scale of this circuit is shown in Fig. 15.1.28. Since thecurrent is common for all elements of the circuit, its phasor is laid horizontallyalong the axis of reference.

Fig. 15.1.28 Phasor diagram for a series circuit.

Resonance If the voltage E and the resistance R [Eq. (15.1.62)] arefixed, the maximum value of current occurs when 2p fL 2 1/2p fC 5 0.The circuit so far as its terminals are concerned behaves like a nonin-ductive resistor. The current I 5 E/R, the power P 5 EI, and the powerfactor is unity.

The voltage across the inductor and the voltage across the capacitorare opposite and equal and may be many times greater than the circuitvoltage. The frequency

f 5 1/(2p √LC) Hz (15.1.66)

Fig. 15.1.29 Parallel circuit and phasor diagrams.

line voltage.

Parallel Circuits Parallel circuits are used for nearly all power dis-tribution. With several series circuits in parallel it is merely necessary tofind the current in each and add all the current phasors vectorially tofind the total current. Parallel circuits may be solved analytically.

A series circuit has resistance r1 and inductive reactance x1 . The con-ductance is

g1 5 r1/(r21 1 x2

1) 5 r1/Z21 S (15.1.67)

and the susceptance is

b1 5 x1/(r21 1 x2

1) 5 x1/Z21 S (15.1.68)

Conductance is not the reciprocal of resistance unless the reactance iszero; susceptance is not the reciprocal of reactance unless the resistanceis zero. With inductive reactance the susceptance is negative; with ca-pacitive reactance the susceptance is positive.

If a second circuit has resistance r2 and capacitive reactance x2 inseries, g2 5 r2/(r2

2 1 x22) 5 r2/Z2

2 ; b2 5 x2/(r22 1 x2

2) 5 x2/Z22 . The total

conductance G 5 g1 1 g2 ; the total susceptance B 5 2b1 1 b2 . Theadmittance is

Y 5 √G2 1 B2 5 1/Z S (15.1.69)

The energy current is EG; the reactive current is EB; the power is

P 5 E2G W (15.1.70)vars 5 E2B W (15.1.71)

The power factor is

pf 5 G/Y (15.1.72)

Also the following relations hold:

r 5 g/(g2 1 b2) 5 g/Y2 V (15.1.73)x 5 b/(g2 1 b2) 5 b/Y2 V (15.1.74)

SOLUTION OF A PARALLEL-CIRCUIT PROBLEM. In the parallel circuit ofFig. 15.1.29 it is desired to find the joint impedance, the total current, the power ineach branch, the total power, and the power factor, when E 5 100, f 5 60, R1 52 V, R2 5 4 V, L1 5 0.00795 H, X1 5 2p fL1 5 3 V, C2 5 1,326 mF, X2 51/2p fC2 5 2 V, Z1 5 √22 1 32 5 3.6 V, and Y1 5 1/3.6 5 0.278 S.

Solution: g1 5 R1/(R21 1 X2

1) 5 2/13 5 0.154; b1 5 23/13 5 20.231;Z2 5 √16 1 4 5 4.47; Y2 5 1/4.47 5 0.224; g2 5 R2/(R2

2 1 X22) 5 4/(16 1 4) 5

0.2 S; b2 5 2/20 5 0.1 S; G 5 g1 1 g2 5 0.154 1 0.2 5 0.354 S; B 5 b1 1 b2 5

20.231 1 0.1 5 20.131 S; Y 5 √G2 1 B2 5 √0.3542 1 (20.131)2 5 0.377 S,and joint impedance Z 5 1/0.377 5 2.65 V. Phase angle u 5 tan21 (20.131/0.354) 5 220.3°. I 5 EY 5 100 3 0.377 5 37.7 A; P1 5 E2g1 5 1002 3 0.154 51,540 W; P2 5 E2g2 5 1002 3 0.2 5 2,000 W; total power 5 E2G 5 1002 30.354 5 3,540 W. Power factor 5 cos u 5 3,540/(100 3 37.7) 5 93.8 percent.

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With parallel circuits, unity power factor is obtained when the alge-braic sum of the quadrature currents is zero. That is, b1 1 b2 1b3 ? ? ? 5 0.

Three-Phase Circuits Ac generators are usually wound with threearmature circuits which are spaced 120 electrical degrees apart on thearmature. Hence these coils generate emfs 120 electrical degrees apart.The coils are connected either in Y (star) or in D (mesh) as shown in Fig.15.1.30. Whether Y- or D-connected, with a balanced load, the three

ductor OO9. If Ec is the voltage across OA or OB, √2 Ec will be thevoltage across AB. The power of a two-phase circuit is twice the powerin either coil if the load is balanced. Normally, the voltages OA and OBare equal, and the current is the same in both coils. Owing to nonsym-metry and the high degree of unbalancing of this system even underbalanced loads, it is not used at the present time for transmission and islittle used for distribution.

Four-Phase Circuit A four-phase or quarter-phase circuit is shownin Fig. 15.1.32. The windings AC and BD may be independent or con-

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Fig. 15.1.30 Three-phase connections. (a) Y connection; (b) D connection.

coil emfs Ec and the three coil currents Ic are equal. In the Y connectionthe line and coil currents are equal, but the line emfs EAB , EBC , ECA are√3 times in magnitude the coil emfs EOA , EOB , EOC , since each is thephasor difference of two coil emfs. In the delta connection the line andcoil emfs are equal, but I, the line current, is √3 Ic , the coil current, i.e., itis the phasor difference of the currents in the two coils connected to theline. The power of a coil is EcIc cos u, so that the total power is 3EcIc cosu. If u is the angle between coil current and coil voltage, the anglebetween line current and line voltage will be 30° 6 u. In terms of linecurrent and emf, the power is √3 EI cos u. A fourth or neutral conductorconnected to O is frequently used with the Y connection. The neutralpoint O is frequently grounded in transmission and distribution circuits.The coil emfs are assumed to be sine waves. Under these conditionsthey balance, so that in the delta connection the sum of the two coil emfsat each instant is balanced by the third coil emf. Even though the third,ninth, fifteenth . . . harmonics, 3(2n 1 1) f, where n 5 0 or an integer,exist in the coil emfs, they cannot appear between the three external lineconductors of the three-phase Y-connected circuit. In the delta circuit,the same harmonics 3(2n 1 1) f cause local currents to circulate aroundthe mesh. This may cause a very appreciable heating. In a three-phasesystem the power

P 5 √3 EI cos u W (15.1.75)

the power factor is

P/√3 EI (15.1.76)

and the kV ?A

√3 EI/1,000 (15.1.77)

where E and I are line voltages and currents.Two-Phase Circuits Two-phase generators have two windings

spaced 90 electrical degrees apart on the armature. These windingsgenerate emfs differing in time phase by 90°. The two windings may beindependent and power transmitted to the receiver though the two sin-gle-phase circuits are entirely insulated from each other. The two cir-cuits may be combined into a two-phase three-wire circuit such as isshown in Fig. 15.1.31, where OA and OB are the generator circuits (or

Fig. 15.1.31 Two-phase, three-wire circuit.

transformer secondaries) and A9O9 and B9O9 are the load circuits. Thewire OO9 is the common wire and under balanced conditions carries acurrent √2 times the current wires AA9 and BB9. For example, if Ic is thecoil current, √2 Ic will be the value of the current in the common con-

Fig. 15.1.32 Four-phase or quarter-phase circuit.

nected at O. The voltages AC and BD are 90 electrical degrees apart asin two-phase circuits. If a neutral wire O-O9 is added, three differentvoltages can be obtained. Let E1 5 voltage between O-A, O-B, O-C,O-D. Voltages between A-B, B-C, C-D, D-A 5 √2 E1 . Voltages betweenA-C, B-D 5 2E1 . Because of this multiplicity of voltages and the factthat polyphase power apparatus and lamps may be connected at thesame time, this system is still used to some extent in distribution.

Advantages of Polyphase Power The advantages of polyphasepower over single-phase power are as follows. The output of synchro-nous generators and most other rotating machinery is from 60 to 90percent greater when operated polyphase than when operated singlephase; pulsating fluxes and corresponding iron losses which occur inmany common types of machinery when operated single phase are neg-ligible when operated polyphase; with balanced polyphase loads poly-phase power is constant whereas with single phase the power fluctuatesover wide limits during the cycle. Because of its minimum number ofwires and the fact that it is not easily unbalanced, the three-phase systemhas for the most part superseded other polyphase systems.


Electrical measuring devices that merely indicate, such as ammeters andvoltmeters, are called instruments; devices that totalize with time such aswatthour meters and ampere-hour meters are called meters. (See alsoSec. 16.) Most types of electrical instruments are available with digitalread out.

DC Instruments Direct current and voltage are both measured withan indicating instrument based on the principle of the D’Arsonval gal-vanometer. A coil with steel pivots and turning in jewel bearings ismounted in a magnetic field produced by permanent magnets. The mo-tion is restrained by two small flat coiled springs, which also serve toconduct the current to the coil. The deflections of the coil are read with alight aluminum pointer attached to the coil and moving over a graduatedscale. The same instrument may be used for either current or voltage,but the method of connecting in circuit is different in the two cases.Usually, however, the coil of an instrument to be used as an ammeter iswound with fewer turns of coarser wire than an instrument to be used asa voltmeter and so has lower resistance. The instrument itself is fre-quently called a millivoltmeter. It cannot be used alone to measure volt-age of any magnitude since its resistance is so low that it would beburned out if connected across the line. Hence a resistance r9 in serieswith the coil is necessary as indicated in Fig. 15.1.33a in which rc is theresistance of the coil. From 0.2 to 750 V this resistance is usually withinthe instrument. For higher voltages an external resistance R, called anextension coil or multiplier (Fig. 15.1.33b), is necessary. Let e be thereading of the instrument, in volts (Fig. 15.1.33b), r the internal resis-

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tance of the instrument, including r9 and rc in Eq. (15.1.33a), R theresistance of the multiplier. Then the total voltage is

E 5 e(R 1 r)/r (15.1.78)

It is clear that by using suitable values of R a voltmeter can be made tohave several scales.

general, indicate so accurately on direct as on alternating current be-cause of the effects of external stray magnetic fields. Also reversedreadings should be taken. Iron vane instruments consist of a fixed coilwhich actuates magnetically a light movable iron vane mounted on aspindle; they are rugged, inexpensive, and may be had in ranges of 30 to750 V and 0.05 to 100 A. They measure rms values and tend to havecompressed scales as in the case of electrodynamometer instruments.

The compressed part of the scale may, however, be extended bychanging the shape of the vanes. Such instruments operate with directcurrent and are accurate to within 1 percent or so. AC instruments of the

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Fig. 15.1.33 Voltmeters. (a) Internal resistance; (b) with multiplier.

Instruments themselves can only carry currents of the magnitudes of0.01 to 0.06 A. To measure larger values of current the instrument isprovided with a shunt R (Fig. 15.1.34). The current divides inversely asthe resistances r and R of the instrument and the shunt. A low resistancer9 within the instrument is connected in series with the coil. This per-mits some adjustment to the deflection so that the instrument can be

Fig. 15.1.34 Millivoltmeter with shunt.

adapted to its shunt. Usually most of the current flows through theshunt, and the current in the instrument is negligible in comparison. Upto 50 and 75 A the shunt can be incorporated within the instrument. Forlarger currents it is usually necessary to have the shunt external to theinstrument and connect the instrument to the potential terminals of theshunt by means of leads. Any given instrument may have any number ofranges by providing it with a sufficient number of shunts. The range ofthe usual instrument of this type is approximately 50 mV. Although thesame instrument may be used for voltmeters or ammeters, the movingcoils of voltmeters are usually wound with more turns of finer wire.They take approximately 0.01 A so that their resistance is approxi-mately 100 V/V. Instruments used as ammeters alone operate with 0.01to 0.06 A.

Permanent-magnet moving-coil instruments may be used to measureunidirectional pulsating currents or voltages and in such cases will indi-cate the average value of the periodically varying current or voltage.

AC Instruments Instruments generally used for alternating currentsmay be divided into five types: electrodynamometer, iron-vane, thermo-couple, rectifier, and electronic. Instruments of the electrodynamometertype, the most precise, operate on the principle of one coil carryingcurrent, turning in the magnetic field produced by a second coil carryingcurrent taken from the same circuit. If these circuits or coils are con-nected in series, the torque exerted on the moving system for a givenrelative position of the coil system is proportional to the square of thecurrent and is not dependent on the direction of the current. Conse-quently, the instrument will have a compressed scale at the lower endand will usually have only the upper two-thirds of the scale range usefulfor accurate measurement. Instruments of this type ordinarily require0.04 to 0.08 A or more in the moving-coil circuit for full-scale deflec-tion. They read the rms value of the alternating or pulsating current. Thewattmeter operates on the electrodynamometer principle. The fixedcoil, however, is energized by the current of the circuit, and the movingcoil is connected across the potential in series with high resistance.Unless shielded magnetically the foregoing instruments will not, in

induction type (Westinghouse Electric Corp.) must be used on ac circuitsof the frequency for which they have been designed. They are ruggedand relatively inexpensive and are used principally for switchboardswhere a long-scale range and a strong deflecting torque are of particularadvantage. Thermocouple instruments operate on the Seebeck effect. Thecurrent to be measured is conducted through a heater wire, and a ther-mojunction is either in thermal contact with the heater or is very close toit. The emf developed in the thermojunction is measured by a perma-nent-magnet dc type of instrument. By controlling the shape of the airgap, a nearly uniform scale is obtained. This type of instrument is welladapted to the measurement of high-frequency currents or voltages, andsince it operates on the heating effect of current, it is convenient as atransfer instrument between direct current and alternating current.

In the rectifier-type instrument the ac voltage or current is rectified,usually by means of a small copper oxide or a selenium-type rectifier,connected in a bridge circuit to give full-wave rectification (Fig.15.1.35). The rectified current is measured with a dc permanent-mag-

Fig. 15.1.35 Rectifier-type instrument.

net-type instrument M. The instrument measures the average value ofthe half waves that have been rectified, and with the sine waves, theaverage value is 0.9 the rms value. The scale is calibrated to indicaterms values. With nonsinusoidal waves the ratio of average to rms mayvary considerably from 0.9 so that the instrument may be in error up to6 5 percent from this cause. This type of instrument is widely used inthe measurement of high-frequency voltages and currents. Electronicvoltmeters operate on the principle of the amplification which can beobtained with a transistor. Since the emf to be measured is applied to thebase, the instruments take practically no current and hence are adaptedto measure potential differences which would change radically were anyappreciable current taken by the measuring device. This type of instru-ment can measure voltages from a few tenths of a volt to severalhundred volts, and with a potential divider, up to thousands of volts.They are also adapted to frequencies up to 100 MHz.

Particular care must be used in selecting instruments for measuringthe nonsinusoidal waves of rectifier and controlled rectifier circuits. Theelectrodynamic, iron vane, and thermocouple instruments will read rmsvalues. The rectifier instrument will read average values, while the elec-tronic instrument may read either rms or average value, depending onthe type.

Power Measurement in Single-Phase Circuits Wattmeters are notrated primarily in W, but in A and V. For example, with a low powerfactor the current and voltage coils may be overloaded and yet theneedle be well on the scale. The current coil may be carrying several

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times its rated current, and yet the instrument reads zero because thepotential circuit is not closed, etc. Hence it is desirable to use both anammeter and a voltmeter in conjunction with a wattmeter when measur-ing power (Fig. 15.1.36a). The instruments themselves consume appre-ciable power, and correction is often necessary unless these losses arenegligible compared with the power being measured. For example, inFig. 15.1.36a, the wattmeter measures the I 2 R loss in its own currentcoil and in the ammeter (1 to 2 W each), as well as the loss in the


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Fig. 15.1.36 Connections of instruments to single-phase load.

voltmeter (5 E2/R where R is the resistance of the voltmeter). Thelosses in the ammeter and voltmeter may be eliminated by short-circuit-ing the ammeter and disconnecting the voltmeter when reading thewattmeter. If the wattmeter is connected as shown in Fig. 15.1.36b,it measures the power taken by its own potential coil (E2/Rp) which at110 V is 5 to 7 W. (Rp is the resistance of the potential circuit.) Fre-quently correction must be made for this power.

Power Measurement in Polyphase Circuits; Three-WattmeterMethod Let ao, bo, and co be any Y-connected three-phase load (Fig.15.1.37). Three wattmeters with their current coils in each line and theirpotential circuits connected to neutral measure the total power, since thepower in each load is measured by one of the wattmeters. The connec-tion oo9 may, however, be broken, and the total power is still the sum ofthe three readings; i.e., the power P 5 P1 1 P2 1 P3 . This method is

Fig. 15.1.37 Three-wattmeter method.

applicable to any system of n wires. The current coil of one wattmeter isconnected in each of the n wires. The potential circuit of each wattmeteris connected between its own phase wire and a junction in common withall the other potential circuits. The wattmeters must be connected sym-metrically, and the readings of any that read negative must be given thenegative sign.

In the general case any system of n wires requires at least n 2 1wattmeters to measure the power correctly. The n 2 1 wattmeters areconnected in series with n 2 1 wires. The potential circuit of each isconnected between its own phase wire and the wire in which no watt-meter is connected (Fig. 15.1.38).

Table 15.1.9 Ratio P1/P2 and Power Fac

Power PowerP1 /P2 factor P1 /P2 factor

1 1.0 1.000 1 0.4 0.8041 0.9 0.996 1 0.3 0.7321 0.8 0.982 1 0.2 0.6561 0.7 0.956 1 0.1 0.5761 0.6 0.918 0.0 0.501 0.5 0.866

Fig. 15.1.38 Power measurement in an n-wire system.

The thermal watt converter is also used to measure power. This in-strument produces a dc voltage proportional to three-phase ac power.

Three-Phase Systems The three-wattmeter method (Fig. 15.1.37)is applicable to any three-phase system. It is commonly used with thethree-phase four-wire system. If the loads are balanced, P1 5 P2 5 P3

and the power P 5 3P1 .The two-wattmeter method is most commonly used with three-phase

three-wire systems (Fig. 15.1.39). The current coils may be connectedin any two wires, the potential circuits being connected to the third. Itwill be recognized that this is adapting the method of Fig. 15.1.38to three wires. With balanced loads the readings of the wattmeters are

Fig. 15.1.39 Two-wattmeter method.

P1 5 Ei cos (30°1 u), P2 5 Ei cos (30°2 u), and P 5 P2 6 P1 . u is theangle of phase difference between coil voltage and current. Since

P1/P2 5 cos (30° 1 u)/cos (30° 2 u) (15.1.79)

the power factor is a function of P1/P2 . Table 15.1.9 gives values ofpower factor for different ratios of P1/P2 .

P 5 P2 1 P1 when u , 60°.

When u 5 60°, pf 5 cos 60° 5 0.5, P1 5 cos (30° 1 60°) 5 0, P 5P2 . When u . 60°, pf , 0.5, P 5 P2 2 P1 . Also,

tan u 5 √3 (P2 2 P1)/(P2 1 P1) (15.1.80)

In a polyphase wattmeter the two single-phase wattmeter elements arecombined to act on a single spindle. Hence the adding and subtracting ofthe individual readings are done automatically. The total power is indi-cated on one scale. This type of instrument is almost always used onswitchboards. The connections of a portable type are shown in Fig.15.1.40.

In the foregoing instrument connections, Y-connected loads areshown. These methods are equally applicable to delta-connected loads.The two-wattmeter method (Fig. 15.1.39) is obviously adapted to thetwo-phase three-wire system (Fig. 15.1.31).

Power PowerP1 /P2 factor P1 /P2 factor

2 0.1 0.427 2 0.6 0.1422 0.2 0.360 2 0.7 0.1022 0.3 0.296 2 0.8 0.0642 0.4 0.240 2 0.9 0.0302 0.5 0.188 2 1.0 0.000

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Fig. 15.1.40 Connections for a polyphase wattmeter in a three-phase circuit.

Measurement of Energy

Power-Factor Measurement The usual method of determiningpower factor is by the use of voltmeter, ammeter, and wattmeter. Thewattmeter gives the watts of the circuit, and the product of the voltmeterreading and the ammeter reading gives the volt-amperes. The powerfactor is the ratio of the two [see Eqs. (15.1.65) and (15.1.76)]. Alsosingle-phase and three-phase power-factor indicators, which can beconnected directly in circuit, are on the market.

Instrument Transformers

With voltages higher than 600 V, and even at 600 V, it becomes danger-

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Watthour meters record the energy taken by a circuit over some intervalof time. Correct registration occurs if the angular velocity of the rotatingelement at every instant is proportional to the power. The method ofaccomplishing this with dc meters is illustrated in Fig. 15.1.41. Themeter is in reality a small motor. The field coils FF are in series with theline. The armature A is connected across the line, usually in series with aresistor R. The movable field coil F9 is in series with the armature A andserves to compensate for friction. C is a small commutator, either of

Fig. 15.1.41 DC watthour meter.

copper or of silver, and the two small brushes are usually of silver. Analuminum disk, rotating between the poles of permanent magnets M,acts as a magnetic brake the retarding torque of which is proportional tothe angular velocity of the disk. A small worm and the gears G actuatethe recording dials.

The following relation, or an equivalent, holds with most types ofmeter. With each revolution of the disk, K Wh are recorded, where K isthe meter constant found usually on the disk. It follows that the averagewatts P over any period of time t sec is

P 5 3,600KN/t (15.1.81)

where N is the revolutions of the disk during that period. Hence, themeter may be calibrated by connecting standardized instruments tomeasure the average power taken by the load and by counting the revo-lutions N for t s. Near full load, if the meter registers fast, the magnets Mshould be moved outward radially; if it registers slow, the magnetsshould be moved inward. If the meter registers fast at light (5 to 10percent) load, the starting coil F9 should be moved further away fromthe armature; if it registers slow, F9 should be moved nearer the arma-ture. A meter should not register more than 1.5 percent fast or slow, andwith calibrated standards it can be made to register to within 1 percentof correct.

The induction watthour meter is used with alternating current. Al-though the dc meter registers correctly with alternating current, it ismore expensive than the induction type, the commutator and brushesmay cause trouble, and at low power factors compensation is necessary.In the induction watthour meter the driving torque is developed in thealuminum disk by the joint action of the alternating magnetic flux pro-duced by the potential circuit and by the load current. The drivingtorque and the retarding torque are both developed in the same alumi-num disk, hence no commutator and brushes are necessary. The rotatingelement is very light, and hence the friction torque is small. Equation(15.1.81) applies to this type of meter. When calibrating, the averagepower W for t s is determined with a calibrated wattmeter. The frictioncompensation is made at light loads by changing the position of a smallhollow stamping with respect to the potential lug. The meter should alsobe adjusted at low power factor (0.5 is customary). If the meter is slowwith lagging current, resistance should be cut out of the compensatingcircuit; if slow with leading current, resistance should be inserted.

ous and inaccurate to connect instruments and meters directly intopower lines. It is also difficult to make potential instruments for volt-ages in excess of 600 V and ammeters in excess of 60-A ratings. Toinsulate such instruments from high voltage and at the same time topermit the use of low-range instruments, instrument transformers areused. Potential transformers are identical with power transformers ex-cept that their volt-ampere rating is low, being 40 to 500 W. Theirprimaries are wound for line voltage and their secondaries for 110 V.Current transformers are designed to go in series with the line, and therated secondary current is 5 A. The secondary of a current transformershould always be closed when current is flowing; it should never be al-lowed to become open circuited under these conditions. When open-cir-cuited the voltage across the secondary becomes so high as to be dan-gerous and the flux becomes so large in magnitude that the transformeroverheats. Semiconductors that break down at safe voltages and shortcurrent-transformer secondaries are available to ensure that the second-ary is closed. The secondaries of both potential and current transformersshould be well grounded at one point (Figs. 15.1.42 and 15.1.43). In-strument transformers introduce slight errors because of small varia-tions in their ratio with load. Also there is slight phase displacement inboth current and potential transformers. The readings of the instrumentsmust be multiplied by the instrument transformer ratios. The scales ofswitchboard instruments are usually calibrated to take these ratios intoaccount.

Fig. 15.1.42 Single-phase connections of instruments with transformers.

Figure 15.1.42 shows the use of instrument transformers to measurethe voltage, current, power, and kilowatthours of a single-phase load.Figure 15.1.43 shows the connections that would be used to measure thevoltage, current, and power of a 26,400-V 600-A three-phase load.

Fig. 15.1.43 Three-phase connections of instruments and instrument trans-formers.

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Measurement of High Voltages Potential transformers such asthose shown in Figs. 15.1.42 and 15.1.43 may be used even for veryhigh voltages, but for voltages above 132 kV they become so large andexpensive that they are used only sparingly. A convenient method usedwith testing transformers is the employment of a voltmeter coil, whichconsists of a coil of a few turns interwoven in the high-voltage windingand insulated from it. The voltage ratio is the ratio of the turns in thehigh-voltage winding to those in the voltmeter coil. A capacitance volt-age divider consists of two or more capacitors connected in series acrossthe high voltage to be measured. A high-impedance voltmeter, such as

tion with the switch connecting S and A is E/(R 1 r), where r is theresistance of the voltmeter. A high-resistance voltmeter is necessary,since the method is in reality a comparison of the unknown insulationresistance R with the known resistance r of the voltmeter. Hence, the

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an electronic one, is connected across the capacitor at the grounded end.The high voltage V 5 VmCm /C V, where Vm is the voltmeter reading, Cthe capacitance (in mF) of the entire divider, and Cm the equivalentcapacitance (in mF) of the capacitor at the grounded end. A bushingpotential device consists of a high-voltage-transformer bushing havinga capacitance tap brought out from one of the metallic electrodes withinthe bushing which is near ground potential. This device is obviously acapacitance voltage divider. For testing, sphere gaps are used for thevery high voltages. Calibration data for sphere gaps are given in theANSI/IEEE Std. 4-1978 Standard Techniques for High Voltage Test-ing. Even when it is not being used for the measurement of voltage, it isfrequently advisable to connect a sphere gap in parallel with the speci-men being tested so as to prevent overvoltages. The gap is set to aslightly higher voltage than that which is desired.

Measurement of Resistance

Voltmeter-Ammeter Method A common method of measuring re-sistance, known as the voltmeter-ammeter or fall-in-potential method,makes use of an ammeter and a voltmeter. In Fig. 15.1.44, the resistanceto be measured is R. The current in the resistor R is I A, which ismeasured by the ammeter A in series. The drop in potential across theresistor R is measured by the voltmeter V. The current shunted by thevoltmeter is so small that it may generally be neglected. A correction

Fig. 15.1.44 Voltmeter-ammeter method for resistance measurement.

may be applied if necessary, for the resistance of the voltmeter is gener-ally given with the instrument. The potential difference divided by thecurrent gives the resistance included between the voltmeter leads. As acheck, determinations are generally made with several values of current,which may be varied by means of the controlling resistor r. If the resis-tance to be measured is that of the armature of a dc machine and thevoltmeter leads are placed on the brush holders, the resistance deter-mined will include that of the brush contacts. To measure the resistanceof the armature alone, the voltmeter leads should be placed directly onthe commutator segments on which the brushes rest but not under thebrushes.

Insulation Resistance Insulation resistance is so high that it is usu-ally given in megohms (106 ohms, MV) rather than in ohms. Insulationresistance tests are important, for although they may not be conclusivethey frequently reveal flaws in insulation, poor insulating material,presence of moisture, etc. Such tests are applied to the insulation ofelectrical machinery from the windings to the frame, to undergroundcables, to insulators, capacitors, etc.

For moderately low resistances, 1 to 10 MV, the voltmeter methodgiven in Fig. 15.1.45, which shows insulation measurement to the frameof the field winding of a generator, may be used. To measure the currentwhen a voltage E is impressed across the resistor R, a high-readingvoltmeter V is connected in series with R. The current under this condi-

Fig. 15.1.45 Voltmeter method for insulation resistance measurement.

resistance of the voltmeter must be comparable with the unknown re-sistance, or the deflection of the instrument will be so small that theresults will be inaccurate. To determine the impressed voltage E, thesame voltmeter is used. The switch S connects S and B for this purpose.With these two readings, the unknown resistance is

R 5 r(E 2 e)/e (15.1.82)

where e is the deflection of the voltmeter when in series with the resis-tance to be measured as when S is at A. If a special voltmeter, having aresistance of 100 kV per 150 V, is available, a resistance of the order of2 to 3 MV may be measured very accurately.

When the insulation resistance is too high to be measured with avoltmeter, a sensitive galvanometer may be used. The connections formeasuring the insulation resistance of a cable are shown in Fig. 15.1.46.The battery should have an emf of at least 100 V. Radio B batteries areconvenient for this purpose. The method involves comparing the un-known resistance with a standard 0.1 MV. To calibrate the galvanome-ter the cable is short-circuited (dotted line) and the switch S is thrown to

Fig. 15.1.46 Measurement of insulation resistance with a galvanometer.

position (a). Let the galvanometer deflection be D1 and the reading ofthe Ayrton shunt S1 . The short circuit is then removed. The 0.1 MV isleft in circuit since it is usually negligible in comparison with the un-known resistance X. Let the reading of the galvanometer now be D2 andthe reading of the shunt S2 . Then

X 5 0.1 S2D1 /S1D2 MV (15.1.83)

When the switch S is thrown to position (b), the cable is short-cir-cuited through the 0.1 MV and becomes discharged.

The Megger insulation tester is an instrument that indicates insulationresistance directly on a scale. It consists of a small hand or motor-drivengenerator which generates 500 V, 1,000 V, 2,500 V, or 5,000 V. A

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clutch slips when the voltage exceeds the rated value. The currentthrough the unknown resistance flows through a moving element con-sisting of two coils fastened rigidly together, but which move in differ-ent portions of the magnetic field. A pointer attached to the spindle ofthe moving element indicates the insulation resistance directly. Theseinstruments have a range up to 10,000 MV and are very convenientwhere portability and convenience are desirable.

The insulation resistance of electrical machinery may be of doubtfulsignificance as far as dielectric strength is concerned. It varies widelywith temperature, humidity, and cleanliness of the parts. When the insu-

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lation resistance falls below the prescribed value, it can (in most casesof good design) be brought to the required standard by cleaning anddrying the machine. Hence it may be useful in determining whether ornot the insulation is in proper condition for a dielectric test. IEEE Std.62-1978 specifies minimum values of insulation resistance in MV 5(rated voltage)/(rating in kW 1 1,000). If the operating voltage is higherthan the rated voltage, the operating voltage should be used. The rulespecifies that a dc voltage of 500 be used in testing. If not, the voltageshould be specified.

Wheatstone Bridge Resistors from a fraction of an V to 100 kVand more may be measured with a high degree of precision with theWheatstone bridge (Fig. 15.1.47). The bridge consists of four resistorsABCX connected as shown. X is the unknown resistance; A and B areratio arms, the resistance units of which are in even decimal V as 1, 10,100, etc. C is the rheostat arm. A battery or low-voltage source of directcurrent is connected across ab. A galvanometer G of moderate sensitiv-ity is connected across cd. The values of A and B are so chosen that three

Fig. 15.1.47 Wheatstone bridge.

or four significant figures in the value of C are obtained. As a firstapproximation it is well to make A and B equal. When the bridge is inbalance,

X/C 5 A/B (15.1.84)

The positions of the battery and galvanometer are interchangeable.There are many modifications of the bridge which adapt it to measure-ments of very low resistances and also to ac measurements.

Kelvin Double Bridge The simple Wheatstone bridge is not adaptedto measuring very low resistances since the contact resistances of thetest specimen become comparable with the specimen resistance. Thiserror is avoided in the Kelvin double bridge, the diagram of which isshown in Fig. 15.1.48. The specimen X, which may be a short length ofcopper wire or bus bar, is connected in series with an adjustable cali-brated resistor R whose resistance is comparable with that of the speci-men. The arms A and B of the bridge are ratio arms usually with decimalvalues of 1, 10, 100 V. One terminal of the galvanometer is connected toX and R by means of two resistors a and b. If these resistors are set sothat a/b 5 A/B, the contact resistance r between X and R is eliminated inthe measurement. The contact resistances at c and d have no effect sinceat balance the galvanometer current is zero. The contact resistances at fand e need only be negligible compared with the resistances of arms Aand B both of which are reasonably high. By means of the variableresistor Rh the value of current, as indicated by ammeter A, may beadjusted to give the necessary sensitivity. When the bridge is in balance,

X/R 5 A/B (15.1.85)

Fig. 15.1.48 Kelvin double bridge.

Potentiometer The principle of the potentiometer is shown in Fig.15.1.49. ab is a slide wire, and bc consists of a number of equal individ-ual resistors between contacts. A battery Ba the emf of which is approx-imately 2 V supplies current to this wire through the adjustable rheostatR. A slider m makes contact with ab, and a contactor m9 connects withthe contacts in bc. A galvanometer G is in series with the wire connect-ing to m. By means of the double-throw double-pole switch Sw, either

Fig. 15.1.49 Potentiometer principle.

the standard cell or the unknown emf (EMF ) may be connected to mm9through the galvanometer G. The potentiometer is standardized bythrowing Sw to the standard-cell side, setting mm9 so that their positionson ab and bc correspond to the emf of the standard cell. The rheostat Ris then adjusted until G reads zero. (In commercial potentiometers a dialwhich may be set directly to the emf of the standard cell is usuallyprovided.) The unknown emf is measured by throwing Sw to EMF andadjusting m and m9 until G reads zero. The advantage of this method ofmeasuring emf is that when the potentiometer is in balance no current istaken from either the standard cell or the source of emf. Potentiometersseldom exceed 1.6 V in range. To measure voltage in excess of this, avolt box which acts as a multiplier is used. To measure current, thevoltage drop across a standard resistor of suitable value is measuredwith the potentiometer. For example, with 50 A a 0.01-V standardresistance gives a voltage drop of 0.5 V which is well within the rangeof the potentiometer.

Potentiometers of low range are used extensively with thermocouplepyrometers. Figure 15.1.49 merely illustrates the principle of the poten-tiometer. There are many modifications, conveniences, etc., not shownin Fig. 15.1.49.


All electrical machines are comprised of a magnetic circuit of iron (orsteel) and an electric circuit of copper. In a generator the armatureconductors are rotated so that they cut the magnetic flux coming fromand entering the field poles. In the dc generator (except the unipolartype) the emf induced in the individual conductors is alternating, butthis is rectified by the commutator and brushes, so that the current to theexternal circuit is unidirectional.

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The induced emf in a generator (or motor)

E 5 fZNP/60P9108 V (15.1.86)

where f 5 flux in webers entering the armature from one north pole;Z 5 total number of conductors on the armature; N 5 speed, r/min;P 5 number of poles; and P9 5 number of parallel paths through thearmature.

Since with a given generator, Z, P, P9 are fixed, the induced emf

E 5 KfN V (15.1.87)

where K is a constant. When the armature delivers current, the terminal

Compound-Wound Generators By the addition of a series windingto a shunt generator the terminal voltage may be automatically main-tained very nearly constant, or, by properly proportioning the seriesturns, the terminal voltage may be made to increase with load to com-pensate for loss of voltage in the line, so that approximately constantvoltage is maintained at the load. If the shunt field is connected outsidethe series field (Fig. 15.1.53), the machine is long shunt; if the shuntfield is connected inside the series field, i.e., directly to the armatureterminals, it is short shunt. So far as the operating characteristic is con-cerned, it makes little difference which way a machine is connected.

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volts are

V 5 E 2 IaRa (15.1.88)

where Ia is the armature current and Ra the armature resistance includ-ing the brush and contact resistance, which vary somewhat.

There are three standard types of dc generators: the shunt generator,the series generator, and the compound generator.

Shunt Generator The field of the shunt generator in series with itsrheostat is connected directly across the armature as shown in Fig.15.1.50. This machine maintains approximately constant terminal volt-age over its working range of load. An external characteristic of thegenerator is shown in Fig. 15.1.51. As load is applied the terminalvoltage drops owing to the armature-resistance drop [Eq. (15.1.88)] andarmature reaction which decreases the flux. The drop in terminal volt-age reduces the field current which in turn reduces the flux, hence theinduced emf, etc. At some point B, usually well above rated current, theforegoing reactions become cumulative and the generator starts to break

Fig. 15.1.50 Shunt generator.

down. The current reaches a maximum value and then decreases tonearly zero at short circuit. With large machines, point B is well aboverated current, the operating range being between O and A. The voltagemay be maintained constant by means of the field rheostat. Automaticregulators which operate through field resistance are frequently used tomaintain constant voltage.

Shunt generators are used in systems which are all tied togetherwhere their stability when in parallel is an advantage. If a generator failsto build up, (1) the load may be connected; (2) the field resistance maybe too high; (3) the field circuit may be open; (4) the residual magnetismmay be insufficient; (5) the field connection may be reversed.

Series Generator In the series generator (Fig. 15.1.52) the entireload current flows through the field winding, which consists of rela-tively few turns of wire of sufficient size to carry the entire load currentwithout undue heating. The field excitation, and hence the terminalvoltage, depends on the magnitude of the load current. The generator

Fig. 15.1.51 Shunt generatorcharacteristic.

Fig. 15.1.52 Series generator.

supplies an essentially constant current and for years was used to supplyseries arc lamps for street lighting requiring direct current. Except forsome special applications, the series generator is now obsolete.

Table 15.1.10 gives performance characteristics.

Fig. 15.1.53 Compound-wound dc generator.

Compound-wound generators are chiefly used for small isolatedplants and for generators supplying a purely motor load subject to rapidfluctuations such as in railway work. When first putting a compoundgenerator in service, the shunt field must be so connected that the ma-chine builds up. The series field is then connected so that it aids theshunt field. Figure 15.1.54 gives the characteristics of an overcom-pounded 200-kW 600-V compound-wound generator.

Amplidynes The amplidyne is a dc generator in which a smallamount of power supplied to a control field controls the generator out-put, the response being nearly proportional to the control field input.The amplidyne is a dc amplifier which can supply large amounts ofpower. The amplifier operates on the principle of armature reaction. InFig. 15.1.55, NN and SS are the conventional north and south poles of adc generator with central cavities. BB are the usual brushes placed atright angles to the pole axes of NN and SS. A control winding CC of

Fig. 15.1.54 Characteristics of a 200-kW compound-wound dc generator.

Table 15.1.10 Approximate Test Performance ofCompound-Wound DC Generators with Commutating Poles

Efficiencies, percent

kWSpeed,r/min Volts Amperes 1⁄4 load 1⁄2 load Full load

5 1,750 125 40 77.0 80.5 82.010 1,750 125 80 80.0 83.0 85.025 1,750 125 200 84.0 86.5 88.050 1,750 125 400 83.0 86.0 88.0

100 1,750 125 800 87.0 88.5 90.0200 1,750 125 1,600 88.0 90.5 91.0400 1,750 250 1,600 91.7 91.9 91.7

1,000 1,750 250 4,000 92.1 92.6 92.1

SOURCE: Westinghouse Electric Corp.

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small rating, as low as 100 W, is wound on the field poles. In Fig.15.1.55, for simplicity, the control winding is shown as being wound onone pole only. The brushes BB are short-circuited, so that a small exci-tation mmf in the control field produces a large short-circuit currentalong the brush axis BB. This large short-circuit current produces alarge armature-reaction flux AA along brush axis BB. The armaturerotating in this field produces a large voltage along the brush axis B9B9.The load or working current is taken from brushes B9B9 as shown. InFig. 15.1.55 the working current only is shown by the crosses and dotsin the circles. The short-circuit current would be shown by crosses in the

which connects the terminals of the generator at the junctions of theseries fields. This connection is of low resistance so that any increase ofcurrent divides proportionately between the series fields of the twomachines. The equalizer switch (E.S.) should be closed first and openedlast, if possible. In practice, the equalizer switch is often one blade of a

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conductors to the left of brushes BB and by dots in the conductors to theright of brushes BB.

Fig. 15.1.55 Amplidyne.

A small current in the control winding produces a high output voltageand current as a result of the large short-circuit current in brushes BB.

In order that the brushes B9B9 shall not be short-circuiting conductorswhich are cutting the flux of poles NN and SS, cavities are cut in thesepoles. Also the load current from brushes B9B9 produces an armaturereaction mmf in opposition to flux A9A9 produced by the control fieldCC. Were this mmf not compensated, the flux A9A9 and the output ofthe machine would no longer be determined entirely by the control field.Hence there is a compensating field FF9 in series with the armature,which neutralizes the armature-reaction mmf which the load currentproduces. For simplicity the compensating field is shown on one fieldpole only.

The amplidyne is capable of controlling and regulating speed, volt-age, current, and power with accurate and rapid response. The amplifi-cation is from 10,000 to 250,000 times in machines rated from 1 to 50kW. Amplidynes are frequently used in connection with selsyns and areemployed for gun and turret control and for accurate controls in manyindustrial power applications.

Parallel Operation of Shunt Generators It is desirable to operategenerators in parallel so that the station capacity can be adapted to theload. Shunt generators, because of their drooping characteristics (Fig.15.1.51), are inherently stable when in parallel. To connect shunt gener-ators in parallel it is necessary that the switches be so connected that likepoles are connected to the same bus bars when the switches are closed.Assume one generator to be in operation; to connect another generatorin parallel with it, the incoming generator is first brought up to speedand its terminal voltage adjusted to a value slightly greater than thebus-bar voltage. This generator may then be connected in parallel withthe other without difficulty. The proper division of load between them isadjusted by means of the field rheostats and is maintained automaticallyif the machines have similar voltage-regulation characteristics.

Parallel Operation of Compound Generators As a rule, compoundgenerators have either flat or rising voltage characteristics. Therefore,when connected in parallel, they are inherently unstable. Stability may,however, be obtained by using an equalizer connection, Fig. 15.1.56,

Fig. 15.1.56 Connections for compound-wound generators operating inparallel.

three-pole switch, the other two being the bus switch S, as in Fig.15.1.56. When compound generators are used on a three-wire system,two series fields—one at each armature terminal—and two equalizersare necessary. It is possible to operate any number of compound gener-ators in parallel provided their characteristics are not too different andthe equalizer connection is used.


Motors operate on the principle that a conductor carrying current in amagnetic field tends to move at right angles to that field (see Fig.15.1.11). The ordinary dc generator will operate entirely satisfactorilyas a motor and will have the same rating. The conductors of the motorrotate in a magnetic field and therefore must generate an emf just asdoes the generator. The induced emf

E 5 KfN (15.1.89)

where K 5 constant, f flux entering the armature from one north pole,and N 5 r/min [see Eq. (15.1.87)]. This emf is in opposition to theterminal voltage and tends to oppose current entering the armature. Itsvalue is

E 5 V 2 IaRa (15.1.90)

where V 5 terminal voltage, Ia 5 armature current, and Ra 5 armatureresistance [compare with Eq. (15.1.88)]. From Eq. (15.1.89) it is seenthat the speed

N 5 KsE/f (15.1.91)

when Ks 5 1/K. This is the fundamental speed equation for a motor. Bysubstituting in Eq. (15.1.90)

N 5 Ks(V 2 IaRa)/f (15.1.92)

which is the general equation for the speed of a motor.The internal or electromagnetic torque developed by an armature is

proportional to the flux and to the armature current; i.e.,

Tt 5 Ktf Ia (15.1.93)

when Kt is a constant. The torque at the pulley is slightly less than theinternal torque by the torque necessary to overcome the rotationallosses, such as friction, windage, eddy-current and hysteresis losses inthe armature iron and in the pole faces.

The total mechanical power developed internally

Pm 5 EIa W (5EIa /746 hp) (15.1.94)

The internal torque thus becomes

T 5 EIa33,000/(2p 3 746N ) 5 7.04EIa /N (15.1.95)

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Fig. 15.1.57 Connections for shunt dc motors and starters. (a) Three-point box; (b) four-point box.

Let VI be the motor input. The output is VIh where h is the efficiency.The horsepower is

PH 5 VIh/746 (15.1.96)

and the torque is

T 5 33,000PH/2pN 5 5,260PH/N lb ? ft (15.1.97)

where N is r/min.Shunt Motor In the shunt motor (Fig. 15.1.57) the flux is substan-

motor run away. To prevent this, modern shunt motors are usually pro-vided with a stabilizing winding, consisting of a few turns of the field inseries with the armature and aiding the shunt field. The resulting in-crease of field ampere-turns with load will more than compensate forany weakening of the field through armature reaction. The series turnsare so few that they have no appreciable compounding effect. The shuntmotor is used to drive constant-speed line shafting, for machine tools,etc. Since its speed may be efficiently varied, it is very useful whenadjustable speeds are necessary, such as individual drive for machinetools.

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tially constant and IaRa is 2 to 6 percent of V. Hence from Eq. (15.1.92),the speed varies only slightly with load (Fig. 15.1.58), so that the motoris adapted to work requiring constant speed. The speed regulation ofconstant-speed motors is defined by ANSI/IEEE Std. 100-1992 Stan-dard Dictionary of Electrical and Electronic terms as follows:

The speed regulation of a constant-speed direct-current motor is the change inspeed when the load is reduced gradually from the rated value to zero with con-stant applied voltage and field rheostat setting expressed as a percent of speed atrated load.

In Fig. 15.1.61 the speed regulation under each condition is 100(ac 2bc)/bc (Fig. 15.1.58a). Also from Eq. (15.1.93) it is seen that the torqueis practically proportional to the armature current (see Fig. 15.1.58b).The motor is able to develop full-load torque and more on starting, but

Fig. 15.1.58 Speed and torque characteristics of dc motors. (1) Shunt motor(2) cumulative compound motor; (3) differential compound motor; (4) seriesmotor.

the ordinary starter is not designed to carry the current necessary forstarting under load. If a motor is to be started under load, the startershould be provided with resistors adapted to carry the required currentwithout overheating. A controller is also adapted for starting duty underload.

Commutating poles have so improved commutation in dc machinesthat it is possible to use a much shorter air gap than formerly. Since,with the shorter air gap, fewer field ampere-turns are required, the ar-mature becomes magnetically strong with respect to the field. Hence, asudden overload might weaken the field through armature reaction, thuscausing an increase in speed; the effect may become cumulative and the

Shunt-Motor Starters At standstill the counter emf of the motor iszero and the armature resistance is very low. Hence, except in motors ofvery small size, series resistance in the armature circuit is necessary onstarting. The field must, however, be connected across the line so that itmay obtain full excitation.

Figure 15.1.57 shows the two common types of starting boxes usedfor starting shunt motors. The armature resistance remains in circuitonly during starting. In the three-point box (Fig. 15.1.57a) the startinglever is held, against the force of a spring, in the running position, by anelectromagnet in series with the field circuit, so that, if the field circuit isinterrupted or the line voltage becomes too low, the lever is released andthe armature circuit is opened automatically. In the four-point startingbox the electromagnet is connected directly across the line, as shown inFig. 15.1.57b. In this type the arm is released instantly upon failure ofthe line voltage. In the three-point type some time elapses before thefield current drops enough to effect the release. Some starting rheostatsare provided with an overload device so that the circuit is automaticallyinterrupted if too large a current is taken by the armature. The four-pointbox is used where a wide speed range is obtained by means of the fieldrheostat. The electromagnet is not then affected by changes in fieldcurrent.

In large motors and in many small motors, automatic starters arewidely used. The advantages of the automatic starter are that the currentis held between certain maximum and minimum values so that the cir-cuit does not become opened by too rapid starting as may occur withmanual operation; the acceleration is smooth and nearly uniform. Sinceworkers can stop and start a motor merely by the pushing of a button,there results considerable saving by the shutting down of the motorwhen it is not needed. Automatic controls are essential to elevatormotors so that smooth rapid acceleration with frequent starting andstopping may be obtained. Also automatic starting is very necessarywith multiple-unit operation of electric-railway cars and with rolling-mill motors which are continually subjected to rapid acceleration, stop-ping, and reversing.

Series Motor In the series motor the armature and field are in series.Hence, if saturation is neglected, the flux is proportional to the currentand the torque [Eq. (15.1.93)] varies as the current squared. Thereforeany increase in current will produce a much greater proportionate in-crease in torque (see Fig. 15.1.58b). This makes the motor particularlywell adapted to traction work, cranes, hoists, fork-lift trucks, and othertypes of work which require large starting torques. A study of Eq.(15.1.92) shows that with increase in current the numerator changesonly slightly, whereas the change in the denominator is nearly propor-tional to the change in current. Hence the speed of the series motor is

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practically inversely proportional to the current. With overloads thespeed drops to very low values (see Fig. 15.1.58a). With decrease inload the speed approaches infinity, theoretically. Hence the series motorshould always be connected to its load by a direct drive, such as gears,so that it cannot reach unsafe speeds (see Speed Control of Motors). Aseries-motor starting box with no-voltage release is shown in Fig.15.1.59.

Differential Compound Motors The cumulative compound windingof a generator becomes a differential compound winding when the ma-chine is used as a motor. Its speed may be made more nearly constant

self-induction 2L di/dt tends to prolong the current flow which pro-duces sparking. In a generator, armature reaction distorts the flux in thedirection of rotation and the brushes should be advanced. In order toneutralize the emf of self-induction the brushes should be set a littleahead of the neutral plane so that the emf induced in the short-circuitedcoils by the cutting of the flux at the fringe of the next pole is opposite tothis emf of self-induction. In a motor the brushes are correspondinglymoved backward in the direction opposite rotation.

Theoretically, the brushes should be shifted with every change inload. However, practically all dc generators and motors now have com-



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than that of a shunt motor, or, if desired, it may be adjusted to increasewith increasing load.

Fig. 15.1.59 Series motor starter, no-voltage release.

The speed as a function of armature current is shown in Fig. 15.1.58aand the torque as a function of armature current is shown in Fig.15.1.58b.

Since the speed of the shunt motor is sufficiently constant for mostpurposes and the differential motor tends toward instability, particularlyin starting and on overloads, the differential motor is little used.

Cumulative compound motors develop a more rapid increase in torquewith load than shunt motors (Fig. 15.1.58b); on the other hand, theyhave much poorer speed regulation (Fig. 15.1.58a). Hence they are usedwhere larger starting torque than that developed by the shunt motor isnecessary, as in some industrial drives. They are particularly usefulwhere large and intermittent increases of torque occur as in drives forshears, punches, rolling mills, etc. In addition to the sudden increase intorque which the motor develops with sudden applications of load, thefact that it slows down rapidly and hence causes the rotating parts togive up some of their kinetic energy is another important advantage inthat it reduces the peaks on the power plant. Performance data for com-pound motors are given in Table 15.1.11.

Commutation The brushes on the commutator of either a motor orgenerator should be set in such a position that the induced emf in thearmature coils undergoing commutation and hence short-circuited bythe brushes, is zero. In practice, this condition can at best be only ap-proximately realized. Frequently conditions are such that it is far frombeing realized. At no load, the brushes should be set in a position corre-sponding to the geometrical neutral of the machine, for under theseconditions the induced emf in the coils short-circuited by the brushes iszero. As load is applied, two factors cause sparking under the brushes.The mmf of the armature, or armature reaction, distorts the flux; whenthe current in the coils undergoing commutation reverses, an emf of

Table 15.1.11 Test Performance of Compound-W

115 V

Full-loadPower, Speed, Current, efficiency,

hp r/min A %

1 1,750 8.4 782 1,750 16.0 805 1,750 40.0 82

10 1,750 75.0 85.625 1,750 182.0 87.350 850 — —

100 850 — —200 1,750 — —

SOURCE: Westinghouse Electric Corp.

mutating poles (or interpoles) and with these the brushes can remain inthe no-load neutral plane, and good commutation can be obtained overthe entire range of load. Commutating poles are small poles between themain poles (Fig. 15.1.60) and are excited by a winding in series with thearmature. Their function is to neutralize the flux distortion in the neutralplane caused by armature reaction and also to supply a flux that willcause an emf to be induced in the conductors undergoing commutation,opposite and equal to the emf of self-induction. Since armature reaction

Fig. 15.1.60 Commutating poles in motor.

and the emf of self-induction are both proportional to the armaturecurrent, saturation being neglected, they are neutralized theoretically atevery load. Commutating poles have made possible dc generators andmotors of very much higher voltage, greater speeds, and larger kWratings than would otherwise be possible.

Occasionally, the commutating poles may be connected incorrectly.In a motor, passing from an N main pole in the direction of rotation ofthe armature, an N commutating pole should be encountered as shownin Fig. 15.1.60. In a generator under these conditions an S commutatingpole should be encountered. The test can easily be made with a com-pass. If poor commutation is caused by too strong interpoles, the wind-ing may be shunted. If the poles are too weak and the shunting cannot bereduced, they may be strengthened by inserting sheet-iron shims be-tween the pole and the yoke thus reducing the air gap.

Although the emfs induced in the coils undergoing commutation arerelatively small, the resistance of the coils themselves is low so thatunless further resistance is introduced, the short-circuit currents wouldbe large. Hence, with the exception of certain low-voltage generators,carbon brushes that have relatively large contact resistance are almostalways used. Moreover, the graphite in the brushes has a lubricatingaction, and the usual carbon brush does not score the commutator.

d DC Motors

230 V 550 V

Full-load Full-loadurrent, efficiency, Current, efficiency,

A % A %

4.3 79 1.86 73.08.0 81 3.21 82.0

20.0 83 8.40 81.0

37.5 85 15.4 86.591.7 87.5 38.1 88.5

180.0 89 73.1 90.0350.0 90.5 149.0 91.0700.0 91 295.0 92.0

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Speed Control of Motors

Shunt Motors In Eq. (15.1.91) the speed of a shunt motor N 5KsE/f, where Ks is a constant involving the design of the motor such asconductors on armature surface and number of poles. Obviously, inorder to change the speed of a motor, without changing its construction,two factors may be varied, the counter emf E and the flux f.

Armature-Resistance Control The counter emf E 5 V 2 IaRa ,where V is the terminal voltage, assumed constant. Ra must be small sothat the armature heating can be maintained within permissible limits.Under these conditions the speed change with load is small. By inserting

to 100 percent. Since three machines are involved the system is costly,somewhat complicated, and has low power efficiency. However, be-cause the system is flexible and the speed can be smoothly varied overwide ranges, it has been used in many applications, such as elevators,mine hoists, large printing presses, paper machines, and electric loco-motives.

The Ward-Leonard system has been largely replaced by a static con-verter system where a silicon-controlled-rectifier bridge is used to con-vert three-phase alternating current, or single-phase on smaller drives,to dc voltage that can be smoothly varied by phase-angle firing of the

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an external resistor, however, into the armature circuit the counter emfE may be made to decrease rapidly with increase in load; that is, E 5V 2 Ia(Ra 1 R) [see Eq. (15.1.90)] where R is the resistance of theexternal resistor. The resistor R must be inserted in the armature circuitonly. The advantages of this method are its simplicity, the full torque ofthe motor is developed at any speed, and the method introduces nocommutating difficulties. Its disadvantages are the increased speed reg-ulation with change of load (Fig. 15.1.61), the low efficiency, particu-larly at the lower speeds, and the fact that provision must be made todissipate the comparatively large power losses in the series resistor.Figure 15.1.61 shows typical speed-load curves without and with seriesresistors in the armature circuit. The armature efficiency is nearly equal

Fig. 15.1.61 Speed-load characteristics with armature resistance control.

to the ratio of the operating speed to the no-load speed. Hence at 25percent speed the armature efficiency is practically 25 percent. Fre-quently the controlling and starting resistors are one, and the device iscalled a controller. Starting rheostats themselves are not designed tocarry the armature current continuously and must not be used as con-trollers. The armature-resistance method of speed control is frequentlyused to regulate the speed of ventilating fans where the power demanddiminishes rapidly with decrease in speed.

Control by Changing Impressed Voltage From Eq. (15.1.92) it isevident that the speed of a motor may be changed if V is changed byconnecting the armature across different voltages. Speed control by thismethod is accomplished by having mains (usually four), which aremaintained at different voltages, available at the motor.

The shunt field of the motor is generally permanently connected toone pair of mains, and the armature circuit is provided with a controllerby means of which the operator can readily connect the armature to anypair of mains. Such a system gives a series of distinct and widely sepa-rated speeds and generally necessitates the use of field-resistance con-trol, in combination, to obtain intermediate speeds. This method, knownas the multivoltage method, has the disadvantage that the system is ex-pensive, for it requires several generating machines, a somewhat com-plicated switchboard, and a number of service wires. The system is usedsomewhat in machine shops and is extensively used for dc elevatorstarting and speed control.

In the Ward Leonard system, the variable voltage is obtained from aseparately excited generator whose armature terminals are connecteddirected to the armature terminals of the working motor. The generatoris driven at essentially constant speed by a dc shunt motor if the powersupply is direct current, or by an induction motor or a synchronousmotor if the power supply is alternating current. The field circuit of thegenerator and that of the motor are connected across a constant-voltagedc supply. The terminal voltage of the generator, and hence the voltageapplied to the armature of the motor, is varied by changing the genera-tor-field current with a field rheostat. The rheostat has a wide range ofresistance so that the speed of the motor may be varied smoothly from 0

rectifiers from full voltage to zero. This system is smaller, lighter, andless expensive than the motor-generator system. Care must be taken toassure that the dc motor will accept the harmonics present in the dcoutput without overheating.

Control by Changing Field Flux Equation (15.1.91) shows that thespeed of a motor is inversely proportional to the flux f. The flux can bechanged either by varying the shunt-field current or by varying thereluctance of the magnetic circuit. The variation of the shunt-fieldcurrent is the simplest and most efficient of all the methods of speedcontrol.

With the ordinary motor, speed variation of 1.5 to 1.0 is obtainablewith this method. If attempt is made to obtain greater ratios, severesparking at the brushes results, owing to the field distortion caused bythe armature mmf becoming large in comparison with the weakenedfield of the motor. Speed ratios of 5 : 1 and higher are, however, obtain-able with motors which have commutating poles. Since the field currentis a small proportion of the total current (1 to 3 percent), the rheostatlosses in the field circuit are always small. This method is efficient.Also for any given speed adjustment the speed regulation is excellent,which is another advantage. Because of its simplicity, efficiency, andexcellent speed regulation, the control of speed by means of the fieldcurrent is by far the most common method. Output power remains con-stant when the field is weakened, so output torque varies inversely withmotor speed.

Speed Control of Series Motors The series motor is fundamentallya variable-speed motor, the speed varying widely from light load to fullload and more (see Fig. 15.1.58a). From Eq. (15.1.92) the speed for anyvalue of f, or current, can be changed by varying the impressed voltage.Hence the speed can be controlled by inserting resistance in series withthe motor. This method, which is practically the same as the armature-resistance control method for shunt motors, has the same objections oflow efficiency and poor regulation with fluctuating loads. It is exten-sively used in controlling the speed of hoist and crane motors.

The series-parallel system of series-motor speed control is almost uni-versally used in electric traction. At least two motors are necessary. Thetwo motors are first connected in series with each other and with thestarting resistor. The starting resistor is gradually cut out and, since eachmotor then operates at half line voltage, the speed of each is approxi-mately half speed. Both motors take the same current, and each candevelop full torque. This condition of operation is efficient since there isno external resistance in circuit. When the controller is moved to thenext position, the motors are connected in parallel with each other andeach in series with starting resistors. Full speed of the motors is obtainedby gradually cutting out these resistors. Connecting the two motors inseries on starting reduces the current to one-half the value that would berequired for a given torque were both motors connected in parallel onstarting. The power taken from the trolley is halved, and an intermediaterunning speed is efficiently obtained.

In the multiple-unit method of speed control which is used for electricrailway trains, the starting contactors, reverser, etc., for each car arelocated under that car. The relays operating these control devices areactuated by energy taken from the train line consisting usually of sevenwires. The train line runs the entire length of the train, the connectionsbetween the individual cars being made through the couplers. The trainline is energized by the action of the motorman operating any one of thesmall master controllers which are located in each car. Hence corre-sponding relays, contactors, etc., in every car all operate simulta-neously. High accelerations may be reached with this system because ofthe large tractive effort exerted by the wheels on every car.

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The synchronous generator is the only type of ac generator now ingeneral use at power stations.

Construction In the usual synchronous generator the armature orstator is the stationary member. This construction has many advantages.It is possible to make the slots any reasonable depth, since the toothnecks increase in cross section with increase in depth of slot; this is nottrue of the rotor. The large slot section which is thus obtainable givesample space for copper and insulation. The conductors from the arma-

1.5 percent and less of the rated power of the machine (see Table15.1.12).

Classes of Synchronous Generators Synchronous generators maybe divided into three general classes: (1) the slow-speed engine-driventype; (2) the moderate-speed waterwheel-driven type; and (3) the high-speed turbine-driven type. In (1) a hollow box frame is used as the statorsupport, and the field consists of a spider to which a larger number ofsalient poles are attached, usually bolted. The speed seldom exceeds 75to 90 r/min, although it may run as high as 150 r/min. Waterwheelgenerators also have salient poles which are usually dovetailed to a

, h

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ture to the bus bars can be insulated throughout their entire lengths,since no rotating or sliding contacts are necessary. The insulation in astationary member does not deteriorate as rapidly as that on a rotatingmember, for it is not subjected to centrifugal force or to any consider-able vibration.

The rotating member is ordinarily the field. There are two generaltypes of field construction: the salient-pole type and the cylindrical, ornonsalient-pole, type. The salient-pole type is used almost entirely forslow and moderate-speed generators since this construction is the leastexpensive and permits ample space for the field ampere-turns.

It is not practicable to employ salient poles in high-speed turboalter-nators because of the excessive windage and the difficulty of obtainingsufficient mechanical strength. The cylindrical type consists of a cylin-drical steel forging with radial slots in which the field copper, usually instrip form, is placed. The fields are ordinarily excited at low voltage,125 and 250 V, the current being conducted to the rotating member bymeans of slip rings and brushes. An ac generator armature to supplyfield voltage can be mounted on the generator shaft and supply dc to themotor field through a static rectifier bridge, also mounted on the shaft,eliminating all slip rings and brushes. The field power is ordinarily only

Table 15.1.12 Performance Data for Synchronous Generators

80% pf, 3 phase, 60 Hz, 240 to 2,400 V

kVA PolesSpeed,r/min


25 4 1,800 0.893.8 8 900 2

250 12 600 5

500 18 400 8

1,000 24 300 14.53,125 48 150 40

Industrial-size turbine generators, direct-connec

kVA PolesSpeed,r/min


kW V


1,875 2 3,600 18 125 95.32,500 2 3,600 22 125 95.33,125 2 3,600 24 125 95.33,750 2 3,600 24 125–250 95.35,000 2 3,600 29 125–250 95.36,250 2 3,600 38 125–250 95.37,500 2 3,600 42 125–250 95.59,375 2 3,600 47 125–250 95.5

Central-station-size turbine generators, direct-connecte

kVA PolesSpeed,r/min


kW V


13,529 2 3,600 70 250 96.317,647 2 3,600 100 250 97.723,529 2 3,600 115 250 98.035,294 2 3,600 145 250 98.147,058 2 3,600 155 250 98.370,588 2 3,600 200 250 98.4

SOURCE: Westinghouse Electric Corp.

cylindrical spider consisting of steel plates riveted together. Theirspeeds range from 80 to 900 r/min and sometimes higher, although the9,000-kVA Keokuk synchronous generators rotate at only 58 r/min,operating at a very low head. The speed rating of direct-connectedwaterwheel generators decreases with decrease in head. It is desirable tooperate synchronous generators at the highest permissible speed sincethe weight and costs diminish with increase in speed. Waterwheel-driven generators must be able to run at double speed, as a precautionagainst accident, should the governor fail to shut the gate sufficientlyrapidly in case the circuit breakers open or should the governing mecha-nism become inoperative.

Turbine-driven generators operate at speeds of 720 to 3,600 r/min.Direct-connected exciters, belt-driven exciters from the generator shaft,and separately driven exciters are used. In large stations separatelydriven (usually motor) exciters may supply the excitation energy toexcitation bus bars. Steam-driven exciters and storage batteries are fre-quently held in reserve. With slow-speed synchronous generators, thebelt-driven exciter is frequently used because it can be driven at higherspeed, thus reducing the cost.

orizontal-coupled or belted-type engine

Approx.net weight,

Efficiencies, %

1⁄2 load 3⁄4 load Full load lb

81.5 85.7 87.6 90087 89.5 90.9 2,70090 91.3 92.2 6,000

91.7 92.6 93.2 10,00092.6 93.4 93.9 16,10093.4 94.2 94.6 52,000

ted type, 80% pf, 3 phase, 60 Hz, air-cooled



Efficiency, %

3⁄4 Fullload load

Volumeof air,ft3/min Voltage exciter, lb

96.1 96.3 3,500 480–6,900 21,90096.1 96.3 5,000 2,400–6,900 22,60096.3 96.5 5,500 2,400–6,900 25,10096.3 96.6 6,500 2,400–6,900 27,90096.3 96.6 11,000 2,400–6,900 40,10096.3 96.7 12,000 2,400–13,800 43,30096.5 96.9 15,000 2,400–13,800 45,00096.5 96.9 16,500 2,400–13,800 61,200

d type, 85% pf, 3 phase, 60 Hz, 11,500 to 14,400 V



Efficiency, %

3⁄4 Fullload load

Volumeof air,ft3/min Ventilation exciter, lb

97.1 97.3 22,000 Air-cooled 116,70097.9 97.9 22,000 H2-cooled 115,70098.2 98.2 25,000 H2-cooled 143,60098.3 98.3 34,000 H2-cooled 194,80098.5 98.5 42,000 H2-cooled 237,20098.7 98.7 50,000 H2-cooled 302,500

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Synchronous-Generator Design At the present time single-phasegenerators are seldom built. For single-phase service two phases of astandard three-phase Y-connected generator are used. A single-phaseload or unbalanced three-phase load produces flux pulsations in themagnetic circuits of synchronous generators, which increase the ironlosses and introduce harmonics into the emf wave. Two-phase windingsconsist of two similar single-phase windings displaced 90 electricalspace degrees on the armature and ordinarily occupying all the slots onthe armature. The most common type of winding is the three-phaselap-wound two-layer type of winding. In three-phase windings three

with lagging current, leading current and in-phase current (pf 5 1.00).With leading current the voltage may actually rise with increase in load;the rate of voltage decrease with load becomes greater as the lag of thecurrent increases. The regulation of a synchronous generator is definedby the ANSI/IEEE Std. 100-1992 Standard Dictionary of Electrical andElectronic Terms as follows:

The voltage regulation of a synchronous generator is the rise in voltage withconstant field current, when, with the synchronous generator operated at ratedvoltage and rated speed, the specified load at the specified power factor is reducedto zero, expressed as a percent of rated voltage.

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windings are spaced 120 electrical space degrees apart, the individualphase belts being spaced 60° apart. Usually, all the slots on the armatureare occupied. Standard voltages are 550, 1,100, 2,200, 6,600, 13,200,and 20,000 V. It is much more difficult to insulate for 20,000 V than it isfor the lower voltages. However, if the power is to be transmitted at thisvoltage, its use would be justified by the saving of transformers. Inmachines of moderate and larger ratings it is common to generate at6,600 and 13,200 V if transformers must be used. The higher voltage ispreferable, particularly for the higher ratings, because it reduces thecross section of the connecting leads and bus bars.

The standard frequency in the United States for lighting and powersystems is 60 Hz; the few former 50-Hz systems have practically allbeen converted to 60 Hz. The frequency of 25 Hz is commonly used instreet-railway and subway systems to supply power to the synchronousconverters and other ac-dc conversion apparatus; it is also commonlyused in railroad electrification, particularly for single-phase series-mo-tor locomotives (see Sec. 11). At 25 Hz incandescent lamps have no-ticeable flicker. In European (and most other) countries 50 Hz is stan-dard. The frequency of a synchronous machine

f 5 P 3 r/min/120 Hz (15.1.98)

where P is the number of poles. Synchronous generators are rated inkVA rather than in kW, since heating, which determines the rating,is dependent only on the current and is independent of power factor. Ifthe kilowatt rating is specified, the power factor should also be speci-fied.

Induced EMF The induced emf per phase in synchronous genera-tor is

E 5 2.22kbkpF f Z V/phase (15.1.99)

where kb 5 breadth factor or belt factor (usually 0.9 to 1.0), whichdepends on the number of slots per pole per phase, 0.958 for three-phase, four slots per pole per phase; kp 5 pitch factor 5 1.0 forfull pitch, 0.966 for 5⁄6 pitch; F 5 total flux Wb, entering armature fromone north pole and is assumed to be sinusoidally distributed alongthe air gap; f 5 frequency; and Z 5 number of series conductors perphase.

Synchronous generators usually are Y-connected. The advantages arethat for a given line voltage the voltage per phase is 1/√3 that of thedelta-connected winding; third-harmonic currents and their multiplescannot circulate in the winding as with a delta-connected winding;third-harmonic emfs and their multiples cannot exist in the line emfs; aneutral point is available for grounding.

Regulation The terminal voltage of synchronous generator at con-stant frequency and field excitation depends not only on the current loadbut on the power factor as well. This is illustrated in Fig. 15.1.62, whichshows the voltage-current characteristics of a synchronous generator

Fig. 15.1.62 Synchronous generator characteristics.

For example, in Fig. 15.1.62 the regulation under each condition is

100(ac 2 bc)/bc (15.1.100)

With leading current the regulation may be negative.Three factors affect the regulation of synchronous generators; the

effective armature resistance, the armature leakage reactance, and the ar-mature reaction. With alternating current the armature loss is greaterthan the value obtained by multiplying the square of the armaturecurrent by the ohmic resistance. This is due to hysteresis and eddy-current losses in the iron adjacent to the conductor and to the alternatingflux-producing losses in the conductors themselves. Also the current isnot distributed uniformly over conductors in the slot, but the currentdensity tends to be greatest in the top of the slot. These factors all havethe effect of increasing the resistance. The ratio of effective to ohmicresistance varies from 1.2 to 1.5. The armature leakage reactance is dueto the flux produced by the armature current linking the conductors inthe slots and also the end connections.

The armature mmf reacts on the field to change the value of the flux.With a single-phase generator and with an unbalanced load on a poly-phase generator, the armature mmf is pulsating and causes iron losses inthe field structure. With polyphase machines under a constant balancedload, the armature mmf is practically constant in magnitude and fixed inits relation to the field poles. Its direction with relation to the field-poleaxis is determined by the power factor of the load.

A component of current in phase with the no-load induced emf, or theexcitation emf, merely distorts the field by strengthening the trailingpole tip and weakening the leading pole tip. A component of currentlagging the excitation emf by 90° weakens the field without distortion.A component of current leading the excitation emf by 90° strengthensthe field without distortion. Ordinarily, both cross magnetization andone of the other components are acting simultaneously.

The foregoing effects are called armature reaction. Frequently theeffects of armature reactance and armature reaction can be combinedinto a single quantity.

It is difficult to determine the regulation of synchronous generator byactual loading, even when in service, owing to the difficulty of obtain-ing, controlling, and absorbing the large balanced loads. Hence methodsof predetermining regulation without actually loading the machine areused.

Fig. 15.1.63 Phasor diagram for synchronous impedance method.

Synchronous Impedance Method Both armature reactance and ar-mature reaction have the same effect on the terminal voltage. In thesynchronous impedance method the generator is considered as havingno armature reaction, but the armature reactance is increased a sufficientamount to account for the effect of armature reaction. The phasordiagram for a current I lagging the terminal voltage V by an angleu is shown in Fig. 15.1.63. In a polyphase generator the phasor dia-gram is applicable to one phase, a balanced load almost always being as-sumed.

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The power factor of the load is cos u ; IR is the effective armatureresistance drop and is parallel to I; IXs is the synchronous reactance dropand is at right angles to I and leading it by 90°. IXs includes both thereactance drop and the drop in voltage due to armature reaction. Thatpart of IXs which replaces armature reaction is in reality a fictitiousquantity. The synchronous impedance drop is given by IZs . The no-loador open-circuit (excitation) voltage

E 5 √(V cos u 1 IR)2 1 (V sin u 6 IXs)2 V (15.1.101)

All quantities are per phase. The negative sign is used with leading

factor angle. The effective resistance drop IR and the leakage reactancedrop IX are drawn parallel and perpendicular to the current phasor. Ea ,the phasor sum of V, IR, and IX, is the internal induced emf. Arcs areswung with O as the center and V and Ea as radii to intercept the axis ofordinates at B and C. OK, tangent to the straight portion of the saturation

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Regulation 5 100(E 2 V )/V (15.1.102)

With leading current E may be less than V and a negative regulationresults.

The synchronous impedance is determined from an open-circuit and ashort-circuit test, made with a weak field. The voltage E9 on open circuitis divided by the current I9 on short circuit for the same value of fieldcurrent.

Zs 5 E9/I9 Xs 5 √Z2s 2 R2 V (15.1.103)

R is so small compared with Xs that for all practical purposes Xs 5 Zs .R may be determined by measuring the ohmic resistance per phase andmultiplying by 1.4 to 1.5 to obtain the effective resistance. This value ofR and the value of Xs obtained from Eq. (15.1.103) may then be substi-tuted in Eq. (15.1.101) to obtain E at the specified load and powerfactor.

Since the synchronous reactance is determined at low saturation ofthe iron and used at high saturation, the method gives regulations thatare too large; hence it is called the pessimistic method.

MMF Method In the mmf method the generator is considered ashaving no armature reactance but the armature reaction is increased byan amount sufficient to include the effect of reactance. That part ofarmature reaction which replaces the effect of armature reactance is inreality a fictitious quantity. To obtain the data necessary for computingthe regulation, the generator is short-circuited and the field adjusted togive rated current in the armature. The corresponding value of fieldcurrent Ia is read. The field is then adjusted to give voltage E9 equal torated terminal voltage 1 IR drop (5 V 1 IR, as phasors, Fig. 15.1.64) onopen circuit and the field current I9 read.

Ia is 180° from the current phasor I, and I9 leads E9 by 90° (Fig.15.1.64). The angle between I9 and Ia is 90 2 u 1 f, but since f issmall, it can usually be neglected. The phasor sum of Ia and I9 is Io . The

Fig. 15.1.64 Phasor diagram for the mmf method.

open-circuit voltage E corresponding to Io is the no-load voltage and canbe found on the saturation curve. The regulation is then found from Eq.(15.1.102). This method gives a value of regulation less than the actualvalue and hence is called the optimistic method. The actual regulationlies somewhere between the values obtained by the two methods but ismore nearly equal to the value obtained by the mmf method.

ANSI Method The ANSI method (American Standard 50, RotatingElectrical Machinery) which has become the accepted standard for thepredetermination of synchronous generator operation, eliminates inlarge measure the errors due to saturation which are inherent in thesynchronous impedance and mmf methods. In Fig. 15.1.65a is shownthe saturation curve OAF of the generator. The axis OP is not only thefield-current axis but also the axis of the current phasor I as well. V theterminal voltage is drawn u deg from I or OP, where u is the power

Fig. 15.1.65 ANSI method of synchronous generator regulation.

curve, is the air-gap line. If there is no saturation, Iv is the field currentnecessary to produce V, and CK is the field current necessary to produceEa . The field current Is is the increase in field current necessary to takeinto account the saturation corresponding to Ea .

The corresponding phasor diagram to a larger scale is shown in Fig.15.1.65b. I9f , the field current necessary to produce rated current at shortcircuit, corresponding to Ia (Fig. 15.1.64), is drawn horizontally. Thefield current Iv is drawn at an angle u to the right of a perpendicularerected at the right-hand end of I9f . Ir is the resultant of I9f and Iv . Is isadded to Ir giving If the resultant field current. The no-load emf E isfound on the saturation curve, Fig. 15.ž.65a, corresponding to If 5 OD.

Excitation is commonly supplied by a small dc generator driven fromthe generator shaft. On account of commutation, except in the smallersizes, the dc generator cannot be driven at 3,600 r/min, the usual speedfor turbine generators, and belt or gear drives are necessary. The use ofthe silicon rectifier has made possible simpler means of excitation aswell as voltage regulation. In one system the exciter consists of a smallrotating-armature synchronous generator (which can run at high speed)mounted directly on the main generator shaft. The three-phase armaturecurrent is rectified by six silicon rectifiers and is conducted directly tothe main generator field without any sliding contacts. The main genera-tor field current is controlled by the current to the stationary field of theexciter generator. In another system there is no rotating exciter, thegenerator excitation being supplied directly from the generator termi-nals, the 13,800 V, three-phase, being stepped down to 115 V, three-phase, by small transformers and rectified by silicon rectifiers. Voltageregulation is obtained by saturable reactors actuated by potential trans-formers connected across the generator terminals.

Most regulators such as the following operate through the field of the

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exciter. In the Tirrill regulator the field resistance of the exciter is short-circuited temporarily by contacts when the bus-bar voltage drops. Actu-ally, the contacts are vibrating continuously, the time that they areclosed depending on the value of the bus-bar voltage. The GeneralElectric Co. manufactures a direct-acting regulator in which the regulat-ing rheostat is part of the regulator itself. The rheostat consists of stacksof graphite plates, each plate being pivoted at the center. Tilting theplates changes the path of the current through the rheostat and thuschanges the resistance. The plates are tilted by a sensitive torque arma-ture which is actuated by variations of voltage from the normal value

nents of current which are more lagging. These leading and laggingcurrents do not affect appreciably the division of kilowatt load betweenthe synchronous generators. They do, however, cause unnecessary heat-ing in their armatures. The fields of all synchronous generators shouldbe so adjusted that the heating due to the quadrature components ofcurrents is a minimum. With two generators having equal armatureresistances, this occurs when both deliver equal quadrature currents.

Armature reactance in the armature of machines in parallel is desir-able. If not too great, it stabilizes their operation by producing thesynchronizing action. Synchronous generators with too little reactance

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(for regulators employing silicon rectifiers).Parallel Operation of Synchronous Generators The kilowatt divi-

sion of load between synchronous generators in parallel is determinedentirely by the speed-load characteristics of their prime movers and notby the characteristics of the generators themselves. No appreciable ad-justment of kilowatt load between synchronous generators in parallelcan be made by means of their field rheostats, as with dc generators.Consider Fig. 15.1.66, which gives the speed-load characteristics interms of frequency, of two synchronous generators, no. 1 and no. 2,these characteristics being the speed-load characteristics of their primemovers. These speed-load characteristics are drooping, which is neces-sary for stable parallel operation. The total load on the two machines is

Fig. 15.1.66 Speed-load characteristics of synchronous generators in parallel.

P1 1 P2 kW. Both machines must be operating at the same frequencyF1 . Hence generator 1 must be delivering P1 kW, and generator 2 mustbe delivering P2 kW (the small generator losses being neglected). If,under the foregoing conditions, the field of either machine is strength-ened, it cannot deliver a greater kilowatt load, for its prime mover candeliver more power only by dropping its speed. This is impossible, forboth generators must operate always at the same frequency f1 . For anyfixed total power load, the division of kilowatt load between synchro-nous generators can be changed only by modifying in some manner thespeed-load characteristics of their prime movers, such, for example, aschanging the tension in the governor spring. Synchronous generators inparallel are of themselves in stable equilibrium. If the driving torque ofone machine is increased, the resulting electrical reactions between themachines cause a circulating current to flow between machines. Thiscurrent puts more electrical load on the machine whose driving torque isincreased and tends to produce motor action in the other machines. In anextreme case, the driving torque of one prime mover may be removedentirely, and its generator will operate as a synchronous motor, drivingthe prime mover mechanically.

Variations in driving torques cause currents to circulate between syn-chronous generators, transferring power which tends to keep the gener-ators in synchronism. If the power transfer takes the form of recurringpulsations, it is called hunting, which may be reduced by building heavycopper grids called amortisseurs, or damper windings, into the pole faces.Turbine- and waterwheel-driven synchronous generators are much bet-ter adapted to parallel operation than are synchronous generators whichare driven by reciprocating engines, because of their uniformity oftorque.

Increasing the field current of synchronous generators in parallel withothers causes it to deliver a greater lagging component of current. Sincethe character of the load determines the total current delivered by thesystem, the lagging components of current delivered by the other gener-ators must decrease and may even become leading components. Like-wise if the field of one generator is weakened, it delivers a greaterleading component of current and the other machines deliver compo-

are sensitive, and if connected in parallel with slight phase displacementor inequality of voltage, considerable disturbance results. Armaturereactance also reduces the current on short circuit, particularly duringthe first few cycles when the short-circuit current is a maximum. Fre-quently, external power-limiting reactances are connected in series toprotect the generators and equipment from injury that would result fromthe tremendous short-circuit currents. For these reasons, poor regulationin large synchronous generators is frequently considered to be an ad-vantage rather than a disadvantage.

Ground Resistors Most power systems operate with a groundedneutral. When the station generators deliver current directly to the sys-tem (without intervening transformers), it is customary to ground theneutral (of the Y-connected windings) or one generator in a station; thisis usually done through a grounding resistor of from 2 to 6 V. If theneutral of more than one generator is grounded, third-harmonic (andmultiples thereof ) currents can circulate between the generators. Theground resistor reduces the short-circuit currents when faults to groundoccur, and hence reduces the violence of the short circuit as well as theduty of the circuit breakers. Grounding reactors are sometimes used buthave limited application owing to the danger of high voltages resultingfrom resonant conditions.


The induction generator is an induction motor driven above synchronousspeed. The rotor conductors cut the rotating field in a direction to con-vert shaft mechanical power to electrical power. Load increases asspeed increases, so the generator is self-regulating and can be usedwithout governor control. On short circuits the induction generator willdeliver current to the fault for only a few cycles because, unlike thesynchronous generator, it is not self-exciting. Since it is not self-excited,an induction generator must always be used in parallel with an electricalsystem where there are some synchronous machines, or capacitor banks,to deliver lagging current (VARs) to the induction generator for excita-tion.

Induction generators have found favor in industrial cogeneration ap-plications and as wind-driven generators where they provide a small partof the total load.


Fuel cells convert chemical energy of fuel and oxygen directly to electri-cal energy. Solar cells convert solar radiation to electrical energy. Atpresent, these conversion methods are not economically competitivewith historic generating techniques, but they have found applications inisolated areas, such as microwave relaying stations, satellites, and resi-dential lighting, where power requirements are small and costs fortransmitting electrical power from more conventional sources is prohib-itive. As solar technology continues to improve, many other applica-tions will be evaluated.


Transformer Theory The transformer is a device that transfers en-ergy from one electric circuit to another without change of frequencyand usually, but not always, with a change in voltage. The energy istransferred through the medium of a magnetic field: it is supplied to thetransformer through a primary winding and is delivered by means of a

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secondary winding. Both windings link the same magnetic circuit. Withno load on the secondary, a small current, called the exciting current,flows in the primary and produces the alternating flux. This flux linksboth primary and secondary windings and induces the same volts perturn in each. With a sine wave the emf is

E 5 4.44Fmnf V (15.1.104)

where Fm 5 maximum instantaneous flux in webers, n 5 turns oneither winding, and f 5 frequency. Equation (15.1.104) may also bewritten

the short-circuit test one winding is short-circuited, and the current in theother is adjusted to near its rated value. The voltage Vc , the current I1 ,and the power input Pc are measured. When one winding of a trans-former is short-circuited, the voltage across the other winding is 3 to 4percent of rated value when rated current flows. Since a voltage range offrom 110 to 250 V is best adapted to measuring instruments, that wind-ing whose rated voltage, multiplied by 0.03 or 0.04, is closest to thisvoltage range should be used for making the short-circuit test, the otherwinding being short-circuited. Practically all the power on short circuitgoes to supply the copper loss of primary and secondary. If the mea-

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E 5 4.44BmAnf V (15.1.105)

Bm 5 maximum instantaneous flux density in iron and A 5 net crosssection of iron. If Bm is in T, A is in m2; if Bm is in Mx/in2, A is in in2.

In English units, Eq. (15.1.104) becomes

E 5 4.44Fmnf 1028 V (15.1.104a)

where FM is in maxwells; Eq. (15.1.105) becomes

E 5 4.44BmAnf 1028 V (15.1.105a)

where Bm is in Mx/in2 and A is in in2.Bm is practically fixed. In large transformers with silicon steel it

varies between 60,000 and 75,000 Mx/in2 at 60 Hz and between 75,000and 90,000 Mx/in2 at 25 Hz. It is desirable to operate the iron at as highdensity as possible in order to minimize the weight of iron and copper.On the other hand, with too high densities the eddy-current and hystere-sis losses become too great, and with low frequency the exciting currentmay become excessive. It follows from Eq. (15.1.104) that

E1 /E2 5 n1 /n2 (15.1.106)

where E1 and E2 are the primary and secondary emfs and n1 and n2 arethe primary and secondary turns. Since the impedance drops in ordinarytransformers are small, the terminal voltages of primary and secondaryare also practically proportional to their number of turns. As the changein secondary terminal voltage in the ordinary constant-potential trans-former over its range of operation is small (1.5 to 3 percent), the fluxmust remain substantially constant. Therefore, the added ampere-turnsproduced by any secondary load must be balanced by opposite andequal primary ampere-turns. Since the exciting current is small com-pared with the load current (1.5 to 5 percent) and the two are usually outof phase, the exciting current may ordinarily be neglected. Hence,

n1I1 5 n2I2 (15.1.107)I1 /I2 5 n2 /n1 (15.1.108)

where I1 and I2 are the primary and secondary currents.When load is applied to the secondary of a transformer, the secondary

ampere-turns reduce the flux slightly. This reduces the counter emf ofthe primary, permitting more current to enter and thus supply the in-creased power demanded by the secondary.

Both primary and secondary windings must necessarily have resis-tance. All the flux produced by the primary does not link the secondary;the counter ampere-turns of the secondary produce some flux whichdoes not link the primary. These leakage fluxes produce reactance in eachwinding. The combined effect of the resistance and reactance producesan impedance drop in each winding when current flows. These imped-ance drops produce a slight drop in the secondary terminal voltage withload.

Transformer Testing Transformer regulation and losses are sosmall that it is far more accurate to compute the regulation and effi-ciency than to determine them by actual measurement. The necessarymeasurements and computations are comparatively simple, and littlepower is involved in making the tests. In the open-circuit test, the powerinput to either winding is measured at its rated voltage. Usually it ismore convenient to make this test on the low-voltage winding, particu-larly if it is rated at 110, 220, or 550 V. The open-circuit power practi-cally all goes to supply the core losses, consisting of eddy-current andhysteresis losses. Let this value of power be P0 . The eddy-current lossvaries as the square of the voltage and frequency; the hysteresis lossvaries as the 1.6 power of the voltage, and directly as the frequency. In

surements are made on the primary,

R01 5 Pc /I 21 (15.1.109)

Z01 5 Vc /I1 (15.1.110)X01 5 √Z2

01 2 R201 (15.1.111)

where R01 , Z01 , and X01 are the equivalent resistance, impedance, andreactance referred to the primary. Also R02 5 R01(n2 /n1)2; Z02 5Z01(n2 /n1)2; X02 5 X01(n2 /n1)2, these quantities being the equivalentresistance, impedance, and reactance referred to the secondary. If the dcresistances R1 and R2 of the primary and secondary are measured,

R01 5 R1 1 (n1 /n2)2R2 (15.1.112)R02 5 R2 1 (n2 /n1)2R1 (15.1.113)

The ac or effective resistances, determined from Eq. (15.1.109), areusually 10 to 15 percent greater than these values.

Regulation The regulation may be computed from the foregoingdata as follows:

V91 5 √(V1 cos u 1 I1R01)2 1 (V1 sin u 6 I1X01)2 (15.1.114)Regulation 5 100(V19 2 V1)/V1 (15.1.115)

V1 5 rated primary terminal voltage; cos u 5 load power factor; I1 5rated primary current; R01 5 equivalent resistance referred to primary[from Eq. (15.1.109)]; X01 5 equivalent reactance referred to primary.The 1 sign is used with lagging current and the 2 sign with leadingcurrent. Equations (15.1.114) and (15.1.115) are equally applicable tothe secondary if the subscripts are changed.

Efficiency The only two losses in a constant-potential transformerare the core loss in W, P0 , which is practically independent of load, andPc the copper loss in W, which varies as the load current squared. Theefficiency for any current I1 is

h 5 V1I1 cos u/(V1I1 cos u 1 P0 1 I 12R01) (15.1.116)

Equation (15.1.116) applies equally well to the secondary if the sub-scripts are changed. The maximum efficiency occurs when the core andcopper losses are equal.

All-Day Efficiency Since transformers must usually be on the line24 h/day, part of which time the load may be very light, the all-dayefficiency is important. This is equal to the total energy or watthouroutput divided by the total energy or watthour input for the 24 h. That is,

h 5(V1I1 cos u1)t1 1 ? ? ?

(V1I1 cos u1)t1 1 ? ? ? 1 (I 12R01)t1 1 ? ? ? 1 24 P0


where t1 5 time in hours that load V1I1 cos u1 is being delivered, etc.Polyphase Transformer Connections Three-phase transformer

banks may be connected D-D, D-Y, Y-Y, and Y-D. The D-D connectionis very common, particularly at the lower voltages, and has the impor-tant advantage that the bank will operate V-connected if one trans-former is disabled. The D-Y connection is advantageous for stepping upto high voltages since the secondary of the transformers need be woundonly for 58 percent (1/√3) of the line voltage; it is also necessary when afour-wire three-phase system is obtained from a three-wire three-phasesystem since ‘‘a floating neutral’’ on the secondary cannot occur. Thisconnection has found increased application in step-down distribution at600 V and lower because of the relative ease of applying sensitive faultprotection. The Y-Y system may be used for stepping up voltage. Itshould not be used for obtaining a three-phase four-wire system from athree-phase three-wire system, because of the ‘‘floating neutral’’ on the

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Fig. 15.1.67 Transformer connections for transforming moderate amounts of three-phase power. (a) Open deltaconnection; (b) T connection.

secondary and the resulting high degree of unbalance of the secondaryvoltages. The Y-D system may be used to step down high voltages, thereverse of the D-Y connection. Y-connected windings also precludethird harmonic, and their multiples, circulating currents in the trans-former windings. In the D-Y and Y-D systems the ratio of line voltage isobviously not that of the individual transformers. Because of differentphase displacement between primaries and secondaries, a D-D bankcannot be connected in parallel (on both sides) with a D-Y bank, etc.,even if they both have the correct voltage ratios between lines.

Three-phase transformers combine the magnetic circuits of three sin-

An autotransformer, also called compensator, consists essentially of asingle winding linking a magnetic circuit. Part of the energy is trans-formed, and the remainder flows through conductively. Suitable taps areprovided so that, if the primary voltage is applied to two of the taps, avoltage may be taken from any other two taps. The ratio of voltages isequal practically to the ratio of the turns between their taps. An auto-transformer should be installed only when the ratio of transformation isnot large. The ratio of power transformed to total power is 1 2 n, wheren is the ratio of low-voltage to high-voltage emf. This gives the savingover the ordinary transformer and is greatest when the ratio is not far

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gle-phase transformers so that they have parts in common. A materialsaving in cost, in weight, and in space results, the greatest saving occur-ring in the core and oil. The advantages of three-phase transformers areoften outweighed by their lack of flexibility. The failure of a singlephase shuts down the entire transformer. With three single units, oneunit may be readily replaced with a single spare. The primaries of sin-gle-phase transformers may be connected in Y or D at will and thesecondaries properly phased. The primaries, as well as the secondariesof three-phase transformers, must be phased.

For the transformation of moderate amounts of power from three-phase to three-phase, two transformers employing either the open deltaor T connection (Fig. 15.1.67) may be used. With each connection theratio of line voltages is the same as the transformer ratios. In the figure,ratios 10 : 1 are shown. In the T connection the primary and the second-ary of the main transformer must be provided with a center tap to whichone end of the teaser transformer is connected. The ratings of thesesystems are only 58 percent of the rating of the system using threesimilar transformers, one for each phase. Owing to dissymmetry, theterminal voltages become somewhat unbalanced even with a balancedload.

To transform from two- to three-phase or the reverse, the T connectionof Fig. 15.1.68 is used. To make the secondary voltages symmetrical atap (called a Scott tap) is brought out at 86.6 percent (√3/2) of theprimary winding of the teaser transformer as shown in Fig. 15.1.68.With balanced no-load voltages the voltages become slightly unbal-anced even under a symmetrical load, owing to unequal phase differ-ences in the individual coils. The three-phase neutral O is one-third thewinding of the teaser transformer from the junction. In Fig. 15.1.68a thetransformation is from three-phase to a two-phase three-wire system. InFig. 15.1.68b the transformation is from three-phase to a four-phase,five-wire system. The voltages are given on the basis of 100-V primar-ies with 1 : 1 transformer ratios.

Fig. 15.1.68 Connections for transforming from three-p

from unity. Figure 15.1.69a shows 100 kW being changed from 3,300to 2,300 V; 30.3 kW only are being actually transformed, and the re-mainder of the power flows through conductively. Figure 15.1.69bshows how an ordinary 10 : 1, 10-kW lighting transformer may be con-nected to boost 110 kW 10 percent in voltage. In Fig. 15.1.69b, how-ever, the 230-V secondary must be insulated for 2,300 V to the core and

Fig. 15.1.69 Autotransformer.

ground. The voltage may likewise be reduced by reversing the 230-Vcoil. An autotransformer should never be used when it is desired to keepdangerous primary potentials from the secondary. It is used for startinginduction motors (Fig. 15.1.71) and for a number of similar purposes.

Data on Transformers Single-phase 55° self-cooled oil-insulatedtransformers for 2,300-V primaries, 230/115-V secondaries, and insizes from 5 to 200 kVA for 60(25) Hz have efficiencies from one-halfto full load of about 98 (97 to 98.7) percent and regulation of 1.5 (1.1 to2.1) percent with pf 5 1, and 3.5 (2.7 to 4.1) percent with pf 5 0.8.Power transformers with 13,200-V primaries and 2,300-V secondariesin sizes from 667 to 5,000 kVA and for both 60 and 25 Hz have effi-ciencies from one-half to full load of about 99.0 percent and regulationof about 1.0 (4.2) percent with pf 5 1 (0.8).

hase to two- and four-phase power.

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Polyphase Induction Motor The polyphase induction motor is themost common type of motor used. It consists ordinarily of a statorwhich is wound in the same manner as the synchronous-generator sta-tor. If two-phase current is supplied to a two-phase winding or three-phase current to a three-phase winding, a rotating magnetic field isproduced in the air gap. The number of poles which this field has is thesame as the number of poles that a synchronous generator employingthe same stator winding would have. The speed of the rotating field, or

value of slip at which it normally operates, the rotor frequency andhence the rotor reactance become low and most of the rotor current nowflows in the low-resistance winding. Cage bars can be shaped so thatone winding gives comparable results. See Fig. 15.1.70c. The rotoroperates with a low value of slip. The high starting torque of the high-resistance motor and the excellent constant-speed operating characteris-tics of the low-resistance squirrel-cage rotor are combined in one motor.

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the synchronous speed,

N 5 120f/P r/min (15.1.118)

where f 5 frequency and P 5 number of poles.There are two general types of rotors. The squirrel-cage type consists

of heavy copper or aluminum bars short-circuited by end rings, or thebars and end rings may be an integral aluminum casting. The woundrotor has a polyphase winding of the same number of poles as the stator,and the terminals are brought out to slip rings so that external resistancemay be introduced. The rotor conductors must be cut by the rotatingfield, hence the rotor cannot run at synchronous speed but must slip. Theper unit slip is

s 5 (N 2 N2)/N (15.1.119)

where N2 5 the rotor speed, r/min. The rotor frequency

f2 5 sf (15.1.120)

The torque is proportional to the air-gap flux and the components ofrotor current in space phase with it. The rotor currents tend to lag theemfs producing them, because of the rotor-leakage reactance. From Eq.(15.1.120) the rotor frequency and hence the rotor reactance (X2 52p f2L2) are low when the motor is running near synchronous speed, sothat there is a large component of rotor current in space phase with theflux. With large values of slip the increased rotor frequency increasesthe rotor reactance and hence the lag of the rotor currents behind theiremfs, and therefore considerable space-phase difference between thesecurrents and the flux develops. Consequently even with large values ofcurrent the torque may be small. The torque of the induction motorincreases with slip until it reaches a maximum value called the break-down torque, after which the torque decreases (see Fig. 15.1.72). Thebreakdown torque varies as the square of the voltage, inversely as thestator impedance and rotor reactance, and is independent of the rotorresistance.

The squirrel-cage motor develops moderate torque on starting (s 51.0) even though the current may be three to seven times rated current.For any value of slip the torque of the induction motor varies as thesquare of the voltage. The torque of the squirrel-cage motor which, onstarting, is only moderate may be reduced in the larger motors becauseof starting voltage drop from inrush and possible necessity of applyingreduced-voltage starting.

Polyphase squirrel-cage motors are used mostly for constant-speedwork; however, recent developments in variable-frequency pulse-widthmodulation (PWM) ac drives have seen these motors used in variable-speed applications where the ratio of maximum to minimum speed doesnot exceed 4 : 1. They are used widely on account of their rugged con-struction and the absence of moving electrical contacts, which makesthem suitable for operation when exposed to flammable dust or gas.General-purpose squirrel-cage motors have starting torques of 100 to250 percent of full load torque at rated voltage. The highest torquesoccur at the higher rated speeds. The locked rotor currents vary betweenfour and seven times full-load current. In the double-squirrel-cage type ofmotor there is a high-resistance winding in the top of the rotor slots anda low-resistance winding in the bottom of the slots. The low-resistancewinding is made to have a high leakage reactance, either by separatingthe windings with a magnetic bridge, Fig. 15.1.70a, or by making theslot very narrow in the area between the two windings, Fig. 15.1.70b.On starting, because of the high reactance of the low-resistance wind-ing, most of the rotor current will flow in the high-resistance winding,giving the motor a large starting torque. As the rotor approaches the low

Fig. 15.1.70 Types of slots for squirrel-cage windings.

The single shaped cage bar is more economical, and almost any shapefor required characteristics can be extruded from aluminum. Single barsalso eliminate the problems of differential expansion with double cagebars.

Nameplates of polyphase integral-hp squirrel-cage induction motorscarry a code letter and a design letter. These provide information aboutmotor characteristics, the former on locked rotor or starting inrushcurrent (see Table 15.1.26) and the latter on torque characteristics. Na-tional Electrical Manufacturers Association standards publication No.MG1-1978 defines four design letters: A, B, C, and D. In all cases themotors are designed for full voltage starting. Locked rotor current andtorque, pull-up torque and breakdown torque are tabulated according tohorsepower and speed. Designs A, B, and C have full load slips less than5 percent and design D more than 5 percent. The nature of the variousdesigns can be understood by reference to the full voltage values for a100-hp, 1800-r/min motor which follow:



Locked rotor torque 125* 125* 200* 275*Pull-up torque 100† 100† 140† . . .Breakdown torque 200† 200† 190† . . .Locked rotor current . . . 600* 600* 600*Full load slip (%) 5§ 5§ 5§ 5‡

NOTE: All quantities, except slip, are percent of full load value.* Upper limit.† Not less than.‡ Greater than.§ Less than.

Starting It is desirable to start induction motors by direct connec-tion across the line, since reduced voltage starters are expensive andalmost always reduce the starting torque. The capacity of the distribu-tion system dictates when reduced voltage starting must be used to limitvoltage dips on the system. On stiff industrial systems 25,000-hp motorshave been successfully started across-the-line.

In Fig. 15.1.71a is shown an ‘‘across-the-line’’ starter which may beoperated from different push-button stations. The START push buttoncloses the solenoid circuit between phases C and A through three bime-tallic strips in series. This energizes solenoid S, which attracts armatureD, which in turn closes the starting switch and the auxiliary blade G.This blade keeps the solenoid circuit closed when the START push but-ton is released. Pressing the STOP push button opens the solenoid cir-cuit, permitting the starting switch to open. A prolonged heavy overloadraises the temperature of the heaters by an amount that will cause atleast one of the bimetallic strips to open the solenoid circuit, releasingthe starting switch.

A common method of applying reduced-voltage start is to use a com-pensator or autotransformer or autostarter (Fig. 15.1.71b). When theswitch is in the starting position, the three windings AB of the three-phase autotransformer are connected in Y across the line and the motorterminals are connected to the taps which supply reduced voltage. Whenthe switch is in the running position, the starter is entirely disconnected

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stop the motor in case of a failed SCR, which will normally fail shortedand apply full voltage to the motor. The SCR starter has been combinedwith a microprocessor to provide gradual motor terminal voltage in-creases during an adjustable acceleration period. This is commonlycalled soft start. Other features include the ability to limit motor startingcurrent and save energy when the motor is lightly loaded.

By introducing resistance into the rotor circuit through slip rings, therotor currents may be brought nearly into phase with the air-gap fluxand, at the same time, any value of torque up to maximum torqueobtained. As the rotor develops speed, resistance may be cut out until

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Fig. 15.1.71 Starters for squirrel-cage induction motor. (a) Across-the-linestarter; (b) autostarter.

from the line. In modern practice, motors are protected by thermal ormagnetic overload relays (Fig. 15.1.71) which operate to trip the circuitbreaker. Since a time element is involved in the operation of such relays,they do not respond to large starting currents, because of their shortduration. To limit the current to as low a value as possible, the lowesttaps that will give the motor sufficient voltage to supply the requiredstarting torque should be used. As the torque of an induction motorvaries as the square of the voltage, the compensator produces a very lowstarting torque.

Resistors in series with the stator may also be used to start squirrel-cagemotors. They are inserted in each phase and are gradually cut out as themotor comes up to speed. The resistors are generally made of wire-typeresistor units or of graphite disks enclosed within heat-resisting porce-lain-lined iron tubes. The disadvantage of resistors is that if the motor isstarted slowly the resistor becomes very hot and may burn out. Resistorstarters are less expensive than autotransformers. Their application is tomotors that start with light loads at infrequent intervals.

A phase-controlled, silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR) may be used tolimit the motor-starting current to any value that will provide sufficientstarting torque by reducing voltage to the motors. The SCR can also beused to start and stop the motors. A positive opening device such as acontactor or circuit breaker should be used in series with the SCR to

there is no external resistance in the rotor circuit. The speed may also becontrolled by inserting resistance in the rotor circuit. However, like thearmature-resistance method of speed control with shunt motors, thismethod is also inefficient and gives poor speed regulation. Figure15.1.72 shows graphically the effect on the torque of applying reducedvoltage (curves b, c) and of inserting resistance in the rotor circuit(curve d). As shown by curves b and c, the torque for any given slip isproportional to the square of the line voltage. The effect of introducingresistance into the rotor circuit is shown by curve d. The point of maxi-mum torque is shifted toward higher values of slip. The maximum

Fig. 15.1.72 Speed-torque curve for 10-hp, 60-Hz, 1,140-r/min inductionmotor.

torque at starting (slip 5 1.0) occurs when the rotor resistance is equalto the rotor reactance at standstill. The wound-rotor motor is used wherelarge starting torque is necessary as in railway work, hoists, and cranes.It has better starting characteristics than the squirrel-cage motor, but,because of the necessarily higher resistance of the rotor, it has greaterslip even with the rotor resistance all cut out. Obviously, the woundrotor, controller, and external resistance make it more expensive thanthe squirrel-cage type. See Table 15.1.13 for performance data.

One disadvantage of induction motors is that they take lagging current,and the power factor at half load and less is low. The speed- and torque-load characteristics of induction motors are almost identical with thoseof the shunt motor. The speed decreases slightly to full load, the slipbeing from 10 percent in small motors to 2 percent in very large motors.The torque is almost proportional to the load nearly up to the breakdowntorque. The power factor is 0.8 to 0.9 at full load. The direction ofrotation of any three-phase motor may be reversed by interchanging anytwo stator wires.

Speed Control of Induction Motors The induction motor inherentlyis a constant-speed motor. From Eqs. (15.1.118) and (15.1.119) therotor speed is

N2 5 120f (1 2 s)/P (15.1.121)

The speed can be changed only by changing the frequency, poles, orslip. In some applications where the motors constitute the only load onthe generators, as with electric propulsion of ships, their speed may bechanged by changing the frequency. Even then the range is limited, forboth turbines and generators must operate near their rated speeds forgood efficiency. By employing two distinct windings or by reconnect-ing a single winding by switching it is possible to change the number ofpoles. Complications prevent more than two speeds being readily ob-tained in this manner. Elevator motors frequently have two distinct

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Table 15.1.13 Drip-Proof Motors

3 phase, 230 V, 60 Hz, 1,750 r/min, squirrel cage

Power factor, % Efficiency, %*



A 1⁄2 load 3⁄4 load Full load 1⁄2 load 3⁄4 load Full load

1 40 3.8 45.3 64.8 66.2 63.8 71.4 75.52 45 6.0 54.3 67.6 76.5 75.2 79.9 81.55 65 14.2 61.3 73.7 80.7 77.0 80.9 81.5

10 110 26.0 66.3 77.7 83.1 83.5 86.0 86.520 190 53.6 69.5 78.4 80.9 85.0 87.0 86.540 475 101.2 69.8 79.4 83.6 86.8 88.3 88.5

100 830 230.0 83.7 88.2 89.0 92.2 92.4 91.7200 1,270 446.0 82.5 87.8 89.2 93.5 94.2 94.1

3 phase, 230 V, 60 Hz, 1,750 r/min, wound rotor

5 155 15.6 50.7 64.1 74.0 77.6 81.0 81.410 220 27.0 66.8 77.5 82.5 84.3 85.4 84.825 495 60.0 79.2 86.6 89.4 88.1 88.6 87.850 650 122.0 72.4 82.3 86.8 86.7 87.9 87.7

100 945 234.0 78.4 86.2 89.4 90.0 90.4 89.8200 2,000 446.0 79.8 87.6 90.8 90.5 92.1 92.5

3 phase, 2,300 V, 60 Hz, 1,750 r/min, squirrel cage

300 2,300 70.4 76.2 83.4 86.0 90.8 92.5 92.8700 3,380 155.0 85.5 89.4 90.0 91.7 93.4 93.7

1,000 4,345 221.0 86.2 89.5 90.0 92.1 93.8 94.1

3 phase, 2,300 V, 60 Hz, 1,750 r/min, wound rotor

300 3,900 68 84.4 86.2 89.9 90.8 92.5 92.8700 5,750 154 82.7 87.7 90.9 91.7 93.4 93.7

1,000 8,450 218 82.9 87.9 91.1 92.1 93.8 94.1

* High-efficiency motors are available at premium cost.SOURCE: Westinghouse Electric Corp.

windings. Another objection to changing the number of poles is the factthat the design is a compromise, and sacrifices of desirable characteris-tics usually are necessary at both speeds.

The change of slip by introducing resistance into the rotor circuit hasbeen discussed under the wound-rotor motor. It is also possible to intro-duce an inverter into the rotor circuit and convert the slip frequencypower to line frequency power and return it to the distribution system.

Inverters are also used to convert line frequencies to variable fre-quencies to operate squirrel-cage motors at almost any speed up to theirmechanical limitations. Inverters also reduce the starting stresses on a

split-phase method. In order to minimize overheating this winding isordinarily cut out by a centrifugal device when the armature reachesspeed. In the larger motors a repulsion-motor start is used. The rotor iswound like an ordinary dc armature with a commutator, but with short-circuited brushes pressing on it axially rather than radially. The motorstarts as a repulsion motor, developing high torque. When it nears itssynchronous speed, a centrifugal device pushes the brushes away fromthe commutator, and at the same time causes the segments to be short-circuited, thus converting the motor into a single-phase inductionmotor.

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motor.Polyphase voltages should be evenly balanced to prevent phase

current unbalance. If voltages are not balanced, the motor must be de-rated in accordance with National Electrical Manufacturers Association(NEMA), Publication No. MG-1-14.34.

Approximately 5 percent voltage unbalance would cause about 25percent increase in temperature rise at full load. The input current un-balance at full load would probably be 6 to 10 times the input voltageunbalance.

Single phasing, one phase open, is the ultimate unbalance and willcause overheating and burnout if the motor is not disconnected from theline.

Single-Phase Induction Motor Single-phase induction motors areusually made in fractional horsepower ratings, but they are listed byNEMA in integral ratings up to 10 hp. They have relatively high rotorresistances and can operate in the single-phase mode without overheat-ing. Single-phase induction motors are not self-starting.

However, the single-phase motor runs in the direction in which it isstarted. There are several methods of starting single-phase inductionmotors. Short-circuited turns, or shading coils, may be placed around thepole tips which retard the time phase of the flux in the pole tip, and thusa weak torque in the direction of rotation is produced. A high-resistancestarting winding, displaced 90 electrical degrees from the main winding,produces poles between the main poles and so provides a rotating fieldwhich is weak but is sufficient to start the motor. This is called the

Capacitor Motors Instead of splitting the phase by means of a high-resistance winding, it has become almost universal practice to connect acapacitor in series with the auxiliary winding (which is displaced 90electrical degrees from the main winding). With capacitance, it is possi-ble to make the flux produced by the auxiliary winding lead that pro-duced by the main field winding by 90° so that a true two-phase rotatingfield results and good starting torque develops. However, the 90° phaserelation between the two fields is obtainable at only one value of speed(as at starting), and the phase relation changes as the motor comes up tospeed. Frequently the auxiliary winding is disconnected either by acentrifugal switch or a relay as the motor approaches full speed, inwhich case the motor is called a capacitor-start motor. With properdesign the auxiliary winding may be left in circuit permanently (fre-quently with additional capacitance introduced). This improves both thepower factor and torque characteristics. Such a motor is called perma-nent-split capacitor motor.

Phase Converter If a polyphase induction motor is operating sin-gle-phase, polyphase emfs are generated in its stator by the combinationof stator and rotor fluxes. Such a machine can be utilized, therefore, forconverting single-phase power into polyphase power and, when so used,is called a phase converter. Unless corrective means are utilized, thepolyphase emfs at the machine terminals are somewhat unbalanced. Thepower input, being single-phase and at a power factor less than unity,not only fluctuates but is negative for two periods during each cycle.The power output being polyphase is steady, or nearly so. The cyclic

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differences between the power output and the power input are ac-counted for in the kinetic energy stored in the rotating mass of thearmature. The armature accelerates and decelerates, but only slightly, inaccordance with the difference between output and input. The phaseconverter is used principally on railway locomotives, since a singletrolley wire can be used to deliver single-phase power to the locomo-tive, and the converter can deliver three-phase power to the three-phasewound-rotor driving motors.

AC Commutator Motors Inherently simple ac motors are notadapted to high starting torques and variable speed. There are a number

or to control the voltage at some part of a power system. When so usedthe motor is called a synchronous condenser. The motor may, however,deliver mechanical power and at the same time take either leading orlagging current.

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of types of commutating motor that have been developed to meet therequirement of high starting torque and adjustable speed, particularlywith single phase. These usually have been accompanied by compen-sating windings, centrifugal switches, etc., in order to overcome lowpower factors and commutation difficulties. With proper compensation,commutator motors may be designed to operate at a power factor ofnearly unity or even to take leading current.

One of the simplest of the single-phase commutator motors is the acseries railway motor such as is used on the erstwhile New York, NewHaven, and Hartford Railroad. It is based on the principle that the torqueof the dc series motor is in the same direction irrespective of the polarityof its line terminals. This type of motor must be used on low frequency,not over 25 Hz, and is much heavier and more costly than an equivalentdc motor. The torque and speed curves are almost identical with those ofthe dc series motor. Unlike most ac apparatus the power factor is highestat light load and decreased with increasing load. Such motors operatewith direct current even better than with alternating current. For exam-ple, the New Haven locomotives also operate from the 600-V dc third-rail system (two motors in series) from the New York City line (238thSt.) into Grand Central Station. (See also Sec. 11.)

On account of difficulties inherent in ac operation such as commuta-tion and high reactance drops in the windings, it is economical to con-struct and operate such motors only in sizes adaptable to locomotives,the ratings being of the order of 300 to 400 hp. Universal motors aresmall simple series motors, usually of fractional horsepower, and willoperate on either direct or alternating current, even at 60 Hz. They areused for vacuum cleaners, electric drills, and small utility purposes.

Synchronous Motor Just as dc shunt generators operate as motors,a synchronous generator, connected across a suitable ac power supply,will operate as a motor and deliver mechanical power. Each conductoron the stator must be passed by a pole of alternate polarity every halfcycle so that at constant frequency the rpm of the motor is constant andis equal to

N 5 120 f/P r/min (15.1.122)

and the speed is independent of the load.There are two types of synchronous motors in general use: the slip-

ring type and the brushless type. The motor field current is transmitted tothe motor by brushes and slip rings on the slip-ring type. On the brush-less type it is generated by a shaft-mounted exciter and rectified andcontrolled by shaft-mounted static devices. Eliminating the slip rings isadvantageous in dirty or hazardous areas.

The synchronous motor has the desirable characteristic that its powerfactor can be varied over a wide range merely by changing the fieldexcitation. With a weak field the motor takes a lagging current. If theload is kept constant and the excitation increased, the current decreases(Fig. 15.1.73) and the phase difference between voltage and currentbecomes less until the current is in phase with the voltage and the powerfactor is unity. The current is then at its minimum value such as I0 , andthe corresponding field current is called the normal excitation. Furtherincrease in field current causes the armature current to lead and thepower factor to decrease. Thus underexcitation causes the current to lag;overexcitation causes the current to lead. The effect of varying the fieldcurrent at constant values of load is shown by the V curves (Fig.15.1.73). Unity power factor occurs at the minimum value of armaturecurrent, corresponding to normal excitation. The power factor for anypoint such as P is I0 /I1 , leading current. Because of its adjustable powerfactor, the motor is frequently run light merely to improve power factor

Fig. 15.1.73 V curves of a synchronous motor.

Synchronous motors are used to drive centrifugal and axial compres-sors, usually through speed increasers, pumps, fans, and other high-horsepower applications where constant speed, efficiency, and power fac-tor correction are important. Low-speed synchronous motors, under 600r/min, sometimes called engine type, are used in driving reciprocatingcompressors and in ball mills and in other slow-speed applications. Theirlow length-to-diameter ratio, because of the need for many poles, givesthem a high moment of inertia which is helpful in smoothing the pulsat-ing torques of these loads.

If the motor field current is separately supported by a battery or con-stant voltage transformer, the synchronous motor will maintain speed ona lower voltage dip than will an induction motor because torque isproportional to voltage rather than voltage squared. However, if a syn-chronous motor drops out of step, it will normally not have the ability toreaccelerate the load, unless the driven equipment is automatically un-loaded.

The synchronous motor is usually not used in smaller sizes since boththe motors and its controls are more expensive than induction motors,and the ability of a small motor to supply VARs to correct power factoris limited.

If situated near an inductive load the motor may be overexcited, andits leading current will neutralize entirely or in part the lagging quadra-ture current of the load. This reduces the I 2R loss in the transmissionlines and also increases the kilowatt ratings of the system apparatus. Thesynchronous condenser and motor can also be used to control voltage andto stabilize power lines. If the condenser or motor is overexcited, itsleading current flowing through the line reactance causes a rise in volt-age at the motor; if it is underexcited, the lagging current flowingthrough the line reactance causes a drop in voltage at the motor. Thuswithin limits it becomes possible to control the voltage at the end of atransmission line by regulating the fields of synchronous condensers ormotors. Long 220-kV lines and the 287-kV Hoover Dam–Los Angelesline require several thousand kVa in synchronous condensers floating attheir load ends merely for voltage control. If the load becomes small, thevoltage would rise to very high values if the synchronous condenserswere not underexcited, thus maintaining nearly constant voltage. SeeTable 15.1.14 for characteristics.

A salient-pole synchronous motor may be started as an induction motor.In laminated-pole machines conducting bars of copper, copper alloy, oraluminum, damper or amortisseur windings are inserted in the pole faceand short-circuited at the ends, exactly as a squirrel-cage winding in the

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Table 15.1.14 Performance Data for Coupled Synchronous Motors

Efficiencies, %Power,

hp PolesSpeed,r/min


Excitation,kW 1⁄2 load 3⁄4 load Full load


Unity power factor, 3 phase, 60 Hz, 2,300 V

500 4 1,800 100 3 94.5 95.2 95.3 5,0002,000 4 1,800 385 9 96.5 97.1 97.2 15,0005,000 4 1,800 960 13 96.5 97.3 97.5 27,000

10,000 6 1,200 1,912 40 97.5 97.9 98.0 45,000500 18 400 99.3 5 92.9 93.9 94.3 7,150

1,000 24 300 197 8.4 93.7 94.6 95.0 15,6504,000 48 150 781 25 94.9 95.6 95.6 54,000

80% power factor, 3 phase, 60 Hz, 2,300 V

500 4 1,800 127 4.5 93.3 94.0 94.1 6,5002,000 4 1,800 486 13 95.5 96.1 96.2 24,0005,000 4 1,800 1,212 21 95.5 96.3 96.5 37,000

10,000 6 1,200 2,405 50 96.8 97.3 97.4 70,000500 18 400 125 7.2 92.4 93.4 93.6 9,500

1,000 24 300 248 11.6 93.3 94.2 94.4 17,5004,000 48 150 982 40 94.6 95.3 95.5 11,500

SOURCE: Westinghouse Electric Corp.

induction motor is connected. The bars can be designed only for startingpurposes since they carry no current at synchronous speed and have noeffect on efficiency. In solid-pole motors a block of steel is bolted to thepole and performs the current-carrying function of the damper windingin the laminated-pole motor. At times the pole faces are interconnectedto minimize starting-pulsating torques. When the synchronous motorreaches 95 to 98 percent speed as an induction motor, the motor field isapplied by a timer or slip frequency control circuit, and the motor pullsinto step at 100 percent speed. While accelerating, the motor field isconnected to resistances to minimize induced voltages and currents.

a path along the two rotor bars and locks the rotor in with it. The rotorand the necessary train of reducing gears rotate in oil sealed in a smallmetal can. Figure 15.1.74b shows a subsynchronous motor. Sixsquirrel-cage bars are inserted in six slots of a solid cylindrical ironrotor, and the spaces between the slots form six salient poles. Themotor, because of the squirrel cage, starts as an induction motor, at-tempting to attain the speed of the rotating field, or 3,600 r/min (at 60Hz). However, when the rotor reaches 1,200 r/min, one-third synchro-nous speed, the salient poles of the rotor lock in with the poles of thestator and hold the rotor at 1,200 r/min.

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Two-pole motors are built as turbine type or round-rotor motors formechanical strength and do not have the thermal capacity or space forstarting windings, so they must be started by supplementary means.

One such supplementary starting means is the use of a variable-fre-quency source, either a variable-speed generator or more commonly astatic converter-inverter. The motor is brought up to speed in synchro-nism with a slowly increasing frequency. One common application isthe starting of the large motor-generators used in pump-storage utilitysystems.

Variable frequency may be used to start salient-pole machines also.Requirements for a start without high torques and pulsations or highvoltage drops on small electrical systems may dictate the use of some-thing other than full voltage starting.

The synchronous reluctance motor is similar to an induction machinewith salient poles machined in the rotors. Under light loads the motorwill synchronize on reluctance torque and lock in step with the rotatingfield at synchronous speed. These motors are used in small sizes withvariable-frequency inverters for speed control in the paper and textileindustry.

The synchronous-induction motor is fundamentally a wound-rotorslip-ring induction motor with an air gap greater than normal, and therotor slots are larger and fewer. On starting, resistance is inserted in therotor circuit to produce high torque, and this is cut out as the speedincreases. As synchronism is approached, the rotor windings are con-nected to a dc power source and the motor operates synchronously.

Timing or clock motors operate synchronously from ac power systems.Figure 15.1.74a illustrates the Warren Telechron motor which operateson the hysteresis principle. The stator consists of a laminated elementwith an exciting coil, and each pole piece is divided, a short-circuitedshading turn being placed on each of the half poles so formed. The rotorconsists of two or more hard-steel disks of the shape shown, mounted ona small shaft. The shaded poles produce a 3,600 r/min rotating magneticfield (at 60 Hz), and because of hysteresis loss, the disk follows the fieldjust as the rotor of an induction motor does. When the rotor approachesthe synchronous speed of 3,600 r/min, the rotating magnetic field takes

Fig. 15.1.74 Synchronous motors for timing. (a) Warren Telechron motor;(b) Holtz induction-reluctance subsynchronous motor.


Static Rectifiers Silicon devices, and to a lesser extent gas tubes,are the primary means of ac to dc or dc to ac conversion in moderninstallations. They are advantageous when compared to synchronousconverters or motor generators because of efficiency, cost, size, weight,and reliability. Various bridge configurations for single-phase andthree-phase applications are shown in Fig. 15.1.75a. Table 15.1.15shows the relative outputs of rectifier circuits. The use of two three-phase bridges fed from an ac source consisting of a three-winding trans-former with both a D and Y secondary winding so that output voltagesare 30° out of phase will reduce dc ripple to approximately 1 percent.

The use of silicon-controlled rectifiers (SCRs) to replace rectifiers inthe various bridge configurations allows the output voltages to be variedfrom rated output voltage to zero. The output voltage wave will not be asine wave but a series of square waves, which may not be suitable forsome applications. Dc to ac conversions are shown in Fig. 15.1.75b.

A new technology of ac-to-dc conversion commonly called switch

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Table 15.1.15 Relationships for AC-DC Conversion StaticDevices

Voltages, % Currents, %Device

description Eac Edc Iac Idc


1f, half wave 100 45 100 100 1211f, full wave 100 90 100 90 483f, full wave 100 135 100 123 4.2

Because of the materially increased rating, converters are nearly alloperated six-phase. The rating decreases rapidly with decrease in powerfactor, and hence the converter should operate near unity power factor.The diametrical ac voltage is the ac voltage between two slip-ring taps180 electrical degrees apart. With a two-pole closed winding, i.e., awinding that closes on itself when the winding is completed, the dia-metrical ac voltage is the voltage between any two slip-ring taps dia-metrically opposite each other.

With a sine-voltage wave, the dc voltage is the peak of the diamet-rical ac voltage wave. The voltage relations for sine waves are as fol-

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mode power supplies (SMPSs) is found in almost all microprocessor-based modern electronic equipment for dc supplies between 3 and 15 V.The supply voltage (120 V ac) is rectified by a single-phase full-wavebridge circuit. See Fig. 15.1.75. The output is stored in a capacitor. Aswitcher will then switch the dc voltage from the capacitor on and off ata high frequency, usually between 10 and 100 kHz. These high-fre-quency pulses are stepped down in voltage by a transformer and recti-fied by diodes. The diodes’ output is filtered to the dc supply required.These SMPSs are small in size, have higher efficiency, and are lower incost. They do create harmonic and power quality problems that have tobe addressed.

Fig. 15.1.75 AC-DC conversion with static devices.


The synchronous converter is essentially a dc generator with slip ringsconnected by taps to equidistant points in the armature winding. Alter-nating current may also be taken from and delivered to the armature.The machine may be single-phase, in which case there are two slip ringsand two slip-ring taps per pair of poles; it may be three-phase, in whichcase there are three slip rings and three slip-ring taps per pair of poles,etc. Converters are usually used to convert alternating to direct current,in which case they are said to be operating direct; they may equally wellconvert direct to alternating current, in which case they are said to beoperating inverted. A converter will operate satisfactorily as a dc motor,a synchronous motor, a dc generator, a synchronous generator, or it maydeliver direct and alternating current simultaneously, when it is called adouble-current generator.

The rating of a converter increases very rapidly with increase inthe number of phases owing, in part, to better utilization of the arma-ture copper and also because of more uniform distribution of armatureheating.

lows: dc volts, 141; single phase, diametrical, 100; three-phase, 87;four-phase, diametrical, 100; four phase, adjacent taps, 71; six phase,diametrical, 100; six phase, adjacent taps, 50. These relations are ob-tained from the sides of polygons inscribed in a circle having a diameterof 100 V, as shown in Fig. 15.1.76.

Selsyns The word selsyn is an abbreviation of self-synchronizingand is applied to devices which are connected electrically, and in whichan angular displacement of the rotating member of one device producesan equal angular displacement in the rotating member of the second

Fig. 15.1.76 EMF relations in a converter.

device. There are several types of selsyns and they may be dc or ac,single-phase or polyphase. A simple and common type is shown in Fig.15.1.77. The two stators S1 , S2 are phase-wound stators, identical elec-trically with synchronous-generator or induction-motor stators. Forsimplicity Gramme-ring windings are shown in Fig. 15.1.77. The twostators are connected three-phase and in parallel. There are also twobobbin-type rotors R1 , R2 , with single-phase windings, each connectedto a single-phase supply such as 115 V, 60 Hz. When R1 and R2 arein the same angular positions, the emfs induced in the two stators by theac flux of the rotors are equal and opposite, there are no interchangecurrents between stators, and the system is in equilibrium. However, ifthe angular displacement of R1 , for example, is changed, the magni-tudes of the emfs induced in the stator winding of S1 are correspond-ingly changed. The emfs of the two stators then become unbalanced,currents flow from S1 to S2 , producing torque on R2 . When R2 attainsthe same angular position as R1 , the emfs in the two rotors again becomeequal and opposite, and the system is again in equilibrium.

If there is torque load on either rotor, a resultant current is necessaryto sustain the torque, so that there must be an angular displacementbetween rotors. However, by the use of an auxiliary selsyn a currentmay be fed into the system which is proportional to the angular differ-ence of the two rotors. This current will continue until the error iscorrected. This is called feedback. There may be a master selsyn, con-trolling several secondary units.

Selsyns are used for position indicators, e.g., in bridge–engine-roomsignal systems. They are also widely used for fire control so that fromany desired position all the turrets and guns on battleships can be turnedand elevated simultaneously through any desired angle with a high de-gree of accuracy. The selsyn itself rarely has sufficient power to per-form these operations, but it actuates control through power multiplierssuch as amplidynes.

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Fig. 15.1.77 Selsyn system.


The rating of electrical apparatus is almost always determined by themaximum temperature at which the materials in the machine, especiallythe insulation and lubricant, may be operated for long periods withoutdeterioration. It is permissible, as far as temperature is concerned, tooverload the apparatus so long as the safe temperature is not exceeded.The ANSI/IEEE Standard 100-1992 classifies insulating materials inseven different classes:

1. Class 90 insulation. Materials or combinations of materials such

cannot be accurately made due to uncontrollable resistance in contactsor where it is impracticable to make connections to obtain measure-ments before an undesirable drop in temperature occurs; (5) the embed-ded-detector method is suitable for interior measurements at designatedlocations as specified in the standards for certain kinds of equipment,such as large rotating machines.

Efficiency of Electrical Motors

Methods of determining efficiency are by direct measurement or by seg-regated losses. Methods are outlined in Standard Test Procedure for Po-

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as cotton, silk, and paper without impregnation which will have suitablethermal endurance if operated continually at 90°C.

2. Class 105 insulation. Materials or combinations of materials suchas cotton, silk, and paper when suitably impregnated or coated or whenimmersed in a dielectric liquid. This class has sufficient thermal endur-ance at 105°C.

3. Class 130 insulation. Materials or combinations of materials suchas mica, glass fiber, asbestos, etc., with suitable bonding substances.This class has sufficient thermal endurance at 130°C.

4. Class 155 insulation. Same materials as class 130 but with bond-ing substances suitable for continuous operation at 155°C.

5. Class 180 insulation. Materials or combinations of materials suchas silicone elastomer, mica, glass fiber, asbestos, etc., with suitablebonding substances such as appropriate silicone resins. This class hassufficient thermal life at 180°C.

6. Class 220 insulation. Materials suitable for continuous operationat 220°C.

7. Class over-220 insulation. Materials consisting entirely of mica,porcelain, glass, quartz, and similar inorganic materials which havesuitable thermal life at temperatures over 220°C.

NOTE: In all cases, other materials or combinations of materials other thanthose mentioned above may be used in a given class if from experience or ac-cepted tests they can be shown to have comparable thermal life. It is commonpractice also to specify insulation systems in electrical machinery by letter. For exam-ple, integral horsepower ac motors may have a maximum temperature rise in thewinding (determined by winding resistance) or 60°C for class A insulation, 80°Cfor class B, 105°C for class F, and 125°C for class H—all based on a 40°C ambient.

The recommended methods of measurement are: (1) the thermometermethod is preferred for uninsulated windings, exposed metal parts,gases and liquids, or surface methods generally; thermocouples are pre-ferred for rapidly changing surface temperatures; (2) the applied-thermocouple method is suitable for making surface temperature mea-surements when it is desired to measure the temperature of surfacesthat are accessible to thermocouples but not to liquid-in-glass thermom-eters; (3) the contact-thermocouple method is suitable for measuringtemperatures of bare metal surfaces such as those of commutator barsand slip rings; (4) the resistance method is suitable for insulated wind-ings, except for windings of such low resistance that measurements

lyphase Induction Motors and Generators, ANSI/IEEE Std. 112-1991;Standard Test Code for DC Machines, IEEE Std. 113-1985, Test Proce-dure for Single-Phase Induction Motors, ANSI/IEEE Std. 114-1982;and Test Procedures for Synchronous Machines, IEEE Std. 115-1983.

Direct measurements can be made by using calibrated motors, genera-tors, or dynamometers for input to generators and output from motors,and precision electrical motors for input to motors and output fromgenerators.

Efficiencies 5output


The segregated losses in motors are classified as follows: (1) StatorI 2R (shunt and series field I 2R for dc); (2) rotor I 2R (armature I 2R fordc); (3) core loss; (4) stray-load loss; (5) friction and windage loss;(6) brush-contact loss (wound rotor and dc); (7) brush-friction loss(wound rotor and dc); (8) exciter loss (synchronous and dc); and(9) ventilating loss (dc). Losses are calculated separately and totaled.Measure the electrical output of the generator; then

Efficiency 5output

output 1 losses(15.1.124a)

Measure the electrical input of the motors; then

Efficiency 5input 2 losses


When testing dc motors, compensation should be made for the har-monics associated with rectified ac used to provide the variable dc volt-age to the motors. Instrumentation should be chosen to accurately re-flect the rms value of currents.

Temperature rise under full-load conditions may be measured by testsas outlined in the IEEE Standards referred to above. Methods of loadingare: (1) Load motor with dynamometer or generator of similar capacityand run until temperatures stabilize; (2) load generator with motor-gen-erator set or plant load and run until temperature stabilizes; (3) alter-nately apply dual frequences to motor until it reaches rated temperature;(4) synchronous motor may be operated as synchronous condenser at noload with zero power factor at rated current, voltage, and frequency untiltemperatures stabilize.

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Industrial Applications of Motors

Alternating or Direct Current The induction motor, particularly thesquirrel-cage type, is preferable to the dc motor for constant-speedwork, for the initial cost is less and the absence of a commutator reducesmaintenance. Also there is less fire hazard in many industries, such assawmills, flour mills, textile mills, and powder mills. The use of theinduction motor in such places as cement mills is advantageous sincewith dc motors the grit makes the maintenance of commutators difficult.

For variable-speed work like cranes, hoists, elevators, and for adjust-able speeds, the dc motor characteristics are superior to induction-motor

lively crane. The series motor is also well adapted to moving the bridgeitself and also the trolley along the bridge. Where alternating currentonly is available and it is not economical to convert it, the slip-ring typeof induction motor, with external-resistance speed control, is the besttype of ac motor. Squirrel-cage motors with high resistance end rings togive high starting torque (design D) are used (design D motors; also seeIlgner system).

Constant-Torque Applications Piston pumps, mills, extruders, andagitators may require constant torque over their complete speed range.They may require high starting torque design C or D squirrel-cage

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characteristics. Even then, it may be desirable to use induction motorssince their less desirable characteristics are more than balanced by theirsimplicity and the fact that ac power is available, and to obtain dc powerconversion apparatus is usually necessary. Where both lights andmotors are to be supplied from the same ac system, the 208/120-Vfour-wire three-phase system is now in common use. This gives 208 Vthree-phase for the motors, and 120 V to neutral for the lights.

Full-load speed, temperature rise, efficiency, and power factor aswell as breakdown torque and starting torque have long been parametersof concern in the application and purchase of motors. Another qualifi-cation is service factor. The service factor of an alternating currentmotor is a multiplier applicable to the horsepower rating. When soapplied, the result is a permissible horsepower loading under the condi-tions specified for the service factor. When operated at service factorload with 1.15 or higher service factor, the permissible temperature riseby resistance is as follows: class A insulation 70°C; class B, 90°C; andclass F, 115°C.

Special enclosures, fittings, seals, ventilation systems, electromag-netic design, etc., are required when the motor is to be operated underunusual service conditions, such as exposure to (1) combustible, explo-sive, abrasive, or conducting dusts, (2) lint or very dirty conditionswhere the accumulation of dirt might impede the ventilation, (3) chemi-cal fumes or flammable or explosive gases, (4) nuclear radiation,(5) steam, salt laden air, or oil vapor, (6) damp or very dry locations,radiant heat, vermin infestation, or atmosphere conducive to the growthof fungus, (7) abnormal shock, vibration, or external mechanical load-ing, (8) abnormal axial thrust or side forces on the motor shaft,(9) excessive departure from rated voltage, (10) deviation factors ofthe line voltage exceeding 10 percent, (11) line voltage unbalance ex-ceeding 1 percent, (12) situations where low noise levels are required,(13) speeds higher than the highest rated speed, (14) operation in apoorly ventilated room, in a pit, or in an inclined attitude, (15) tor-sional impact loads, repeated abnormal overloads, reversing or electricbraking, (16) operation at standstill with any winding continuouslyenergized, and (17) operation with extremely low structureborne andairborne noise. For dc machines, a further unusual service conditionoccurs when the average load is less than 50 percent over a 24-h periodor the continuous load is less than 50 percent over a 4-h period.

The standard direction of rotation for all nonreversing dc motors, acsingle-phase motors, synchronous motors, and universal motors iscounterclockwise when facing the end of the machine opposite the driveend. For dc and ac generators, the rotation is clockwise.

Further information may be found in Publication No. MG-1 of theNational Electrical Manufacturers Association.

It must be recognized that heat is conducted by electrical conductors.Windings in motors operating in a 40°C ambient at class F temperaturerises are running at temperatures 90°C higher than the maximum allow-able temperature (75°C) of cable ordinarily used in interior wiring. Heatconducted by the motor leads in such a situation could cause a failure ofthe branch circuit cable in the terminal box. See Tables 15.1.21 and15.1.22.


Cranes and Hoists The dc series motor is best adapted to cranesand hoists. When the load is heavy the motor slows down automaticallyand develops increased torque thus reducing the peaks on the electricalsystem. With light loads, the speed increases rapidly, thus giving a

motors to bring them up to speed. Where speed is to be varied whilerunning, a variable armature voltage dc motor or a variable-frequencysquirrel-cage induction-motor drive system may be used.

Centrifugal Pumps Low WK 2 and low starting torques make designB general-purpose squirrel-cage motors the preference for this applica-tion. When variable flow is required, the use of a variable-frequencypower supply to vary motor speed will be energy efficient when com-pared to changing flow by control-valve closure to increase head.

Centrifugal Fans High WK 2 may require high starting torque de-sign C or D squirrel-cage motors to bring the fan up to speed in areasonable period of time. When variable flow is required, the use of avariable-frequency power supply or a multispeed motor to vary fan speedwill be energy efficient when compared to closing louvers. For largefans, synchronous-motor drives may be considered for high efficiencyand improved power factor.

Axial or Centrifugal Compressors For smaller compressors, say, upto 100 hp, the squirrel-cage induction motor is the drive of choice.When the WK 2 is high, a design C or D high-torque motor may berequired. For larger compressors, the synchronous motor is more effi-cient and improves power factor. Where variable flow is required, thevariable-frequency power supply to vary motor speed is more efficientthan controlling by valve and in some applications may eliminate a gear-box by allowing the motor to run at compressor operating speed.

Pulsating-Torque Applications Reciprocating compressors, rockcrushers, and hammer mills experience widely varying torque pulsationsduring each revolution. They usually have a flywheel to store energy, soa high-torque, high-slip design D motor will accelerate the high WK 2

rapidly and allow energy recovery from the flywheel when high torqueis demanded. On larger drives a slow-speed, engine-type synchronousmotor can be directly connected. The motor itself supplies significantWK 2 to smooth out the torque and current pulsations of the system.


Switchboards may, in general, be divided into four classes: direct-controlpanel type; remote mechanical-control panel type; direct-control trucktype; electrically operated. With direct-control panel-type boards theswitches, rheostats, bus bars, meters, and other apparatus are mountedon or near the board and the switches and rheostats are operated di-rectly, or by operating handles if they are mounted in back of the board.The voltages, for both direct current and alternating current, are usuallylimited to 600 V and less but may operate up to 2,500 V ac if oil circuitbreakers are used. Such panels are not recommended for capacitiesgreater than 3,000 kVA. Remote mechanical-control panel-type boards areac switchboards with the bus bars and connections removed from thepanels and mounted separately away from the load. The oil circuitbreakers are operated by levers and rods. This type of board is designedfor heavier duty than the direct-control type and is used up to 25,000kVA. Direct-control truck-type switchboards for 15,000 V or less consistof equipment enclosed in steel compartments completely assembled bythe manufacturers. The high-voltage parts are enclosed, and the equip-ment is interlocked to prevent mistakes in operation. This equipment isdesigned for low- and medium-capacity plants and auxiliary power inlarge generating stations. Electrically operated switchboards employ sole-noid or motor-operated circuit breakers, rheostats, etc., controlled bysmall switches mounted on the panels. This makes it possible to locatethe high-voltage and other equipment independently of the location ofswitchboard.

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Fig. 15.1.78 Current-carrying capacity of copper bus bars.

In all large stations the switching equipment and buses are alwaysmounted entirely either in separate buildings or in outdoor enclosures.Such equipment is termed bus structures and is electrically operatedfrom the main control board.

Marble has high dielectric qualities and was formerly used exclu-sively for the panels. It is now used occasionally where its appearance isdesired for architectural purposes. Slate is used extensively and is fin-ished in black enamel, marine, and natural black. Ebony asbestos is alsoused frequently, is lighter than marble or slate, has high dielectricstrength and insulation resistivity, and can be readily cut, drilled, and

Switchboards should be erected at least 3 to 4 ft from the wall.Switchboard frames and structures should be grounded. The only ex-ceptions are effectively insulated frames of single-polarity dc switch-boards. For low-potential work, the conductors on the rear of theswitchboard are usually made up of flat copper strip, known as bus-barcopper. The size required is based upon a current density of about 1,000A/in2. Figure 15.1.78 gives the approximate continuous dc carryingcapacity of copper bus bars for different arrangements and spacings for35°C temperature rise.

Switchboards must be individually adapted for each specific electri-

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machined. Steel panels, usually 1⁄8 in thick, are light, economical inconstruction and erection, and at the present time are favored over othertypes.

Fig. 15.1.79 Switchboard wiring diagrams for generators. (nous generator and exciter for a small or isolated plant; (c)ammeter; AS, three-way ammeter switch; CB, circuit breakerL, ground detector lamp; OC, overload coil; OCB, oil circuitpotential transformer; Rheo, rheostat; RS, resistor; S, switch;

cal system. Space permits the showing of the diagrams of only threeboards each for a typical electrical system (Fig. 15.1.79). Aluminumbus bars are also frequently used.

a) 125-V or 250-V dc generator; (b) three-phase, synchro-three-wire dc generator for a small or isolated plant. A,

, CT, current transformer; DR, ground detector receptacle;breaker; PP, potential ring; PR, potential receptacle; PT,Sh, shunt; V, voltmeter; WHM, watthour meter.

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Equipment of Standard Panels Following are enumerated thevarious parts required in the equipment of standard panels for varyingservices:

Generator or synchronous-converter panel, dc two-wire system: 1 circuitbreaker; 1 ammeter; 1 handwheel for rheostat; 1 voltmeter; 1 mainswitch (three-pole single throw or double throw) or 2 single-poleswitches.

Generator or synchronous-converter panel, dc three-wire system: 2 cir-cuit breakers; 2 ammeters; 2 handwheels for field rheostats; 2 field

still exists, the breaker cannot reclose. The breaker attempts to reclosetwo or three times and then if the short circuit still exists it remainspermanently locked out.

Metal-clad switch gears are highly developed pieces of equipment thatcombine buses, circuit breakers, disconnecting devices, controlling de-vices, current and potential transformers, instruments, meters, and in-terlocking devices, all assembled at the factory as a single unit in acompact steel enclosing structure. Such equipment may comprise truck-type circuit breakers, assembled as a unit, each housed in a separatesteel compartment and mounted on a small truck to facilitate removal

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switches; 2 potential receptacles for use with voltmeter; 3 switches;1 four-point starting switch.

Generator or synchronous-motor panel, three-phase three-wire system:3 ammeters; 1 three-phase wattmeter; 1 voltmeter; 1 field ammeter;1 double-pole field switch; 1 handwheel for field rheostats; 1 synchro-nizing receptacle (four-point); 1 potential receptacle (eight-point);1 field rheostat; 1 triple-pole oil switch; 1 power-factor indicator;1 synchronizer; 2 series transformers; 1 governor control switch.

Synchronous-converter panel, three-phase: 1 ammeter; 1 power-factorindicator; 1 synchronizing receptacle; 1 triple-pole oil circuit breaker;2 current transformers; 1 potential transformer; 1 watthour meter (poly-phase); 1 governor control switch.

Induction motor panel, three-phase: 1 ammeter; series transformers;1 oil switch.

Feeder panel, dc, two-wire and three-wire: 1 single-pole circuit breaker;1 ammeter; 2 single-pole main switches; potential receptacles (1 four-point for two-wire panel; 1 four-point and 1 eight-point for three-wirepanel).

Feeder panel, three-wire, three-phase and single-phase: 3 ammeters;1 automatic oil switch (three-pole for three-phase, two-pole for single-phase); 2 series transformers; 1 shunt transformer; 1 wattmeter; 1 volt-meter; 1 watthour meter; 1 handwheel for control of potential regulator.

Exciter panel (for 1 or 2 exciters): 1 ammeter (2 for 2 exciters); 1 fieldrheostat (2 for 2 exciters); 1 four-point receptacle (2 for 2 exciters);1 equalizing rheostat for regulator.

Switches The current-carrying parts of switches are usually de-signed for a current density of 1,000 A/in2. At contact surfaces, thecurrent density should be kept down to about 50 A/in2.

Circuit Breakers Switches equipped with a tripping device consti-tutes an elementary load interrupter switch. The difference between aload interrupter switch and a circuit breaker lies in the interruptingcapacity. A circuit breaker must open the circuit successfully undershort circuit conditions when the current through the contacts may beseveral orders of magnitude greater than the rated current. As the circuitis being opened, the device must withstand the accompanying mechani-cal forces and the heat of the ensuing arc until the current is permanentlyreduced to zero.

The opening of a metallic circuit while carrying electric currentcauses an electric arc to form between the parting contacts. If the actiontakes place in air, the air is ionized (a plasma is formed) by the passageof current. When ionized, air becomes an electric conductor. The spacebetween the parting contacts thus has relatively low voltage drop andthe region close to the surface of the contacts has relatively high voltagedrop. The thermal input to the contact surfaces (VI) is therefore rela-tively large and can be highly destructive. A major aim in circuitbreaker design is to quench the arc rapidly enough to keep the contactsin a reusable state. This is done in several ways: (1) lengthening the arcmechanically, (2) lengthening the arc magnetically by driving thecurrent-carrying plasma sideways with a magnetic field, (3) placingbarriers in the arc path to cool the plasma and increase its length,(4) displacing and cooling the plasma by means of a jet of compressedair or inert gas, and (5) separating the contacts in a vacuum chamber.

By a combination of shunt and series coils the circuit breaker can bemade to trip when the energy reverses. Circuit breakers may trip unnec-essarily when the difficulty has been immediately cleared by a localbreaker or fuse. In order that service shall not be thus interrupted unnec-essarily, automatically reclosing breakers are used. After tripping, an au-tomatic mechanism operates to reclose the breaker. If the short circuit

for inspection and servicing. The equipment is interlocked to preventmistakes in operation and in the removal of the unit; the removal of theunit breaks all electrical connections by suitable disconnecting switchesin the rear of the compartment, and all metal parts are grounded. Thisdesign provides compactness, simplicity, ease of inspection, and safetyto the operator.

High-voltage circuit breakers can be oil type, in which the contactsopen under oil, air-blast type, in which the arc is extinguished by apowerful blast of air directed through an orifice across the arc and intoan arc chute, H2S type, or vacuum contact type. The tripping of high-voltage circuit breakers is initiated by an abnormal current actingthrough the secondary of a current transformer on an inverse-time relayin which the time of closing the relay contacts is an inverse time func-tion of the current; i.e., the greater the current the shorter the time ofclosing. The breaker is tripped by a dc tripping coil, the dc circuit beingclosed by the relay contacts. Modern circuit breakers should open thecircuit within 3 cycles from the time of the closing of the relay con-tacts.

Vacuum circuit breakers have received wide acceptance in all fields inrecent years, both for indoor work and for outdoor applications. Indoorbreakers are available up to 40 kV and interrupting capacities up to 2.5GVA. Outdoor breakers are available in ratings up to that of the EHV(extra-high voltage 765-kV three-pole breaker capable of interrupt-ing 55 GVA, or 40,000-A symmetrical current. Its operating rating is3,000 A, 765 kV. The arc is extinguished in a vacuum. Switching sta-tions, gas-insulated and operating at 550 kV, are also in use.


Power for long-distance transmission is usually generated at 6,600,13,200, and 18,000 V and is stepped up to the transmission voltage byD-Y-connected transformers. The transmission voltage is roughly 1,000V/mi. Preferred or standard transmission voltages are 22, 33, 44, 66,110, 132, 154, 220, 287, 330, 500, and 765 kV. High-voltage linesacross country are located on private rights of way. When they reachurban areas, the power must be carried underground to the substationswhich must be located near the load centers in the thickly settled dis-tricts. In many cases it is possible to go directly to underground cablessince these are now practicable up to 345 kV between three-phase lineconductors (200 kV to ground). High-voltage cables are expensive inboth first cost and maintenance, and it may be more economical to stepdown the voltage before transmitting the power by underground cables.Within a city, alternating current may be distributed from a substation at13,200, 6,600, or 2,300 V, being stepped down to 600, 480, and 240 V,three-phase for power and 240 to 120 V single-phase three-wire forlights, by transformers at the consumers’ premises. Direct current at1,200 or 600 V for railways, 230 to 115 V for lighting and power, issupplied by motor-generator sets, synchronous converters, and rectifi-ers. Constant current for series street-lighting systems is obtainedthrough constant-current transformers.

Transmission Systems

Power is almost always transmitted three-phase. The following funda-mental relations apply to any transmission system. The weight of con-ductor required to transmit power by any given system with a givenpercentage power loss varies directly with the power, directly as thesquare of the distance, and inversely as the square of the voltage. Thecross-sectional area of the conductors with a given percentage power

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Fig. 15.1.80 Three equivalent symmetrical transmission, or distribution, systems. (a) Single-phase; (b) three-phase;(c) four-phase.

loss varies directly with the power, directly with the distance, and in-versely as the square of the voltage.

For two systems of the same length transmitting the same power atdifferent voltages and with the same power loss for both systems, thecross-sectional area and weight of the conductors will vary inversely asthe square of the voltages. The foregoing relations between the crosssection or weight of the conductor and transmission distance and volt-age hold for all systems, whether dc, single-phase, three-phase, or four-phase. With the power, distance, and power loss fixed, all symmetricalsystems having equal voltages to neutral require equal weights of con-

In addition to resistance, overhead power lines have inductive reac-tance to alternating currents. The inductive reactance

X 5 2pf{80 1 741.1 log [(D 2 r)/r]} 1026

V/conductor mile (15.1.126)

where f 5 frequency, D 5 distance between centers of conductors (in),and r their radius (in). Table 15.1.16 gives the inductive reactance permile at 60 Hz and the resistance of stranded and solid copper conductor.(See Table 15.1.20.)

Any symmetrical system having n conductors can be divided into n

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ductor. Thus, the three symmetrical systems shown in Fig. 15.1.80 alldeliver the same power, have the same power loss and equal voltages toneutral, and the transmission distances are all assumed to be equal. Theyall require the same weight of conductor since the weights are inverselyproportional to all resistances. (No actual neutral conductor is used.)The respective power losses are (1) 2I 2R W; (2) 3(2I/3)2(3R/2) 5 2I 2RW; (3) 4(I/2)2(2R) 5 2I 2R W, which are all equal.

Size of Transmission Conductor Kelvin’s law states, ‘‘The mosteconomical area of conductor is that for which the annual cost of energywasted is equal to the interest on that portion of the capital outlay whichcan be considered proportional to the weight of copper used.’’ In Fig.15.1.81 are shown the annual interest cost, the annual cost of I 2R loss,and the total cost as functions of circular mils cross section for bothtypical overhead conductors and three-conductor cables. Note that thetotal-cost curves have very flat minimums, and usually other factorssuch as the character of the load and the voltage regulation, are takeninto consideration.

Fig. 15.1.81 Most economical sizes of overhead and underground conductors.

equal single-phase systems, each consisting of one wire and a returncircuit of zero impedance and each having as its voltage the systemvoltage to neutral.

Fig. 15.1.82 Three-phase power system.

Figure 15.1.82 shows a symmetrical three-phase system, with onephase detached. The load or received voltage between line conductors isE9R so that the receiver voltage to neutral is ER 5 E9R /√3V. The current isI A, the load power factor is cos u, and the line resistance and reactanceare R and X V per wire, and the sending-end voltage is ES . The phasordiagram is shown in Fig. 15.1.83 (compare with Fig. 15.1.63). Its solu-tion is

ES 5 √(ER cos u 1 IR)2 1 (ER sin u 1 IX)2 (15.1.127)

[see Eq. (15.1.101)].

Fig. 15.1.83 Phasor diagram for a power line.

Figure 15.1.84 (Mershon diagram) shows the right-hand portion ofFig. 15.1.83 plotted to large scale, the arc 00 corresponding to the arc ab(Fig. 15.1.83). The abscissa 0 (Fig. 15.1.84) corresponds to point b (Fig.15.1.83) and is the load voltage ER taken as 100 percent. The concentriccircular arcs 0–40 are given in percentage of ER . To find the sending-

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Table 15.1.16 Resistance and Inductive Reactance per Single Conductor

Hard-drawn copper, stranded

60 Hz

Spacing, ftSize,cir mils


No. ofstrands OD, in

Resistance,V /mi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 15 20 30

500,000 37 0.814 0.1130 0.443 0.527 0.576 0.611 0.638 0.660 0.679 0.695 0.722 0.745 0.772 0.807 0.856400,000 19 0.725 0.1426 0.458 0.542 0.591 0.626 0.653 0.675 0.694 0.710 0.737 0.760 0.787 0.822 0.871300,000 19 0.628 0.1900 0.476 0.560 0.609 0.644 0.671 0.693 0.712 0.728 0.755 0.778 0.805 0.840 0.889250,000 19 0.574 0.2278 0.487 0.571 0.620 0.655 0.682 0.704 0.723 0.739 0.766 0.789 0.816 0.851 0.900

0000 19 0.528 0.2690 0.497 0.581 0.630 0.665 0.692 0.714 0.733 0.749 0.776 0.799 0.826 0.861 0.917000 7 0.464 0.339 0.518 0.602 0.651 0.686 0.713 0.735 0.754 0.770 0.797 0.820 0.847 0.882 0.93100 7 0.414 0.428 0.532 0.616 0.665 0.700 0.727 0.749 0.768 0.784 0.811 0.834 0.861 0.896 0.9450 7 0.368 0.538 0.546 0.630 0.679 0.714 0.741 0.763 0.782 0.798 0.825 0.848 0.875 0.910 0.959

Hard-drawn copper, solid

0000 — 0.4600 0.264 0.510 0.594 0.643 0.678 0.705 0.727 0.746 0.762 0.789 0.812 0.839 0.874 0.923000 — 0.4096 0.333 0.524 0.608 0.657 0.692 0.719 0.741 0.760 0.776 0.803 0.826 0.853 0.888 0.93700 — 0.3648 0.420 0.538 0.622 0.671 0.706 0.733 0.755 0.774 0.790 0.817 0.840 0.867 0.902 0.9510 — 0.3249 0.528 0.552 0.636 0.685 0.720 0.747 0.769 0.788 0.804 0.831 0.854 0.881 0.916 0.9651 — 0.2893 0.665 0.566 0.650 0.699 0.734 0.761 0.783 0.802 0.818 0.845 0.868 0.895 0.930 0.979

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end voltage ES for any power factor cos u, compute first the resistancedrop IR and the reactance drop IX in percentage of ER . Then follow theordinate corresponding to the load power factor to the inner arc 00 (a,Fig. 15.1.83). Lay off the percentage IR drop horizontally to the right,and the percentage IX drop vertically upward. The arc at which the IXdrop terminates (c, Fig. 15.1.83) when added to 100 percent gives thesending-end voltage ES in percent of the load voltage ER .

referring to Table 13.1.16, 250,000 cir mils copper having a resistance of 0.2278V/mi may be used. The total resistance R 5 60 3 0.2278 5 13.67 V. Thereactance X 5 60 3 0.723 5 43.38 V. The volts to neutral at the load, ER 566,000/√3 5 38,100 V. cos u 5 0.80; sin u 5 0.60. Using Eq. (15.1.127), ES 5{[(38,100 3 0.80) 1 (218.8 3 13.67)]2 1 [(38,100 3 0.60) 1 (218.8 343.38)]2}1/2 5 46,500 V to neutral or √3 3 46,500 5 80,500 between lines at thesending end. The line loss is 3(218.8)2 3 13.67 5 1,963 kW. The efficiencyh 5 20,000/(20,000 1 1,963) 5 0.911, or 91.1 percent. This same line is solvedby means of the Mershon diagram as follows. Let ER 5 38,100 V 5 100 percent.IR 5 218.8 3 13.67 5 2,991 V 5 7.85 percent. IX 5 218.8 3 43.38 5 9,490V 5 24.9 percent. Follow the 0.80 power-factor ordinate (Fig. 15.1.84) to its in-



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Fig. 15.1.84 Mershon diagram for determining voltage drop in power lines.

EXAMPLE. Let it be desired to transmit 20,000 kW three-phase 80 percentpower factor lagging current, a distance of 60 mi. The voltage at the receiving endis 66,000 V, 60 Hz and the line loss must not exceed 10 percent of the powerdelivered. The conductor spacing must be 7 ft (84 in). Determine the sending-end voltage and the actual efficiency. I 5 20,000,000/(66,000 3 0.80 3 √3) 5218.8 A. 3 3 218.82 3 R9 5 0.10 3 20,000,000. R9 5 13.9 V 5 0.232 V/mi. By

Table 15.1.17 Properties of Aluminum Cable Steel-Reinforced (ACSR

Cir mils or AWG

CopperAluminum equivalent OD, in

No. of wires Cross se

Aluminum Steel Aluminum

1,590,000 1,000,000 54 19 1.545 1.2491,431,000 900,000 54 19 1.465 1.1241,272,000 800,000 54 19 1.382 0.99901,192,500 750,000 54 19 1.338 0.9366

1,113,000 700,000 54 19 1.293 0.8741

1,033,500 650,000 54 7 1.246 0.8117954,000 600,000 54 7 1.196 0.7493874,500 550,000 54 7 1.146 0.6868795,000 500,000 26 7 1.108 0.6244715,500 450,000 54 7 1.036 0.5620

636,000 400,000 54 7 0.977 0.4995556,500 350,000 26 7 0.927 0.4371477,000 300,000 26 7 0.858 0.3746397,500 250,000 26 7 0.783 0.3122336,400 0000 26 7 0.721 0.2642

266,800 000 26 7 0.642 0.20950000 00 6 1 0.563 0.1662000 0 6 1 0.502 0.131800 1 6 1 0.447 0.10450 2 6 1 0.398 0.0829

SOURCE: Aluminum Co. of America.

tersection with the arc 00; from this point go 7.85 percent horizontally to theright and then 24.9 percent vertically. (These percentages are measured onthe horizontal scale.) This last distance terminates on the 22.5 percent arc. Thesending-end voltage to neutral is then 1.225 3 38,100 5 46,500 V, so thatthe sending-end voltage between line conductors is E9S 5 46,500 √3 5 80,530 V.

In Table 15.1.16 the spacing is the distance between the centers of thetwo conductors of a single-phase system or the distance between thecenters of each pair of conductors of a three-phase system if they areequally spaced. If they are not equally spaced, the geometric meandistance (GMD) is used, where GMD 5

3√D1D2D3 (Fig. 15.1.85a). With

the flat horizontal spacing shown in Fig. 15.1.85b, GMD 53√2D3 5


Fig. 15.1.85 Unequal spacing of three-phase conductors. (a) GMD 5(D1D2D3)1/3 ; (b) flat horizontal spacing; GMD 5 1.26 D.

In addition to copper, aluminum cable steel-reinforced (ACSR),Table 15.1.17, is used for transmission conductor. For the same resis-tance it is lighter than copper, and with high voltages the larger diameterreduces corona loss.

Until 1966, 345 kV was the highest operating voltage in the UnitedStates. The first 500 kV system put into operation (1966) was a 350-mitransmission loop of the Virginia Electric and Power Company; thelongest transmission distance was 170 mi. The towers, about 94 ft high,

V /mi of single conductor at 25°C

200 A 600 A

0 A dc 25 Hz 60 Hz 25 Hz 60 HzTotallb/mi

n, in2


1.4071 10,777 0.0587 0.0589 0.0594 0.0592 0.06071.2664 9,699 0.0652 0.0654 0.0659 0.0657 0.06711.1256 8,621 0.0734 0.0736 0.0742 0.0738 0.07521.0553 8,082 0.0783 0.0785 0.0791 0.0787 0.0801

0.9850 7,544 0.0839 0.0841 0.0848 0.0843 0.0857

0.9170 7,019 0.0903 0.0906 0.0913 0.0908 0.09220.8464 6,479 0.0979 0.0980 0.0985 0.0983 0.09970.7759 5,940 0.107 0.107 0.108 0.107 0.1090.7261 5,770 0.117 0.117 0.117 0.117 0.1170.6348 4,859 0.131 0.131 0.133 0.131 0.133

0.5642 4,319 0.147 0.147 0.149 0.147 0.1490.5083 4,039 0.168 0.168 0.168 0.168 0.1680.4357 3,462 0.196 0.196 0.196 0.196 0.1960.3630 2,885 0.235 0.235 0.235 0.235 0.2350.3073 2,442 0.278 0.278 0.278 0.278 0.278

0.2367 1,936 0.350 0.350 0.350 0.350 0.3500.1939 1,542 0.441 0.443 0.446 0.447 0.4640.1537 1,223 0.556 0.557 0.561 0.562 0.5790.1219 970 0.702 0.703 0.707 0.706 0.7180.0967 769 0.885 0.885 0.889 0.887 0.893

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are of corrosion-resistant steel, and the conductors are 61-strand cablesof aluminum alloy, rather than the usual aluminum cable with a steelcore (ACSR). The conductor diameter is 1.65 in with two ‘‘bundled’’conductors per phase and 18-in spacing. The standard span is 1,600 ft,the conductor spacing is flat with 30-ft spacing between phase-conduc-tor centers, and the minimum clearance to ground is 34 to 39 ft. Tomaintain a minimum clearance of 11 ft to the towers and 30 ft spacingbetween phases, vee insulator strings, each consisting of twenty-four10-in disks, are used with each phase. The highest EHV system in NorthAmerican is the 765-kV system in the midwest region of the United

would be required for the necessary conductance cross section. This isaccomplished by the use of hollow, segmented conductors and by theuse of aluminum cable, steel-reinforced (ACSR), which often has innerlayers of jute to increase the diameter. In extra-high-voltage lines (400kV and greater), corona is reduced by the use of bundled conductors inwhich each phase consists of two or three conductors spaced about 16 in(0.41 m) from one another.

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States. A dc transmission line on the west coast of the United Statesoperating at 6 450 kV is transmitting power in bulk more than 800miles.

High-voltage dc transmission has a greater potential for savings and agreater ability to transmit large blocks of power longer distances thanhas three-phase transmission. For the same crest voltage there is a sav-ing of 50 percent in the weight of the conductor. Because of the powerstability limit due to inductive and capacitive effects (inherent with actransmission), the ability to transmit large blocks of power long dis-tances has not kept pace with power developments, even at the presenthighest ac transmission voltage of 765 kV. With direct current there isno such power stability limit.

Where cables are necessary, as under water, the capacitive chargingcurrent may, with alternating current become so large that it absorbs alarge proportion, if not all, of the cable-carrying capability. For exam-ple, at 132 kV, three-phase (76 kV to ground), with a 500 MCM cable,at 36 mi, the charging current at 60 Hz is equal to the entire cablecapability so that no capability remains for the load current. With directcurrent there is no charging current, only the negligible leakage current,and there are no ac dielectric losses. Furthermore, the dc voltage atwhich a given cable can operate is twice the ac voltage.

The high dc transmission voltage is obtained by converting the acpower voltage to direct current by means of mercury-arc rectifiers; atthe receiving end of the line the dc voltage is inverted back to a power-frequency voltage by means of mercury-arc inverters. The maximum dctransmission voltage in use in the United States, as of 1994, is 500 kV.

Alternating to direct to alternating current is nonsynchronous trans-mission of electric power. It can be overhead or under the surface. In theearly 1970s the problem of bulk electric-power transmission over high-voltage transmission lines above the surface developed the insistentdiscussion of land use and environmental cost.

While the maximum ac transmission voltage in use in the UnitedStates (1994) is 765 kV, ultrahigh voltage (UHV) is under considera-tion. Transmission voltages of 1,200 to 2,550 kV are being tested pres-ently. The right-of-way requirements for power transmission are signif-icantly reduced at higher voltages. For example, in one study thetransmission of 7,500 MVA at 345 kV ac was found to require 14circuits on a corridor 725 ft (221.5 m) wide, whereas a single 1,200-kVac circuit of 7,500-MVA capacity would need a corridor 310 ft (91.5 m)wide.

Continuing research and development efforts may result in the devel-opment of more economic high-voltage underground transmissionlinks. Sufficient bulk power transmission capability would permit powerwheeling, i.e., the use of generating capacity to the east and west to servea given locality as the earth revolves and the area of peak demand glidesacross the countryside.

Corona is a reddish-blue electrical discharge which occurs when thevoltage-gradient in air exceeds 30 kV peak, 21.1 kV rms, at 76 cmpressure. This electrical discharge is caused by ionization of the air andbecomes more or less concentrated at irregularities on the conductorsurface and on the outer strands of stranded conductors. Corona is ac-companied by a hissing sound; it produces ozone and, in the presence ofmoisture, nitrous acid. On high-voltage lines corona produces a sub-stantial power loss, corrosion of the conductors, and radio and televisioninterference. The fair-weather loss increases as the square of the voltageabove a critical value e0 and is greatly increased by fog, smoke, rain-storms, sleet, and snow (see Fig. 15.1.86). To reduce corona, the diame-ter of high-voltage conductors is increased to values much greater than

Fig. 15.1.86 Corona loss with snowstorm.

Underground Power Cables

Insulations for power cables include heat-resisting, low-water-absorp-tive synthetic rubber compounds, varnished cloth, impregnated paper,cross-linked polyethylene thermosetting compounds, and thermoplas-tics such as polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and polyethylene (PE) com-pounds (see Sec. 6).

Properly chosen rubber-insulated cables may be used in wet locationswith a nonmetallic jacket for protective covering instead of a metallicsheath. Commonly used jackets are flame-resisting, such as neopreneand PVC. Such cables are relatively light in weight, easy to train inducts and manholes, and easily spliced. When distribution voltages ex-ceed 2,000 V phase to phase, an ozone-resisting type of compound isrequired. Such rubber insulation may be used in cables carrying up to28,000 V between lines in three-phase grounded systems. The insula-tion wall will be thicker than with varnished cloth, polyethylene, ethyl-ene propylene rubber, or paper.

Varnished-cloth cables are made by applying varnish-treated closelywoven cloth in the form of tapes, helically, to the metallic conductor.Simultaneously a viscous compound is applied between layers whichfills in any voids at laps in the taping and imparts flexibility when thecable is bent by permitting movement of one tape upon another. Thistype of insulation has higher dielectric loss than impregnated paper butis suitable for the transmission of power up to 28,000 V between phasesover short distances. Such insulated cables may be used in dry locationswith flame-resisting fibrous braid, reinforced neoprene tape, or PVCjacket and are often further protected with an interlocked metallic tapearmor; but in wet locations these cables should be protected by a contin-uous metallic sheath such as lead or aluminum. Since varnish-cloth-in-sulated cable has high ozone resistance, heat resistance, and impulsestrength, it is well adapted for station or powerhouse wiring or for anyservice where the temperature is high or where there are sudden in-creases in voltage for short periods. Since the varnish is not affected bymineral oils, such cables make excellent leads for transformers and oilswitches.

PVC is readily available in several fast, bright colors and is oftenchosen for color-coded multiconductor control cables. It has inherentflame and oil resistance, and as single conductor wire and cable with theproper wall thickness for a particular application, it usually does notneed any outside protective covering. On account of its high dielectricconstant and high power factor, its use is limited to low voltages, i.e.,under 1,000 V, except for series lighting circuits.

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Table 15.1.18 Ampacities of Insulated Cables in Underground Raceways[Based on conductor temperature of 90°C, ambient earth temperature of 20°C, 100 percent load factor, thermal resistance (RHO) of 90, and three circuits in group]

Copper Aluminum

3-1/C cables per raceway 1-3/C cable per raceway 3-1/C cables per raceway 1-3/C cable per racewayConductorsize,

AWG or 2,001–5,000-V 5,001–35,000-V 2,001–5,000-V 5,001–35,000-V 2,001–5,000-V 5,001–35,000-V 2,001–5,000-V 5,001–35,000-VMCM ampacity ampacity ampacity ampacity ampacity ampacity ampacity ampacity

8 56 53 44 416 73 77 69 75 57 60 54 594 95 99 89 97 74 77 70 752 125 130 115 125 96 100 90 1001 140 145 135 140 110 110 105 110

1/0 160 165 150 160 125 125 120 1252/0 185 185 170 185 145 145 135 1403/0 210 210 195 205 160 165 155 1604/0 235 240 225 230 185 185 175 180250 260 260 245 255 205 200 190 200350 315 310 295 305 245 245 230 240500 375 370 355 360 295 290 280 285750 460 440 430 430 370 355 345 350

1,000 525 495 485 485 425 405 400 400

NOTE: This is a general table. For other temperatures and installation conditions, see NFPA 70, 1993, National Electrical Code, Tables 77 through 80 and associated notes.

Polyethylene, because of its excellent electrical characteristics, firstfound use when it was adapted especially for high-frequency cablesused in radio and radar circuits; for certain telephone, communication,and signal cables; and for submarine cables. Submarine telephonecables with built-in repeaters laid first in the Atlantic Ocean and then inthe Pacific are insulated with polyethylene. Because of polyethylene’sthermal characteristics, the standard maximum conductor operatingtemperature is 75°C. It is commonly used for power cables (includinglarge use for underground residential distribution), with transmissionsup to 15,000 V. Successful installations have been in service at 46 kV

New York and Chicago, special hollow-conductor oil-filled single-con-ductor cables are operating successfully at 132,000 V (76,000 V toground). In France, cables are operating at 345 kV between conductors.

Other methods of installing underground cables are to draw them intosteel pipes, usually without the sheaths, and to fill the pipes with oilunder pressure (oilstatic) or nitrogen under 200 lb pressure. The ordinarymedium-high-voltage underground cables are usually drawn into ductlines. With a straight run and ample clearance the length of cable be-tween manholes may reach 600 to 1,000 ft. Ordinarily, the distance ismore nearly 400 to 500 ft. With bends of small radius the distance must

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and some at 69 kV. The upper limit has not been reached, inasmuch aswork is in progress on higher-voltage polyethylene power cables as aresult of advancements in the art of compounding.

Cross-linked polyethylene is another insulation which is gaining infavor in the process field. For power cable insulations, the cross-linkingprocess is most commonly obtained chemically. It converts polyethyl-ene from a thermoplastic into a thermosetting material; the result is acompound with a unique combination of properties, including resis-tance to heat and oxidation, thus permitting an increase in maximumconductor operating temperature to 90°C. The service record with thiscompound has been good at voltages which have been gradually in-creased to 35 kV. Another thermosetting material, ethylene propylenerubber (EPR), has found wide acceptance in the 5- to 35-kV range.

Impregnated-paper insulation is used for very-high-voltage cableswhose range has been extended to 345 kV. To eliminate the detrimentaleffects of moisture and to maintain proper impregnation of the paper,such cables must have a continuous metallic sheath such as lead oraluminum or be enclosed within a steel pipe; the operation of the cabledepends absolutely on the integrity of that enclosure. In three-conductorbelted-type cables the individual insulated conductors are surroundedby a belt or wall of impregnated paper over which the lead sheath isapplied. When all three conductors are within one sheath, their induc-tive effects practically neutralize one another and eddy-current loss inthe sheath is negligible. In the type-H cable, each of the individualconductors is surrounded with a perforated metallic covering, eitheraluminum foil backed with a paper tape or thin perforated metal tapeswound over the paper. All three conductors are then enclosed within themetal sheath. The metallic coverings being grounded electrically, eachconductor acts as a single-conductor cable. This construction eliminates‘‘tangential’’ stresses within the insulation and reduces pockets orvoids. When paper tapes are wound on the conductor, impregnated withan oil or a petrolatum compound, and covered with a lead sheath, theyare called solid type.

Three-conductor cables are now operating at 33,000 V, and single-conductor cables at 66,000 V between phases (38,000 V to ground). In

be further reduced.Cable ratings are based on the permissible operating temperatures of

the insulation and environmental installation conditions. See Table15.1.18 for ampacities.


Distribution Systems The choice of the system of power distribu-tion is determined by the type of power that is available and by thenature of the load. To transmit a given power over a given distance witha given power loss (I 2R), the weight of conductor varies inversely as thesquare of the voltage. Incandescent lamps will not operate economicallyat voltages much higher than 120 V; the most suitable voltages for dcmotors are 230, 500, and 550 V; for ac motors, standard voltages are230, 460, and 575 V, three-phase. When power for lighting is to bedistributed in a district where the consumers are relatively far apart,alternating current is used, being distributed at high voltage (2,400,4,160, 4,800, 6,900, and 13,800 V) and transformed at the consumer’spremises, or by transformers on poles or located in manholes or vaultsunder the street or sidewalks, to 240/120 V three-wire for lighting anddomestic customers, and to 208, 240, 480, and 600 volts, three-phase,for power.

The first central station power systems were built with dc generationand distribution. The economical transmission distance was short.Densely populated, downtown areas of cities were therefore the firstsections to be served. Growth of electric service in the United Stateswas phenomenal in the last two decades of the nineteenth century. After1895 when ac generation was selected for the development of powerfrom Niagara Falls, the expansion of dc distribution diminished. Theeconomics overwhelmingly favored the new ac system.

Direct current service is still available in small pockets in some cities.In those cases, ac power is generated, transmitted, and distributed. Theconversion to dc takes place in rectifiers installed in manholes near theload or in the building to be served. Some dc customers resist the changeto ac service because of their need for motor speed control. Elevator and

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printing press drives and some cloth-cutting knives are examples ofsuch needs. (See Low-Voltage AC Network.)

Series Circuits These constant-current circuits were widely used forstreet lighting. The voltage was automatically adjusted to match thenumber of lamps in series and maintain a constant current. With theadvent of HID lamps and individual photocells on street lighting fixtureswhich require parallel circuitry, this system fell into disuse and is rarelyseen.

Parallel Circuits Power is usually distributed at constant potential,and all the devices or receivers in the circuit are connected in parallel,

Series-Parallel Circuit For incandescent lamps the power must beat low voltage (115 V) and the voltage variations must be small. If thetransmission distance is considerable or the loads are large, a large orperhaps prohibitive investment in conductor material would be neces-sary. In some special cases, lamps may be operated in groups of two inseries as shown in Fig. 15.1.88. The transmitting voltage is thus dou-bled, and, for a given number of lamps, the current is halved, the per-missible voltage drop (IR) in conductors doubled, the conductor resis-tance quadrupled, the weight of conductor material thus being reducedto 25 percent of that necessary for simple parallel operation.




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giving a constant-potential system, Fig. 15.1.87a. If conductors of con-stant cross section are used and all the loads, L1 , L2 , etc., are operating,there will be a greater voltage IR drop per unit length of wire in theportion of the circuit AB and CD than in the other portions; also thevoltage will not be the same for the different lamps but will decreasealong the mains with distance from the generating end.

Fig. 15.1.87 (a) Parallel circuit; (b) loop circuit.

Loop Circuits A more nearly equal voltage for each load is obtainedin the loop system, Fig. 15.1.87b. The electrical distance from onegenerator terminal to the other through any receiver is the same as thatthrough any other receiver, and the voltage at the receivers may bemaintained more nearly equal, but at the expense of additional conduc-tor material.

Table 15.1.19 Resistance and 60-Hz Reactance for Wires with Small(See also Table 15.1.16.)

AWG and Resistancesize of in 1,000 ft of

wire, cir line (2,000 ftmils of wire), copper

Reafor the

1⁄2 1 2 3

14– 4,107 5.06 0.138 0.178 0.218 0.212– 6,530 3.18 0.127 0.159 0.190 0.210– 10,380 2.00 0.116 0.148 0.180 0.1

8– 16,510 1.26 0.106 0.138 0.169 0.1886– 26,250 0.790 0.095 0.127 0.158 0.178

4– 41,740 0.498 0.085 0.117 0.149 0.1672– 66,370 0.312 0.074 0.106 0.138 0.1561– 83,690 0.248 0.068 0.101 0.132 0.1510–105,500 0.196 0.063 0.095 0.127 0.145

00–133,100 0.156 0.057 0.090 0.121 0.140

000–167,800 0.122 0.052 0.085 0.116 0.1350000–211,600 0.098 0.046 0.079 0.111 0.130

250,000 0.085 — 0.075 0.106 0.125300,000 0.075 — 0.071 0.103 0.120350,000 0.061 — 0.067 0.099 0.188400,000 0.052 — 0.064 0.096 0.114

500,000 0.042 — — 0.090 0.109600,000 0.035 — — 0.087 0.106700,000 0.030 — — 0.083 0.102800,000 0.026 — — 0.080 0.099900,000 0.024 — — 0.077 0.096

1,000,000 0.022 — — 0.075 0.094

NOTE: For other frequencies the reactance will be in direct proportion to the frequency.

Fig. 15.1.88 Series-parallel system.

Three-Wire System In the series-parallel system the loads must beused in pairs and both units of the pair must have the same power rating.To overcome these objections and at the same time to obtain the econ-omy in conductor material of operating at higher voltage, the three-wiresystem is used. It consists merely of adding a third wire or neutral to thesystem of Fig. 15.1.88 as shown in Fig. 15.1.89.

Fig. 15.1.89 Three-wire system.

If the neutral wire is of the same cross section as the two outer wires,this system requires only 37.5 percent of the copper required by anequivalent two-wire system. Since the neutral ordinarily carries lesscurrent than the outers, it is usually smaller and the ratio of copper tothat of the two-wire system is even less than 37.5 percent (see Table15.1.19).

When the loads on each half of the system are equal, there will be no

cings, V, at 20°C

ce in 1,000 ft of line (2,000 ft of wire) at 60 Hznce given in inches between centers of conductors

4 5 6 9 12 18 24

0.233 0.244 0.252 0.271 0.284 0.3020.223 0.233 0.241 0.260 0.273 0.2920.212 0.223 0.231 0.249 0.262 0.281

0.201 0.212 0.220 0.238 0.252 0.270 0.2840.190 0.201 0.209 0.228 0.241 0.260 0.272

0.180 0.190 0.199 0.217 0.230 0.249 0.2620.169 0.180 0.188 0.206 0.220 0.238 0.2520.164 0.174 0.183 0.201 0.214 0.233 0.2460.159 0.169 0.177 0.196 0.209 0.228 0.2410.153 0.164 0.172 0.190 0.204 0.222 0.236

0.148 0.158 0.167 0.185 0.199 0.217 0.2300.143 0.153 0.161 0.180 0.193 0.212 0.2250.139 0.148 0.157 0.175 0.189 0.207 0.2200.134 0.144 0.153 0.171 0.185 0.203 0.2170.128 0.141 0.149 0.168 0.182 0.200 0.2130.127 0.138 0.146 0.165 0.178 0.197 0.209

0.122 0.133 0.141 0.160 0.172 0.192 0.2020.118 0.128 0.137 0.155 0.169 0.187 0.2000.114 0.125 0.133 0.152 0.165 0.184 0.1970.112 0.122 0.130 0.148 0.162 0.181 0.1940.109 0.119 0.127 0.146 0.159 0.178 0.1910.106 0.117 0.125 0.144 0.158 0.176 0.188

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current in the middle or neutral wire, and the condition is the same asthat shown in Fig. 15.1.88. When the loads on the two sides are unequal,there will be a current in the neutral wire equal to the difference of thecurrents in the outside wires.

AC Three-Wire Distribution Practically all energy for lighting andsmall motor work is distributed at 1,150, 2,300, or 4,160 V ac to trans-formers which step down the voltage to 240 and 120 V for three-wiredomestic and lighting systems as well as 208, 240, 480, and 600 volts,three-phase, for power. For the three-wire systems the transformers areso designed that the secondary or low-voltage winding will deliver

distribution by large cables known as feeders. Power is distributed fromthe distribution centers to the consumers through the mains and trans-formed to a usable voltage at the user’s site. As there are no loadsconnected to the feeders between the generating station and centers ofdistribution, the voltage at the latter points may be maintained constant.Pilot wires from the centers of distribution often run back to the station,allowing the operator or automatic controls to maintain constant voltageat the centers of distribution. This system provides a means of maintain-ing very close voltage regulation at the consumer’s premises.

A common and economical method of supplying business and thickly

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power at 240 V, and the middle or neutral wire is obtained by connect-ing to the center or midpoint of this winding (see Figs. 15.1.90 and15.1.91).

Fig. 15.1.90 Three-wire generator.

Disturbances of utility power have been present since the inception ofthe electric utility industry; however, in the past equipment was muchmore forgiving and less affected. Present electronic data processingequipment is microprocessor-based and consequently requires a higherquality of ac power. Although the quality of utility power in the UnitedStates is very good, sensitive electronic equipment still needs to beprotected against the adverse and damaging effects of transients, surges,and other power-system aberrations.

Fig. 15.1.91 Three-wire 230/115-V ac system.

This has led to the development of technologies which conditionpower for use by this sensitive equipment. Power-enhancing devices(surge suppressors, isolation transformers, and line voltage regulators)modify the incoming waveform to mitigate some aberrations. Power-synthesizing devices (motor-generator sets, magnetic synthesizers, anduninterruptible power supplies) use the incoming power as a source ofenergy to generate a new, completely isolated waveform. Each type hasadvantages and limitations.

Grounding The neutral wire of the secondary circuit of the trans-former should be grounded on the pole (or in the manhole) and at theservice switch in the building supplied. If, as a result of a lightningstroke or a fault in the transformer insulation, the transformer primarycircuit becomes grounded at a (Fig. 15.1.91) and the transformer insu-lation between primary and secondary windings is broken down at b andif there were no permanent ground connection in the secondary neutralwire, the potential of wire 1 would be raised 2,300 V above groundpotential. This constitutes a very serious hazard to life for persons com-ing in contact with the 120 V system. The National Electrical Coderequires the use of a ground wire not smaller than 8 AWG copper. Withthe neutral grounded (Fig. 15.1.91), voltages to ground on the second-ary system cannot exceed 120 V. (See National Electrical Code 1991,Art. 250.)

Feeders and Mains Where power is supplied to a large district,improved voltage regulation is obtained by having centers of distribution.Power is supplied from the station bus at high voltage to the centers of

settled districts with high load densities is to employ a 208/120-V,three-phase, four-wire low-voltage ac network. The network operateswith 208 V between outer wires giving 120 V to neutral (Fig. 15.1.92).Motors are connected across the three outer wires operating at 208 V,three-phase. Lamp loads are connected between outer wires and thegrounded neutral. The network is supplied directly from 13,800-V feed-ers by 13,800/208-V three-phase transformer units, usually located inmanholes, vaults, or outdoor enclosures. This system thus eliminates thenecessity for transformation in the substation. A large number of suchunits feed the network, so that the secondaries are all in parallel. Eachtransformer is provided with an overload reverse-energy circuit breaker(network protector), so that a feeder and its transformer are isolated iftrouble develops in either. This system is flexible since units can beeasily added or removed in accordance with the rapid changes in localloads that occur particularly in downtown business districts.

Fig. 15.1.92 208/120-V secondary network (single unit) showing voltages.

Voltage Drops In ac distribution systems the voltage drop fromtransformer to consumer in lighting mains should not exceed 2 percentin first-class systems, so that the lamps along the mains can all operateat nearly the same voltage and the annoying flicker of lamps may notoccur with the switching of appliances. This may require a much largerconductor than the most economical size. In transmission lines and infeeders where there are no intermediate loads and where means of regu-lating the voltage are provided, the drop is not limited to the low valuesthat are necessary with mains and the matter of economy may be givenconsideration.


These calculations can be used for dc, and for ac if the reactance can beneglected. The determination of the proper size of conductor is in-fluenced by a number of factors. Except for short distances, the mini-mum size of conductor shown in Table 15.1.21, which is based on themaximum permissible current for each type of insulation, cannot beused; the size of conductor must be larger so that the voltage drop IRshall not be too great. With branch circuits supplying an incandescent-lamp load, this drop should not be more than a small percentage of thevoltage between wires. The National Electrical Code 1993 requires thatconductors for feeders, i.e., from the service equipment to the finalbranch circuit overcurrent device, be sized to prevent (1) a voltage dropof more than 3 percent at the farthest outlet of power, heating, andlighting loads or combinations thereof, and (2) a maximum voltage dropon combined feeders and branch circuits to the farthest outlet of morethan 5 percent.

The resistance of 1 cir mil ? ft of commercial copper may be taken as10.8 V. The resistance of a copper conductor may be expressed as R 510.8l/A, where l 5 length, ft and A 5 area, cir mils. If the length is

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expressed in terms of the transmission distance d (since the two wiresare usually run parallel), the voltage drop IR to the end of the circuit is

e 5 21.6Id/A (15.1.128)

and the size of conductor in circular mils necessary to give the permissi-ble voltage drop e is

A 5 21.6Id/e (15.1.129)

If e is expressed as a percentage x of the voltage E between conductors,then

(15.1.131) gives the value of current in a single-phase circuit. See alsoTable 15.1.25.

I 5 (P 3 1,000)/(E 3 pf ) (15.1.131)

where I 5 current, A; P 5 kW; E 5 load voltage; and pf 5 power factorof the load. The size of conductor is then determined by substituting thisvalue of I in Eq. (15.1.129) or (15.1.130).

For three-phase three-wire ac circuits the current per wire

I 5 1,000P/√3Epf 5 580P/Epf (15.1.132)

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A 5 2,160Id/xE (15.1.130)

EXAMPLE. Determine the size of conductor to supply power to a 10-hp, 220-V dc motor 500 ft from the switchboard with 5 V drop. Assume a motor efficiencyof 86 percent. The motor will then require a current of (10 3 746)/(0.86 3 220) 539.4 A. From Eq. (15.1.129), A 5 21.6 3 39.4 3 500/5 5 85,100 cir mils. Thenext largest wire is no. 0 AWG.

The calculation of the size conductor for three-wire circuits is madein practically the same manner. With a balanced circuit there is nocurrent in the neutral wire, and the current in each outside wire will beequal to one-half the sum of the currents taken by all the receivingdevices connected between neutral and outside wires plus the sum of thecurrents taken by the receivers connected between the outside wires.Using this total current and neglecting the neutral wire, make calcula-tions for the size of the outside wires by means of Eq. (15.1.129). Theneutral wire should have the same cross section as the outside wires ininterior wiring.

EXAMPLE. Determine the size wire which should be used for the three-wiremain of Fig. 15.1.93. Allowable drop is 3 V and the distance to the load center 40ft; circuit loaded with two groups of receivers each taking 60 A connected be-tween the neutral and the outside wires, and one group of receivers taking 20 Aconnected across the outside wires.

Fig. 15.1.93 Three-wire 230/115-V main.

Solution: load 5 (60 1 60)/2 1 20 5 80 A. Substituting in Eq. (15.1.129), cirmils 5 21.6Id/e 5 21.6 3 80 3 40/3 5 23,030 cir mils.

From Tables 15.1.19 and 15.1.21, no. 6 wire, which has a cross section of26,250 cir mils, is the next size larger. This size of wire would satisfy the voltage-drop requirements, but rubber-insulated no. 6 has a safe carrying capacity of but55 A. The current in the circuit is 80 A. Therefore, rubber-insulated wire no. 3,which has a carrying capacity of 80 A, should be used. The neutral wire should bethe same size as the outside wires.

See also examples in the National Electrical Code 1993.

Wiring calculations for ac circuits require some consideration of powerfactor, reactance, and skin effect. Skin effect becomes pronounced onlywhen very large conductors are used for alternating current. For interiorwiring, conductors larger than 700,000 cir mils should not be used, andmany prefer not to use conductors larger than 300,000 cir mils. Shouldthe required copper cross section exceed these values, a number ofconductors may be operated in parallel.

For voltages under 5,000 the effect of line capacitance may be ne-glected. With ordinary single-phase interior wiring, where the effect ofthe line reactance may be neglected and where the power factor of theload (incandescent lamps) is nearly 100 percent, the calculations aremade the same as for dc circuits. Three-wire ac circuits of ordinarylength with incandescent lamp loads are also determined in the samemanner. When the load is other than incandescent lamps, it is necessaryto know the power factor of the load in order to make calculations.When the exact power factor cannot be accurately determined, the fol-lowing approximate values may be used: incandescent lamps, 0.95 to1.00; lamps and motors, 0.75 to 0.85; motors 0.5 to 0.80. Equation

Computations are usually made of voltage drop per wire (see Fig.15.1.94). Hence, if reactance can be neglected, the conductor crosssection in cir mils is one-half that given by Eq. (15.1.129). That is,

A 5 10.8Id/e cir mils (15.1.133)

where e in Eq. (15.1.133) is the voltage drop per wire. The voltage dropbetween any two wires is √3e. The percent voltage drop should be interms of the voltage to neutral. That is, percent drop 5 [e/(E/√3)]100 5[√3e/E]100 (see Fig. 15.1.82).

Fig. 15.1.94 Three-phase lamp and induction motor load.

EXAMPLE. In Fig. 15.1.94, load 10 kW; voltage of circuit 230; power factor0.85; distance 360 ft; allowable drop per wire 4 V. Substituting in Eq. (15.1.132)I 5 (580 3 10)/(230 3 0.85) 5 29.7 A. Substituting in Eq. (15.1.133), A 510.8 3 29.7 3 360/4 5 28,900 cir mils.

The next larger commercially available standard-size wire (see Table 15.1.19)is 41,700 cir mils corresponding to AWG no. 4. From Table 15.1.21 this will carry70 A with rubber insulation, and is therefore ample in section for 29.7 A. Three no.4 wires would be used for this circuit.

From Table 15.1.19 the resistance of 1,000 ft of no. 4 copper wire is 0.249 V.Hence, the voltage drop per conductor, e 5 29.7 3 (360/1,000)0.249 5 2.66 V.Percent voltage drop 5 √3 3 2.66/230 5 2.00 percent.

Where all the wires of a circuit, two wires for a single-phase circuit,four wires for a four-phase circuit (see Fig. 15.1.32 and Fig. 15.1.80c),and three wires for a three-phase circuit, are carried in the same conduitor where the wires are separated less than 1 in between centers, theeffect of line (inductive) reactance may ordinarily be neglected. Wherecircuit conductors are large and widely separated from one another andthe circuits are long, the inductive reactance may increase the voltagedrop by a considerable amount over that due to resistance alone. Suchproblems are treated using IR and IX phasors. Line reactance decreasessomewhat as the size of wire increases and decreases as the distancebetween wires decreases.

Fig. 15.1.95 Single-phase induction motor load on branch circuit.

EXAMPLE. Determine the size of wire necessary for the branch to the 50-hp,60-Hz, 250-V single-phase induction motor of Fig. 15.1.95. The name-plate ratingof the motor is 195 A, and its full-load power factor is 0.85. The wires are run openand separated 4 in; length of circuit, 600 ft. Assume the line drop must not exceed7 percent, or 0.07 3 250 5 17.5 V. The point made by this example is emphasizedby the assumption of an outsize motor.

Solution. To ascertain approximately the size of conductor, substitute in Eq.(15.1.129) giving cir mils 5 21.6 3 195 3 600/17.5 5 144,400. Referring to

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Table 15.1.19, the next larger size wire is no. 000 or 167,800 cir mils. This sizewould be ample if there were no line reactance. In order to allow for reactancedrop, a larger conductor is selected and the corresponding voltage drop deter-mined. Inasmuch as this is a motor branch, the code rules require that the carryingcapacity be sufficient for a 25 percent overload. Therefore the conductor should becapable of carrying 195 3 1.25 5 244 A. From Table 15.1.21, a 350,000-cir milconductor rubber-insulated cable would be required to carry 244 A. Resistancedrop (see Table 15.1.19), IR 5 195 3 0.061 3 0.6 5 7.14 V. 7.14/250 5 2.86percent. From Table 15.1.19, X 5 0.128 3 0.6 5 0.0768 V. IX 5 195 3 0.768 514.98 V. 14.98/250 5 5.99 percent. Using the Mershon diagram (Fig. 15.1.84),follow the ordinate corresponding to power factor, 0.85, until it intersects the

required in overhead services. A grounded conductor may be bare. Ifexposed to the weather or embedded in masonry, raceways must beraintight and arranged to drain. Underground service raceway or ductentering from an underground distribution system must be sealed with asuitable compound (spare ducts, also).

NEC rules permit multiple service to a building for various reasons,such as: (1) fire pumps, (2) emergency light and power, (3) multipleoccupancy, (4) when the calculated load is greater than 3,000 A, (5)when the building extends over a large area, and (6) where differentvoltages, frequencies, number of phases, or classes of use are required.

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smallest circle. From this point, lay off horizontally the percentage resistancedrop, 2.86. From this last point, lay off vertically the percentage reactance drop5.99. This last point lies about on the 6.0 percent circle, showing that with 195amp the difference between the sending-end and receiving-end voltages is 0.06 3250 5 15.0 V, which is within the specified limits.

Also Eq. (15.1.127) may be used. cos u 5 0.85; sin u 5 0.527.

Es 5 {[(250 3 0.85) 1 7.14]2 1 [(2503 0.527) 1 14.98]2}1/2 5 264.3 V

264.3/250 5 105.7 percent

In the calculation of three-phase three-wire circuits where line reac-tance must be considered, the method found above under Power Trans-mission may be used. The system is considered as being three single-phase systems having a ground return the resistance and inductance ofwhich are zero, and the voltages are equal to the line voltages divided by√3. When the three conductors are spaced unequally, the value of GMDgiven in Fig. 15.1.85 should be used in Tables 15.1.16 and 15.1.19.(When the value of resistance or reactance per 1,000 ft of conductor isdesired, the values in Table 15.1.19 should be divided by 2.)

The National Electrical Code of 1993 specifies that the size of con-ductors for branch circuits should be such that the voltage drop will notexceed 3 percent to the farthest outlet for power, heating, lighting, orcombination thereof, requiring further that the total voltage drop forfeeders and branch circuits should not exceed 5 percent overall. Forexamples of calculations for interior wiring, see National ElectricalCode of 1993 (Chap. 9).


Interior wiring requirements are based, for the most part, on the NationalElectrical Code (NEC), which has been adopted by the National FireProtection Association, American National Standards Institute (ANSI),and the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA).

The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSHA) made theNational Electrical Code a national standard. Conformance with theNEC became a requirement in most commercial, industrial, agricultural,etc., establishments in the United States. Some localities may not acceptNEC standards. In those cases, local rules must be followed.

NEC authority starts at the point where the connections are made tothe conductor of the service drop (overhead) or lateral (underground)from the electricity supply system. The service equipment must have arating not less than the load to be carried (computed according to NECmethods). Service equipment is defined as the necessary equipment,such as circuit breakers or fused switches and accompanying accessor-ies. This equipment must be located near the point of entrance of supplyconductors to a building or other structure or an otherwise defined area.Service equipment is intended to be the main control and means ofcutoff of the supply.

Service-entrance conductors connect the electricity supply to the ser-vice equipment. Service-entrance conductors running along the exterioror entering a building or other structure may be installed (1) as separateconductors, (2) in approved cables, (3) as cable bus, or (4) enclosed inrigid conduit. Also, for voltages less than 600 V, the conductors may beinstalled in electrical metallic tubing, wireways, auxiliary gutters, orbusways. Service-entrance cables which are exposed to physical dam-age from awnings, swinging signs, coal chutes, etc., must be of theprotected type or be protected by conduit, electrical metallic tubing, etc.Service heads must be raintight. Thermoplastic or rubber insulation is

Ordinary service drops (overhead) and lateral (underground) must belarge enough to carry the load but not smaller than no. 8 copper or no. 6aluminum. As an exception, for installations to supply only limitedloads of a single branch circuit, such as small polyphase power, etc.,service drops must not be smaller than no. 12 hard-drawn copper orequivalent, and service laterals must be not smaller than no. 12 copperor no. 10 aluminum.

The phrase large enough to carry the load requires elaboration. Thevarious conductors of public-utility electric-supply systems are sizedaccording to the calculations and decisions of the personnel of the spe-cific public utility supplying the service drop or lateral. At the load endof the drop or lateral, the NEC rules apply, and from that point on intothe consumer’s premises, NEC rules are the governing authority. Thereis a discontinuity at this point in the calculation of combined load de-mand for electricity and allowable current (ampacity) of conductors,cables, etc. This discontinuity in calculations results from the fact thatthe utility company operates locally, whereas the NEC is a set of na-tional standards and therefore cannot readily allow for regional differ-ences in electrical coincident demand, ambient temperature, etc. TheNEC’s aim is the assurance of an electrically ‘‘safe’’ human environ-ment. This will be fostered by following the NEC rules.

Service-entrance cables are conductor assemblies which bear the typecodes SE (for overhead services) and USE (for underground services).Under specified conditions, these cables may also be used for interiorfeeder and branch-circuit wiring.

The service-entrance equipment must have the capability of safely in-terrupting the current resulting from a short circuit at its terminals.Available short-circuit current is the term given to the maximum currentthat the power system can deliver through a given circuit to any negligi-ble-impedance short circuit applied at a given point. (This value can bein terms of symmetrical or asymmetrical, momentary or clearingcurrent, as specified.)

In most instances, the available short-circuit current is limited by theimpedance of the last transformer in the supply system. Large powerusers, however, must become aware of changes in the electricity supplysystem which, because of growth of system capacity or any other rea-son, would increase the short-circuit current available to their service-entrance equipment. If this current is too great, explosive failure canresult.

Fig. 15.1.96 Motor and wiring protection.

Kilowatthour and sometimes demand-metering equipment are con-nected to the service-entrance conductors. Proceeding toward the utili-zation equipment, the power-supply system fans out into feeders andbranch circuits (see Fig. 15.1.96). Each of the feeders, i.e., a run of

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untapped conductor or cable, is connected to the supply through aswitch and fuses or a circuit breaker. At a point, usually near that por-tion of the electrical loads which are to be supplied, a panel box orperhaps a load-center assembly of switching and/or control equipment isinstalled. From this panel box or load-center assembly, circuits radiate;i.e., circuits are installed to extend into the area being served to connectelectrical machinery or devices or make available electric receptaclesconnected to the source of electric power.

Each feeder and each branch circuit will have its own over-currentprotection and disconnect means in the form of a fuse and switch combi-

terial. In addition to the insulated conductors, the cable may have anapproved size of uninsulated or bare conductor for grounding purposesonly. The outer covering of NMC cable is flame retardant and corrosionresistant. The use of this type of cable, commonly called Nomex, ispermitted in one- or two-family dwellings, multifamily dwellings, andother structures provided that such structures do not exceed three floorsabove grade.

8. Shielded Nonmetallic-Sheathed Cable, Type SNM (NEC 1993,Art. 337). Type SNM is a factory-assembled cable consisting of twoor more insulated conductors (nos. 14 through 2 copper and nos. 12

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nation or a circuit breaker.There is a provision in the NEC 1993 rules for the following types of

feeder and branch circuit wiring:1. Open Wiring on Insulators (NEC 1993, Art. 320). This wiring

method uses approved cleats, knobs, tubes, and flexible tubing for theprotection and support of insulated conductors run on or in buildingsand not concealed by the building structure. It is permitted only inindustrial or agricultural establishments.

2. Concealed Knob-and-Tube Work (NEC 1993, Art. 324). Con-cealed knob-and-tube work may be used in the hollow spaces of wallsand ceilings. It may be used only for the extension of existing facilities.

3. Flat Conductor Cable, Type FCC (NEC 1993, Art. 328). TypeFCC cable may be installed under carpet squares. It may not be usedoutdoors or in wet locations, in corrosive or hazardous areas, or inresidential, school, or hospital buildings.

4. Mineral-Insulated Metal-Sheathed Cable, Type MI (NEC 1993,Art. 330). Type MI cable contains one or more electrical conductorsinsulated with a highly compressed refractory mineral insulation andenclosed in a liquid- and gastight metallic tube sheath. Appropriateapproved fittings must be used with it. It may be used for services,feeders, and branch circuits either exposed or concealed and dry or wet.It may be used in Class I, II, or III hazardous locations. It may be usedfor under-plaster extensions and embedded in plaster finish or brick orother masonry. It may be used where exposed to weather or continuousmoisture, for underground runs and embedded in masonry, concrete orfill, in buildings in the course of construction or where exposed to oil,gasoline, or other conditions. If the environment would cause destruc-tion of the sheath, it must be protected by suitable materials.

5. Power and Control Tray Cable (NEC 1993, Art. 340). Type TCcable is a factory assembly of two or more insulated conductors with orwithout associated bare or covered-grounding conductors under a non-metallic sheath, approved for installation in cable trays, in raceways, orwhere supported by messenger wire.

6. Metal-Clad Cable, Type MC and AC Series (NEC 1993, Art. 333and 334). These are metal-clad cables, i.e., an assembly of insulatedconductors in a flexible metal enclosure. Type MC are power cables andin the range up to 600 V are made in conductor sizes of no. 4 and largerfor copper and no. 2 and larger for aluminum. Type AC are branch andfeeder cables with armor of flexible metal tape. All AC types exceptACL have an internal bonding strip of copper or aluminum in intimatecontact with the armor for its entire length. Metal-clad branch circuitcable was formerly called BX. Metal-clad cables may generally be in-stalled where not subject to physical damage, for feeders and branchcircuits in exposed or concealed work, with qualifications for wet loca-tions, direct burial in concrete, etc. The use of Type AC cable is prohib-ited (1) in motion-picture studios, (2) in theaters and assembly halls,(3) in hazardous locations, (4) where exposed to corrosive fumes or va-pors, (5) on cranes or hoists except where flexible connections tomotors, etc., are required, (6) in storage-battery rooms, (7) in hoistwaysor on elevators except (i) between risers and limit switches, interlocks,operating buttons, and similar devices in hoistways and in escalatorsand moving walkways and (ii) short runs on elevator cars, where freefrom oil, and if securely fastened in place, or (8) in commercial garagesin hazardous locations. Type ACL (lead-covered) shall not be used fordirect burial in the earth.

7. Nonmetallic-Sheathed Cable, Types NM and NMC (NEC 1993,Art. 336). These are assemblies of two more insulated conductors(nos. 14 through 2 for copper, nos. 12 through 2 for aluminum) havingan outer sheath of moisture-resistant, flame-retardant, nonmetallic ma-

through 2 aluminum) in an extruded core of moisture-resistant material,covered with an overlapping spiral metal tape and wire shield and jack-eted with an extruded moisture-, flame-, corrosion-, fungus-, and sun-light-resistant material. This cable is to be used (1) under appropriateambient-temperature conditions and (2) in continuous rigid-cable sup-port or in raceways. It can be used in some hazardous locations asdefined by the NEC.

9. Service Entrance Cable, Types SE and USE (NEC 1993, Art.338). These cables, containing one or more individually insulatedconductors, are primarily used for electric services. Type SE has aflame-retardant, moisture-resistant covering and is not required to havebuilt-in protection against mechanical abuse. Type USE is recognizedfor use underground. It has a moisture-resistant covering, but not neces-sarily a flame-retardant one. Like the SE cable, USE cable is not re-quired to have inherent protection against mechanical abuse. Underspecified conditions, SE and USE cables can be used for feeders andbranch circuits.

10. Underground Feeder and Branch-Circuit Cable, Type UF (NEC1993, Art. 339). This cable is made in sizes 14 through 4/0, and theinsulated conductors are Types TW, RHW, and others approved for thepurpose. As in the NM cable, the UF type may contain an approved sizeof uninsulated or bare conductor for grounding purposes only. The outerjacket of this cable shall be flame-retardant, moisture-resistant, fungus-resistant, corrosive-resistant, and suitable for direct burial in the ground.

11. Other Installation Practices. The NEC details rules for nonme-tallic circuit extensions and underplaster extensions. It also providesdetailed rules for installation of electrical wiring in (a) rigid metal con-duit (which may be used for all atmospheric conditions and locationswith due regard to corrosion protection and choice of fittings), (b) rigidnonmetallic conduit (which is essentially corrosion-proof ), in electricalmetallic tubing (which is lighter-weight than rigid metal conduit),(c) flexible metal conduit, (d) liquidtight flexible metal conduit, (e) sur-face raceways, ( f ) underfloor raceways, (g) multioutlet assemblies,(h) cellular metal floor raceways, (i) structural raceways, ( j) cellularconcrete floor raceways, (k) wireways (sheet-metal troughs with hingedor removable covers), (l) flat, Type FC, cable assemblies installed in asurface metal raceway (Type FC cable contains three or four no. 10special stranded copper wires), (m) busways, and (n) cable-bus. Bus-ways and cable-bus installations are permitted for exposed work only.

In all installation work, only approved outlets, switch and junctionboxes, fittings, terminal strips, and dead-end caps shall be used, andthey are to be used in an approved fashion (see NEC 1993, Art. 370).

Table 15.1.20 Wire Table for Standard Annealed Copperat 20°C in SI Units

AWG Diameter,size mm kgf /km m/V Area, mm2

14 1.628 18.50 120.7 2.0812 2.053 29.42 191.9 3.3110 2.588 46.77 305.1 5.2618 3.264 74.37 485.2 8.3676 4.115 118.2 771.5 13.304 5.189 188.0 1227 21.152 6.544 299.0 1951 33.621 7.348 377.0 2460 42.410 8.252 475.4 3102 53.49

00 9.266 599.5 3911 67.43000 10.40 755.9 4932 85.01

0000 11.68 935.2 6219 107.2

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Table 15.1.20 relates AWG wire sizes to metric units. Table 15.1.21lists the allowable ampacities of copper and aluminum conductors.Table 15.1.22 lists various conductor insulation systems approved bythe 1993 NEC for conductors used in interior wiring. Dimensions andallowable fill of conduit and tubing are listed in Table 15.1.23. Table15.1.24 lists the cross-sectional area of various insulated conductors.For installations not covered by the tables presented here, review the1993 NEC. Estimated full-load currents of motors can be taken fromTable 15.1.25.

Switching Arrangements Small quick-break switches must be set

located only in accessible places and never concealed in partitions.Splices or joints in the wire must never be in the conduit piping, race-way, or metallic tubing itself, for the splices may become a source oftrouble as a result of corrosion or grounding if water should enter theconduit.

All conductors of an ac system must be placed in the same metalliccasing so that their resultant magnetic field is nearly zero. If this is notdone, eddy currents are set up causing heating and excessive loss. Withsingle conductors in a casing, an excessive reactance drop may result.

Service wires are the conductors that bring the electric power into a



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in or on a metal box or fitting and may be of the push, tumbler, or rotarytype. The following types of switches are used to control lighting cir-cuits: (1) single-pole, (2) double-pole, (3) three-point or three-way, (4)four-way, in combination with three-way switches to control lights fromthree or more stations, (5) electrolier.

In all metallic protecting systems, such as conduit, armored cable, ormetal raceways, joints and splices in conductors must be made only injunction boxes or other proper fittings; therefore, these fittings can be

Table 15.1.21 Allowable Ampacities of Insulated Conductors(Not more than three conductors in conduit. Based on ambient air temperature of 4

Temperature ratin


60 75 90

Conductor Types Ssize: Types RH, RHW, AVB, F



14 18† 22† 25†12 23† 28† 32†10 29† 37† 42†8 36 48 55

6 50 64 754 65 83 973 76 98 1142 87 112 1301 104 134 156

0 119 153 17900 135 175 204

000 160 207 2420000 184 238 278

250 210 271 317300 232 300 351350 254 328 384400 274 354 415500 314 407 477

600 345 448 525700 376 489 574750 392 509 598800 403 524 616900 426 555 653

1,000 499 585 689

AmbientFor ambient temperatures other than 40°C, multiply

temp., °C

21–35 1.32 1.20 1.1426–30 1.22 1.13 1.1031–35 1.12 1.07 1.0536–40 1.00 1.00 1.0041–45 0.87 0.93 0.9546–50 0.71 0.85 0.8951–55 0.50 0.76 0.8456–60 — 0.65 0.7761–70 — 0.38 0.6371–80 — — 0.45

* For dry locations only, rated 75°C for wet locations.† Overcurrent protection shall not exceed 15 A for no. 14 copper and no. 12 aluminum, 20 A forNOTE: This is a general table. For other installation conditions, see NFPA 70-1994 National ElecSOURCE: NEC® 1993, Table 310-16. Reprinted with permission from NFPA 70-1984, National El

02269. This reprinted material is not the complete and official position of the NFPA on the referenc

building and should enter the building as near as possible to the serviceswitch, so that when the switch is open all the electrical conductors andequipment inside the building will be dead. The service wires must berubber- or thermoplastic-covered from the point of support on the out-side of the building to the service switch or cutout and must be no. 6wire or larger except for installations consisting of two-wire branchcircuits where no. 8 wire may be permitted. A minimum of 100-Athree-wire service is recommended for all single-family residences.


of insulation, °C


60 75 90

,, Types RH, RHW Types SA, AVB,N, THW, THWN, THHN, RHH,


— — —18† 22† 26†23† 29† 34†28 37 43

37 50 5850 65 7659 76 8968 87 10281 104 122

93 119 139106 137 159125 162 189144 186 217

165 213 249183 236 276201 259 303218 281 329252 326 381

280 362 424308 399 467322 417 488334 432 506357 463 542380 493 578

the ampacities shown above by the appropriate factors shown below.

1.32 1.20 1.141.22 1.13 1.101.12 1.07 1.051.00 1.00 1.000.87 0.93 0.950.71 0.85 0.890.50 0.76 0.84— 0.65 0.77— 0.38 0.63— — 0.45

no. 12 copper, 25 A for no. 10 aluminum, and 30 A for no. 10 copper.tric Code®, Article 310.ectrical Code®, Copyright © 1992, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, Massachusettsed subject, which is represented only by the standard in its entirety.

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Table 15.1.22 Conductor Type and Application

Type letterInsulation, trade name

(see NEC 1984, Art. 310 for complete information) EnvironmentOuter


Max operating temperature 5 60°C (140°F)

TW Moisture-resistant thermoplastic Dry and wet NoneTF Thermoplastic-covered, solid or 7-strand c,d NoneTFF Thermoplastic-covered, flexible stranding c,d NoneMTW Moisture-, heat-, and oil-resistant thermoplastic machine-

tool wiring (NFPA Stand. 79, NEC 1975, Art. 670)Wet None or nylon

UF Moisture-resistant, underground feeder Dry and wet None

Max operating temperature 5 75°C (167°F)

RH Heat-resistant rubber Dry 1,2RHW Moisture- and heat-resistant rubber e Dry and wet 1,2THW Moisture- and heat-resistant thermoplastic Dry and wet NoneTHWN Moisture- and heat-resistant thermoplastic Dry and wet NylonXHHW Moisture- and heat-resistant cross-linked polymer Wet NoneRFH-1 and 2 Heat-resistant rubber-covered solid or 7-strand b–d NoneFFH-1 and 2 Heat-resistant rubber-covered flexible stranding b–d NoneUF Moisture-resistant and heat-resistant Dry and wet NoneUSE Heat- and moisture-resistant Dry and wet 4ZW Modified ethylene tetrafluoroethylene Wet None

Max operating temperature 5 85°C (185°F)

MI Mineral-insulated (metal-sheathed) Dry and wet Copper

Max operating temperature 5 90°C (194°F)

RHH Heat-resistant rubber Dry 1,2THHN Heat-resistant thermoplastic Dry NylonTHW Moisture- and heat-resistant thermoplastic f NoneXHHW Moisture- and heat-resistant cross-linked synthetic polymer Dry NoneFEP Fluorinated ethylene propylene Dry NoneFEPB Fluorinated ethylene propylene Dry 3TFN Heat-resistant thermoplastic covered, solid or 7-strand c,d NylonTFFN Heat-resistant thermplastic flexible stranding NylonMTW Moisture-, heat-, and oil-resistant thermoplastic machine-

tool wiring (NFPA Stand. 79, NEC 1975, Art. 670)Dry None or nylon

SA Silicone asbestos Dry Asbestos or glass

Max operating temperature 5 150°C (302°F)

Z, ZW Modified ethylene tetrafluoroethylene Dry None

Max operating temperature 5 200°C (392°F)

FEP, FEPB Fluorinated ethylene propylene Dry NoneSpecial applications 3

PF, PGF Fluorinated ethylene propylene c,d None or glass braidPFA Perfluoroalkoxy Dry NoneSF-2 Silicone rubber, solid or 7-strand c,d Nonmetallic

Max operating temperature 5 250°C (482°F)

MI Mineral-insulated (metal-sheathed), for special applications Dry and wet CopperTFE Extruded polytetrafluoroethylene, only for leads within ap-

paratus or within raceways connected to apparatus, or asopen wiring (silver or nickel-coated copper only)

Dry None

PFAH Perfluoroalkoxy (special application) Dry NonePTF Extruded polytetrafluoroethylene, solid or 7-strand (silver

or nickel-coated copper only)

c,d None

a 1: Moisture-resistant, flame-retardant nonmetallic; 2: outer covering not required when rubber insulation has been specifically approved for thepurpose; 3: no. 14-8 glass braid, no. 6-2 asbestos braid; 4: moisture-resistant nonmetallic.

b Limited to 300 V.c No. 18 and no. 16 conductor for remote controls, low-energy power, low-voltage power, and signal circuits; NEC 1975 Sec. 725-16, Sec. 760-16.d Fixture wire no. 18-16.e For over 2,000 V, the insulation shall be ozone-resistant.f Special applications within electric discharge lighting equipment. Limited to 1,000 V open-circuit volts or less.SOURCE: NEC 1993 Tables 310-13 and 402-3. Reprinted with permission from NFPA 70-1993, National Electrical Code®, Copyright © 1992,

National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, Massachusetts 02269. This reprinted material is not the complete and official position of the NFPA onthe referenced subject, which is represented only by the standard in its entirety.

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Table 15.1.23 Dimensions and Allowable Fill of Conduit andTubing

Allowable fill, in2 of conductors(not lead-covered)

One Two Over twoTrade conductor, conductors, conductors,*

size, in ID, in Area, in2 53% fill 31% fill 40% fill

1⁄2 0.622 0.30 0.16 0.09 0.123⁄4 0.824 0.53 0.28 0.16 0.21

Generally, when the conductors from overhead lines enter a building,the wires are encased in rigid conduit equipped with a weather cap or aservice entrance cable (type ASE armored or SE type, unarmored) maybe attached directly to the building wall. The inner end of the serviceenters a metal service cabinet in which the service fuses and switch arelocated. Service conductors may also terminate at an air-break or oil-immersed switch in a metal case or on a panel board which is accessibleto qualified persons only.

All underground service wires must be connected to the interior wir-ing through a blade of the service switch or circuit breaker and be fused


e, A


ure w

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1 1.049 0.86 0.46 0.27 0.3411⁄4 1.380 1.50 0.80 0.47 0.6011⁄2 1.610 2.04 1.08 0.63 0.822 2.067 3.36 1.78 1.04 1.3421⁄2 2.469 4.79 2.54 1.43 1.923 3.068 7.38 3.91 2.29 2.9531⁄2 3.548 9.90 5.25 3.07 3.964 4.026 12.72 6.74 3.94 5.0941⁄2 4.506 15.94 8.45 4.94 6.385 5.047 20.00 10.60 6.20 8.006 6.065 28.89 15.31 8.96 11.56

* For conductor derating with more than three conductors see NEC 1993, Art. 310.SOURCE: NEC 1993, p. 70-824. Reprinted with permission from NFPA 70-1993, National

Electrical Code®, Copyright © 1992, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, Massachu-setts 02269. This reprinted material is not the complete and official position of the NFPA on thereferenced subject, which is represented only by the standard in its entirety.

Table 15.1.24 Nominal Cross-Sectional Area of Rubber-Covered and


18 16 14

Type Cross-sec

RFH-2 0.0167 0.0196 (fixtSF-2 0.0167 0.0196 0.0230RH — — 0.0230

RHH, RHW — — 0.0327RHH, RHW (without outer covering) — — 0.0206THW — — 0.0206TW, RUH — — 0.0135TF 0.0088 0.0109 —THWN, THHN — — 0.0087TFN 0.0064 0.0079 —FEPB, Z, ZF, ZFF — — 0.0087FEP, TFE — — 0.0087PTF 0.0052 0.0066 0.0087XHHW — — 0.0131

6 4 3

RH, RHH,* RHW* 0.1238 0.1605 0.1817RUH 0.0819 0.1087 0.1263TW, THW 0.0819 0.1087 0.1263TFE 0.0467 0.0669 0.0803FEPB, ZF, ZFF 0.0716 0.0962 0.1122FEP 0.0467 0.0669 0.0803THHN, THWN 0.0519 0.0845 0.0995XHHW 0.0625 0.0845 0.0995Z 0.0716 0.0962 0.1122

Size, M

250 500 750


RH, RHH,* RHW* 0.5917 0.9834 1.4082TW, T, THW 0.4877 0.8316 1.2252THHN, THWN 0.4026 0.7163 1.0623XHHW 0.4026 0.7163 1.0936

* RHH and RHW without covering have the same dimension as THW.SOURCE: NEC 1993, pp. 70-825 and 826. Reprinted with permission from NFPA 70-1993, N

Massachusetts 02269. This reprinted material is not the complete and official position of the NFPA oNOTE: For general branch and feeder circuits the minimum conductor size is 14. Sizes 14 to 8 are

or automatically interrupted at the service switch. A service switchcontrolling a three-wire dc, a single-phase or four-wire three-phasesystem having a grounded neutral wire does not need to open that con-ductor.

The single-line diagram, Fig. 15.1.96, indicates a simplified interiorarrangement of circuits and the necessary protection of the conductorsand terminal load. Where a reduction is made in the wire size a protec-tive device shall be installed to limit the conductor current to a safevalue. Large motors and other terminal loads should also have over-current protection.

The maximum permissible fuse ratings and the setting of the protec-tive devices for starting and for running protection of motors are givenin Table 15.1.26.

Grounding of direct- and alternating-current systems of 300 V and

stic-Covered Conductors


12 10 8

l area, in2

ire)(fixture wire)

0.0278 0.0460 0.08540.0384 0.0460 0.0854

0.0251 0.0311 0.05980.0251 0.0311 0.05980.0172 0.0224 0.0471

— — —0.0117 0.0184 0.0373

— — —0.0115 0.0159 0.02720.0115 0.0159 0.0333

— — —0.0167 0.0216 0.0456

Size, AWG

2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0

Cross-sectional area, in2

0.2067 0.2715 0.3107 0.3578 0.4151 0.48400.1473 — — — — —0.1473 0.2027 0.2367 0.2781 0.3288 0.39040.0973 0.1385 0.1676 0.1974 0.2436 0.29990.1316 — — — — —0.0973 — — — — —0.1182 0.1590 0.1893 0.2265 0.2715 0.32780.1182 0.1590 0.1893 0.2265 0.2715 0.32780.1320 0.1385 0.1676 0.1948 0.2463 0.3000


1000 1500 2000

l area, in2

1.7531 2.5475 3.20791.5482 2.2748 2.90131.3623 — —1.3893 2.0612 2.6590

ational Electrical Code®, Copyright © 1992 National Fire Protection Association, Quincy,n the referenced subject, which is represented only by the standard in its entirety.solid wire. Sizes 6 and larger are stranded.

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Table 15.1.25 Approximate Full-Load Currents of Motors,* A(See NEC 1993 for more complete information.)

Three-phase ac motorssquirrel-cage and wound- Synchronous type, Single-phase

rotor induction types unity power factor ac motors DC motors†

hp 230 V 460 V 575 V 2,300 V 230 V 460 V 575 V 2,300 V 115 V‡ 230 V‡ 120 V 240 V

1⁄2 2 1 0.8 — — — — — 9.8 4.9 5.4 2.73⁄4 2.8 1.4 1.1 — — — — — 13.8 6.9 7.6 3.8

1 3.6 1.8 1.4 — — — — — 16 8 9.5 4.711⁄2 5.2 2.6 2.1 — — — — — 20 10 13.2 6.62 6.8 3.4 2.7 — — — — — 24 12 17 8.53 9.6 4.8 3.9 — — — — — 34 17 25 12.2

5 15.2 7.6 6.1 — — — — — 56 28 40 2071⁄2 22 11 9 — — — — — 80 40 58 29

10 28 14 11 — — — — — 100 50 76 3815 42 21 17 — — — — — — — — 5520 54 27 22 — — — — — — — — 7225 68 34 27 — 53 26 21 — — — — 89

30 80 40 32 — 63 32 26 — — — — 10640 104 52 41 — 83 41 33 — — — — 14050 130 65 52 — 104 52 42 — — — — 17360 154 77 62 16 123 61 49 12 — — — 20675 192 96 77 20 155 78 62 15 — — — 255

100 248 124 99 26 202 101 81 20 — — — 341

125 312 156 125 31 253 126 101 25 — — — 425150 360 180 144 37 302 151 121 30 — — — 506200 480 240 192 49 400 201 161 40 — — — 675

* The values of current are for motors running at speeds customary for belted motors and motors having normal torque characteristics. Use name-plate data for low-speed, high-torque, or multispeedmotors. For synchronous motors of 0.8 pf multiply the above amperes by 1.25, at 0.9 pf by 1.1. The motor voltages listed are rated voltages. Respective nominal system voltages would be 220 to 240,440 to 480, and 550 to 600 V. For full-load currents of 208-V motors, multiply the above amperes by 1.10; for 200-V motors, multiply by 1.15.

† Ampere values are for motors running at base speed.‡ Rated voltage. Nominal system voltages are 120 and 240.

Table 15.1.26 Maximum Rating or Setting of Motor Branch-Circuit Protective Devices and Starting-Inrush Code Letters

Percent of full-load current


Non-time (time delay) Instantaneous Time-limit Code kVA/hp withType of motor delay fuse fuse breaker breaker letter locked rotor

Single-phase, all types, no code letter 300 175 700 250

AC motors: single-phase, polyphase squirrel-cage, orsynchronous with full-voltage, resistor, or reactorstarting:

No code letter 300 175 700 250F–V 300 175 700 250B–E 250 175 700 200A 150 150 700 150

AC squirrel-cage or synchronous motors with autotrans-former starting:

Not more than 30 ANo code letter 250 175 700 200More than 30 ANo code letter 200 175 700 200F–V 250 175 700 200B–E 200 175 700 200A 150 150 700 150

High reactance squirrel-cage:Not more than 30 ANo code letter 250 175 700 250More than 30 ANo code letter 200 175 700 200

Wound rotor, no code letter 150 150 700 150

DC motors:No more than 50 hpNo code letter 150 150 250 150More than 50 hpNo code letter 150 150 175 150

Low-torque, low-speed (450 r/min or lower) synchro-nous motors which start unloaded

200 200 200 200

A 0–3.14B 3.15–3.54C 3.55–3.99D 4.0–4.49E 4.5–4.99F 5.0–5.59G 5.6–6.29H 6.3–7.09J 7.1–7.99K 8.0–8.99L 9.0–9.99M 10.0–11.19N 11.2–12.49P 12.5–13.99R 14.0–15.99S 16.0–17.99T 18.0–19.99U 20.0–22.39V 22.4 and up

SOURCE: NEC 1993, Tables 430-152 and 430-7(b). Reprinted with permission from NFPA 70-1993, National Electrical Code®, Copyright © 1992, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy,Massachusetts 02269. This reprinted material is not the complete and official position of the NFPA on the referenced subject, which is represented only by the standard in its entirety.

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less is usually required. Inside a building the grounded conductor (one ofthe two conductors in two-wire system and the neutral conductor in athree-wire or a four-wire system) should have a white or natural graycovering throughout to distinguish it from the ungrounded conductors.This identified grounded conductor must not be fused or be openedunless the other conductors are opened simultaneously. Green wires onlyshall be used for grounding electrical equipment, such as motors, aswell as conduits, armor, boxes, and such metallic enclosures. Four-wirecircuits have black, white, red, and blue conductors or alphanumericidentification.

point where a change is made in the size of the wire. Fuses or circuitbreakers should not be placed either in a grounded line or in a groundwire. (See Fig. 15.1.96.)

Fuses, cutout bases, and switches are manufactured and change sizes, asfollows: Edison plug (125 V only), 0 to 30 A; spring-clip cartridge(ferrule contact), 0 to 30, 31 to 60 A; knife-blade cartridge type, 61 to100, 101 to 200, 201 to 400, 401 to 600 A; for 601 A and larger,knife-blade cartridge type with equal-size fuses in parallel may be usedexcept for the protection of a branch motor circuit where a circuitbreaker can be installed.

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DC systems need be grounded only at the generating stations becausethe grounded wire is electrically connected to one of the conductors inall the circuits throughout the system. In ac systems, since one sectioncan be insulated from the other by a transformer, each section of 300 Vor under is grounded at the individual services. The conductor ground-ing the ac system should not be less than no. 8 copper wire and must bewithout a joint or a splice and run from the supply side of the serviceswitch.

The service conduit that protects the service wires on the outside ofthe building must be grounded by a wire at least as large as no. 8, rundirectly to ground.

The entire metallic system surrounding the conductors must be atground potential. It is only necessary to ground the metallic system,including motors and other equipment, at one point, provided that eachsection makes a good electrical connection with the next.

Since January 1, 1973, ground-fault circuit interrupters have been re-quired by the NEC in some areas for personnel protection from line-to-ground electrical shock. Such circuit interrupters are required by the1984 NEC in branch circuits supplying certain areas in residences,hotels and motels, health-care facilities, marinas and boat yards, mobilehomes and recreational vehicles, swimming pools, and constructionsites. The 1984 or subsequent code should be carefully reviewed forexact requirements.

Ground-fault circuit protection may be used at other locations and, ifso used, will provide additional protection against line-to-ground shockhazard.

Ground fault-circuit interrupters monitor the current in the two con-ductors of a circuit. These two currents should be equal. If they are notequal, some current is leaking to ground, indicating a line to groundfault. If the difference between the two currents is 5 mA or more, theground-fault circuit interrupter will automatically disconnect the faultedcircuit in about 0.025 s.

Overload Protection A fuse or circuit breaker must be provided inall ungrounded conductors. Induction motors are usually protected byoverload or thermal relays operating as automatic circuit breakers. Toprotect wiring properly, an automatic cutout must be installed at every

Table 15.1.27 Properties of Metals, Alloys, and Resistor Materials

Microhms-cmMaterial Composition Sp gr at 20°C

Advance Cu 0.55; Ni 0.45 8.9 48.4Comet Ni 0.30; Cr 0.05; Fe 0.65 8.15 95Bronze, commercial Cu; Zn 8.7 4.2Hytemco-Balco Ni 0.50; Fe 0.50 8.46 20

Kanthal A Al 0.055; Cr 0.22; Co

0.055; Fe 0.727.1 145

Magno Ni 0.955; Mn 0.045 8.75 20Manganin Cu 0.84; Mn 0.12; Ni 0.04 8.19 48.2Monel metal Ni 0.67; Cu 0.28 8.9 42.6Nichrome Ni 0.60; Fe 0.25; Cr 0.15 8.247 112Nichrome V Ni 0.80; Cr 0.20 8.412 108Nickel, pure Ni 0.99 8.9 10Platinum Pt 21.45 10.616Silver Ag 10.5 1.622Tungsten W 19.3 5.523

* Tungsten subject to rapid oxidation in air above 150°C.

Since the rating of a fuse is only about 90 percent of the current that itwill carry indefinitely, and since it may also take a few minutes beforethe heat due to slightly excessive current would be sufficient to melt thefuse wire and hence open the circuit, insulation may be permanentlydamaged if the fuses are larger than the current-carrying capacitiesgiven by Table 15.1.21.

Demand Calculations for Building Feeder Sizes The demand factoror demand is the ratio of maximum demand to the total connected load.This depends on the type of building, whether hotel, theater, factory,etc. The demand factor for any particular class of installation decreasesas the floor area increases. Values of demand factors are found in the1993 NEC Art. 220.

Load centers are panels or cabinets which act as distribution centersand which are supplied by feeder or main conductors, and from whichthe current to several branch circuits is taken. In each branch circuitthere is usually a small combined switch and circuit breaker. Loadcenters for widely different types of circuits such as single-phase two-wire, single-phase three-wire, and three-phase are readily obtainablefrom several manufacturers.


For use in rheostats, electric furnaces, ovens, heaters, and many electri-cal appliances, a resistor material with high melting point and highresistivity which does not disintegrate or corrode at high temperatures isnecessary. These requirements are met by the nickel-chromium andnickel-chromium-iron alloys. For electrical instruments and measuringapparatus, the resistor material should have high resistivity, low tem-perature coefficient, and, for many uses, low thermoelectric poweragainst copper. The properties of resistor materials are given in Table15.1.27. Most of these materials are available in ribbon as well as inwire form. Cast-iron and steel wire are efficient and economical resistormaterials for many uses, such as power-absorbing rheostats and motorstarters and controllers. (See also Sec. 6.)

Advance has a low temperature coefficient and is useful in many typesof measuring instrument and precision equipment. Because of its high


Ohms Temp coef Max safe Approxcir-mil-ft of resistance Temp range, working temp, melting point,at 20°C per deg C °C °C °C

294 6 0.00002 20–100 500 1210570 0.00088 20–500 600 1480

25 0.0020 0–100 — 1040120 0.0045 20–100 600 1425

870 0.00002 0–500 1330 1510

120 0.0036 20–100 400 1435290 6 0.000015 15–35 100 1020256 0.0001 0–100 425 1350675 0.00017 20–100 930 1350650 0.00013 20–100 1100 1400

60 0.0050 0–100 400 145063.80 0.003 0–100 1200 1773

9.755 0.00361 0–100 650 96033.22 0.0045 — * 3410

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thermoelectric power to copper, it is valuable for thermoelements andpyrometers. It is noncorrosive and is used to a large extent in industrialand radio rheostats. Hytemco is a nickel-iron alloy characterized by ahigh temperature coefficient and is used advantageously where self-regulation is required as in immersion heaters and heater pads. Magno isa manganese-nickel alloy used in the manufacture of incandescentlamps and radio tubes. Manganin is a copper-manganese-nickel alloywhich, because of its very low temperature coefficient and its low ther-mal emf with respect to copper, is very valuable for high-precisionelectrical measuring apparatus. It is used for the resistance units in


A permanent magnet is one that retains a considerable amount of magne-tism indefinitely. Permanent magnets are used in electrical instruments,telephone receivers, loudspeakers, magnetos, tachometers, magneticchucks, motors, and for many purposes where a constant magnetic fieldor a constant source of magnetism is desired. The magnetic materialshould have high retentivity, a high remanence, and a high coerciveforce (see Fig. 15.1.8). These properties are usually found with hard-ened steel and its alloys and also in ceramic permanent magnet mate-

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bridges, for shunts, multipliers, and similar measuring devices.Nichrome V is a nickel-chromium alloy free from iron, is noncorrosive,nonmagnetic, withstands high temperatures, and has high resistivity. Itis recommended as material for heating elements in electric furnaces,hot-water heaters, ranges, radiant heaters, and high-grade electrical ap-pliances. Kanthal is used for heating applications where higher operat-ing temperatures are required than for Nichrome. Mechanically, it isless workable than Nichrome. Platinum is used in specialized heatingapplications where very high temperatures are required. Tungsten maybe used in very high temperature ovens with an inert atmosphere. Purenickel is used to satisfy the high requirements in the fabrication of radiotubes, such as the elimination of all gases and impurities in the metalparts. It also has other uses such as in incandescent lamps, for combus-tion boats, laboratory accessories, and resistance thermometers.

Carbon withstands high temperatures and has high resistance; itstemperature coefficient is negative; it will safely carry about 125 A/in2.Amorphous carbon has a resistivity of 3,800 and 4,100 mV?cm, retortcarbon about 720 mV?cm, and graphite about 812 mV?cm. The prop-erties of any particular kind of carbon depend on the temperature atwhich it was fired. Carbon for rheostats may best be used in the form ofcompression rheostats. Silicon carbide is used to manufacture heatingrods that will safely operate at 1,650°C (3,000°F) surface temperature.It has a negative coefficient of resistance up to 650°C, after which it ispositive. It must be mechanically protected because of inherent brittle-ness.

Fig. 15.1.97 Characteristics of permanent magnet mate

rials.Since permanent magnets must operate on the molecular mmf im-

parted to them when magnetized, they must necessarily operate on theportion CDO of the hysteresis loop (see Fig. 15.1.8). The area CDO isproportional to the stored energy within the magnet and is a criterion ofits usefulness as a permanent-magnetic material. In the left half of Fig.15.1.97 are given the B-H characteristics of several permanent-mag-netic materials; these include 5 to 6 percent tungsten steel (curve 1); 31⁄2percent chrome magnet steel (curve 2); cobalt magnet steel, containing16 to 36 percent cobalt and 5 to 9 percent chromium and in some alloystungsten (curve 3); and the carbon-free aluminum-nickel-cobalt-steelalloys called Alnico. There are many grades of Alnico; the characteris-tics of three of them are shown by curves 4, 5, 6. Their composition is asfollows:

Composition, percent


no. Al Ni Co Cu Ti Fe

4 5 8 14 24 3 . . . 515 6 8 14 24 3 1.25 49.756 12 6 18 35 . . . 8.0 33

All the Alnicos can be made by the sand or the precision-casting(lost-wax) process, but the most satisfactory method is by the sinteringprocess.


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If the alloys are held in a magnetic field during heat-treatment, amagnet grain is established and the magnetic properties in the directionof the field are greatly increased. The alloys are hard, can be formedonly by casting or sintering, and cannot be machined except by grinding.

The curves in the right half of Fig. 15.1.97 are ‘‘external energy’’curves and give the product of B and H. The optimum point of operationis at the point of maximum energy as is indicated at A1 on curve 5.

Considering curve 5, if the magnetic circuit remained closed, themagnet would operate at point B. To utilize the flux, an air gap must beintroduced. The air gap acts as a demagnetizing force, H1 (5 B1A1), and

A solenoid is a winding of insulated conductor and is wound helically;the direction of winding may be either right or left. A portative electro-magnet is one designed only for holding material brought in contact withit. A tractive electromagnet is one designed to exert a force on the loadthrough some distance and thus do work. The range of an electromagnetis the distance through which the plunger will perform work when thewinding is energized. For long range of operation, the plunger type oftractive magnet is best suited, for the length of core is governed practi-cally by the range of action desired, and the area of the core is deter-mined by the pull. Solenoid and plunger is a solenoid provided with a



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the magnet operates at point A1 on the HB curve. The line OA1 is calledthe air-gap line and its slope is given by tan u1 5 B1 /H1 where H1 5Bglg /lm and B1 /Bg 5 Ag /Am , where Bg 5 flux density in gap, T; lg 5length of gap, m; lm 5 length of magnet, m; Ag , Am 5 areas of the gapand magnet, m2.

If the air gap is lengthened, the magnet will operate at A2 correspond-ing to a lesser flux density B3 and the new air-gap line is OA2 . If the gapis now closed to its original value, the magnet will not return to opera-tion at point A1 but will operate at some point C on the line OA1 . If theair gap is varied between the two foregoing values, the magnet willoperate along the minor hysteresis loop A2C. Return to point A1 can beaccomplished only by remagnetizing and coming back down the curvefrom B to A1 .

Alnico magnets corresponding to curves 4 and 5 are best adapted tooperation with short air gaps, since the introduction of a long air gapwill demagnetize the magnet materially. On the other hand, a magnetwith a long air gap will operate most satisfactorily on curve 6 on ac-count of the high coercive force H2 . With change in the length of the airgap, the operation will be essentially along that curve and the magnetwill lose little of its original magnetization.

There are several other grades of Alnico with characteristics betweencurves 4, 5, and 6. Ceramic PM materials have a very large coerciveforce.

The steels for permanent magnets are cut in strips, heated to a red-hottemperature, and forged into shape, usually in a ‘‘bulldozer.’’ If they areto be machined, they are cooled in mica dust to prevent air hardening.They are then ground, tumbled, and tempered. Alnico and ceramic typesare cast and then finish-ground.

Permanent magnets are magnetized either by placing them over a busbar carrying a large direct current, by placing them across the poles of apowerful electromagnet, or by an ampere-turn pulse.

Unless permanent magnets are subjected to artificial aging, theygradually weaken until after a long period they become stabilized usu-ally at from 85 to 90 percent of their initial strength. With magnets forelectrical instruments, where a constant field strength is imperative,artificial aging is accomplished by mechanical vibration or by immer-sion in oil at 250°F for a period of a few hours.

In an electromagnet the magnetic field is produced by an electriccurrent. The core is usually made of soft iron or mild steel because, thepermeability being higher, a stronger magnetic field may be obtained.Also since the retentivity is low, there is little trouble due to the stickingof armatures when the circuit is opened. Electromagnets may have theform of simple solenoids, iron-clad solenoids, plunger electromagnets,electromagnets with external armatures, and lifting magnets, which arecircular in form with a flat holding surface.

Table 15.1.28 Maximum Pull per Square Inch of Core for Solenoids w

TotalLength of Length of Core area ampere-turns Max pullcoil l, in plunger, in A, in2 I 3 n P, psi 1,000 3 C

6 Long 1.0 15,900 22.4 9.09 Long 1.0 11,330 11.5 9.19 Long 1.0 14,200 14.6 9.2

10 10 2.76 40,000 40.2 10.010 10 2.76 60,000 61.6 10.3

10 10 2.76 80,000 80.8 10.1

SOURCE: From data by Underhill, Elec. World, 45, 1906, pp. 796, 881.

movable iron rod or bar called a plunger. When the coil is energized, theiron rod becomes magnetized and the mutual action of the field in thesolenoid on the poles created on the plunger causes the plunger to movewithin the solenoid. This force becomes zero only when the magneticcenters of the plunger and solenoid coincide. If the load is attached tothe plunger, work will be done until the force to be overcome is equal tothe force that the solenoid exerts on the plunger. When the iron of theplunger is not saturated, the strength of magnetic field in the solenoidand the induced poles are both proportional to the exciting current, sothat the pull varies as the current squared. When the plunger becomeshighly saturated, the pull varies almost directly with the current.

The maximum uniform pull occurs when the end of the plunger is atthe center of the solenoid and is equal to

F 5 CAnI/l lb (15.1.134)

where A 5 cross-sectional area of plunger, in2; n 5 number of turns; I 5current, A; l 5 length of the solenoid, in; and C 5 pull, (lb/in2)/(A-turn/in). C depends on the proportions of the coil, the degree of saturation,the length, and the physical and chemical purity of the plunger. Table15.1.28 gives values of C for several different solenoids.

Curve 1, Fig. 15.1.98, shows the characteristic pull of an open-magnetic circuit solenoid, 12 in long, having 10,000 A-turns or 833A-turns/in.

Fig. 15.1.98 Pull on solenoid with plunger. (1) Coil and plunger; (2) coil andplunger with stop; (3) iron-clad coil and plunger; (4) and (5) same as (3) withdifferent lengths of stop.

When a strong pull is desired at the end of the stroke, a stop may beused as shown in Fig. 15.1.99. Curve 2, Fig. 15.1.98, shows the pullobtained by adding a stop to the plunger. It will be noted that, exceptwhen the end of the plunger is near the stop, the stop adds little to the

Open Magnetic Circuit

Totalength of Length of Core area ampere-turns Max pull

coil l, in plunger, in A, in2 I 3 n P, psi 1,000 3 C

12 Long 1.0 11,200 8.75 9.412 Long 1.0 20,500 16.75 9.818 36 1.0 18,200 9.8 9.718 36 1.0 41,000 22.5 9.818 18 1.0 18,200 9.8 9.7

18 18 1.0 41,000 22.5 9.8

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solenoid pull. The pull is made up of two components: one due to theattraction between plunger and winding, the other to the attraction be-tween plunger and stop. The equation for the pull is

P 5 AIn[(In/l2aC 2

1) 1 (C/l )] (15.1.135)

where A 5 area of the core, in2; n 5 number of turns; la 5 length of gapbetween core and stop; and C, C1 5 constants. At the beginning of thestroke the second member of the equation is predominant, and at the end

to hold the load. The actual lifting is performed by the hoisting appa-ratus. The magnet is almost toroidal in shape. The coil shield is ofmanganese steel which is very hard and thus resists wear and is practi-cally nonmagnetic. The holding power is given by Eq. (15.1.136),where A 5 area of holding surface, in2. It is difficult to calculate accu-rately the holding force of a lifting magnet for it depends on the mag-netic characteristics of the load, the area of contact, and the manner inwhich the load is applied.

Rapid action in a magnet can be obtained by reducing the time con-stant of the winding and by subdividing the metal parts to reduce in-

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Fig. 15.1.99 Solenoid with stop.

of the stroke the first member represents practically the entire pull.Approximate values of C and C1 are C1 5 2,660 (for l greater than 10d),C 5 0.0096, where d is the diameter of the plunger, in. In SI units

P 5 1.7512AnIS2.54nI




lD N (15.1.135a)

where A is in cm2, l and la in cm, and the pull P in N. All other quantitiesare unchanged.

The range of uniform pull can be extended by the use of conical endsof stop and plunger, as shown in Fig. 15.1.100. A stronger magnetmechanically can be obtained by using an iron-clad solenoid, Fig.15.1.101, in which an iron return path is provided for the flux. Exceptfor low flux densities and short air gaps the dimensions of the iron

Fig. 15.1.100 Conical plunger and stop.

return path are of no practical importance, and the fact that an ironreturn path is used does not affect the pull curve except at short air gaps.This is illustrated in Fig. 15.1.98 where curves 3, 4, and 5 are typicalpull curves for this same solenoid when it is made iron-clad, each curvecorresponding to a different position of the stop.

Fig. 15.1.101 Iron-clad solenoid.

Mechanical jar at the end of the stroke may be prevented by leavingthe end of the solenoid open. The plunger then comes to equilibriumwhen its middle is at the middle of the winding, thus providing a mag-netic cushion effect. Electromagnets with external armatures are bestadapted for short-range work, and the best type is the horseshoe magnet.The pull for short-range magnets is expressed by the equation

F 5 B2A/72,134,000 lb (15.1.136)

where B 5 flux density, Mx/in2, and A 5 area of the core, in2.In SI units

F 5 397,840B2A N (15.1.136a)

where the flux density B is in Wb/m2; A 5 area, m2; and F 5 force, N.A greater holding power is obtained if the surfaces of the armature

and core are not machined to an absolutely smooth contact surface. Ifthe surface is slightly irregular, the area of contact A is reduced but theflux density B is increased approximately in proportion (if the iron isbeing operated below saturation) and the pull is increased since it variesas the square of the density B. Nonmagnetic stops should be used if it isdesired that the armature may be released readily when the current isinterrupted.

Lifting magnets are of the portative type in that their function is merely

duced currents which have a demagnetizing effect when the circuit isclosed. The movement of the plunger through the winding causes thewinding and its bobbin to be cut by a magnetic field; if the bobbin is ofmetal and not slotted longitudinally, it is a short-circuited turn linked bya changing magnetic field and hence currents are induced in it. Thesecurrents oppose the flux and hence reduce the pull during the transientperiod. They also cause some heating. Where it is found impossible toreduce the time constant sufficiently, an electromagnet designed for avoltage much lower than normal is often used. A resistor is connected inseries which is short-circuited during the stroke of the plunger. At thecompletion of the stroke the plunger automatically opens the short cir-cuit, reducing the current to a value which will not overheat the magnetunder continuous operation. The extremely short time of overload pro-duces very rapid action but does not injure the winding. The solenoidson many automatic motor-starting panels are designed in this manner.

When slow action is desired, it can be obtained by using solid coresand yoke and by using a heavy metallic spool or bobbin for the winding.A separate winding short-circuited on itself is also used to some extent.

Sparking at switch terminals may be reduced or eliminated by neu-tralizing the inductance of the winding. This is accomplished by wind-ing a separate short-circuited coil with its wires parallel to those of theactive winding. (This method can be used with dc magnets only.) This isnot economical, since one-half the winding space is wasted. By con-necting a capacitor across the switch terminals, the energy of the induc-tive discharge on opening the circuit may be absorbed. For the purposeof neutralizing the inductive discharge and causing a quick release, asmall reverse current may be sent through the coil winding automaticallyon opening the circuit. Sleeves of tin, aluminum, or copper foil placedover the various layers of the winding absorb energy when the circuit isbroken and reduce the energy dissipated at the switch terminals. Thisscheme can be used for dc magnets only. Sticking of the parts of themagnetic circuit due to residual magnetism may be prevented by the useof nonmagnetic stops. In the case of lifting magnets subjected to roughusage and hard blows (as in a steel works), these stops usually consist ofplates of manganese steel, which are extremely hard and nonmagnetic.

AC Tractive Magnets Because of the iron losses due to eddycurrents, the magnetic circuits of ac electromagnets should be com-posed of laminated iron or steel. The magnetic circuit of large magnetsis usually built up of thin sheets of sheet metal held together by meansof suitable clamps. Small cores of circular cross section usually consistof a bundle of soft iron wires. Since the iron losses increase with the fluxdensity, it is not advisable to operate at as high a density as with directcurrent. The current instead of being limited by the resistance of thewinding is now determined almost entirely by the inductive reactance asthe resistance is small. With the removal of the load the current rises tohigh values. The pull of ac magnets is nearly constant irrespective of thelength of air gap.

In a single-phase magnet the pull varies from zero to a maximum andback to zero twice every cycle, which may cause considerable chatter-ing of the armature against the stop. This may be prevented by the use ofa spring or, in the case of a solenoid coil, by allowing the plunger to seekits position of equilibrium in the coil. Chattering may also be preventedby the use of a short-circuited winding or shading coil around one tip ofthe pole piece or by the use of polyphase. In a two-phase magnet the pullis constant and equal to the maximum instantaneous pull produced byone phase so long as the voltage is a sine function. In a three-phasemagnet under the same conditions the pull is constant and equal to 1.5times the maximum instantaneous pull of one phase. Should the load

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become greater than the minimum instantaneous pull, there will bechattering as in a single-phase magnet.

Heating of Magnets The lifting capacity of an electromagnet islimited by the permissible current-carrying capacity of the winding,which, in turn, is dependent on the amount of heat energy that thewinding can dissipate per unit time without exceeding a given tempera-ture rise. Enamels, synthetic varnishes, and thermoplastic wire insulationsare available to allow a wide variety of temperature rises.

Design of Exciting Coil Let n 5 number of turns, l 5 mean lengthof turn, in (l 5 2pr, where r is the mean radius, in), A 5 cross section of

section with insulation of negligible thickness, wound as shown in Fig.15.1.102a, the space factor will be 78.5 percent. When the turns of wireare ‘‘bedded,’’ as shown in Fig. 15.1.102b (the case in most windings,particularly with smaller wires), there is a theoretical gain of about 7percent in space factor. Experiments have shown that in most cases thisgain is about neutralized in practice by the flattening out of the insula-tion of the wire due to the tension used in winding. When wound in ahaphazard manner, the space factors of magnet wires vary according tosize, substantially as follows:

44 A



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wire, cir mils. The resistance of 1 cir mil ? ft of copper is practically 12 Vat 60°C, or 1 V/cir mil ? in. Hence the resistance, R 5 nl/A V; thecurrent, I 5 EA/nl; the ampere-turns, nI 5 EA/l; the power to be dissi-pated, P 5 E2A/nl W. From the foregoing equations the cross section ofwire and the number of turns can be calculated.

Fig. 15.1.102 Winding space factor.

Space Factor of Winding Space factor of a coil is the ratio of thespace occupied by the conductor to the total volume of the coil orwinding. Only in the theoretical case of uninsulated square or rectangu-lar conductor may the space factor be 100 percent. For wire of circular

Table 15.1.29 Magnet-Wire Dimensions, Sizes 14 to


Bare wire diameter, in

Minimum Nominal Maximum

14 0.0635 0.0641 0.064415 0.0565 0.0571 0.057416 0.0503 0.0508 0.0511

17 0.0448 0.0453 0.0455 018 0.0399 0.0403 0.0405 019 0.0355 0.0359 0.0361 0

20 0.0317 0.0320 0.0322 021 0.0282 0.0285 0.0286 022 0.0250 0.0253 0.0254 0

23 0.0224 0.0226 0.0227 024 0.0199 0.0201 0.0202 025 0.0177 0.0179 0.0180 0

26 0.0157 0.0159 0.0160 027 0.0141 0.0142 0.0143 028 0.0125 0.0126 0.0127 0

29 0.0112 0.0113 0.0114 030 0.0099 0.0100 0.0101 0

31 0.0088 0.0089 0.0090 032 0.0079 0.0080 0.0081 033 0.0070 0.0071 0.0072 0

34 0.0062 0.0063 0.0064 035 0.0055 0.0056 0.0057 036 0.0049 0.0050 0.0051 0

37 0.0044 0.0045 0.0046 038 0.0039 0.0040 0.0041 039 0.0034 0.0035 0.0036 0

40 0.0030 0.0031 0.0032 041 0.0027 0.0028 0.0029 042 0.0024 0.0025 0.0026 0

43 0.0021 0.0022 0.0023 044 0.0019 0.0020 0.0021 0

SOURCE: ‘‘Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineers,’’ Fink and Carrol,

Double cotton covered Single cotton covered

Size, AWG 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35Space factor, % 60 53.8 45.5 35.1 32.2 32 25.7 16

Magnet wire is usually a soft insulated annealed copper wire of highconductivity. It can be obtained in square, rectangular, and circularsection, but the round or cylindrical wire is used almost entirely in thesmaller sizes. Ribbons are frequently used in the larger sizes. Aluminumhas been used at times. A number of different varnish or enamel insulat-ing compounds are available in different temperature classes, up to220°C, the temperature rating and thickness for dielectric strength beingdependent on the usage. Where mechanical strength is important andspace is not at a premium, textile or paper insulation is used on the wiresand later varnish impregnated for high dielectric strength. Asbestos-covered magnet wire is used where the temperature is high. It combines


Single Heavy

inimum Maximum Minimum Maximumrease in overall increase in overallameter, diameter, diameter, diameter,

in in in in

.0016 0.0666 0.0032 0.0682

.0015 0.0594 0.0030 0.0609

.0014 0.0531 0.0029 0.0545

.0014 0.0475 0.0028 0.0488

.0013 0.0424 0.0026 0.0437

.0012 0.0379 0.0025 0.0391

.0012 0.0339 0.0023 0.0351

.0011 0.0303 0.0022 0.0314

.0011 0.0270 0.0021 0.0281

.0010 0.0243 0.0020 0.0253

.0010 0.0217 0.0019 0.0227

.0009 0.0194 0.0018 0.0203

.0009 0.0173 0.0017 0.0182

.0008 0.0156 0.0016 0.0164

.0008 0.0140 0.0016 0.0147

.0007 0.0126 0.0015 0.0133

.0007 0.0112 0.0014 0.0119

.0006 0.0100 0.0013 0.0108

.0006 0.0091 0.0012 0.0098

.0005 0.0081 0.0011 0.0088

.0005 0.0072 0.0010 0.0078

.0004 0.0064 0.0009 0.0070

.0004 0.0058 0.0008 0.0063

.0003 0.0052 0.0008 0.0057

.0003 0.0047 0.0007 0.0051

.0002 0.0041 0.0006 0.0045

.0002 0.0037 0.0006 0.0040

.0002 0.0033 0.0005 0.0036

.0002 0.0030 0.0004 0.0032

.0002 0.0026 0.0004 0.0029

.0001 0.0024 0.0004 0.0027

McGraw-Hill, New York, 1968.

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resistance to heat and abrasion, can resist mild acids, has good dielectricstrength, and is fireproof.

Table 15.1.29 gives the diameters of magnet wire with the differenttypes of insulation. For further data on electrical insulating materials,see Sec. 6.


Automobile Ignition Systems

The ignition system in an automobile produces the spark which ignites Fig. 15.1.104 Battery-ignition system.

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the combustible mixture in the engine cylinders. This is accomplishedby a high-voltage, or high-tension, spark between metal points in aspark plug. (A spark plug is an insulated bushing screwed into thecylinder head.) Spark plugs usually have porcelain insulation, but forsome special uses, such as in airplane engines, mica may be used. Thereare two general sources for the energy necessary for ignition; one is theelectrical system of the car which is maintained by the generator and thebattery (battery ignition), and the other is a magneto. Battery ignitionsystems have traditionally operated electromechanically, using a sparkcoil, a high-voltage distributor, and low-voltage breaker points. Elec-tronic ignition systems, working from the battery, became standard onU.S. cars in 1975. These vary in complexity from the use of a singletransistor to reduce the current through the points to pointless systemstriggered by magnetic pulses or interrupted light beams. Capacitor dis-charge into a pulse transformer is used in some systems to obtain thehigh voltage needed to fire the spark plugs.

Battery ignition is most widely used since it is simple, reliable, andlow in cost, and the electrical system is a part of the car equipment. Thehigh voltage for the spark is obtained from an ignition coil which con-sists of a primary coil of relatively few turns and a secondary coil of alarge number of turns, both coils being wound on a common magneticcore consisting of either thin strips of iron or small iron wires. In a 6-Vsystem the resistance of the primary coil is from 0.9 to 2 V and theinductance is from 5 to 10 mH. The number of secondary turns variesfrom 9,000 to 25,000, and the ratio of primary to secondary turns variesfrom 1 : 40 to 1 : 100.

The coil operates on the following principle. It stores energy in amagnetic field relatively slowly and then releases it suddenly. Thepower developed ( p 5 dw/dt) is thus relatively large (w 5 stored en-ergy). The high emf e2 which is required for the spark is induced by thesudden change in the flux f in the core of the coil when the primarycurrent is suddenly interrupted, e2 5 2 n2(df/dt), where n2 is the num-ber of secondary turns. For satisfactory ignition, peak voltages from 10to 20 kV are desirable. Figure 15.1.103 shows the relation between thevolts required to produce a spark and pressure with compressed air.

Fig. 15.1.103 Pressure-voltage curve for spark plug.

A battery ignition system for a four-cylinder engine is shown dia-grammatically in Fig. 15.1.104. The primary circuit supplied by thebattery consists of the primary coil P and a set of contacts, or ‘‘points’’operated by a four-lobe cam, in series. In order to reduce arcing andburning of the contacts and to produce a sharp break in the current, acapacitor C is connected across the contacts. The contacts, which are ofpure tungsten, are operated by a four-lobe cam which is driven at one-half engine speed. A strong spring tends to keep the contacts closed.

In the Delco-Remy distributor (Fig. 15.1.105) two breaker arms areconnected in parallel; one coil and one capacitor are used. One set ofcontacts is open when the other is just breaking but closes a few degrees

after the break occurs. This closes the primary of the ignition coil im-mediately after the break and increases the time that the primary of theignition coil is closed and permits the flux in the iron to reach its fullvalue. The interrupter shown in Fig. 15.1.105 is designed for an eight-cylinder engine.

Fig. 15.1.105 Delco-Remy eight-cylinder interrupter.

Electronic ignition systems have no problem operating at the requiredspeed.

The spark should advance with increase in engine speed so as toallow for the time lag in the explosion. To take care of this automaticallymost timers are now equipped with centrifugally operated weightswhich advance the breaker cam with respect to the engine drive as thespeed increases.

Automobile Lighting and Starting Systems

Automobile lighting and starting systems initially operated at 6 V, but atpresent nearly all cars, except the smaller ones, operate at 12 V becauselarger engines, particularly V-8s, are now common and require morestarting power. With 12 V, for the same power, the starting current ishalved, and the effect of resistance in the leads, connections, andbrushes is materially reduced. In some systems the positive side of thesystem is grounded, but more often the negative side is grounded.

A further development is the application of an ac generator, or alter-nator, combined with a rectifier as the generating unit rather than theusual dc generator. One advantage is the elimination of the commutator,made up of segments, which requires some maintenance due to thesparking and wear of the carbon brushes. With the alternator the dc fieldrotates, the brushes operating on smooth slip rings require almost nomaintenance. Also, the system is greatly simplified by the fact thatrectifiers are ‘‘one-way’’ devices, and the battery cannot deliver currentback to the generator when its voltage drops below that of the battery.Thus, no cutout relay, such as is required with dc generators, is neces-sary. This ac development is the result of the development of reliable,low-cost germanium and silicon semiconductor rectifiers.

Figure 15.1.106 shows a schematic diagram of the Ford system(adapted initially to trucks). The generator stator is wound three-phaseY-connected, and the field is bipolar supplied with direct currentthrough slip rings and brushes. The rectifier diodes are connected full-wave bridge circuit to supply the battery through the ammeter.

Regulator The function of the regulator is to control the generatorcurrent so that its value is adapted to the battery voltage which is relatedto the condition of charge of the battery (see Fig. 15.1.15). Thus, whenthe battery voltage drops (indicating a lowered condition of charge), thecurrent should be increased, and, conversely, when the battery voltageincreases (indicating a high condition of charge), the current should bedecreased.

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Fig. 15.1.106 Schematic diagram of Ford lighting and starting system.

Neglecting for the moment the starting procedure, when the ignitionswitch is thrown to the normal ‘‘on’’ position at c, the coil actuating thefield relay is connected to the battery 1 terminal and causes the relaycontacts a to close. This energizes the regulator circuits, and, if the twoupper voltage regulator contacts b are closed as shown, the rotating fieldof the alternator is connected directly to the battery 1 terminal, and thefield current is then at its maximum value and produces a high generatorvoltage and large output current. At the same time the voltage regulatorcoil in series with the 0.3- and 14-V resistors is connected between thebattery 1 terminal and ground. If the voltage of the battery rises owing

terminal of the ignition coil through the protective resistor R. After themotor starts, the ignition switch contacts spring to the normal operatingposition C, and the starter relay switch opens, thereby breaking contactwith the small brush e. However, when contact C is closed, the ignitioncoil primary terminal is now connected through leads to the battery 1terminal. The interrupter, the ignition coil, and the distributor now oper-ate in the manner described earlier (see Fig. 15.1.104); the systemshown in Fig. 15.1.106 is that for a six-cylinder engine.

The connection of accessories to the electric system is illustrated inFig. 15.1.106 for the horn, head and other lights, and temperature and

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to its higher condition of charge, the current to the voltage regulator coilincreases, causing it to open the two upper contacts at b. Current fromthe battery now flows through the 0.3-V resistor and divides, somegoing through the 10-V resistor and dividing between the field and the50-V resistor, and the remainder going to the voltage regulator coil. Thecurrent to the rotating field is thus reduced, causing the alternator outputto be reduced. Because of the 0.3 V now in circuit, the current to the coilof the voltage regulator is reduced to such a value that it holds the centercontact at b in the mid, or open, position. If the battery voltage rises toan even higher value, the regulator coil becomes strong enough to closethe lower contacts at b; this short-circuits the field, reducing its currentalmost to zero, and thus reducing the alternator output to zero. On theother hand when the battery voltage drops, the foregoing sequence isreversed, and the contacts at b operate to increase the current to thealternator field.

As was mentioned earlier, the battery cannot supply current to thealternator because of the ‘‘one-way’’ characteristic of the rectifier.Thus, when the alternator voltage drops below that of the battery andeven when the alternator stops running, its current automatically be-comes zero. The alternator has a normal rectifier open-circuit voltage ofabout 14 V and a rating of 20 A.

Starting In most cases, for starting, the ignition key is turned far tothe right and held there until the motor starts. Then, when the key isreleased, the ignition switch contacts assume a normal operating posi-tion. Thus, in Fig. 15.1.106, when the ignition-switch contact is in thestarting position S, the starter relay coil becomes connected by a lead tothe battery 1 terminal and thus becomes energized, closing the relaycontacts. The starter motor is then connected to the battery to crank theengine. At the time that the contact closes it makes contact with a smallmetal brush e which connects the battery 1 terminal to the primary

fuel gages.

Magneto Ignition

Principle of Magneto A magneto is an electric generator in whichthe magnetic flux is provided by one or more permanent magnets. It is aself-contained unit and is used advantageously for ignition where agenerator and a battery are not needed to supply power to other acces-sories. The design of magnetos was radically changed when Alnico,with its very high retentivity (Fig. 15.1.97), became available as a per-manent-magnet material. One method of utilizing Alnico magnets is toinsert the bar magnets in the frame of the magneto (Fig. 15.1.107). Therotor is a soft-iron bobbin. A primary winding of relatively few turnsand a secondary winding of a relatively large number of turns are woundover the laminated yoke Y. The position of the rotor shown in (a) pro-vides a low reluctance path for the magnetic flux of the left-hand mag-

Fig. 15.1.107 Magneto-ignition system.

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net and a high reluctance path for the magnetic flux of the right-handmagnet so that the flux goes through the yoke from left to right asshown. When the rotor turns one-eighth of a revolution, it becomeshorizontal; obviously, each of the magnets acts in opposition relative tothe yoke, and the flux therein becomes zero. In (b), which also showsthe external electrical connections, the rotor is shown as having turnedone-fourth of a revolution, or 90°, from its position in (a).

The rotor now provides a low-reluctance path for the right-hand mag-net and a high-reluctance path for the left-hand one. Thus the magneticflux now goes through the yoke from right to left. It follows that in each

not sufficient to produce a hot spark. This difficulty can be met byimpulse starting, in which the rotor is driven through a spring. Duringcranking the rotor is restrained from turning until the engine comes tothe proper firing position, at which time the rotor is suddenly released.The energy stored in the spring produces a high, instantaneous, angularvelocity to the rotor, resulting in a high emf and hot spark.

Inductor-type magnetos, having a large number of rotor poles andarranged differently from those shown in Fig. 15.1.107, are used forairplane-engine ignition. In another magneto design the rotor is a solidcylindrical Alnico magnet, permanently magnetized with an N and an S


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90° interval the flux in the yoke undergoes a complete reversal. It willbe recognized that this is an inductor type of ac generator.

In the diagram in (b), one end each of the primary and of the second-ary are grounded together. The other end of the primary is connected toan insulated interrupter lever having a contact point P. This makesintermittent contact with the grounded contact point P9. The contactpoint P is actuated by a cam which is driven by the same shaft as themagneto rotor and is in a definite relation to it. A switch S9 is providedto ground and thus short-circuit the secondary when it is desired to stopthe engine. A capacitor C is connected between the point P and groundto absorb the energy of the spark which occurs when the contacts open.

With the contacts closed, the primary is short-circuited, and the vary-ing flux in the core produced by the rotation of the rotor induces analternating current in the winding which in turn produces an alternatingflux in the core. With the rotation of the rotor the current in the second-ary rises cyclically to maximum values, and at these instants the camcauses the points PP9 to open suddenly, interrupting the current in theprimary and thus causing a sudden collapse of the flux in the core. Thisinduces a high-impulse emf in the secondary which is transmitted to thedistributor and thence to the proper spark plug as shown.

On starting, the speed of the magneto may be so low that the emf is

15.2 ELE

by Byron M

REFERENCES: ‘‘Reference Data for Radio Engineers,’’ Howard Sams & Co.‘‘Transistor Manual,’’ General Electric Co. ‘‘SCR Manual,’’ General Electric Co.‘‘The Semiconductor Data Book,’’ Motorola Inc. Fink, ‘‘Television Engineer-ing,’’ McGraw-Hill. ‘‘Industrial Electronics Reference Book,’’ Wiley. Mano,‘‘Digital and Logic Design,’’ Prentice-Hall. McNamara, ‘‘Technical Aspects ofData Communication,’’ Digital Press. Fletcher, ‘‘An Engineering Approach toDigital Design,’’ Prentice-Hall. ‘‘The TTL Data Book,’’ Texas Instruments, Inc.‘‘1988 MOS Products Catalog,’’ American Microsystems, InData Book,’’ National Semiconductor Corp. ‘‘CMOS StandardTexas Instruments, Inc. ‘‘Power MOSFET Transistor Data,’Franco, ‘‘Design with Operational Amplifiers and Analog Inte

pole diametrically opposite. The frame is laminated, and there is a yokewith primary and secondary windings. When the rotor rotates, its N andS poles produce an alternating flux in the yoke which induces a short-circuit current in the primary winding and the method of producing thespark is then the same as with Fig. 15.1.107b.

Miscellaneous Automobile ElectronicsSystems

The use of electronics on automobiles is expanding rapidly. Micropro-cessors are being installed to control many functions that were previ-ously not controlled or poorly controlled.

Air-fuel ratio is controlled from sensing oxygen in the exhaust system.Timing is based on crankshaft position, acceleration, and engine tem-perature. Air injection into exhaust and recirculation of exhaust reducesemissions. Knock is prevented by stopping untimely detonations. Diag-nosis of problems is performed. Car leveling and load matching aremade by shock absorber adjustments. Wheel spin is prevented. Trans-mission controls provide improved efficiency. Operator interfaces are bycathode ray tube, fluid crystal, vacuum fluorescent displays, and speech syn-thesis. Navigation aids are in a rudimentary state.


. Jones


Resistors, capacitors, reactors, and transformers are described earlier inthis section, along with basic circuit theory. These explanations areequally applicable to electronic circuits and hence are not repeated here.A description of additional components peculiar to electronic circuitsfollows.

diode, is an electronic device which offers unequalard and reverse current flow. Figure 15.2.1 shows the

ol for a diode. The arrow beside the diode shows the

c. ‘‘1988 LinearCell Data Book,’’’ Motorola, Inc.grated Circuits,’’

A rectifier, orresistance to forwschematic symb

direction of current flow. Current flow is taken to be the flow of positive

McGraw-Hill. Soclof, ‘‘Applications of Analog Integrated Circuits,’’ Prentice-Hall. Gibson, ‘‘Computer Systems Concepts and Design,’’ Prentice-Hall. Sedraand Smith, ‘‘Microelectronic Circuits,’’ HRW Saunders. Millman and Grabel,‘‘Microelectronics,’’ McGraw-Hill. Ghausi, ‘‘Electronic Devices and Circuits:Discrete and Integrated,’’ HRW Saunders. Savant, Roden, and Carpenter, ‘‘Elec-tronic Design Circuits and Systems,’’ Benjamin Cummings. Stearns and Hush,‘‘Digital Signal Analysis,’’ Prentice-Hall. Kassakian, Schlecht, and Verghese,‘‘Principles of Power Electronics,’’ Addison Wesley. Yariv, ‘‘Optical Electron-ics,’’ HRW Saunders.

The subject of electronics can be approached from the standpoint ofeither the design of devices or the use of devices. The practicing me-chanical engineer has little interest in designing devices, so the ap-proach in this article will be to describe devices in terms of their exter-nal characteristics.

Fig. 15.2.1 Diode schematic symbol.

charges, i.e., the arrow is counter to electron flow. Figure 15.2.2 showstypical forward and reverse volt-ampere characteristics. Notice that thescales for voltage and current are not the same for the first and thirdquadrants. This has been done so that both the forward and reversecharacteristics can be shown on a single plot even though they differ byseveral orders of magnitude.

Diodes are rated for forward current capacity and reverse voltagebreakdown. They are manufactured with maximum current capabilities

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ranging from 0.05 A to more than 1,000 A. Reverse voltage breakdownvaries from 50 V to more than 2,500 V. At rated forward current, theforward voltage drop varies between 0.7 and 1.5 V for silicon diodes.Although other materials are used for special-purpose devices, by farthe most common semiconductor material is silicon. With a forward

flow is initiated by a gate pulse. The schematic symbol for an SCR isshown in Fig. 15.2.4. The physical packaging of thyristors is similar tothat of rectifiers with similar ratings except, of course, that the thyristormust have an additional gate connection.

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Fig. 15.2.2 Diode forward-reverse characteristic.

current of 1,000 A and a forward voltage drop of 1 V, there would be apower loss in the diode of 1,000 W (more than 1 hp). The basic diodepackage shown in Fig. 15.2.3 can dissipate about 20 W. To maintain anacceptable temperature in the diode, it is necessary to mount the diodeon a heat sink. The manufacturer’s recommendation should be followedvery carefully to ensure good heat transfer and at the same time avoidfracturing the silicon chip inside the diode package.

Fig. 15.2.3 Physical diode package.

The selection of fuses or circuit breakers for the protection of rectifiersand rectifier circuitry requires more care than for other electronic de-vices. Diode failures as a result of circuit faults occur in a fraction of amillisecond. Special semiconductor fuses have been developed specifi-cally for semiconductor circuits. Proper protective circuits must be pro-vided for the protection of not only semiconductors but also the rest ofthe circuit and nearby personnel. Diodes and diode fuses have a short-circuit rating in amperes-squared-seconds (I 2t). As long as the I 2t ratingof the diode exceeds the I 2t rating of its protective fuse, the diode and itsassociated circuitry will be protected. Circuit breakers may be used toprotect diode circuits, but additional line impedance must be providedto limit the current while the circuit breaker clears. Circuit breakers donot interrupt the current when their contacts open. The fault is notcleared until the line voltage reverses at the end of the cycle of theapplied voltage. This means that the clearing time for a circuit breaker isabout 1⁄2 cycle of the ac input voltage. Diodes have a 1-cycle overcurrentrating which indicates the fault current the diode can carry for circuitbreaker protection schemes. Line inductance is normally provided tolimit fault currents for breaker protection. Often this inductance is in theform of leakage reactance in the transformer which supplies power tothe diode circuit.

A thyristor, often called a silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR), is a rectifierwhich blocks current in both the forward and reverse directions. Con-duction of current in the forward direction will occur when the anode ispositive with respect to the cathode and when the gate is pulsed positivewith respect to the cathode. Once the thyristor has begun to conduct, thegate pulse can return to 0 V or even go negative and the thyristor willcontinue to pass current. To stop the cathode-to-anode current, it isnecessary to reverse the cathode-to-anode voltage. The thyristor willagain be able to block both forward and reverse voltages until current

Fig. 15.2.4 Thyristor schematic symbol.

The gate pulse required to fire an SCR is quite small compared withthe anode voltage and current. Power gains in the range of 106 to 109 areeasily obtained. In addition, the power loss in the thyristor is very low,compared with the power it controls, so that it is a very efficient power-controlling device. Efficiency in a thyristor power supply is usually 97to 99 percent. When the thyristor blocks either forward or reversecurrent, the high voltage drop across the thyristor accompanies lowcurrent. When the thyristor is conducting forward current after havingbeen fired by its gate pulse, the high anode current occurs with a for-ward voltage drop of about 1.5 V. Since high voltage and high currentnever occur simultaneously, the power dissipation in both the on and offstates is low.

The thyristor is rated primarily on the basis of its forward-currentcapacity and its voltage-blocking capability. Devices are manufacturedto have equal forward and reverse voltage-blocking capability. Likediodes, thyristors have I 2t ratings and 1-cycle surge current ratings toallow design of protective circuits. In addition to these ratings, whichthe SCR shares in common with diodes, the SCR has many additionalspecifications. Because the thyristor is limited in part by its averagecurrent and in part by its rms current, forward-current capacity is afunction of the duty cycle to which the device is subjected. Since thethyristor cannot regain its blocking ability until its anode voltage isreversed and remains reversed for a short time, this time must be speci-fied. The time to regain blocking ability after the anode voltage has beenreversed is called the turn-off time. Specifications are also given forminimum and maximum gate drive. If forward blocking voltage is reap-plied too quickly, the SCR may fire with no applied gate voltage pulse.The maximum safe value of rate of reapplied voltage is called the dv/dtrating of the SCR. When the gate pulse is applied, current begins to flowin the area immediately adjacent to the gate junction. Rather quickly,the current spreads across the entire cathode-junction area. In somecircuits associated with the thyristor an extremely fast rate of rise ofcurrent may occur. In this event localized heating of the cathode mayoccur with a resulting immediate failure or in less extreme cases a slowdegradation of the thyristor. The maximum rate of change of current fora thyristor is given by its di /dt rating. Design for di /dt and dv/dt limits isnot normally a problem at power-line frequencies of 50 and 60 Hz.These ratings become a design factor at frequencies of 500 Hz andgreater. Table 15.2.1 lists typical thyristor characteristics.

A triac is a bilateral SCR. It blocks current in either direction until itreceives a gate pulse. It can be used to control in ac circuits. Triacs arewidely used for light dimmers and for the control of small universal acmotors. The triac must regain its blocking ability as the line voltagecrosses through zero. This fact limits the use of triacs to 60 Hz andbelow.

A transistor is a semiconductor amplifier. The schematic symbol for atransistor is shown in Fig. 15.2.5. There are two types of transistors,p-n-p and n-p-n. Notice that the polarities of voltage applied to thesedevices are opposite. In many sizes matched p-n-p and n-p-n devices areavailable. The most common transistors have a collector dissipationrating of 150 to 600 mW. Collector to base breakdown voltage is 20 to50 V. The amplification or gain of a transistor occurs because of twofacts: (1) A small change in current in the base circuit causes a large

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Table 15.2.1 Typical Thyristor Characteristics

Current, A1-cycle surge, di /dt, dv /dt, Turn-off

Voltage rms avg I2t, A2 ?s A A/ms V/ms time, ms

400 35 20 165 180 100 200 101,200 35 20 75 150 100 200 10

400 110 70 4,000 1,000 100 200 401,200 110 70 4,000 1,000 100 200 40

400 235 160 32,000 3,500 100 200 801,200 235 160 32,000 3,500 75 200 80

400 470 300 120,000 5,500 50 100 1501,200 470 300 120,000 5,500 50 100 150

change in current in the collector and emitter leads. This current ampli-fication is designated hfe on most transistor specification sheets. (2) Asmall change in base-to-emitter voltage can cause a large change ineither the collector-to-base voltage or the collector-to-emitter voltage.Table 15.2.2 shows basic ratings for some typical transistors. There is agreat profusion of transistor types so that the choice of type dependsupon availability and cost as well as operating characteristics.

are thyristors. Circuits with multiple power MOSFETs are limited toabout 20 kW. Thyristors are limited to about 1500 kW. As a point ofinterest, there are electric power applications in the hundreds of mega-watts which incorporate massively series and parallel thyristors. An


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Fig. 15.2.5 Transistor schematic symbol.

The gain of a transistor is independent of frequency over a widerange. At high frequency, the gain falls off. This cutoff frequency maybe as low as 20 kHz for audio transistors or as high as 1 GHz forradio-frequency (rf ) transistors.

The schematic symbols for the field effect transistor (FET) is shownin Fig. 15.2.6. The flow of current from source to drain is controlled byan electric field established in the device by the voltage applied betweenthe gate and the drain. The effect of this field is to change the resistanceof the transistor by altering its internal current path. The FET has anextremely high gate resistance (1012 V), and as a consequence, it is usedfor applications requiring high input impedance. Some FETs have beendesigned for high-frequency characteristics. The two basic construc-tions used for FETs are bipolar junctions and metal oxide semiconductors.The schematic symbols for each of these are shown in Fig. 15.2.6a and15.2.6b. These are called JFETs and MOSFETs to distinguish betweenthem. JFETs and MOSFETs are used as stand-alone devices and arealso widely used in integrated circuits. (See below, this section.)

A MOSFET with higher current capacity is called a power MOSFET.Table 15.2.3 shows some typical characteristics for power MOSFETs.Power MOSFETs are somewhat more limited in maximum power than

Table 15.2.2 Typical Transistor Characteristics

Collector-emitterJEDEC volts at breakdown, Collenumber Type BVCE

2N3904 n-p-n 402N3906 p-n-p 402N3055 n-p-n 1002N6275 n-p-n 1202N5458 JFET 40

2N5486 JFET 25

* JFET, current gain is not applicable.† High-frequency JFET—up to 400 MHz.

Fig. 15.2.6 Field-effect transistor. (a) Bipolar junction type (JFET); (b) metal-oxide-semiconductor type (MOSFET).

advantage of power MOSFETs is that they can be turned on and turnedoff by means of the gate-source voltage. Thus low-power electric con-trol can turn the device on and off. Thyristors can be turned on only bytheir gate voltage. To turn a thyristor off it is necessary for its high-powered anode-to-cathode voltage to be reversed. This factor adds

Table 15.2.3 Typical Power MOSFET Characteristics

PowerDrain Drain dissipation, Case

voltage Device amperes W type

600 MTH6N60 6.0 150 TO-218

400 MTH8N40 8.0 150 TO-218

100 MTH25N10 25 150 TO-218

50 MTH35N05 35 150 TO-218

600 MTP1N60 1.0 75 TO-220

400 MTP2N40 2.0 75 TO-220

100 MTP10N10 10 75 TO-220

200 MTE120N20 120 500 346-01

100 MTE150N10 150 500 346-01

50 MTE200N05 200 500 346-01

tor dissipation, Collector current, Current gain,c(25°C) Ic hfe

310 mW 200 mA 200310 mW 200 mA 200115 W 15 A 20250 W 50 A 30200 mW 9 mA *

200 mW †

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complication to many thyristor circuits. Another power device which issimilar to the power MOSFET is the insulated gate-bipolar transistor(IGBT). This device is a Darlington combination of a MOSFET and abipolar transistor (see Fig. 15.2.13). A low-power MOSFET first tran-sistor drives the base of a second high-power bipolar transistor. Thesetwo transistors are integrated in a single case. The IGBT is applied inhigh-power devices which use high-frequency switching. IGBTs areavailable in ratings similar to thyristors (see Table 15.2.1), so they arepower devices. The advantage of the IGBT is that it can be switched onand off by means of its gate. The advantage of an IGBT over a power

forward drop and the ignitron has 15 V forward drop. The ignitron hasan advantage over the thyristor in that it can carry extremely high over-load currents without damage. For this reason ignitrons are often used aselectronic ‘‘crowbars’’ which discharge electrical energy when a faultoccurs in a circuit.

Discrete-Component Circuits

Several common rectifier circuits are shown in Fig. 15.2.8. The wave-forms shown in this figure assume no line reactance. The presence ofline reactance will make a slight difference in the waveshapes and the

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MOSFET is that it can be made with higher power ratings.The unijunction is a special-purpose semiconductor device. It is a

pulse generator and widely used to fire thyristors and triacs as well as intiming circuits and waveshaping circuits. The schematic symbol for aunijunction is shown in Fig. 15.2.7. The device is essentially a siliconresistor. This resistor is connected to base 1 and base 2. The emitter isfastened to this resistor about halfway between bases 1 and 2. If apositive voltage is applied to base 2, and if the emitter and base 1 are atzero, the emitter junction is back-biased and no current flows in the

Fig. 15.2.7 Unijunction.

emitter. If the emitter voltage is made in-creasingly positive, the emitter junctionwill become forward-biased. When thisoccurs, the resistance between base 1 andbase 2 and between base 2 and the emittersuddenly switches to a very low value.This is a regenerative action, so that veryfast and very energetic pulses can be gen-erated with this device.

Before the advent of semiconductors,electronic rectifiers and amplifiers werevacuum tubes or gas-filled tubes. Some use

of these devices still remains. If an electrode is heated in a vacuum, itgives up surface electrons. If an electric field is established between thisheated electrode and another electrode so that the electrons are attractedto the other electrode, a current will flow through the vacuum. Electronsflow from the heated cathode to the cold anode. If the polarity is re-versed, since there are no free electrons around the anode, no currentwill flow. This, then, is a vacuum-tube rectifier. If a third electrode,called a control grid, is placed between the cathode and the anode, theflow of electrons from the cathode to the anode can be controlled. Thisis a basic vacuum-tube amplifier. Additional grids have been placedbetween the cathode and anode to further enhance certain characteristicsof the vacuum tube. In addition, multiple anodes and cathodes havebeen enclosed in a single tube for special applications such as radiosignal converters.

If an inert gas, such as neon or argon, is introduced into the vacuum,conduction can be initiated from a cold electrode. The breakdown volt-age is relatively stable for given gas and gas pressure and is in the rangeof 50 to 200 V. The nixie display tube is such a device. This tube con-tains 10 cathodes shaped in the form of the numerals from 0 to 9. If oneof these cathodes is made negative with respect to the anode in the tube,the gas in the tube glows around that cathode. In this way each of the 10numerals can be made to glow when the appropriate electrode is ener-gized.

An ignitron is a vapor-filled tube. It has a pool of liquid mercury in thebottom of the tube. Air is exhausted from the enclosure, leaving onlymercury vapor, which comes from the pool at the bottom. If no currentis flowing, this tube will block voltage whether the anode is plus orminus with respect to the mercury-pool cathode. A small rod called anignitor can form a cathode spot on the pool of mercury when it is with-drawn from the pool. The ignitor is pulled out of the pool by an electro-magnet. Once the cathode spot has been formed, electrons will continueto flow from the mercury-pool cathode to the anode until the anode-to-cathode voltage is reversed. The operation of an ignitron is very similarto that of a thyristor. The anode and cathode of each device performsimilar functions. The ignitor and gate also perform similar functions.The thyristor is capable of operating at much higher frequencies thanthe ignitron and is much more efficient since the thyristor has 1.5 V

conversion factors shown in Fig. 15.2.8. These waveshapes are equallyapplicable for loads which are pure resistive or resistive and inductive.In a resistive load the current flowing in the load has the same wave-shape as the voltage applied to it. For inductive loads, the current wave-shape will be smoother than the voltage applied. If the inductance ishigh enough, the ripple in the current may be indeterminantly small. Anapproximation of the ripple current can be calculated as follows:

I 5Edc PCT

200p fNL(15.2.1)

where I 5 rms ripple current, Edc 5 dc load voltage, PCT 5 percentripple from Fig. 15.2.8, f 5 line frequency, N 5 number of cycles ofripple frequency per cycle of line frequency, L 5 equivalent seriesinductance in load. Equation (15.2.1) will always give a value of ripplehigher than that calculated by more exact means, but this value is nor-mally satisfactory for power-supply design.

Capacitance in the load leads to increased regulation. At light loads,the capacitor will tend to charge up to the peak value of the line voltageand remain there. This means that for either the single full-wave circuitor the single-phase bridge the dc output voltage would be 1.414 timesthe rms input voltage. As the size of the loading resistor is reduced, or asthe size of the parallel load capacitor is reduced, the load voltage willmore nearly follow the rectified line voltage and so the dc voltage willapproach 0.9 times the rms input voltage for very heavy loads or forvery small filter capacitors. One can see then that dc voltage may varybetween 1.414 and 0.9 times line voltage due only to waveform changeswhen capacitor filtering is used.

Four different thyristor rectifier circuits are shown in Fig. 15.2.9.These circuits are equally suitable for resistive or inductive loads. It willbe noted that the half-wave circuit for the thyristor has a rectifier acrossthe load, as in Fig. 15.2.8. This diode is called a freewheeling diodebecause it freewheels and carries inductive load current when the thy-ristor is not conducting. Without this diode, it would not be possible tobuild up current in an inductive load. The gate-control circuitry is notshown in Fig. 15.2.9 in order to make the power circuit easier to see.Notice the location of the thyristors and rectifiers in the single-phasefull-wave circuit. Constructed this way, the two diodes in series performthe function of a free-wheeling diode. The circuit can be built with athyristor and rectifier interchanged. This would work for resistive loadsbut not for inductive loads. For the full three-phase bridge, a free-wheeling diode is not required since the carryover from the firing of oneSCR to the next does not carry through a large portion of the negativehalf cycle and therefore current can be built up in an inductive load.

Capacitance must be used with care in thyristor circuits. A capacitordirectly across any of the circuits in Fig. 15.2.9 will immediately de-stroy the thyristors. When an SCR is fired directly into a capacitor withno series resistance, the resulting di /dt in the thyristor causes extremelocal heating in the device and a resultant failure. A sufficiently highseries resistor prevents failure. An inductance in series with a capacitormust also be used with caution. The series inductance may cause thecapacitor to ‘‘ring up.’’ Under this condition, the voltage across thecapacitor can approach twice peak line voltage or 2.828 times rms linevoltage.

The advantage of the thyristor circuits shown in Fig. 15.2.9 over therectifier circuits is, of course, that the thyristor circuits provide variableoutput voltage. The output of the thyristor circuits depends upon themagnitude of the incoming line voltage and the phase angle at which the

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Fig. 15.2.8 Comparison of rectifier circuits.

thyristors are fired. The control characteristic for the thyristor powersupply is determined by the waveshape of the output voltage and also bythe phase-shifting scheme used in the firing-control means for the thy-ristor. Practical and economic power supplies usually have controlcharacteristics with some degree of nonlinearity. A representative char-acteristic is shown in Fig. 15.2.10. This control characteristic is usuallygiven for nominal line voltage with the tacit understanding that varia-tions in line voltage will cause approximately proportional changes inoutput voltage.

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Fig. 15.2.9 Basic thyristor circuits.

Fig. 15.2.10 Thyristor control characteristic.

Transistor amplifiers can take many different forms. A complete dis-cussion is beyond the scope of this handbook. The circuits describedhere illustrate basic principles. A basic single-stage amplifier is shown inFig. 15.2.11. The transistor can be cut off by making the input terminal

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sufficiently negative. It can be saturated by making the input terminalsufficiently positive. In the linear range, the base of an n-p-n transistorwill be 0.5 to 0.7 V positive with respect to the emitter. The collectorvoltage will vary from about 0.2 V to Vc (20 V, typically). Note thatthere is a sign inversion of voltage between the base and the collector;i.e., when the base is made more positive, the collector becomes lesspositive. The resistors in this circuit serve the following functions. Re-sistor R1 limits the input current to the base of the transistor so that it isnot harmed when the input signal overdrives. Resistors R2 and R3 es-tablish the transistor’s operating point with no input signal. Resistors R4

temperature drift and drift due to power supply voltage changes. Thedifferential amplifier minimizes drift because of the balanced nature ofthe circuit. Whatever changes in one transistor tend to increase theoutput are compensated by reverse trends in the second transistor. Theinput signal does not affect both transistors in compensatory ways, ofcourse, and so it is amplified. One way to look at a differential amplifieris that twice as many transistors are used for each stage of amplificationto achieve compensation. For very low drift requirements, matchedtransistors are available. For the ultimate in differential amplifier per-formance, two matched transistors are encapsulated in a single unit.

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and R5 determine the voltage gain of the amplifier. Resistor R4 alsoserves to stabilize the zero-signal operating point, as established byresistors R2 and R3. Usual practice is to design single-stage gains of 10to 20. Much higher gains are possible to achieve, but low gain levelspermit the use of less expensive transistors and increase circuit reliabil-ity.

Figure 15.2.12 illustrates a basic two-stage transistor amplifier usingcomplementary n-p-n and p-n-p transistors. Note that the first stage is

Fig. 15.2.11 Single-stageamplifier.

Fig. 15.2.12 Two-stage amplifier.

identical to that shown in Fig. 15.2.11. This n-p-n stage drives thefollowing p-n-p stage. Additional alternate n-p-n and p-n-p stages canbe added until any desired overall amplifier gain is achieved.

Figure 15.2.13 shows the Darlington connection of transistors. Theamplifier is used to obtain maximum current gain from two transistors.

Fig. 15.2.13 Darlington connection.

Assuming a base-to-collector current gain of 50 times for each transis-tor, this circuit will give an input-to-output current gain of 2,500. Thishigh level of gain is not very stable if the ambient temperature changes,but in many cases this drift is tolerable.

Figure 15.2.14 shows a circuit developed specifically to minimize

Fig. 15.2.14 Differential amplifier.

Operational amplifiers made with discrete components frequently usedifferential amplifiers to minimize drift and offset. The operational am-plifier is a low-drift, high-gain amplifier designed for a wide range ofcontrol and instrumentation uses.

Oscillators are circuits which provide a frequency output with nosignal input. A portion of the collector signal is fed back to the base ofthe transistor. This feedback is amplified by the transistor and so main-tains a sustained oscillation. The frequency of the oscillation is deter-mined by parallel inductance and capacitance. The oscillatory circuitconsisting of an inductance and a capacitance in parallel is called an LCtank circuit.

This frequency is approximately equal to

f 5 1/2p√CL (15.2.2)

where f 5 frequency, Hz; C 5 capacitance, F; L 5 inductance, H. A1-MHz oscillator might typically be designed with a 20-mH inductancein parallel with a 0.05-mF capacitor. The exact frequency will vary fromthe calculated value because of loading effects and stray inductance andcapacitance. The Colpitts oscillator shown in Fig. 15.2.15 differs fromthe Hartley oscillator shown in Fig. 15.2.16 only in the way energy is fedback to the emitter. The Colpitts oscillator has a capacitive voltage

Fig. 15.2.15 Colpitts oscillator. Fig. 15.2.16 Hartley oscillator.

divider in the resonant tank. The Hartley oscillator has an inductivevoltage divider in the tank. The crystal oscillator shown in Fig. 15.2.17has much greater frequency stability than the circuits in Figs. 15.2.15and 15.2.16. Frequency stability of 1 part in 107 is easily achieved witha crystal-controlled oscillator. If the oscillator is temperature-controlledby mounting it in a small temperature-controlled oven, the frequency

Fig. 15.2.17 Crystal-controlled oscillator.

stability can be increased to 1 part in 109. The resonant LC tank in thecollector circuit is tuned to approximately the crystal frequency. Thecrystal offers a low impedance at its resonant frequency. This pulls thecollector-tank operating frequency to the crystal resonant frequency.

As the desired operating frequency becomes 500 MHz and greater,resonant cavities are used as tank circuits instead of discrete capacitors

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and inductors. A rough guide to the relationship between frequency andresonant-cavity size is the wavelength of the frequency

l 5 300 3 106/f (15.2.3)

where l 5 wavelength, m; 300 3 106 5 speed of light, m/s; f 5frequency, Hz. The resonant cavities will be smaller than indicated byEq. (15.2.3) because in general the cavity is either one-half or one-fourth wavelength and also, in general, the electromagnetic wave veloc-ity is less in a cavity than in free space.

The operating principles of these devices are beyond the scope of this

the winding in the tank circuit and alters the operating frequency of theoscillator.

The demodulator for an AM signal is shown in Fig. 15.2.20. Thediode rectifies the carrier plus information signal so that the filtered

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article. There are many different kinds of microwave tubes includingklystrons, magnetrons, and traveling-wave tubes. All these tubes employmoving electrons to excite a resonant cavity. These devices serve aseither oscillators or amplifiers at microwave frequencies.

Lasers operate at a frequency of light of approximately 600 THz. Thiscorresponds to a wavelength of 0.5 mm, or, the more usual measure ofvisual-light wavelength, 5 3 103 A. Most laser oscillators are basicallya variation of the Fabry-Perot etalon, or interferometer. High-powerlasers may be gas, liquid, or ruby-based devices. High-power lasers areused for machining and surveying. A more recent device, invented in1961, is the semiconductor laser. The semiconductor laser is con-structed using gallium arsenide (GaAs) as the semiconductor material.These devices are quite small and can be controlled by means of field-effect transistors. The GaAs laser can be modulated (turned on and off )at a 10 GHz rate, making it ideal for modern fiber-optic communi-cations.

Most light is disorganized insofar as the axis of vibration and thefrequency of vibration are concerned. When radiation along differentaxes is attenuated, as with a polarizing screen, the light is said to bepolarized. White light contains all visible frequencies. When white lightis filtered, the remaining light is colored, or frequency-limited. A singlecolor of light still contains a broad range of frequencies. Polarized,colored light is still so disorganized that it is difficult to focus the lightenergy into a narrow beam. Laser light is inherently a single-axis, sin-gle-frequency light. Lasers can be focused into an extremely narrowbeam, making them very accurate cutting tools and surveying devices.Lasers are also widely used for high-speed, wide-frequency-band fiber-optic communications.

A radio wave consists of two parts, a carrier, and an informationsignal. The carrier is a steady high frequency. The information signalmay be a voice signal, a video signal, or telemetry information. Thecarrier wave can be modulated by varying its amplitude or by varying itsfrequency. Modulators are circuits which impress the information signalonto the carrier. A demodulator is a circuit in the receiving apparatuswhich separates the information signal from the carrier. A simple am-plitude modulator is shown in Fig. 15.2.18. The transistor is base-drivenwith the carrier input and emitter driven with the information signal.The modulated carrier wave appears at the collector of the transistor. An

Fig. 15.2.18 AM modulator.

FM modulator is shown in Fig. 15.2.19. The carrier must be changed infrequency in response to the information signal input. This is accom-plished by using a saturable ferrite core in the inductance of a Colpittsoscillator which is tuned to the carrier frequency. As the collectorcurrent in transistor T 1 varies with the information signal, the saturationlevel in the ferrite core changes, which in turn varies the inductance of

Fig. 15.2.19 FM modulator.

voltage appearing across the capacitor is the information signal. Resis-tor R2 blocks the carrier signal so that the output contains only theinformation signal. An FM demodulator is shown in Fig. 15.2.21. In thiscircuit, the carrier plus information signal has a constant amplitude. Theinformation is in the form of varying frequency in the carrier wave. If

Fig. 15.2.20 AM demodulator.

inductor L1 and capacitor C1 are tuned to near the carrier frequency butnot exactly at resonance, the current through resistor R1 will vary as thecarrier frequency shifts up and down. This will create an AM signalacross resistor R1. The diode, resistors R2 and R3, and capacitor C2demodulate this signal as in the circuit in Fig. 15.2.20.

Fig. 15.2.21 FM discriminator.

The waveform of the basic electronic timing circuit is shown in Fig.15.2.22 along with a basic timing circuit. Switch S1 is closed from timet 1 until time t 3. During this time, the transistor shorts the capacitor andholds the capacitor at 0.2 V. When switch S1 is opened at time t 3, thetransistor ceases to conduct and the capacitor charges exponentially dueto the current flow through resistor R1. Delay time can be measured toany point along this exponential charge. If the time is measured untiltime t 6, the timing may vary due to small shifts in supply voltage orslight changes in the voltage-level detecting circuit. If time is measureduntil time t 4, the voltage level will be easy to detect, but the obtainabletime delay from time t 3 to time t 4 may not be large enough comparedwith the reset time t 1 to t 2. Considerations like these usually dictatedetecting at time t 4. If this time is at a voltage level which is 63 percentof Vc , the time from t 3 to t 4 is one time constant of R1 and C. This timecan be calculated by

t 5 RC (15.2.4)

where t 5 time, s; R 5 resistance, V; C 5 capacitance, F. A timingcircuit with a 0.1-s delay can be constructed using a 0.1-mF capacitorand a 1.0-MV resistor.

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circuit devices are shown in Fig. 15.2.24. An IC costs far less thancircuits made with discrete components. Integrated circuits can be clas-sified in several different ways. One way to classify them is by com-plexity. Small-scale integration (SSI), medium-scale integration (MSI),large-scale integration (LSI), and very large scale integration (VLSI) refer

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Fig. 15.2.22 Basic timing circuit.

An improved timing circuit is shown in Fig. 15.2.23. In this circuit,the unijunction is used as a level detector, a pulse generator, and a resetmeans for the capacitor. The transistor is used as a constant currentsource for charging the timing capacitor. The current through the tran-sistor is determined by resistors R1, R2, and R3. This current is adjust-able by means of R1. When the charge on the capacitor reaches approx-imately 50 percent of Vc , the unijunction fires, discharging the capacitor

Fig. 15.2.23 Improved timing circuit.

and generating a pulse at the output. The discharged capacitor is thenrecharged by the transistor, and the cycle continues to repeat. The pulserate of this circuit can be varied from one pulse per minute to manythousands of pulses per second.

Integrated Circuits

Table 15.2.4 lists some of the more common physical packages fordiscrete component and integrated semiconductor devices. Althoughdiscrete components are still used for electronic design, integrated cir-cuits (ICs) are becoming predominant in almost all types of electronicequipment. Dimensions of common dual in-line pin (DIP) integrated-

Table 15.2.4 Semiconductor PhysicalPackaging

Signal devicesPlastic TO92Metal can TO5, TO18, TO39

Power devicesTab mount TO127, TO218, TO220Diamond case TO3, TO66Stud mountFlat baseFlat pak (Hockey puck)

Integrated circuitsDip (dual in-line pins) (See Fig. 15.2.24)Flat packChip carrier (50-mil centers)

Fig. 15.2.24 Approximate physical dimensions of dual in-line pin (DIP) inte-grated circuits. All dimensions are in inches. Dual in-line packages are made inthree different constructions—molded plastic, cerdip, and ceramic.

to this kind of classification. The cost and availability of a particular ICare more dependent upon the size of the market for that device than onthe level of its internal complexity. For this reason, the classification bycircuit complexity is not as meaningful today as it once was. The litera-ture still refers to these classifications, however. For the purpose of thistext, ICs will be separated into two broad classes: linear ICs and digitalICs.

The trend in IC development has been toward greatly increased com-plexity at significantly reduced cost. Present-day ICs are manufacturedwith internal spacings as low as 0.5 mm. The limitation of the contentsof a single device is more often controlled by external connections thanby internal space. For this reason, more and more complex combina-tions of circuits are being interconnected within a single device. There isalso a tendency to accomplish functions digitally that were formerlydone by analog means. Although these digital circuits are much morecomplex than their analog counterparts, the cost and reliability of ICsmake the resulting digital circuit the preferred design. One can expectthese trends will continue based on current technology. One can alsoanticipate further declines in price versus performance. It has beendemonstrated again and again that digital IC designs are much morestable and reliable than analog designs.

For years, the complexity of large-scale integrated circuits doubledeach year. This meant that, over a 10-year period, the complexity of asingle device increased by 210 times, or over 1000 times, and, over theperiod from 1960 to 1980 grew from one transistor on a chip to onemillion transistors on a chip. More recently the complexity increase hasfallen off to only 1.7 times, or 1.710, or over 200 times in a 10-yearperiod. Manufacturers also have developed application-specific inte-grated circuits (ASICs). These devices allow a circuit designer to designintegrated circuits almost as easily as printed board circuits.

Linear Integrated Circuits

The basic building block for many linear ICs is the operational amplifier.Table 15.2.5 lists the basic characteristics for a few representative ICoperational amplifiers. In most instances, an adequate design for anoperational amplifier circuit can be made assuming an ‘‘ideal’’ opera-tional amplifier. For an ideal operational amplifier, one assumes that it

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Table 15.2.5 Operational Amplifiers

Input bias Input Supply Unity-gainType Purpose current, nA res., V voltage, V Voltage gain bandwidth, MHz

LM741 General purpose 500 2 3 106 1 20 25,000 1.0LM224 Quad gen. purpose 150 2 3 106 3 to 32 50,000 1.0LM255 FET input 0.1 1012 1 22 50,000 2.5LM444A Quad FET input 0.005 1012 1 22 50,000 1.0

has infinite gain and no voltage drop across its input terminals. In mostdesigns, feedback is used to limit the gain of each operational amplifier.As long as the resulting closed-loop gain is much less than the open-loop gain of the operational amplifier, this assumption yields results thatare within acceptable engineering accuracy. Operational amplifiers usea balanced input circuit which minimizes input voltage offset. Further-more, specially designed operational amplifiers are available whichhave extremely low input offset voltage. The input voltage must be keptlow because of temperature drift considerations. For these reasons, theassumption of zero input voltage, sometimes called a ‘‘virtual ground,’’

R1 R2








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is justified. Figure 15.2.25 shows three operational amplifier circuitsand the equations which describe their behavior. In this figure S is theLaplace transform variable. In these equations the input and output volt-ages are functions of S. The equations are written in the frequencydomain. A simple transformation to steady variable-frequency behaviorcan be obtained by simply substituting cos vt for the variable S wher-ever it appears in the equation. By varying v, the frequency in radiansper second, one can obtain the steady-state frequency response of thecircuit.

Fig. 15.2.25 Operational amplifier circuits.

The operational amplifier circuits shown in Figs. 15.2.25, 15.2.26,15.2.27, and 15.2.28, show only the signal wires. There are additionalconnections to a dc power supply, and in some instances, to stabilizingcircuits and guard circuits. These connections have been omitted forconceptual clarity.

One of the most useful analog integrated circuits is the differenceamplifier. This is a balanced input amplifier that is a fundamental com-ponent in instrumentation and control applications. The difference am-plifier is shown in Fig. 15.2.26. This amplifier maximizes the voltagegain for Voutput/Vdif , the difference gain, and minimizes the voltage gainfor Voutput/VCM , the common-mode gain. There are two resistors in thecircuit shown as R1 and two resistors shown as R2. The resistancevalues of the two R1 resistors are equal, and similarly the resistancevalues of the two R2 resistors are equal. The difference gain is given by



5 2R2




Fig. 15.2.26 Difference amplifier.

The ratio of the common-mode gain to the difference gain is called thecommon-mode rejection ratio (CMRR). In a well-designed difference am-plifier, the CMRR is 2 80 dB. Stated another way, the common modegain is 10,000 times smaller than the difference gain. The differenceamplifier is the most common input to instrumentation amplifiers andanalog-to-digital converter circuits. Bridge-connected transducers havea common-mode voltage that is 100 times the difference voltage, ormore. Such transducers require a difference amplifier. The common-mode gain is highly dependent on the matching of the R1 resistors andthe R2 resistors. A 1 percent difference in these resistors causes theCMRR to be degraded to 2 30 or 2 40 dB.




















Fig. 15.2.27 Instrumentation amplifier.

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An instrumentation amplifier is a high-grade difference amplifier. Al-though there are many implementations of the instrumentation ampli-fier, the three op-amp circuit is quite common, and will illustrate thisdevice. Figure 15.2.27 shows the three op-amp instrumentation ampli-fier. This is a two-stage amplifier. The first stage is composed of ampli-fiers X1 and X2 and resistors R1, R2, and R2. The second stage is


amplitude increase at the resonant frequency. For the circuit shown inFig. 15.2.28, vN is given by

vN 51


and Q is given by

Q 51

2 2 (RB/RA)(15.2.10)

The filter shown in Fig. 15.2.28 is a two-pole low-pass filter. Higher-

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Fig. 15.2.28 Modified Sallen-Key filter circuit.

composed of amplifier X3 and resistors R3, R3, R4, and R4. TheCMRR is usually much lower for the instrumentation amplifier, typi-cally 2 120 dB. The differential mode gain is much higher for theinstrumentation amplifier. For stability and frequency response consid-erations, the difference gain of a normal difference amplifier is usually10 or less. For the instrumentation amplifier, the difference gain istypically 1000. In the circuit shown in Fig. 15.2.27, the difference gainof the first stage is given by



5(2 3 R2 1 R1)


The difference gain of the second is given by



5 2R4


The overall gain for the amplifier is the product of the individual stagegains. In the typical case the gain of the first stage is 100, and for thesecond stage is 10, giving an overall gain of 1,000. Integrated circuitinstrumentation amplifiers are available which include all of the cir-cuitry in Fig. 15.2.27. The resistors are matched so that the circuitdesigner does not have to contend with component matching.

A word about cost is in order. In 1994, high-grade operational ampli-fiers cost $0.50 for four op amps in a single IC chip, or about $0.125 foreach amplifier. The instrumentation amplifier is somewhat more expen-sive, but can be obtained for less than $5.00.

Filtering of electronic signals is often required. A filter passes somefrequencies and suppresses others. Filters may be classed as low pass,high pass, band pass, or band stop. Figure 15.2.28 shows a low-passactive filter circuit which is a modification of the Sallen-Key circuit. Inthis circuit, the two resistors labeled R are matched and the two capaci-tors labeled C are matched. The frequency response of this circuit isgiven by its transfer function:




S2 1vN

QS 1 v2



In this equation, vN is the resonant frequency of this circuit, in ra-dians per second, and Q is a quality factor that indicates the amount of

order filters—four pole, six, etc.—can be constructed by cascadingsections of two-pole filters. Thus, a six-pole low-pass filter would con-sist of three circuits of the configuration shown in the figure. The com-ponents R, R, C, C, RA, and RB would vary in each filter section.

Continuing with the low-pass filter, there are three common varia-tions in filter response: Butterworth response, Chebychev response, andelliptical response. The Butterworth filter has no ripple in either the passband or the stop band. The Chebychev filter has equal ripple variationsin the pass band, but is flat in the stop band, and the elliptical filter hasequal ripple variations in both the pass band and the stop band. There isa transition band of frequencies between the pass band and the stopband. The Butterworth filter has the greatest transition band. TheChebychev response has a sharper cutoff frequency characteristicthan the Butterworth response, and the elliptical response has thesharpest transition from pass band to stop band. The circuits shownin Figs. 15.2.27 and 15.2.28 can be used to realize Butterworth andChebychev filters. The elliptical filter requires a more complex circuit.

The high-pass filter can be formulated by substituting 1/S for S in Eq.(15.2.8). The circuit configuration for a high-pass filter is shown in Fig.15.2.29. Notice that only the position of the Rs and Cs have changed. Ingeneral, the values of Rs, Cs, RA, and RB will change for the high-fre-quency filter, so it would be inappropriate to design a low-pass filter andsimply reverse the positions of the Rs and Cs.










Fig. 15.2.29 High-pass filter section.

Band-pass and band-stop filters can be made by combinations oflow-pass and high-pass filter sections. Figure 15.2.30a shows the dia-gram configuration of filters to realize a band-pass filter. The low-passfilter would be designed for the high-frequency transition, and the high-pass filter would be designed for the low-frequency transition. Figure15.2.30b shows the block diagram configuration for a band-stop filter.The band-stop filter and the low-pass filter would be designed for thelow-frequency transition, and the high-pass filter would be designed forthe high-frequency transition. Band-pass and band-stop filters may alsobe realized by means of special high-Q circuits. A more complete dis-cussion of filter technology can be found in the references at the begin-ning of this section.

Table 15.2.6 lists some typical linear ICs, most of which containoperational amplifiers with additional circuitry. The voltage comparator

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Fig. 15.2.30 (a) Band-pass and (b) band-stop filters.

is an operational amplifier that compares two input voltages, V1 andV2. Its output voltage is positive when V1 is greater than V2, andnegative when V2 is greater than V1. The sample-and-hold circuit sam-ples an analog input voltage at prescribed intervals, which are deter-mined by an input clock pulse. Between clock pulses the circuit holdsthe sample voltage level. This circuit is useful in converting from ananalog voltage to a digital number whose value is proportional to theanalog voltage. An analog-to-digital (A/D) converter is a signal-convert-ing device which changes several analog signals into digital signals. Itconsists of an input difference amplifier, an analog time multiplexer, a

controlled oscillator is usually a rectangular ac wave rather than a sinewave. The NE555 timer/oscillator is a general-purpose timer/oscillatorwhich has been integrated into a single IC chip. It can function as amonostable multivibrator, a free-running multivibrator, or as a synchro-nized multivibrator. It can also be used as a linear ramp generator, or fortime delay or sequential timing applications.

Table 15.2.7 lists linear ICs that are used in audio, radio, and televi-sion circuits. The degree of complexity that can be incorporated in asingle device is illustrated by the fact that a complete AM-FM radiocircuit is available in a single IC device. The phase-locked loop is a

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sample-and-hold amplifier, a digital decoder, and the necessary logic tointerface with a digital computer. The A/D converter is programmable,in that a computer can set up the device for the requisite number of inputchannels and whether these input channels are differential inputs orsingle-ended inputs. The A/D converter typically takes eight differen-tial analog input signals and converts them to 10-, 12-, or 16-bit digitalsignals. Typical A/D converters convert signals at a rate of 200,000samples per second. Other types of A/D converters, such as flash con-verters, can convert over 10,000,000 samples per second.

A companion circuit to the A/D converter is the digital-to-analog(D/A) converter, which is used to convert from digital signals to analogsignals. This is also a programmable device, but in general the D/Aconverter is less complex than is the A/D converter. Voltage-regulatorsand voltage references are electronic circuits which create precision dcvoltage sources. The voltage reference is more precise than the voltageregulator. The voltage-controlled oscillator is a circuit which convertsfrom a dc signal to a proportional ac frequency. The output of a voltage-

Table 15.2.6 Linear Integrated-CircuitDevices

Operational amplifier Voltage comparatorSample and hold Digital-to-analog converterAnalog-to-digital converter Voltage referenceVoltage regulator NE555 Timer/oscillatorVoltage-controlled oscillator

device that is widely utilized for accurate frequency control. This deviceproduces an output frequency that is set by a digital input. It is a highlyaccurate and stable circuit. This circuit is often used to demodulate FMradio waves.

Table 15.2.8 lists linear IC circuits that are used in telecommunica-tions. These circuits include digital circuits within them and/or are usedwith digital devices. Whether these should be classed as linear ICs or

Table 15.2.7 Audio, Radio, and TelevisionIntegrated-Circuit Devices

Audio amplifier Tone-volume-balance circuitDolby filter circuit Phase-locked loop (PLL)Intermediate frequency circuit AM-FM radioTV chroma demodulator Digital tunerVideo-IF amplifier-detector

Table 15.2.8 TelecommunicationIntegrated-Circuit Devices

Radio-control transmitter-encoderRadio-control receiver-decoderPulse-code modulator–coder-decoder (PCM CODEC)Single-chip programmable signal processorTouch-tone generatorsModulator-demodulator (modem)

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digital ICs may be questioned. Several manufacturers include them intheir linear device listings and not with their digital devices, and for thisreason, they are listed here as linear devices. The radio-control transmit-ter-encoder and receiver-decoder provide a means of sending up to fourcontrol signals on a single radio-control frequency link. Each of the fourchannels can be either an on-off channel or a pulse-width-modulated(PWM) proportional channel. The pulse-code modulator–coder-decoder(PWM CODEC) is typical of a series of IC devices that have been de-signed to facilitate the design of digital-switched telephone circuits.

Integrated circuits are normally divided into two classes: linear or

until its ‘‘clock’’ input goes to a 1. At this time its output will stay in itspresent state or change to a new state depending upon its input just priorto the clock pulse. Its output will retain this information until the nexttime the clock goes to a 1. The flip-flop has memory, because it retainsits output from one clock pulse to another. By connecting several flip-flops together, several sequential states can be defined permitting thedesign of a sequential logic circuit.

Table 15.2.11 shows three common flip-flops. The truth table, some-times called a state table, shows the specification for the behavior ofeach circuit. The present output state of the flip-flop is designated Q(t).

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analog ICs and digital ICs. There are a few hybrid circuits which haveboth analog and digital characteristics. Some representative hybrid inte-grated circuits are listed in Table 15.2.9, and shown in Fig. 15.2.31. Inthe superdiode, there are two modes of operation. When the input signalis positive, the output of the op amp is negative, causing diode D2 toconduct and diode D1 to block current flow. When the input is negative,diode D2 blocks and diode D1 conducts. The output of the circuit iszero when the input is negative, and the output is proportional to theinput when the input is positive. A normal diode has 0.5 to 1.0 V offorward voltage drop. This circuit is called a super diode because itsswitching point is at zero volts. There is a voltage inversion from inputto output, but this can be reversed by means of an additional op-ampinverter following the super diode. The action of the circuit can bereversed by reversing diodes D1 and D2. The limiter circuit, shown inFig. 15.2.31b, provides linear operation at low output voltages, eitherpositive or negative, and neither diode is conducting. When the inputvoltage goes sufficiently negative, diode D1 begins to conduct, limitingthe negative output of the op-amp. Similarly when the input goes suffi-ciently positive, diode D2 begins to conduct, limiting the positive out-put of the op-amp. The Schmitt trigger circuit, shown in Fig. 15.2.31c,has positive feedback to the op-amp, through resistors R1 and R2. If theamplifier output is initially negative, the output will not change until theinput becomes as negative as the non-inverting terminal of the op-amp.When the input becomes slightly more negative, the op-amp output willsuddenly switch from negative to positive due to the positive feedback.The op-amp will remain in this condition until the input becomes suffi-ciently positive, causing the op-amp to switch to a negative output.

The dead-band circuit is similar to the limiter circuit except that forinput voltages around zero, there is no output voltage. Above a thresh-old input voltage, the output voltage is proportional to the input voltage.The logarithmic amplifier relies upon the fact that the voltage dropacross a diode causes logarithmically varying current to flow throughthe diode. This relationship is remarkably true for current changes of106 to 1. The logarithmic amplifiers can have their outputs added to-gether to effect a multiplication of the input signals.

Digital Integrated Circuits

The basic circuit building block for digital ICs is the gate circuit. A gateis a switching amplifier that is designed to be either on or off. (Bycontrast, an operational amplifier is a proportional amplifier.) For 5-Vlogic levels, the gate switches to a 0 whenever its input falls below0.8 V and to a 1 whenever its input exceeds 2.8 V. This arrangementensures immunity to spurious noise impulses in both the 0 and the 1state.

Several representative transistor-transistor-logic (TTL) gates are listedin Table 15.2.10. Gates can be combined to form logic devices of twofundamental kinds: combinational and sequential. In combinational logic,the output of a device changes whenever its input conditions change.The basic gate exemplifies this behavior.

A number of gates can be interconnected to form a flip-flop circuit.This is a bistable circuit that stays in a particular state, a 0 or a 1 state,

Table 15.2.9 Hybrid Circuits

Superdiode LimitersSchmitt trigger circuits Dead-band circuitsSwitched-capacitor filters Logarithmic amplifiers

The next output state is designated Q(t 1 1). In addition to the truth

































Fig. 15.2.31 Hybrid circuits. (a) Superdiode circuit; (b) limiter circuit;(c) Schmitt trigger circuit.

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Table 15.2.10 Digital Integrated-Circuit Devices

Type No. circuits No. inputs54/74* per device per device Function

00 4 2 NAND gate02 4 2 NOR gate04 6 1 Inverter06 6 1 Buffer08 4 2 AND gate10 3 3 NAND gate11 3 3 AND gate

The gates shown in Table 15.2.12 have only two inputs. As was seenin Table 15.2.10, gates may have as many as eight inputs. In the case ofan AND gate, all its inputs must be 1 in order for its output to be a 1. Foran OR gate, if any of its inputs become a 1, then its output will become a1. The NAND and NOR gates function in a similar way.

Boolean algebra is the branch of mathematics used to analyze logiccircuits. Boolean algebra has two operators: ? , which indicates an ANDoperation, and 1 , which indicates an OR operation: The 5 has the samemeaning in Boolean algebra as in ordinary algebra. The symbol for ‘‘Xnot’’ is X9 (or sometimes X ). The identity element for the AND opera-


1 1

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13 2 4 Schmitt trigger14 6 1 Schmitt trigger20 2 4 NAND gate21 2 4 AND gate30 1 8 NAND gate74 2 D flip-flop76 2 JK flip-flop77 4 Latch86 4 2 EXCLUSIVE OR gate

174 6 D flip-flop373 8 Latch374 8 D flip-flop

NOTE: Example of device numbers are 74LS04, 54L04, 5477, and 74H10. Theletters after the series number denote the speed and loading of the device.

* 54 series devices are rated for temperatures from 2 55 to 125°C. 74 seriesdevices are rated for temperatures from 0 to 70°C.

table, the Boolean algebra equations in Table 15.2.11 are another way todescribe the behavior of the circuits. The JK flip-flop is the most versa-tile of these three flip-flops because of its separate J and K inputs. The Tflip-flop is called a toggle. When its T input is a 1, its output toggles,from 0 to 1 or from 1 to 0, at each clock pulse. The D flip-flop is called adata cell. The output of the D flip-flop assumes the state of its input ateach clock pulse and holds this data until the next clock pulse. The JKflip-flop can be made to function as a T flip-flop by applying the T inputto both the J and K input terminals. The JK flip-flop can be made tofunction as a D flip-flop by applying the data signal to the J input andapplying the inverted data signal to the K input. Some common ICflip-flops are listed in Table 15.2.10.

Various types of gates are shown in Table 15.2.12. Combinationallogic defined by means of these various gates is used to define the inputto flip-flops, which serve as memory devices. At each clock pulse, theseflip-flops change state in accordance with their respective inputs. Thesenew states are retained in the flip-flop and also applied to the gates. Theoutput of the gates change (with only a small delay due propagationtime), and at the next clock pulse the flip-flops will change to the nextstate as directed by the gates.

Table 15.2.11 Flip-Flop Sequential Devices

GraphicName symbol


JK flip-flop Clock , Q(tK Q


T QT flip-flop Clock , Q(t 1 1


D QD flip-flop Clock , Q(t 1 1


tion is 0; the identity element for the OR operation is 1. The rules forBoolean algebra can be derived from set theory applied to a system inwhich only two numbers exist, i.e., zero and one. These rules are sum-marized in Huntington’s postulates and DeMorgan’s theorem and arelisted in Table 15.2.13.

To facilitate the analysis of digital circuits and to aid in the applica-tion of the rules given in Table 15.2.13, Karnaugh maps are used. Typi-cal two-variable and four-variable Karnaugh maps are shown in Fig.15.2.32 along with the algebraic expressions represented by each map.

Looking at Fig. 15.2.32b and realizing each of the ones individuallywould lead to the Boolean expression:

OUT 5 W9X9YZ 1 WXYZ 1 WX9YZ 1 WXYZ9 (15.2.11)

Realizing this expression directly would require four four-input ANDgates, and one four-input OR gates. The reduced expression

OUT 5 WXY 1 X9YZ (15.2.12)

requires only two three-input AND gates and one two-input OR gate, asimpler and less expensive logic circuit.

Some of the more common large-scale integrated circuits are listed inTable 15.2.14. The adder can add two binary numbers together andoutput the result. For a single bit adder which adds a bit from word A, abit from word B, and a carry bit, C, the Boolean expressions for the twooutputs of the adder are

SUM 5 AB9C9 1 A9BC9 1 A9B9C 1 ABC (15.2.13)CO 5 AB 1 BC 1 AC (15.2.14)

Adders are available, not for a single bit, but rather for 4 bits, 8 bits, or16 bits. There is only one carry bit for the whole device. The devices inTable 15.2.14 will be described in words, but the specifications for eachof these devices has a truth table as a part of the product description. Anarithmetic logic unit (ALU) or accumulator can perform several simplelogical or arithmetic operations, such as add, complement, shift left, andshift right. In addition, the set of instructions which command theseoperations will also be decoded by the ALU. As one might expect, theBoolean expression for a 16-bit or 32-bit ALU can be formidable. A

gebraic function Truth table

J K Q(t) Q(t 1 1)0 X 0 0

) 5 JQ9(t) 1 K9Q(t) 1 X 0 1X 0 1 1X 1 1 0

T Q(t) Q(t 1 1)0 0 0

) 5 TQ9(t) 1 T9Q(t) 0 1 11 0 11 1 0

D Q(t) Q(t 1 1)0 0 0

) 5 D 0 1 01 0 11 1 1

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Table 15.2.12 Combinational Gate Logic

Algebraic TruthName Graphic symbol function table

x y Q0 0 0

AND Q 5 xy 0 1 01 0 01 1 1

eight to three lines. Depending on which one input line is set, an appro-priate output bit pattern is set. Encoders and decoders are available in 2to 4, 3 to 8, and 4 to 16 line configurations. The multiplexer/demulti-plexer performs a similar function. The multiplexer has a data inputterminal and control input terminal and several data output terminals. Itswitches a single train of information, ones and zeros, on an input line,and routes this information to one of many output lines depending onthe bit pattern placed on a control input. The demultiplexer performs thereverse operation. Multiplexers/demultiplexers are also configured in 2to 4, 3 to 8, and 4 to 16 line devices.

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x y Q0 0 0

OR Q 5 x 1 y 0 1 11 0 11 1 1

x QInverter Q 5 x9 0 1

1 0

x QBuffer Q 5 x 0 0

1 1

x y Q0 0 1

NAND Q 5 (xy)9 0 1 11 0 11 1 0

x y Q0 0 1

NOR Q 5 (x 1 y)9 0 1 01 0 01 1 0

x y QEXCLUSIVE-OR Q 5 xy9 1 x9y 0 0 0

5 x 1 y 0 1 11 0 11 1 0

parity generator/checker is a circuit that can make a cyclic redundancycode which can be used to check the accurate transmission of data. Shiftregisters perform only the shifting functions of ALUs. Counters aremade in many configurations—up-down counters, binary-coded-deci-mal counters, Johnson counters, etc. A decoder can best be explained bya simple example. A three- to eight-line decoder will be described. Thethree input lines can have eight binary variations, 000, 001, 010, 011,100, 101, 110, and 111. For each of these input conditions one, and onlyone, of the output lines will be set. The input signal is said to have beendecoded. The encoder performs the related operation of encoding from

Table 15.2.13 Rules for BooleanAlgebra

X 1 0 5 X X ?1 5 XX 1 1 5 1 X ?X9 5 0X 1 X9 5 1 X ?X 5 X(X 9 )9 5 X X ?0 5 0X 1 Y 5 Y 1 X X ?Y 5 Y ?XX 1 (Y 1 Z) 5 (X 1 Y) 1 Z X ? (Y Z) 5 (X ?Y)ZX 1 X ?Y 5 X X ? (X 1 Y) 5 X

DeMorgan’s theorem:(X 1 Y)9 5 X9 ?Y9 (X ?Y)9 5 X9 1 Y9

Fig. 15.2.32 Karnaugh maps of typical logic functions.

There are a wide variety of display controllers and drivers. These aredevices which interface between digital circuits and displays whichhumans can use. Light-emitting diodes, liquid crystals, and fluorescentdisplays have different drive requirements. The digital device may per-form in binary, but the display requires decimal. In many cases, thedisplay driver is separate from the display itself, but more recently thedisplay driver has been incorporated in the display.

The complexity of integrated circuits is growing continually. Thesimple gates and flip-flops discussed so far are still used to some extent.Logically, these gates and flip-flops can be integrated into larger single-chip circuits called large-scale integrated circuits (LSI). Combinationsof these circuits are grouped together on single chips called very largescale integrated circuits (VLSI). VLSI chips contain 500,000 to morethan 2,000,000 gates. VLSI chips have enabled the explosive growth ofpersonal computers, by allowing ever-increasing functionality at lowercost. These circuits are custom-designed VLSI circuits which are devel-oped for large-volume applications. Bridging the gap between LSI andcustom VLSI circuits are a series of linear and digital user-designedcircuits.

The first of these user-designed circuits is called programmable logicarrays (PLAs) or programmable array logic (PAL). The PLA grew out ofthe programmable read-only memory (PROM). A programmable read-only memory is a computer memory which can be programmed onetime, and then can be read many times. The PROM consists of a seriesof gates, initially all ones, each of which can be electrically altered to bea zero. A PROM might be logically organized to be 1 bit wide by 64Kbits long, or 4 bits by 16K bits, 8 bits by 8K bits. The example just givenis a series of 64K-bit PROMs. PROMs are available up to 4M bits on asingle chip. The PLA is also field programmable, but has a more limitedprogramming capability than the PROM. The limited capability makes

Table 15.2.14 Large-Scale DigitalIntegrated Circuits

Adder AccumulatorArithmetic logic unit Parity generator-checkerShift register EncoderMultiplexer DecoderDemultiplexer CountersDisplay controller-driver

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it less costly to program. The PLA is adaptable to replacing Booleanfunctions in both combinational logic and sequential logic circuits. ThePLA can replace 10 to 40 gate and flip-flop chips, resulting in a simpler,more reliable, less costly design.

There are two other approaches to application-specific integrated cir-cuits, (ASICs). These are field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) andstandard cells. The FPGA is sometimes referred to as a ‘‘sea of gates.’’The chip is designed with a series of identical gates, but without anyinterconnections between them. The user specifies the interconnections,and thus makes the chip specific to the application. The manufacture of

package is not appreciably greater than for dual in-line packages. Thereare additional microcircuit packages at various stages of developmentand standardization that have up to 500 pins and 0.05-in pin spacing.

Higher-speed and higher-density digital electronics lead to higherheat dissipation in devices. One solution is to provide heat sinks andfans to remove heat. A more recent development is the heat pipe. Theheat pipe consists of boiling fluid/vapor refrigerant in a closed chamber.The semiconductor boils the fluid to change it to the vapor state. A pipeconducts the vapor to a vapor-to-air heat exchanger, where the vapor iscondensed. The heat pipe also provides a return path for the fluid to

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the chip cannot be completed until the interconnections have been spec-ified, however. There was initially some concern that the circuit de-signer would be losing design control, but this has largely disappearednow that alternative sources of supply are available. The customizingproduction drawings and specifications can be pulled from one manu-facturer, and sent to another. The standard cell device is similar to anFPGA, except that some interconnections are specified to connect gatesto form subcircuits. The design by the user consists of selecting theindividual cells, AND gates, OR gates, flip-flops, etc. and specifying theinterconnections of these standard cells. The standard cells may be assimple as an AND gate or as complex as a 16K-bit memory or a micro-processor. The standard cell also allows the user to specify light-currentcells or heavy-current cells. The standard cell gives the user much moreflexibility in the design. Standard cells have also been extended to in-clude linear circuits, op amps, difference amplifiers, limiters, etc. Somestandard cell chips are suitable for hybrid digital and linear circuits on asingle chip.

Two problems arise as more complex circuitry is incorporated inASICs, and also in microprocessors (which will be discussed in the nextsection). These devices require more input and output data pins than areavailable in dual in-line packages (see Fig. 15.2.24), and they generatemore heat on the chip. One solution to the pin problem is the pin arraypackage, shown in Fig. 15.2.33. These packages still maintain 0.1-inspacing between pins, but the pin count has been increased to 132 and208 in the examples shown. The package size has increased from dualin-line packages, and the force necessary to install and remove the

Bottom view

Pin arraywith 132 pins

Pin arraywith 208 pins

Bottom view

Fig. 15.2.33 Typical pin grid array packages. (All pins are on a 0.1 in grid.)

return to the semiconductor. An attractive feature of the heat pipe is thatthere is no requirement for a mechanical compressor.

A further problem for complex electronic circuits is proof of designand proof of manufacture testing. To adequately test a device, it isnecessary to have access to additional test points in the circuit, beyondthose needed to interface in actual operation. With a limited number ofoutput pins and highly complex internal logic, the design of the circuitmust include a fairly long test vector that will excite the various circuitfunctions. In addition, a fairly long results vector will be generated bythe circuit. One approach to test design is called boundary scan design,described in specification IEEE 1149.1 of the Institute of Electrical andElectronics Engineers. This specification outlines a four- or five-wiretest circuit, and the internal circuitry, which allows a test vector to beentered serially onto the chip, and allows a results vector to be seriallyunloaded from the chip. Internal circuitry is required to accept each bitof the input test vector and to generate each bit of the results vector. Theserial transfer is a tradeoff between the time required to enter and re-trieve the test vectors and the cost of additional input /output pins for thedevice. Serial transfer would be unacceptable for normal operations, butis all right for test purposes.

Computer Integrated Circuits

One of the devices which has become feasible as a result of VLSI is themicroprocessor. A complete computer can be built in a single IC device.In most cases, however, several devices are employed to build a com-plete computer system. In most computers, the cost of the microproces-sor is negligible compared with the total system cost. Not long ago, thecentral processing unit (CPU) was the most expensive part of a computer.The microprocessor provides the total CPU function at a fraction of theearlier cost.

The power of a microprocessor is a function of its clock speed and thesize and number of its registers. Clock rates vary from 1 to 200 MHz.Common register sizes are 8, 16, 24, 32, and 64 bits. Most personalcomputers currently use 32-bit registers. Commonly microprocessorshave 12 to 16 registers. Other factors affect processor power and speed.Most microprocessors have a data bus, an address bus, and a set ofcontrol and power supply terminals. The number of each of these busesmay vary. A small inexpensive microprocessor might have 8 data lines,16 address lines, and 8 control /power supply lines. A large sophisti-cated microprocessor might have 64 data lines, 24 address lines, and 20control /power supply lines. Some microprocessors have 32-bit internalregisters and only 16 data bit terminals. The 16 data terminals are time-multiplexed to allow the complete 32-bit word to be entered onto themicroprocessor chip in two read cycles. Once in the microprocessor, the32-bit registers communicate with each other over a data bus which is afull 32 bits wide. This scheme reduces the number of terminals on themicroprocessor, and reduces its cost, with a slight timing penalty.

Clock speed is limited by clock skew and parasitic capacitance. Thereis a finite time required for electric pulses to move along wires and forgates to change state. Typically electric pulses move along wires atabout half the speed of light. Gates change state in a few nanoseconds.Parasitic capacitance is the stray capacitance that exists between anycircuit and ground. When the gate changes state, this capacitance mustbe charged. The charging current increases linearly with switching rateand voltage. Because of the small circuit components and short wirelengths, the parasitic capacitance is much smaller for circuits on a chipcompared with circuits on printed boards. Modern microprocessors usean on-chip clock rate that is 3 times as fast as the off-chip clock.

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The microcontroller is a device similar to the microprocessor, in that itis also a CPU. Microcontrollers are configured for controlling applica-tions. In general, they have greater input and output capability. It is veryeasy to control a single output bit for turning on an electric relay. With amicroprocessor, 8 bits are switched together, but with a microcontrollerindividual bits can be switched. Some microcontrollers have 256 inter-nal registers, rather than the 15 to 20 of a microprocessor. Micro-controllers are often stand-alone single-chip devices, and are a lessexpensive system than a microcomputer. Typical applications for mi-crocontrollers are microwave oven controllers, washer and dryer con-

Table 15.2.15 Digital Computer Integrated-Circuit Devices

Tristate buffer Tristate transceiverParallel interface adapterUniversal asynchronous transmitter-receiver

Analog-to-digital converterProgrammable timerProgrammable interrupt controller

Programmable peripheral interfaceFloppy/hard disk controllerDigital-to-analog converterDirect memory access controller

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trols, and automobile engine controls.Memory is an important part of a computer system. Memory can be

divided into two broad classes: volatile and nonvolatile. Volatile mem-ory forgets what it contains when the power is removed from it. Non-volatile memory retains its contents when power is removed. Random-access memory (RAM) is volatile memory that is sometimes called mainmemory. This is the memory that the CPU uses for most of its opera-tions. RAM is a semiconductor memory. RAM may be dynamic mem-ory or static. In a static RAM the memory elements are flip-flops, andretain their memory for as long as power is applied. Dynamic RAMs arealso semiconductor memories, but hold the information as charges oncapacitors. This charge will leak off even though the power is stillapplied to the memory. To retain the memory in a dynamic RAM, it isnecessary to continually refresh the memory. This is typically doneevery 10 ms. Dynamic RAMs are much cheaper and have less loss thanstatic RAMs. Large banks of memory are made with dynamic RAMs.Small memories, or memories with special requirements, are made withstatic RAMs. Typical dynamic RAMs are 256K, 1M, and 4M bytes.Typical static RAM may be as small as 1K bytes and can be as large as1M bytes.

Nonvolatile memory can take several forms: ROMs, disk storage,compact disks, and tapes. A read-only memory (ROM) is a set of flip-flops which are programmed to take a particular state. This program-ming may be installed at the time of manufacture. Some devices areprogrammable by the user (PROMs). A PROM is typically all ones asshipped. The individual memory cells may be programmed to a zero orleft a one. Programming memory cell is done by applying a high voltageto a programming pin when that cell’s address is set. Normally theROM or PROM is written once and read many times. An EPROM is anerasable, programmable read-only memory. The EPROM is pro-grammed in the same way as a PROM. To erase the memory, theEPROM is placed under a high-intensity ultraviolet light. When theEPROM is erased, all of the memory is lost, so the entire program mustbe reentered.

Disks and tapes are magnetic storage devices. When power is re-moved from these devices, the memory is retained due magnetic reten-tivity. Magnetic memory can only be read (or written) by moving themagnetic medium under a read/write head. Compact disks are a form ofread-only memory. In the compact disk, the information is stored opti-cally rather than magnetically.

The magnetic tape is a removable nonvolatile memory device. Harddisks are usually not removable. Floppy disks are removable, but forlarge quantities of data, the tape medium is cheaper and more conve-nient. Tape is either in a cartridge or on a reel. Newer tape cartridgeshave large volumes, 50M bytes to 1000M bytes. The trend is that car-tridge tape is replacing reel tape as a storage means. Magnetic tape canstore computer data for over a year, and with a periodic refreshing canstore data indefinitely.

In addition to the CPU and storage devices, other integrated circuitshave been designed for computer systems. These are listed in Table15.2.15. The tristate buffer is a switching amplifier which can be a zero,a one, or high impedance. When a computer bus line can be driven byseveral devices, all of the devices are high impedance except the onewhich is controlling the bus line at that time. Typically eight tristatebuffers are contained in one IC package. The tristate transceiver is simi-lar to the tristate buffer except that it allows the bus signal to be receivedas well as written. The parallel interface adapter is a device that permits aparallel output device, such as a printer, to be connected to a computer

bus. There are several variations of the parallel interface adapter. Somecontrol two, three, four, or more parallel devices. Some have been de-signed to work with Intel microprocessors, others to work with Motor-ola microprocessors. The programmable peripheral interface is a parallelinterface adapter designed for use with Intel computers. The universalasynchronous receiver-transmitter (UART) is a device which will allow aserial output device to be connected to a computer bus. The UART has aparallel connection to the computer bus, but provides a serial output tothe peripheral device. The UART is programmable, so that it can be setfor 7-bit or 8-bit transmission. It can be set for even or odd paritychecking, and the transmitting/receiving speed can be set. The floppy/hard disk controller is a programmable device which can handle theinterfacing requirements for floppy and/or hard disks. Analog-to-digitaland digital-to-analog converters allow the digital computer to interfacewith analog signals. The programmable timer is a timing circuit whichcan be programmed by the computer either to generate an interruptperiodically, or to generate an interrupt after a programmed time. Aninterrupt is a signal on one of the control lines of the computer bus. Thedirect memory access controller (DMA) is a CPU type of device which cancontrol the computer bus. The direct memory access controller gener-ates a DMA request signal on a computer control line. The main CPUwill complete the portion of the instruction that it is executing, andgenerate a DMA grant signal. The DMA controller then transfers datainto or out of main memory or disk memory. Since the CPU is notinvolved in the memory transfer, it can proceed with the instruction it isexecuting, as long as that instruction does not require the computer busthat the DMA controller is using. DMA controllers can off-load theCPU, allowing the overall system to have more power. The programma-ble interrupt controller is a general-purpose semiconductor which can beused in various types of computer printed boards to service interrupts.

Computer Applications

The computer is universally used, and a complete discussion of com-puter usage is beyond the scope of this section. Computer techniques areused in electronic design so extensively that some description of theseelectronic applications of computers are necessary in order to under-stand modern electronic design.

Computers can be used as control devices. The computer might be acontrolling device to simply turn a pump on and off. On the other hand,a variable displacement pump might incorporate a microcontroller in itsfeedback control loop in place of pilot hydraulic circuits. Entire pro-cesses may be controlled by computers. For example, modern papermachines use computers throughout for control purposes. Computerterminals at various locations show the operation conditions throughoutthe machine. Entire chemical-producing plants are under computercontrol.

Some automotive applications include control of air, fuel mixture,and spark timing in an automobile engine. This is typical of an applica-tion in which there are several input variables that must be measured,and several controlled outputs. The input variables that must be mea-sured are air temperature, manifold temperature, crankcase temperature,engine speed, fuel flow, etc. The outputs which are controlled by thecomputer are ignition timing and fuel /air mixture. Automobile brakes,transmissions, and suspensions are automotive subsystems that incor-porate microcontrollers for improved automobile performance. Micro-computers may also be used to reduce the complexity of automobilewiring. In such a system, battery power is distributed to all parts of thecar along a single wire. Intelligence for the control of lights and acces-

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sories flows along a single control wire. Relays are provided at eachlamp, switch, etc. to interface between the control and battery wire.Messages along the control wire are time-multiplexed so that all devicesshare the same control wire.

Testing, data acquisition, and analysis is another use of computers.Modern testing systems make extensive use of computers. Either digitalor analog signals can be incorporated into a test system. Analog-to-digi-tal converters convert analog signals into digital signals which the com-puter can use. Within the computer, a model of the process being testedcan be constructed, and monitored by the test data being accumulated.

of the filter to a previous part. The IIR filter incorporates feedback froma later part of the filter to an earlier part. The FIR filter normally re-quires a greater length to accomplish the filtering objective than doesthe IIR filter. Because the IIR filter incorporates feedback, it is possiblefor it to be unstable. The FIR filter cannot be unstable. Both FIR and IIRfilters employ a clock to generate a fixed delay from point to point in thefilter. The clock delays are shown as DT in the figure. Each delay is aclock period. FIR filters are often 45 to 75 delays long. IIR filters areusually 8 to 10 delays long. The effective delay for an IIR filter is longerthan the actual number of delays, because of the feedback in these


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Within the computer, signals can be generated which are not beingactually measured. For example, the velocity of a mass may be mea-sured, but the acceleration or the position of the mass may be calculatedwithin the computer. Highly reliable systems can be developed usingelectronic control and computers, if redundancy is incorporated into themeasuring and computer systems. In the aerospace industry, these sys-tems are called fly-by-wire control systems. The space shuttle and super-sonic fighters are examples of craft using fly-by-wire. In such systems,failure of a computer, a controller, or a sensor must not cause a failure ofthe craft.

Data acquisition systems give the user much greater insight into thedata being taken. Limitations and anomalies of the measured data be-come much more apparent than with analog data. The need for signalconditioning becomes imperative in a digital data acquisition system.Signal processing is an integral part of any digital data system. Analogsignals can be filtered as a part of signal conditioning, but after thesignal has been converted to digital data, digital filtering may also beused. Digital filters can be broken into two classes: finite impulse re-sponse (FIR) and infinite impulse response (IIR) filters. As can be seen inFig 15.2.34, the FIR filter does not have any feedback from a later part














Fig. 15.2.34 (a) Finite impulse response (FIR) and (b) infinite impulse respo

filters. Although the infinite response suggests that the filter never com-pletes its response, in a practical sense the IIR filter response is finite.The design approach for FIR filters and IIR filters is quite different. Foran FIR filter, the filter coefficients A0 through An are designed to opti-mally fit a desired filter response curve. The response of this optimalfilter often has excessive sidebands, that is, high output in the nonpassfrequency range. The sidebands can be reduced by applying a windowfunction, which modifies the filter coefficients. The effect of the win-dow function is to broaden the transition region between the passbandand the stopband, and reduce the magnitude of the sidebands. The re-sponse equation, or transfer function, for the FIR filter with even sym-metry is

H(v) 5 Oi 5 n

i 5 0

Ai cos (vi) (15.2.15)

In this equation, the frequency v is a continuous variable in radians persecond. Although the filter is a discrete device, its frequency responsecan be viewed as continuous. The digital signal is discrete, and when asignal is converted from digital to analog, this conversion adds its ownmodification of the signal.

A3 A4An21


A3 An21








nse (IIR) digital filters.

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The design approach for an IIR filter is quite different. For an IIRfilter, the first step is to design a low-pass analog filter for a particularfilter response, such as a Butterworth, Chebychev, or Cauer response.The analog filter can then be converted to a low-pass digital filter usingthe bilinear transform. Finally, the low-pass digital filter can be con-verted to a high-pass, band-pass, or band-stop filter. The resulting filterhas a transfer function given by

Oi 5 n

i 5 0

Ai cos (vi)

Electric instrumentation has several communication standards whichfacilitate the connection of measuring systems. A low-speed instrumentbus, IGIB, has been developed and described in a standard, IEEE 488.For higher communication rates, a CAMAC crate has been standard-ized. These standards give physical characteristics, such as connectorsand plugs, mounting dimensions, printed board sizes, etc. These stan-dards also define communications protocol, bus timing, and connectorpin assignment.

In most computers, the interconnection of computer printed boards isaccomplished using a ‘‘mother board.’’ The mother board may contain

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H(v) 5

1 2 Oi 5 m

i 5 1

Bi cos (vi)


A more complete discussion of digital filter technology can be found inthe references at the beginning of this section. Further help in digitalfilter design can be obtained by using a computer program, such asMATLAB.

Digital filter calculations consist of a series of mathematical opera-tions which follow a consistent pattern. Each calculation is performedby retrieving a number, multiplying it by a coefficient, adding it toanother number, and storing the result. This is the operation at each ofthe summation points in the FIR and the IIR. A microprocessor called adigital signal processor (DSP) has been developed for this purpose. DSPscomplete a retrieve, multiply, add, and store in a single clock pulse (30ns), several times faster than a general-purpose microprocessor. DSPmicroprocessors are widely used in test equipment, telephone equip-ment, television, and military equipment. Because of the wide usage,DSP microprocessors are quite inexpensive. DSPs were developed inorder to increase the bandwidth of digital signal processing. It should befurther noted that digital filters can employ parallel processing, in whichseveral DSP chips can operate in parallel to further increase bandwidth.

Digital signal processing is not limited to analog and digital filtering.Digital data may also be improved by using smoothing algorithms, or byremoving inconsistent data points, such as outliers. Insight into datacontent can also be obtained by statistical analysis. Digital signal pro-cessing is also used to improve the quality of voice signals, and toenhance video signals.

Digital Communications

The bandwidth required to transmit information depends on the digitalpulse rate. A fundamental relationship exists for the bandwidth requiredfor the transmission of digital or analog information. For analog signals,the bandwidth depends on the highest frequency component in the sig-nal. For digital circuits, the bandwidth depends on the maximum pulserate. The relationship between the two is known as the Nyquist crite-rion. The minimum pulse rate pr necessary to transmit an analog signaldigitally must be twice the highest frequency f:

pr 5 2f (15.2.17)

This is a bilateral relationship. The frequency bandwidth BW of a trans-mission system must be equal to at least half the pulse rate:

BW 5 pr/2 (15.2.18)

These conditions are minimum requirements. A transmission systemthat has greater bandwidth can support slower pulse rates, and similarly,a high-pulse-rate system can be used to pass a low-frequency signal. Ahigher pulse rate than the Nyquist criterion will approximate an analogsignal waveform more accurately, but is not necessary to pass the infor-mation. Voice-grade lines have a bandwidth of 4,000 Hz, and will pass8,000 bits per second (bps). Twisted-pair cable, properly terminated,can pass about 1 MHz or 2 Mbps. Coaxial cable can pass 100 to 200MHz. To obtain greater bandwidths, light is being used to transmitinformation, rather than electricity. Inexpensive fiber-optic devices canbe used for distances up to several hundred feet. For longer distances,phase-locked lasers and single-mode fiber-optic cable is being em-ployed. Single-mode fiber is quite small and somewhat hard to termi-nate. Tooling to facilitate connecting single-mode cable is becomingmore readily available.

the CPU, semiconductor memory, and several input /output devices.While these devices are somewhat arbitrary, it is essential that themother board contain a computer bus structure. The computer bus isdefined by a standard which defines the type connector, the connectorcircuit configuration, and the computer communication protocol. Thereare several agencies which define computer bus standards in the UnitedStates and around the world. Some of the more common IEEE busstandards are listed in Table 15.2.16.

Power Electronics

Power electronics can be divided into three major groups: motor drives,power supplies, and power amplifiers. Motor drives can be divided intodc motor drives and ac motor drives. Power supplies include powersupplies for electronic circuits, battery back-up systems, electric powerapplications, and induction/dielectric heating supplies. Power amplifi-ers cover other power conditioning topics.

The power for dc motor armatures can be derived from thyristorcircuits like those shown in Fig. 15.2.9. Single-phase bridge circuits areused for 5-hp drives and smaller. Three-phase bridge circuits are usedfor drives larger than 5 hp. A single set of six thyristors can supplypower for about 300 hp. Above 300 hp, multiple sets of thyristors mustbe used in parallel. Mill drives have been built with more than10,000 hp provided by thyristors.

The control of dc motors whether powered by thyristors or by dcgenerators is accomplished electronically. Control of individual drivescan be accomplished by tachometer feedback or by armature voltagefeedback. The speed-regulation accuracy for armature feedback is 5percent; for tachometer feedback speed-regulation accuracy is from 0.1to 1.0 percent. When two drives must be coordinated with each other, asin a continuous-web processing machine, they can be regulated to con-trol torque, speed, position, draw, or a combination of these parameters.Torque controls can be achieved using dc motor armature current for afeedback signal. Speed-control signals are derived as for single motors.Position or draw control can be accomplished by using selsyn ties ordancer rolls. A dancer roll is a weight- or spring-loaded roll that rides onthe web. It is free to move up and down, and as it does, a signal is takenfrom its position to serve as a feedback for the drive regulator before thedancer or after it.

Coordination of the motions of two or more drives requires trackingof the drives in both steady-state and transient conditions. Linearity ofthe control and feedback signals determine steady-state tracking. Provi-sion must be made for both low-speed and high-speed matching signals.Transient matching requires that signals not only be the right magnitudebut also arrive at the right time. An example will serve to illustrate thispoint. Suppose it is desired to have two drives with tachometer feedback

Table 15.2.16 IEEE Computer Bus Standards

CommonIdentifier name Description

IEEE 488 GPIB General-purpose instrument busIEEE 796 Multibus General-purpose computer busIEEE 961 STD bus Standard computer busIEEE 1014 VMEBUS European computer busIEEE Proposal VXIBUS Instrumentation adaptation of VMEBUSIEEE Proposal MXIBUS Extension of VXIBUS

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which have a continuous web between them. One way to accomplishthis would be to designate one drive as a master and the other as a slave.The tachometer on the master drive would serve as its own feedbacksignal and as the reference or command signal for the slave drive. Theslave drive would have its own feedback from its own tachometer andso its regulator would try to minimize the difference between the twotachometer signals. On a transient basis the master drive will alwaysstart before the slave. An alternate and more common arrangement is toprovide a common reference for both drives and let each drive receiveits command signals at the same instant.

primarily for constant-speed applications. The control schemes de-scribed above are equally applicable to ac motors (except of course forarmature voltage and armature current feedback). If power circuitry isproperly handled, the control of an ac motor is just as flexible andversatile as that of a dc motor.

AC motors can be supplied either from phase-controlled circuits orfrom inverter circuits. Phase control uses a simpler electronic circuit thanthe inverter, but it results in high loss in the ac motor. The phase controlswitches at line frequency, and so the frequency applied to the motor isconstant. This means that the synchronous speed of the induction motor

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Digital computers are being used on-line in mills and continuousprocessing industries. DC motors can be controlled by either analog ordigital regulators. With the greatly reduced cost of integrated circuits,digital regulators are being increasingly used.

For digital speed control, feedback is taken from a digital tachometer,which generates a pulse frequency proportional to motor speed. Anadjustable frequency reference is compared with the feedback, and thedifference is applied to an up/down counter. The output of the counter isconverted to a dc control signal for the motor controller. In this systemthe dc drive functions as a form of phase-locked loop, and in fact, aphase-locked loop can be substituted for the up/down counter in digitalspeed control. For digital position control, a shaft encoder is used forfeedback. In a shaft encoder, a single turn of the motor shaft is encodedin a binary code. For example, an eight-track shaft encoder can define28, or 256, parts of a revolution. The output of the shaft encoder iscompared with a digitally derived reference code. The difference be-tween the feedback and the reference is converted into a dc signal whichcontrols the motor, and holds the desired position. Sometimes the posi-tion encoder is mounted on the driven machine. The accuracy of sensingthe machine position is improved. Accurate milling machines havefeedback from machine position, rather than from the drive motor.Computers can be used to derive a speed reference or a position refer-ence for several motors, and thus, an entire process line can be con-trolled. Modern high-speed paper making machines are one example ofcoordinated computer control of several motors. Graphic terminals,which display the entire paper making machine, are located at variouspositions allowing several operators to coordinate the operation of themachine.

DC motors can also be supplied from a fixed dc voltage such as abattery or a fixed dc power supply. Inherently, fixed voltage on the fieldand on the armature of a dc motor implies constant-speed operation. Thearmature voltage can be controlled by a proportional device such as atransistor. Proportional devices are limited to low-power applications.At low speeds, the dc motor requires low voltage and full current toproduce full torque. The losses in the control device are proportional tothe product of voltage and current. The full battery voltage is applied tothe control device and the motor in series. Thus, the control device has ahigh voltage drop across it at low motor armature voltages and lowmotor speeds. To reduce controller losses, a chopper may be used. Thechopper is thyristor, power MOSFET, or IGBT circuit which can rap-idly switch on and off. When the chopper is on, the loss in the controldevice is low because the voltage drop is small. When the chopper isoff, the loss in the control device is small because the current throughthe device is very small. Large amounts of power can be controlled withlow losses by means of a switching controller. For large dc motors, theswitching rate of the chopper is made high enough that the inherentinductance of the motor armature maintains a nearly constant motorcurrent.

The speed range of a variable-speed dc motor is limited by its arma-ture resistance, which produces IR drop. For a very small motor, the IRdrop can be as much as 20 percent of rated armature voltage. Theresistance-to-inductance ratio of small motors is much greater than forlarge motors. To extend the speed range of small motors, a low-fre-quency chopper can be used which will cause the armature current to bediscontinuous. Discontinuous conduction reduces the effective IR dropfor the motor allowing its speed range to be extended.

DC motors have been widely used for variable-speed applicationsbecause of their excellent characteristics. AC motors have been used

is constant. The difference between the operating speed of the motorand synchronous speed produces losses in the rotor of the motor propor-tional to the torque demanded of the motor. For this reason, phase-con-trolled ac motor drives are limited to applications with slight speedchange requirements or to loads that require much lower torque at lowspeed, such as pumps or fans. Inverters are used for ac motor driveswhich require constant torque operation over a wide speed range. Sev-eral different schemes have been used for ac motor inverters. Some ofthese are pulse width modulation (PWM), six-step inverters, and currentlink inverters. Most modern drives are PWM inverters. In a PWM in-verter, the ac line voltage is converted into a fixed dc voltage, and thenthis dc voltage is inverted into a variable frequency and a variablevoltage. Figure 15.2.35 shows a block diagram of PWM inverter. Sincethe motor is an ac motor, both positive and negative voltages must beapplied to each motor phase. The motor shown in Fig. 15.2.35 has threephases. Consider the operating conditions at only one of the phases ofthe motor. To apply a positive voltage to phase A-B of the motor,switches SW1 and SW4 are turned on. To apply a negative voltage tophase A-B, SW2 and SW3 are turned on. To apply zero volts to phaseA-B, either SW2 and SW4 or SW1 and SW3 are turned on. A similaroperation takes place for phase B-C and phase C-A of the motor. The dcvoltage in the PWM inverter is constant. To generate an approximatesine wave of voltage, the inverter must produce a low voltage duringpart of the cycle and high voltage during another part of the cycle, and itmust do this on both the positive half of the sine wave as well as thenegative half. On the positive half-cycle, switching occurs alternatelybetween switches SW1 and SW4 and switches SW1 and SW3. To con-trol the speed of the ac motor and keep its losses low, one must varyboth the frequency of the motor voltage and its magnitude. The motorrequires an approximately constant volts per hertz rate for full torqueand low losses. Although this control scheme seems very complicated,PWM inverter drives have been developed which are far more depend-able than dc drives. The commutator and brushes required for a dcmotor limit its reliability. The motor frequency for an ac motor inverterdrive varies from nearly zero to a maximum of 120 Hz typically. Toreverse the rotation of the ac motor, the phase sequence applied to themotor is reversed. The actual switching frequency of the inverter isapproximately 10,000 Hz, allowing the inverter switch on and off sev-eral times during a cycle applied to the motor. The pulse width is variedor modulated, to change the output voltage, hence the name pulse-width-modulated inverter. The inductance of the motor keeps thecurrent variations in the motor from being too great.

Switching power supplies use technology similar to ac motor in-verters. In Fig. 15.2.35, SW1 and SW2 are called an inverter leg. Theinverter leg is fundamental to switching power supplies. The dc chopperdescribed earlier could be made with a single inverter leg. Regulated dcpower supplies are also made using an inverter leg. A higher interme-diate voltage is produced in an ac-to-dc rectifier. This voltage is thenchopped to make a lower output voltage. Feedback is taken from theload point of the power supply to control the pulse width of the inverterleg, or chopper. Precise computer power supplies are often switchingpower supplies of this type. They maintain precise dc output voltageunder changing load conditions and changing supply voltage. Becausethe power supplies switch, the loss in these power supplies is muchlower than for proportionally controlled power supplies.

The switching behavior of the inverter leg is actually more complexthan simply turning on one switch and turning off another. Each switch-ing action involves a resonant transient. At each switching point an

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1 DC

2 DC







Fig. 15.2.35 Pulse width modulation inverter.

R-L-C circuit rings from one voltage to another. At very high switchingrates, a second transient starts before the first transient is over. Thisleads to a power supply with a parade of transients. Such power suppliesare called resonant converters. These power supplies may be used fordc-to-dc, dc-to-ac, ac-to-dc, and ac-to-ac conversions. By using thering-up inherent in resonant circuits, voltage levels can be increased aswell as decreased. Induction heating power supplies are typical of thesekinds of circuits. Induction heating is produced by the magnetic lossesgenerated in nonmagnetic and magnetic metals. If the frequency andvoltage are increased sufficiently, dielectric heating may also be pro-

Table 15.2.18 Frequency Bands

Designation Frequency Wavelength

VLF, very low frequency 3–30 kHz 100–10 kmLF, low frequency 30–300 kHz 10–1 kmMF, medium frequency 300–3,000 kHz 1,000–100 mHF, high frequency 3–30 MHz 100–10 mVHF, very high frequency 30–300 MHz 10–1 mUHF, ultra-high frequency 300–3,000 MHz 100–10 cmSHF, super-high frequency 3,000–30,000 MHz 10–1 cmEHF, extremely high frequency 30,000–300,000 MHz 10–1 mm

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duced in high-frequency power supplies. High-frequency, high-voltagepower supplies are also used to produce a corona discharge to treat thesurface of plastic materials. Plastics which are normally hydrophobiccan be made hydrophilic by corona discharge treatment.


The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulates the use ofradio-frequency transmission in the United States. This regulation isnecessary to prevent interfering transmissions of radio signals. Some ofthe frequency allocations are given in Table 15.2.17. The frequencybands are also classified as shown in Table 15.2.18. Very low frequen-cies are used for long-distance communications across the surface of theearth. Higher frequencies are limited to line-of-sight transmission. Be-cause of bandwidth considerations, high frequencies are used for high-density communication links. Orbiting satellites allow the use of high-frequency transmission for long-distance high-density communications.

A radio transmitter is shown in Fig. 15.2.36. It consists of four basicparts: an rf oscillator tuned to the carrier frequency, an information-in-put device (microphone), a modulator to impress the input signal on thecarrier, and an antenna to radiate the modulated carrier wave.

A radio wave can be modulated in several ways. It can be amplitude-,frequency-, or phase-modulated. These are examples of analog signalmodulation. A radio wave may also be digitally modulated. Examples

Table 15.2.17 Partial Tableof Frequency Allocations(For a complete listing of frequency allocations, see ‘‘ReferenceData for Radio Engineers,’’ published by Howard Sams & Co.)

Frequency, MHz Utilization

0.535–1.605 Commercial broadcast band27.255 Citizen’s personal radio54–72 Television channels 2–476–88 Television channels 5–688–108 Frequency-modulation broadcasting174–216 Television channels 7–13460–470 Citizens’ personal radio470–890 Television channels 14–83

NOTE: Wavelength in meters 5 300/f, where f is in megahertz.

of digital modulation include on-off, binary phase-shift keying (BPSK),frequency-shift keying (FSK), quadrature phase-shift keying (QPSK),and quadrature amplitude modulation. Regardless of which method ofmodulation is used, the frequency content in the signal requires a band-width of frequencies to support the transmission. If a 10-kHz signal is tobe broadcast, the transmitted radio wave will consist of a center fre-quency, called the carrier frequency, and an upper and lower sideband,

Fig. 15.2.36 Radio transmitter.

for a frequency bandwidth of 2 times 10 kHz, or 20 kHz. It is possible tosuppress the upper or lower sideband leading to single-sideband trans-mission, but this is a special case. Regardless of the modulation scheme,the bandwidth required for signal transmission is the same for a givensignal bandwidth. Higher frequencies or higher digital pulse rates re-quire greater bandwidth for transmission.

A radio receiver is shown in Fig. 15.2.37. This is called a superhetero-

Demodulator AFIFMixer


TRF 5 tuned radio-frequency amplifierIF 5 intermediate-frequency amplifierAF 5 audio-frequency amplifier




Fig. 15.2.37 Superheterodyne radio receiver.

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dyne receiver because it utilizes a frequency-mixing scheme. The tunedradio-frequency amplifier is tuned to receive the desired radio signal.The local oscillator is adjusted by the same tuning control to a lowerfrequency. The mixer produces an output frequency which is the differ-ence between the incoming radio-signal frequency and the local-oscil-lator frequency. Since this difference frequency is constant for all tun-ing positions, the intermediate-frequency amplifier always operateswith a constant frequency. This allows optimum design of the interme-diate-frequency (IF) amplifiers since they are constant-frequency am-plifiers. The IF frequency signal is modulated in just the same way as

sending pulses in order that the distance to the target may be deter-mined. This is accomplished by synchronization of the sweep circuit ofthe oscilloscope with the pulses by the master timer.

Displays Conversion of the received radar signals to usable displayis accomplished by a cathode-ray oscilloscope. The simplest type,called the A presentation, is shown in Fig. 15.2.39a. When the pulseroperates, a sawtoothed wave produces a linear sweep voltage (Fig.15.2.39b) across the sweep plates of the cathode-ray tube; at the sametime a transmitter pulse is impressed on the deflection plates and thereturn echoes appear as AM pulses, or ‘‘pips,’’ on the screen, as shown

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the radio signal. The demodulator separates this audio signal, which isthen amplified so that the loudspeaker can be driven.

The term radar is derived from the first letters of the words ‘‘radiodetection and ranging.’’ It is essentially an echo system in which thelocation of an object is determined by sending out short pulses of radiowaves and observing and measuring the time required for their reflec-tions or echoes to return to the sending point. The time interval is ameasure of the distance of the object from the transmitter. The velocityof radio waves is the same as the velocity of light, or 984 ft /ms, so thateach microsecond interval corresponds to a distance of 492 ft. The di-rection of an object can be determined by the position of the directionaltransmitting and receiving antenna. Radio waves penetrate darkness,fog, and clouds, and hence are able to detect objects that otherwisewould remain concealed. Radar can be used for the automatic ‘‘track-ing’’ of objects such as airplanes.

A block diagram of a radar system is shown in Fig. 15.2.38. Thetransmitting system consists of an rf oscillator which is controlled by amodulator, or pulser, so that it sends to the antenna intermittent trains ofrf waves of relatively high power but of very short duration, corre-sponding to the pulses received by the modulator. The energy of theoscillator is transmitted through the duplexer and to the antenna through

Fig. 15.2.38 Block diagram of radar system.

either coaxial cable or waveguides. The receiver is an ordinary hetero-dyne-type radio receiver which has high sensitivity in the band widthcorresponding to the frequency of the oscillator. For low frequencies thelocal oscillator is an ordinary oscillator for frequencies of 2,000 MHz;and higher a reflex klystron (hf cavity oscillator) is used. A commonintermediate frequency is 30 MHz but 15 and 60 MHz are also fre-quently used.

In most radar systems the same antenna is used for receiving as fortransmitting. This requires the use of a duplexer which cuts off thereceiver during the intervals when the oscillator is sending out pulsesand disconnects the transmitter during the periods between these pulseswhen the echo is being received.

The antenna is highly directional. By noting its angular position, thedirection of the object may be determined. In the PPI (plan positionindicator), the angle of the sweep of the cathode-ray beam on the screenof the oscilloscope is made to correspond to the azimuth angle of theantenna.

The receiver output is delivered to the indicator which consists of acathode-ray tube or oscilloscope. The pulses which are received, corre-sponding to echoes from the target, must be synchronized with the

in Fig. 15.2.39a. The distance on the screen between the transmitterpulse and the pip caused by the echo is proportional to the distance tothe target, and the screen can be calibrated in distance such as miles.

Fig. 15.2.39 Type A presentation.

[The return of the spot to its initial starting position, produced by thesweep interval cd (Fig. 15.2.39b), is so rapid that it is not detectable bythe eye.] The direction of the target may be determined by the angularposition of the antenna, which can be transmitted to the operator bymeans of a selsyn. Different objects, such as airplanes, ships, islands,and land approaches, have characteristic pips, and operators becomeskilled in their interpretation. A bird in flight can be recognized on thescreen. Also a portion of the scale such as ab can be segregated andamplified for close study of the characteristics of the pips.

Plan Position Indicator (PPI) In the PPI (Fig. 15.2.40) the directionof a radial sweep of the electron beam is synchronized with the azimuthsweep of the antenna. The sweep of the beam is rotated continuously insynchronism with the antenna, and the received signals intensity-modu-late the electron beam as it sweeps from the center of the oscilloscopescreen radially outward. In this way the direction and range position of

Fig. 15.2.40 Plan position indicator (PPI) of southeastern Massachusetts.

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an object can be determined from the pattern on the screen of the oscil-loscope, as shown in Fig. 15.2.40.

There are two methods by which the angular direction of the cathodespot is made to correspond with the angular position of the antenna. Inone method, used on board ship, two magnetic deflecting coils arerotated around the neck of the tube in synchronism with the antenna, bymeans of a selsyn. In the other method, used on aircraft, two fixedmagnetic deflecting coils at right angles to each other and placed at theneck of the tube are supplied with current from a small two-phasesynchronous generator whose rotor is driven by the antenna. Thus a

employed, the general method of which is shown in Fig. 15.2.41. Thecathode-ray spot starts at 1 in the upper left-hand corner and is sweptrapidly from left to right either by a sawtooth emf wave applied to thesweep plates or by the sawtooth current wave applied to the sweep coilsof the tube. When the spot arrives at the right-hand side of the picture,the sawtooth wave of either emf or current in the sweep circuit acts toreturn the cathode-ray spot rapidly to point 3 at the left-hand side of thepicture. However, during this period the cathode-ray is blanked, or en-tirely eliminated, by the application of a negative potential to the controlgrid of the tube. At the end of the return period, the blanking effect

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rotating field, similar to that produced by the stator of an inductionmotor, is produced by the magnetic deflecting coils. These two rotatingfields, although produced by different means, are equivalent and causethe cathode beam to sweep radially in synchronism with the antenna.Circular coordinates spaced radially corresponding to distance are ob-tained by impressing on the control electrode short positive pulses syn-chronized with the transmitted pulse but delayed by time values corre-sponding to the desired distances. These coordinates appear as circleson the screen. Since the time of rotation of the antenna is relativelyslow, it is necessary that a persistent screen be used in order that theoperator may view the entire pattern. In Fig. 15.2.32 is shown a linedrawing of a PPI presentation of Cape Cod, Mass., on a radar screen,taken from an airplane.

The applications of radar to war purposes are well known, such asdetecting enemy ships and planes, aiming guns at them, and locatingcities, rivers, mountains, and other landmarks in bombing operations. Inpeacetime, radar is used to navigate ships in darkness and poor visibilityby locating navigational aids such as buoys and lighthouses, as well asprotruding ledges, islands, and other landmarks. It can be similarly usedin air navigation, as well as to operate altimeters for determining theheight of the plane above ground. It is also used for aerial mapping.

Sonar is closely related to radar. The difference is that sound is usedas the transmitting signal. Since the velocity of sound in water is somuch slower than radio waves in free space, the timing for sonar signalsis much slower than for radar signals. A 1-s delay of a sonar return echoimplies that the target is 2,500 ft away. A 1-s delay of a radar returnecho would imply that the target is 193,000 miles away. Although Adisplays and PPI displays are used with sonar signals, much reliance isplaced on hearing. Transmitting a sonar pulse is an excellent way ofdisclosing your presence to an enemy vessel. Today more reliance isplaced on passive detection of enemy vessels, by signature analysis.Signature analysis is signal analysis using fast Fourier transforms andfilters.

Television is accomplished by systematically scanning a scene or theimage of a scene to be reproduced and transmitting at each instant acurrent or a voltage which is proportional to the light intensity of theelementary area of the scene which at the instant is being scanned. Thevarying voltage or current is amplified, modulated on a carrier wave,and then transmitted as a radio wave. At the receiver the radio waveenters the antenna, is amplified, and demodulated to give a voltage or acurrent wave similar to the original wave. This voltage or current waveis then used to control the intensity of a cathode-ray beam which isfocused on a fluorescent screen in a cathode-ray reproducing tube. Thecathode-ray beam is caused to move over the screen in the same patternas the scanning beam at the transmitter and in synchronism with it. Thuseach small area of the receiver screen is illuminated instantaneouslywith light intensity corresponding to that of a similarly placed area inthe original scene. This process is conducted so rapidly that owing topersistence of vision of the eye, the reproduction of each instantaneousscene appears to be a complete picture and the effect with successivescenes is similar to that produced by the projection of successive framesof a motion picture.

Scanning and Blanking In the United States the ratio of width toheight of a standard television picture is 4 : 3, and the picture is com-posed of 525 lines repeated 30 times a second, this last factor beingone-half 60, the prevalent electric power frequency in the United States.The scanning sequence along the individual lines is from left to rightand the sequence of the lines is from top to bottom. Also, interlacing is

ceases and the spot appears at point 3, from which it again is swept

Fig. 15.2.41 Pattern of interlaced scanning.

across the picture and this process is repeated for 262.5 lines until thespot reaches a midpoint C at the bottom of the picture. It is then carriedvertically and rapidly to B, the midpoint of the top of the picture, thebeam also being blanked during this period. This process of scanning isthen repeated, a second set of lines corresponding to the even numbers2, 4, 6 being established between the lines designated by the odd num-bers. These lines are shown dashed in Fig. 15.2.41. This method orpattern of scanning is called interlacing. The two sets of lines takentogether produce a frame of 525 lines, which are repeated 30 times eachsecond. However, owing to interlacing, the flicker frequency is 60 Hzwhich is not noticeable, 50 Hz having been determined as the thresholdof flicker noticeable to the average eye. In Fig. 15.2.41, for the sake ofclarity, the distances between horizontal lines are greatly exaggeratedand no attempt is made to maintain proportions.

Frequency Band In order to obtain the necessary resolution of pic-tures, television frequencies must be high. In the United States, VHFfrequencies from 54 to 88 MHz (omitting 72 to 76 MHz) and 174 to216 MHz are assigned for television broadcasting. A UHF band of fre-quencies for commercial television use is also allocated and consists ofthe frequencies of from 470 to 890 MHz (see also Tables 15.2.17 and15.2.18).

In order to obtain the 525 lines repeated 30 times per second, a band-width of 6 MHz is necessary. The video, or picture, signal with thesuperimposed scanning and blanking pulses is amplitude-modulated,amplified, and transmitted. The carrier frequency associated with thesound transmitter is 4.5 MHz higher than the video carrier frequencyand is frequency-modulated with a maximum frequency deviation of25 kHz.

In scanning motion-picture films a complication arises because stan-dard film rate is 24 frames per second, while the television rate is 30frames per second. This difficulty is overcome by scanning the first oftwo successive film frames twice and the second frame three times atthe 60-Hz rate, making the total time for the two frames 1⁄12 (2⁄60 1 3⁄60)or 1⁄24 s average per frame.

Kinescope The kinescope (Fig. 15.2.42) is the terminal tube inwhich the televised picture is reproduced. It is relatively simple, beingnot unlike the cathode-ray oscilloscope tube. It has an electric gun oper-ating at 8,000 to 20,000 V which produces an electron beam focused on

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a fluorescent surface within the front wall of the tube. The picture isviewed at the front wall. The horizontal and vertical deflections of thebeam are normally controlled by deflection coils, as shown in Fig.15.2.42.

Telephone Communications

Telephone communications is an important aspect of electronics be-cause it provides a source of low-cost electronic devices which can beadapted for electronic circuit design. One of the big problems in tele-phone system design is switching. Each long-distance phone call re-quires that several circuits be joined together, and thousands of phonecalls take place simultaneously. Older telephone exchange buildingshad rack upon rack of telephone relays. These are being replaced bysemiconductor switching. Older trunk lines were coaxial cable or mi-crowave radio links. These are being replaced by fiber-optic cables.

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Fig. 15.2.42 Kinescope for television receiver.

Television Receivers A block diagram for a television receiver isgiven in Fig. 15.2.43. It is in reality a superheterodyne receiver withtuned rf amplification, the separating of the sound and video or picturechannels taking place at the intermediate frequency in the mixer. Thesound channel is then conventional, a discriminator being used to de-modulate the FM wave (Fig. 15.2.21). The object of the dc restorer is tomake the picture reproduction always positive, and it consists of apply-ing a dc voltage at least equal in magnitude to the maximum values ofthe negative loops of the ac waves. The synchronizing pulses for boththe vertical and the horizontal deflections are delivered by the dc re-storer to an amplifier and the two pulses are then divided into the V andH components. The integrating and differentiating circuits are necessaryto separate horizontal and vertical synchronizing signals.

As stated earlier, at any instant the magnitude of the current from thepickup tube varies in accordance with the light intensity of the part ofthe scene being scanned at that instant. This current is amplified and,together with the sound and synchronizing current, is broadcast andreceived by the circuit shown in Fig. 15.2.43. The video current isdetected by rectification, is amplified, and is then made to control theintensity of the kinescope electron beam. Tubes produce a scanningpattern, identical with that in the pickup tube, and these tubes are trig-gered by the synchronizing pulses which are transmitted in the broad-cast wave. Hence, the original televised scene is reproduced on thefluorescent screen of the kinescope.

Color-television transmission is similar to black-and-white television,and the two signals must be compatible with each other. The kinescopefor color TV has three electron guns, one for each primary color. Thefluorescent screen has a matrix of three different colors of phosphor anda mask with many small holes in it. The intensity signals for each colorare phase-shifted from each other so that the proper phosphors are ex-cited by each electron stream at each mask point over the entire screen.A black-and-white signal does not have the same synchronizing signalas a color signal. The color receiver has circuits which recognize thisstate and switch it to black and white reception.

Fig. 15.2.43 Block diagram for television receiv

Fiber-optic cables have a tremendous bandwidth. A telephone voicecircuit has a bandwidth of 4 kHz. Thousands of these circuits can berouted through one fiber-optic cable. Separating these voice circuits intocommunication channels by frequency separation and filtering is notfeasible. Communication on fiber-optic cables is done digitally, and inpackets. Each packet is a few hundred bytes long, and includes a headerwith an address and other control information, the message, and a trailerwith error-correcting codes. The address is a session address to identifywhere the packet is from and where it is going. Users time-share thefiber-optic cable, and all of this signal processing must be done at a highenough rate to appear to be instantaneous to the subscriber.

Any form of signal modulation can be considered to be data encryp-tion. The information is coded or encrypted onto the transmitting me-dium. At the transmitting end, a clear signal with no noise is sent, but atthe receiving end of the medium, the signal contains the signal plusunwanted noise. Since the coding method is known, and since the noiseis known to be random, separation of signal and noise is possible. Thisprocess of separating signal from noise will be repeated several timesfor long-distance communications. Each time, the noise is discarded andonly the signal is sent on. Such a scheme of data encryption, or modula-tion, is also warranted in data telemetry, in order to allow noise to beremoved from the desired signal.

Long-distance communications takes several different forms. Histor-ically, cables with hundreds of twisted-pair circuits were used for long-distance communication. These are used for local subscriber servicetoday. The next step was a cable made up of many wideband microwavecoaxial cables. The coaxial cables were replaced by microwave radiolinks. Then, fiber-optic cables replaced microwave links. Wireless com-munication, using laser-generated signals, is the latest form of highvolume data transmission. In a telephone system, all of these systemsmust coexist and work together.

There is great interest in cellular communications. This is a micro-wave broadcast system. The cellular communication system is evolvingtoday, and promises to allow mobility of telephone communications.

Global Positioning Information

Navigational aids take several different forms. Shoran (short-range nav-igation) and loran (long-range navigation) are methods by which shipsor planes can locate their position. A loran station consists of a master

er. TRF: tuned radio frequency; IF: intermediate frequency.

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transmitter and slave transmitter located about 200 mi apart. A pulse isbroadcast from the master transmitter and, when received by the slavetransmitter, causes it to also broadcast a pulse. The loran receiver, lo-cated on a ship or airplane, receives both the master and the slavepulses. The receiver allows the user to measure the delay between re-ceiving the master and slave pulses. The delay defines a line across thesurface of the earth. By picking three loran stations, determining thedelay of each of the transmitter pairs, and using loran charts, three linescan be defined, allowing the user to determine the triangle which de-fines the receiver’s position. Very high frequency omnirange (VOR) is

was introduced. RNAV uses the VOR and DME information, plus windvelocity and airspeed, to calculate the required aircraft heading and theestimated time of arrival at the destination.

Most major airports have an instrument low approach system (ILS).This produces a set of signals in the 108- to 112-MHz region. There aright-hand antenna lobe, relative to the aircraft, which is modulated at150 Hz, and a left-hand lobe modulated at 90 Hz. In addition, in the329- to 335-MHz range there is a vertical set of antenna lobes, with theupper lobe modulated at 90 Hz and lower lobe at 150 Hz. The displayon the aircraft is an azimuth needle and a glide path needle. The pilot

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used for short-range aircraft navigation, often in conjunction with direc-tion measuring equipment (DME). VOR stations are located approxi-mately 100 mi apart. The receiver in the aircraft receives a signal fromthe VOR transmitter with two pieces of information, which allows thepilot to determine the bearing from the VOR station. The first piece ofinformation is a 30-Hz amplitude-modulated signal which is broadcastfrom a rotating directional antenna. The antenna rotates 30 times persecond, and broadcasts in the 108- to 112-MHz range. The second pieceof information is a frequency-modulated signal which varies between9,480 and 10,440 Hz. This FM signal changes frequency at 30 Hz, andforms a reference for the VOR system. A receiver on the aircraft com-pares the 30-Hz amplitude-modulated signal and the 30-Hz frequency-modulated reference, and translates the difference in phase between theFM signal and the AM signal to give the airplane its bearing. The VORalso broadcasts station identification information in the 112- to 118-MHz range. Most VOR stations can also broadcast a distance measuringequipment (DME). The aircraft has a DME transmitter which broadcastsa pulse which activates a ground mounted transponder. The aircraftsends an FM signal in the 1,025- to 1,150-MHz range. The DME groundstation responds with a delayed signal in the 962- to 1,024-MHz or1,151- to 1,213-MHz range. Distance is determined by the time delayrequired for the propagation of the signals. The depressed, straight linedistance from the aircraft is measured by the DME equipment. To re-lieve the pilot of the job of correcting for altitude in the DME signal andto allow the pilot to fly any heading, a computer system called RNAV

simply flies the aircraft to center the needles to determine a correctlanding approach. There are also ILS marker beacons to tell the pilothow close the aircraft is to the airport. Other aircraft navigation systemsare based on ground-operated radar systems. Still others are based onaircraft-mounted Doppler radar. Doppler radar is a velocity measuringsystem.

Satellite positioning systems are the newest development for long-rangeand short-range navigation. The global positioning system (GPS) is a sys-tem involving 21 to 24 satellites which broadcast accurate time marks.By knowing which satellite has broadcast the time mark, and measuringits delay to the aircraft, one can determine a spherical surface in space.By determining the delay from four satellites, four spherical surfaces inspace can be determined. Worldwide navigation accurate within 50 min longitude and latitude and within 100 m vertically is being realizedcommercially. The military capabilities are better than the commercial,in the submeter range. The commercial timing signals are deliberatelydisturbed with a random timing variation to degrade them. The capabil-ity of the military system was demonstrated by the accuracy of ‘‘smart’’bombs during the Iraq-Kuwait war.

GPS is being used for commercial truck fleets to provide better fleetutilization. GPS is also being used by the Tennessee Valley Authority tomonitor power system performance, by determining the phase angle ofthe 60-Hz voltage wave throughout its system. GPS is also being usedby search and rescue teams. GPS receivers for search and rescue cost$300 to $600, and are dropping in price at this time.

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